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LGBT history in Chile

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LGBT history in Chile encompasses a broad history related to gender and sexuality within the country of Chile. Oftentimes this history has been informed by the diverse forms of governments that have existed within Chile, including colonialism, military dictatorship, and democracy. Global events like the AIDS epidemic also had an impact on Chilean LGBT history. There are also multicultural elements with the different cultural perceptions of gender and sexuality from indigenous groups and Spanish influence.



There is documentation of an Andean concept called tinkuy, which refers to the union of complementary binaries through meditation.[1] Andean cultures also participated in same-sex relationships, which would later be used by Spanish colonizers as justification for imperialism.[1] This typically came from a more complex perception of gender and relations by indigenous people being reduced to sodomy and therefore condemned by conquistadors. The Mapuche also had machi weye, which were co-gender specialists, typically with alternative sexualities.[2] Further information on gender and sexuality within indigenous communities is difficult to find due to the fact that most documentation comes from Europeans, but it is at least known that indigenous peoples' conception of gender and sexuality were different to that of the Spanish settlers.[2]

20th century


State repression

The port of Pisagua, in the north, was allegedly used by Carlos Ibáñez del Campo and his successors as a gay concentration camp.

Unlike some tolerance lived in some aristocratic areas, most of the country manifested a strong rejection of homosexuality. While sodomy was already criminalized in the Penal Code, the arrival of Carlos Ibáñez del Campo to power in 1927 deepened the policies of persecution against gay people.[citation needed]

Ibanez's dictatorship was characterized by strong repression of his opponents, many of whom were killed by paramilitary groups[citation needed]. While there is no evidence that actually had been made[clarification needed], within the practices that the government of Ibáñez del Campo terrorized the detainees were those of "fondeamiento" which consisted of throwing political opponents from ships at sea with a weight bound in his legs, so that quickly sink[citation needed]. Ibáñez del Campo, who was deeply homophobic -according to some[who?], because his son Carlos was gay-, executed a series of raids and arrests against homosexuals[citation needed]. On many occasions, but has never been proven[clarification needed], it was mentioned[by whom?] that the government of Ibáñez made several arrest raids against gay people in Santiago, which have been subsequently sent to ships in Valpara�so to be executed by "fondeamiento".[citation needed][3]

What is effective[clarification needed] is that several of those arrested for sodomy were sent to the port of Pisagua, in the north, where a kind of concentration camp for gay people was established, which not only was conducted by Ib��ez del Campo, but also by his successors, existing certain of these policies until 1941, during the government of Pedro Aguirre Cerda[citation needed]. Pisagua, a town surrounded by high mountains and the ocean, at the time suffered a mass exodus of its inhabitants, so that it became a perfect fit for the jailing of several people that were persecuted, practice that would later be continued by Gabriel Gonz�lez Videla[citation needed] and Augusto Pinochet against his political opponents.[citation needed]

President Jorge Alessandri was the victim of homophobic attacks by some opposition media.

In 1952, when Ib��ez del Campo returned to power, this time in open democratic elections, as president, he continued its repressive policies. During his government he promulgated Law 11625 on Antisocial States and Security Measures (1954) (Ley 11625 sobre Estados Antisociales y Medidas de Seguridad), first proposed during the administration of his predecessor Gonz�lez Videla, a law establishing various security measures (such as healing internments[clarification needed], fines and imprisonment) against groups of "social dangerousness ", including vagrants, drug addicts and homosexuals, among others[citation needed]. This law required the enactment of a regulation that would facilitate its implementation, but that was never issued, so it could not be applied until it was finally repealed in 1994. However, this law would apparently

had a marginal application, with little records[dubiousdiscuss] of some gay people moved to places like Chanco and Parral.[citation needed]

The former freedom lived in artistic circles and the aristocracy until the 1950s, virtually disappeared as a result of Ib��ez government persecution[citation needed]. One example was the actor Daniel Emilfork, who settled in France. Many preferred to emigrate to Europe and the United States in search of greater freedom.[citation needed]

