Conditions générales de IONOS SE

General Terms and Conditions of IONOS SE


  • General Terms and Conditions of IONOS SE
  • Terms of Service
  • Microsoft Volume Licensing End User Licence Terms

1. Scope, Power to Alter, Subject Matter of Contract, Change of Contractual Partner

1.1. The following General Terms and Conditions apply to all legal transactions, products and services of the IONOS SE product area of IONOS SE, Elgendorfer Str. 57 in 56410 Montabaur, Germany with the contractual partner, hereinafter referred to as the Customer; this concerns in particular, but not exclusively, Compute Engine, IONOS Object Storage, Backup Service und Managed Kubernetes.

 IONOS SE provides the Customer mainly with a flexible, virtualised infrastructure (Infrastructure as a Service - IaaS) on servers, storage devices or networks that are not for exclusive use by the Customer, or via the Internet. The IT services are provisioned and managed in real-time and billed according to usage.

1.2. These General Terms and Conditions are an integral part of each contract concluded. They also apply to future business relations with the Customer, without the necessity for express reference thereto.

In addition to these General Terms and Conditions, the following regulations also apply:

  • Terms of Service (ToS),
  • Microsoft Volume Licensing End User License Terms
  • IONOS SE’s special conditions for certain services,
  • Service Catalog and Service Level Agreement (SLA).

1.3. Any deviating terms and conditions from the Customer, as well as amendments and supplements, are only valid if they have been recognised in writing by IONOS SE. This also applies if the Customer’s General Terms and Conditions have not been explicitly objected to.

1.4.  IONOS SE may amend these General Terms and Conditions. IONOS SE shall notify the Customer of the amendment in text form within a reasonable period of time before the planned effective date. In the event of an amendment, the Customer shall have the right to terminate the contract in text form without observing a notice period at the time the amendment takes effect. This does not apply if the change is exclusively in the Customer's favour. The customer shall be informed separately of his right of termination in the notice of amendment.

1.5. IONOS SE may transfer its rights and/or obligations under the Contract to one or more third parties (contract and/or debt assumption, assignation). In the event of contract and/or debt assumption and the damage to the interests of the Customer, the Customer is entitled to extraordinary termination of the Contract.

2. IONOS SE Virtual Data Centre, Data Centre Designer, API, Customer Registration

2.1. IONOS SE enables customers to set up their own virtual data centre (IONOS SE Virtual Data Centre - “IONOS SE VDC”) using a graphical user interface (“Data Centre Designer”) and the Application Programming Interface (“API”) provided, in accordance with their own requirements. The Data Centre Designer can be accessed via IONOS SE’s home page. Customers are able to view and configure the assigned service components (for instance, CPU performance, cores, RAM, servers, storage, network speed, network ports, internet connection [IT infrastructure]) flexibly. The same applies to the API provided.

2.2.  The Customer’s specific service data can be specified, accessed or changed using the Data Centre Designer. The Customer’s specific payment information can be specified or changed using the Data Centre Designer. This is carried out via encrypted data transmission (TLS/SSL - Transport Layer Security/ Secure Sockets Layer), for customer security. All other facts that are essential for the business relations, and changes to them, are to be communicated via email to, in particular, any changes to names, address, contact details, the legal capability and associability of interest of the Customer or the persons who are entitled to represent it, as well as powers of representation or disposition that have been notified. If the Customer culpably omits to report any changes in its contractual data, it must bear the costs for determining the data required to execute the contractual relations.

3. Contract Offer, Contract Conclusion, Contract Termination

3.1. The Customer configures an IaaS solution (the IONOS SE VDC) using the Data Centre Designer. The Customer issues an offer for the desired contractual services here (in accordance with § 145 BGB (German Civil Code)). The Customer may also apply for further offers, or contractual services, via the API provided.

3.2. The Contract comes into force if IONOS SE accepts the Customer’s offer within 10 working days via email without any reservations or commences with the performance of the contractual obligations. In the latter case, the Customer dispenses with the receipt of the letter of acceptance.

3.3. After issuing the first contractual offer, the Customer receives a technical confirmation receipt by email. This offer confirmation receipt does not constitute an acceptance letter in accordance with 3.2.

3.4. Unless otherwise specified, IONOS SE provides the contractual services for the period of time requested by the Customer (”on demand"). There is generally no minimum contract period. A contractual relationship for an unlimited period of time may be terminated by both parties, without stating any reason as follows:

  • The Customer may terminate the contract at any time. The termination of the Contract by the Customer shall take effect at the end of the next working day (Monday to Friday) following the day on which IONOS SE received the notice of termination.
  •  IONOS SE may terminate the contract with a notice period of 3 months to the end of the month. The termination by IONOS SE shall take effect at the end of the date specified in the notice of termination.

3.5. If the Contract has been concluded for a particular period of time or if a minimum contract period has been agreed with the Customer, the Contract will be extended by the agreed time or minimum period, but for a maximum of 24 months if it is not terminated with a period of notice of four weeks before the respective expiry of the particular time period or expiry of the minimum contract period.

