Cheap Bots, Done Quick suspended, this time for good

So long, and thanks for all the bots.

A blue-tinted collage of various bots made with Cheap Bots, Done Quick!

📅 April 6, 2023 in

As Twitter continues its slow decline, a sad news comes from V Buckenham, the creator of the popular botmaking tool Cheap Bots, Done Quick!

As V says further in the Twitter thread above, their site was used to create 252,230 bots, which is a staggering number. I’m hoping many of them will make the jump to the fediverse. (There’s a Mastodon version of CBDQ called Cheap Bots, Toot Sweet!, so go check that out if any of your bots have been affected.)

Huge thanks for their hard work goes both to V and Dr. Kate Compton, the creator of Tracery, which CBDQ and CDTS are both based on.

And on a final note, you can still browse the many creative bots made with CBDQ on Botwiki, and also read this past interview with V.


Creator of Botwiki and Botmakers, Botwiki editor, and Botmakers community manager.

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