Spaces overview


The following page describes the Spaces endpoints included in the X API. To learn more about Spaces in general, please visit�

Spaces allow expression and interaction via live audio conversation. The Spaces endpoints provide the tools to create new functionality around Spaces. You can use these endpoints to lookup live or scheduled Spaces, or to build discovery experiences to give your users ways to find Spaces they may be interested in.

We encourage you to use your creativity to extend Spaces beyond the way we built it. With these endpoints you can build experiences to suggest Spaces to listeners based on keywords present in the title, or by surfacing accounts who host live or upcoming Spaces and are followed by a user; you can also help Hosts better understand how their Spaces are performing and get more insights on their audience.

Important resources

The following resources will help you get started and integrate with the Spaces endpoints:

What's currently available

Spaces lookup

Lookup by a single Spaces ID

Lookup using multiple Spaces IDs

Lookup by their creator ID

Lookup�list of user who purchased a ticket

Search Spaces

Search for spaces using a keyword

Understanding the lifecycle of Spaces

Unlike other resources of the X Developer Platform, Spaces have a set lifecycle. Spaces can be scheduled up to 14 days in advance of their intended start date, and become unavailable after they end. A host can also cancel a previously scheduled Space anytime before it starts.

Spaces are accessible while they are live; once ended, they will no longer be available for retrieval using the Spaces endpoints, and an error message will be returned to indicate this condition.

When your app handles Spaces data, you are responsible for returning the most up-to-date information, and that you remove data that is no longer available from the platform. The Spaces lookup endpoint can help you ensure you respect the expectations and intent of your users.

Roles in Spaces

These endpoints reflect the way Spaces work on the X app. In Spaces, X users can have defined roles depending on how they interact with and interact in a Space.

Creator (or primary host)

The primary Host is the user who created a Space, and the owner of the Space itself. Currently, Spaces can only have one Host, so the primary Host will be the only Host. In the Spaces data dictionary, the primary Host information will be in the creator_id field, which can be expanded into a user object.


The primary Hosts can make one or more users co-hosts. In the Spaces data dictionary, these Hosts will appear as host_ids, which can be expanded into a list of user objects. Host designation can change throughout the duration of a Space, and the metadata returned by these endpoints will reflect the status at the time of the request.

Your app will know the primary host by checking the creator_id value, and who are the co-hosts by checking the host_ids values.


Speakers are users who have permission to talk in the Space. Zero or more Speakers can be present at any time, and there may be up to 10 Speakers (including the Hosts) in a Space. In the Space data dictionary, speakers will be returned in the speaker_ids list, which you can expand into a list of user objects.


A Listener can listen to a Space, react anytime using the predefined reactions, and ask to become a speaker (when the Hosts allows this in the Space settings). Listener information will only be returned as an aggregate count of participants (including Hosts) in the participant_count field.