This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.

This archived bug list includes all the bugs for the product or component specified, including bugs that have been resolved.

Mon Apr 1 2019 21:26:55 UTC
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4047 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Opened Changed
5755 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <video>: Expose media resource metadata (e.g. movie name, release year) 2008-06-14 2017-07-21
5758 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK <audio> and <video> do not have sufficient support for synchronized accessibility content 2008-06-15 2013-03-19
5772 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK [blocked on sandbox="" implementations] ID scoping for content aggregators (<iframe doc="">) 2008-06-19 2013-03-19
5776 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Authors need more control over handling of embedded resources 2008-06-20 2013-03-19
6606 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL generic 3rd-party <mark>, Smart Tags, and Accelerators prevention 2009-02-22 2013-03-19
7253 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <video>: Provide a way to let the browser know what's coming next, for gapless playback 2009-08-10 2017-07-21
7557 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT add "type" attribute to <nav> to distinguish between navigation blocks that should be skipped and blocks that should be read out 2009-09-09 2014-09-26
7688 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE 'input type=time' forbids legitimate use case 2009-09-21 2013-10-01
8278 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <video>: video.currentTime variant that returns a frame number 2009-11-13 2017-07-21
8320 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Validated local resource cache 2009-11-16 2013-03-09
8360 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Is there any equivelent for 'required' here? In case there are multiple options but no good default. 2009-11-24 2013-03-19
8659 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Media events to indicate captions and audio descriptions 2010-01-06 2013-03-19
8735 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Add rel="edit" to list of defined types 2010-01-14 2015-09-01
8794 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <canvas>: lineWidth = 'hairline' 2010-01-21 2014-09-26
9137 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK i'd like to encode a geographical position in the format like <span itemprop=geo itemvalue="lat;lon">HUMAN-FRIENDLY- and LOCALIZED-LAT, LON</span>, but current microdata syntax does not allow it. <meta itemprop=geo content=...> could be used, but contain 2010-02-24 2013-03-20
9211 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED slotIndices (new IDL attribute): collection of all col-row intersections (slots) the cell spans 2010-03-08 2013-03-18
9213 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK HTML5 Lacks a Way to Programmatically-Determine Missing Text Alternatives 2010-03-08 2013-03-19
9235 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <canvas>: perspective transformations 2010-03-12 2016-04-21
9236 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL <canvas>: Detecting the intersection of Path objects 2010-03-12 2016-04-21
9280 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT forms: Add default button option/attribute for forms 2010-03-19 2017-07-21
9362 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL <embed> should fire 'load' event so that it's more useful for e.g. SVG 2010-03-28 2013-04-25
9482 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT appcache: listing multiple manifests in manifest="", or inclusions in appcache manifest files 2010-04-10 2014-09-25
9619 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE HTML Device Spec - Could Use More Example Code 2010-04-29 2012-07-18
9695 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT appcache: API to opt-in to appcache mode after page load (essentially adding a manifest later, to allow a page to have "go offline" UI) 2010-05-09 2014-09-05
9773 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS WORK There is not a clear difference between "subtitles" and "captions". These are mostly used to describe "closed captions" (binary transmissions in TV broadcasts) vs "subtitles" (text files), as far as I know. 2010-05-20 2012-07-18
9774 WHATWG HTML jfoliot VERI INVA "consecutive lines displayed below each other" - since subtitles tend to be rendered at the bottom, it's actually better for new subtitles to be rendered higher up. Of course, the individual lines of each subtitle still extend downwards, but it's still po 2010-05-20 2012-07-18
9775 WHATWG HTML jfoliot RESO NEED "positioned to a multiple of the line dimensions of the first line of the cue" - enforcing the same line height for every line ihurts text rendering appearance for no apparent reason. This is especially true if text styling is supported (bold text is larg 2010-05-20 2012-07-18
9776 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Percentages for text positioning don't seem better than using the actual video dimensions. If you require integer percentages, then it doesn't work well for videos larger than 100px high. If not, then it's just an arbitrary resizing of the dimensions (sli 2010-05-20 2012-07-18
9777 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED "the cues are being displayed over the video as appropriate" - this says "cues", so multiple cues are supported at once. But many SRT players don't actually support more than one SRT subtitle at once - they either play the first one in the file or draw th 2010-05-20 2012-07-18
