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Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/5/People/Philosophers, historians, political and social scientists

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Level 5 Sublists

Vital articles is a list of subjects for which Wikipedia should have corresponding high-quality articles. It serves as a centralized watchlist to track the status of Wikipedia's most essential articles. This is one of the sub-lists of the fifty thousand article Vital articles/Level 5 and is currently under construction.

Articles in the Vital list have their assessments labelled as:

  • Featured articles
  • Former featured articles
  • A-class articles
  • Good articles
  • Delisted good articles
  • Failed good article nominees
  • B-class articles
  • C-class articles
  • Start-class articles
  • Stub-class articles
  • List-class articles
  • Unassessed articles

The progress bar is auto-updated via category count, and the symbols and article counts are updated daily by User:cewbot. Please read the FAQ before modifying the article list.

Quota 1,360 articles.

Total 1,334 articles.

Class #Articles
FA 13
GA 51
B 19
C 62
FFA 10
DGA 17
Start 108
Stub 4



This section contains 294 articles.

Ancient (before AD 500)


This section contains 55 articles.

Post-classical (AD 500 to 1500)


This section contains 29 articles.

Early modern (AD 1500 to 1800)


This section contains 36 articles.

Modern (after AD 1800)


This section contains 174 articles.



This section contains 3 articles.

  1. Kwame Anthony Appiah
  2. John McDowell
  3. Kwasi Wiredu



This section contains 44 articles.

  1. William Alston
  2. Mario Bunge
  3. Judith Butler
  4. Patricia Churchland
  5. Mary Daly
  6. Donald Davidson (philosopher)
  7. Daniel Dennett
  8. John Dewey
  9. Hubert Dreyfus
  10. Ronald Dworkin
  11. Ralph Waldo Emerson
  12. Frantz Fanon
  13. John Fiske (philosopher)
  14. Vil�m Flusser
  15. Jerry Fodor
  16. Rebecca Goldstein
  17. Donna Haraway
  18. Sam Harris
  19. Douglas Hofstadter
  20. William James
  21. Saul Kripke
  22. Thomas Kuhn
  23. David Lewis (philosopher)
  24. Bernard Lonergan
  25. Marshall McLuhan
  26. Thomas Nagel
  27. Robert Nozick
  28. Martha Nussbaum
  29. Leonard Peikoff
  30. Charles Sanders Peirce
  31. Robert M. Pirsig
  32. Alvin Plantinga
  33. Hilary Putnam
  34. Willard Van Orman Quine
  35. John Rawls
  36. Jos� Enrique Rod�
  37. Richard Rorty
  38. Josiah Royce
  39. John Searle
  40. Charles Taylor (philosopher)
  41. Judith Jarvis Thomson
  42. Henry David Thoreau
  43. Jos� Vasconcelos
  44. Cornel West



This section contains 11 articles.

  1. Surendranath Dasgupta
  2. Feng Youlan
  3. Ikki Kita
  4. Jiddu Krishnamurti
  5. Kitaro Nishida
  6. Mou Zongsan
  7. Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar
  8. Tang Chun-i
  9. Xiong Shili
  10. Hajime Tanabe
  11. Yan Fu



This section contains 114 articles.