3.6. The right of both parties to termination without notice for good cause (§ 314 of the BGB) is not affected by this. Apart from the cases required by the General Terms and Conditions and the supplementary regulations (clauses 1.5, 5.3 of the General Terms and Conditions, clauses 2.7 and 3.7 of the ToS), good cause is constituted for IONOS SE specifically if the Customer

  • is in default of payment by more than 30 days of the amount due or of a not inconsiderable part of this (at least € 100.00), despite a reminder notice,
  • contravenes significant provisions (such as 6.3, 7.2, 9.6, 10.1 of the General Terms and Conditions; 3.6 of the ToS),
  • despite a reminder notice, does not restructure its use of services within a reasonable period of time so that it satisfies the requirements regulated in 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 4.1 of the ToS and 9.6 of the General Terms and Conditions or
  • if an application to open insolvency proceedings on the Customer’s assets is made, or such an application is rejected due to lack of assets, enforcement against these have been unsuccessful, or enforcement measurements have been implemented and not annulled within one month (e.g. annulment of arrest).

3.7. The termination of the Contract by both parties requires text form (e-mail is sufficient) to be effective. To be effective, the notice of termination by the Customer must be sent in text form to the following e-mail address: Application of § 545 BGB cannot be exercised. Termination by the Customer in accordance with § 543 sub-paragraph 2 Sentence 1 No.1 BGB due to failure to grant use in accordance with the Contract is only admissible if IONOS SE has been granted sufficient opportunity to eliminate defects and this has failed. Failure to rectify defects can only be assumed if this is not possible, if it has been refused by IONOS SE or has been delayed in an unacceptable manner or if the situation becomes unacceptable to the Customer for other reasons.

3.8. In the case of an agreed term and if the Contract has been terminated due to a reason for which the Customer is responsible, the Customer is obliged, irrespective of the termination of the obligation to perform by IONOS SE, to make the agreed payment by the next possible and proper date of termination; however, the Customer reserves the right to provide evidence that no damages or only very limited damages have been caused to IONOS SE by the premature termination. IONOS SE’s right to assert further claims is not affected by this.

3.9. If the content of individual provisions extends beyond the contractual term (such as indemnification clauses, liability limitations, copyrights, data protection), these provisions will remain in force after the end of the contractual period. With the termination of the contract – irrespective of legal basis – the rights of use and licences granted under the services provided by IONOS SE or third parties no longer apply.

4. Provision of Services by IONOS SE

4.1. IONOS SE enables customers to have access to the services regarding 1.1 the services are provided and managed in real-time and charged according to use. If not otherwise agreed, the service data (performance) shown on IONOS SE’s home page applies. For further details, please refer to the Terms of Services and the SLA (available at

4.2. Irrespective of the rights of termination, IONOS SE is entitled, in accordance with 3.6, to discontinue the performance of contractual service obligations or of several contracts that are related in terms of time and subject matter, in part or completely, if the Customer is in default of the payment of the charges due or of a not inconsiderable part of this (at least € 100.00), by more than 30 days, despite a reminder, or if there are specific indications that the Customer will soon become insolvent. In this case, IONOS SE may demand payment or partial payment stage by stage in exchange for the performance of services, even if an obligation to pay in advance has been agreed by contract or is intended.

Further claims for compensation remain unaffected.

5. Prices and Payment

5.1. The payment owed by the Customer is determined in accordance with IONOS SE prices valid at the time when the Contract was concluded. Prices can be found on IONOS SE’s home page. Usage-dependent prices are always subject to the statutory sales tax.

5.2. The following conditions apply for payment. The fees will be charged on the last day of each month. However, IONOS SE is entitled to send a separate bill if the current receivables exceed the usual (average) invoice amount of the previous months by 50 % or more and/or exceed the threshold agreed with the Customer, or if not otherwise agreed, exceed a balance in the amount of € 500.00.

 IONOS SE provides an electronic invoice via email. If the Customer requests that the invoice be sent by post, IONOS SE is entitled to charge an amount of € 2.56 per invoice.

Payment of the fees shall take place via the agreed means of payment. The Customer shall grant IONOS SE the right to draw incurred payments via the respective means of payment. The Customer must reimburse all costs that are incurred by a returned direct debit or by non-executable payment transactions unless the Customer has taken all due care, or the damage would have occurred anyway despite all due care being taken.

All payments are due and payable upon receipt of invoice unless IONOS SE specifies a payment deadline in the invoice. The Customer will be in arrears of payment in accordance with § 286 sub-paragraph 2 No. 1 and 2 BGB without the need for a further reminder if payment is not made within 10 days after receipt of the invoice or within the payment deadline specified in the invoice or within a payment deadline otherwise agreed, with the consequence that interest on arrears in the amount of 9 % above the basic interest rate will be due, in accordance with § 288 sub-paragraph 2 BGB.

If the Customer falls into arrears with payments, IONOS SE will charge a dunning fee for each reminder (of at least € 3). IONOS SE reserves the right to claim for further damages caused by delayed payment.

5.3. IONOS SE is entitled to adjust the fees a maximum of once per quarter with an adequate notice period of at least 6 weeks, provided that the adjustment is reasonable for the Customer after a comprehensive balancing of interests taking into account the interests of IONOS SE. In the case of a change of fees, the Customer has the right to terminate the contract in text form without observing a notice period at the time the change takes effect. This shall not apply if the change is based exclusively on a change in government-imposed taxes, fees, levies and contributions or if the change is in the Customer's favor. The Customer shall be informed separately of its right of termination in the notice of change.

6. Infringement of Property Rights/Indemnity Claims

6.1. If a third party raises a claim in the Federal Republic of Germany against the Customer on account of infringement of commercial property rights or of copyright through the use of services owed by IONOS SE and the use of such is thereby impaired or prohibited, the following provisions will apply.

6.2. IONOS SE will at its own discretion and own expense either amend or replace the agreed services such that the property rights are not infringed, but essentially fulfil the agreed services in a manner that is reasonable for the Customer or that will indemnify the Customer against licence fees with respect to the owner of the property rights or the third party.