9785 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Add a "filter" attribute. If set, the user agent will filter the datalist. If not, filter won't be filtered automatically (unless you do some sort of filtering by javascript or/and server-side) 2010-05-21 2014-09-19
9799 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS WONT Syntax of <ol@type> and <ul@type> should be aligned with CSS list-style-type 2010-05-22 2013-05-30
9814 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA There are many systems that could use this: barcode readers, rfid readers. So, it would be very useful to let this generic. HTML5 Apps will use it a lot to permit industry automation with web environment 2010-05-27 2012-07-18
9825 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Right now the keyword "media" allows audio and/or video data, but why not allow image data as well? It would be useful on many devices (especially phones) to be able to take a still photograph which can then be manipulated or transmitted (assuming the sa 2010-05-30 2012-07-18
9837 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED RE: "should we make this only useful for AV streaming" - NO! type='fs' is a godsend, can there be type='eth' or ='net' with multi-protocol support (tcp, udp, dccp, sctp, etc)? that would rip the door open on the issue of websocket falling short in areas. 2010-06-03 2012-07-18
9939 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED If we have a concept of "WebDevice", manufacturer could start to create amazing web devices (Example: These devices once connected could interact with the website using a REST PROTOCOL. Event based (The device send information when we do a 2010-06-17 2018-12-02
9960 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED make it milliseconds (float). It's easy to work with. Most audio is 44.1anyway. 2010-06-20 2012-07-18
10028 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Adding informations about the bitrate of the video to the source element could allow user agent to select the right video in case the same format is available in different levels of quality. 2010-06-29 2013-03-19
10051 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE s/A WebSRT cue text span, representing text of the cue./A WebSRT cue text span, representing *the* text of the cue."/? 2010-06-29 2012-07-18
10053 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE how about minlength? i'd like to see certain fields to have a minimum amoung of characters for validation 2010-06-30 2014-04-20
10059 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE should allow a line terminator between </rt> and </ruby> 2010-07-01 2012-07-18
10070 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE s/this specifications says/this specification says/ 2010-07-02 2012-07-18
10113 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE make </rt> optional (in syntax and parser) 2010-07-08 2012-07-18
10138 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The rs232 option should be kept so that physical web devices like an Arduino can be programmed to interact with a web page to enable physical web interfaces. 2010-07-12 2012-07-18
10148 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE allow a BOM 2010-07-13 2012-07-18
10179 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Add example of addTrack() for the purposes of scripted pausing of the video. (i.e. the old cue range use case) 2010-07-16 2012-07-18
10183 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK "then the WebSRT file must WebSRT file using cue text.": Fix grammar 2010-07-16 2012-07-18
10206 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL A single manifest file pre page will be problematic for web authoring programmers like myself, and Lib developers like jQuery. It will cause all types of problems with mash-ups of various providers of web apps on a single page. Can U please consider addin 2010-07-20 2013-03-19
10213 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL [URL] The definition of "absolute url" makes https:foo not an absolute url, since its behavior depends on whether the base is https: or not. Is that desired? In particular, using this definition for websockets means that wss: urls with no forward... 2010-07-20 2012-07-27
10229 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK "for timed tracks whose kind is chapters, the user agent is making available to the user a mechanism by which the user can navigate to any point in the media resource by selecting a cue" says the spec, but how is not actually defined anywhere 2010-07-23 2012-07-18
10231 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED When a track element is created, it must be associated with a new timed track (with its value set as defined below) and its corresponding new TimedTrack object. 2010-07-23 2012-07-18
10263 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Should there be functions available to add and remove resources to/from the cache using JavaScript? 2010-07-29 2013-03-19
10306 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Why is <01> not OK? It would make the parser simpler and allows zero-padding when using more than 9 voices. 2010-08-06 2012-07-18
10313 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE If we're going to support direct access to RS232 devices, why not support USB devices? 2010-08-07 2012-07-18
10316 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK addCue(cue) listed twice, second instance should be removeCue(cue) 2010-08-08 2012-07-18
10320 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE [WebSRT voice] Allow an arbitrary string as the voice for forwards compatilbity 2010-08-09 2012-07-19
10329 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED I guess this element would be helpful to user net attached printers and other devices like that 2010-08-09 2012-07-18
