Gangopadhyay,D. & ttelm, A.R. (1989). A model-driven approach for the reuse of classes from domain specific object-oriented class repositories. IBM Research ...
We then describe a View Matcher for reuse, a tool that documents reusable classes through a set of coordinated views onto concrete usage examples; in three ...
A VIEW MATCHER FOR REUSING SMALLTALK CLASSES. Mary Beth Rosson and John M. Carroll. IBM. T.J. Watson. Research. Center. P.O.Box. 704. Yorktown. Heights,. NY.
Apr 27, 1991 · A prime attraction of object-oriented programming languages is the possibility of reusing code. We examine the support provided by Smalltalk ...
First page of “A View Matcher for reusing Smalltalk classes” PDF Icon. download. Download Free PDF. Download Free PDF. A View Matcher for reusing Smalltalk ...
The View Matcher is a structured browser for Smalltalk/V that presents a set of integrated and dynamic views of a running application intended to coordinate ...
Demonstrating a view matcher for reusing Smalltalk classes · M. Rosson, John Millar Carroll, Christine Sweeney · Published in International Conference on… 1 March ...
The View Matcher is a structured browser for Smalltalk/V. It presents a set of integrated and dynamic views of a running application, intended to coordinate ...
Demonstrating a view matcher for reusing Smalltalk classes for CHI 1991 by Mary Beth Rossori et al.
A secondary interest was to demonstrate to these experts the Reuse View Matcher—a prototype reuse tool—and to collect some initial observations of this tool in ...