  1. Giorgio Agamben
  2. Louis Althusser
  3. G. E. M. Anscombe
  4. Hannah Arendt (Level 4)
  5. Raymond Aron
  6. J. L. Austin
  7. A. J. Ayer
  8. Gaston Bachelard
  9. Alain Badiou
  10. Georges Bataille
  11. Simone de Beauvoir
  12. Henri Bergson
  13. Isaiah Berlin
  14. Simon Blackburn
  15. Maurice Blanchot
  16. Bernard Bosanquet (philosopher)
  17. Nick Bostrom
  18. F. H. Bradley
  19. Franz Brentano
  20. Martin Buber
  21. Ludwig B�chner
  22. Georges Canguilhem
  23. Thomas Carlyle
  24. Rudolf Carnap
  25. Ernst Cassirer
  26. Pyotr Chaadayev
  27. Houston Stewart Chamberlain
  28. Nikolay Chernyshevsky
  29. Emil Cioran
  30. R. G. Collingwood
  31. Auguste Comte
  32. Benjamin Constant
  33. Victor Cousin
  34. Benedetto Croce
  35. Gilles Deleuze
  36. Jacques Derrida
  37. Pierre Duhem
  38. Rudolf Christoph Eucken
  39. Julius Evola
  40. Luc Ferry
  41. Ludwig Feuerbach
  42. Paul Feyerabend
  43. Mark Fisher
  44. Antony Flew
  45. Pavel Florensky
  46. Michel Foucault (Level 4)
  47. Nikolai Fyodorov (philosopher)
  48. Hans-Georg Gadamer
  49. A. C. Grayling
  50. T. H. Green
  51. F�lix Guattari
  52. J�rgen Habermas
  53. R. M. Hare
  54. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (Level 4)
  55. Martin Heidegger
  56. Johann Friedrich Herbart
  57. John Hick
  58. Jaakko Hintikka
  59. Friedrich H�lderlin
  60. Edmund Husserl
  61. Karl Jaspers
  62. Aleksey Khomyakov
  63. S�ren Kierkegaard (Level 4)
  64. Julia Kristeva
  65. Imre Lakatos
  66. Nick Land
  67. Emmanuel Levinas
  68. Bernard-Henri Lévy
  69. Hermann Lotze
  70. Karl Löwith
  71. Jean-François Lyotard
  72. György Lukács
  73. Alasdair MacIntyre
  74. Gabriel Marcel
  75. Jacques Maritain
  76. Maurice Merleau-Ponty
  77. Mary Midgley
  78. John Stuart Mill
  79. G. E. Moore
  80. Jean-Luc Nancy
  81. Otto Neurath
  82. Friedrich Nietzsche
  83. Michel Onfray
  84. José Ortega y Gasset
  85. Derek Parfit
  86. Michael Polanyi
  87. Karl Popper (Level 4)
  88. Paul Ricœur
  89. Alfred Rosenberg
  90. Bertrand Russell (Level 4)
  91. Gilbert Ryle
  92. George Santayana
  93. Jean-Paul Sartre
  94. Max Scheler
  95. Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling
  96. Friedrich Schleiermacher
  97. Moritz Schlick
  98. Arthur Schopenhauer
  99. Albert Schweitzer
  100. Roger Scruton
  101. Lev Shestov
  102. Vladimir Solovyov (philosopher)
  103. Oswald Spengler
  104. Rudolf Steiner
  105. Bernard Stiegler
  106. Max Stirner
  107. Miguel de Unamuno
  108. Alan Watts
  109. Simone Weil
  110. William Whewell
  111. Alfred North Whitehead (Level 4)
  112. Bernard Williams
  113. Ludwig Wittgenstein (Level 4)
  114. Slavoj Žižek



This section contains 2 articles.

  1. J. L. Mackie
  2. Peter Singer



This section contains 183 articles.

Ancient (before AD 500)


This section contains 26 articles.

Post-classical (AD 500 to 1500)


This section contains 12 articles.

Early modern (AD 1500 to 1800)


This section contains 15 articles.

Modern (after AD 1800)


This section contains 130 articles.