10341 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Please spec img.lowsrc IDL attribute 2010-08-10 2013-09-02
10386 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS WONT This section shouldn't be .impl 2010-08-17 2012-07-18
10389 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT why onbitmap? onfile is enough. if you have onbitmap then why not put ondocument and onpdf and onxlsx and so on? onfile is enough 2010-08-18 2012-07-18
10439 WHATWG HTML faulkner.steve RESO FIXE <input type=file> has "button" role, but is typically a compound control 2010-08-26 2012-07-18
10464 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL provide clear user friendly links to WAI-ARIA documents in the ARIA section of the spec 2010-08-27 2013-03-19
10514 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED It should be more then just audio and video. As an example USB joystick support for games. 2010-08-31 2012-07-18
10586 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT For good French typography, we need a sup span. 2010-09-09 2012-07-18
10607 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Seconds are not followed by A U+003A COLON character (:). Seems like a copy & paste error. 2010-09-12 2012-07-18
10619 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE [WebSRT voice] Allowing A WebSRT voice declaration when the cue payload is WebSRT metadata text does not make sense, I think. 2010-09-13 2012-07-18
10693 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE Need a means for navigating between related timed tracks of media elements 2010-09-23 2012-07-18
10707 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Mention that <track label> gets used in UI, so that authors know what it's for! 2010-09-23 2012-07-18
10711 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <video>: Playlists 2010-09-24 2016-02-01
10736 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE typo: double commas in "When the user agent is to parse the WebSRT settings for a timed track cue cue,," 2010-09-25 2012-07-18
10737 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE Step 26 check for "-->" is redundant, "Collect WebSRT cue timings and settings" will check it. 2010-09-25 2012-07-18
10744 WHATWG HTML ian VERI INVA None of the event handlers onload/onerror/oncuechange/onenter/onexit are used in the spec 2010-09-26 2012-07-18
10745 WHATWG HTML ian VERI DUPL None of the event handlers onload/onerror/oncuechange/onenter/onexit are used in the spec 2010-09-26 2012-07-18
10746 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE [WebSRT voice] What's the point of failing in "collect WebSRT cue voice and text"? 2010-09-26 2012-07-18
10749 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE Should it be required that id is not the empty string? Otherwise it will match any WebSRT cues with is missing. 2010-09-26 2012-07-18
10750 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE [WebSRT voice] Step 6 of "collect WebSRT cue voice and text" modified the "raw text of the cue" 2010-09-26 2012-07-18
10751 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE WebSRT cue text tokeniser is missing a step 8 to jump to the step labeled loop 2010-09-26 2012-07-18
10752 WHATWG HTML ian VERI DUPL WebSRT cue text tokeniser is missing a step 8 to jump to the step labeled loop 2010-09-26 2012-07-18
10770 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE Should it really be OK to have timestamps with trailing garbage like <00:01.500b0rk>? 2010-09-27 2012-07-18
10828 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT i18n comment 4 : at least by default, <br> should constitute a bidi paragraph break 2010-09-29 2013-03-19
10912 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT forms: <output> should not be barred from constraint validation 2010-09-30 2014-05-16
11016 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Give the TimedTrackCueList getter operation an identifier 2010-10-12 2012-07-18
11074 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Why does this need to be a specific codec? Why couldn't developers have the option to specify the type of the stream, similar to the way a MIME type can be specified in the canvas's toDataURL method? 2010-10-16 2012-07-18
11186 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT forms: <input type=url multiple> and <input type=tel multiple> 2010-11-01 2014-10-01
11199 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Need standard way to creating heading "streams" 2010-11-02 2013-04-26
11208 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Compelling arguments for usb/rs232 may be Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality/Motion Capture tracking systems (ie. Intersense). 2010-11-03 2012-07-18
11229 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Try making an author-specific edition that has one page per section, a tree on the side, and ben's styles, as per 2010-11-05 2012-07-18
11235 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Mechanism to disable sending of cookies with requests for style sheets, background images, fonts, WebSockets, server-sent events, <video src>, <source>, <track>, <iframe>, <img>, etc 2010-11-05 Fri 19:23
11255 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA helo my name is Avaz helo my name is Avaz helo my name is Avaz helo my name is Avaz helo my name is Avaz helo my name is Avaz 2010-11-08 2012-07-18
11282 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Please don't use section numbers as these tend to change rapidly 2010-11-10 2012-07-18
11297 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA �@����͌��� Logo Google �ь� �ь� �ь� Cross Frame: �c��ͬ�W��� Frame ��� ��ƪ���������r�g��2010-10-07 11:52:56 Ŀǰ����1ƪ���� ���P�˻`�� * flas 2010-11-11 2012-07-18
