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Secure Payment Confirmation explained


Secure Payment Confirmation (SPC) is a proposed Web API to support streamlined authentication during a payment transaction. It is designed to scale authentication across merchants, to be used within a wide range of authentication protocols, and to produce cryptographic evidence that the user has confirmed transaction details.

SPC adds payment-specific capabilities atop WebAuthn and is designed with stronger privacy protections than risk analysis approaches that rely on data collection.

See also:



Online payments are usually a 3 party interaction:

  • The Merchant (e.g. an online web store)
  • The Customer (e.g. the user buying from an online web store)
  • The Account Provider (e.g. the bank that issued the payment instrument being used)

NOTE: It is not uncommon for there to be a fourth party: the Payment Service Provider, to whom the Merchant delegates the task of accepting the payment method. This is usually done by the Merchant either redirecting the User to the Payment Service Provider's website, or by embedding the Payment Service Provider in an iframe. Any following mention of the term Merchant should be taken to mean either a Merchant or a Payment Service Provider; whichever is handling payment.

Traditionally, the Customer only interacts with the Merchant, and the Merchant communicates with the Account Provider via a back-channel protocol. However, Account Providers are increasingly looking to authenticate Customers during online payments. This is done for both regulatory reasons (e.g. SCA in the European Union) and for fraud prevention reasons - either fraudulent Customers or fraudulent Merchants.

Existing methods of authenticating a Customer during an online payment are either high friction (e.g. embedding challenge iframes from the Account Provider or redirecting to the Account Provider site or app) or have poor user privacy (e.g. data-collection or tracking the user for risk analysis, to provide a 'frictionless flow'). The payments industry needs a consistent, low friction, strong authentication flow for online payments.

The Web Authentication (WebAuthn) API makes FIDO-based authentication available on the web, which provides a strong, low-friction method for a user to prove a pre-established identity with a given site. However, WebAuthn is not immediately suitable to solve the payments authentication problem, as:

  1. It requires the Account Provider to be present in the transaction (e.g. via an embedded iframe), which increases user friction and lowers conversion rates.
  2. The generated assertion contains no payments-related information, so it cannot be used as-is to fulfill regulatory requirements to provide evidence of user consent (e.g. Dynamic Linking requirements).
  3. WebAuthn does not allow credential creation in a cross-origin iframe, thus excluding a useful onboarding flow - registering a Customer after they have completed a traditional authentication flow (e.g. via SMS OTP), without the friction of redirecting them to the bank's site or app.

This proposal attempts to provide an authentication solution for online payments that is both as strong and low-friction as WebAuthn, whilst also solving these three issues.


Find a solution that (in no particular order):

  • Has as-strong or stronger authentication than current challenge flows.
  • Is less friction for the Customer than current challenge flows.
  • Is more protective of user-privacy than current frictionless flows.
  • Improves the ability for online payments to meet regulations such as Dynamic Linking.

NOTE: It is out-of-scope for the specification to prove adherence to e.g. Dynamic Linking, but we aim to produce a solution that could be vetted as such.

  • Allows for in-flow registration of Customers during a traditional challenge flow, as well as outside of a transaction.


  • Selection of a Payment Instrument by the Customer; it is presumed that the Customer has already done so (e.g. by typing in their credit card number).
  • ID & V to establish real world identity during registration; it is up to the Account Provider to determine the Customer's identity to their satisfaction.
  • Providing authentication for peer-to-peer or business-to-business transactions.
    • We expect that Secure Payment Confirmation may be useful in these cases, but are concentrating on consumer-to-business cases for now.

Proposed Solution: Secure Payment Confirmation

Secure Payment Confirmation (SPC) builds on top of WebAuthn to add payment-specific data to the signed assertion, and to relax assumptions to allow the API to be called in payment contexts.

Diagram showing SPC authentication from the user's perspective.
Diagram: A payment flow authenticated by SPC. With SPC, the user does not leave the merchant website (in blue). The browser (in green) displays the merchant origin and provides a transaction confirmation dialog. The operating system (in orange) provides the biometric authentication service.

