Proceedings of the Human Language Technology Conference of the NAACL, Companion Volume: Short Papers

Robert C. Moore, Jeff Bilmes, Jennifer Chu-Carroll, Mark Sanderson (Editors)

Anthology ID:
New York City, USA
Association for Computational Linguistics
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Proceedings of the Human Language Technology Conference of the NAACL, Companion Volume: Short Papers
Robert C. Moore | Jeff Bilmes | Jennifer Chu-Carroll | Mark Sanderson

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Factored Neural Language Models
Andrei Alexandrescu | Katrin Kirchhoff

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The MILE Corpus for Less Commonly Taught Languages
Alison Alvarez | Lori Levin | Robert Frederking | Simon Fung | Donna Gates | Jeff Good

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Museli: A Multi-Source Evidence Integration Approach to Topic Segmentation of Spontaneous Dialogue
Jaime Arguello | Carolyn Ros�

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Measuring Semantic Relatedness Using People and WordNet
Beata Beigman Klebanov

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Thai Grapheme-Based Speech Recognition
Paisarn Charoenpornsawat | Sanjika Hewavitharana | Tanja Schultz

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Class Model Adaptation for Speech Summarisation
Pierre Chatain | Edward Whittaker | Joanna Mrozinski | Sadaoki Furui

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Semi-supervised Relation Extraction with Label Propagation
Jinxiu Chen | Donghong Ji | Chew Lim Tan | Zhengyu Niu

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Temporal Classification of Text and Automatic Document Dating
Angelo Dalli

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Answering the question you wish they had asked: The impact of paraphrasing for Question Answering
Pablo Duboue | Jennifer Chu-Carroll

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Gesture Improves Coreference Resolution
Jacob Eisenstein | Randall Davis

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Spectral Clustering for Example Based Machine Translation
Rashmi Gangadharaiah | Ralf Brown | Jaime Carbonell

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A Finite-State Model of Georgian Verbal Morphology
Olga Gurevich

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Arabic Preprocessing Schemes for Statistical Machine Translation
Nizar Habash | Fatiha Sadat

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Agreement/Disagreement Classification: Exploiting Unlabeled Data using Contrast Classifiers
Sangyun Hahn | Richard Ladner | Mari Ostendorf

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OntoNotes: The 90% Solution
Eduard Hovy | Mitchell Marcus | Martha Palmer | Lance Ramshaw | Ralph Weischedel

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Investigating Cross-Language Speech Retrieval for a Spontaneous Conversational Speech Collection
Diana Inkpen | Muath Alzghool | Gareth Jones | Douglas Oard

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Evaluating Centering for Sentence Ordering in Two New Domains
Nikiforos Karamanis

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MMR-based Active Machine Learning for Bio Named Entity Recognition
Seokhwan Kim | Yu Song | Kyungduk Kim | Jeong-Won Cha | Gary Geunbae Lee

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Early Deletion of Fillers In Processing Conversational Speech
Matthew Lease | Mark Johnson

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Evaluation of Utility of LSA for Word Sense Discrimination
Esther Levin | Mehrbod Sharifi | Jerry Ball

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Initial Study on Automatic Identification of Speaker Role in Broadcast News Speech
Yang Liu

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Automatic Recognition of Personality in Conversation
François Mairesse | Marilyn Walker

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Summarizing Speech Without Text Using Hidden Markov Models
Sameer Maskey | Julia Hirschberg

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NER Systems that Suit User’s Preferences: Adjusting the Recall-Precision Trade-off for Entity Extraction
Einat Minkov | Richard Wang | Anthony Tomasic | William Cohen

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Syntactic Kernels for Natural Language Learning: the Semantic Role Labeling Case
Alessandro Moschitti

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Accurate Parsing of the Proposition Bank
Gabriele Musillo | Paola Merlo

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Using Semantic Authoring for Blissymbols Communication Boards
Yael Netzer | Michael Elhadad

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Extracting Salient Keywords from Instructional Videos Using Joint Text, Audio and Visual Cues
Youngja Park | Ying Li

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Exploiting Variant Corpora for Machine Translation
Michael Paul | Eiichiro Sumita

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Quantitative Methods for Classifying Writing Systems
Gerald Penn | Travis Choma

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Computational Modelling of Structural Priming in Dialogue
David Reitter | Frank Keller | Johanna D. Moore

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Story Segmentation of Broadcast News in English, Mandarin and Arabic
Andrew Rosenberg | Julia Hirschberg

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Parser Combination by Reparsing
Kenji Sagae | Alon Lavie

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Using Phrasal Patterns to Identify Discourse Relations
Manami Saito | Kazuhide Yamamoto | Satoshi Sekine

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Weblog Classification for Fast Splog Filtering: A URL Language Model Segmentation Approach
Franco Salvetti | Nicolas Nicolov

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Word Domain Disambiguation via Word Sense Disambiguation
Antonio Sanfilippo | Stephen Tratz | Michelle Gregory

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Selecting relevant text subsets from web-data for building topic specific language models
Abhinav Sethy | Panayiotis Georgiou | Shrikanth Narayanan

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A Comparison of Tagging Strategies for Statistical Information Extraction
Christian Siefkes

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Unsupervised Induction of Modern Standard Arabic Verb Classes
Neal Snider | Mona Diab

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Sentence Planning for Realtime Navigational Instruction
Laura Stoia | Donna Byron | Darla Shockley | Eric Fosler-Lussier

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Using the Web to Disambiguate Acronyms
Eiichiro Sumita | Fumiaki Sugaya

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Word Pronunciation Disambiguation using the Web
Eiichiro Sumita | Fumiaki Sugaya

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Illuminating Trouble Tickets with Sublanguage Theory
Svetlana Symonenko | Steven Rowe | Elizabeth D. Liddy

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Evolving optimal inspectable strategies for spoken dialogue systems
Dave Toney | Johanna Moore | Oliver Lemon

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Lycos Retriever: An Information Fusion Engine
Brian Ulicny

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Improved Affinity Graph Based Multi-Document Summarization
Xiaojun Wan | Jianwu Yang

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A Maximum Entropy Framework that Integrates Word Dependencies and Grammatical Relations for Reading Comprehension
Kui Xu | Helen Meng | Fuliang Weng

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BioEx: A Novel User-Interface that Accesses Images from Abstract Sentences
Hong Yu | Minsuk Lee

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Subword-based Tagging by Conditional Random Fields for Chinese Word Segmentation
Ruiqiang Zhang | Genichiro Kikui | Eiichiro Sumita

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Comparing the roles of textual, acoustic and spoken-language features on spontaneous-conversation summarization
Xiaodan Zhu | Gerald Penn

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Bridging the Inflection Morphology Gap for Arabic Statistical Machine Translation
Andreas Zollmann | Ashish Venugopal | Stephan Vogel