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The best vim statusline plugin.



  • Fast load speed
  • More separator support
  • Highly customizable
  • More beautiful than other statusline plugins
  • Special color scheme
  • File icon syntax highlight
  • Scroll bar


  • Easy installed with a plugin manager like vim-plug
Plug 'glepnir/spaceline.vim'
" Use the icon plugin for better behavior
Plug 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons' or 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons' --neovim only


  • spaceline provide some separator groups, the default group is arrow
let g:spaceline_seperate_style = 'arrow'
group Screen shot
none none
arrow arrow
arrow-fade arrow-fade
curve curve
slant slant
slant-fade slant-fade
slant-cons slant-cons
  • Use this setting to change the spaceline colorscheme, now builtin colorscheme space,one, nord, dracula
let g:spaceline_colorscheme = 'space'
  • g:spaceline_custom_vim_status custom vim status display. Default is
 {"n": "🅝 ","V":"🅥 ","v":"🅥 ","\<C-v>": "🅥 ","i":"🅘 ","R":"🅡 ","s":"🅢 ","t":"🅣 ","c":"🅒 ","!":"SE"}
  • g:spaceline_custom_buffer_number custom buffer number display value is list

  • g:spaceline_diagnostic_tool set your diagnostic plugin. Default is coc, other values are: nvim_lsp, ale

  • g:spaceline_diagnostic_errorsign set the error sign. Default is

  • g:spaceline_diagnostic_warnsign set the warn sign. Default is

  • g:spaceline_diagnostic_oksign set the ok sign. Default is

  • g:spaceline_git_branch_icon set the git branch icon default is empty

  • g:spaceline_custom_diff_icon custom diff icon. Default is

  • g:spaceline_diff_tool set the git diff tool default is coc. Other values are: git-gutter, which requires the vim-gitgutter plugin; vim-signify, which requires the vim-signify plugin.

  • g:spaceline_function_icon set the function icon

  • g:spaceline_scroll_bar_chars set the scroll bar chars. Some alternatives:

" one char wide solid vertical bar This is default
let g:spaceline_scroll_chars = [
  \  ' ', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''
  \  ]

" two char wide fade-in blocks
let g:spaceline_scroll_chars = [
  \ '  ', '', '', '', '', '█░', '█▒', '█▓', '██'
  \ ]

" three char wide solid horizontal bar
let g:spaceline_scroll_chars = [
  \ '   ', '', '', '', '',
  \ '', '', '', '', '█▏ ',
  \ '█▎ ', '█▍ ', '█▌ ', '█▋ ', '█▊ ',
  \ '█▉ ', '██ ', '██▏', '██▎', '██▍',
  \ '██▌', '██▋', '██▊', '██▉', '███'
  \ ]

let g:spaceline_scroll_chars = ['', '', '', '', ''] " on macOS

let g:spaceline_scroll_chars = ['', '', '', '', ''] " on Linux

Goyo Support

  • check out thinkvim usage


  • Why do the symbols look weird in my vim?

Make sure you have installed nerdfont font from, different fonts may be inconsistent in the performance of symbols. If you are using iTerm2 on macOS, you can set a different font for symbols.

Another solution is to use kitty terminal. Kitty has built-in symbol font support and supports both Mac and Linux.
