class SdkActivity : ComponentActivity

Activity to start for SDKs running locally. Not for App / SDK Usage.

SDK should use SdkSandboxControllerCompat.registerSdkSandboxActivityHandler for handler registration.

App should use SdkSandboxManagerCompat.startSdkSandboxActivity for starting activity.


Public constructors

Protected functions

open Unit
onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?)


Inherited functions

open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open PendingIntent
createPendingResult(p0: Int, p1: Intent, p2: Int)

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Boolean
open Boolean
open Boolean
open Boolean
open Unit
dump(p0: String, p1: FileDescriptor?, p2: PrintWriter, p3: Array<String>?)
open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Boolean
open T
<T : View> findViewById(p0: Int)
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open ActionBar?
open ComponentName?
open String?
open Int
open ComponentName
open Scene
open TransitionManager
open View?
open FragmentManager

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Intent
open Any?
open String?
open Int
open LayoutInflater
open LoaderManager

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open String
open Int
open MenuInflater
open OnBackInvokedDispatcher
open Intent?
open SharedPreferences
open Uri?
open Int
open Any
open Int
open VoiceInteractor
open Window
open WindowManager
open Boolean
open Unit
open Boolean
open Boolean
open Boolean
open Boolean
open Boolean
open Boolean
open Boolean
open Boolean
open Boolean
open Boolean
open Boolean
open Boolean
    p0: Uri,
    p1: Array<String>,
    p2: String,
    p3: Array<String>,
    p4: String

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Boolean
open Boolean
open Boolean

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Boolean
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
    p0: ContextMenu,
    p1: View,
    p2: ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo
open CharSequence?
open Dialog

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Dialog?

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
open Boolean
open View?
open Boolean

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open View?
open View?
onCreateView(p0: View?, p1: String, p2: Context, p3: AttributeSet)
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Boolean
open Unit
open Boolean
onKeyDown(p0: Int, p1: KeyEvent)
open Boolean
open Boolean
onKeyMultiple(p0: Int, p1: Int, p2: KeyEvent)
open Boolean
open Boolean
onKeyUp(p0: Int, p1: KeyEvent)
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Boolean
onMenuOpened(p0: Int, p1: Menu)
open Boolean
open Boolean

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Boolean
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
    p0: String,
    p1: Bundle,
    p2: CancellationSignal,
    p3: Consumer<Bundle>
open Boolean
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
onPrepareDialog(p0: Int, p1: Dialog, p2: Bundle)

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
open Boolean
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
    p0: MutableList<KeyboardShortcutGroup>,
    p1: Menu?,
    p2: Int
open Uri
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Boolean
open Boolean
open Unit
open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Boolean
open Boolean
open Unit
open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
open Unit
open ActionMode?
open ActionMode?
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
overrideActivityTransition(p0: Int, p1: Int, p2: Int, p3: Int)
open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
overridePendingTransition(p0: Int, p1: Int, p2: Int)

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Boolean

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open DragAndDropPermissions
open Unit
open Boolean

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

<T : View> requireViewById(p0: Int)
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java


This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java


This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java


This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
open Unit
setResult(p0: Int, p1: Intent)

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Boolean
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Boolean
open Boolean
open Boolean
open Boolean

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

showDialog(p0: Int, p1: Bundle)

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
open ActionMode?
open ActionMode?
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
startActivityFromChild(p0: Activity, p1: Intent, p2: Int, p3: Bundle?)

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
startActivityFromFragment(p0: Fragment, p1: Intent, p2: Int, p3: Bundle?)

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Boolean
open Boolean
startActivityIfNeeded(p0: Intent, p1: Int, p2: Bundle?)
open Unit
startIntentSender(p0: IntentSender, p1: Intent?, p2: Int, p3: Int, p4: Int)
open Unit
    p0: IntentSender,
    p1: Intent?,
    p2: Int,
    p3: Int,
    p4: Int,
    p5: Bundle?
open Unit
    p0: Activity,
    p1: IntentSender,
    p2: Int,
    p3: Intent,
    p4: Int,
    p5: Int,
    p6: Int

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
    p0: Activity,
    p1: IntentSender,
    p2: Int,
    p3: Intent,
    p4: Int,
    p5: Int,
    p6: Int,
    p7: Bundle?