  1. Brooks Adams
  2. Henry Adams
  3. Stephen E. Ambrose
  4. Charles McLean Andrews
  5. Philippe Ariès
  6. François Victor Alphonse Aulard
  7. George Bancroft
  8. Vasily Bartold
  9. Jacques Barzun
  10. Charles Bean
  11. Charles A. Beard
  12. Antony Beevor
  13. Samuel Flagg Bemis
  14. Ernst Bernheim
  15. Geoffrey Blainey
  16. Marc Bloch
  17. Daniel J. Boorstin
  18. Randolph L. Braham
  19. Fernand Braudel
  20. David Bret
  21. James Bryce, 1st Viscount Bryce
  22. Robert Caro
  23. E. H. Carr
  24. Bruce Catton
  25. Dipesh Chakrabarty
  26. Edward Channing
  27. Ron Chernow
  28. Manning Clark
  29. Henry Steele Commager
  30. Robert Conquest
  31. John Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron Acton
  32. Bernard DeVoto
  33. Cheikh Anta Diop
  34. Johann Gustav Droysen
  35. Georges Duby
  36. Ariel Durant
  37. Will Durant
  38. Elizabeth Eisenstein
  39. Mircea Eliade
  40. Elizabeth F. Ellet
  41. Richard J. Evans
  42. Lucien Febvre
  43. Niall Ferguson
  44. Robert Fogel
  45. Eric Foner
  46. John Hope Franklin
  47. Douglas Southall Freeman
  48. Egon Friedell
  49. James Anthony Froude
  50. Numa Denis Fustel de Coulanges
  51. Samuel Rawson Gardiner
  52. Eugene Genovese
  53. Pieter Geyl
  54. Yuval Noah Harari
  55. Karl von Hegel
  56. Christopher Hill (historian)
  57. Eric Hobsbawm
  58. Richard Hofstadter
  59. Michael Howard (historian)
  60. Mykhailo Hrushevsky
  61. Huang Xianfan
  62. Johan Huizinga
  63. Walter Isaacson
  64. C. L. R. James
  65. Ibram X. Kendi
  66. Ian Kershaw
  67. Karl Lamprecht
  68. Philippa Langley
  69. Marcia Langton
  70. Jacques Le Goff
  71. Georges Lefebvre
  72. Bernard Lewis
  73. Elizabeth Longford
  74. Thomas Babington Macaulay
  75. Stuart Macintyre
  76. Frederic William Maitland
  77. Manning Marable
  78. David McCullough
  79. J. R. McNeill
  80. William H. McNeill
  81. Joe Medicine Crow
  82. Jules Michelet
  83. Samuel Eliot Morison
  84. Benny Morris
  85. Jan Morris
  86. John Lothrop Motley
  87. Lewis Namier
  88. Allan Nevins
  89. František Palacký
  90. Ilan Pappé
  91. Francis Parkman
  92. Vernon Louis Parrington
  93. Robert Paxton
  94. Henri Pirenne
  95. William H. Prescott
  96. Benjamin Arthur Quarles
  97. Leopold von Ranke
  98. Ernest Renan
  99. James Harvey Robinson
  100. Simon Schama
  101. Arthur M. Schlesinger Sr.
  102. Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.
  103. Avi Shlaim
  104. Quentin Skinner
  105. Timothy Snyder
  106. Albert Soboul
  107. Sergey Solovyov (historian)
  108. Jared Sparks
  109. David Starkey
  110. Lawrence Stone
  111. Lytton Strachey
  112. Susan Stryker
  113. R. H. Tawney
  114. A. J. P. Taylor
  115. Studs Terkel
  116. E. P. Thompson
  117. Arnold J. Toynbee
  118. Trần Trọng Kim
  119. Heinrich von Treitschke
  120. G. M. Trevelyan
  121. Hugh Trevor-Roper
  122. Barbara W. Tuchman
  123. Frederick Jackson Turner
  124. Shoqan Walikhanov
  125. Richard Wolin
  126. Carter G. Woodson
  127. C. Vann Woodward
  128. Wu Han (historian)
  129. Yu Ying-shih
  130. Howard Zinn

Social scientists


This section contains 749 articles.

Economists and business theorists


This section contains 137 articles.

