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Copleyjeva medalja

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Copleyjeva medalja
Copleyjeva medalja dodijeljena
Josephu Listeru 1902.
Dodjeljuje se zaIzvanredno istraživanje u bilo kojoj nauci
SponzorKraljevsko društvo
Država Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo
Prvi put dodijeljena1731.
Najviše nagradaJohn Theophilus Desaguliers (3)

Copleyjeva medalja naučna je nagrada za izuzetna dostignuća u bilo kojoj nauci te najstarija i najuglednija nagrada koju dodjeljuje Kraljevsko društvo iz Londona.

John Canton, Michael Faraday, Stephen Gray i John Frederick William Herschel dobili su je dvaput, a John Theophilus Desaguliers triput.

Medalja je danas od pozlaćenog srebra, a uz nju se dobija i novčana nagrada u iznosu 25.000 funti.[1] Jedina žena koja ju je dosad dobila bila je Dorothy Hodgkin 1976.

Spisak dobitnika

[uredi | uredi izvor]
Godina Slika Dobitnik Obrazloženje Referenca
1731. Stephen Gray [2]
1733. Nije dodijeljena
1734. John Theophilus Desaguliers [3]
1735. Nije dodijeljena
1736. John Theophilus Desaguliers [3]
1737. John Belchier [4]
1738. James Valoue
1739. Stephen Hales [5]
1740. Alexander Stuart [6]
1741. John Theophilus Desaguliers [3]
1742. Christopher Middleton [7]
1743. Abraham Trembley
1744. Henry Baker [8]
1745. William Watson [9]
1746. Benjamin Robins [10]
1747. Gowin Knight [11]
1748. James Bradley [12]
1749. John Harrison [13]
1750. George Edwards [14]
1751. John Canton [15]
1752. John Pringle [16]
1753. Benjamin Franklin [17]
1754. William Lewis [18]
1755. John Huxham [19]
1756. Nije dodijeljena
1757. Charles Cavendish [11]
1758. John Dollond [20]
1759. John Smeaton [21]
1760. Benjamin Wilson [22]
1761. Nije dodijeljena
1764. John Canton [15]
1765. Nije dodijeljena
1766. William Brownrigg [23]
Edward Delaval
Henry Cavendish
1767. John Ellis [24]
1768. Peter Woulfe [25]
1769. William Hewson
1770. William Hamilton [26]
1771. Matthew Raper [27]
1772. Joseph Priestley
1773. John Walsh [28]
1774. Nije dodijeljena
1775. Nevil Maskelyne [29]
1776. James Cook [30]
1777. John Mudge
1778. Charles Hutton [31]
1779. Nije dodijeljena
1780. Samuel Vince [32]
1781. William Herschel [33]
1782. Richard Kirwan [32]
1783. John Goodricke [32]
Thomas Hutchins
1784. Edward Waring [34]
1785. William Roy [35]
1786. Nije dodijeljena
1787. John Hunter [36]
1788. Charles Blagden [37]
1789. William Morgan [38]
1790. Nije dodijeljena
1791. James Rennell [39]
Jean-Andr� Deluc
1792. Benjamin Thompson [40]
1793. Nije dodijeljena
1794. Alessandro Volta [39]
1795. Jesse Ramsden [41]
1796. George Atwood [42]
1797. Nije dodijeljena
1798. George Shuckburgh [43]
Evelyn Charles Hatchett
1799. John Hellins [44]
1800. Edward Howard [45]
1801. Astley Paston Cooper [46]
1802. William Hyde Wollaston [47]
1803. Richard Chenevix [48]
1804. Smithson Tennant [49]
1805. Humphry Davy [50]
1806. Thomas Andrew Knight [51]
1807. Everard Home
1808. William Henry
1809. Edward Troughton [52]
1810. Nije dodijeljena
1811. Benjamin Collins Brodie [53]
1812. Nije dodijeljena
1813. William Thomas Brande
1814. James Ivory [54]
1815. David Brewster [55]
1816. Nije dodijeljena
