Chart SQL query results

This document describes how to chart your Log Analytics query results, which lets you identify patterns and trends in your log data. Log Analytics lets you search and aggregate logs to generate useful insights by using SQL queries.

After you run a query, the query results can be viewed in a table, or converted into a chart, and the query and its visualization can be saved to a dashboard. For example, to see which severity types your logs are generating, create a chart that displays the counts of logs generated over the past 12 hours and break down the logs by severity. The following screenshot illustrates data points broken down into different severity types:

Example chart illustrating a breakdown by severity.

Before you begin

Before you use Log Analytics, do the following:

  • To get the permissions that you need to use Log Analytics, ask your administrator to grant you the following IAM roles on your project:

    • To query the _Required and _Default log buckets: Logs Viewer (roles/logging.viewer)
    • To query all log views in a project: Logs View Accessor (roles/logging.viewAccessor)

    You can restrict a principal to a specific log view either by adding an IAM condition to the Logs View Accessor role grant made at the project level, or by adding an IAM binding to the policy file of the log view. For more information, see Control access to a log view.

    These are the same permissions that you need to view log entries on the Logs Explorer page. For information about additional roles that you need to query views on user-defined buckets or to query the _AllLogs view of the _Default log bucket, see Cloud Logging roles.

  • To get the permissions that you need to create charts, ask your administrator to grant you the Monitoring Editor (roles/monitoring.editor) IAM role on your project.

  • Ensure that your log buckets have been upgraded to use Log Analytics:

    1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logs Storage page:

      Go to Logs Storage

      If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Logging.

    2. For each log bucket that has a log view that you want to query, ensure that the Log Analytics available column displays Open. If Upgrade is shown, then click Upgrade and complete the dialog.

Select the data to chart

To configure what data to display on a chart, build a query by using SQL. When you select the Chart tab, Logging automatically generates a chart based on your query results. After the query has been run and a chart has been generated, you can customize the chart configuration by changing the chart type, and selecting columns to view different data.

To view your query results as a chart, run a query by doing the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Log Analytics page:

    Go to Log Analytics

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Logging.

  2. In the Query pane, enter a query and then click Run.

  3. After the query has completed, in the Results tab, select how you want to view your query results:

    • Table: Tabular format only.

    • Chart: Chart format only

    • Both: Chart and tabular format.

      After you select how to view your query results, you can configure any fields for the selected visualization, and then save the query and results to a custom dashboard. The saved format is tabular when you've selected the Table option. Otherwise, the format is a chart.

      For charts, the visualization options let you select the chart type, and select which rows and columns are charted. For more information about the chart configuration, see Customize chart configuration.

Customize chart configuration

You can customize the chart configuration by changing the chart type, selecting the dimension and measure to chart, and by applying a breakdown. The Dimension is used to group or categorize rows and is the X-axis value. The Measure, or the Y-axis value, is a data series that is plotted against the Y-axis.

Change chart type

You can select from the following chart types, depending on what kind of rows and columns you selected as the dimension and measure, and how you want that data to be visualized.

  • Bar chart (default) : Bar charts plot data on two axes. If your chart uses a category or string as the dimension, then you can set the chart configuration for a bar chart to horizontal or vertical, where the dimension and measure axes are swapped.

  • Line chart: Line charts can be used to show data changes over time. When you use a line chart, each time series is shown by a different line that corresponds to the measure(s) you have selected.

    If your X-axis is time-based, each data point is placed at the beginning of a time interval. Each data point is connected by linear interpolation.

  • Stacked area chart: An area chart is based on a line chart, and the area below each line is shaded. In area charts, the data series are stacked. For example, if you have two identical series, the series overlaps in a line chart, but the shaded area is stacked in an area chart.

  • Pie or donut chart: A pie chart shows how categories in a dataset relate to the whole dataset, by using a circle to represent the whole dataset and wedges in the circle to represent the categories in the dataset. The size of a wedge indicates how much, often as a percentage, the category contributes to the whole.