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
open Unit
open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Boolean
open Boolean
open Unit
open Unit
startSearch(p0: String?, p1: Boolean, p2: Bundle?, p3: Boolean)
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
From androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
open Unit
open Unit

Adds the given MenuProvider to this MenuHost.

open Unit

Adds the given MenuProvider to this MenuHost.

open Unit
    provider: MenuProvider,
    owner: LifecycleOwner,
    state: Lifecycle.State

Adds the given MenuProvider to this MenuHost once the given LifecycleOwner reaches the given Lifecycle.State.

final Unit

Add a new listener that will get a callback associated with ComponentCallbacks.onConfigurationChanged with the new Configuration.

final Unit


final Unit

Add a new listener that will get a callback associated with Activity.onMultiWindowModeChanged with the new MultiWindowModeChangedInfo.

final Unit

Add a new listener that will get a callback associated with Activity.onNewIntent with the new Intent.

final Unit

Add a new listener that will get a callback associated with Activity.onPictureInPictureModeChanged with the new PictureInPictureModeChangedInfo.

final Unit

Add a new listener that will get a callback associated with ComponentCallbacks2.onTrimMemory with the int representing the level of trimming.

final Unit

Add a new listener that will get a callback associated with Activity.onUserLeaveHint

open Unit

Sets the view tree owners before setting the content view so that the inflation process and attach listeners will see them already present.

open Unit

Invalidates the android.view.Menu to ensure that what is displayed matches the current internal state of the menu.

open Unit
onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?)

This function is deprecated. This method has been deprecated in favor of using the Activity Result API which brings increased type safety via an {@link ActivityResultContract} and the prebuilt contracts for common intents available in {@link androidx.activity.result.contract.ActivityResultContracts}, provides hooks for testing, and allow receiving results in separate, testable classes independent from your activity.

open Unit

This function is deprecated. This method has been deprecated in favor of using the {@link OnBackPressedDispatcher} via {@link #getOnBackPressedDispatcher()}.

open Unit


open Boolean
onCreatePanelMenu(featureId: Int, menu: Menu)
open Boolean
onMenuItemSelected(featureId: Int, item: MenuItem)
open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in

open Unit
@RequiresApi(api = 26)
    isInMultiWindowMode: Boolean,
    newConfig: Configuration


open Unit


open Unit
onPanelClosed(featureId: Int, menu: Menu)
open Unit
onPictureInPictureModeChanged(isInPictureInPictureMode: Boolean)

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in

open Unit
@RequiresApi(api = 26)
    isInPictureInPictureMode: Boolean,
    newConfig: Configuration


open Boolean
onPreparePanel(featureId: Int, view: View?, menu: Menu)
open Unit
    requestCode: Int,
    permissions: Array<String>,
    grantResults: IntArray

This function is deprecated. This method has been deprecated in favor of using the Activity Result API which brings increased type safety via an {@link ActivityResultContract} and the prebuilt contracts for common intents available in {@link androidx.activity.result.contract.ActivityResultContracts}, provides hooks for testing, and allow receiving results in separate, testable classes independent from your activity.

open Any?

This function is deprecated. Use a {@link androidx.lifecycle.ViewModel} to store non config state.

final Any?

Retain all appropriate non-config state.

open Unit
open Unit


open Unit


open Context?

