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List of Indonesian snacks

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Variation of Indonesian kue basah snack foods offered as jajan pasar ("market buys") at a traditional market in Yogyakarta.

This is a list of Indonesian snacks. In Indonesian, snacks are called kudapan, makanan kecil (lit. "small food") or makanan ringan (lit. "light food"). They might taste savoury or sweet, snack foods are a significant aspect of Indonesian cuisine which is very diverse. Traditional kue snacks — a collection of steamed or fried snacks with rice-flour and coconut sugar-based ingredients, exist in many forms. While traditional crackers of krupuk and kripik chips were also a popular crispy choice.

Crackers, chips and crisps

Name Image Region/Popularity Description
Amplang Java and Kalimantan Savoury fish cracker snack, made from wahoo or any type of Spanish mackerel.
Ampo Central Java and East Java A snack made by soil. The snack consists of pure clay, without any mixture of ingredients.
Emping Nationwide Crackers made from flattened Gnemon/Belinjo seeds.
Intip Java Similar to rengginang but larger. A traditional thick scorched rice cracker, made from cooked rice that stuck in the inner part of rice pot, seasoned with salt.
Kemplang Malay and Palembangese Savoury fish cracker snack, made from wahoo or any type of Spanish mackerel. This dish similar to amplang.
Keripik Nationwide A traditional chips or crisps, bite-size snack crackers that can be savoury or sweet.
Keripik pisang Nationwide Crispy banana chips.
Keripik teripang Surabaya, Gresik, and Lamongan in East Java A traditional chips or crisps made of dried sea cucumber.
Kerupuk Nationwide Deep fried crisps made from mainly tapioca flour, with added ingredients, such as prawn, fish, or garlic, and even ox/cow skin. It comes in different shapes and colours.
Kerupuk kulit babi Chinese Indonesian and Balinese Pork skin crackers.
Kerupuk kulit sapi or kerbau Nationwide Cow or buffalo skin crackers.
Kerupuk ikan Nationwide A deep fried snack made from starch and fish.
Kerupuk udang Nationwide A deep fried snack made from starch and prawn.
Rempeyek Nationwide, but especially Javanese A deep-fried savoury Javanese cracker, made from flour with other ingredients, bound or coated by crispy flour batter.
Rengginang Nationwide A traditional thick rice cracker, made from cooked glutinous sticky rice and seasoned with spices. This dish made into a flat and rounded-shape.


Name Image Region/Popularity Description
Bakwan Nationwide A traditional fritter consisting of vegetables and batter. The ingredients are vegetables; usually beansprouts, shredded cabbages and carrots, battered and deep fried in cooking oil.
Cakwe Java A long golden-brown deep-fried strip of dough and commonly chopped or thinly sliced and then eaten for breakfast with bubur ayam.
Cimol Bandung, West Java A small snack made from rounded tapioca flour doughs which are then fried. Cimol comes from Bandung, West Java.
Cireng West Java A small snack made out of fried tapioca batter
Combro Sundanese A fritter made from grated cassava with round or oval-shape. This dish is filled of oncom and chilli.
Jemput-jemput Malay A traditional Malay fritter snack made from flour before frying. It is usually round in shape and tends to vary in size.
Mendoan Central Java Deep fried battered tempeh, cooked lightly in a short time resulting in a limp texture.
Perkedel Nationwide Made of ground potatoes, minced meat, peeled and ground corn or tofu, or minced fish. Most common perkedel are made from mashed potatoes, yet there are other popular variants which includes perkedel jagung.
Perkedel jagung Nationwide Corn fritters.
Perkedel tahu Nationwide Dutch-Indonesian food based on tofu and inspired by frikadeller.
Pisang cokelat Java A savoury snack made of slices of banana with melted chocolate or chocolate syrup, wrapped inside thin crepe-like pastry skin and being deep fried.
Pisang goreng Nationwide A battered and deep-fried banana or plantain.
Pisang molen Nationwide Banana wrapped around in tape-shaped thin pastry dough prior to frying, creating crunchy textures of pastry skin, while the banana inside remains moist and soft.


