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My implementation of the Kappa Architecture using Kafka, Spark, the ELK stack, mostly using Scala, and a bit of Python sprinkled all over.

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Kappa Architecture with Kafka, Spark Structured Streaming

My take on implementing a pipeline based on the Kappa Architecture by Jay Kreps to solve a real world problem.

Problem Statement

With the advent of a low interest rate environment over the past decade, governments all over the world have capitalized on the opportunity to fund a multitude of mega infrastructure projects. The increased number of mega projects has encouraged the construction industry to increasingly incorporate automated processes into their workflows.

One such area is the monitoring of the ground condition during major underground construction works. Monitoring the state of the ground and structural health of underground projects is mandatory, both from a worker-safety, environmental protection, and the contractual perspective of an asset. The labor-intensive task of site engineers manually taking readings from instruments located over vast spaces and access-limited site geometries is a prime candidate for automation, given the rise in popularity of big data and the advancement of streaming technologies.

This project is centered around implementing a data streaming pipeline which should have the ability to ingest data from a variety of monitoring instrument sources, and feed processed data to both batch and real-time analytics platforms - both of which are critical in billion dollar construction projects.

Local Architecture

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My pipeline is based on the Kappa Architecture, by Jay Kreps. At a high level, raw data is ingested into a Kafka Broker, which acts as a messaging service for both producers and consumers. This Kafka service is supported by a Zookeeper instance.

I have chosen to use Spark’s Structured Streaming API for my pipeline, as it allows for flexibility to deliver real-time streaming, as well as in micro-batches. Spark reads data from a Kafka topic for incoming raw data, and once processed, the data is simultaneously written back into a separate outgoing Kafka topic for real-time analytics, as well as a PostgreSQL database for batch analytics.

My real-time views layer is implemented using the ELK stack, which consists of Logstash, Elasticsearch, and Kibana. My batch views layer is implemented using the Python web framework Django, and the JavaScript visualization library, Flexmonster.

Data Source

As construction mega projects are often shrouded in layers of secrecy and NDA’s, there is no publicly available real-time data source. Therefore, as part of this final project, I have drawn upon my previous experience in the construction industry to deploy a basic REST API which generates pseudo-random monitoring data, within realistic ranges. The data is in JSON format, and covers five types of the most frequently used monitoring instruments in the industry. Every GET call to this API generates a snapshot in real-time of the current instrument reading, as well as some metadata about the instrument.

The repository for this API can be found here.

Stream Ingestion

I have decided to write a simple Kafka Producer to collect data from my instrumentation reading API, into a Kafka topic for my stream processing application to read from. I have used a bash script to automate the running of the script, but the actual implementation is in Python, using the module Kafka-Python. I would have been interested in exploring the use of Flume as an alternative, given more time for this project.

Stream Processing

The backbone of my streaming pipeline is implemented using the Spark Structured Streaming API. I have written this in Scala, and the processing stage includes formatting the data, cleaning it from null or empty values, and then aggregating certain instrument reading data. The condition for aggregating data is when the same instrument emits data in close intervals ~10 second windows. This does not occur frequently, but is possible due to the randomness built into my data source, mimicking the real world. In industry, these close-interval reading values are often averaged out and considered as a single data point, and this is what my streaming application does as well.

Processed Data Storage

Once the raw data has been processed, Spark writes the transformed data to Kafka topics for real-time data analytics, and a PostgreSQL for persistent storage and batch analytics. There are five different Kafka topics this processed data is written to, one for each instrument type.

Data Visualizations

For the real-time visualization layer, Logstash consumes data from all five Kafka topics, and the data is stored and indexed by Elasticsearch. Kibana is the visualization tool from which dashboards can be created based on Elasticsearch data. The dashboard data updates in real-time, and the trigger limits can be used as an alerting tool for engineers to decide which instrument data to watch more closely. For batch analytics, I have decided to use Django as my application engine due to its simple integration with the PostgreSQL database used to store processed data. The PostgreSQL data is then fed into the frontend using the JavaScript library, Flexmonster. A user is able to view the history of all instruments over time, and single out individual instruments where more attention is warranted.

Cloud Architecture

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Pipeline Details

I have chosen to use the Azure Synapse Analytics platform to scale my pipeline. There are similar alternaties from the AWS and GCP platforms. Synapse does most of the heavy lifting in pulling in the external API data and storing the raw data. Synapse is also able to run Spark jobs which made it a simple process for me to deploy my Scala streaming application. It also has a simple integration interface with the Azure SQL Database and PowerBI for both real-time and batch visualizations.

The pipeline yaml file is included within this repo if you would like to take a look at the structure of my pipeline for your own stream processing application.


The following steps detail how to run this project locally.

  1. From the root directory, run the bash script This compiles the Spark application jar file written in Scala, and starts all the required Docker containers.
  2. Submit the Spark job by running the following commands:
    • docker exec -it spark-master /bin/bash to enter into the Spark container.
    • ./opt/spark/bin/spark-submit --class StreamHandler --master local[*] --packages org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.13:3.2.1 /opt/spark-apps/2022SpringSparkJob.jar to run the Spark job.
  3. Start the Kafka Producer by running the bash script
  4. (Optional) Inspect the real-time streaming output data and created Kafka topics in the Kafka Broker by entering into the Kafka container with docker exec -it kafka /bin/sh
    • --list --zookeeper zookeeper:2181
    • --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic water_standpipe --from-beginning
    • --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic piezometer --from-beginning
    • --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic settlement_marker --from-beginning
    • --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic extensometer --from-beginning
    • --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic strain_gauge --from-beginning
  5. (Optional) Inspect the PostgreSQL database streaming output data by entering into the PostgreSQL container with docker exec -it postgres sh
    • psql -U postgres monitoring -W to login to the database.
    • SELECT COUNT(*) FROM record ;
    • SELECT * FROM record WHERE instrument='water_standpipe' LIMIT 5 ;
    • SELECT * FROM record WHERE instrument='piezometer' LIMIT 5 ;
    • SELECT * FROM record WHERE instrument='settlement_marker' LIMIT 5 ;
    • SELECT * FROM record WHERE instrument='extensometer' LIMIT 5 ;
    • SELECT * FROM record WHERE instrument='strain_gauge' LIMIT 5 ;
  6. (Optional) Inspect Elasticsearch to ensure it works by visiting http://localhost:9200/.
  7. The real-time Kibana visualization dashboard can be accessed using http://localhost:5601/.
  8. The batch data Django + Flexmonster visualization dashboard can be accessed using http://localhost:8000/dashboard/.


See this YouTube link for a brief overview and demo of this project.

Big Data Technologies Used

  • Zookeeper
  • Kafka
  • Spark Structured Streaming
  • PostgreSQL
  • Logstash
  • Elasticsearch
  • Kibana
  • Azure Synapse Analytics
  • PowerBI