In subsequent governments, although the repression by the state decreased significantly, it was not in the society. One example was the treatment given by the media to homosexuals or how they used homosexuality as a way of discrediting. The clearest case was lived by the president of Chile between 1958 and 1964, Jorge Alessandri. Alessandri was the first bachelor president in the history of the country, generating a series of rumors in such a conservative country like Chile about their sexuality; the myth of his homosexuality was used by the satirical magazine Topaze and newspaper Clar�n, who called right-wing Jorge Alessandri as "The Lady" (La Se�ora).[4]

In other areas of the country, police abuse and humiliation of homosexuals continued: the best-known case occurred in Antofagasta on 15 June 1969 with the so-called "Huanchaca street scandal", in which several homosexuals were detained until 2 July by participating in a party dressed as women, subsequently suffering various abuses and mistreatment during his stay in jail.[5]


Perhaps the most important emblem of media homophobia was Clarín, a popular, sensationalist and left-wing newspaper, which continuously published notes on gay people in a disparaging way, usually titrating with reports of crimes committed by "colipatos", "locas" or "yeguas" as usually they called gay people.[6] This homophobia conducted by the leftist press can be considered as an effect of the idealization of the prototype of man during the years of the Popular Unity, corresponding to the hard worker. Thus, the left visualizes manhood as the ideal of the revolution led by Salvador Allende, while the right took advantage of the image of femininity, visible in pot-banging demonstrations known as cacerolazos; homosexuality therefore was contrary to both conceptions, especially from the political left.

In the late 1960s, urologist Antonio Salas Vieyra and Osvaldo Quijada created the Chilean Society of Anthropological Sexology to improve education on and explore the emerging field of gender. By 1970, they had begun to study the possibility of performing gender corrective surgery to assist people suffering from an identity disorder.[7][8] That same year, Law No. 17,344 was passed which allowed name changes if a current name created a material or moral impairment, to correct an affiliation not previously known, or in instances in which the person was known by a name other than the one on official documents for more than five years. If a court approved the change, the law required publication in the Official Gazette of a notification of the current names and the new name the party intended to begin using. After publication, third parties could oppose a change during a thirty-day waiting period, before the court was authorized to formalize the name change.[9][10] In March 1973, Marcia Torres became the first person to obtain a gender correction in Chile and in May applied for a name change. In the first months of the Pinochet dictatorship, Torres was granted a court order to change her name and gender mark in the sex registry and on her official documents.[8][11]

On 22 April 1973 occurred in the Plaza de Armas in Santiago the first manifestation of gay people in Chile. Nearly twenty-five homosexual and transgender individuals who often walked at night the Huérfanos and Ahumada streets in downtown Santiago gathered to protest abuses by police, which continually jailed them for "indecency and bad manners", beat them and shaved their heads. Despite this repression, the demonstration proceeded normally; however, the media made the attacks through their chronicles. Even the governor of the province of Santiago, Julio Stuardo, said he would use "the security forces and all the springs that the constitutional mandate gives" just to prevent a new demonstration scheduled this time in the capital's high-class neighbourhoods.[12]

Military dictatorship (1973–1990)


Five other five transgender people were found to have changed their names before 1977, per publications in the Official Gazette,[13] but increasingly, Pinochet's regime escalated stigmatization and criminalization of the activities of the LGBT community. Article 365 of the criminal code imposed penalties for male same sex relations and Article 373 contained penalties for moral improprieties. These were defined as behaviors which did not affirm the heterosexual family model or reinforce Catholic values.[14]

During the military dictatorship of Chile, despite violent repression, the first LGBT organizations began to appear, although illegally and hidden. In 1977, a group of homosexuals founded the first gay organization in Chile. The group called Integración organized meetings in private homes, where educational talks about homosexuality were dictated. Despite its quiet performance, the group performed in Santiago the first homosexual congress in Chile in 1982 in a place called El delfín, where about 100 people attended. Founded in 1983, Ayuquelén was the first lesbian organization in Chile and represented for years the only lesbian voice, participating in international meetings and conferences. The group was from the beginning linked to the feminist movement. In 1992 they organized the first National Feminist Lesbian Meeting, where about 50 women from different regions of the country participated. In the late 1980s, in the city of Concepción, emerged the groups SER and Lesbianas en Acción (LEA), the first gay and lesbian organizations in southern Chile.[15]