Name Image Region/Popularity Description
Arem-arem Java Similar like lontong, but flavoured with coconut milk, and stuffed with cooked ground meat, or tofu and tempeh.
Bakcang Chinese Indonesian Rice cake filled with meats, sometimes beans, mushroom, and salty egg, wrapped in bamboo leaves.
Chai kue West Kalimantan A traditional dumpling that must be steamed before served. Filled of yam, taro, or chives. This food is similar to croquette and pastel.
Cilok Bandung, West Java Ball-shaped dumpling made from aci (tapioca starch), cilok is an abbreviation of aci dicolok or "poked tapioca", served with peanut sauce, kecap manis (sweet soy sauce), sambal, bottled chili sauce, or served in soup.
Jalangkote Makassarese Fried pastry with an empanada-shape and stuffed with vegetables, potatoes and eggs. Spicy, sweet and sour sauce will be dipped into prior to be eaten.
Nyonya chang Peranakan A type of zongzi that filled of minced pork with candied winter melon, ground roasted peanuts, and a spice mix.
Lemper Java A traditional rice cake, made from glutinous rice and filled usually with chicken.
Lepet Javanese, Malay, and Sundanese Sticky rice dumpling mixed with peanuts cooked with coconut milk packed inside janur (young coconut leaf or palm leaf). It is similar to lontong, but with stickier texture and richer flavour acquired from coconut milk and peanuts.
Otak-otak Nationwide Usually made from Spanish mackarel fish paste or Milkfish, spiced and wrapped in banana leaves, then grilled and served with peanut sauce.
Pai ti Peranakan and Malay A thin and crispy pastry tart shell filled with a spicy, sweet mixture of thinly sliced vegetables and prawns.
Pangsit basah Chinese Indonesian Wonton served in gravy with noodle or other gravy-dishes.
Pangsit goreng Chinese Indonesian Fried wonton filled with chicken or shrimp with sweet and sour sauce.
Pastel Nationwide Fried flour dumpling filled with vegetables and meat.
Semar mendem Java A variant snack almost identical to lemper that made of glutinous rice filled with shredded seasoned chicken. Instead of banana leaf wrapping, semar mendem uses a thin omelette as wrapper, hence rendering the whole package edible.

Savoury snacks

Name Image Region/Popularity Description
Asinan Java A pickled (through brined or vinegared) vegetable or fruit dish.
Bakmi Nationwide Bakmi is normally boiled for serving. When bakmi is intended for use in soup, it is usually boiled separately from the broth. The noodles are usually mixed with either pork fat, chicken fat or beef fat.
Bakso bakar Nationwide Grilled and skewered bakso, prepared in a similar fashion to satay.
Bakso goreng Java Fried bakso with a rather hard texture, usually consumed solely as a snack.
Batagor West Java Batagor is actually an abbreviation of bakso tahu goreng (which literally means fried tofu and meatballs), it's a variant of the siomay in which the siomay was deep-fried.
Belalang goreng Central Java, Yogyakarta, and East Java Fried grasshopper.
Be urutan Bali A Balinese traditional pork (mostly) sausage.
Bitterballen Nationwide A meat-based snack with round-shape, almost similar to kroket.
Burgo Palembang, South Sumatra A folded rice pancake served in savoury whitish coconut milk-based soup.
Kerak telor Jakarta It is made from chicken or duck egg made into omelette which is mixed with glutinous rice and spice, it is served with coconut granules.
Kroket Nationwide A type of croquette, made of mashed potato filled with minced chicken.
Laksa Nationwide A spicy noodle soup derived from Peranakan cuisine which has various types. It consists of thick wheat noodles or rice vermicelli with chicken, prawn or fish, served in spicy soup based on either rich and spicy curry coconut milk or on sour asam.
Laksan Palembangese Dish made from sago and fish. This dish made in an oval shape with almost pempek flavor, but served with coconut milk sauce.
Lumpia Nationwide A spring roll, made of thin paper-like or crepe-like pastry skin called "lumpia wrapper" enveloping savory or sweet fillings. It is often served as an appetizer or snack, and might be served deep fried or fresh (unfried).
Lumpia basah Java Unfried lumpia spring roll, served with sweet tauco sauce.
Lumpia semarang Semarang, Central Java Semarang style spring roll, made mainly from cooked bamboo shoots and chicken/prawn. Sometimes boiled quail egg is added. It is eaten with a dipping sauce made from coconut sugar, vinegar and garlic.
Maamoul Arab Indonesian Filled pastry or cookie made with dates, nuts such as pistachios or walnuts and occasionally almonds, or figs.
Makaroni schotel Nationwide A type of macaroni casserole that usually made with cheese, potato and meat (smoked beef, sausage or tuna).
Martabak Nationwide Indonesian's version of Murtabak, sometimes filled with beef and scallions, or shreds of peanut and chocolate.
Martabak aceh Acehnese A type of Indonesian martabak, that shaped like roti canai and served with curries.
Martabak kubang West Sumatra Minangkabau-style of Indonesian martabak. It is Arab–Indian–Minangkabau fusion dish.
Martabak mi Nationwide Noodles mixed with eggs then fried, shaped like martabak generally.
Ngo hiang Chinese Indonesian A deep-fried dish that consisting of vegetables with meat or shrimp seasoned with five-spice powder in a thin egg crêpe.
Orak-arik tempe Java Dry tempeh with more soft and moist texture, also sweet taste. The sweet taste is due to generous addition of kecap manis (sweet soy sauce).
Pastel tutup Nationwide A type of shepherd's pie that made with chicken and several vegetables.
Popiah Chinese Indonesian A spring roll with Chinese origin and Fujian-style. This dish almost equal to lumpia.
Risoles Nationwide Fried rolls with breadcrumbs filled with vegetables and meat.
Samosa Nationwide It is a fried or baked dish with a savoury filling, such as spiced potatoes, onions, peas, or lentils.
Seblak Bandung, West Java A savoury and spicy dish made of wet krupuk (traditional Indonesian crackers) cooked with scrambled egg, vegetables, and other protein sources; either chicken, seafood, or slices of beef sausages, stir-fried with spicy sauces including garlic, shallot, sweet soy sauce, and chili sauce.
Siomay Sundanese and Chinese Indonesian A light meal which has a similar form to Chinese Dim Sum, shaped like ice cream cone except the bottom is flat and made traditionally from mackerel fish meat served with peanut sauce, sometimes added with key lime and/or soy sauce.
Sosis solo Javanese A Javanese sausages made from beef or chicken and coated by egg.
Sotong pangkong Pontianak, West Kalimantan Dried squid food that burned using charcoal. Usually served during Ramadan.
Sumpia Nationwide Much smaller and drier lumpia with similar beef or prawn floss filling

