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President of the Regional Council (France)

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Political party of the presidents of the regional councils after the 2021 election:
  Socialist Party (PS)
  Miscellaneous left (DVG)
  The Republicans (LR)
  The Centrists (LC)
  Miscellaneous right (DVD)
  Regionalist parties (REG)

The following is a list of current presidents of the regional councils of France and the Corsican Assembly.



Since 2011, the Departmental Council of Mayotte has simultaneously exercised the competencies of a regional council.

Since 2015, the Regional Council of Martinique and the Regional Council of French Guiana have been merged with their respective departmental councils to form a single territorial structure of governance.


Region President Party Party positioning Since
Auvergne-Rh�ne-Alpes Laurent Wauquiez LR Right 4 January 2016
Bourgogne-Franche-Comt� Marie-Guite Dufay PS Left 4 January 2016

President of the Regional Council of Franche-Comt� from 5 January 2008 until 31 December 2015.

Brittany Lo�g Chesnais-Girard PS Left 22 June 2017
Centre-Val de Loire Fran�ois Bonneau PS Left 7 September 2007
Corsica Marie-Antoinette Maupertuis

President of the Corsican Assembly

FaC Regionalist centre 1 July 2021
Gilles Simeoni

President of the Executive Council of Corsica

FaC Regionalist centre 17 December 2015
Guadeloupe Ary Chalus GUSR Regionalist centre 18 December 2015
French Guiana Gabriel Serville

President of the Assembly of French Guiana

P�yi G Regionalist left 2 July 2021
Grand Est Franck Leroy Hor Right 30 December 2022
Hauts-de-France Xavier Bertrand LR Right 4 January 2016
�le-de-France Val�rie P�cresse LR Right 18 December 2015
Martinique Lucien Saliber

President of the Assembly of Martinique

DVG Left 2 July 2021
Serge Letchimy

President of the Executive Council of Martinique [fr]

PPM Regionalist left 2 July 2021
Mayotte Ben Issa Ousséni

President of the Departmental Council of Mayotte

LR Right 1 July 2021
Normandy Hervé Morin LC Right 4 January 2016
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Alain Rousset PS Left 4 January 2016

Président of the Regional Council of Aquitaine from 20 March 1998 until 31 December 2015.

Occitania Carole Delga PS Left 4 January 2016
Pays de la Loire Christelle Morançais LR Right 19 October 2017
Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Renaud Muselier DVD Right 15 May 2017
Réunion Huguette Bello PLR Left 2 July 2021



By party

Party Number of presidents
Left PLR 1
PS 5
Total left 7
Right LC 1
LR 6
Total right 8
Regionalist Péyi G 1
FaC 2
Total regionalists 5

By sex

Sex Number of presidents
Male 14
Female 6

Historic presidents


Current regions

Party President In office
LR Laurent Wauquiez Since 2016
Party President In office
CD René Pleven 1974–1976
CD, UDF André Colin 1976–1978
UDF Raymond Marcellin 1978–1986
RPR Yvon Bourges 1986–1998
UMP Josselin de Rohan 1998–2004
PS Jean-Yves Le Drian 2004–2012
PS Pierrick Massiot 2012–2015
PS Jean-Yves Le Drian 2015–2017
PS Loïg Chesnais-Girard Since 2017
Party President In office
PS Marie-Guite Dufay Since 2016
Party President In office
RI Raymond Boisdé 1974–1976
UDF Pierre Sudreau 1976–1979
UDF Jean Delaneau 1979–1983
UDF Daniel Bernardet 1983–1985
UDF Maurice Dousset 1985–1998
UDF Bernard Harang 1998
RPR Lydie Gerbaud 1998
PS Michel Sapin 1998–2000
PS Jean Germain 2000
PS Alain Rafesthain 2000–2004
PS Michel Sapin 2004–2007
PS Jean Germain 2007
PS François Bonneau Since 2007
Party President In office
LR Philippe Richert 2016–2017
UDI Jean-Luc Bohl 2017
LR Jean Rottner Since 2017
Party President In office
FGPS Pierre Mathieu 1975–1980
FGPS Robert Pentier 1980–1981
UDF Marcel Esdras 1981–1982
PCG Marcel Gargar 1982–1983
RPR José Moustache 1983–1986
FGPS Félix Proto 1986–1992
RPR, UMP Lucette Michaux-Chevry 1992–2004
FGPS Victorin Lurel 2004–2012
FGPS Josette Borel-Lincertin 2012–2014
FGPS Victorin Lurel 2014–2015
GUSR Ary Chalus Since 2015
Party President In office
LR Xavier Bertrand Since 2016
Party President In office
RPR Michel Giraud 1976–1988
RPR Pierre-Charles Krieg 1988–1992
RPR Michel Giraud 1992–1998
PS Jean-Paul Huchon 1998–2015
LR-SL Valérie Pécresse Since 2015
Party President In office
LC Hervé Morin Since 2016
Party President In office
PS Alain Rousset Since 2016
Party President In office
PS Carole Delga Since 2016
Party President In office
RPR Vincent Ansquer 1974
RPR Olivier Guichard 1974–1998
RPR François Fillon 1998–2002
UMP Jean-Luc Harousseau 2002–2004
PS Jacques Auxiette 2004–2015
LR Bruno Retailleau 2015–2017
LR Christelle Morançais Since 2017
Party President In office
PS Gaston Defferre 1974–1981
PS Michel Pezet 1981–1986
UDF Jean-Claude Gaudin 1986–1998
PS Michel Vauzelle 1998–2015
LR Christian Estrosi 2015–2017
LR, DVD Renaud Muselier Since 2017
Party President In office
UDF Marcel Cerneau 1973–1978
RPR Yves Barau 1978–1983
PCR Mario Hoarau 1983–1986
UDF Pierre Lagourgue 1986–1992
Free Dom Camille Sudre 1992–1993
Free Dom Margie Sudre 1993–1998
PCR Paul Vergès 1998–2010
UMP, LR, OR Didier Robert 2010–2021
PLR Huguette Bello Since 2021




