Explore Nedko Solakov's Series of Silhouette Drawings

Zoom into Solakov's 'Enlightened by the Decisions' series from the Serralves Foundation collection

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Enlightened by the Decisions (1986) by Solakov, NedkoSerralves Foundation

'Enlightened by the Decisions ' is a series of seven drawings produced by Nedko Solakov in 1986.

Enlightened by the Decisions (1986) by Solakov, NedkoSerralves Foundation

They were first shown publicly in 1988 in the artist’s solo exhibition at the Union of Bulgarian Artists in Sofia.

The title, inscribed on the lower part of most drawings, refers to a common phrase of propaganda rhetoric used by members of the Bulgarian communist party in official media statements.

Enlightened by the Decisions (1986) by Solakov, NedkoSerralves Foundation

Solakov used this clich�d wording as an ironic accompaniment to the graphic scenes represented in drawings. They depict chaotic situations and states of being.

Enlightened by the Decisions (1986) by Solakov, NedkoSerralves Foundation

In one of the drawings (no. 4), the expression 'enlightened by the decisions' was replaced with the phrase 'temporarily not enlightened by the decisions', an allusion to the frequent power cuts imposed by the government to save electricity that forced the population to use candles.

Enlightened by the Decisions (1986) by Solakov, NedkoSerralves Foundation

The drawings reveal rapidly drawn and exaggerated silhouettes and roughly shaded forms.

Enlightened by the Decisions (1986) by Solakov, NedkoSerralves Foundation

These are representative of party leaders in meeting rooms, waiting in queues, or bent over in a state of blackened despair.

Enlightened by the Decisions (1986) by Solakov, NedkoSerralves Foundation

The violent absurdity of Solakov’s expressive scenarios is summarized by the recognizable self-portrait of the artist (drawing no. 7) engulfed by a black mass.

Discover more about 'Enlightened by the Decisions'.

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