Ideally with Secure Payment Confirmation, a Customer would register once on a given device for a given account with an Account Provider, either on the Account Provider's website or during a traditionally-authenticated online payment (e.g. after completing a challenge in an Account Provider iframe). Then, in subsequent transactions on any Merchant that wishes to use Secure Payment Confirmation:

  1. The Customer selects a payment instrument (e.g. a credit card or bank account).
  2. Using a back-channel (e.g. the EMV� 3-D Secure protocol), the Merchant asks for, and receives, a list of credentials for the identified Customer from the Account Provider.
  3. SPC API STARTS HERE. The Merchant calls the SPC API with the list of [webauthn-credentials|credentials].
  4. The User Agent displays a UX to the Customer, informing them of the transaction details and asking if they wish to authenticate their identity to the Account Provider.
  5. The Customer consents, and the User Agent and Customer perform a WebAuthn signing ceremony. Payment details are included in the returned assertion.
  6. The Merchant receives the assertion. SPC API ENDS HERE.
  7. Using the existing back-channel, the Merchant sends the assertion to the Account Provider.
  8. The Account Provider verifies the signature on the assertion, and verifies that the data in the assertion (e.g. transaction amount, payee) is as expected.
  9. The Account Provider informs the Merchant of transaction success, and the payment concludes successfully.

NOTE: Most of the above flow happens in the background. The user experience consists only of examining and agreeing to the transaction details, and performing a WebAuthn interaction.

For the handling of cases when no returned credentials match the current device, see the Privacy section.

Proposed APIs

Secure Payment Confirmation introduces a new WebAuthn extension, payment, which adds three payments-specific capabilities on top of traditional WebAuthn:

  1. Allows calling navigator.credentials.create in a cross-origin iframe, as long as a "payment" permission policy is set on the iframe.
  2. Allows a third-party (the Merchant) to initiate an authentication ceremony on behalf of the Relying Party (the Account Provider), by passing in credentials (typically provided to the Merchant by the Account Provider).
  3. Enforces that the User Agent appropriately communicates to the user that they are authenticating a transaction and the transaction details. Those details are then included in the assertion signed by the authenticator.

NOTE: Allowing navigator.credentials.create in a cross-origin iframe is currently a topic of discussion in the WebAuthn WG too.

NOTE: It is currently undecided whether an SPC credential should be explicitly different from a WebAuthn credential (e.g. by adding a new 'SPC bit' of some form), or whether existing WebAuthn credentials should be able to be used in SPC authentication. See TODO: link or file issue.

Creating a credential

Creating a credential in Secure Payment Confirmation is done by the same navigator.credentials.create call as with WebAuthn, but with a payment extension specified.

const publicKey = {
  challenge: Uint8Array.from(randomStringFromServer, c => c.charCodeAt(0)),

  rp: {
    name: "Fancy Bank",

  user: {
    id: Uint8Array.from(userId, (c) => c.charCodeAt(0)),
    name: "",
    displayName: "Jane Doe",

  pubKeyCredParams: [
      type: "public-key",
      alg: -7, // "ES256"
      type: "public-key",
      alg: -257, // "RS256"

  authenticatorSelection: {
    userVerification: "required",
    residentKey: "required",
    authenticatorAttachment: "platform",

  timeout: 60000,  // 1 minute

  extensions: {
    payment: {
      isPayment: true,

  .create({ publicKey })
  .then(function (newCredentialInfo) {
    // Send new credential info to server for verification and registration.
  .catch(function (err) {
    // No acceptable authenticator or user refused consent. Handle appropriately.

As per the above note, the need to have a special registration (formerly "enrollment") flow for SPC will depend on whether:

  • WebAuthn starts to allow credential creation in a cross-origin iframe.
  • If it is considered reasonable for 'vanilla' WebAuthn credentials to be used in SPC authentication.

If both of these become true, then the extension would not be needed during registration.

Creating a SPC credential in a cross-origin iframe

Unlike normal WebAuthn credentials, SPC allows a credential to be created in a cross-origin iframe (e.g. if embeds an iframe from This is intended to support the common registration flow of a bank registering the user during a step-up challenge (e.g. after proving their identity via OTP).

To allow this, the cross-origin iframe must have the "payment" permission policy set. For example:

<!-- Assume parent origin is -->
<!-- Inside this cross-origin iframe, script would be allowed to create a SPC credential for -->
<iframe src="" allow="payment"></iframe>

Authenticating a payment

An origin may invoke the Payment Request API with the secure-payment-confirmation payment method to prompt the user to verify a Secure Payment Confirmation credential created by any other origin. The User Agent will display a native user interface with transaction details (e.g. the payment amount and the payee origin).

