Step 3: Create an environment group

In this step, you will create an environment and an environment group.

In Apigee, API proxies are deployed to environments, which provide isolated contexts for your proxies. Environments are organized into environment groups, which provide hostnames for all the proxies deployed to environments within the group. You must have at least one environment and at least one environment group. To learn more, see About environments and environment groups.

Create an environment

Create the environment first before creating the environment group. You can create an environment using the Apigee UI or using the API. You may want to use the UI for these steps to familiarize yourself with it.

Apigee in Cloud console

To create a new environment in Apigee in Cloud console:

  1. Open Apigee UI in Cloud console in a browser.
  2. Select Management > Environments in the left navigation pane.
  3. In the Environments pane, click + Create Environment.
  4. In the Create an environment pane, enter the following:
    • Name: The programmatic environment name. The Name can't be changed after it is created.

      The name must contain between 2 and 32 characters which can be lower-case letters, numbers, or hyphens. The name must begin with a letter and cannot end with a hyphen. The name must be different from any other environment name in your organization.

    • Display Name: The name for the environment that is displayed in the UI.
    • Description: Optional. A description of the environment.
    • Instance: Leave the Instance field blank. Instances do not apply to Apigee hybrid installations.
    • Environment group: Leave the Environment group field blank for now. You will create an environment group in the next procedure.
    • Deployment type: For most Apigee hybrid installations, select the option to deploy individual API proxies. You can optionally deploy an archive of your API proxy configuration environment. For more information, see Supported deployment types.
  5. Click Create.

Once complete, the new environment is displayed in the table in the Environments pane.

Classic Apigee UI

To access the UI and add an environment, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Apigee UI. If this is the first time you are logging in, hybrid displays a consent dialog. If you are prompted to select from more than one account, choose the account that owns the Google Cloud project you are using to install Apigee hybrid. Then click Allow.
  2. Your browser navigates to the UI main landing page:

    The landing page in the Apigee
    UI, which consists of left-hand navigation and large images that are links.

  3. Ensure that your organization is selected from the organization drop-down list. If it is not selected, select it from the drop-down list, as the following example shows:

    A list of organizations that are hybrid enabled

  4. Click Admin > Environments > Overview.

    The Apigee UI menu showing Admin, Environments, Overview expanded

    The Environments view is displayed, with no environments (yet):

  5. Click +Environment.

    The New environment dialog is displayed:

    The new environment dialog

  6. Enter the following information in the New Environment dialog:
    1. Display name (Required): A friendly name for the environment that is used in the UI. For example, "My First Environment" or "test". Unlike the Environment name, the Display name can include uppercase and other special characters.
    2. Environment name (Required): The programmatic name for the environment; also known as the environment ID.

      For example, "my-environment" or "test".

      The Display name and the Environment name can be different.

    3. Description (Optional): Additional information about the environment that you want to add as a reminder of the purpose of the environment. For example, "Created during initial installation".
  7. Keep any other defaults and click Create.

    Apigee creates the new environment.

    You now need to create an environment group and add your new environment to the group.

Apigee API

To create an environment with the Create environments API, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a terminal on the device you are using to manage Apigee.
  2. On the command line, get your gcloud authentication credentials using the following command:

    Linux / MacOS

    export TOKEN=$(gcloud auth print-access-token)

    To check that your token was populated, use echo, as the following example shows:

    echo $TOKEN

    This should display your token as an encoded string.


    for /f "tokens=*" %a in ('gcloud auth print-access-token') do set TOKEN=%a

    To check that your token was populated, use echo, as the following example shows:

    echo %TOKEN%

    This should display your token as an encoded string.

  3. Create the following environment variable:

    Linux / MacOS





    • ENV_NAME (Required) The environment name can contain lowercase letters, dashes, and numbers and must start with a lowercase letter. This name will be used as the identifier and cannot be changed after creation of the environment.
  4. Call the following Apigee API:
    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -X POST -H "content-type:application/json"   -d '{
        "name": "'"$ENV_NAME"'"
      }'   "/proxy/$ORG_NAME/environments"

    On a successful creation request, the Environments API should respond with a message similar to the following:

      "name": "organizations/hybrid-example/operations/c2aee040-7e79-4fd4-b0cf-79ca1b7098a8",
      "metadata": {
        "@type": "",
        "operationType": "INSERT",
        "targetResourceName": "organizations/hybrid-example/environments/example-env",
        "state": "IN_PROGRESS"

    As the state property in the response indicates, Apigee has started to create the new environment, so its state is IN_PROGRESS.