6.3. Preconditional for the liability of IONOS SE in accordance with clause 6.2 is that the Customer informs IONOS SE immediately about the claims asserted by the third party, does not admit to the alleged infringement of property rights and consigns all disputes including any out-of-court settlements to IONOS SE or conducts these only with IONOS SE’s consent. If the Customer discontinues the use on the grounds of damage limitation or for other important reasons, the Customer is obliged to inform the third party that such discontinuation is not coupled with admission to the alleged infringement of property rights.

6.4. Inasmuch as the Customer is to blame for the infringement of the property rights, the claim of the third party is based on the fact that without IONOS SE’s knowledge the service content owed by IONOS SE was altered, revised in some other way and not used with services provided by IONOS SE, claims against IONOS SE are ruled out.

6.5. Where applicable, any binding liability laws and clauses 8.1 to 8.4 of the General Terms and Conditions remain unaffected by the above.

7. Licence Agreements, Copyright and Rights of Use

7.1. If during the contract period a Customer of IONOS SE receives a simple right of use of programs/software (licences) and service components in accordance with the Contract, then, in addition to the licence conditions of the individual manufacturers, the following conditions for use apply. The licence agreements with third parties can be supplied to the Customer on request. The term “program/software” includes the original program, all copies of this and parts of the program, even if these are associated with other programs. A program consists of machine-readable instructions, audio-visual content, documentation and/or the related licensing materials.

7.2. The Customer must ensure that every person who uses programs/software services from IONOS SE adheres to these regulations as well as to the licence conditions of the individual manufacturers. The program/software may only be used within the context of the chosen package.

7.3. If separate licence fees are charged by IONOS SE, such fees depend fundamentally on the frequency of use (e.g., the number of users), the resources (e.g. processor size), the duration of use or a combination of these parameters.

7.4. The Customer may perform data backups in accordance with accepted practice and produce the necessary backup copies of the programs. The Customer is obliged to neither alter nor remove copyright notices of IONOS SE or third parties. The Customer is not entitled to use, copy, revise, transmit, convert into another form (in particular reverse engineer or decompile) or to translate in any other way – unless such conversion is indispensable and expressly provided for in law - the program/software and the services of IONOS SE in any way other than as described in the conditions for use or licence conditions. The Customer is furthermore not entitled to copy, rent out, lease the program/software, to assign sub-licences or to make it available to third parties in any other way.

7.5. If IONOS SE has provided the Customer with a time-limited right of use for the program/software, or the right of use has ended owing to termination of the Contract, the Customer must upon request by IONOS SE return or delete all programs/software as well as service components and any copies made thereof together with all related written documentation and other information unless the Customer is required by law to keep these in long-term storage.

7.6. The services provided by IONOS SE are protected by copyright or other property protection rights (including under trademark and trade name law) and may not be used for purposes alien to their contractually permitted use without prior written consent. If the Customer is permitted to use graphic elements, pictures, texts, animations, design elements, the Customer is given the right to use such content for the duration of the individual contractual relationship and in connection with the VDC of IONOS SE.

7.7. IONOS SE has no fundamental right to the use of data, application and information belonging to the Customer. Rights and obligations arising from these are the exclusive responsibility of the Customer (see Terms of Service). The Customer will, however, give IONOS SE a time-unlimited, non-exclusive right of use, free of licence fees and covering all forms of use, of data/applications and other information if this is necessary for provision of the contractually agreed services.

7.8. For every case of culpable contravention against the obligations governed by clauses 7.2 to 7.7, and ruling out the assumption of connecting together consecutive infringements, the Customer undertakes to pay IONOS SE contractual damages in the amount of € 5,100. Further claims for damages remain unaffected by this.

8. Liability

8.1. Regardless of the legal grounds, IONOS SE is liable for damages or reimbursement of futile costs to the full amount only for damages to the Customer caused by deliberate or grossly negligent acts, where express guarantees have been given and properties have been assured, in the case of damages arising out of harm to life, body or health, for claims arising out of product liability and in the case of regulations binding in law.

8.2. In the case of infringement of substantial contractual obligations (main obligations) IONOS SE accepts liability - notwithstanding the previous paragraph - limited to damages typical for the contract and reasonably foreseeable upon entering into the Contract. Main obligations are obligations, the fulfilment of which is essential to enable the Contract to be conducted in a proper manner and the adherence to which the contractual partner can normally rely upon.

8.3. Damages foreseeable and typical for the Contract are damages in the amount of the average annual turnover of the Customer with IONOS SE (if the Contract is of shorter duration, this is to be calculated on the basis of a monthly twelfth part - or a daily equivalent thirtieth part - of the turnover parameters).

8.4. Otherwise, IONOS SE is liable each year up to the amount of the annual turnover of the Customer with IONOS SE (if the contractual relationship is shorter, this is to be determined using the monthly 1/12 – if necessary same-day 1/30 – turnover parameters). Where applicable, any binding liability laws remain unaffected by this.

8.5. Assured properties and guarantees are solely those which have been expressly specified as such. If the assured properties are not or only partially fulfilled, the Customer has a right initially to supplementary performance by IONOS SE. If the supplementary performance is not or only partially successful, the Customer may demand an appropriate reduction of the fees.

8.6. Notwithstanding the cases identified in clauses 8.1 to 8.4, IONOS SE is not liable for loss of profit, indirect damage, consequential damage and claims by third parties with the exception of claims resulting from the violation of property rights of third parties or faults, which arise in connection with any changes to the services of IONOS SE that have been undertaken or otherwise caused to be undertaken by the Customer or with any other outside influences and which arise out of the areas of risk of the Customer. It is the Customer’s responsibility to provide evidence that any faults which occur have not been caused by a change in the system environment or by any other outside influence.

