Use Pinecone with RAG Engine

This page shows you how to connect your RAG corpus to your Pinecone database.

You can use your Pinecone database instance with RAG Engine to index, and conduct a vector-based similarity search. A similarity search is a way to find pieces of text that are similar to the text that you're looking for, which requires the use of an embedding model. The embedding model produces vector data for each piece of text being compared. The similarity search is used to retrieve semantic contexts for grounding to return the most accurate content from your LLM.

With RAG Engine, you can continue to use your fully-managed vector database instance, which you're responsible for provisioning. RAG Engine uses your vector database for storage, index management, and search.

Consider whether to use Pinecone with RAG Engine

Consider whether using the Pinecone database is the best choice for your RAG application by reviewing the following:

  • You must create, configure, and manage the scaling of your Pinecone database instance.

  • RAG Engine uses the default namespace on your index. Ensure that this namespace isn't modifiable by anything else.

  • You must provide a Pinecone API key, which allows RAG Engine to interact with the Pinecone database. RAG Engine doesn't store and manage your Pinecone API key. Instead, you must do the following:

    • Store your key in the Google Cloud Secret Manager.
    • Grant your project's service account permissions to access your secret.
    • Provide RAG Engine access to your secret's resource name.
    • When you interact with your RAG corpus, RAG Engine accesses your secret resource using your service account.
  • RAG corpus and the Pinecone index have a one-to-one mapping. This association is made as part of the CreateRagCorpus API call or the UpdateRagCorpus API call.

Create your Pinecone index

To create your Pinecone index, you must follow these steps:

  1. See the Pinecone quickstart guide to get the index configurations that must be specified on your index to make the index compatible with RAG corpus.

  2. You want to ensure that the location of the Pinecone index is the same as or close to where you use RAG Engine for the following reasons:

    • You want to maintain reduced latencies.
    • You want to meet your data residency requirements that are set by applicable laws.
  3. During Pinecone index creation, specify the embedding dimension to use with RAG Engine. This table provides the dimension sizes or location of the dimension sizes:

    Model Dimension size
    First-party Gecko 768
    Fine-tuned first-party Gecko 768
    E5 See Use OSS embedding models.
  4. Choose one of the following supported distance metrics:

    • cosine
    • dotproduct
    • euclidean
  5. Optional: When you create a pod-based index, you must specify the file_id on the pod.metadata_config.indexed field. For more information, see Selective metadata indexing.

Create your Pinecone API key

RAG Engine can only connect to your Pinecone index by using your API key for authentication and authorization. You must follow the Pinecone official guide to authentication to configure the API key-based authentication in your Pinecone project.

Store your API key in Secret Manager

An API key holds Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (SPII), which is subject to legal requirements. If the SPII data is compromised or misused, an individual might experience a significant risk or harm. To minimize risks to an individual while using RAG Engine, don't store and manage your API key, and avoid sharing the unencrypted API key.

To protect SPII, you must do the following:

  1. Store your API key in Secret Manager.

  2. Grant your RAG Engine service account the permissions to your secret(s), and manage the access control at the secret resource level.

    1. Navigate to your project's permissions.

    2. Enable the option Include Google-provided role grants.

    3. Find the service account, which has the format:

      service-{project number}

    4. Edit the service account's principals.

    5. Add the Secret Manager Secret Accessor role to the service account.

  3. During the creation or update of the RAG corpus, pass the secret resource name to RAG Engine, and store the secret resource name.

When making API requests to your Pinecone index(es), RAG Engine uses each service account to read the API key that corresponds to your secret resources in Secret Manager from your project(s).

Provision your RAG Engine service account

When you create the first RAG corpus in your project, RAG Engine creates a dedicated service account. You can find your service account from your project's Identity and Access Management page.

The service account follows this fixed format:

service-{project number}

For example,

Prepare your RAG corpus

To use your Pinecone index with RAG Engine, you must associate the index with a RAG corpus during its creation stage. After the association is made, this binding is permanent for the lifetime of the RAG corpus. The association can be done using either the CreateRagCorpus or the UpdateRagCorpus API.

For the association to be considered complete, you must set three key fields on the RAG corpus:

  • rag_vector_db_config.pinecone: This field helps you to set the choice of a vector database that you would like to associate with your RAG corpus, and it must be set during the CreateRagCorpus API call. If it isn't set, then the default vector database choice RagManagedDb is assigned to your RAG corpus.

  • rag_vector_db_config.pinecone.index_name: This is the name used to create the Pinecone index that's used with the RAG corpus. You can set the name during the CreateRagCorpus call, or you can specify the name when you call the UpdateRagCorpus API.

  • rag_vector_db_config.api_auth.api_key_config.api_key_secret_version: This the full resource name of the secret that is stored in Secret Manager, which contains your Pinecone API key. You can set the name during the CreateRagCorpus call, or you can specify the name when you call the UpdateRagCorpus API. Until you specify this field, you can't import data into the RAG corpus.
    This field should have the format:

Create your RAG corpus

If you have access to your Pinecone index name and the secret resource name with your permissions set, then you can create your RAG corpus, and associate it with your Pinecone index, which is demonstrated in this sample code.

When it's your first time creating a RAG corpus, you won't have the service account information ready. However, the fields are optional and can be associated with the RAG corpus using the UpdateRagCorpus API.

