Jan 28, 2019 · In this work, we propose Projected Stochastic Linear Bandit (PSLB), an algorithm for high dimensional stochastic linear bandits (SLB) when the ...
Stochastic Linear Bandits with Hidden Low Rank Structure. (a) MNIST Regret. Comparison for d = 1000. (b) CIFAR-10 Regret. Comparison for d = 1000. (c) ImageNet ...
Jan 28, 2019 · In this work, we propose Projected Stochastic Linear Bandit (PSLB), an algorithm for high dimensional stochastic linear bandits (SLB) when the ...
Stochastic linear bandits with hidden low rank structure. arXiv preprint. arXiv:1901.09490. Lattimore, T. and Szepesvári, C. (2018). Bandit algo- rithms.
Jul 31, 2020 · We introduce stochastic low-rank tensor bandits, a class of bandits whose mean rewards can be represented as a low-rank tensor.
Missing: Linear Hidden
In a low-rank linear bandit problem, the expected reward of an action (represented by a matrix of size d1 × d2) is the inner.
In [33], the authors studied linear bandit problems with a low-rank constraint. ... Improved algorithms for linear stochastic bandits. Y. Gai et al ...
• Intro to bandits (finite-armed/linear). • Bandits with hidden low dimensional structure. • Entry-wise matrix recovery using SVD find structure & reduce to ...
Abstract. We introduce the bilinear bandit problem with low-rank structure in which an action takes the form of a pair of arms from two different en-.