8.7. Notwithstanding the cases identified in clauses 8.1 to 8.4, IONOS SE is not liable for claims from third parties which result from any breach of the Customer (see 3.3 to 3.6 of the ToS). It is also not liable for statements contained in advertising regarding the Customer’s products and services. The Customer inasmuch indemnifies IONOS SE against all claims made by third parties.

8.8. Regarding the loss of data or programs, and notwithstanding the cases identified in clauses 8.1 to 8.4 and notwithstanding the provisions of clause 4.1 of the ToS, IONOS SE is only liable up to the amount of damage that would have occurred in the event of regular data backup. This limitation of liability also applies inasmuch as the loss results from the Customer neglecting to make regular backups which may not be stored in the IONOS SE VDC itself, thereby ensuring that lost data can be reinstated with reasonable effort.

8.9. For certain security-relevant data transmissions and connections, IONOS SE employs encryption using TLS/SSL. In spite of this and considering the current state of technology, data communication via the Internet cannot be guaranteed to be error free and/or available at all times. Notwithstanding the cases identified in clauses 8.1 to 8.4, liability for the permanent and continuous availability is therefore excluded.

8.10. Inasmuch as the liability of IONOS SE towards the Customer is limited or excluded, this applies correspondingly for the legal representative, employees, freelance employees and other agents of IONOS SE.

9. Customer’s Obligations

9.1. In addition to the Terms of Service (available at, the following provisions also apply.

9.2. The Customer confirms that the data communicated to IONOS SE is correct and complete. Notwithstanding the provisions of 2.2, the Customer is obliged to reconfirm within 14 days after receipt of a relevant request by IONOS SE that the data is up-to-date.

9.3. The Customer will give reasonable support to IONOS SE to provide the services.

9.4. The Customer must read messages from IONOS SE which are in the Customer’s mailbox at regular intervals of a maximum of two weeks.

9.5. The Customer undertakes to keep passwords received from IONOS SE for the purpose of accessing its services strictly secret, to inform IONOS SE immediately if the Customer becomes aware that unauthorised third parties have knowledge of the password, and to change it or have it changed by IONOS SE if there is reason to believe that it is known by unauthorised third parties.

Should third parties use services of IONOS SE through misuse of passwords for which the Customer is to blame, the Customer is liable to IONOS SE for, among other things, payment as well as any claims for losses arising from this.

9.6. The Customer must not contravene legal prohibitions (trademarks, trade names, copyright, data protection etc. - in this respect see also clause 3.5 of the ToS) through the measures initiated by the customer (content of the data centre) in connection with the provision of services by IONOS SE. In particular, the Customer undertakes not to provide pornographic content or provide or allow to be provided services for profit which are based on pornographic and/or erotic content (e.g. naked pictures, peepshows etc.). The Customer must not enter its website into search engines visible to the public where the website is associated with the services provided by IONOS SE if the Customer through the use of key words in such entries contravenes legal prohibitions, moral standards or the rights of third parties. This also applies if such content is made available through hyperlinks or other connections placed by the Customer in web pages of third parties.

10. Secrecy / Data Protection

10.1. The Customer and IONOS SE mutually undertake to treat as confidential without time limits all confidential information and trade secrets of the other contractual party which are made available to the other party through preparation and contract performance, to use such information and trade secrets only within the context of the agreed purpose and to observe the applicable provisions of data protection and data security.

10.2. All personal data communicated (such as title, name, address, date of birth, email address, telephone number, telefax number, bank account details) will be collected, processed and used only in accordance with applicable data protection regulations.

10.3. Inasmuch as personal data is required for the foundation, definition of content or amendment of the contractual relationship (fixed data), this will be used only for processing the contracts entered into. Any further use of the fixed data required by the contract, e.g. for advertising or market research purposes requires the express permission of the Customer. It is possible to grant permission before affirming registration or utilising the services. This permission is given voluntarily and can be withdrawn at any time.

10.4. Personal data that is required to enable the offered services to be used and invoiced (traffic/usage data) will be used to process the contracts entered into. Such traffic data includes, in particular, the characteristics needed to identify the Customer as a user and information on the start and end as well as the volume of the individual services used. User-related traffic data can also be used for the purpose of advertising and market research, for customisation of IONOS SE services to meet demands and to produce user profiles using pseudonyms, provided that the Customer has given permission for such use. The Customer is entitled to oppose this use of the data at any time.

10.5. IONOS SE makes the Customer expressly aware that, with the current state of technology, protection of data transmitted over open networks, such as the Internet, cannot be fully guaranteed. The Customer is aware that IONOS SE is, from a technical perspective, able to view at any time the IONOS SE VDC and possibly also further Customer data stored there. It is also possible that third parties are technically able to breach the network security without authorisation and to view the data traffic. The Customer is responsible to the full extent for the protection and backup of data transmitted by the Customer and stored in the IONOS SE VDC.

10.6. To the extent that IONOS SE acts as a processor for the Customer acc. to Art. 28 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), special provisions regarding the data processing agreement shall apply in addition to these General Terms and Conditions, which are accessible under this LINK.

10.7. The Customer vouches for the collection, processing and use of personal data in accordance with the requirements of data protection law and, in case of infringement, indemnifies IONOS SE against third party claims.

