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New Democratic Party of Manitoba

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New Democratic Party of Manitoba
LeaderWab Kinew
PresidentJill Stockwell
Founded1961, predecessor Co-operative Commonwealth Federation founded in 1932
Preceded byCo-operative Commonwealth Federation (Manitoba)
Headquarters878 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3G 0P1
Youth wingManitoba Young New Democrats
IdeologySocial democracy[1]
Political positionCentre-left
National affiliationNew Democratic Party
Colours  Orange
Seats in Legislature
34 / 57

The New Democratic Party of Manitoba (French: Nouveau Parti d�mocratique du Manitoba), also branded as Manitoba's NDP, is a social democratic political party in Manitoba, Canada.[2] It is the provincial section of the federal New Democratic Party, and is a successor to the Manitoba Co-operative Commonwealth Federation. It is currently the governing party in Manitoba.

Formation and early years


In the federal election of 1958, the national Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) was reduced to only eight seats in the House of Commons of Canada. The CCF's leadership restructured the party during the next three years, and in 1961 it merged with the Canadian Labour Congress to create the New Democratic Party (NDP).

Most provincial wings of the CCF also transformed themselves into "New Democratic Party" organisations before the year was over, with Saskatchewan as the only exception. There was very little opposition to the change in Manitoba, and the Manitoba NDP was formally constituted on November 4, 1961. Future Manitoba NDP leader Howard Pawley was one of the few CCF members to oppose the change. Outgoing CCF leader Russell Paulley easily won the new party's leadership, defeating two minor figures who offered little in the way of policy alternatives. For all intents and purposes, the CCF caucus in the Manitoba Legislative Assembly became the NDP caucus.

The NDP did not initially achieve an electoral breakthrough in Manitoba, falling from eleven seats to seven in the provincial election of 1962. They recovered to ten seats in the 1966 election, but still failed to challenge Dufferin Roblin's Progressive Conservative government seriously.

Modern era


Party leadership contest in 1968


Many in the NDP considered Paulley's leadership a liability, especially after the 1966 election. Paulley was known as an old-style labour politician, and could not appeal to the broader constituency base that the party needed for an electoral breakthrough. In 1968, he was challenged for the party leadership by Sidney Green, a labour lawyer from north-end Winnipeg.

The 1968 leadership challenge was unusual, in that many of Paulley's supporters wanted him to resign the following year so that he could be replaced by federal member of Parliament (MP) Edward Schreyer. Some also regarded the challenge as reflecting ideological divisions in the party, with Green depicted as a candidate of the radical left. Green's supporters tended to be from the party's youth wing, while Paulley was supported by the party establishment and organized labour.

Paulley won the challenge 213 votes to 168 and resigned the following year. Edward Schreyer entered the contest to replace him and defeated Green by 506 votes to 177.

Provincial election of 1969


The NDP won 28 of 57 seats in the 1969 election and formed a minority government after gaining the support of maverick Manitoba Liberal Party member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) Laurent Desjardins. Although the party had been expected to increase its parliamentary presence, its sudden victory was a surprise to most political observers.

The question of leadership was important to the NDP's victory. After Dufferin Roblin resigned as Premier of Manitoba in 1967, the Progressive Conservatives chose Walter Weir as his replacement. While Roblin was a Red Tory, Weir was from the party's rural conservative wing, and alienated many urban and centrist to centre-left voters who had previously supported the Tories. The Liberals, for their part, called former cabinet minister Robert Bend out of a decade-long retirement to lead the party before the election. Like Weir, Bend was a rural populist who had difficulty appealing to urban voters. He campaigned on a "cowboy/rodeo" theme that made both himself and his party look dated.

Schreyer, by contrast, was a centrist within the NDP. He was not ideologically committed to democratic socialism, and was in many respects more similar to federal Liberal Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau than to the province's traditional NDP leadership. He was also the first of Manitoba's social-democratic leaders who was not from an Anglo-Saxon and Protestant background. A Catholic of GermanAustrian descent from rural Manitoba, he appealed to constituencies that were not previously inclined to support the NDP.