Some of the only public actions by gay people were through the radical artistic group Las Yeguas del Apocalipsis (The Mares of the Apocalypse), formed in 1987 by the artists Francisco Casas and Pedro Lemebel. They aimed to question the status quo imposed by the dictatorship, and are one of the first examples of an organized political voice from gay Chileans.[16] While the exact origins of the group's name are unknown, it seems to have been inspired by the AIDS epidemic, which inspired imagery of a biblical plague.[17] The group was characterized by controversial acts of political protest. During the proclamation of Patricio Aylwin as Concertación candidate for the presidential election of 1989, Lemebel and Casas unfolded a large banner that said "Homosexuals for change." The ceremony set the beginning of Aylwin's campaign to be Chile's first democratically elected president since Salvador Allende.[18] Las Yeguas del Apocalipsis would go on to participate in other protests during their "reestablishing" of the Casa Central of the University of Chile.[19] This involved riding into the building naked and on horses, intentionally invoking images of Lady Godiva and homosexuality.

Return to democracy (1990-present)


The return to democracy prompted many social changes and somehow facilitated the founding of different LGBT rights groups, gaining the opportunity to claim for their rights. During this moment of transition, Chilean gay people articulated an organized and militant political voice for the first time. Their main achievement in this decade was the decriminalization of homosexual acts in 1999.[20]

In 1991, in the southern city of Coronel the first officially Chilean Homosexual Congress took place, which was attended by various organizations born during the dictatorship. The first gay organization, the "Movement for Homosexual Liberation" (MOVILH) was founded in June 1991, which would later become one of the main groups of LGBT activism in the country.[21]

In 1992, the Chilean government decided to make the first HIV/AIDS prevention campaigns, despite the rejection of the Catholic Church in Chile. This was used by various groups to put on the table the issue of homosexuality in the country, participating in interviews, newspapers and on television for the first time. On 4 March 1992, human rights organizations called for a march to commemorate the publication of the Rettig Report on human rights violations during the military dictatorship under Augusto Pinochet, between 1973 and 1990. The group MOVILH responded to the call and about ten of its members, with their faces covered and dressed in black, joined the march. The group marched carrying a banner with the message "For Our Fallen Brothers and Sisters, the Homosexual Liberation Movement." The responses varied widely, receiving expressions of support and rejection. In March 1993, during a march organized by the Association of Relatives of Disappeared Detainees, more than 300 homosexuals and transvestites marched for the first time with unveiled face after the return to democracy, achieving great media coverage.[22]

In early 1994, the AIDS prevention commission of MOVILH left the organization and formed the Lambda Center Chile, a parallel gay group that focused its work primarily on AIDS prevention. In the 1996 municipal elections, the first gay candidacies were registered in the communes of Santiago, Concepción and Antofagasta, but without success. In 1997, the Unified Movement of Sexual Minorities (MUMS Chile) was founded with the merger of members of MOVILH and Lambda Center Chile. Meanwhile, the LGBT rights group MOVILH changed its name to "Homosexual Movement of Integration and Liberation".[23]

In June 1999, the first March for Sexual Diversity was held in Santiago, demonstration for the rights of the LGBT community and the fight against homophobia.