NOTE: The method requires a user activation. The User Agent will display a native user interface with the payment amount and the payee origin. However, the Working Group expects to remove the requirement to consume a user activation during authentication. For background, see issue 216 including the Chrome Team's security and privacy consideration notes.

NOTE: Per the Payment Request specification, if PaymentRequest is used within a cross-origin iframe (e.g. if embeds an iframe from, and wishes to use PaymentRequest), that iframe must have the "payment" permission policy set.

Proposed new secure-payment-confirmation payment method:

const request = new PaymentRequest([{
  supportedMethods: "secure-payment-confirmation",
  data: {
    // List of credential IDs obtained from the Account Provider.

    // The challenge is also obtained from the Account Provider.
    challenge: new Uint8Array(
        randomStringFromServer, c => c.charCodeAt(0)),

    instrument: {
      displayName: "Fancy Card ****1234",
      icon: "/proxy/",

    payeeOrigin: "/proxy/",

    timeout: 60000,  // 1 minute
  }], {
    total: {
      label: "Total",
      amount: {
        currency: "USD",
        value: "5.00",

try {
  // NOTE: canMakePayment() checks only public information for whether the SPC
  // call is valid. To preserve user privacy, it does not check whether any
  // passed credentials match the current device.
  const canMakePayment = await request.canMakePayment();
  if (!canMakePayment) { throw new Error('Cannot make payment'); }

  const response = await;
  await response.complete('success');

  // response.details is a PublicKeyCredential, with a clientDataJSON that
  // contains the transaction data for verification by the issuing bank.

  /* send response.details to the issuing bank for verification */
} catch (err) {
  /* SPC cannot be used; merchant should fallback to traditional flows */

User Experience in Failure Modes

As the diagram above illustrates, the SPC "happy path" involves presentation of a transaction confirmation dialog followed by biometric authentication via the underlying platform.

Below are different failure modes and the corresponding expected user experience.

No Available Authenticator

When the credential IDs provided as input do not match an available authenticator, the browser:

  • displays a notice to the user, then
  • returns an error message to the caller ("NotAllowedError").

User Cancels Transaction Confirmation

When the user cancels the transaction confirmation dialog, the browser:

  • returns an error message to the caller ("NotAllowedError").

User Cancels Authentication Prompt

When the user cancels the underlying platform prompt to authenticate, the browser:

  • returns an error message to the caller ("NotAllowedError").

User Fails to Authenticate

When the user fails to authenticate, the underlying platform behavior will typically involve providing multiple opportunities to retry. If the authenticator signals failure to the browser, the browser will return an error message to the caller.

User Requests to Opt Out of Credential Storage

The caller of the API can set a flag (default: false) telling the browser to provide the user with the opportunity to request to opt out of the process for the given relying party. In the transaction dialog, if the user indicates that they wish to opt-out, then the browser returns an error message to the caller ("OptOutError"). It is then up to the caller to act on the opt out, e.g., by clearing payment information stored for the user (or informing the relying party to do so).

Other Failure Scenarios

The Web Authentication algorithm Use an Existing Credential to Make an Assertion describes additional failure modes. SPC passes messages on to the caller.

Other Considerations

Initial Experimentation with Stripe

In late 2020, Stripe ran a 3-month experiment of Secure Payment Confirmation via a Google Chrome Origin Trial. The experiment showed a +8pp increase in conversion rate (~84.7% to 92.7%), a 3x reduction in time-to-authenticate (36s median to 12s median), and negligible fraud.

It is worth noting that the experiment only compared traditional One Time Password challenge flows versus FIDO-based (e.g. biometric) challenge flows. No comparison was done of WebAuthn versus Secure Payment Confirmation.

More details:

Should SPC credentials be identical to WebAuthn credentials?

We have not yet reached a conclusion about whether a SPC credential should be (somehow) marked as different from 'normal' WebAuthn credentials. It seems reasonable that an SPC credential should be able to be used as a login credential, if a Relying Party wished to do so. However whether a WebAuthn credential should be able to used in a payment authentication context is less clear.

Allowing such a use would make it easier for an entity with existing WebAuthn credentials to use SPC, without requiring some explicit upgrade path. For example, an Account Provider may already have created WebAuthn credentials for their Customers to login, and might then want to use them for payment authentication as well.