11399 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <canvas>: Locking individual color channels (e.g. drawing to alpha only) 2010-11-24 2017-07-21
11408 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK how to save the recording on the disk 2010-11-26 2012-07-18
11409 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL how to save the recording on the disk 2010-11-26 2012-07-18
11420 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Please hurry up with this specification. This will be a revolution after the Vieo tag and really reduce dependency for the browser on 3rd party plugins/software. 2010-11-28 2012-07-18
11517 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Since context.putImageData() does not handle compositing, another set of methods, maybe context.drawImageData(), should be created to allow ImageData objects to be drawn onto the canvas in the same fashion as Image objects. 2010-12-09 2013-03-19
11548 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Suggestion for improved caching functionality in html5 specification 2010-12-14 2013-03-18
11568 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Add "dragexit" event to the drag-and-drop model 2010-12-17 2013-03-18
11592 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Site-specific dictionaries for spelling checkers 2010-12-23 2014-09-26
11603 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL <device> needs USB file system support if we want to eliminate the need for browser plugins for device communication. In the GPS fitness device market, this is the typical strategy for uploading and downloading data to and from the device [...] 2010-12-23 2012-07-18
11611 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL RS232 and USB should be included. Right now we cannot deoploy software as a web app 2010-12-27 2012-07-18
11612 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <device> should include RS232 and USB 2010-12-27 2012-07-18
11673 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Streaming audio data from a microphone over a WebSocket 2011-01-05 2012-07-18
11679 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL <device> should most surely also be able to work with USB devices. Using Joystick input in <canvas>-based games comes to mind! So far, this can only be solved using NPAPI plugins or the like. 2011-01-06 2012-07-18
11680 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE step 17: "value a value" typo? 2011-01-06 2012-07-18
11684 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE step 10: the body element isn't defined as sectioning content, so heading will always be null 2011-01-06 2012-07-18
11685 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT step 11+16.4: factor out the common steps 2011-01-06 2012-07-18
11686 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE step 11: missing "of" in "the descendants the title element," 2011-01-06 2012-07-18
11689 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE step 8: be explicit about the order in which things are located and removed 2011-01-07 2012-07-18
11692 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE step 11: "a rel attribute whose value includes the bookmark keyword" is not well defined 2011-01-07 2012-07-18
11704 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE step 5: <link rel=icon> 2011-01-09 2012-07-18
11707 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE [device] Developers only need video and audio streams. The type attribute should either be video or audio. 2011-01-09 2012-07-18
11708 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE step 17: to which precision should "the moment that this algorithm was invoked" be given? 2011-01-09 2012-07-18
11715 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Map HTML <article><a rel=author> to Atom <entry><author> 2011-01-10 2013-03-08
11739 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <canvas>: clearPath() that clears pixels the way clearRect() does, but using a path 2011-01-11 2014-09-26
11741 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL inclusion of RS232 and USB would open new possibilities for pos systems. i could throw the java applets away. 2011-01-12 2012-07-18
11751 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Adding support for audiovisual devices would definetively bee a flash-killer. You have my vote. 2011-01-13 2012-07-18
11794 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Utility function to enable/disable all controls in a subtree 2011-01-18 2014-09-26
11801 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT [device] I think that for usb, some more desired use cases like smart card login and joystick support, would help adapt the proposal. 2011-01-19 2012-07-18
11802 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT [device] Suggestion for how to filter the list 2011-01-19 2012-07-18
11869 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA This section will be moved to a more appropriate location in due course; it is here currently to keep it near the device element to allow reviewers to look at it. 2011-01-25 2012-07-18
11896 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE PUB: html-letter.pdf isn't generating properly 2011-01-27 2012-07-18
11930 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL It's very common for many application to require access to the number of video frames, as well as to have the ability to seek to a given frame. Think of a video editor. There is no notion of a video frame here. We should add fields, like "currentFrame", a 2011-01-31 2013-03-19
11937 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Progress element should be indeterminate if the value attribute isn't a valid float 2011-02-01 2013-09-12
