

Muting an account allows you to remove an account's Posts from your timeline without unfollowing or blocking that account. Muted accounts will not know that you've muted them and you can unmute them at any time.�With manage mutes endpoints, developers can create safer experiences for people on X. One example of how to build with manage mutes is an application that allows you to mute accounts that might Post about specific topics for a specified length of time. With the mutes lookup endpoint, you can see who you or an authenticated user has muted. This can be useful to determine how you interact with the muted accounts.�

Since you are making requests for private information with mute lookup, and on behalf of a user with manage mutes, you must authenticate these endpoints with either�OAuth 1.0a User Context�or�OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code with PKCE, and use the user Access Tokens associated with a user that has authorized your App, which can be generated using the�3-legged OAuth flow�(OAuth 1.0a) or the�Authorization Code with PKCE grant flow�(OAuth 2.0).

Mutes lookup

The mutes lookup endpoint allows you to see which accounts the authenticated user has muted. This endpoint has a rate limit of 15 requests per 15 minutes per user.

Manage mutes

The manage mute endpoints enable you to mute or unmute a specified account on behalf of an authenticated user. For these endpoints, there are two methods available: POST and DELETE. The POST method allows you to mute an account, and the DELETE method allows you to unmute an account. There is a user rate limit of 50 requests per 15 minutes for both the POST and DELETE endpoints.

Please note:�If a user mutes from�X, there is a limit of 200 requests per 15 minutes.

Account setup

To access these endpoints, you will need:

Learn more about getting access to the X API v2 endpoints in our�getting started guide.