
X Ad formats

Ready to launch your X Ads campaign?

X offers a variety of formats for advertisers to showcase their content.
Learn about our main advertising categories, and the corresponding suite of features that can be applied across them all.
Promoted Ads
Vertical Video Ads
X Amplify
X Takeovers
X Live
Dynamic Product Ads
Collection Ads
X Ad Features

Promoted Ads can support a variety of media formats through the following sub-categories:

  • Image Ads allow you to showcase your product or service with a single photo.

  • Video Ads help bring products to life and drive people to a website, app, or simply to engage with your brand’s message.

  • Carousel Ads give advertisers up to six horizontally-swipeable images or videos to showcase multiple products or promotions. Learn more about Carousels.
  • Text Ads: With all the elements of a standard Post, these simple and native Text Ads feel like the rest of X content and allow you to expand the reach of your Posts beyond your followers to your desired target audience.

Vertical video is the fastest growing surface on X – accounting for ~20% of daily total time spent on the platform. Your brand can take advantage with full-screen, sound-on Vertical Video Ads to tell your story in a more captivating way, unlock incremental reach and drive users to your website or app.

Vertical Video Ads is the most engaging ad format we've released. With full-screen viewability and sound on by default, your product and message is front and center. 

You can also include a call-to-action button to drive users to your website or app. This button appears after the viewer has watched one second of your ad. 

We've observed that users are 7x more likely to follow, repost, like, and click the URLs of Vertical Video Ads compared to the same ads on the Home Timeline.

Learn more about Vertical Video Ads here

Vertical Video Ads

X Amplify allows advertisers to align their ads with premium video content from the most relevant publishers. Amplify offerings are broken out into two ad formats:

  • Amplify Pre-roll allows advertisers to select the content categories of the videos that their video ad will be served on from 15+ categories, including select Curated Categories in markets where they're available.
  • Amplify Sponsorships give advertisers a 1:1 pairing with a single publisher during a moment of their choice and Post-level control for the duration of the campaign. Please note that Amplify Sponsorships are not available to self-serve advertisers at this time.

X's Takeover products are the most premium, mass-reach placements that drive results across the funnel by taking over the Timeline and Explore tabs. They give brands exclusive ownership of X's premium real estate across desktop and mobile, allowing you to maximize reach and drive lifts across the funnel. Takeover placements are offered as:

  • Timeline Takeover puts brands at the top of the conversation as the first ad of the day. People come to X to discover what’s happening, and with Timeline Takeover, your ad is the first ad when someone opens X.
  • Trend Takeover puts ads alongside what's trending, placing messages and immersive video creative where the conversation starts on the Explore tab.

X Live enables advertisers to broadcast their biggest moments to the world and allow audiences to join in real-time. From product launches and conferences to watch parties and fashion shows, X Live helps brands maximize their best livestream content and drive conversation with the audiences that matter. 

Dynamic Product Ads on X allow advertisers to deliver the most relevant product to the right customer at the right time. 

With DPA Retargeting, advertisers can serve ads to targeted consumers,  featuring products they have engaged with (e.g. added to their shopping cart) on the advertiser’s website but haven’t yet purchased. 

With DPA Prospecting, advertisers can acquire new customers who haven’t visited their website via ads featuring products from your catalog that are most relevant to them.

Combined with X’s Web Conversions products, Dynamic Product Ads can help advertisers improve Cost Per Purchase and return on ads spend (ROAS) on X.

Collection Ads are a new way to browse, story tell, and purchase on X. In a Collection Ad, advertisers can showcase a collection of product images through a primary hero image and smaller thumbnail visuals below.

  • Single view experience: With Collection Ads, consumers no longer have to swipe through individual cards as they would with Carousel Ads. All product features are displayed within a single view.
  • Customizable destinations: Advertisers have multi-destination functionality with Collection Ads, allowing them greater flexibility to link to unique product destinations and landing pages.
  • Creative flexibility: With more creative space within Collection Ads, advertisers can highlight up to 6 unique products, services, or promotions.
Collection Ads

X offers a corresponding suite of standard and branded features that can be applied across the other format categories. These include:

  • App Cards�add clickable functionality to ad creative and links to a specific App Store or Play Store app download page. If users already have the app downloaded, this button can also be configured to open into the specific app on mobile.�
  • Website Cards�add clickable functionality to image and video sds, allowing users to click through to a specific landing page.
  • Branded Hashtags�allow advertisers to express their personality and add a fun, visually-appealing creative element wherever the hashtag is used across X.
  • Branded Notifications�enable people on X to raise their hand to receive valuable content or experiences directly from brands, at the moments that matter most.�Learn more about Branded Notifications.
Promoted Ads
Vertical Video Ads
X Amplify
X Takeover
X Live
Dynamic Product Ads
Collection Ads
X Ad Features

Promoted Ads can support a variety of media formats through the following sub-categories:

Vertical Video Ads

Reach engaged audiences with full-screen, sound-on Vertical Video Ads in X's fastest growing surface.

X Amplify allows advertisers to align their ads with premium video content from the most relevant publishers. Amplify offerings are broken out into two ad formats:

X's Takeover products are the most premium, mass-reach placements that drive results across the funnel by taking over the Timeline and Explore tabs. Takeover placements are offered as:

X Live

Broadcast your biggest moments to the world and allow audiences to join in real-time. From product launches and conferences to watch parties and fashion shows, X Live helps brands maximize their best livestream content and drive conversation with the audiences that matter.�

Dynamic Product Ads

Dynamic Product Ads on X allow advertisers to deliver the most relevant product to the right customer at the right time. 

With DPA Retargeting, advertisers can serve ads to targeted consumers,  featuring products they have engaged with (e.g. added to their shopping cart) on the advertiser’s website but haven’t yet purchased. 

With DPA Prospecting, advertisers can acquire new customers who haven’t visited their website via ads featuring products from your catalog that are most relevant to them.

Combined with X's Web Conversions products, Dynamic Product Ads can help advertisers improve Cost Per Purchase and return on ads spend (ROAS) on X.

Collection Ads

Collection Ads are a new way to browse, story tell, and purchase on X. In a Collection Ad, advertisers can showcase a collection of product images through a primary hero image and smaller thumbnail visuals below.

  • Single view experience: With Collection Ads, consumers no longer have to swipe through individual cards as they would with Carousel Ads. All product features are displayed within a single view.
  • Customizable destinations: Advertisers have multi-destination functionality with Collection Ads, allowing them greater flexibility to link to unique product destinations and landing pages.
  • Creative flexibility: With more creative space within Collection Ads, advertisers can highlight up to 6 unique products, services, or promotions.

Using 3 or more ad formats increases campaign awareness by 20% and purchase intent by 7%.

Source: Nielsen Brand Effect (US/UK/JP/CA), Q3 2015 - Q3 2018 Connect campaigns. Comparison is v. 1 ad format alone.