Get the Context if it is currently available.

final ActivityResultLauncher<I>
<I : Any?, O : Any?> registerForActivityResult(
    contract: ActivityResultContract<I, O>,
    callback: ActivityResultCallback<O>

Register a request to start an activity for result, designated by the given contract.

final ActivityResultLauncher<I>
<I : Any?, O : Any?> registerForActivityResult(
    contract: ActivityResultContract<I, O>,
    registry: ActivityResultRegistry,
    callback: ActivityResultCallback<O>

Register a request to start an activity for result, designated by the given contract.

open Unit

Removes the given MenuProvider from this MenuHost.

final Unit

Remove a previously added listener.

final Unit

Remove a OnContextAvailableListener previously added via addOnContextAvailableListener.

final Unit

Remove a previously added listener.

final Unit

Remove a previously added listener.

final Unit

Remove a previously added listener.

final Unit

Remove a previously added listener.

final Unit

Remove a previously added listener.

open Unit
open Unit
setContentView(layoutResID: @LayoutRes Int)
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
startActivityForResult(intent: Intent, requestCode: Int)

This function is deprecated. This method has been deprecated in favor of using the Activity Result API which brings increased type safety via an {@link ActivityResultContract} and the prebuilt contracts for common intents available in {@link androidx.activity.result.contract.ActivityResultContracts}, provides hooks for testing, and allow receiving results in separate, testable classes independent from your activity.

open Unit
startActivityForResult(intent: Intent, requestCode: Int, options: Bundle?)

This function is deprecated. This method has been deprecated in favor of using the Activity Result API which brings increased type safety via an {@link ActivityResultContract} and the prebuilt contracts for common intents available in {@link androidx.activity.result.contract.ActivityResultContracts}, provides hooks for testing, and allow receiving results in separate, testable classes independent from your activity.

open Unit
    intent: IntentSender,
    requestCode: Int,
    fillInIntent: Intent?,
    flagsMask: Int,
    flagsValues: Int,
    extraFlags: Int

This function is deprecated. This method has been deprecated in favor of using the Activity Result API which brings increased type safety via an {@link ActivityResultContract} and the prebuilt contracts for common intents available in {@link androidx.activity.result.contract.ActivityResultContracts}, provides hooks for testing, and allow receiving results in separate, testable classes independent from your activity.

open Unit
    intent: IntentSender,
    requestCode: Int,
    fillInIntent: Intent?,
    flagsMask: Int,
    flagsValues: Int,
    extraFlags: Int,
    options: Bundle?

This function is deprecated. This method has been deprecated in favor of using the Activity Result API which brings increased type safety via an {@link ActivityResultContract} and the prebuilt contracts for common intents available in {@link androidx.activity.result.contract.ActivityResultContracts}, provides hooks for testing, and allow receiving results in separate, testable classes independent from your activity.

From android.content.Context
From android.view.ContextThemeWrapper
From android.content.ContextWrapper
open Boolean
    p0: Intent,
    p1: Int,
    p2: String,
    p3: Executor,
    p4: ServiceConnection
open Boolean
    p0: Intent,
    p1: ServiceConnection,
    p2: Context.BindServiceFlags
open Boolean
open Boolean
    p0: Intent,
    p1: Context.BindServiceFlags,
    p2: Executor,
    p3: ServiceConnection
open Boolean
bindService(p0: Intent, p1: Int, p2: Executor, p3: ServiceConnection)
open Boolean
    p0: Intent,
    p1: ServiceConnection,
    p2: Context.BindServiceFlags,
    p3: UserHandle
open Boolean
open Int
open Int
open IntArray
open Int
open Int
open IntArray
open Int
checkPermission(p0: String, p1: Int, p2: Int)
open Int
open Int
checkUriPermission(p0: Uri, p1: Int, p2: Int, p3: Int)
open Int
checkUriPermission(p0: Uri?, p1: String?, p2: String?, p3: Int, p4: Int, p5: Int)
open IntArray
checkUriPermissions(p0: MutableList<Uri>, p1: Int, p2: Int, p3: Int)
open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Context
open Context
open Context
open Context
open Context
open Context
open Context
open Context
open Context
open Context
createWindowContext(p0: Display, p1: Int, p2: Bundle?)
open Array<String>
open Boolean
open Boolean
open Boolean
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
enforcePermission(p0: String, p1: Int, p2: Int, p3: String?)
open Unit
enforceUriPermission(p0: Uri, p1: Int, p2: Int, p3: Int, p4: String)
open Unit
    p0: Uri?,
    p1: String?,
    p2: String?,
    p3: Int,
    p4: Int,
    p5: Int,
    p6: String?
open Array<String>
open Context
open ApplicationInfo
open AttributionSource
open String?
open Context
open File
open ClassLoader
open File
open ContentResolver
open File
open File
open Int
open File
getDir(p0: String, p1: Int)
open Display?
open File?
open Array<File>
open File?
open Array<File>
open Array<File>
open File
open File
open Executor
open Looper
open File
open File
open Array<File>
open String
open String
open PackageManager
open String
open String
open ContextParams?
open SharedPreferences
open String?
open Drawable