1817. Henry Kater [56]
1818. Robert Seppings
1819. Nije dodijeljena
1820. Hans Christian �rsted [57]
1821. Edward Sabine [58]
John Frederick William Herschel
1822. William Buckland [59]
1823. John Pond
1824. John Brinkley [60]
1825. François Jean Dominique Arago [61]
Peter Barlow
1826. James South [62]
1827. William Prout [63]
Henry Foster
1828. Nije dodijeljena
1831. George Biddell Airy [64]
1832. Michael Faraday [65]
Siméon-Denis Poisson
1833. Nije dodijeljena
1834. Giovanni Plana [66]
1835. William Snow Harris [50]
1836. Jacob Berzelius
Francis Kiernan
1837. Antoine César Becquerel [67]
John Frederic Daniell
1838. Carl Friedrich Gauß [68]
Michael Faraday
1839. Robert Brown [69]
1840. Justus von Liebig [70][71]
Jacques Charles-Fran�ois Sturm
1841. Georg Simon Ohm [72]
1842. James MacCullagh [73]
1843. Jean Baptiste Dumas
1844. Carlo Matteucci [74]
1845. Theodor Schwann
1846. Urbain-Jean Joseph Le Verrier [75]
1847. John Frederick William Herschel [58]
1848. John Couch Adams [76]
1849. Roderick Murchison
1850. Peter Andreas Hansen [50]
1851. Richard Owen [77]
1852. Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von Humboldt [78]
1853. Heinrich Wilhelm Dove
1854. Johannes Peter M�ller [79]
1855. Jean Bernard L�on Foucault [50]
1856. Henry Milne-Edwards
1857. Michel-Eug�ne Chevreul [50]
1858. Charles Lyell [50]
1859. Wilhelm Eduard Weber [80]
1860. Robert Wilhelm Bunsen [50]
1861. Louis Agassiz [50]
1862. Thomas Graham [81]
1863. Adam Sedgwick [82]
1864. Charles Darwin [50]
1865. Michael Chasles [83]
1866. Julius Pl�cker [84]
1867. Karl Ernst von Baer [50]
1868. Charles Wheatstone [50]
1869. Henri Victor Regnault [50]
1870. James Prescott Joule [50]
1871. Julius Robert von Mayer [50]
1872. Friedrich W�hler [50]
1873. Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz [85]
1874. Louis Pasteur [50]
1875. August Wilhelm Hofmann [86]
1876. Claude Bernard [50]
1877. James Dwight Dana [50]
1878. Jean Baptiste Boussingault [87]
1879. Rudolf Julius Emmanuel Clausius [88]
1880. James Joseph Sylvester [89]
1881. Karl Adolph Wurtz
1882. Arthur Cayley [90]
1883. Lord Kelvin [91]
1884. Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig
1885. Friedrich August Kekul� [50]
1886. Franz Ernst Neumann [92]
1887. Joseph Dalton Hooker [50]
1888. Thomas Henry Huxley [50]
1889. George Salmon [93]
1890. Simon Newcomb [94]
1891. Stanislao Cannizzaro [50]
1892. Rudolf Virchow [50]
1893. George Gabriel Stokes [95]
1894. Edward Frankland [96]
1895. Karl Weierstrass [97]
1896. Karl Gegenbaur
1897. Albert von Kolliker
1898. William Huggins [50]
1899. Lord Rayleigh [98]
1900. Marcellin Pierre Eugène Berthelot [50]
1901. Josiah Willard Gibbs [99]
1902. Joseph Lister [100]
1903. Eduard Suess [100]
1904. William Crookes [100]
1905. Dmitrij Mendeljejev [100]
1906. Ilja Iljič Mečnjikov [100]
1907. Albert Abraham Michelson [100]
1908. Alfred Russel Wallace [100]
1909. George William Hill [100]
1910. Francis Galton [100]
1911. George Howard Darwin [100]
1912. Felix Christian Klein [101]
1913. Ray Lankester [102]
1914. Joseph John Thomson [100]
1915. Ivan Petrovič Pavlov [100]
1916. James Dewar [100]
1917. Emil Roux [103]
1918. Hendrik Antoon Lorentz [100]
