Jan 5, 2020 · The idea is to turn every Wikipedia page into a sequence of entity ids by substituting every hyperlink with the id of the destination page, and ...
We present a thorough study of all entity relatedness measures in recent literature based on Wikipedia as the knowledge graph. To facilitate this study, we ...
We present a thorough study of all entity relatedness measures in recent literature based on Wikipedia as the knowledge graph. To facilitate this study, we ...
On Computing Entity Relatedness in Wikipedia, with Applications. https://doi ... Chakrabarti, A two-stage framework for computing entity relatedness in Wikipedia, ...
Introducing a new dataset with human judgments of entity relatedness, we present a thorough study of all entity relatedness measures in recent literature ...
On Computing Entity Relatedness in Wikipedia, with Applications. M. Ponza, P. Ferragina, and S. Chakrabarti. Knowledge-Based Systems, (September 2019 )
We are happy to announce that our paper On Computing Entity Relatedness in Wikipedia, with Applications (by Marco Ponza, Paolo Ferragina and Soumen ...
Semantic relatedness measures are used in many applications in Natural Language Processing (NLP) such as word sense disambiguation (Patwardhan et al., 2005), ...
Motivations. ○ Wikipedia edges are noisy (introduced for citation, explanation, ...) ○ Subgraph nodes are strongly related to the query entities (they are ...
Missing: Applications. | Show results with:Applications.
Introducing a new dataset with human judgments of entity relatedness, we present a thorough study of all entity relatedness measures in recent literature ...