  1. George Akerlof
  2. Maurice Allais
  3. Kenneth Arrow
  4. Emily Greene Balch
  5. Abhijit Banerjee
  6. Fr�d�ric Bastiat
  7. Gary Becker
  8. Ben Bernanke
  9. William Beveridge
  10. Fischer Black
  11. Olivier Blanchard
  12. John Bowring
  13. Lujo Brentano
  14. James M. Buchanan
  15. Arthur F. Burns
  16. Richard Cantillon
  17. Ha-Joon Chang
  18. Ronald Coase
  19. Angus Deaton
  20. G�rard Debreu
  21. Peter Diamond
  22. Esther Duflo
  23. Robert F. Engle
  24. Eugene Fama
  25. Irving Fisher
  26. Milton Friedman (Level 4)
  27. Ragnar Frisch
  28. John Kenneth Galbraith
  29. Henry George
  30. Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen
  31. Hermann Heinrich Gossen
  32. Clive Granger
  33. Alan Greenspan
  34. Trygve Haavelmo
  35. Alvin Hansen
  36. Lars Peter Hansen
  37. John Harsanyi
  38. Oliver Hart (economist)
  39. Friedrich Hayek
  40. James Heckman
  41. Eli Heckscher
  42. John Hicks
  43. Albert O. Hirschman
  44. J. A. Hobson
  45. Bengt Holmstr�m
  46. Leonid Hurwicz
  47. William Stanley Jevons
  48. Michał Kalecki
  49. John Maynard Keynes (Level 4)
  50. Lawrence Klein
  51. Tjalling Koopmans
  52. Michael Kremer
  53. Paul Krugman
  54. Simon Kuznets
  55. Finn E. Kydland
  56. Wassily Leontief
  57. W. Arthur Lewis
  58. Friedrich List
  59. Robert Lucas Jr.
  60. Thomas Robert Malthus
  61. Harry Markowitz
  62. Alfred Marshall
  63. Karl Marx (Level 3)
  64. Eric Maskin
  65. Daniel McFadden
  66. James Meade
  67. Carl Menger
  68. Robert C. Merton
  69. Merton Miller
  70. James Mirrlees
  71. Ludwig von Mises
  72. Wesley Clair Mitchell
  73. Franco Modigliani
  74. Dale T. Mortensen
  75. Dambisa Moyo, Baroness Moyo
  76. Robert Mundell
  77. Roger Myerson
  78. Gunnar Myrdal
  79. William Nordhaus
  80. Douglass North
  81. Bertil Ohlin
  82. Elinor Ostrom
  83. Luca Pacioli
  84. Vilfredo Pareto
  85. William Petty
  86. Edmund Phelps
  87. Arthur Cecil Pigou
  88. Thomas Piketty
  89. Christopher A. Pissarides
  90. Michael Porter
  91. Edward C. Prescott
  92. Fran�ois Quesnay
  93. Raghuram Rajan
  94. David Ricardo
  95. Joan Robinson
  96. Paul Romer
  97. Alvin E. Roth
  98. Nouriel Roubini
  99. Jeffrey Sachs
  100. Paul Samuelson
  101. Thomas J. Sargent
  102. Jean-Baptiste Say
  103. Hjalmar Schacht
  104. Thomas Schelling
  105. Myron Scholes
  106. E. F. Schumacher
  107. Joseph Schumpeter
  108. Theodore Schultz
  109. Reinhard Selten
  110. Amartya Sen
  111. William F. Sharpe
  112. Robert J. Shiller
  113. Herbert A. Simon
  114. Christopher A. Sims
  115. Adam Smith
  116. Vernon L. Smith
  117. Robert Solow
  118. Werner Sombart
  119. Michael Spence
  120. Piero Sraffa
  121. George Stigler
  122. Joseph Stiglitz
  123. Richard Stone
  124. Lawrence Summers
  125. F. W. Taussig
  126. Richard Thaler
  127. Jan Tinbergen
  128. Jean Tirole
  129. James Tobin
  130. Anne Robert Jacques Turgot
  131. Yanis Varoufakis
  132. Thorstein Veblen
  133. William Vickrey
  134. L�on Walras
  135. Oliver E. Williamson
  136. Janet Yellen
  137. Muhammad Yunus

Political scientists, theorists, and writers


This section contains 54 articles.



This section contains 92 articles.



This section contains 73 articles.

Anthropologists and archaeologists


This section contains 92 articles.