Party President In office
Radical François Giacobbi 1974–1979
Radical Jean Filippi 1979–1982
Corsican Assembly (since 1982)
Party President In office
MRG Prosper Alfonsi 1982–1984
RPR Jean-Paul de Rocca Serra 1984–1998
UDF José Rossi 1998–2004
UMP Camille de Rocca Serra 2004–2010
PCF Dominique Bucchini 2010–2015
CL Jean-Guy Talamoni 2015–2021
FaC Marie-Antoinette Maupertuis Since 2021
Party President In office
DVD Jean Baggioni 1992–2004
UMP Ange Santini 2004–2010
DVG Paul Giacobbi 2010–2015
FaC Gilles Simeoni Since 2015

French Guiana

Party President In office
UDF Serge Patient 1974–1980
PSG Jacques Lony 1980–1982
PS Georges Othily 1982–1992
PSG Antoine Karam 1992–2010
DVG Rodolphe Alexandre 2010–2015
Party President In office
DVG Rodolphe Alexandre Since 2015


Party President In office
RPR Camille Petit 1974–1983
PPM Aimé Césaire 1983–1986
PPM Camille Darsières 1986–1992
PCM Émile Capgras 1992–1998
MIM Alfred Marie-Jeanne 1998–2010
PPM Serge Letchimy 2010–2015
Party President In office
RDM Claude Lise 2015–2021
DVG Lucien Saliber Since 2021
Party President In office
MIM Alfred Marie-Jeanne 2015–2021
PPM Serge Letchimy Since 2021


Party President In office
UDF Younoussa Bamana 1977–1991
DIV Hamissi Assani 1991
UDF Younoussa Bamana 1991–2004
NÉMA [fr] Saïd Omar Oili 2004–2008
UMP Ahmed Attoumani Douchina 2008–2011
MDM Daniel Zaïdani 2011–2015
UMP, LR Soibahadine Ibrahim Ramadani 2015–2021
LR Ben Issa Ousséni Since 2021

