Sep 29, 2022 · Our study finds that the dual credit drives down product price, which always profits consumers compared to the single buyer's credit.
By using game-theoretic approaches, our study finds that the dual credit drives down product price, which always profits consumers compared to the single ...
Sep 29, 2022 · For mid-to-high end products, platforms' incentive in providing dual credit can be enhanced by raising seller's capital or consumers' dishonesty ...
However, financial constraints of consumers and sellers have emerged as the key factors hindering their participation. To attract both sides on board and expand ...
Sep 29, 2022 · As is known to all, you can't have your cake, and eat it. Based on ... (7), we can get the equilibrium product price. Proposition 1 ...
Pricing of platform service supply chain with dual credit: Can you have the cake and eat it? · Lihong Wei, Jiaping Xie, +1 author. Qinglin Li · Published in ...
Pricing of platform service supply chain with dual credit: Can you have the cake and eat it? ·. Journal: Annals of ...
This paper investigates the adoption strategy of e-commerce consumer credit services (e-CCS) and its impact on pricing strategies of a dual-channel system ...
"Pricing of platform service supply chain with dual credit: Can you have the cake and eat it?," Annals of Operations Research, Springer, vol. 321(1), pages ...
Feb 19, 2020 · 2. Pricing of platform service supply chain with dual credit: Can you have the cake and eat it? 29 September 2022 | Annals of Operations ...