1919. William Bayliss [100]
1920. Horace Brown [104]
1921. Joseph Larmor [105]
1922. Ernest Rutherford [100]
1923. Horace Lamb [106]
1924. Edward Albert Sharpey-Schafer
1925. Albert Einstein [100]
1926. Frederick Gowland Hopkins [107]
1927. Charles Scott Sherrington [108]
1928. Charles Algernon Parsons
1929. Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck [109]
1930. William Henry Bragg [110]
1931. Arthur Schuster [111]
1932. George Ellery Hale [112]
1933. Theobald Smith [113]
1934. John Scott Haldane [114]
1935. Charles Thomson Rees Wilson [115]
1936. Arthur Evans [116]
1937. Henry Hallett Dale [117]
1938. Niels Henrik David Bohr [118]
1939. Thomas Hunt Morgan [119]
1940. Paul Langevin [120]
1941. Thomas Lewis [121]
1942. Robert Robinson [122]
1943. Joseph Barcroft [123]
1944. Geoffrey Ingram Taylor [124]
1945. Oswald Theodore Avery [125]
1946. Edgar Douglas Adrian [126]
1947. Godfrey Harold Hardy [127]
1948. Archibald Vivian Hill [128]
1949. George Charles De Hevesy [129]
1950. James Chadwick [130]
1951. David Keilin [131]
1952. Paul Dirac [132]
1953. Albert Kluyver
1954. Edmund Whittaker [133]
1955. Ronald Aylmer Fisher [134]
1956. Patrick Blackett
1957. Howard Walter Florey [135]
1958. John Edensor Littlewood [136]
1959. Frank Macfarlane Burnet [137]
1960. Harold Jeffreys [138]
1961. Hans Krebs [139]
1962. Cyril Hinshelwood [140]
1963. Paul Fildes
1964. Sydney Chapman [141]
1965. Alan Lloyd Hodgkin
1966. Lawrence Bragg [100]
1967. Bernard Katz
1968. Tadeus Reichstein
1969. Peter Medawar [100]
1970. Alexander Todd [100]
1971. Norman Pirie
1972. Nevill Mott [100]
1973. Andrew Huxley
1974. William Vallance Douglas Hodge [142]
1975. Francis Crick [100]
1976. Dorothy Hodgkin [100]
1977. Frederick Sanger [100]
1978. Robert Burns Woodward [100]
1979. Max Perutz [100]
1980. Derek Harold Richard Barton [100]
1981. Peter Mitchell [100]
1982. John Cornforth [143]
1983. Rodney Porter
1984. Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar [144]
1985. Aaron Klug
1986. Rudolf Ernst Peierls
1987. Robert Hill
1988. Michael Francis Atiyah [145]
1989. C�sar Milstein
1990. Abdus Salam [146]
1991. Sydney Brenner
1992. George Porter [147]
1993. James Dewey Watson [148]
1994. Charles Frank
1995. Frank John Fenner
1996. Alan Cottrell [149]
1997. Hugh Esmor Huxley
1998. Michael James Lighthill [150]
1999. John Maynard Smith [151]
2000. Alan Rushton Battersby
2001. Jacques Miller
2002. John Pople [152]
2003. John Gurdon
2004. Harry Kroto [153]
2005. Paul Nurse
2006. Stephen Hawking [30]
2007. Robert May
2008. Roger Penrose
2009. Martin Evans
2010. David Cox [154]
Tomas Lindahl
2011. Dan McKenzie [154]
2012. John E. Walker [155]
2013. Andre Geim
2014. Alec Jeffreys [156]
2015. Peter Higgs [157]
2016. Richard Henderson [158]
2017. Andrew Wiles [159]
2018. Jeffrey I. Gordon [160]
2019. John Goodenough [161]
2020. Alan Fersht [162]
2021. Jocelyn Bell Burnell [163]
2022. Tim za vakcinu Oxford–AstraZeneca protiv COVID-a 19 [164]
2023. Martin Rees [165]
2024. Gregory Paul Winter [166]


[uredi | uredi izvor]
  1. ^ "The Copley Medal (1731)". Kraljevsko društvo. Arhivirano s originala, 15. 2. 2018. Pristupljeno 5. 2. 2009.