IONOS SE will forward complaints and requests for information, corrections, deletions and blocking to the Customer. If the Customer ascertains that personal data which it has stored have been illegally transmitted or have been made known in any other way to third parties, and the threat of a serious negative impact exists to the rights or the interests worthy of protection of the data subjects, the Customer must notify this immediately to the responsible regulatory authority, to IONOS SE and to the data subjects (see Art. 33 of the GDPR).

10.8. If the Customer wishes to receive further information or withdraw permission on the use of fixed data (address, name etc.) or oppose the utilisation of usage data, the email address is available.

10.9. By using Managed Kubernetes, the customer grants support temporary read access to their Kubernetes cluster. This access is exclusively for the provision of support services if a customer requests this support. The access is limited to the purpose of diagnosing and/or solving possible problems.

11. Statute of Limitations

11.1. Claims based on deliberate acts or gross negligence on the part of IONOS SE or a legal representative or vicarious agent of IONOS SE as well as claims for damages arising out of harm to life, body or health due to a deliberate or negligent neglect of duty on the part of IONOS SE, a legal representative or vicarious agent become time-barred in accordance with legal regulations.

11.2. For all other contractual or legal claims against IONOS SE, the statute of limitations is one year.

12. Final Provisions

12.1. Exclusions by IONOS SE, e.g. raising a claim for contractual penalties, must be made in writing. Should IONOS SE not insist on the full and/or partial adherence to or fulfilment of one of the conditions or provisions of these General Terms and Conditions as well as of the supplemental provisions, this is not to be understood as acceptance of the infringing act or waiver of any future application of the relevant condition, provision or option of the corresponding right or remedy.

12.2. The Customer may offset IONOS SE’s payment claims against receivables only if these have been legally established or recognised by IONOS SE. The exercise of retention rights must be based on the same contractual relationship.

12.3. Assignment or pledging of demands or rights of the Customer against IONOS SE is excluded without IONOS SE’s consent. The same applies to transfer of use (full or partial) to third parties.

12.4. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies exclusively, excluding private international law. The contract languages are German and English.

12.5. The place of fulfilment and the legal venue for all disputes arising from or in connection with this Contract is IONOS SE place of business. IONOS SE is furthermore entitled to take proceedings against the Customer at the Customer’s normal place of jurisdiction. Any exclusive place of jurisdiction remains unaffected.

12.6. In case of a dispute resulting from the contractual relationship, IONOS SE and the Customer are entitled, before entering into legal proceedings, to conduct an arbitration process in accordance with the arbitration regulations of the responsible Arbitration Board for IT disputes of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in the version valid at the time of commencing arbitration proceedings (should this not exist, then on the basis of the arbitration regulations of the Hamburg Arbitration Board for IT disputes). The purpose of the arbitration proceedings is to fully or partially settle the dispute temporarily or permanently.

12.7. Should individual provisions of these General Terms and Conditions as well as of the supplemental provisions be invalid, unenforceable or ineffective, also if these are later incorporated or covered by a codicil, this does not affect the validity of the other provisions. It is accepted that, inasmuch as this is legally permissible, a provision is agreed in place of the invalid, unenforceable or ineffective provision which corresponds most closely to the commercial intention in terms of the meaning and purpose of the invalid, unenforceable or ineffective provision. The same applies

  • for unintentional gaps in the provisions; in this case, a provision is accepted as agreed which corresponds most closely to that which in terms of the meaning and purpose of this Contract would have been provided for had the parties had knowledge of the gap in the provisions; or
  • if a provision is ineffective with regard to a period of time or established practice.


version 5.9

Terms of Service

The services provided by IONOS SE, Elgendorfer Str. 57, 56410 Montabaur, Germany are conditional on the Customer’s acceptance of the following Terms of Service.

Along with the supplementary General Terms and Conditions and the Service Level Agreement (SLA), these form the basis for the service provision of IONOS SE as essential components of the Contract. The contents of individual provisions can be amended at any time, particularly on the grounds of technical changes or changes in regulatory law.

The current version of the Terms of Service can be viewed on the website at

1. IONOS SE Virtual Data Centre / Registration of Customers

1.1. Registration (first registration) on the IONOS SE VDC and thereby for the IONOS SE Products is free of charge.

There is no absolute entitlement to registration. Consumers within the meaning of § 13 BGB (German Civil Code) are not eligible to participate. IONOS SE may demand the necessary legitimisation documents from the Customer.

For registration, the online registration form on the IONOS SE website must be completed and sent. The information required for this purpose must be complete and truthful.

On registering, the Customer must supply a chosen password for access to the Customer area (“IONOS SE”). The password should consist of an alphanumeric combination of letters and numbers of at least 8 characters. The Customer is obliged – notwithstanding the provisions of clause 9.5 of the General Terms and Conditions - to keep the password secret for an unlimited period of time.

1.2. Apart from agreeing to the validity of the General Terms and Conditions, these Terms of Service and the data protection declaration, there are no further obligations attached to registration.

2. Services Provided by IONOS SE / Limitations

2.1. IONOS SE enables customers to access a flexible, virtualised infrastructure (see 1.1 of the General Terms and Conditions). If not otherwise specified, the performance data valid at the time when the contract is concluded applies and can be found on the IONOS SE website. In order to maintain the security of the Customer’s data centre, firewalls and 24/7 monitoring by system administrators are available, among other things.

