Submit your bot to Botwiki

Thank you for contributing to Botwiki!

We are mainly interested in creative and open-source examples of online bots, like this one or this one. Not sure if your bot fits on Botwiki? Consult this handy guide. In short:

Any questions? Need to update a bot you already submitted? Let us know! And be sure to join us on Botmakers 😊

Image credit: @EmojiMashupBot

You can select text to add links.
This shows up in search.
Paste just the URLs, one on each line, please.
Don't worry about "messy code"! Share any links to your bot's repo on GitHub, Bitbucket, etc. You can add multiple URLs, one on each line.
Responds to messages, applies effects to images, etc.
We'll tag it with #MyFirstBot.

Add as many relevant tags as you can, this will make it easier for others to find your submission. You don't need to add tags based on your bot's network or programming language, for example #twitterbot or #python. These tags are added automatically based on provided information.

We will send your badge to these email addresses. No spam, ever!