Early years in power


During the years of NDP government, major tax and social reforms were carried out, a major hydroelectricity development project was launched in the north of Manitoba, while the province spent heavily on public housing.[3] Schreyer's first administration introduced several important changes to the province. It amalgamated the city of Winnipeg, introduced public auto insurance, and significantly reduced Medicare premiums. Schreyer's cabinet was divided on providing provincial funding for denominational schools (Green led the opposition to any such funding) but resolved the issue by a compromise. The government also continued energy development projects in northern Manitoba.

Schreyer's government was re-elected with a parliamentary majority in the 1973 provincial election. His second ministry was less ambitious on policy matters than was his first, though the government did introduce a new tax on mining resources. In the 1977 election, the Tories under former cabinet minister Sterling Lyon upset Schreyer's New Democrats.

Schreyer resigned as party leader in 1979, after being appointed Governor-General of Canada. Howard Pawley was chosen as interim leader over Sidney Green and Saul Cherniack in a caucus vote. He later defeated Muriel Smith and Russell Doern to win the party's leadership at a delegated convention. Green left the NDP soon thereafter, claiming "the trade union movement and militant feminists" had taken control of the party. In 1981, Green formed the Progressive Party of Manitoba, joined by New Democratic MLAs Ben Hanuschak and Bud Boyce.

Despite these defections, Pawley's New Democrats won a majority government in the 1981 election. Pawley's government introduced progressive labour legislation and entrenched French language services in Manitoba's parliamentary and legal systems. Doern, who had served as a cabinet minister in Schreyer's government, left the NDP in 1984 on the language issue.

Declining popularity in the late 1980s


The New Democrats were re-elected with a narrow majority in the 1986 election. Over the next two years, the party suffered a significant decline in its popularity. Auto insurance premiums rose significantly during this period, and the government's support for the Meech Lake Accord also alienated some voters. Future party leader Gary Doer has claimed that an internal party poll put the NDP at only 6% popular support in early 1988.[citation needed]

Early in 1988, disgruntled NDP backbencher Jim Walding voted with the opposition against his government's budget. This defection brought about the government's defeat in the house and forced a new election before the NDP could recover its support base. Pawley immediately resigned as party leader, though he continued to lead a caretaker administration as premier.

Gary Doer narrowly defeated Len Harapiak on the third ballot of the leadership convention which followed. Doer declined to be sworn in as premier after the convention.

The Pawley government's achievements included the construction of the Limestone hydro project in northern Manitoba, and the enactment of the Manitoba Human Rights Code which included, for the first time in Manitoba, protection against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

Electoral defeat and years in opposition (1988–1999)


The NDP was defeated in the 1988 election, winning only 12 seats out of 57. Led by Gary Filmon, the Tories won 25 seats, and the Liberal Party under Sharon Carstairs won 20 seats to supplant the NDP as the official opposition. Most of the NDP's seats were in north-end Winnipeg and the north of the province. Doer was not personally blamed for his party's poor performance and remained as leader.

Filmon called another provincial election in 1990 to seek a majority mandate. He was successful, but Doer brought the NDP back to official opposition status with 20 seats, benefiting from a strong personal showing at the leaders' debate.

The NDP began the 1995 election well behind the Tories and Liberals, but received a last-minute surge in popular support and came very close to forming government. The party won 23 seats, with the Liberals falling to only three.

Filmon's Tories lost much of their popular support between 1995 and 1999, due to increased unemployment, the privatization of Manitoba Telecom Services (MTS; now Bell MTS) and a vote-manipulation scandal in the 1995 election. Voters were also unnerved by Filmon's announcement that his government would undertake a further shift to the right if reelected. With the Liberals suffering from internal divisions, the NDP could present themselves as the only viable alternative. The 1999 election was considered too close to call until election day, but the NDP benefited from a decline in Liberal support and won 32 seats to form a majority government. After eleven years when the NDP was in opposition, Doer was sworn in as premier.

Return to government (1999–2016)


Doer government


The Doer government did not introduce as many radical initiatives as the Schreyer and Pawley governments, though it retained the NDP's traditional support for organized labour. Manitoba had the lowest unemployment rate in Canada as of 2004, and Doer's government remained generally popular with the electorate.

