

Creating and deleting Posts using the X API is essential for engaging with the public conversation. The new manage Posts endpoints allow you to do just that and much more.�

We have two available methods for manage Posts, POST and DELETE. The POST method lets you post polls, quote Tweets, Post with reply settings, Post with geo, Post with media and tag users, and Post to Super Followers, in addition to other features. Likewise, the DELETE method allows you to delete a specific Post. For the POST method, you can pass in the parameters you are looking for to enable you to further customize your request.

The 'delete Post' method has been updated to support edited Posts. When any Post in a chain of Post edits is deleted, all Posts in that edit chain are also deleted. To learn more about Edit Post metadata, check out the�Edit Posts fundamentals�page.

There is a user rate limit of 200 requests per 15 minutes for the POST method. The DELETE method has a rate limit of 50 requests per 15 minutes. Additionally, there is a limit of 300 requests per 3 hours, including Posts created with either manage Posts or manage Retweets.�

Since you are making requests on behalf of a user with the manage Posts endpoints, you must authenticate with either�OAuth 1.0a User Context�or OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code with PKCE, and use a user Access Tokens associated with a user that has authorized your App. To generate this user Access Token with OAuth 1.0a, you can use the 3-legged OAuth flow. To generate a user Access Token with OAuth 2.0, you can use the�Authorization Code with PKCE grant flow.

Account setup

To access these endpoints, you will need:

Learn more about getting access to the X API v2 endpoints in our�getting started guide.