  5. Check to verify the environment was created successfully:
    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \

    On a successful creation request, the Environments API responds with a message similar to the following:


Create an environment group

Now create an environment group and assign the environment you just created to it.

Apigee in Cloud console

To create a new environment group in Apigee in Cloud console:

  1. Open Apigee UI in Cloud console in a browser.
  2. Select Management > Environments in the left navigation pane.
  3. In the Environments pane, select Environment Groups.
  4. Click + Create Environment Group.
  5. Enter the following:
    • Environment group name: A name for the environment group. The name must start and end with an alphanumeric character. It can have up to 63 characters consisting of alphanumeric characters and hyphens. The name must be different from any existing environment group name in your organization.
    • Hostames: A list of host names that can be used to call proxies. Each host name must be on a separate line.

      You also have the option to click Configure Google Load Balancer with these domains. This opens the Load balancing page in the Cloud console, where you can configure load balancing for the host names.

    • Environments: An optional list of environments to include in the environment group.
  6. Click Create.

Classic Apigee UI

To create an environment group using the Apigee UI, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Apigee UI.
  2. Your browser navigates to the Apigee UI main landing page.

  3. Ensure that your organization is selected from the organization drop-down list. If it is not selected, select it from the drop-down list.
  4. Click Admin > Environments > Groups.

    The Environment Groups Overview view is displayed:

    The Environment groups view

  5. Click +Environment Group.

    The Add an Environment Group dialog is displayed.

    Add Environment Group dialog showing blank Name field

  6. Enter a name and click Add.
  7. Hold the pointer over the newly-created environment group and click Edit .

    Add a hostname that all proxies deployed to environments within this group will use. This should be a domain you have management access to. The hostname can be the domain itself, like or it can include a subdomain like

    If you need to register a domain, see a domain registrar like Google Domains.

    Optionally, you can configure a load balancer for the domain. To learn more about load balancers, see Cloud Load Balancing overview.

    Edit Environment Group window showing no environments assigned

  8. Click Add (+) in the Environments box.
  9. The Add environment dialog displays.

    Add environment dialog listing available environments

  10. Select an environment from the list and click Add.
  11. Click Save.

Apigee API

To create an environment group using the Apigee API:

  1. On the command line, get your gcloud authentication credentials using the following command:

    Linux / MacOS

    TOKEN=$(gcloud auth print-access-token)


    for /f "tokens=*" %a in ('gcloud auth print-access-token') do set TOKEN=%a
  2. Create the following environment variables:

    Linux / MacOS



     data-terminal-prefix=">">set ENV_GROUP="YOUR_ENVIRONMENT_GROUP"
     data-terminal-prefix=">">set DOMAIN="YOUR_DOMAIN"


    • DOMAIN (Required) This is the hostname that all proxies deployed to environments within this group will use. This should be a domain you manage. The address can be the domain itself, like or it can include a subdomain like If you don't have a managed domain, you can enter a placeholder for now. You can change the domain address later.
    • ENV_GROUP (Required) The environment name can contain lowercase letters, dashes, and numbers and must start with a lowercase letter. This name will be used as the identifier and cannot be changed after creation.
  3. Create the environment group:
    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -X POST -H "content-type:application/json" \
       -d '{
         "name": "'"$ENV_GROUP"'",
       }' \
  4. Assign the environment to the new group:
    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -X POST -H "content-type:application/json" \
       -d '{
         "environment": "'"$ENV_NAME"'",
       }' \
  5. Verify whether the environment group was created successfully with the following CURL command:
    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \

    On a successful creation request, the Environments Group API responds with a message similar to the following:

            "environmentGroups": [
                "name": "your_envgroup_hybrid",
                "hostnames": [
                "createdAt": "1677826235324",
                "lastModifiedAt": "1677826235324",
                "state": "ACTIVE"
  6. Fetch the latest attachments for the newly created environment group by using following CURL command:
    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \

    The environment group creation and attachment were successful if the result shows a unique hash value, as shown in the below sample response output:

              "environmentGroupAttachments": [
                  "name": "c27046d1-b83e-4cba-xxxx-caaa660b2bd6",
                  "environment": "your_envtest_hybrid",
                  "createdAt": "1677826263567",
                  "environmentGroupId": "your_envgroup_hybrid"

Next step

To continue with the installation, go to Part 2: Hybrid runtime setup.