In the 2003 election, the NDP were re-elected with 35 seats and almost 50% of the popular vote, an impressive result in a three-party system. Doer was re-elected in his northeast-Winnipeg riding of Concordia with over 75% of the popular vote, and the NDP also made inroads into traditional Tory bastions in south-end Winnipeg.

Doer became the only NDP premier in Manitoba history to capture a third majority when his party was re-elected during the 2007 provincial election. It increased its seat count again to 36. Again, support was gathered from the southern and western areas of Winnipeg which were traditionally thought to be safe for the Progressive Conservatives.

Under Doer, the NDP ran a moderate government that introduced a succession of balanced budgets. Doer's first budget, delivered in 2000, removed 15,000 low-income Manitobans from the tax rolls and introduced $150 million in tax breaks over three years while projecting a $10 million surplus.[4] His 2003 budget, the last of his first term, reduced provincial taxes by $82.7 million and increased spending by about 5%, mostly in health and education.[5]

Despite a series of economic setbacks, the government posted another balanced budget in 2004 through increased taxes and drug premiums as well as civil service reduction through attrition. Tobacco and liquor taxes were increased and the provincial sales tax expanded to cover more services,[6] although Doer rejected a panel recommendation to increase the sales tax by 1%.[7]

The government introduced a more expansive budget in 2005 after an infusion of federal revenues, reducing personal and property taxes, increasing spending by 3.5% and putting $314 million into a "rainy day" fund.[8] Doer's 2006 and 2007 budgets introduced further tax cuts; the 2007 budget also offered increased education spending and a new child benefit to assist low-income families.[9]

At the Manitoba NDP's March 2009 convention, Doer announced that Manitoba would continue its commitment to education, training and research despite a global economic downturn and a slowing economy. He argued that the province was still recovering from the Filmon government's spending cuts during the economic downtown of the 1990s and that his policies would allow Manitoba to emerge from the recession in a strong, competitive position.[10] His government introduced a balanced budget with economic stimulus programs a few weeks later, even as the global recession forced other provincial governments across Canada into deficit.[11]

Selinger government


After leading the party for over two decades, Doer retired as premier and leader of the NDP on 27 August 2009. The following day, Stephen Harper, the prime minister of Canada, nominated him to become Canadian Ambassador to the United States.[12][13] Following Doer's retirement, Finance Minister Greg Selinger became leader of the party at the leadership convention in October 2009.[12] Despite gloomy predictions, Selinger led the NDP to its fourth straight majority government in the October 2011 general election, surpassing Doer's record and winning 37 seats.

In April 2013, the Selinger government broke an earlier promise not to increase the provincial sales tax. It instead implemented a 1-percentage-point increase in the sales tax from 7% to 8%, which resulted in a precipitous decline in popular support, in addition to record deficits and massive interest payments for debt services, for the government and, ultimately, a caucus revolt against Selinger's leadership culminating in the resignation of five cabinet ministers.[14][15] Due in part to the unpopularity of the tax increase, the NDP fell far behind the Progressive Conservatives in public opinion polls and did not recover for years afterward. In the fall of 2014, several cabinet ministers privately asked Selinger to resign in hopes that the party would recover under a new leader. However, Selinger declined. In September 2014, during a caucus retreat, several MLAs openly told Selinger that he needed to resign. However, he refused again.[15] A month later, at the end of October, Jennifer Howard, (Fort Rouge), minister of finance, Stan Struthers (Dauphin), minister of municipal government, Theresa Oswald (Seine River), minister for jobs and the economy, Andrew Swan (Minto), minister of justice and Erin Selby (Southdale), minister of health,[16] and several senior party officials went public with their call for Selinger's resignation.[15] On November 3, the five ministers resigned from cabinet due to their opposition to Selinger's continued leadership. They did, however, remain in the NDP caucus as backbench MLAs. Selinger responded on November 9 by asking the party executive to hold a leadership election during the party's annual convention scheduled for March 6–8, 2015, stating his intention to be a candidate.[17] The party executive subsequently agreed. Theresa Oswald, one of the five rebel ex-ministers, challenged Selinger for the leadership, as did Minister of Infrastructure and Transportation Steve Ashton, who had not vocally opposed Selinger but who resigned from cabinet to enter the leadership contest.[18] At the March 8, 2015 leadership election, Ashton was eliminated on the first ballot and Selinger prevailed on the second ballot with 50.93% of ballots cast, defeating Oswald by 33 votes.[19]

