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  • Draft budget

Draft amending budget No 5/2024


Publication date
10 October 2024


Commission's proposal: Draft Amending Budget 5/2024, COM(2024) 650 – 10 October 2024
Council's position: 
Parliament's position: 

The purpose of Draft Amending Budget (DAB) No 5 for the year 2024 is to update both the expenditure and revenue side of the budget.

The proposed changes on the expenditure side of the budget concern the following elements:

  1. An increase of the level of payment appropriations for the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for a total amount of EUR 2,9 billion, including in relation to the reprogramming related to the Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (STEP). These amounts could not be included in the redeployments proposed in the ‘Global transfer’ (DEC 11/2024) submitted to Parliament and Council on 3 October 2024;
  2. An update of the needs for the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreements (SFPAs), taking into account that several agreements and the related protocols will not be concluded in 2024;
  3. An increase of appropriations, linked to the most recent estimates for the update of remuneration, as follows:

    Heading 7

  • An increase for the level of the administrative expenditure for the Committee of the Regions by EUR 1,3 million;
  • An increase for the pensions of all institutions by EUR 67,2 million, also due to a higher number of pension beneficiaries;
  • For the Commission and the other Institutions, the impact of the higher than expected update of remuneration will be covered by internal redeployments;

    Outside Heading 7

  • An increase of the EU contribution to several decentralised agencies by EUR 12,1 million. Other additional needs will be covered by mobilising remaining appropriations and built-in flexibilities.
  1. An adjustment of the EU contribution to several decentralised agencies linked to implementation or other specific reasons, as follows:
  • An increase of the EU contribution to the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL) by EUR 1 million in commitment appropriations to reinforce its cybersecurity, offset against a reduction of the Internal Security Fund (ISF);
  • An increase of the EU contribution to the European Union Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice (eu-LISA) by EUR 17 million in commitment appropriations. Following lower than planned implementaiton, this can be offset by a reduction of the EU contribution to the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA).
  • A decrease of the commitment appropriations allocated to the Anti-Money Laundering Authority (AMLA) due to the revised needs for the appropriations in the first year of its set-up, following delays in the recruitments.
  • A return of EUR 2,8 million in commitment and payment appropriations to the LIFE programme. Given the delays in the adoption of the Zero Pollution Package, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and the European Environment Agency (EEA) will not need the corresponding appropriations.
  1. The introduction of machine translation has led to significant savings in some operations of the Publication Office, which allow the reduction of the level of commitment appropriations of the relevant budget line.
  2. An adjustment of the budgetary nomenclature both on the expenditure and revenue side and remarks following the adoption of the proposal for the Ukraine Loan Cooperation Mechanism (ULCM).

Overall, the net impact of this DAB on expenditure amounts to an increase of EUR 44,5 million in commitment appropriations and of EUR 2 954,8 million in payment appropriations.

On the revenue side, this DAB incorporates EUR 2 815 million of definitive fines and penalty payments paid until 30 September 2024. As a result, the overall impact on the revenue side is a net increase in the GNI contributions of EUR 139,9 million.


  • 10 OCTOBER 2024
DAB 5/2024 COM(2024) 650
  • 10 OCTOBER 2024
DAB 5/2024 COM(2024) 650 - Budgetary Annex