11958 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT [device] Use "peripheral" as the base generic device class keyword 2011-02-02 2012-07-18
11960 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Consider making the global scope pollution by names/ids quirks-only 2011-02-02 2016-06-16
11984 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <video>: Figure out the story with respect to honouring Content-Type headers vs sniffing content 2011-02-05 2014-08-04
12076 WHATWG HTML contributor RESO WONT <video> Recast WebVTT parser so that it first does line breaking then handles each line, instead of being character-oriented 2011-02-15 2012-07-18
12097 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Very beautiful article 2011-02-16 2012-07-18
12098 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Very beautiful article 2011-02-16 2012-07-18
12158 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT [device] It might be useful to have access to USB joysticks (maybe even with force-feedback) and other kinds of HID. 2011-02-23 2012-07-18
12215 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL IEEE 1394 , firewire ? 2011-03-01 2012-07-18
12216 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED IEEE 1394 , firewire ? 2011-03-01 2012-07-18
12230 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Some synthetic events cause actions 2011-03-03 2016-10-12
12271 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK forms: <input list=""> needs an event triggered on selection of suggestion 2011-03-09 Fri 19:03
12304 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK <video> Would be nicer if PAUSED was defined on Stream instead of GeneratedStream 2011-03-15 2012-07-18
12313 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <video> if a PeerConnection receives a new stream, then has close() called on it before the addstream event fires, the remoteStreams will change between close() and the close event. We should avoid that, probably by checking the readiness state 2011-03-16 2012-07-18
12314 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <video> A PeerConnection shouldn't go into the CLOSED state when all the media streams are closed. Let's leave that for the higher-level protocol, and just assume that ICE will be torn down abruptly if it is closed. 2011-03-16 2012-07-18
12315 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <video> The definition of the CLOSED state should be changed to only refer to the case of close() being called. 2011-03-16 2012-07-18
12316 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE We should add a checksum here to make it impossible for attackers to modify messages en-route. The HMAC-SHA1 of the cyphertext using as a key the HMAC-SHA1 of ice-key + a second salt should be sufficient. See also 2011-03-16 2012-07-18
12328 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK I think the return type of StreamRecorder::getRecordedData was intended to be void since it is asynchronous. 2011-03-17 2012-07-18
12331 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Not sure what is the difference between all three views 2011-03-17 2012-07-18
12335 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Chrome appears to support the input type:time 2011-03-18 2012-07-18
12367 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <video> Suggestion about multiple tracks for best practices section 2011-03-23 2012-07-18
12376 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Would the current specification for video conference allow video upload? Use case: post a video to youtube, being captured in real time. 2011-03-25 2012-07-18
12408 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK review comment tool buggy. help button mostly hidden off right edge of screen. purpose of button labeled "27A1" unclear. 2011-04-01 2012-07-18
12451 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Spelling error in example: funciton noStream (funciton > function). 2011-04-08 2012-07-18
12475 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Implemented in Opera 11.10 - 2011-04-12 2012-07-18
12479 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE The intro indicates that this spec is what "used to be" HTML5, but there are still references to "version 5" (This specification defines version 5 of DOM HTML) which is now more confusing than when it _was_ HTML 5 and version 5 of the DOM. Is the DOM real 2011-04-13 2012-07-18
12549 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL At 7:07 AM (Saturday, April 23, 2011 at 12:07:00 PM UTC) the link to the "html-letter.pdf" document provides a PDF file that cannot be loaded (by Chrome or by OS X Preview). The "html-a4.pdf" is fine and can be loaded; just the "html-letter.pdf" is broke 2011-04-23 2012-07-18
12552 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE function msgStop() should be using "msgStream" (not "stream") reference 2011-04-24 2012-07-18
12579 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK typo: "invoke" should be "invoked". 2011-05-01 2012-07-18
12636 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK i can't see any errors. the page is taking forever to load, i'm getting hte spinning pinwheel (osx "beach ball") and scrolling vertically is slow as hell 2011-05-09 2012-07-18
12653 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL There's a small typo in the example, funciton noStream(), where function is spelt incorrectly. 2011-05-13 2012-07-18
12680 WHATWG HTML contributor RESO WORK Click on the "cross-origin" definition. The popup has status annotation boxes which overlaps the links. 2011-05-18 2012-07-18
12795 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <video> Shouldn't it be "ruby" on step 1? 2011-05-26 2012-07-18