Tofu-based snacks

Name Image Region/Popularity Description
Kembang tahu Chinese Indonesian Soft tofu with warm sweet ginger soup.
Tahu aci Tegal, Central Java A small snack made from tofu and flour. Its come from Tegal, Central Java.
Tahu goreng Nationwide Deep fried tofu.
Tahu gejrot Cirebon, West Java Deep fried tofu, served with a sauce made from coconut sugar, sweet soy sauce/kecap manis, chili, garlic and shallot.
Tahu campur Surabaya and Lamongan, East Java Sliced fried tofu, rice cakes, potato patty, bean sprouts, lettuce, noodles, and krupuk crackers, served in savoury beef stew.
Tahu gunting Surabaya, East Java Deep fried tofu cut with scissors, served with a sauce made from rice flour, peanuts and chili.
Tahu isi Nationwide Deef fried tofu filled with vegetables such as bean sprouts and julienned carrot, and sometimes a few minced meat.
Tahu sumedang Sumedang, West Java Deep fried tofu, served with sweet soy sauce/kecap manis and chili.
Tahu tauco Nationwide Tofu in tauco sauce.
Tahu tek Lamongan, East Java Deep fried tofu served with julienned vegetables and peanut, soy sauce and petis sauce. The tahu tek variant with egg addition is called tahu telur.
Tahu telur Surabaya, East Java Deep fried tofu and egg, served with julienned vegetables and peanut, soy sauce and petis sauce
Tauge goreng Bogor, West Java A savoury vegetarian dish made of stir fried tauge (bean sprouts) with slices of tofu, ketupat rice cake and yellow noodle, served in spicy oncom-based sauce.

