Ralloc is based on the LRMalloc of Leite and Rocha, with three key innovations. First, we persist just enough information during normal operation to permit ...
Abstract. The proliferation of fast, dense, byte-addressable nonvolatile memory suggests that data might be kept in pointer-rich. “in-memory” format across ...
Mar 14, 2020 · First, we persist just enough information during normal operation to permit correct reconstruction of the heap after a full-system crash. Our ...
Feb 19, 2020 · The proliferation of fast, dense, byte-addressable nonvolatile memory suggests the possibility of keeping data in pointer-rich "in-memory" ...
Abstract. The proliferation of fast, dense, byte-addressable nonvolatile memory suggests that data might be kept in pointer-rich “in-memory” format across ...
Aug 20, 2024 · A hierar- chical memory representation reduces the memory requirements by allowing traces to share common sub-sequences. We present moderated ...
Feb 10, 2024 · Toward this end, we introduce recoverability, a correctness criterion for persistent allocators, together with a nonblocking allocator, Ralloc, ...
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First general system for periodic persistence [Wen et al., ICPP'21]; Separates transient indexing and persistent payloads; Periodic epoch advance or explicit ...
Missing: Allocation. | Show results with:Allocation.
Understanding and Optimizing Persistent Memory Allocation. Who. Wentao Cai, Haosen Wen, H. Alan Beadle, Chris Kjellqvist, Mohammad Hedayati, Michael Scott.
Persistent memory allocation is a fundamental building block for developing high-performance and in- memory applications. Existing persistent memory ...