  2. ^ Ben-Chaim, Michael (2004). "Oxford DNB article:Gray, Stephen (subscription needed)". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online izd.). Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/11354. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29. (Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
  3. ^ a b c "Oxford DNB article:Desaguliers, John Theophilus (subscription needed)". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online izd.). Oxford University Press. 2004. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/7539. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29. (Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
  4. ^ Austin, P. B. (2004). "Oxford DNB article:Belchier, John (subscription needed)". u Bevan, Michael (ured.). Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online izd.). Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/1984. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29. (Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
  5. ^ "Oxford DNB article:Hales, Stephen (subscription needed)". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online izd.). Oxford University Press. 2004. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/11915. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29. (Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
  6. ^ "Oxford DNB article:Stuart, Alexander (subscription needed)". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online izd.). Oxford University Press. 2004. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/47081. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29. (Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
  7. ^ "Oxford DNB article:Middleton, Christopher (subscription needed)". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online izd.). Oxford University Press. 2004. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/18668. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29. (Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
  8. ^ "Oxford DNB article:Baker, Henry (subscription needed)". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online izd.). Oxford University Press. 2004. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/1120. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29. (Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
  9. ^ Schaffer, Simon (2004). "Oxford DNB article:Watson, Sir William (subscription needed)". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online izd.). Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/28874. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29. (Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
  10. ^ "Robins biography". University of St Andrews. Arhivirano s originala, 2013-06-21. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29.
  11. ^ a b Jungnickel, Christa; McCormmach, Russell (1996). Cavendish. American Philosophical Society. str. 71. ISBN 9780871692207. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29.
  12. ^ "Molecular Expressions: Science, Optics and You – Timeline – James Bradley". Florida State University. Arhivirano s originala, 2013-05-15. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29.
  13. ^ Jungnickel i McCormmach (1996, str. 99)
  14. ^ "RCP Heritage – George Edwards". Royal College of Physicians. Arhivirano s originala, October 5, 2007. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29.
  15. ^ a b Jungnickel i McCormmach (1996, str. 100)
  16. ^ "Oxford DNB article:Pringle, Sir John (subscription needed)". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online izd.). Oxford University Press. 2004. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/22805. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29. (Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
  17. ^ "Franklin_Benjamin biography". University of St Andrews. Arhivirano s originala, 2013-04-05. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29.
  18. ^ Science and Technology in the Industrial Revolution. Manchester University Press. 1969. ISBN 9780719003707. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29.
  19. ^ "Oxford DNB article:Huxham, John (subscription needed)". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online izd.). Oxford University Press. 2004. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/14319. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29. (Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
  20. ^ "Oxford DNB article:Dollond family (subscription needed)". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online izd.). Oxford University Press. 2004. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/7783. Pristupljeno 2009-02-15. (Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
  21. ^ "Engineering Timelines – John Smeaton". Engineering Timelines. Arhivirano s originala, 2017-09-19. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29.
  22. ^ "Oxford DNB article:Wilson, Benjamin (subscription needed)". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online izd.). Oxford University Press. 2004. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/29641. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29. (Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
  23. ^ "The British Society for the History of Mathematics". British Society for the History of Mathematics. Arhivirano s originala, 2012-07-17. Pristupljeno 2009-02-06.
  24. ^ "AIM25 text-only browsing: Royal College of Surgeons of England Ellis, John (c 1710–1776)". Aim25. Arhivirano s originala, 2013-11-12. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29.
  25. ^ "Oxford DNB article:Woulfe, Peter". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online izd.). Oxford University Press. 2004. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/30007. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29. (Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
  26. ^ Wood, Karen (2006). "Making and circulating knowledge through Sir William Hamilton's Campi Plhegraei" (PDF). The British Journal for the History of Science. The British Society for the History of Science. 39: 67–96. doi:10.1017/S0007087405007600. Arhivirano (PDF) s originala, 2022-06-25. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29.
  27. ^ Raper, Matthew (1771). "An Inquiry into the Value of the Ancient Greek and Roman Money: By Matthew Raper, Esq; F. R. S." Philosophical Transactions. 61: 462–535. Bibcode:1771RSPT...61..462R. ISSN 0260-7085. JSTOR 106118. Arhivirano s originala, 2022-03-26. Pristupljeno 2022-03-26.
  28. ^ "Berkshire History: Biographies: Lieut-Col. John Walsh (1726–1795)". Nash Ford Publishing. 2004. Arhivirano s originala, 2018-10-23. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29.
  29. ^ "Maskelyne biography". University of St Andrews. Arhivirano s originala, 2013-11-12. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29.