12812 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS WONT [WebVTT] need to specify default CSS unit when not percentage 2011-05-30 2012-07-18
12813 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [WebVTT] explanation of cue settings aren't extracted into webvtt.html 2011-05-30 2012-07-18
12814 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE PUB: [WebVTT] missing BIDI reference 2011-05-30 2012-07-18
12843 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA This is great news!!!!!!!!!! 2011-06-01 2012-07-18
12847 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL typo, funciton should be function 2011-06-01 2012-07-18
12850 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA just test the comment system. 2011-06-02 2012-07-18
12851 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Displaying such streams (both the locally-produced ones and the remotely-obtained ones) 2011-06-02 2012-07-18
12857 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <video> "provided by script in the page via the server" is unclear 2011-06-02 2012-07-18
12868 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT forms: Allow placeholder="" for color and date/time types 2011-06-03 2017-07-21
12919 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE I am running chrome 12.0.742.68 beta-m and the details element is working 2011-06-08 2012-07-18
12954 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED List of events would be useful 2011-06-15 2012-07-18
12983 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <video> audioTracks and videoTracks should move to MediaStream, and there should be a way to merge multiple MediaStream objects into one; maybe a constructor that takes an array of them 2011-06-17 2012-07-18
12990 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Nested <footer>s might make sense in some cases, but are currently disallowed 2011-06-19 Fri 19:31
12995 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK PUB: Need to enable automatic cross-spec references somehow 2011-06-20 2016-03-16
12999 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Allow nodefault="" on <menu type=context> 2011-06-20 2016-03-28
13017 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA typing erer rerajk jdlsak rjear djasjdsa 2011-06-22 2012-07-18
13021 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA This is test 2011-06-23 2012-07-18
13066 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA thank you 2011-06-27 2012-07-18
13076 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED options argument for window . navigator . getUserMedia doesn't look very intuitive. Comma separated string with space.Maybe create e.x. array of objects? 2011-06-28 2012-07-18
13096 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL <canvas>: Painting to just one channel at a time 2011-06-30 2014-07-28
13108 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Add &zwsp; as named character reference for zero width space (U+200B) 2011-07-01 2014-07-28
13140 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The info box mentions the track.label attribute twice (the first should be track.kind) 2011-07-05 2012-07-18
13154 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE WF3: Allow two handles on input type="range", like this: 2011-07-06 2014-01-30
13171 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Status boxes overlap 2011-07-07 2012-07-18
13220 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT The camera preference set should be populated asynchronously after returning from getUserMedia(). 2011-07-11 2012-07-18
13222 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE createObjectURL and not getObjectURL 2011-07-11 2012-07-18
13238 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Need an intro section for PeerConnection 2011-07-14 2012-07-18
13239 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Add support for in-page dialogs 2011-07-14 2012-07-18
13241 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Update x-spec links 2011-07-14 2012-07-18
13284 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Should that be createObjectURL? 2011-07-18 2012-07-18
13292 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Needs Clarification: What is an end-of-file marker in the context of Unicode? My guess is you could use one of the Byte Order Mark as noted in []? In particular, "The Unicode value U+FFFF is illegal in plain te 2011-07-19 2012-07-18
13334 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Should be "contradictS" 2011-07-22 2012-07-18
13363 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED The MediaStream(MediaStream parentStream) constructor seems to be confusing the ordinary copy constructor behavior. Could it be an operation of MediaStream rather than a constructor? 2011-07-26 2012-07-18
13366 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Typo in WebVTT spec 2011-07-26 2012-07-18
13398 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE i18n-ISSUE-80: Default rules for the quotes property 2011-07-27 2015-09-02
13413 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Consider dropping the vEvent microdata vocabulary 2011-07-28 2012-07-18
13505 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL The first track.label reference should be track.kind. 2011-08-01 2012-07-18
13524 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE relatedTarget shouldn't be null for dragleave event(as mouseout) 2011-08-02 2014-01-14
13527 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT microdata: Marking up items using multiple unrelated vocabularies 2011-08-02 2014-05-07
13576 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Extend accesskey="" to accept key names (e.g. accesskey="home") 2011-08-03 Fri 19:24