  • Table: A table shows one row for each row in the query result. The columns in the table are defined by the SELECT clause. If you plan to display data in tabular form on a dashboard, then use a LIMIT clause to restrict the number of rows in the result be less than a few hundred.

  • Gauge or scorecard: Gauges and scorecards provide you with the most recent value along with a green, amber, or red indication based on how that value compares to a set of thresholds. Unlike gauges, which only shows information about the most recent value, scorecards can also include information about past values.

    Gauges and scorecards can only display the query result when the query result contains at least one row, and that row contains a column with a timestamp and a column with numeric data. The query result can contain multiple rows and more than two columns.

    If you want to perform the time-based aggregation as part of your query, then do the following:

    • Configure your query to aggregate data over a time interval, to order the results by descending timestamps, and to limit the number of rows in the results. You can use the LIMIT clause or use the time range selector to limit the number of rows in the query result.

      For example, the following query aggregates data by the hour, applies a limit, and sorts the results:

      SELECT TIMESTAMP_TRUNC(timestamp, HOUR) AS hour, severity, COUNT(*) AS count
      WHERE severity IS NOT NULL AND severity = "DEFAULT"
      GROUP BY hour,severity
      ORDER BY hour DESC
      LIMIT 10
    • Set the Dimension to match the column that reports the time-unit. For example, if your query aggregates data by one hour and creates a column named hour, then set the Dimension menu to hour.

    • Select Disable interval because your query already specifies the aggregation interval. In the example, this interval is one hour.

    • Set the Measure to the numeric column, and set the function to none.

    If you want to rely on Log Analytics to perform the time-based aggregation for you, then do the following:

    • Configure the time-range selector, which affects the number of rows in the query result.
    • Set the Dimension to match the column that reports the time-unit. For example, you might set this menu to timestamp.
    • Set the Interval menu to the aggregation interval to a specific interval. For example, set the value of this field to 1 hour. Don't select Automatic interval.
    • Set the Measure to the numeric column, and select a function such as sum.

Change dimension and measure

You can choose which rows and columns are charted by selecting the dimension and measure fields.

  • Dimension

    The dimension must be a timestamp, numeric, or string column. By default, the dimension is set to the first timestamp-based column in the schema. If no timestamp is present in the query, then the first string column is selected as the dimension. You can also customize what the dimension is in the Chart display panel. When a timestamp column is selected as the dimension, then the chart shows how data changes over time.

    By default, the interval for timestamps is automatically set, but you can also select a custom interval. Automatic intervals change values based on the time-range selector to maintain similar sized groups.

    You can also disable the interval, which lets you specify your own aggregations and time ranges within the query for more complex analysis. Disabling the interval sets the aggregation function of the measures to none. Only numeric measures are permitted when the dimension interval is disabled.

  • Measure

    You can select multiple measures in the Chart display panel. When you select a measure, you must also select the aggregation function to perform on its grouped values, such as count, sum, average, and percentile-99. For example, count-distinct returns the number of unique values in a given column.

    If you select the Disable interval checkbox for the dimension, then the none aggregation function option is available. If the dimension is a string value, the Disable interval checkbox is not shown. However, setting a measure's aggregation functions to none also disables the interval.

Add a breakdown

To split a single data series into multiple data series based on another column, add a breakdown.

When you select a breakdown, choose columns that contain a small number of short and meaningful labels, like region_name, instead of fields that might contain a large number of strings or long strings, like textPayload.

For example, see the following chart configuration, where the Dimension field is set to type, the Measure field is set to Count rows, and the Breakdown field is set to severity:

Example chart configuration that adds a breakdown.

The following chart is an example of a chart with an added breakdown:

Example chart that contains a breakdown by severity.

In the previous screenshot, you see a stacked data series, where the resource type k8s_container is split into different severity types. This lets you identify how many logs of each severity type were generated by a certain resource.

Save a chart to a custom dashboard

After a chart is generated from your query, you can save that chart to a custom dashboard. Custom dashboards let you display and organize information that is useful to you by using a variety of widget types. For example, you can create a dashboard that provides details about the usage of your Cloud Storage buckets:

Example dashboard showing usage of your Cloud Storage buckets.