Kue basah or traditional cakes

Name Image Region/Popularity Description
Agar-agar Nationwide Puddings flavoured jellies like almond tofu, as well as fruit aspics.
Apem Nationwide, with Indian-influenced A steamed dough made of rice flour, coconut milk, yeast and palm sugar, usually served with grated coconut.
Bagea Maluku Islands A cake made of sago, has a round shape and creamy color. It has a hard consistency that can be softened in tea or water, to make it easier to chew.
Bahulu Malay A Malay traditional cake with soft texture. Usually served for breakfast.
Bakpia Nationwide, but especially in Java A popular Indonesian bean-filled moon cake-like pastry.
Bakpia pathok Yogyakarta A small patty of baked pastry filled with sweet mung bean paste.
Bibingka Eastern Indonesia A type of cake made with rice flour, sugar, clarified butter, and coconut milk. Usually served during Christmas.
Bika ambon Medan, North Sumatra A type of cake made with as tapioca flour, eggs, sugar, yeast and coconut milk. The yeast creates bubbles, which creates sponge-like holes and gives it a unique spongy texture when it is baked. It is generally sold in pandan and banana flavor, but today it is also available in durian, cheese and chocolate flavour.
Brem (solid snack) Madiun, East Java Brem is made from fermented tape. Brem is a special snack from Madiun, East Java. The liquid version is light alcoholic beverage also called Brem originated from Bali.
Clorot Nationwide, but especially Javanese Sticky dough of glutinous rice flour sweetened with coconut sugar filled into the cone-shaped janur (young coconut leaf), and steamed until cooked.
Dadar gulung Javanese, today nationwide Usually has a green colour, which is acquired from daun suji or pandan leaves It is a green-coloured folded omelette or pancake made of rice flour, filled with grated coconut and palm sugar.
Dodol Java Rice flour-based small glutinous sweets, sweetened with coconut sugar, moulded and coloured. Often add fruit scent and taste such as durian.
Geplak Yogyakarta Sweets made from sugar and grated coconut.
Idli kukus Indian Indonesian A type of Indian-based savoury rice cake, served as breakfast.
Klepon Nationwide Boiled rice cake, stuffed with coconut sugar, and rolled in fresh grated coconut. It is flavoured with pandan leaf juice.
Kue bugis Makassarese, Buginese, and Javanese A traditional snack of soft glutinous rice flour cake, filled with sweet grated coconuts.
Kue cubit Nationwide This cake is called kue cubit because of its small size: To eat it one has to pinch it.
Kue cucur Nationwide Pancake made of fried rice, flour batter, and coconut sugar.
Kue kacang tanah Nationwide A kind of pastry made from peanuts with various forms, such as round, heart, or crescents.
Kue keranjang Chinese Indonesian A food prepared from glutinous rice. Usually served during Chinese New Year.
Kue kochi Malay, Javanese, and Peranakan A cake dumpling made from glutinous rice flour, and stuffed with coconut fillings with palm sugar.
Kue ku Betawi, Javanese, and Chinese Indonesian A small round or oval shaped Chinese pastry with soft sticky glutinous rice flour skin wrapped around a sweet filling in the centre.
Kue lapis Nationwide A traditional snack of colourful layered soft rice flour pudding.
Kue pukis Nationwide This cake is made from a mixture of eggs, granulated sugar, flour, yeast and coconut milk. The mixture is then poured into a half-moon mold and baked on fire (not oven). Pukis is quite similar to waffles.
Kue putu Nationwide Similar to klepon, except that it's cylindrical in shape while the klepon is spherical.
Kue putu mangkok Nationwide A round-shaped, traditional steamed rice flour kue or sweet snack filled with palm sugar. This dish similar to kue putu.
Kue rangi Jakarta and West Java Traditional snack made of grated coconut and starch-based batter and cooked in a special molded pan akin to waffle.
Madumongso Java This snack was made from black sticky rice as a basic ingredient. The taste is mixed with sweet because the black rice was previously processed before becoming tapai (through the fermentation process) and cooked to become dodol.
Makmur Malay A traditional Malay pastry, made from butter, ghee and flour. Usually served during special occasion of Eid ul-Fitr.
Mochi Nationwide Rice flour based cake filled with peanuts paste, sometimes sprinkled with sesame seeds.
Nagasari Nationwide Steamed rice cake wrapped in banana leaves, and stuffed with banana.
Onde-onde Nationwide Glutinous rice cake balls, filled with sweet green beans paste, and rolled in sesame seed and then fried.
Pai susu Bali A type of custard tart that consisting of an outer pastry crust filled with egg custard as well as condensed milk and baked.
Pastel de nata Jakarta and Timor An egg tart pastry dusted with cinnamon, derived from Portuguese cuisine.
Poffertjes Nationwide Similar with kue cubit. This cake have a light and spongy texture.
Puding sagu Sumatra and Eastern Indonesia A sweet pudding made by boiling sago with either water or milk and adding sugar and sometimes additional flavourings.
Putu mayang Nationwide, but especially Betawi Made from starch or rice flour shaped like noodles, with a mixture of coconut milk, and served with kinca or liquid javanese sugar.
Kue talam Nationwide Two layered coconut milk soft cake made of rice flour, coconut milk and sugar with other additional ingredients; i.e. pandan leaf, palm sugar, yellow or purple yams, etc.
Timphan Aceh A steamed banana dumpling that consists of glutinous rice flour, ground banana and coconut milk. It is quite similar to Javanese or Buginese nagasari.
Wingko Semarang, Central Java A sweet baked coconut cake. This dish almost similar to bibingka.