13619 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Provide access to global accessibility settings 2011-08-03 2013-03-21
13687 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Add "exposes a bitmap" concept to image/video/canvas for CSS 2011-08-05 2012-07-18
13714 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT "The initial offer must include": Add RFC4733's "named telephone events" audio codec to the first audio stream or add an audio stream with just that codec if there isn't one already. Add that codec to all audio streams added with addStream(). Add an API t 2011-08-09 2012-07-18
13719 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK remove reference to draft-holsten-about-uri-scheme 2011-08-10 2013-04-29
13720 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Define javascript: processing entirely inline, and make it only happen in the navigation algorithm; then, remove special-casing elsewhere, and make it non-conforming in those places 2011-08-10 2013-11-21
13787 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Define fragment identifier semantics for XML MIME types 2011-08-15 2016-03-22
13790 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Rename localStreams and remoteStreams to sendStreams and receiveStreams or similar since you may send a stream that is received from one peer to another and then it ends up in localStreams (although it's not local) 2011-08-16 2012-07-18
13791 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Rename SignalingCallback interface to PeerConnectionSignalingCallback for consistency 2011-08-16 2012-07-18
13800 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Add ArrayBuffer to Transferable types list (2.8.4); update Structured clone algorithm 2011-08-17 2013-06-12
13888 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA WebVTT cue class span 2011-08-24 2012-07-18
13943 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <track> The "bad cue" handling is stricter than it should be 2011-08-29 2012-07-18
13944 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The WebVTT timestamp seconds separator is always a full stop 2011-08-29 2012-07-18
13968 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE status box has wrong ID 2011-08-30 2012-07-18
13981 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> Redundant checks for 0-9 when parsing integers 2011-08-31 2012-07-18
13991 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Need a spec for HashChangeEvent constructor 2011-09-01 2012-07-18
13992 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Need a spec for MessageEvent constructor 2011-09-01 2012-07-18
13993 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Need a spec for PageTransitionEvent constructor 2011-09-01 2012-07-18
13994 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Need a spec for PopStateEvent constructor 2011-09-01 2012-07-18
14076 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE misspelled contents, should be "Stops sending" instead of "Steps sending" 2011-09-08 2012-07-18
14080 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE status box is misplaced (wrong ID?) 2011-09-08 2012-07-18
14085 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> WebVTT tokenizer does not consume U+003E GREATER-THAN SIGN character (>) 2011-09-08 2012-07-18
14100 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> typo: Neil DeGrasse Tyson 2011-09-10 2012-07-18
14148 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Drop resolveURL in favor of URL() 2011-09-14 2012-07-18
14178 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> WebVTT cue discarded and then used (SIGSEGV) 2011-09-16 2012-07-18
14179 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL WebVTT cue discarded and then used (SIGSEGV) 2011-09-16 2012-07-18
14225 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE infobox should say textTrack . mode [ = value ] 2011-09-20 2012-07-18
14259 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <track> Drop Timestamp Objects on the floor instead of exposing as PIs 2011-09-23 2012-07-18
14263 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> Don't use <q> for voice object 2011-09-23 2012-07-18
14294 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> Should say that the parser can return with an error state or "not processed successfully" state, so that 'error' fires instead of 'load' on <track> if the webvtt signature is wrong 2011-09-26 2012-07-18
14298 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> webvtt parser step 31 "If line is the empty string, then discard cue and jump to the step labeled end." is redundant with step 34. 2011-09-27 2012-07-18
14303 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "Web developer edition" is missing the ":" 2011-09-27 2012-07-18
14309 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> Constructor for 'TextTrackCue' is not defined 2011-09-27 2012-07-18
14337 WHATWG HTML rniwa RESO WONT Drag-and-drop / undo manager interaction 2011-09-30 2016-03-25
14343 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> should require a space before the annotation 2011-09-30 2012-07-18
14344 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> the "allows an annotation" case doesn't seem to be supported 2011-09-30 2012-07-18
14379 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Definition of the output element requires amending 2011-10-04 2012-09-15
14470 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT microdata: support for structured data (HTML) as a property value 2011-10-14 2016-03-16
14487 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE <track> accept more white space characters as cue timing separators 2011-10-17 2012-07-18