2.2. The availability guaranteed by IONOS SE is regulated in the SLA. Exceptions to this are times in which accessibility cannot be upheld on the grounds of technical problems or other problems which are not under the influence of IONOS SE (e.g. force majeure - see 2.7 ToS, culpable third parties and planned maintenance work). IONOS SE may temporarily prevent or restrict access to the services if this is required for the security of the network function, maintenance of network integrity, particularly to avoid serious interference in the network, the interoperability of services or by data protection laws. IONOS SE will carry out necessary maintenance work as far as possible during times of low usage. The duration of maintenance work should not exceed four hours each calendar quarter. IONOS SE will inform the Customer about upcoming maintenances two working days earlier. If a temporary loss or limitation of service over a longer period is necessary, IONOS SE will notify its customers of the type, extent and duration of the impairment at least seven days in advance if this is objectively possible under the circumstances and the notification would not delay the elimination of any disruptions that have already occurred.

2.3. The Customer is aware that the services of IONOS SE are subject to change based on new technical developments and possible new legal and/or official regulations. Services to the Customer (e.g. software) can, therefore, be adapted by IONOS SE to the individual state of technical development. This only applies, however, inasmuch as that the fulfilment and provision of agreed services is not unreasonably impaired or made impossible and the adaptation is not unreasonable for the Customer considering all circumstances or the customer’s rightful interests.

2.4. Within the context of technical possibilities, applications used by IONOS SE to provide the services will in every case be of the latest version supplied by the manufacturer, if this is not unreasonable for the Customer (equivalent fulfilment of service characteristics). If not otherwise agreed, IONOS SE will inform the Customer before a change in version, thereby giving an appropriate period of notice.

2.5. Dates and deadlines for the provision of services are binding only if confirmed by IONOS SE in writing and the Customer has supplied IONOS SE in good time with all information and documents necessary for providing the services, has paid any agreed deposits, issued all permits and clearances and has undertaken cooperative acts otherwise required. Agreed service deadlines begin with the provision of the agreed service. In the case of additional orders or enhancement of orders issued later, the deadlines will be correspondingly extended.

Should the Customer fail to comply to a sufficient extent with obligations of notification or cooperation and thereby delay the implementation of contractually agreed services from IONOS SE, the agreed service deadlines will be automatically extended by a reasonable length, by a maximum, however, of the duration of the delay.

2.6. If cooperative acts of the Customer are required to bring about the availability/fitness for purpose of the services owed by IONOS SE (e.g. the compilation and compatibility of server contents), then these services will not be owed by IONOS SE. If support services are offered by IONOS SE and the Customer avails itself of these, then a separate agreement must be made.

2.7. Events that are unpredictable, unavoidable and which lie outside the scope of influence of IONOS SE, and events for which IONOS SE is not at fault, such as force majeure, war, natural disasters and labour disputes, release IONOS SE from its obligations to provide services for the duration of the disturbance. The Customer must be notified of the occurrence of the disturbance in an appropriate manner. If the end of the disturbance cannot be foreseen and it lasts for longer than one month, each party is entitled to give notice to terminate the contract. This applies correspondingly if the circumstances mentioned arise at a subcontractor of IONOS SE.

2.8. In order to use software which IONOS SE offers with a product free of charge, notwithstanding the provisions of clause 7 of the General Terms and Conditions, the Customer must activate the software using the licence key supplied by IONOS SE. The licence key can have a limited validity period within which the key must be used. After this time activation is no longer possible.

3. Customer’s Obligations / Use of the Services of IONOS SE

3.1. The Customer is aware that use of the IONOS SE VDC with the Data Centre Designer and/or API requires substantial prior knowledge of the administration of server systems (system administration).

3.2. IONOS SE is not obliged to monitor the information transmitted and stored by the Customer or to research into circumstances which would indicate illegal activity. IONOS SE has no regulatory means of determining the contents of the Customer’s infrastructure and in particular no administrative access. It is a matter for the Customer entirely to update and to technically monitor the operation software, applications and developments installed on its data centre. Therefore, the Customer must obtain information on the availability of updates, upgrades, releases and new versions and perform the corresponding updates at its own expense and risk.

3.3. The Customer is obliged to identify any Internet presence associated with the services of IONOS SE as well as the related contents which are accessible to the public while observing the applicable regulations (particularly the obligation to display a site notice in accordance with § 5 TMG (German Teleservices Act), § 55 RSTV (German Interstate Broadcasting Agreement) and DL-Info V (Regulation on Service Information Requirements). The Customer indemnifies IONOS SE against all claims in respect of infringement of the aforementioned obligations.

3.4. The Customer undertakes not to send, or cause to be sent, emails containing advertising without the express agreement of each recipient (see e.g. § 7 paragraph 2 UWG (German Act against Unfair Competition)). This applies particularly when the relevant emails having identical content are distributed en masse (known as “spamming").

3.5. The Customer furthermore undertakes not to use the resources provided by IONOS SE for, among other things, the following acts, or to make this possible to third parties:

  • Unauthorised spying on or accessing other computer systems (e.g. hacking, phishing, ARP spoofing, web spoofing);
  • Blocking other computer systems by sending/forwarding data streams and/or emails or operating open mail relays (especially spam and mail bombing, stalking, mail spoofing);
  • Searching for open access to computer systems (e.g. port scanning);
  • Falsifying IP addresses (e.g. DNS, DHCP, IP/MAC and URL spoofing), mail and news headlines and the propagation of viruses, worms and Trojans, etc.;
  • Utilising servers for the provision of IRC (Internet Relay Chat, e.g. IRC servers, bots, bouncers), anonymisation services (e.g. Tor, JAP, proxy server), streaming services, download services, P2P swapping) or linking;
  • Interrupting or obstructing of communication services;
  • Committing regulatory or criminal offences and
  • Collecting, using and distributing right-wing and/or immoral content (such as pornography, extremism, copyright infringements, depiction of violence).

