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Never miss a moment to connect with customers

We've updated our digital marketing maturity assessment. See how your data-driven marketing measures up, and discover your roadmap to digital maturity.

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Everyday there are hundreds of chances to engage with customers digitally

Research into data-driven marketing maturity by Boston Consulting Group (BCG) finds only 9% of businesses use insights and technology to create useful, relevant experiences at multiple moments across the purchase journey.*

These businesses outperform their peers

Companies leading the way in multi-moment marketing are better able to respond to changing market dynamics and were 2X more likely to grow their market share over a 12-month period. They also continued to outperform less sophisticated peers by an average of 29 ppts in cost savings and 18 ppts in revenue.*

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Your roadmap to digital marketing maturity

The Digital Maturity Benchmark is a diagnostic tool developed based on our in-depth research with BCG.

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The tool analyses where your business sits on the path to full data-driven marketing and attribution. Then, it generates a personalized, consultative, interactive report. This benchmarks your organisation against others in your industry and makes both strategic and tactical recommendations to help you level up.

How it works

Benchmark which stage your organisation is at on our digital maturity scale.



Marketing campaigns use mainly external data and direct buys, with limited links to sales.



Some use of owned data in automated buying with single-channel optimisation and testing.



Data integrated and activated across channels with demonstrated link to ROI or sales proxies.



Dynamic execution across multiple channels, optimised toward individual customer business outcomes and transactions.

Use the insights from your report to identify how to drive your organisation to the next level, and work with others in your company and your partners to achieve this.

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In partnership with
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* BCG identified these figures by examining success factors and capabilities in over 60 companies across eight industries  -  read more.
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