Kue kering or cookies and biscuits

Name Image Region/Popularity Description
Kaasstengels Nationwide It is made from dough flour, eggs, margarine, and grated cheese. This cake shaped rectangular. Usually served during Eid ul-Fitr, Christmas, and Chinese New Year.
Kembang goyang Betawi and Javanese Made of rice flour which is mixed with eggs, sugar, a pinch of salt, and coconut milk. The dough can be fried after heating the oil and the ‘’kembang goyang’’ mold.
Kue gapit Cirebonese and Javanese A waffle-cracker snack that grilled between iron molds like a waffle generally.
Kue kaak Arab Indonesian A small circular biscuit as result of acculturation between Arabs and Indonesian.
Kue putri salju Nationwide A type of cookie which is crescent-shaped and coated with powdered sugar covered like snow.
Kue satu Java White-colored traditional cookie with sweet mung beans powder that is crumbled when being bitten.
Kue semprit Nationwide A type of cookie made of wheat flour, corn flour, custard powder, sugar and margarine. These ingredients are mixed together to become a dough and then fried.
Kukis jagung Nationwide A type of cookie prepared with corn products.
Ladyfinger Nationwide A low density, dry, egg-based, sweet sponge biscuits roughly shaped like a large finger.
Lidah kucing Nationwide Cat tongue-shaped cookie or biscuit of European origin. Popular snack during Lebaran and Christmas.
Nastar Nationwide It has round shape with a diameter of about 2 centimetres. The pineapple jam is filled inside instead of spread on top. The cookie is often decorated with small pieces of cloves or raisins on top of it.
Sale pisang Java Bananas which are combed thin and then dried in the sun. After dried in the sun, it can be directly eaten or fried first.
Semprong Nationwide A wafer snack made by clasping egg batter using an iron mold which is heated up on a charcoal stove.
Speculaas Nationwide A thin, very crunchy, caramelized, and slightly browned cookie, derived from Dutch cuisine.
Stroopwafel Nationwide A wafer cookie made from two thin layers of baked dough joined by a caramel filling.
Untir-untir Java Dough twist that is fried in peanut oil. It has a shiny and golden look with crispy taste.

Pastry, bread and cake

Name Image Region/Popularity Description
Bakpau Nationwide A type of baozi that very typical in Indonesia, filled with chocolate, strawberry, cheese, mung bean, read bean, minced beef, diced chicken, or minced pork.
Bollen Bandung Layered pastry filled with sweet fillings, such as banana, cheese and durian.
Bolu beras Timor Rice muffin, derived from Portuguese cuisine.
Bolu kukus Nationwide Steamed sponge cake.
Bolu pandan Nationwide A light, fluffy, green-coloured sponge cake flavoured with the juices of pandan leaves.
Donat jawa Javanese A Javanese-style of ring-shaped fritter made from cassava with savoury taste.
Donat kentang Nationwide A ring-shaped fritter made from flour and mashed potatoes, coated in powder sugar or icing sugar.
Karipap Malay A dumpling snack usually filled with chicken and potato with a dried curry inside.
Klappertaart Manado, North Sulawesi Coconut tart or coconut custard of Dutch-Indonesian origin, which is made from flour, sugar, milk, butter, as well as coconut flesh and juice, topped with coconut flesh and raisins.
Kue bulan Chinese Indonesian and Peranakan Indonesian traditional mooncake that shaped circular like a moon, white and thinner than regular mooncake.
Kue busa or schuimpje Nationwide A sweet pastry made of eggs that are beaten until foamy with fine sugar until stiff. Formed using triangular plastic and baked in the oven.
Kue soes Nationwide A baked pastry filled with soft and moist cream made from the mixture of milk, sugar and flour.
Oliebol Nationwide Fried dumpling bread or cake, filled with raisins or apple.
Panada Manado, North Sulawesi Fried bread filled with spicy tuna.
Roti bakar or roti panggang Nationwide Toast that served with jam, chocolate, or cheese, commonly known as street food.
Roti gambang or ganjel rel Jakarta and Semarang, Central Java A rectangular shaped brown bread with sesame seeds, flavored with cinnamon and palm sugar.[1] Usually served during Dugderan and Ramadhan.
Roti jala Malay and Minangkabau A pretty dish that looks like a lace doily due to the way it is made. Usually served with kari daging kambing.
Roti john Malay A Malay omelette sandwich, a European-influenced dish.
Roti tisu Malay A thinner version of the traditional roti canai, as thin as a piece of 40–50 cm round-shaped tissue.
Terang bulan Nationwide Originally a Chinese snack, but nowadays it is labelled as murtabak.
Terang bulan mini Nationwide Smaller version of terang bulan.

