GET compliance/firehose

GET compliance/firehose


Method Description
GET /compliance/:stream Connect to the Data Stream


All requests to the Compliance Firehose API must use HTTP Basic Authentication, constructed from a valid email address and password combination used to log into your account at Credentials must be passed as the Authorization header for each request.

GET /compliance/:stream

Establishes a persistent connection to the Compliance firehose data stream, through which the compliance events will be delivered.

Request Method HTTP GET
Connection Type Keep-Alive
URL Found on the stream's API Help page of your dashboard, and resembles the following structure:
Note: The "partition" parameter is required. You will need to connect to all 8 partitions, each containing 12.5% of the total volume, to consume the full stream.
Compression Gzip. To connect to the stream using Gzip compression, simply send an Accept-Encoding header in the connection request. The header should look like the following:

Accept-Encoding: gzip
Character Encoding UTF-8
Response Format JSON. The header of your request should specify JSON format for the response.
Rate Limit 10 requests per 60 seconds.
Read Timeout Set a read timeout on your client, and ensure that it is set to a value beyond 30 seconds.
Support for Tweet edits All Tweet edits trigger a "tweet_edit" Compliance event. See the Compliance Data Objects documentation for more details.

Example Curl Request

The following example request is accomplished using cURL on the command line:

curl --compressed -v ""

Note: the above request is only connecting to partition=1 of the Compliance firehose - you'll need to connect to all 8 partitions to consume the entirety of this stream.

Response Codes

The following responses may be returned by the API for these requests. Most error codes are returned with a string with additional details in the body. For non-200 responses, clients should attempt to reconnect.

Status Text Definition
200 Success The connection was successfully opened, and new activities will be sent through as they arrive.
401 Unauthorized HTTP authentication failed due to invalid credentials. Log in to with your credentials to ensure you are using them correctly with your request.
406 Not Acceptable Generally, this occurs where your client fails to properly include the headers to accept gzip encoding from the stream, but can occur in other circumstances as well. Will contain a JSON message similar to "This connection requires compression. To enable compression, send an 'Accept-Encoding: gzip' header in your request and be ready to uncompress the stream as it is read on the client end."
429 Rate Limited Your app has exceeded the limit on connection requests.
503 Service Unavailable Twitter server issue. Reconnect using an exponential backoff pattern. If no notice about this issue has been posted on the Twitter API Status Page, contact support.

Other Recommendations & Best Practices

  • Build Data Storage Schemas That Store Numeric Tweet ID and User ID: User messages require action to be taken on all Tweets from that User. Therefore, since all compliance messages are delivered only by numeric ID, it is important to design storage schemas that maintain the relationship between Tweet and User based on numeric IDs. Data consumers will need to monitor compliance events by both Tweet ID and User ID and be able to update the local data store appropriately.

  • Build Schemas That Address All Compliance Statuses: Depending on how compliance activities will be addressed in various applications, it may be required to add other metadata to the data store. For instance, data consumers may decide to add metadata to an existing database to facilitate restricting the display of content in countries affected by a status_withheld message.

  • Handling Retweet Deletes: Retweets are a special kind of Tweet where the original message is nested in an object within the Retweet. In this case, there are two Tweet IDs referenced in a Retweet -- the ID for the Retweet, and the ID for the original message (included in the nested object). When an original message is deleted, a Tweet delete message is issued for the original ID. Subsequent delete messages are NOT issued for all of the Retweets. The deletion of the original ID should be sufficient to delete all subsequent Retweets.