  30. ^ a b "Stephen Hawking wins Copley Medal". Trinity Hall, Cambridge. Arhivirano s originala, 2008-12-05. Pristupljeno 2009-02-07.
  31. ^ "Hutton summary". University of St Andrews. Arhivirano s originala, 2013-06-21. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29.
  32. ^ a b c "Digital Collections – Manuscripts – Item 15a – 15z, 15(1) – 15(20): Addresses to the Royal Society, London the first on being appointed to the Chair and later addresses on presentations of the Copley Medal, 1778–1796". National Library of Australia. Arhivirano s originala, 2015-10-18. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29.
  33. ^ "Friedrich William Herschel". Florida State University. Arhivirano s originala, 2013-06-08. Pristupljeno 2009-02-07.
  34. ^ "Waring summary". University of St Andrews. Arhivirano s originala, 2013-06-21. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29.
  35. ^ "William Roy". Electric Scotland. Arhivirano s originala, 2013-11-12. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29.
  36. ^ "John Hunter: 'Founder of Scientific Surgery' – HemOnc Today". HemOnc Today. Arhivirano s originala, 2012-02-20. Pristupljeno 2009-02-08.
  37. ^ "Oxford DNB article:Blagden, Charles (subscription needed)". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online izd.). Oxford University Press. 2004. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/2553. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29. (Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
  38. ^ "Oxford DNB article:Morgan, William (subscription needed)". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online izd.). Oxford University Press. 2004. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/19244. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29. (Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
  39. ^ a b "Copley Medal | Royal Society". The Royal Society. Arhivirano s originala, 19 March 2014. Pristupljeno 18 February 2015.
  40. ^ "Oxford DNB article: Thompson, Sir Benjamin (subscription needed)". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online izd.). Oxford University Press. 2004. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/27255. Pristupljeno 2009-02-08. (Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
  41. ^ "Ramsden summary". University of St Andrews. Arhivirano s originala, 2013-04-04. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29.
  42. ^ "Attwood summary". University of St Andrews. Arhivirano s originala, 2013-04-05. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29.
  43. ^ Coley, N. G. (2004). "Oxford DNB article:Hatchett, Charles (subscription needed)". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online izd.). Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/12595. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29. (Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
  44. ^ "British Society for the History of Mathematics". University of Warwick. Arhivirano s originala, 2014-11-11. Pristupljeno 2009-01-29.
  45. ^ Sears, Derek. "Edward Charles Howard" (PDF). University of Arkansas. Arhivirano s originala (PDF), 2009-03-20. Pristupljeno 2009-02-03.
  46. ^ "Cooper, Sir Astley Paston (1768–1841)". Aim25. Arhivirano s originala, 2011-06-06. Pristupljeno 2009-02-03.
  47. ^ "Wollaston". Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Arhivirano s originala, 2009-04-08. Pristupljeno 2009-02-08.
  48. ^ Griffith, WP. "PMR: Bicentenary of Four Platinum Group Metals". Platinum Metals Review. Arhivirano s originala, 2013-04-19. Pristupljeno 2009-02-03.
  49. ^ Griffith, WP. "PMR: Bicentenary of Four Platinum Group Metals". Platinum Metals Review. Arhivirano s originala, 2013-04-20. Pristupljeno 2009-02-03.
  50. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y "Oxford DNB theme: Holders of the Copley Medal (subscription needed)". Oxford University Press. 2004. Arhivirano s originala, 2012-10-23. Pristupljeno 2009-02-15.
  51. ^ Darrow, GM. "Early Breeding in Europe". United States National Agricultural Library. Arhivirano s originala, 2013-03-20. Pristupljeno 2009-02-03.
  52. ^ "Troughton Summary". University of St Andrews. Arhivirano s originala, 2013-06-21. Pristupljeno 2009-01-30.
  53. ^ Buchanan, W.W. (2003). "Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie (1783–1862)". Rheumatology. British Society for Rheumatology. 42 (5): 689–91. doi:10.1093/rheumatology/keg002. PMID 12709547.
  54. ^ "Ivory summary". University of St Andrews. Arhivirano s originala, 2013-06-21. Pristupljeno 2009-01-30.
  55. ^ "Sir David Brewster (1781–1868)". University of St Andrews. Arhivirano s originala, 2008-11-04. Pristupljeno 2009-02-05.