Former regions

Party President In office
UDR André Bord 1973–1977
UDF Pierre Schielé 1977–1980
UDF Marcel Rudloff 1980–1996
UMP Adrien Zeller 1996–2009
UMP André Reichardt 2009–2010
UMP Philippe Richert 2010–2015
Party President In office
UDF Jean Morellon 1974–1977
RPR Augustin Chauvet 1977
PS Maurice Pourchon 1977–1986
UDF Valéry Giscard d'Estaing 1986–2004
PS Pierre-Joël Bonté 2004–2006
PS René Souchon 2006–2015
Party President In office
RPR Jacques Chaban-Delmas 1974–1979
PS André Labarrère 1979–1981
PS Philippe Madrelle 1981–1985
RPR Jacques Chaban-Delmas 1985–1988
UDF Jean François-Poncet 1988
UDF Jean Tavernier 1988–1992
RPR Jacques Valade 1992–1998
PS Alain Rousset 1998–2015
Party President In office
RI Jean Chamant 1974–1978
UDF Marcel Lucotte 1978–1979
PS Pierre Joxe 1979–1982
PS André Billardon 1982–1983
CDS Frédéric Lescure 1983–1985
UDF Marcel Lucotte 1985–1989
UDF Raymond Janot 1989–1992
UDF Jean-Pierre Soisson 1992–1993
RPR Jean-François Bazin 1993–1998
UDF Jean-Pierre Soisson 1998–2004
PS François Patriat 2004–2015
Party President In office
RPR Jacques Sourdille 1974–1981
UDF Bernard Stasi 1981–1988
RPR Jean Kaltenbach 1988–1998
UDF Jean-Claude Étienne 1998–2004
PS Jean-Paul Bachy 2004–2015
Party President In office
UDR Edgar Faure 1974–1981
PS Jean-Pierre Chevènement 1981–1982
GD Edgar Faure 1982–1988
RPR Pierre Chantelat 1988–1998
UDF Jean-François Humbert 1998–2004
PS Raymond Forni 2004–2008
PS Marie-Guite Dufay 2008–2015
Party President In office
PS Francis Vals 1974
PS Edgar Tailhades 1974–1983
PS Robert Capdeville 1983–1986
UDF Jacques Blanc 1986–2004
PS Georges Frêche 2004–2010
PS Christian Bourquin 2010–2014
PS Damien Alary 2014–2015
Party President In office
PS André Chandernagor 1974–1981
PS Louis Longequeue 1981–1986
PS Robert Savy 1986–2004
PS Jean-Paul Denanot 2004–2014
PS Gérard Vandenbroucke 2014–2015
Party President In office
CNIP, FNRI Jean Vilmain 1974–1976
RAD, UDF Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber 1976–1978
RPR Pierre Messmer 1978–1979
RPR André Madoux 1979–1982
DVD Jean-Marie Rausch 1982–1992
UDF Gérard Longuet 1992–2004
PS Jean-Pierre Masseret 2004–2015
Party President In office
PS Alain Savary 1973–1981
PS Alex Raymond 1981–1986
UDF Dominique Baudis 1986–1988
UDF Marc Censi 1988–1998
PS Martin Malvy 1998–2015
Party President In office
PS Pierre Mauroy 1974–1981
PS Noël Josèphe 1981–1992
Les Verts Marie-Christine Blandin 1992–1998
PS Michel Delebarre 1998–2001
PS Daniel Percheron 2001–2015
Party President In office
RI Michel d'Ornano 1974
RI Léon Jozeau-Marigné 1974–1978
DVD Paul German 1978–1982
UDF Léon Jozeau-Marigné 1982–1983
UDF Michel d'Ornano 1983–1986
UDF René Garrec 1986–2004
PS Philippe Duron 2004–2008
PS Laurent Beauvais 2008–2015
Party President In office
CD Jean Lecanuet 1974
RI André Bettencourt 1974–1981
PS Laurent Fabius 1981–1982
PS Tony Larue 1982
RPR Roger Fossé 1982–1992
RPR Antoine Rufenacht 1992–1998
RPR Jean-Paul Gauzès 1998
PS Alain Le Vern 1998–2012
PS Emmanuèle Jeandet-Mengual 2012–2013
PS Alain Le Vern 2013
PS Emmanuèle Jeandet-Mengual 2013
PS Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol 2013–2015
Party President In office
CNIP Jean Legendre 1974–1976
UDF Charles Baur 1976–1978
DVG Max Lejeune 1978–1979
DVD Jacques Mossion 1979–1980
PCF Raymond Maillet 1980–1981
PS René Dosière 1981–1983
PS Walter Amsallem 1983–1985
UDF Charles Baur 1985–2004
PS Claude Gewerc 2004–2015
Party President In office
Lucien Grand 1974–1976
CNIP Jacques Fouchier 1976–1978
RPR Francis Hardy 1978–1980
UDF Fernand Chaussebourg 1980–1981
Michel Boucher 1981–1982
PS Jacques Santrot 1982
PS Raoul Cartraud 1982–1985
UDF René Monory 1985–1986
UDF Louis Fruchard 1986–1988
UDF Jean-Pierre Raffarin 1988–2002
Dominique de La Martinière 2002
UMP Élisabeth Morin-Chartier 2002–2004
PS Ségolène Royal 2004–2014
PS Jean-François Macaire 2014–2015
Party President In office
FNRI, UDF Paul Ribeyre 1974–1980
UDF Michel Durafour 1980–1981
UDF Charles Béraudier 1981–1988
UDF Charles Millon 1988–1999
UDF Anne-Marie Comparini 1999–2004
PS Jean-Jack Queyranne 2004–2015

See also