3.6. If the Customer is subject to export restrictions within the context of the services requested (particularly “dual use goods”, embargos), it is responsible for complying with the provisions of foreign trade legislation. After becoming aware of offences in this respect, IONOS SE is not obliged to provide such contractual services.

3.7. Should the Customer contravene one or more of the obligations mentioned (clauses 3.3 to 3.6 ToS, clause 9.6 of the General Terms and Conditions) or should a third party establish prima facie evidence for such a contravention, IONOS SE is entitled to immediately suspend the provision of services for the duration of the infringement or the dispute with the third party. The Customer will be informed – if possible in advance – of this. The suspension will be limited to certain services in accordance with the technical possibilities and commensurate to the occasion. It may only be maintained as long as the grounds for the suspension continue to exist.

If the Customer continues with the contravention in spite of warnings and rebukes, and/or if the continuation of the contractual relationship is no longer reasonable for IONOS SE, IONOS SE may terminate the Contract on important grounds. Further claims for damages remain unaffected by this.

3.8. The Customer undertakes to indemnify IONOS SE against all claims which arise in connection with the use of the individual services (particularly on account of possible infringements of licence conditions in accordance with clause 7 of the General Terms and Conditions).

3.9. Should claims be made against the Customer as a result of infringement of the aforementioned obligations, IONOS SE must be informed of this immediately. For every case of contravention against one of the obligations in clauses 3.3 to 3.6 ToS, and ruling out the assumption of connecting together consecutive infringements, the Customer promises to pay IONOS SE contractual damages of € 5,100. Further claims for damages remain unaffected by this.

3.10. The services of IONOS SE do not release the Customer from his obligation to adhere to the usual and recognised safety standards such as using regularly updated virus protection software, conducting a plausibility check on data received, performing data backups as well as regular changing of passwords and the usual access controls.

3.11. The customer undertakes to inform IONOS SE immediately about software vulnerabilities, security incidents, malfunctions and other errors that may have an impact on IONOS SE and to mitigate them immediately.

4. Data Protection and Backup

4.1. IONOS SE must use appropriate technical solutions to guarantee data security. As complete protection is not possible, customers are recommended to use their own security measures in addition to the network and hardware security provided by IONOS SE.

It must be pointed out to the Customer that it is the Customer’s responsibility to perform a backup of the data which has been changed by the Customer or its vicarious agents or assistants after every working day, whereby data stored on the IONOS SE servers may not be backed up on these servers. In particular, the Customer must carry out a complete backup before each start of service provisioning by IONOS SE or before the installation of hardware or software. The Customer is otherwise obliged to carefully check that all programs/software, as well as other service components, are fault-free and suitable for use in its specific situation before commencing operative use. This applies also to programs/software which the Customer receives from IONOS SE (see also clause 7 of the General Terms and Conditions). The Customer is expressly informed that even minor changes can influence the running ability of the entire system.

4.2. The Customer is aware that the provision of services might be order data processing in accordance with Art. 28 of the GDPR. In this respect the Customer is the responsible authority for observance of the regulations of the GDPR and other regulations on data protection “Controller” (see Art. 4(7) of the GDPR). IONOS SE also declares that the technical and organisational measures in accordance with Art. 28 in conjunction with Art. 32 of the GDPR are observed on their merits.

4.3. The Customer is responsible for archiving and deletion obligations (e.g. relating to commercial law and tax law). IONOS SE is entitled to delete immediately the information transmitted and stored by the Customer (contents of the customer’s infrastructure) after termination of the contractual relationship. If the deletion conflicts with legal or contractual obligations to retain the data, or if these require disproportionate expenditure or affect the best interests of the Customer, data will be blocked instead of deleted.

5. Faults and Troubleshooting

5.1. IONOS SE must remedy faults in the IT infrastructure required by the Customer in accordance with the service specifications or in accordance with the following provisions.

5.2. The Customer must check the services provided by IONOS SE for obvious and recognisable faults without delay and, if found, inform IONOS SE thereof (in accordance with § 377 HGB (German Commercial Code). The Customer must notify faults which are not obvious as soon as possible after becoming aware of such. Furthermore, the Customer must take the required measures which make it possible to identify and reproduce the fault or damage and its cause, or which simplify and speed up remedying the fault.

5.3. If services of IONOS SE are deficient, IONOS SE is obliged to carry out necessary remedial work (at least two attempts) within a reasonable period of time. If the remedial work should fail, the Customer may demand a corresponding reduction in payment for the duration of the deficient service, notwithstanding any legal provisions.

If the deficiency in the service is caused by the use of software/programs or service components which IONOS SE has purchased (or licensed) from a third party for the purpose of providing the service, the warranty rights of the Customer are limited to the extent of the rights to which IONOS SE is entitled over the third party. IONOS SE is insofar as is possible entitled to assign these rights to the Customer. The Customer is not entitled to remedy the fault itself and demand reimbursement of the necessary costs for this.

5.4. In the event of a fault in the network and/or another service, the Customer must inform IONOS SE immediately about the fault. After the responsible Customer service department receives the fault report, a trained system administrator will contact the Customer and IONOS SE will implement measures within the scope of its technical possibilities to resolve the problem within a reasonable (or assured) period of time.

