Dataproc service accounts

This page describes service accounts and VM access scopes and how they are used with Dataproc.

What are service accounts?

A service account is a special account that can be used by services and applications running on a Compute Engine virtual machine (VM) instance to interact with other Google Cloud APIs. Applications can use service account credentials to authorize themselves to a set of APIs and perform actions on the VM within the permissions granted to the service account.

Dataproc service accounts

The following service accounts are granted permissions required to perform Dataproc actions in the project where your cluster is located.

  • Dataproc VM service account: VMs in a Dataproc cluster use this service account for Dataproc data plane operations. The Compute Engine default service account, [project-number], is used as the Dataproc VM service account unless you specify a VM service account when you create a cluster. By default, the Compute Engine default service account is granted the Project Editor role, which includes permissions to create and delete resources for most Google Cloud services, including the permissions needed to perform Dataproc data plane operations.

    Custom service accounts: If you specify a custom service account when you create a cluster, you must grant the custom service account the permissions needed for Dataproc data plane operations. You can do this by assigning the Dataproc Worker role to the service account because this role includes the minimum permissions necessary for Dataproc data plane operations. Additional roles are necessary to grant permissions for other operations, such as reading and writing data to BigQuery.

  • Dataproc Service Agent service account: Dataproc creates this service account with the Dataproc Service Agent role in a Dataproc user's Google Cloud project. This service account cannot be replaced by a custom VM service account when you create a cluster. This service agent account is used to perform Dataproc control plane operations, such as the creation, update, and deletion of cluster VMs (see Dataproc Service Agent (Control Plane identity)).

    Dataproc uses service-[project-number] as the service agent account.

Shared VPC networks: If the cluster uses a Shared VPC network, a Shared VPC Admin must grant the Dataproc Service Agent service account the role of Network User for the Shared VPC host project. For more information, see:

Dataproc VM access scopes

VM Access scopes and IAM roles work together to limit VM access to Google Cloud APIs. For example, if cluster VMs are granted only the scope, applications running on cluster VMs can call Cloud Storage APIs, but they are not able to make requests to BigQuery, even if they are running as a VM service account that had been granted a BigQuery role with broad permissions.

A best practice is to grant the broad cloud-platform scope ( to VMs, and then limit VM access by granting specific IAM roles to the VM service account.

Default Dataproc VM scopes. If scopes are not specified when a cluster is created (see gcloud dataproc cluster create --scopes), Dataproc VMs have the following default set of scopes: (clusters created with image version 2.1+).

If you specify scopes when creating a cluster, cluster VMs will have the scopes you specify and the following minimum set of required scopes (even if you don't specify them): (clusters created with image version 2.1+).

Create a cluster with a custom VM service account

When you create a cluster, you can specify a custom VM service account that your cluster will use for Dataproc data plane operations instead of the default VM service account (you can't change the VM service account after the cluster is created). Using a VM service account with assigned IAM roles allows you to provide your cluster with fine-grained access to project resources.

Preliminary steps

  1. Create the custom VM service account within the project where the cluster will be created.

  2. Grant the custom VM service account the Dataproc Worker role on the project and any additional roles needed by your jobs, such as the BigQuery Reader and Writer roles (see Dataproc permissions and IAM roles).

    gcloud CLI example:

    • The following sample command grants the custom VM service account in the cluster project the Dataproc Worker role at the project level:
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID \ \
    • Consider a custom role: Instead of granting service account the pre-defined Dataproc Worker role, you can grant the service account a custom role that contains Worker role permissions but limits the storage.objects.* permissions.
      • The custom role must at least grant the VM service account storage.objects.create, storage.objects.get, and storage.objects.update permissions on the objects in the Dataproc staging and temp buckets and on any additional buckets needed by jobs that will run on the cluster.