After trailing in opinion polling for almost four years, the NDP was heavily defeated at the April 19, 2016 provincial election. It dropped to only 14 seats, the party's worst showing since 1988. Notably, it lost several previously safe seats by wide margins. The Progressive Conservatives under Brian Pallister were elected to a majority government. Selinger announced his intention to resign as party leader in his concession speech.[20][21] Logan MLA Flor Marcelino was named interim leader on May 7, 2016.[22]

Recent years (2016–present)


Prominent Indigenous broadcaster and first-term MLA Wab Kinew was elected as permanent leader at the 2017 leadership convention. He won over 70% of the votes cast and defeated former cabinet minister Steve Ashton, who had lost his seat at the 2016 election.

In opposition


Kinew led the Manitoba NDP into the 2019 provincial election, which Premier Brian Pallister called early to avoid conflict with the celebrations planned in 2020 for the 150th anniversary of Manitoba joining Confederation. While the party increased its share of the popular vote and gained six seats in Winnipeg and the Northern Regions of the province, the PCs were re-elected with a slightly smaller majority government than before the election. The new 18-member NDP caucus was sworn in on September 27, 2019, and the new positions in the shadow cabinet were announced later that day.

Kinew government


Kinew stayed as Manitoba NDP leader and led them into the 2023 election, with the party leading the Progressive Conservatives in polls for most of the term. The party won a majority government with 34 seats, mainly on the strength of taking all but four seats in Winnipeg: Fort Whyte, Roblin, Tuxedo, and Tyndall Park. Kinew became the first provincial premier of First Nations descent.



Like its federal counterpart, the Manitoba NDP has historically had more long-term members than other registered parties in the province. It also has fewer short-term members who are signed up to influence nomination contests.[23]

Party leaders


† denotes interim or acting leader


# Name Highest Position Tenure Notes
1 Seymour Farmer Leader of the Opposition 1936–1947
2 Edwin Hansford Party Leader 1947–1952
William "Scottie" Bryce Party Leader 1952–1952 Acting leader
3 Lloyd Stinson Party Leader 1952–1960
4 Russell Paulley Party Leader 1960–1961


# Name Highest Position Tenure Notes
1 Russell Paulley Party Leader November 4, 1961 – June 7, 1969
2 Edward Schreyer Premier June 7, 1969 – January 22, 1979 First social democratic Premier of Manitoba, later appointed Governor General of Canada
3 Howard Pawley Premier January 22, 1979 – March 30, 1988 interim leader until Nov. 4, 1979
4 Gary Doer Premier March 30, 1988 – October 17, 2009 Resigned to become Canadian Ambassador to the U.S.
5 Greg Selinger Premier October 17, 2009 – May 7, 2016
Flor Marcelino Leader of the Opposition May 7, 2016 – September 16, 2017 interim leader
6 Wab Kinew Premier September 16, 2017 – present