Liquid snacks, porridges and beverages

Name Image Region/Popularity Description
Bubur cha cha Betawi and Malay A traditional Betawi and Malay dessert, prepared using pearled sago, sweet potatoes, yams, bananas, coconut milk, pandan leaves, sugar and salt. It can be served hot or cold.
Bubur kacang hijau Nationwide Green beans porridge, sweetened with sugar, and served with thick coconut milk.
Bubur ketan hitam Nationwide Black glutinous rice porridge, sweetened with sugar, and served with thick coconut milk.
Bubur sumsum Nationwide White congee made from rice flour and eaten with brown sugar sauce.
Cincau Nationwide A jelly-like dessert, made using the Platostoma palustre and has a mild, slightly bitter taste. It is served chilled, with other toppings such as fruit, or in bubble tea or other drinks.
Cendol Nationwide Sweet jelly drink, rice flour jelly with green natural coloring from pandan leaf, mixed with coconut milk, shaved ice and palm/brown sugar.
Dadiah West Sumatra Traditional West Sumatran water buffalo milk yoghurt.[2]
Dali ni horbo North Sumatra A cheese-like traditional dish, with a yellowish white appearance with tofu-like texture and milky flavor. Dali is made by boiling buffalo milk coagulated with papaya leaf or unripe pineapple juice.
Dangke South Sulawesi A traditional cheese that made from buffalo or cow milk. This dish is processed by boiling fresh milk with sliced papaya leaves, stems, or unripe papaya fruits. Dangke is typically soaked in a brine solution overnight before being wrapped with banana leaves for masking the bitter taste caused by the addition of papaya leaves.
Es doger Bandung, West Java Cold and sweet coconut ice dessert with syrup and various fillings.
Es campur Nationwide Shaved ice with coconut pieces, various fruits (usually jackfruit), grass jelly, syrup and condensed milk.
Es teler Nationwide A mixed of avocado, young coconut, jack fruit, shredded iced with sweet condensed milk.

Seeds, beans and peanuts

Name Image Region/Popularity Description
Beton or biji nangka rebus Java and Sumatra Boiled jackfruit seeds seasoned with salt.
Jagung goreng Nationwide but more common in East Nusa Tenggara Crispy deep fried crispy corn kernels, consumed in similar fashion as fried peanuts. The type of corn used is the one that do not explode in the heat like popcorns.
Kacang disko or kacang Bali Bali Deep fried peanuts coated with crispy batter and seasoned with flavourings; sugar and salt, a popular accompaniment for beer.
Kacang goreng or kacang bawang Nationwide Deep fried peanuts with garlic.
Kacang mede or kacang mete Nationwide Deep fried cashew nuts
Kacang tolo or roay Nationwide Deep fried peas with salt.
Kuaci Nationwide A baked plant seeds, it can be sunflower or pumpkin seeds.
Pilus, kacang pilus, kacang sukro or kacang atom Nationwide Pilus is deep fried tapioca balls, while kacang pilus or kacang sukro is peanut coated with tapioca.

See also


  1. ^ Media, Kompas Cyber. "Roti Gambang dan Roti Ganjel Rel, Adakah Perbedaannya? Halaman all". KOMPAS.com (in Indonesian). Retrieved 2020-05-02.
  2. ^ Akuzawa R, Surono IS. 2002. Fermented milks of Asia. In: Encyclopaedia of dairy science. London: Academic Press. p 1045–1048