  1. Lila Abu-Lughod
  2. Arjun Appadurai
  3. John Aubrey
  4. Su Bai
  5. Robert Ballard
  6. Gregory Bateson
  7. Giovanni Belzoni
  8. Ruth Benedict
  9. Lewis Binford
  10. Hiram Bingham III
  11. Davidson Black
  12. Carl Blegen
  13. Franz Boas
  14. Dmitri Bondarenko
  15. James Henry Breasted
  16. Howard Carter
  17. Alfonso Caso
  18. Napoleon Chagnon
  19. Jean-Fran�ois Champollion
  20. V. Gordon Childe
  21. Grahame Clark
  22. O. G. S. Crawford
  23. Alexander Cunningham
  24. Mary Douglas
  25. Eug�ne Dubois
  26. Ann Dunham
  27. Iren�us Eibl-Eibesfeldt
  28. A. P. Elkin
  29. Arthur Evans
  30. E. E. Evans-Pritchard
  31. Paul Farmer
  32. George R. Fischer
  33. James George Frazer
  34. Manuel Gamio
  35. Clifford Geertz (Level 4)
  36. Francis James Gillen
  37. Marija Gimbutas
  38. David Graeber
  39. Marvin Harris
  40. Zahi Hawass
  41. George Herbert, 5th Earl of Carnarvon
  42. Ian Hodder
  43. Earnest Hooton
  44. Arthur Keith
  45. Kathleen Kenyon
  46. Anatoly Khazanov
  47. Mary Kingsley
  48. Adam František Kollár
  49. Andrey Korotayev
  50. Alfred Kroeber
  51. Adam Kuper
  52. Louis Leakey
  53. Mary Leakey
  54. Richard Leakey
  55. Richard Borshay Lee
  56. Claude Lévi-Strauss (Level 4)
  57. Ralph Linton
  58. Robert Lowie
  59. Bronisław Malinowski (Level 4)
  60. John Marshall (archaeologist)
  61. Margaret Mead
  62. Sidney Mintz
  63. Ashley Montagu
  64. Lewis H. Morgan
  65. Iolo Morganwg
  66. Margaret Murray
  67. Sherry Ortner
  68. Elsie Clews Parsons
  69. Flinders Petrie
  70. Karl Polanyi
  71. Alfred Radcliffe-Brown
  72. Colin Renfrew
  73. Audrey Richards
  74. W. H. R. Rivers
  75. Marshall Sahlins
  76. Nancy Scheper-Hughes
  77. Heinrich Schliemann
  78. George Smith (Assyriologist)
  79. Walter Baldwin Spencer
  80. Melford Spiro
  81. Marilyn Strathern
  82. William Stukeley
  83. Josef Szombathy
  84. Edward Burnett Tylor
  85. Sherwood Washburn
  86. Camilla Wedgwood
  87. Mortimer Wheeler
  88. Leslie White
  89. Clark Wissler
  90. Johann Joachim Winckelmann
  91. Eric Wolf
  92. Namkhai Norbu

Art historians, theorists and critics


This section contains 83 articles.

For critics chiefly known for their reviews, see Critics.

Musicologists and music theorists


This section contains 20 articles.

For critics chiefly known for their reviews, see Critics.



This section contains 15 articles.



This section contains 43 articles.

Forensic sciences


This section contains 10 articles.

Human geographers and cartographers


This section contains 28 articles.



This section contains 65 articles.

Ancient Figures


This section contains 3 articles.

  1. Gaius (jurist)
  2. Papinian
  3. Tribonian



This section contains 1 article.

  1. Abd El-Razzak El-Sanhuri



This section contains 1 article.

  1. Sergio Moro



This section contains 1 article.

  1. Radhabinod Pal

Modern Europe


This section contains 19 articles.

  1. Cesare Beccaria
  2. William Blackstone (Level 4)
  3. Gustave Boissonade
  4. Paolo Borsellino
  5. Ren� Cassin
  6. Robert Cecil, 1st Viscount Cecil of Chelwood
  7. Edward Coke
  8. Tom Denning, Baron Denning
  9. Giovanni Falcone
  10. Hans Frank
  11. Roland Freisler
  12. Alberico Gentili
  13. Rudolf von Gneist
  14. Hugo Grotius
  15. Gis�le Halimi
  16. Hans Kelsen
  17. Geoffrey Lawrence, 1st Baron Oaksey
  18. William Murray, 1st Earl of Mansfield (Level 4)
  19. Carl Schmitt



This section contains 3 articles.

  1. Garfield Barwick
  2. James Busby
  3. Jeremy Waldron

United States


This section contains 37 articles.

