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Success Stories.

Some of the world’s leading organisations have set their IT free with the LzLabs Software Defined Mainframe® (SDM).

From increasing agility while protecting legacy IP investments to improving customer service and freeing up funds for innovation, we have helped them achieve their goals.

Join the Club.

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Investment Protection

In a transformative move, a premium car manufacturer partnered with LzLabs to migrate a business-critical application from a mainframe to the Microsoft Azure Cloud, utilising the LzLabs Software Defined Mainframe®.
This strategic migration not only safeguarded the company’s substantial legacy investments but also enhanced operational agility and reduced IT costs. The successful shift paves the way for further cloud-based innovations within the company’s IT strategy.

Teamwork Powers Shift to Cloud

A leading North American telecommunications company successfully transitioned its business-critical application and data from the legacy mainframe to a modern private cloud infrastructure using the LzLabs Software Defined Mainframe�.
This strategic move, driven by rising costs and the diminishing mainframe skill pool, resulted in significant operational cost reductions to 60% annually. The transition ensured scalability, agility, and future readiness through open technologies like Linux and virtual machines.
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Step-by-Step Modernisation

A global automotive manufacturer with a long-standing tradition collaborates with LzLabs to transition its business-critical processes and applications step by step from its legacy mainframe to the LzLabs Software Defined Mainframe�.

Key results include enhanced services levels to customers, increased scalability of capacities as well as cost savings.

Increased Agility

BPER Banca, one of Italy’s leading banks, wanted to react more swiftly to market demands. To do so, they needed to test different versions of applications extensively and in parallel.

The compatibility of the SDM enabled BPER to enhance and test applications rapidly while freeing up budget to invest into innovation initiatives.

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Full Mainframe Exit

Swisscom, Switzerland’s leading telecommunications provider was determined to remain agile, address its mainframe skills gap and free up capital to invest in new, innovative technologies.

Without recompilation, they successfully moved its entire mainframe workload of business-critical applications to the SDM running on Linux systems in the Cloud.


saving on annual recurring core software license


cost reduction compared to previous mainframe costs

20 TB

active mainframe storage moved

Featured Content.

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Case Studies Collection

From Legacy to Innovation: Mainframe Migration Success Stories This comprehensive collection of real-life case studies showcases successful transitions from traditional mainframe environments to modern, agile

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