To save your chart to a dashboard, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Log Analytics page:

    Go to Log Analytics

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Logging.

  2. Run a query to generate a chart, then click Save chart in the Chart tab.

  3. In the Save to dashboard dialog, enter a title for your chart and select the dashboard where you want to save the chart to.

  4. Optional: To view the custom dashboard, in the toast, click View dashboard.

To view a list of custom dashboards that contain charts generated by Log Analytics SQL queries, go to the Save Chart button and click Menu.

Edit a chart saved to a custom dashboard

To edit charts generated by Log Analytics SQL queries that are saved to a dashboard, see Modify a widget's configuration. In the Configure widget dialog, you can edit the query that is used to generate a chart, or you can customize the chart configuration to visualize different data.


  • If your Google Cloud project is in a folder that uses Assured Workloads, then the charts that you generate can't be displayed on a custom dashboard.

  • Dashboard-level filters don't apply to charts generated from a Log Analytics SQL query.

Sample queries

This section provides sample SQL queries for charting your query results. To gain more useful insights from your logs, customize the chart configuration. To use the sample queries, do the following:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Log Analytics page:

    Go to Log Analytics

    If you use the search bar to find this page, then select the result whose subheading is Logging.

  2. Identify the table name for the log view that you want to query.

    To identify this name, go to the Log views list, locate the log view, and then select Query. The Query pane is populated with a default query, which includes the table name of the log view that is queried. The table name has the format project_ID.region.bucket_ID.view_ID.

    For more information about how to access the default query, see Query a log view.

  3. Replace TABLE_NAME_OF_LOG_VIEW with the table name for the log view that you want to query, then copy the query.

  4. Paste the query in the Query pane, then click Run query.

Chart log entries by location and severity

The following query selects the location and severity, with the location cast as a string:

� CAST(JSON_VALUE(resource.labels.location) AS STRING) AS location,
� severity,

A sample chart and chart configuration looks like the following:

Example chart that charts log entries for location and severity.

In the previous screenshot, the chart configuration has the following chart configuration:

  • Chart type: Bar chart, horizontal
  • Dimension: location, with a limit of 10
  • Measure: Count rows
  • Breakdown: severity, with a limit of five

Chart BigQuery Data Access audit logs

The following query filters for BigQuery data_access audit logs, and selects certain fields, such as user_email, ip, auth_permission, and job_execution_project. For example, you can create a chart that visualizes the frequency of each principal's BigQuery API usage over time.

� timestamp,
� proto_payload.audit_log.authentication_info.principal_email as user_email,
� proto_payload.audit_log.request_metadata.caller_ip as ip,
� auth.permission as auth_permission,
� auth.granted as auth_granted,
� JSON_VALUE(data_access.resource.labels.project_id) AS job_execution_project,
� SPLIT(proto_payload.audit_log.resource_name, '/')[SAFE_OFFSET(1)] AS referenced_project,
� SPLIT(proto_payload.audit_log.resource_name, '/')[SAFE_OFFSET(3)] AS referenced_dataset,
� SPLIT(proto_payload.audit_log.resource_name, '/')[SAFE_OFFSET(5)] AS referenced_table
FROM `TABLE_NAME_OF_LOG_VIEW` as data_access,
� UNNEST(proto_payload.audit_log.authorization_info) AS auth
� log_id=""
� AND data_access.resource.type = 'bigquery_dataset'

A sample chart and chart configuration looks like the following:

Example chart for BigQuery Data Access audit logs

In the previous screenshot, the chart configuration has the following chart configuration:

  • Chart type: Bar chart, vertical
  • Dimension: user_email, with a limit of five
  • Measure: Count rows
  • Breakdown: auth_permission, with a limit of five


  • Selected columns should have at least one row with a non-null value.

  • If you save a query and customize the chart configuration, then the custom chart configuration is not saved.

  • If your query already contains aggregations, then the generated chart might be different due to additional aggregation that is automatically applied by Log Analytics.

  • JSON paths must be cast to strings and numbers in order to be charted.

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