  56. ^ "Henry Kater (1777–1835), Scientist". National Portrait Gallery. Arhivirano s originala, 2013-11-12. Pristupljeno 2009-02-05.
  57. ^ Knight, D. M. (2007). "The Spiritual in the Material". Hans Christian Ørsted and the Romantic Legacy in Science. SpringerLink. str. 417–432. doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-2987-5_19. ISBN 978-1-4020-2979-0.
  58. ^ a b "Herschel summary". University of St Andrews. Arhivirano s originala, 2013-07-17. Pristupljeno 2009-01-30.
  59. ^ "William Buckland & Reliquae Diluvianae". University of Minnesota. Arhivirano s originala, 2013-11-12. Pristupljeno 2009-02-08.
  60. ^ "The British Society for the History of Mathematics". The British Society for the History of Mathematics. Arhivirano s originala, 2012-08-18. Pristupljeno 2009-02-05.
  61. ^ "Arago summary". University of St Andrews. Arhivirano s originala, 2013-10-24. Pristupljeno 2009-01-30.
  62. ^ "Lake County Astronomical Society". Lake County Astronomical Society. Arhivirano s originala, June 4, 2008. Pristupljeno 2009-02-05.
  63. ^ The Gentleman's Magazine. The Gentleman's Magazine. 1832. str. 87. Pristupljeno 2009-02-05. Henry Foster copley medal.
  64. ^ "Airy summary". University of St Andrews. Arhivirano s originala, 2013-08-23. Pristupljeno 2009-01-30.
  65. ^ "Poisson summary". University of St Andrews. Arhivirano s originala, 2013-10-24. Pristupljeno 2009-01-30.
  66. ^ "Plana biography". University of St Andrews. Arhivirano s originala, 2013-10-30. Pristupljeno 2009-02-05.
  67. ^ "Chambers Search Chambers". Chambers Harrap. Arhivirano s originala, 2018-10-08. Pristupljeno 2009-02-05.
  68. ^ "Gauss summary". University of St Andrews. Arhivirano s originala, 2013-12-03. Pristupljeno 2009-02-08.
  69. ^ "Oxford DNB article:Brown, Robert (subscription needed)". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online izd.). Oxford University Press. 2004. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/3645. Pristupljeno 2009-02-15. (Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
  70. ^ Brock, William H. (2002). Justus Von Liebig: The Chemical Gatekeeper. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521524735. Pristupljeno 2009-02-15.
  71. ^ "Sturm summary". University of St Andrews. Arhivirano s originala, 2013-02-04. Pristupljeno 2009-02-15.
  72. ^ "Ohm biography". University of St Andrews. Arhivirano s originala, 2013-11-05. Pristupljeno 2009-02-15.
  73. ^ "MacCullagh summary". University of St Andrews. Arhivirano s originala, 2012-10-27. Pristupljeno 2009-02-05.
  74. ^ Morselli, Mario (1984). Amedeo Avogadro, a Scientific Biography. Springer. ISBN 978-90-277-1624-8. Pristupljeno 2009-02-05.
  75. ^ "Le Verrier biography". University of St Andrews. Arhivirano s originala, 2013-10-24. Pristupljeno 2009-02-05.
  76. ^ "Adams summary". University of St Andrews. Arhivirano s originala, 2013-11-12. Pristupljeno 2009-02-03.
  77. ^ Own, Richard: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. Wiley InterScience. 2005. doi:10.1002/047001590X. ISBN 978-0-470-01617-6. Arhivirano s originala, 2013-06-30. Pristupljeno 2009-02-05.
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  147. ^ "Oxford DNB article:Porter, George (subscription needed)". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online izd.). Oxford University Press. 2004. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/77183. Pristupljeno 2009-02-15. (Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
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  163. ^ "Medal and award winners 2021". Arhivirano s originala, 2021-10-28. Pristupljeno 2021-08-24.
  164. ^ "The Royal Society announces this year's medal and award winners". Arhivirano s originala, 2022-08-24. Pristupljeno 2022-08-26.
  165. ^ "Medal winner 2023". Arhivirano s originala, 2015-09-06. Pristupljeno 2016-05-24.
  166. ^ Copley Medal 2024

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