Election results

Election Leader Seats +/− Place Votes % Position
1936 Seymour Farmer
7 / 55
Increase 7 Increase 3rd 12.0% Third Party
3 / 55
Decrease 4 Steady 3rd 17.0% Third Party
9 / 55
Increase 6 Steady 3rd 73,988 33.8% Official Opposition
1949 Edwin Hansford
7 / 57
Decrease 2 Steady 3rd 25.6% Third Party
1953 Lloyd Stinson
5 / 57
Decrease 2 Steady 3rd 44,332 16.56% Third Party
11 / 57
Increase 6 Steady 3rd 20.0% Third Party
10 / 57
Decrease 1 Steady 3rd 68,149 21.8% Third Party
1962 Russell Paulley
7 / 57
Decrease 3 Steady 3rd 47,304 15.20% Third Party
11 / 57
Increase 4 Steady 3rd 130,102 23.14% Third Party
1969 Edward Schreyer
28 / 57
Increase 17 Increase 1st 128,080 38.27% Minority Government
31 / 57
Increase 3 Steady 1st 197,585 42.31% Majority Government
23 / 57
Decrease 8 Decrease 2nd 188,124 38.62% Official Opposition
1981 Howard Pawley
34 / 57
Increase 11 Increase 1st 228,784 47.38% Majority Government
30 / 57
Decrease 4 Steady 1st 198,261 41.50% Majority Government
1988 Gary Doer
12 / 57
Decrease 18 Decrease 3rd 126,954 23.62% Third Party
20 / 57
Increase 8 Increase 2nd 141,328 28.80% Official Opposition
23 / 57
Increase 3 Steady 2nd 165,489 32.81% Official Opposition
32 / 57
Increase 9 Increase 1st 219,679 44.51% Majority Government
35 / 57
Increase 3 Steady 1st 195,425 49.47% Majority Government
36 / 57
Increase 1 Steady 1st 200,834 47.73% Majority Government
2011 Greg Selinger
37 / 57
Increase 1 Steady 1st 199,069 46.16% Majority Government
14 / 57
Decrease 23 Decrease 2nd 112,562 25.74% Official Opposition
2019 Wab Kinew
18 / 57
Increase 4 Steady 2nd 149,868 31.38% Official Opposition
34 / 57
Increase 16 Increase 1st 221,363 45.5% Majority Government

Current Manitoba NDP MLAs

Member District Elected
Nello Altomare Transcona 2019
Uzoma Asagwara Union Station 2019
Tyler Blashko Lagimodière 2023
Diljeet Brar Burrows 2019
Ian Bushie Keewatinook 2019
Renée Cable Southdale 2023
Jennifer Chen Fort Richmond 2023
Carla Compton Tuxedo 2024
Billie Cross Seine River 2023
Jelynn Dela Cruz Radisson 2023
Jasdeep Devgan McPhillips 2023
Nahanni Fontaine St. Johns 2016
Nellie Kennedy Assiniboia 2023
Wab Kinew[a] Fort Rouge 2016
Ron Kostyshyn Dauphin 2011[b]
Amanda Lathlin The Pas 2015
Tom Lindsey[c] Flin Flon 2016
Robert Loiselle St. Boniface 2023
Jim Maloway[d] Elmwood 1986
Malaya Marcelino Notre Dame 2019
Mike Moroz River Heights 2023
Jamie Moses St. Vital 2019
Mike Moyes Riel 2023
Lisa Naylor Wolseley 2019
Logan Oxenham Kirkfield Park 2023
David Pankratz Waverley 2023
Eric Redhead Thompson 2022
Adrien Sala St. James 2019
Mintu Sandhu The Maples 2019
Rachelle Schott Kildonan-River East 2023
Tracy Schmidt Rossmere 2023
Glen Simard Brandon East 2023
Bernadette Smith Point Douglas 2017
Matt Wiebe Concordia 2010

See also



  1. ^ Premier, 2023–present
  2. ^ Representing Swan River; out of the legislature, 2016–2023.
  3. ^ Speaker, 2023–present
  4. ^ Out of the legislature, 2008–2011


