Multi-user login FAQs

Multi-user login allows you to grant access to other users for your X Ads account, helping you manage campaigns effectively and securely.�You can grant different levels of permissions to multiple users, who will be able to then access your X Ads account while logged into their own personal handle.�

This feature can reduce the risk of malicious or erroneous issues with your business or brand's handle(s) by granting access to more of your team without sharing the password to your main account(s). It can also help reduce friction for users who manage ads for more than one ads account on X.�

Watch this video to learn all about the different X Ads access levels and how to set up multi-user login for your account:

How it works

When you set up your ads account, your handle will become an�account administrator�by default. This is the highest level of ads account access. As a result, you can grant varying degrees of access to other X users.

You must be logged into an account administrator�handle in order to grant other users access to the ads account.

There are five levels of access that you can grant to other users, each with a different set of permissions. Which level you grant depends on what you want the other users to be able to do within your ads account.�

You grant access to others by adding their handle and choosing what level of access you want to give them.��

From there, when that user is logged into their handle, they can go to,�enter your ads account, and perform the actions permitted to the access level you granted them.


Access levels and permissions

We offer five access levels you can grant to users, each with a different set of permissions. These permissions control what the users can view, change, and create within your ads account.�

  • Account administrator: User has full access to, including the ability to create new account administrators and ad managers, edit account access for administrators and ad managers, make changes to advertiser campaigns, and view performance data. Account administrators cannot post organic posts, but have the ability to create Promoted-only, or limited delivery, posts. Please note that account administrators have access to credit card and billing information.
  • Ad manager: User can access,�make changes to campaigns, and view performance data. Ad managers cannot grant users access to the ads account or post organic posts, but can create Promoted-only posts.
  • Creative manager:�User can access to modify creatives and view previews, but cannot create or modify campaigns.�
  • Campaign analyst: User can access and view performance data, but cannot create campaigns or make changes to campaigns. Campaign analysts cannot grant users access to the ads account, or post posts of any kind.
  • Organic analyst: User can access and view analytics, but cannot view paid campaigns.
  • Partner audience manager: User can view, create, modify, and delete Custom Audiences through the X API. Audience partner managers will be required to obtain authorization in order to update or deliver new audiences to an ads account. This permission level does not provide access to any data other than Custom Audiences they created.

Note:�Account administrators and ad managers do not have the ability to compose�Promoted-only posts�by default. You must grant this permission to their handle separately. Campaign analysts and organic analysts can never be granted the ability to compose Promoted-only posts.


Setting up multi-user login

When you create an ads account, your handle will be an account administrator by default. You can grant and edit other users permissions with this access level.�

  1. Log into your
  2. In the top right corner, select the name of your ads account and select "Edit access to account" from the drop-down menu.
  3. Once on the multi-user login screen of your ads account, you can choose "Add access" or "Edit access".
  4. To add a user:�
    • Click "Add access".
    • Enter their handle.
    • Choose the access level you want to grant them from the drop-down menu.
    • If you're choosing Account administrator or Ads manager, you will also have the option to turn on "Can compose promotable posts".
    • Click "Save changes".
  5. To edit a current user:
    • Click�"Edit access".
    • Scroll to the handle of the user you want to edit.
    • Choose the new access level you'd like to grant them from the drop-down menu.
    • If you're choosing Account administrator or Ads manager, you will also have the option to turn on "Can compose promotable posts".
    • Click "Save changes".

How do I switch between different accounts I manage?

To access your ads account, log in to

If you only have access to one ads account, the default account will automatically display on the Ads Manager screen. 

If you have access to multiple ads accounts, you can select which account you'd like to enter by clicking on ads account tile. 

To switch between ads accounts, click on the account name in the upper-right corner and click “Switch accounts” in the drop-down menu. You'll be taken to a screen showing you all the ads accounts you have access to. 


How do I use multi-user login to charge different campaigns to different credit cards?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to run multiple campaigns with different credit cards in a single ads account. Each X Ads account has a single default funding source.

In order to use multiple credit cards for multiple campaigns, each campaign must be created in the ads account with the default funding source you want to pay from.

Please submit a ticket to request the creation of a new ads account. That way, you can run different campaigns in each ads account with your preferred funding source.



How do I use multi-user login as an agency?

As an agency, you can request your client to set up multi-user login access between their ads account and your agency ads account in order to run campaigns on their behalf. 

Similarly, your client can set up multi-user login between their ads accounts and multiple agency ads accounts to run different campaigns from each ads account.

Please submit a ticket to request the creation of a new ads account.


What is the "Compose Promoted-only posts" permission?

The "Can compose promoted-only post" permission allows a logged-in user to create promoted-only posts in the "Creatives" > "Posts" tab. Only account administrators can grant this permission, and it can only be granted to other account administrators and ads managers. You can never grant compose promoted-only post permission to campaign analysts, organic analysts, or partner audience managers.

Promoted-only posts are only shown to users targeted in your ads campaigns. Unless specifically targeted, promoted-only posts do not show up on your followers' timelines. They're made within your ads account and, when seen by a targeted user, function like normal posts and can receive replies, be shared, reposted, liked, and more.

To grant permission to compose Promoted-only posts, make sure the permission level displays "Can compose promotable posts" below the user on the "Edit access to account" page.

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