  1. Bella Abzug
  2. Derrick Bell
  3. Hugo Black
  4. Robert Bork
  5. Louis Brandeis
  6. William J. Brennan Jr.
  7. Warren E. Burger
  8. Johnnie Cochran
  9. Clarence Darrow
  10. Alan Dershowitz
  11. William O. Douglas
  12. Ben Ferencz
  13. David Dudley Field II
  14. Ruth Bader Ginsburg
  15. Learned Hand
  16. John Marshall Harlan
  17. Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
  18. William Kunstler
  19. Raphael Lemkin
  20. Lawrence Lessig
  21. Francis Lieber
  22. Robert R. Livingston
  23. Catharine A. MacKinnon
  24. John Marshall (Level 4)
  25. Thurgood Marshall
  26. Sandra Day O'Connor
  27. Richard Posner
  28. Robert Joseph Pothier
  29. William Rehnquist
  30. John Roberts
  31. Antonin Scalia
  32. Ken Starr
  33. Potter Stewart
  34. Joseph Story
  35. William Stoughton (judge)
  36. Roger B. Taney
  37. Earl Warren

Library science and curators


This section contains 10 articles.

Public relations, marketing and advertising theorists


This section contains 9 articles.



This section contains 10 articles.

Other social sciences


This section contains 8 articles.



This section contains 108 articles.

  1. Alfred Adler
  2. Mary Ainsworth
  3. Gordon Allport
  4. Alois Alzheimer
  5. Elliot Aronson
  6. Solomon Asch
  7. David Ausubel
  8. Albert Bandura
  9. Frederic Bartlett
  10. Simon Baron-Cohen
  11. Aaron Beck
  12. Bruno Bettelheim
  13. Alfred Binet
  14. Susan Blackmore
  15. Eugen Bleuler
  16. Benjamin Bloom
  17. John Bowlby
  18. Katharine Cook Briggs
  19. Jerome Bruner
  20. Mary Whiton Calkins
  21. James McKeen Cattell
  22. Raymond Cattell
  23. Kenneth and Mamie Clark
  24. Émile Coué
  25. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
  26. Kazimierz Dąbrowski
  27. Park Dietz
  28. Hermann Ebbinghaus
  29. Paul Ekman
  30. Albert Ellis
  31. Milton H. Erickson
  32. Erik Erikson
  33. Hans Eysenck
  34. Gustav Fechner
  35. Leon Festinger
  36. Viktor Frankl
  37. Marie-Louise von Franz
  38. Anna Freud
  39. Sigmund Freud (Level 3)
  40. Erich Fromm
  41. Robert M. Gagn�
  42. Howard Gardner
  43. Carol Gilligan
  44. Jonathan Haidt
  45. G. Stanley Hall
  46. Harry Harlow
  47. Donald O. Hebb
  48. Karen Horney
  49. Clark L. Hull
  50. Joseph Jastrow
  51. Carl Jung
  52. Daniel Kahneman
  53. Leo Kanner
  54. Melanie Klein
  55. Kurt Koffka
  56. Heinz Kohut
  57. Emil Kraepelin
  58. Jacques Lacan
  59. Christine Ladd-Franklin
  60. R. D. Laing
  61. Timothy Leary
  62. Aleksei Leontiev
  63. Kurt Lewin (Level 4)
  64. Marsha M. Linehan
  65. Elizabeth Loftus
  66. Abraham Maslow
  67. Rollo May
  68. David McClelland
  69. Stanley Milgram
  70. George Armitage Miller (Level 4)
  71. Neal E. Miller
  72. Walter Mischel
  73. Lloyd Morrisett
  74. Hugo M�nsterberg
  75. Isabel Briggs Myers
  76. Ulric Neisser
  77. Ivan Pavlov
  78. Fritz Perls
  79. Laura Perls
  80. Jordan Peterson
  81. Jean Piaget
  82. Robert Plomin
  83. Otto Rank
  84. Anatol Rapoport
  85. Wilhelm Reich
  86. Carl Rogers
  87. Stanley Schachter
  88. Martin Seligman
  89. Muzafer Sherif
  90. Th�odore Simon
  91. B. F. Skinner (Level 4)
  92. Charles Spearman
  93. Robert Sternberg
  94. Grunya Sukhareva
  95. Harry Stack Sullivan
  96. Thomas Szasz
  97. Lewis Terman
  98. Edward Thorndike (Level 4)
  99. Edward B. Titchener
  100. Lev Vygotsky
  101. Margaret Floy Washburn
  102. John B. Watson
  103. Ernst Heinrich Weber
  104. David Wechsler
  105. Fredric Wertham
  106. Donald Winnicott
  107. Wilhelm Wundt
  108. Philip Zimbardo