On the other hand, it would also open a possible attack on Relying Parties who do not perform sufficient verification of assertions that they receive. If a Relying Party fails to check the clientDataJSON.type or clientDataJSON.origin of the assertion, they might mistake a 3p-created SPC assertion for a login assertion.

Why use the Payment Request API?

The proposed Secure Payment Confirmation API is built on top of the Payment Request API for authentication, defining SPC as a new 'payment method'. This was largely done for ease of implementation in Chrome, and for lack of any clearly better alternative.

Using Payment Request does have some drawbacks:

  1. It has been argued that SPC does not make sense as a payment method, as it conducts no actual payment. (However note that basic-card is also a payment method and also conducts no actual payment - it only provides instrument selection).

  2. There is a mismatch in API shape between the Payment Request API and SPC:

    • Payment Request assumes that many payment methods can be passed in, but SPC only makes sense on its own.
    • Payment Request assumes that a Payment Handler window is still showing after the show() promise resolves, and so has methods like retry() and complete() on the PaymentResponse. For SPC, if the show() promise resolves successfully there is nothing to retry or complete.

Suggestions have been made to instead use navigator.credentials.get() as the entry point for SPC authentication. This seems reasonable but will require more cooperation with the WebAuthn WG.

Related issues:

Alternatives Considered

Traditional WebAuthn

WebAuthn level 2 (which allows navigator.credentials.get in a cross-origin iframe) does allow bringing FIDO-based authentication into online payments, by letting the Account Provider utilize it in a challenge iframe (instead of e.g. SMS OTP). However, as noted above, it is unable to support the following useful payments-specific abilities:

  1. Including displayed transaction information in the signed assertion, which can be used for regulations such as Dynamic Linking.
  2. Creating credentials during a payment flow, via credential creation in a cross-origin iframe.

Additionally, the Web Payments Working Group has heard that Merchants prefer not to have the Account Provider in the flow if possible, as:

  • It causes increased friction and lowered conversion rates, as users are disoriented by the bank iframe appearing, loading, etc.
  • Including an iframe requires punching a hole in the merchant's CSP policy to allow every individual bank to be loaded
  • Merchants have seen problems with the availability of internet-facing services from Account Providers - they are often the target for DOS attacks, for example.

SPC addresses each of these points as well.

Delegated Authentication

A previous attempt that explored delegated authentication from the bank to specific 3rd parties did not scale to the tens of thousands of online merchants that accept credit cards.

Security Considerations

On top of the WebAuthn security considerations, there are a few considerations specific to this proposal.

Cross-origin authentication ceremony

One of the features that SPC adds is the ability for a third-party (the Merchant) to utilize credentials provided by the Relying Party (the Account Provider), to provide low-friction authentication for payments. This can expose the Relying Party to both login and payment attacks.

Login attack

In this attack, a malicious third-party uses SPC (with some previously-obtained credentials for an identified user, either legitimately or illicitly) to obtain a payment assertion. They then send that assertion to the Relying Party's login end-point, and hope that the Relying Party does not follow the WebAuthn requirements on assertion verification.

SPC does make sure that payment assertions differ from login assertions, in the following ways:

  1. The CollectedClientData type member is "payment.get", not "webauthn.get"
  2. The CollectedClientData origin member will be the calling origin, which would not be the Relying Party in such an attack.
  3. The CollectedClientData will also have an additional payment member for an SPC-generated assertion.

A Relying Party can and should verify these fields as part of verifying any WebAuthn-generated cryptogram, allowing them to avoid login attacks.

In addition to the above, a Relying Party should also record what type of interaction (i.e. login or payment) a given challenge is generated for and ensure that the use of the assertion matches the expected interaction type.

Payment attack

In this attack, a malicious third-party tries to use SPC (again with either legitimately or illicitly obtained credentials) to initiate an unauthorized payment. Such an attack has a low chance of success for several reasons:

  • When the attacker initiates SPC, the user will be shown an interface by the User Agent that clearly states the transaction details (including the payee and amount). The user is very likely to reject this interface as invalid.
  • If the user does agree to the transaction, and completes the subsequent WebAuthn authentication ceremony, the attacker now has a signed SPC assertion for the Relying Party.
  • If the Relying Party is not expecting a transaction, it will reject the assertion.
  • If the Relying Party is expecting a transaction, it will detect an unfamiliar challenge and reject the assertion.

The general concept is that a Secure Payment Confirmation assertion is essentially useless unless it is part of an ongoing online transaction.

