Account Activity data objects

Account Activity data object structure

Object Details
for_user_id Identifies the user subscription subscribed that the event is related to.
is_blocked_by (conditional) Shown only when another user mentions your subscribed user. Included if true for Post mention events only.
source The user that is performing the activity. For example, the user that is following, blocking, or muting is the source user.
target The user that the activity applies to. For example, the user that is being followed, blocked, or muted is the target user.�

Available Activities

Message Type Details
Post status payload when any of the following actions are taken by or to the subscription user: Posts, Retweets, Replies, @mentions, QuoteTweets, Retweet of Quote Tweets.
Favorite (like) event status with the user and target.
Follow event with the user and target.
unfollow_events Unfollow event with the user and target.
block_events Block event with the user and target.
unblock_events Unblock event with the user and target.
mute_events Mute event with the user and target.
unmute_events Unmute event with the user and target.
user_event Revoke events sent when a user removes application authorization and�subscription�is automatically deleted.
direct_message_events Direct message status with the user and target when a direct message is sent or received.
Direct message typing event�with the user and target.
direct_message_mark_read_events Direct message read event with the user and target.
Notice of deleted Posts to make it easier to maintain compliance.

Payload examples

See the payload examples below for each Account Activity event described in the table above.

tweet_create_events (Posts, Retweets, Replies, QuoteTweets)�

	"for_user_id": "2244994945",
	"tweet_create_events": [
		<Tweet Object>

tweet_create_events (@mentions)�

	"for_user_id": "2244994945",
	"user_has_blocked": "false",
	"tweet_create_events": [
		<Tweet Object>


	"for_user_id": "2244994945",
	"favorite_events": [{
		"id": "a7ba59eab0bfcba386f7acedac279542",
		"created_at": "Mon Mar 26 16:33:26 +0000 2018",
		"timestamp_ms": 1522082006140,
		"favorited_status": {
			<Tweet Object>
		"user": {
			<User Object>


	"for_user_id": "2244994945",
	"follow_events": [{
			"type": "follow",
			"created_timestamp": "1517588749178",
			"target": {
				<User Object >
			"source": {
				< User Object >


	"for_user_id": "2244994945",
	"follow_events": [{
			"type": "unfollow",
			"created_timestamp": "1517588749178",
			"target": {
				<User Object >
			"source": {
				< User Object >


	"for_user_id": "2244994945",
	"block_events": [{
		"type": "block",
		"created_timestamp": "1518127020304",
		"source": {
			<User Object>
		"target": {
			<User Object>


	"for_user_id": "2244994945",
	"block_events": [{
		"type": "unblock",
		"created_timestamp": "1518127020304",
		"source": {
			<User Object>
		"target": {
			<User Object>


	"for_user_id": "2244994945",
	"mute_events": [
			"type": "mute",
		  	"created_timestamp": "1518127020304",
			"source": {
				<User Object>
			"target": {
				<User Object>


	"for_user_id": "2244994945",
	"mute_events": [
			"type": "unmute",
		  	"created_timestamp": "1518127020304",
			"source": {
				<User Object>
			"target": {
				<User Object>


	"user_event": {
		"revoke": {
			"date_time": "2018-05-24T09:48:12+00:00",
			"target": {
				"app_id": "13090192"
			"source": {
				"user_id": "63046977"


  	"for_user_id": "4337869213",
	"direct_message_events": [{
		"type": "message_create",
		"id": "954491830116155396",
		"created_timestamp": "1516403560557",
		"message_create": {
			"target": {
				"recipient_id": "4337869213"
			"sender_id": "3001969357",
			"source_app_id": "13090192",
			"message_data": {
				"text": "Hello World!",
				"entities": {
					"hashtags": [],
					"symbols": [],
					"user_mentions": [],
					"urls": []
	"apps": {
		"13090192": {
			"id": "13090192",
			"name": "FuriousCamperTestApp1",
			"url": ""
		"users": {},
		"3001969357": {
			"id": "3001969357",
			"created_timestamp": "1422556069340",
			"name": "Jordan Brinks",
			"screen_name": "furiouscamper",
			"location": "Boulder, CO",
			"description": "Alter Ego - Twitter PE opinions-are-my-own",
			"url": "",
			"protected": false,
			"verified": false,
			"followers_count": 22,
			"friends_count": 45,
			"statuses_count": 494,
			"profile_image_url": "null",
			"profile_image_url_https": ""
		"4337869213": {
			"id": "4337869213",
			"created_timestamp": "1448312972328",
			"name": "Harrison Test",
			"screen_name": "Harris_0ff",
			"location": "Burlington, MA",
			"protected": false,
			"verified": false,
			"followers_count": 8,
			"friends_count": 8,
			"profile_image_url": "null",
			"statuses_count": 240,
			"profile_image_url_https": ""


	"for_user_id": "4337869213",
	"direct_message_indicate_typing_events": [{
		"created_timestamp": "1518127183443",
		"sender_id": "3284025577",
		"target": {
			"recipient_id": "3001969357"
	"users": {
		"3001969357": {
			"id": "3001969357",
			"created_timestamp": "1422556069340",
			"name": "Jordan Brinks",
			"screen_name": "furiouscamper",
			"location": "Boulder, CO",
			"description": "Alter Ego - Twitter PE opinions-are-my-own",
			"url": "",
			"protected": false,
			"verified": false,
			"followers_count": 23,
			"friends_count": 47,
			"statuses_count": 509,
			"profile_image_url": "null",
			"profile_image_url_https": ""
		"3284025577": {
			"id": "3284025577",
			"created_timestamp": "1437281176085",
			"name": "Bogus Bogart",
			"screen_name": "bogusbogart",
			"protected": true,
			"verified": false,
			"followers_count": 1,
			"friends_count": 4,
			"statuses_count": 35,
			"profile_image_url": "null",
			"profile_image_url_https": ""


	"for_user_id": "4337869213",
	"direct_message_mark_read_events": [{
		"created_timestamp": "1518452444662",
		"sender_id": "199566737",
		"target": {
			"recipient_id": "3001969357"
		"last_read_event_id": "963085315333238788"
	"users": {
		"199566737": {
			"id": "199566737",
			"created_timestamp": "1286429788000",
			"name": "Le Braat",
			"screen_name": "LeBraat",
			"location": "Denver, CO",
			"description": "data by day @twitter, design by dusk",
			"protected": false,
			"verified": false,
			"followers_count": 299,
			"friends_count": 336,
			"statuses_count": 752,
			"profile_image_url": "null",
			"profile_image_url_https": ""
		"3001969357": {
			"id": "3001969357",
			"created_timestamp": "1422556069340",
			"name": "Jordan Brinks",
			"screen_name": "furiouscamper",
			"location": "Boulder, CO",
			"description": "Alter Ego - Twitter PE opinions-are-my-own",
			"url": "",
			"protected": false,
			"verified": false,
			"followers_count": 23,
			"friends_count": 48,
			"statuses_count": 510,
			"profile_image_url": "null",
			"profile_image_url_https": ""


    "for_user_id": "930524282358325248",
    "tweet_delete_events": [
        "status": {
            "id": "1045405559317569537",
            "user_id": "930524282358325248"
        "timestamp_ms": "1432228155593"