Click Below to Watch our Organization’s Launch Video

Welcome to Ra�ces Cyber Org!

The Hispanic, Latino, Latina, LatinX and Our Allies International Association in Cybersecurity

"Ra�ces Cyber, Changing the World by Creating DIVERSITY of Thought in Cyber"

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Our Mission

“The Stronger the Roots the Stronger the Tree”

This is the Mantra behind Raíces.

Our Mission is to Encourage and Support the Hispanic and Latino Cyber and Technology Community to Achieve Greater Representation in the World. We are doing that with our four main pillars. Continued Support and Encouragement to and from the Community, Education for all career levels, Access to valuable resources, Constructive Networking and the forming of STRONG bonds (“Roots”).

The Meaning of Our Icon

Ra�ces stands for Heritage but also means Roots in Spanish. We picked Ra�ces because it represents our Combined Hispanic Roots and, also as a play on the word, ROOT which plays a special importance to us in the Cyber Security Field.

The Colors Represent the areas of CyberSecurity. Red for Offensive Operations, Blue For Defensive Operations and Purple for Operations where we ALL come together.

Ra�ces is an all inclusive community where Hispanics, Latino and Allies come together in a single Voice to Grow the ROOTS stronger for the Community!

What We Do for the Community!


    Strong Communities are built of friendships. Ra�ces will have Online and Onsite Monthly Meetups in many cities. Building Strong Foundations in the community.

    Online Webinars/ Talks / Streaming Events/ Zoom on a monthly basis

    Moderated/ Community Based Discord community for daily support and discussions

    Click Below to Find out More


    Ra�ces will feature valuable resources to our members to include Early career mentoring, Mentorship pairing, and much more to support the growth of the community.


    Our members will have Member only access to our vast resources of Community Content Creators, Documentations, and much more to help you grow in your career.

    WE are also working with Leading companies to start a JOB BOARD and JOB Matching with HIRING managers.


    The Field of Cyber Security and Technology is Ever Changing. This is why we are starting various exciting programs

    Early Education Outreach to Middle Schools/ High Schools and Community Colleges to support the Entry into the field.

    Professional development Classes in Cyber and Tech by leading educators and Professionals

    Soft Skills and Leadership Classes / Training

  • Volunteers Needed

    Do you want to be a part of an exciting and Vibrant Community? We Need so much help in so many different areas to make this dream come true.

    If you are ready to Join a great Group, Click Below and fill the form!

  • Join Us/ Newsletter

    Do you want to know More? (Sci-fi Reference :) )

    Click Below to Join our Newsletter and become part of the community.

    When you do we will send you access to the Free online Ra�ces Discord Community, Come on I know you want to.

Help Us make a Difference! Make a Donation.

Your Tax Deductible Support is Highly Appreciated!!!