In real-time systems that employ preemptive scheduling and cache architecture, it is essential to account as precisely as possible for cache-related ...
In this paper, we propose a novel cache-aware schedulability analysis for fixed-priority preemptive scheduling for sporadic tasks with fixed preemption points.
In this paper, we propose a novel response time analysis for real-time tasks with fixed preemption points, accounting for a more precise estimation of cache- ...
The RTEeval benchmark relies on RT-Test to measure the performance of the Linux kernel under specific workloads. The most accustomed Pragmatic benchmark ...
Abstract Without the use of caches the increasing gap between processor and memory speeds in modern embedded microprocessors would have resulted in memory ...
In this paper, we propose a more precise cache-aware response time analysis for sporadic real-time systems under fully-preemptive fixed priority scheduling.
Abstract—Without the use of cache the increasing gap between processor and memory speeds in modern embedded micropro- cessors would have resulted in memory ...
A task can be preempted by several jobs of higher priority tasks during its response time. Assuming the worst-case memory demand for each of these jobs ...
Schedulability analyses for preemptive real-time systems need to take into account cache-related preemption delays (CRPD) caused by preemptions between the ...
We present a novel pre-runtime scheduling method for uniprocessors which precisely takes the effects of task switching on the processor cache into consider.