Create the cluster

  • Create the cluster in your project.

gcloud Command

Use the gcloud dataproc clusters create command to create a cluster with the custom VM service account.

gcloud dataproc clusters create CLUSTER_NAME \
    --region=REGION \ \

Replace the following:

  • CLUSTER_NAME: The cluster name, which must be unique within a project. The name must start with a lowercase letter, and can contain up to 51 lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens. It cannot end with a hyphen. The name of a deleted cluster can be reused.
  • REGION: The region where the cluster will be located.
  • SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME: The service account name.
  • PROJECT_ID: The Google Cloud project ID of the project containing your VM service account. This will be the ID of the project where your cluster will be created or the ID of another project if you are creating a cluster with a custom VM service account in another cluster.
  • SCOPE: Access scope(s) for cluster VM instances (for example,


When completing the GceClusterConfig as part of the clusters.create API request, set the following fields:


Setting a Dataproc VM service account in the Google Cloud console is not supported. You can set the cloud-platform access scope on cluster VMs when you create the cluster by clicking "Enables the cloud-platform scope for this cluster" in the Project access section of the Manage security panel on the Dataproc Create a cluster page in the Google Cloud console.

Create a cluster with a custom VM service account from another project

When you create a cluster, you can specify a custom VM service account that your cluster will use for Dataproc data plane operations instead of using the default VM service account (you can't specify a custom VM service account after the cluster is created). Using a custom VM service account with assigned IAM roles allows you to provide your cluster with fine-grained access to project resources.

Preliminary steps

  1. In the service account project (the project where the custom VM service account is located):

    1. Enable service accounts to be attached across projects.

    2. Enable the Dataproc API.

      Enable the API

  2. Grant to your email account (the user who is creating the cluster) the Service Account User role on either the service account project or, for more granular control, the custom VM service account in the service account project.

    For more information: See Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations to grant roles at the project level and Manage access to service accounts grant roles at the service account level.

    gcloud CLI examples:

    • The following sample command grants to the user the Service Account User role at the project level:
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PROJECT_ID \
        --member=USER_EMAIL \

    Notes: USER_EMAIL: Provide your user account email address, in the format:

    • The following sample command grants to the user the Service Account User role at the service account level:
    gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding VM_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL \
        --member=USER_EMAIL \

    Notes: USER_EMAIL: Provide your user account email address, in the format:

  3. Grant the custom VM service account the Dataproc Worker role on the cluster project.

    gcloud CLI example:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID \ \
  4. Grant the Dataproc Service Agent service account in the cluster project the Service Account User and the Service Account Token Creator roles on either the service account project or, for more granular control, the custom VM service account in the service account project. By doing this, you allow the Dataproc service agent service account in the cluster project to create tokens for the custom Dataproc VM service account in the service account project.

    For more information: See Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations to grant roles at the project level and Manage access to service accounts grant roles at the service account level.

    gcloud CLI examples:

    • The following sample commands grant the Dataproc Service Agent service account in the cluster project the Service Account User and Service Account Token Creator roles at the project level:
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PROJECT_ID \ \
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PROJECT_ID \ \
    • The following sample commands grant the Dataproc Service Agent service account in the cluster project the Service Account User and Service Account Token Creator roles at the VM service account level:
    gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding VM_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL \ \
    gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding VM_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL \ \
  5. Grant the Compute Engine Service Agent service account in the cluster project the Service Account Token Creator role on either the service account project or, for more granular control, the custom VM service account in the service account project. By doing this, you grant the Compute Agent Service Agent service account in the cluster project the ability to create tokens for the custom Dataproc VM service account in the service account project.

    For more information: See Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations to grant roles at the project level and Manage access to service accounts grant roles at the service account level.

    gcloud CLI examples:

    • The following sample command grants the Compute Engine Service Agent service account in the cluster project the Service Account Token Creator role at the project level:
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding SERVICE_ACCOUNT_PROJECT_ID \ \
    • The following sample command grants the Compute Engine Service Agent service account in the cluster project the Service Account Token Creator role at the VM service account level:
    gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding VM_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL \ \

Create the cluster

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