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Technical support and warranty service for operators

Строим IPTV/OTT-сервисы и помогаем действующим операторам

Choose plan

Infomir provides IPTV technical support with different service level agreement (SLA) tiers. We support clients in English and Russian. With offices and service centers worldwide, Infomir offers warranty and post-warranty maintenance along with worldwide IPTV support.

All MAG set-top box (STB) buyers receive a basic support plan. Within this plan, we answer operators’ questions free of charge from Monday to Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. (UTC+2).

Under paid OTT/IPTV support plans, we troubleshoot issues 24/7, monitor the operator’s service status, update software, and remotely set up the system via SSH. For premium plan customers, our specialists respond within 4 hours and restore the service as soon as possible.


Read instructions

This section provides instructions and answers to frequently asked questions about MAG set-top boxes and the Ministra TV platform multiscreen middleware. You will also find guides on developing apps, customizing, and setting up devices.


Get warranty service

During the warranty period, you can return defective devices for repair or replacement. Following the expiry of the warranty period, a paid service is available.

Support plans for operators

Besides the free plan, standard and premium technical support with advanced features is available for operators. For these paid plans, it will be necessary to enter into an agreement with Infomir.

  • Basic

    Advice to help fix issues with all Infomir’s products, software error elimination

    IPTV support pricing Free

    Working hours 9:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. (UTC+2)

    Advice on products

    Recommendations to fix issues

  • Standard

    Support with quick feedback, updates, analytics, and STB customization

    IPTV support pricing Paid

    Working hours 9:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. (UTC+2)

    Guaranteed response time to a request 8 hours

    Advice on products

    Recommendations to fix issues

    Service support for operators


    System monitoring

    Software update

    Prompt solution of problems on the operator's system via remote access (connecting via SSH/IP-KVM)


  • Premium

    All the advantages of standard support and 24/7 assistance with critical issues in 4 hours; software error elimination

    IPTV support pricing Paid

    Working hours 24x7

    Guaranteed response time to a request 4 hours

    Advice on products

    Recommendations to fix issues

    Service support for operators


    System monitoring

    Software update

    Prompt solution of problems on the operator's system via remote access (connecting via SSH/IP-KVM)



Advice to help fix issues with all Infomir’s products, software error elimination


Support with quick feedback, updates, analytics, and STB customization


All the advantages of standard support and 24/7 assistance with critical issues in 4 hours; software error elimination

IPTV support pricing Free Paid Paid
Working hours 9:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. (UTC+2)
9:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. (UTC+2)
Guaranteed response time to a request 8 hours 4 hours
Advice on products
Recommendations to fix issues
Service support for operators
System monitoring
Software update
Prompt solution of problems on the operator's system via remote access (connecting via SSH/IP-KVM)
Default plan Order Order

FAQ about technical support

Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

  • What track record does Infomir have in technical support of IPTV/OTT projects?

    Our set-top boxes and software successfully power over 4,500 projects in 151 countries. Many of our clients have chosen the paid technical support for the significant advantages it offers.

  • What are the advantages of premium 24/7 operator support?

    Regardless of the day and time, our clients can be confident they will receive an answer and get their issues fixed within just a few hours. We help resolve IPTV consumer issues and IPTV deployment issues.

    As a result, operators can provide a high-quality, fail-safe service 24x7—they do not need to wait for help.

  • I have several IPTV/OTT projects. Can I sign one contract for OTT/IPTV telecommunications support?

    Yes, of course. If an operator has several projects, Infomir can support all of them. We will monitor the health of services and fix critical issues—all under one contract and for a fixed fee.

  • Can I get analytics and reports?

    Yes, you can. We collect and store critical service indicators within paid plans, analyze the load on your infrastructure, and monitor business metrics.

    You will have server load logs and critical issue logs. If an error occurs, this will help you pinpoint the reason, and you will be able to anticipate whether you need to increase the capacity of your servers.

    With our analytics, you can know when and what the viewers are watching, decide what content they need, and make the user experience much more enjoyable.

  • Do you support high-load cluster projects?

    Yes, we do. We help build and support cluster IPTV/OTT services based on middleware. Thanks to load balancing, such a solution allows serving tens of thousands of viewers and achieving high service availability.

  • Who can I contact for more information?

    If you have any questions, please refer them to us using the ‘Contact us’ form.

*Infomir does not distribute, broadcast, or otherwise provide television or video content.

**This customization is available only for Linux set-top boxes.


Technical support

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