Organic best practices

Tips for growing and engaging your audience on X

Organic best practices

Tips for growing and engaging your audience on X

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The role of organic content for businesses on X

The most successful brands on X have both paid and organic strategies. To illustrate, a Followers campaign is more likely to be successful if your profile has a healthy stream of engaging organic content.�Conversely, promoting a�Post can give it organic momentum.

With this in mind, here are our tips for creating effective organic Posts.


Organic Post copy

  • Keep your message concise
  • Limit hashtags to 1-2 per�Post
  • Include a clear call-to-action where applicable (e.g. "Read the full story")
  • Avoid writing copy in all-caps
  • Keep a conversational tone
  • Consider using emojis to add emotion


Organic Post creative

Adding media to a Post can help it stand out in the timeline. Here are some things to keep in mind as you choose your creative:

  • Avoid images with heavy text
  • Keep videos to 15 seconds or less
  • When driving to a link, consider using a Website Button to make your image or video clickable.
  • Use captions or another "sound-off strategy" for videos with dialogue

Key to success:

Test, learn, and test again! The data will show you which copy, creative, and tone resonates with your audience.

Planning and inspiration

When it comes to planning Posts, here are some time-saving tips.�

  • Use a content calendar to plan ahead
  • Keep a bank of evergreen, approved Posts on-hand
  • Schedule Posts�to help with coverage
  • Create a content theme for each day of the week, e.g. "Thought-leadership Thursday"
  • Look for opportunities to participate in�recurring weekly hashtags

Community management

  • Monitor indirect mentions of your brand (keywords, hashtags, etc.)

  • Improve response time by creating pre-saved responses to common questions
  • Check for past conversations to get context and create a personalized exchange
  • Stay on top of trending events and conversations for opportunities to connect

Looking for a community management solution? Try a free 30-day trial of Sprout Social, an X Official Partner.

Learn how paid and organic X strategies work together