For an example on how to create the RAG corpus without providing the service account information, see Create RAG corpus without an index name or an API key.


import vertexai
from vertexai.preview import rag

# Set Project
vertexai.init(project=PROJECT_ID, location="us-central1")

# Configure the Pinecone vector DB information
vector_db = rag.Pinecone(index_name=PINECONE_INDEX_NAME, api_key=API_KEY)

# Name your corpus

rag_corpus = rag.create_corpus(display_name=DISPLAY_NAME, vector_db=vector_db)


# Set your project ID under which you want to create the corpus

# Choose a display name for your corpus

# Set your Pinecone index name

# Set the full resource name of your secret. Follows the format
# projects/{PROJECT_NUMER}/secrets/{SECRET_ID}/versions/{VERSION_ID}

# Call CreateRagCorpus API with all the Vector DB information.
# You can also add the embedding model choice or set other RAG corpus parameters on
# this call per your choice.
curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \}/v1beta1/projects/${PROJECT_ID}/locations/us-central1/ragCorpora -d '{
      "display_name" : '\""${CORPUS_DISPLAY_NAME}"\"',
      "rag_vector_db_config" : {
         "pinecone": {"index_name": '\""${PINECONE_INDEX_NAME}"\"'},
         "api_auth": {"api_key_config":
               {"api_key_secret_version": '\""${SECRET_RESOURCE_NAME}"\"'}

# To poll the status of your RAG corpus creation, get the operation_id returned in
# response of your CreateRagCorpus call.

# Poll Operation status until done = true in the response.
# The response to this call will contain the ID for your created RAG corpus
curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \${PROJECT_ID}/locations/us-central1/operations/${OPERATION_ID}

Create RAG corpus without an index name or an API key

If this is your first RAG corpus and you don't have access to your service account details, or you haven't completed the provisioning steps for your Pinecone index, you can still create your RAG corpus. You can then associate the RAG corpus with an empty Pinecone configuration, and add the details later.

The following must be taken into consideration:

  • When you don't provide the index name and API key secret name, files can't be imported into the RAG corpus.
  • If you choose Pinecone as your vector database for your RAG corpus, it can't be switched later to a different database.

This code example demonstrates how to create a RAG corpus with Pinecone without providing a Pinecone index name or API secret name. Use the UpdateRagCorpus API to specify later the missing information.


import vertexai
from vertexai.preview import rag

# Set Project
vertexai.init(project=PROJECT_ID, location="us-central1")

# Configure the Pinecone vector DB information
vector_db = rag.Pinecone()

# Name your corpus

rag_corpus = rag.create_corpus(display_name=DISPLAY_NAME, vector_db=vector_db)


# Set your project ID under which you want to create the corpus

# Choose a display name for your corpus

# Call CreateRagCorpus API with all the Vector DB information.
# You can also add the embedding model choice or set other RAG corpus parameters on
# this call per your choice.
curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \}/v1beta1/projects/${PROJECT_ID}/locations/us-central1/ragCorpora -d '{
      "display_name" : '\""${CORPUS_DISPLAY_NAME}"\"',
      "rag_vector_db_config" : {
         "pinecone": {}

# To poll the status of your RAG corpus creation, get the operation_id returned in
# response of your CreateRagCorpus call.

# Poll Operation status until done = true in the response.
# The response to this call will contain the ID for your created RAG corpus
curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \${PROJECT_ID}/locations/us-central1/operations/${OPERATION_ID}

Update your RAG corpus

The UpdateRagCorpus API lets you update the vector database configuration. If the Pinecone index name and the API key secret version aren't previously set, you can use the Pinecone API to update the fields. The choice of a vector database can't be updated. It's optional to provide the API key secret. However, if you don't specify the API key secret, you can import data into the RAG corpus.

Field Mutability Required or Optional
rag_vector_db_config.vector_db Immutable after you make a choice. Required
rag_vector_db_config.pinecone.index_name Immutable after you set the field on the RAG corpus. Required
rag_vector_db_config.api_auth.api_key_config.api_key_secret_version Mutable. After you set the API key, you can't drop the key. Optional


import vertexai
from vertexai.preview import rag

# Set Project
vertexai.init(project=PROJECT_ID, location="us-central1")

# Configure the Pinecone vector DB information
vector_db = rag.Pinecone(index_name=)

# Name your corpus

rag_corpus = rag.create_corpus(display_name=DISPLAY_NAME, vector_db=vector_db)


# Set your project ID for the corpus that you want to create.

# Set your Pinecone index name

# Set the full resource name of your secret. Follows the format
# projects/{PROJECT_NUMER}/secrets/{SECRET_ID}/versions/{VERSION_ID}

# Call UpdateRagCorpus API with the Vector DB information.
curl -X PATCH \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \}/v1beta1/projects/${PROJECT_ID}/locations/us-central1/ragCorpora -d '{
      "rag_vector_db_config" : {
         "pinecone": {"index_name": '\""${PINECONE_INDEX_NAME}"\"'},
         "api_auth": {"api_key_config":
               {"api_key_secret_version": '\""${SECRET_RESOURCE_NAME}"\"'}

# To poll the status of your RAG corpus creation, get the operation_id returned in
# response of your CreateRagCorpus call.

# Poll Operation status until done = true in the response.
# The response to this call will contain the ID for your created RAG corpus
curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \${PROJECT_ID}/locations/us-central1/operations/${OPERATION_ID}

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