  1. ^ Christopher Adams (1 January 2008). Politics in Manitoba: Parties, Leaders, and Voters. Univ. of Manitoba Press. pp. 129–. ISBN 978-0-88755-355-4.
  2. ^ Barry Ferguson; Robert Wardhaugh (2010). Manitoba Premiers of the 19th and 20th Centuries. University of Regina Press. pp. 401–. ISBN 978-0-88977-216-8.
  3. ^ Journeys: A History of Canada by R. D. Francis, Richard Jones, and Donald B. Smith
  4. ^ David Roberts, "Manitoba raises health-care spending", Globe and Mail, 11 May 2000, A2. The actual surplus for 2000–01 was $26 million. See David Roberts, "Manitoba budget promises more spending, faster tax cuts", Globe and Mail, 11 April 2001, A7. His second budget, in 2001, pursued a consciously middle-of-the-road path by increasing government spending on education, health and infrastructure, while also bringing forward tax cuts for corporations and individuals. See David Roberts, "Manitoba budget promises more spending, faster tax cuts", Globe and Mail, 11 April 2001, A7; Helen Fallding, "NDP plays it safe", Winnipeg Free Press, 11 April 2001, A1. The 2002 budget used $288 million from Manitoba Hydro over a period of three years, and increased taxes on cigarettes, to maintain a balanced budget. See "Smokers suffer big tax hit to keep Manitoba in black", Kitchener-Waterloo Record, 23 April 2002, A5; David Kuxhaus, "Tapping Hydro profits best approach, NDP says", Winnipeg Free Press, 24 April 2002, A13. Doer defended the Hydro decision as a bold move that allowed the province to balance its budget without dipping into the Fiscal Stabilization Fund. See "Manitoba legislature wraps up lengthy spring session", Canadian Press, 9 August 2002, 12:25.
  5. ^ Daniel Lett, "Spending up, taxes down", Winnipeg Free Press, 23 April 2003, A1; Frances Russell, "NDP does just enough to survive", Winnipeg Free Press, 25 April 2003, A14. Manitoba later announced that it would post a deficit for the fiscal year ending in 2003, using a clause in the province's balanced-budget legislation that permits deficit spending to cover emergency expenses. Finance Minister Greg Selinger cited the damage caused to Manitoba's economy by forest fires, drought and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease). See Mia Rabson, "Provincial government faces deficit", Winnipeg Free Press, 27 March 2004, A3.
  6. ^ Michelle Macafee, "Manitoba increases taxes, drug premiums to balance 2004–05 budget", Canadian Press, 19 April 2004, 17:45.
  7. ^ Leah Janzen, "Doer rejects tax plan", Winnipeg Free Press, 5 May 2004, A1.
  8. ^ Mia Rabson, "Doer's bonanza budget", Winnipeg Free Press, 9 March 2005, A1.
  9. ^ Steve Lambert, "Manitoba government plans small tax cuts and new law on drug-addicted kids", Canadian Press, 5 March 2006, 11:11; Steve Lambert, "Tax cuts, new spending promised", Globe and Mail, 5 April 2007, A10.
  10. ^ Steve Lambert, "Recession requires more, not less, social spending: Doer, Layton", Canadian Press, 7 March 2009, 04:52pm.
  11. ^ Doer accessed the province's "rainy day fund", and committed less money than in past years to paying down the province's debt. See Bruce Owen, "Manitoba tables balanced budget in face of recession", Winnipeg Free Press, 25 March 2009, Canwest News Service; "Manitoba announces surplus budget", National Post, 26 March 2009, A4.
  12. ^ a b "Selinger picked as Manitoba's next NDP premier". CBC News. 17 October 2009. Retrieved 2010-11-25.
  13. ^ Kevin Engstrom (27 August 2009). "Premier Gary Doer resigns". Winnipeg Sun. Retrieved 2010-11-25.
  14. ^ "Manitoba NDP leadership: Greg Selinger re-elected, remains premier". CBC News. March 8, 2015. Retrieved March 8, 2015.
  15. ^ a b c "A timeline of the Manitoba NDP leadership crisis". Metro. March 8, 2015. Archived from the original on April 2, 2015. Retrieved March 8, 2015.
  16. ^ "5 Manitoba ministers resign from Premier Greg Selinger's cabinet, citing 'grave concerns'".
  17. ^ Lambert, Steve (November 9, 2014). "Manitoba premier Greg Selinger will face party leadership vote in March". Winnipeg Free Press. Archived from the original on November 29, 2014.
  18. ^ "BREAKING: Steve Ashton enters Manitoba NDP leadership race". Global News. December 22, 2014. Retrieved December 22, 2014.
  19. ^ "Greg Selinger remains leader of Manitoba NDP, province's premier". CBC News. March 8, 2015. Retrieved March 8, 2015.
  20. ^ "'Heart-breaking night': Future of Manitoba NDP unclear after loss to PCs".
  21. ^ "Defeated NDP candidate says he and others lost because of outgoing premier".
  22. ^ "'Years of experience Manitoba NDP appoint Flor Marcelino as interim party leader".
  23. ^ Ian Stewart, Just One Vote: Jim Walding's Nomination to Constitutional Defeat (Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press), 2009, p. 5.