LinkedIn Page analytics

Last updated: 3 weeks ago

Gain insight into the performance of your LinkedIn Page with rich analytics that gauge trends across metrics and time periods. Analytics are available for all Page admin roles.

Page analytics include the following:
Analytic type Definition Purpose
Content Effectiveness of your updates, including posted videos Evaluate the quality and topics of content shared with your Page followers and visitors.
Followers Demographics and sources of followers Understand who’s following your Page and how to best engage with them.
Visitors Demographics and sources of visitors Understand who’s visiting your Page and how to convert them into a follower.
Leads Download the information for members who filled out a lead gen form from boosted or sponsored posts in the past 1 year Collect quality leads from members who visited your Page.
Competitors Compare Page followership and content engagement with competitors Understand how your Page’s followership and content compare to your competitors’.
Employee advocacy Employee and member engagement from content recommended to employees Evaluate content quality and engagement with employee recommended content.
Employer brand Engagement with your Career Pages Understand how to improve engagement with your Career Pages audience.
Newsletter Analytics  Track newsletter performance and understand audience Review trends, article totals and subscriber demographics to optimize content quality. 

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