5.5. IONOS SE accepts no responsibility for faults which can be attributed to unauthorised changes made by the Customer, the Customer’s personnel or other agents (third parties) or which have not been reported in good time in accordance with 5.2 and 5.4 ToS. If IONOS SE in such a case eliminates the interference or remedies the fault, the associated costs must be reimbursed in accordance with the usual rates charged by IONOS SE.


version 5.7

Microsoft Volume Licensing End User License Terms

Terms and Conditions regarding use of Microsoft Software

This document governs the use of Microsoft software, which may include associated software, media, printed materials, and “online” or electronic documentation (individually and collectively, “Products”) provided by IONOS SE (hereinafter referred to as “Customer”). Customer does not own the Products and the use thereof is subject to certain rights and limitations of which Customer must inform you. Your right to use the Products is subject to the terms of your agreement with Customer, and to your understanding of, compliance with, and consent to the following terms and conditions, which Customer does not have authority to vary, alter, or amend.

1. Definitions

“Client Software” means software that is installed on a Device that allows the Device to access or utilize the Products.

“Device” means each of a computer, workstation, terminal, handheld PC, pager, telephone, personal digital assistant, “smart phone,” server or any other hardware where software can be installed that would allow End User to interact with the Product.

“End User” means an individual or legal entity that obtains Software Services directly from Customer, or indirectly through a Software Services Reseller.

“Redistribution Software” means the software described in Paragraph 4 (“Use of Redistribution Software”) below.

“Software Services” means services that Customer provides to you that make available, display, run, access, or otherwise interact, directly or indirectly, with the Products. Customer must provide these services from data center(s) through the Internet, a telephone network or a private network, on a rental, subscription or services basis, whether or not Customer receives a fee. Software Services exclude any services involving installation of a Product directly on any End User device to permit an End User to interact with the Product.

2. Ownership of products

The Products are licensed to Customer from an affiliate of the Microsoft Corporation (collectively “Microsoft”). Microsoft Products are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. Products and other Product elements including but not limited to any images, photographs, animations, video, audio, music, text and “applets” incorporated into the Products are owned by Microsoft or its suppliers. You may not remove, modify or obscure any copyright trademark or other proprietary rights notices that are contained in or on the Products. The Products are protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. Your possession, access, or use of the Products does not transfer any ownership of the Products or any intellectual property rights to you.

3. Use of Client Software

You may use the Client Software installed on your Devices only in accordance with your agreement with Customer and the terms under this document, and only in connection with the Software Services, provided to you by Customer. The terms of this document permanently and irrevocably supersede the terms of any Microsoft End User License Agreement that may be presented in electronic form during the installation and/or use of the Client Software.

4. Use of Redistribution Software

In connection with the Software Services provided to you by Customer, you may have access to certain “sample,” “redistributable” and/or software development software code and tools (individually and collectively “Redistribution Software”). You may use, copy and/or install the Redistribution Software only in accordance with the terns of your agreement with Customer and this document and/or your agreement with Customer.

5. Copies

You may not make any copies of the Products; provided, however, that you may (a) make one copy of Client Software on your Device as expressly authorized by Customer; and (b) you may make copies of certain Redistribution Software in accordance with Paragraph 4 (Use of Redistribution Software). You must erase or destroy all such Client Software and/or Redistribution Software upon termination or cancellation of your agreement with Customer, upon notice from Customer or upon transfer of your Device to another person or entity, whichever occurs first. You may not copy any printed materials accompanying the Products.

6. Limitations on Reverse Engineering, Decompilations and Disassembly

You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Products, except and only to the extent that applicable law, notwithstanding this limitation, expressly permits such activity.

7. No rental

You may not rent, lease, lend, pledge, or directly or indirectly transfer or distribute the Products to any third party, and may not permit any third party to have access to and/or use the functionality of the Products except for the sole purpose of accessing the functionality of the Products in the form of Software Services in accordance with the terms of this agreement and any agreement between you and Customer.

8. Termination

Without prejudice to any other rights, Customer may terminate your rights to use the Products if you fail to comply with these terms and conditions. In the event of termination or cancellation of your agreement with Customer or Customer’s agreement with Microsoft under which the Products are licensed, you must stop using and/or accessing the Products, and destroy all copies of the Products and all of their component parts within thirty (30) days of the termination of your agreement with Customer.

9. No Warranties, Liabilities or Remedies by Microsoft

Microsoft disclaims, to the extent permitted by applicable law, all warranties and liability for damages by Microsoft or its suppliers for any damages and remedies whether direct, indirect or consequential, arising from the Software Services. Any warranties and liabilities are provided solely by Customer and not by Microsoft, its affiliates or subsidiaries.

10. Product Support

Any support for the Software Services is provided to you by Customer or a third party on Customer’s behalf and is not provided by Microsoft, its suppliers, affiliates or subsidiaries.

11. Not fault tolerant

The Products are not fault-tolerant and are not guaranteed to be error free or to operate uninterrupted. You must not use the Products in any application or situation where the Product(s) failure could lead to death or serious bodily injury of any person, or to severe physical or environmental damage (“High Risk Use”).

12. Export Restrictions

The Products are subject to U.S. export jurisdiction. Customer must comply with all applicable laws including the U.S. Export Administration Regulations, the International Traffic in Arms Regulations, as well as end-user, end-use and destination restrictions issued by U.S. and other governments. For additional information, see

13. Liability for Breach

In addition to any liability you may have to Customer, you agree that you will also be legally responsible directly to Microsoft for any breach of these terms and conditions.

14. Information Disclosure

You must permit Customer to disclose any information requested by Microsoft under the Customer’s Agreement. Microsoft will be an intended third party beneficiary of your agreement with Customer, with the right to enforce provisions of your agreement with Customer and to verify your compliance.


Status May 2024