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Int

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Int

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
grantUriPermission(p0: String, p1: Uri, p2: Int)
open Boolean
open Boolean
open Boolean
open Boolean
open Boolean
open FileInputStream
open FileOutputStream
open SQLiteDatabase
open SQLiteDatabase
    p0: String,
    p1: Int,
    p2: SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory,
    p3: DatabaseErrorHandler?
open Drawable

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
open Intent?
open Intent?
open Intent?
    p0: BroadcastReceiver?,
    p1: IntentFilter,
    p2: String?,
    p3: Handler?
open Intent?
    p0: BroadcastReceiver?,
    p1: IntentFilter,
    p2: String?,
    p3: Handler?,
    p4: Int
open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
revokeUriPermission(p0: String, p1: Uri, p2: Int)
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
sendBroadcast(p0: Intent, p1: String?, p2: Bundle?)
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
    p0: Intent,
    p1: String?,
    p2: BroadcastReceiver?,
    p3: Handler?,
    p4: Int,
    p5: String?,
    p6: Bundle?
open Unit
    p0: Intent,
    p1: String?,
    p2: Bundle?,
    p3: BroadcastReceiver?,
    p4: Handler?,
    p5: Int,
    p6: String?,
    p7: Bundle?
open Unit
    p0: Intent,
    p1: String?,
    p2: String?,
    p3: BroadcastReceiver?,
    p4: Handler?,
    p5: Int,
    p6: String?,
    p7: Bundle?
open Unit
    p0: Intent,
    p1: Int,
    p2: String?,
    p3: String?,
    p4: BroadcastReceiver?,
    p5: Handler?,
    p6: String?,
    p7: Bundle?,
    p8: Bundle?
open Unit
    p0: Intent,
    p1: UserHandle,
    p2: String?,
    p3: BroadcastReceiver?,
    p4: Handler?,
    p5: Int,
    p6: String?,
    p7: Bundle?
open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
    p0: Intent,
    p1: BroadcastReceiver?,
    p2: Handler?,
    p3: Int,
    p4: String?,
    p5: Bundle?

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
    p0: Intent,
    p1: UserHandle,
    p2: BroadcastReceiver?,
    p3: Handler?,
    p4: Int,
    p5: String?,
    p6: Bundle?

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open ComponentName?
open Boolean
open ComponentName?
open Boolean
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
From android.view.Window.Callback

Inherited properties

From androidx.activity.ComponentActivity
final ActivityResultRegistry

Get the ActivityResultRegistry associated with this activity.

open CreationExtras
open ViewModelProvider.Factory
open FullyDrawnReporter

Retrieve the FullyDrawnReporter that should handle the independent parts of the UI that separately report that they are fully drawn.

open Any?
open Lifecycle


final OnBackPressedDispatcher

Retrieve the OnBackPressedDispatcher that will be triggered when onBackPressed is called.

final SavedStateRegistry
open ViewModelStore

Public constructors


Added in 1.0.0-alpha14

Protected functions


protected open fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?): Unit


If your ComponentActivity is annotated with ContentView, this will call setContentView for you.