Merchant-supplied authentication data

In this attack, a malicious Merchant attempts to trick the Customer or Account Provider into agreeing to a different transaction than they are actually entering into, by passing in spoof values to the SPC API call. The Merchant is able to influence the:

  • Transaction amount and currency
  • Payment instrument name and icon
  • Payee name and origin

For example, the Merchant could tell the Account Provider (in the backend) that it is initiating a purchase of $100, but then pass $1 to the SPC API (and thus show the Customer a $1 transaction to verify).

This form of attack already exists on the web today (where an Account Provider largely has to trust that the Merchant is showing the correct details). We anticipate that SPC will provide better protection against this attack when used according to this common pattern:

  • The Merchant provides some "pre-authentication" transaction information (including merchant name and amount) to the Account Provider over a backend protocol.
  • After receiving an assertion, the Account Provider can (and should) compare the pre-authentication details with the assertion details to ensure that they align.

Lack of user activation requirement

Like Web Authentication, SPC does not require a user activation (although it used to; see issue 216 for details on why it was part of the specification and why it was removed). Without a user activation requirement, there is a slightly increased risk that a malicious site might attempt to spam or click-jack the user.

In order to mitigate spam, the user agent may decide to enforce a user activation requirement after some threshold - for example, only allowing one activationless call per page load. To mitigate click-jacking attacks, the user agent may implement a time threshold in which clicks are ignored immediately after a dialog is shown.

Another relevant mitigation exists; the spec requires that the document must be visible in order to initiate Secure Payment Confirmation.

Privacy Considerations

On top of the WebAuthn privacy considerations, there are a few considerations specific to this proposal.

Enrollment in cross-origin iframes

SPC allows the creation of credentials in a cross-origin iframe (as long as the appropriate Permission Policy is set on the iframe). That is, if site A embeds an iframe from site B, with the "payment" policy set, then site B may initiate a credential creation for site B within that iframe.

A previously described attack on this exists, which leads to a tracking vector. The attack does presume script access by the malicious party on the main frame and also the ability to trick a user into (regularly) completing a WebAuthn interaction, but it is feasible.

SPC mitigates this attack in the following ways:

  1. Requiring a payment policy be set on the iframe, as noted above. This mitigates against a malicious iframe.
  2. Requiring that the iframe has a user activation. This mitigates the case where the top-level frame is colluding.

The user will also be able to see in the WebAuthn UI that the relying party is not the top-level site (and a user agent could choose to draw more significant WebAuthn UX in this case, if they wished).

Probing for credential IDs

As with WebAuthn, SPC must take care not to leak the existence of a credential (e.g. not differentiate between a credential not matching versus the user declining to use it). The potential privacy leak is worse than WebAuthn, as a third-party can now perform the attack rather than just the Relying Party, but a conforming implementation should be able to avoid leaks.

Section 4.1.6 of the specification gives normative steps to avoid such leaks.

Joining different payment instruments

There is a risk that malicious Merchants (either alone or colluding) could manage to join information about payment instruments that might otherwise not be linked. That is, across two different transactions that a user U performs with payment instruments P1 and P2 (either on the same merchant M, or two colluding merchants M1 and M2), the merchant(s) may now be able to learn that P1 and P2 are for the same user.

For many current online payment flows this may not be a significant concern, as the user already provides sufficient information to do this joining anyway (e.g. their address) However, if payment methods that involve less identifying information (e.g., tokenization) become commonplace, it is important that ecosystem stakeholders take steps to preserve user privacy. For example:

  • Payment systems might establish rules that place limits on storage of credential ID(s) by third parties.

  • When a Relying Party assigns multiple instruments to a single SPC credential, it might choose not to share that credential ID with other parties. In this case, the Relying Party could still use the SPC credential itself (in either a first-party or third-party context) to authenticate the user.

  • A Relying Party (e.g., a bank) might enable the user to register a distinct SPC credential per payment instrument. This would not prevent the Relying Party from joining those accounts internally.

See also issue 77.

Credential ID(s) as a tracking vector

The credential ID(s) returned by the Relying Party to a Merchant for use in SPC could be used by a malicious entity as a tracking vector, as they are strong, cross-site identifiers. However in order to obtain them from the Relying Party, the Merchant already needs an as-strong identifier to give to the Relying Party (e.g., the credit card number).

Again see also issue 77.