Homosexuality in Chile was decriminalised in 1999.[24]


  1. ^ a b Bergmann, E. L. (2008). Queering Transculturation. GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 14(2).
  2. ^ a b The Struggle for Mapuche Shamans' Masculinity: Colonial Politics of Gender, Sexuality, and Power in Southern Chile. Ana Mariella Bacigalupo. Ethnohistory (2004) 51 (3): 489–533.
  3. ^ Fernández, Leonardo. "El mito de los homosexuales asesinados en alta mar por Ibáñez del Campo" (in Spanish). www.patriagay.cl. Archived from the original on 1 August 2008. Retrieved 21 November 2009.
  4. ^ Crespo, Octavio (2009). "¿Estamos preparados para un Presidente gay? Los candidatos responden" (PDF) (in Spanish). Revista G. Archived from the original (PDF) on 1 June 2013. Retrieved 28 March 2009.
  5. ^ Castro Orozco, Cristian (23 June 2019). "Huanchaca N° 352: El mayor escarnio a la comunidad gay". El Mercurio de Antofagasta, suplemento Domingo (in Spanish). p. 5. Archived from the original on 15 February 2022. Retrieved 15 February 2022.
  6. ^ Robles, Víctor Hugo (1 August 2008). "Clarín: ¿Firme contra el gay?" (in Spanish). www.cuds.cl. Archived from the original on 14 September 2008. Retrieved 28 August 2009.
  7. ^ Carvajal Edwards 2016, p. 109.
  8. ^ a b Jaque, José Miguel; Sánchez, Javiera (13 April 2018). "La revolución de Marcia Alejandra" [The revolution of Marcia Alejandra]. La Tercera (in Spanish). Santiago, Chile. Archived from the original on 24 April 2019. Retrieved 25 May 2019.
  9. ^ Carvajal Edwards 2016, pp. 110–111.
  10. ^ Giménez, Inés (18 November 2015). "Decolonizando la ciencia: historias del feminismo trans en el cono sur" [Decolonizing science: stories of trans feminism in the southern cone]. Pikara Magazine (in Spanish). Bilbao, Spain: EME Komunikazioa. ISSN 2341-4871. Archived from the original on 28 March 2018. Retrieved 24 May 2019.
  11. ^ "Solicitudes de cambio de nombres" [Name change requests]. Diario Oficial de la República de Chile (in Spanish). Santiago, Chile. 2 May 1974. p. 1758. column 3, 2nd entry. Archived from the original on 24 April 2019. Retrieved 24 May 2019.
  12. ^ Robles, Víctor Hugo (2008). Bandera hueca: historia del movimiento homosexual de Chile (in Spanish). Editorial Cuarto Propio. p. 215. ISBN 978-956-260-436-9. Retrieved 30 November 2009.
  13. ^ Carvajal Edwards 2016, p. 111.
  14. ^ Carvajal Edwards 2016, pp. 106–107.
  15. ^ Bandera hueca: historia del movimiento homosexual de Chile (in Spanish)
  16. ^ Robles, Victor H. "History in the Making The Homosexual Liberation Movement in Chile." NACLA Report on the Americas 31, no. 4 (1998): 36-44. Accessed 24 February 2022
  17. ^ Las Yeguas del Apocalipsis. (2021). In Memoria Chilena: Biblioteca Nacional de Chile. N.p.: Ministro de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patriomonio. Retrieved 7 April 2022, from http://www.memoriachilena.gob.cl/602/w3-article-96708.html#:~:text=El%20origen%20del%20nombre%20%22Las,plaga%20de%20fin%20de%20siglo .
  18. ^ El Mundo gay en la Dictadura (in Spanish)
  19. ^ Occupying and Reclaiming a National Historical Monument: The Casa Central of the Universidad de Chile. Francisca Márquez, Valentina Rozas-Krause and Carlos Pérez. Latin American Perspectives Vol. 43, No. 6 (Nov 2016), pp. 54-74
  20. ^ Signos de apertura (in Spanish)
  21. ^ "Historia | Movilh Chile". movilh.cl. Retrieved 15 October 2016.
  22. ^ A la cola de la izquierda (in Spanish)
  23. ^ "MUMS Chile – 25 Años de Historia – MUMS CHILE". mums.cl. 18 May 2010. Retrieved 15 October 2016.
  24. ^ "Where is it illegal to be gay?". BBC News. 10 February 2014. Retrieved 23 February 2014.