14493 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Ready for first implementations Latest Internet Explorer beta: unknownLatest Firefox trunk nightly build: unknownLatest WebKit or Chromium trunk build: unknownLatest Opera beta or preview build: unknownJavaScript libraries, plugins, etc: unknown 2009-10-2 2011-10-18 2012-07-18
14494 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA interface HTMLAreaElement : HTMLElement { attribute DOMString alt; attribute DOMString coords; attribute DOMString shape; stringifier attribute DOMString href; attribute DOMString target; attribute 2011-10-18 2012-07-18
14495 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL interface HTMLAreaElement : HTMLElement { attribute DOMString alt; attribute DOMString coords; attribute DOMString shape; stringifier attribute DOMString href; attribute DOMString target; attribute 2011-10-18 2012-07-18
14496 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL interface HTMLAreaElement : HTMLElement { attribute DOMString alt; attribute DOMString coords; attribute DOMString shape; stringifier attribute DOMString href; attribute DOMString target; attribute 2011-10-18 2012-07-18
14498 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA interface WorkerGlobalScope : EventTarget { readonly attribute WorkerGlobalScope self; readonly attribute WorkerLocation location; void close(); [TreatNonCallableAsNull] attribute Function? onerror; [TreatNonCallableAsNull] attribute Function? o 2011-10-18 2012-07-18
14502 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Why do we want to taint on style set and not on style use? 2011-10-18 2012-07-18
14509 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> A text track doesn't/shouldn't have a readiness state, so it cannot be set 2011-10-19 2012-07-18
14510 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <track> how should language be normalized? 2011-10-19 2012-07-18
14511 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA clock f sdf sdf sdf sdf s df 2011-10-19 2012-07-18
14514 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT A 44 byte header seems excessive. Consider that for a modern speech codec like Speex, a 20ms payload may only be 10 bytes. Even bundling 80ms together, the header will be larger than the payload. 2011-10-19 2012-07-18
14515 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA helllo a balld �da 2011-10-20 2012-07-18
14517 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE TextTrackCue: cueAsSource() -> cueAsSource 2011-10-20 2012-07-18
14518 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Microdata: Can "the same vocabulary" span multiple domains? 2011-10-20 2012-07-18
14523 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED why are the attributes sometimes covered by quotes and sometimes aren't? 2011-10-20 2012-07-18
14526 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE WF2: When adding filenames to the data set, should there be normalization of decomposed forms? 2011-10-20 2012-07-20
14529 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA MIME Sniffing spec - 2011-10-21 2012-07-18
14532 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Original Text: #link-type-nofollow 2011-10-21 2012-07-18
14533 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Original Text: #link-type-nofollow 2011-10-21 2012-07-18
14535 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Section 2.8.1. seems to define things backwards. We should definite the types of IDL attributes that reflect a given type of content attribute. 2011-10-21 2012-07-18
14536 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <track> Characters in the range 0-9, a-Z can simply be one of "ampltg" as those are the only characters that matter. 2011-10-22 2018-10-29
14537 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> The string "<." creates a start tag with no name and an empty string class. Is that really what we want? 2011-10-22 2012-07-18
14538 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <track> Just as with the HTML parsing section, it would be great if the WebVTT parsing section contained error annotation for WebVTT conformance checkers. 2011-10-22 2012-07-18
14539 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> WebVTT cue text cares about space and tab while cue timings and settings cares about space, tab, and form feed. This should be consistent. 2011-10-22 2012-07-18
14541 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> There is no need to call out "If the tag name is the empty string" as it will be handled by "Otherwise". 2011-10-22 2012-07-18
14542 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> In "If token is an end tag" the wording "then let current be the parent node of current of the parent node of current" is confusing and should likely read "then let current be the parent of current's parent". That is how I implement it anyway. 2011-10-22 2012-07-18
14543 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> In the WebVTT tokenizer escape state under the "Anything else" clause c should also be appended to result. 2011-10-22 2012-07-18
14547 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK <track> In the step just before timings should there not be an end-of-file check as well? This WebVTT parser would be easier to read by the way if you did the CRLF normalization as a pre-processing step. 2011-10-23 2012-07-18
14549 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA link rel icon 2011-10-23 2012-07-18
14550 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> Always start a new cue when seeing a line containing "-->" 2011-10-24 2012-07-18
14551 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> "<b\n>" and "<b \n>" should be parsed the same 2011-10-24 2012-07-18
14552 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track>/WebVTT Add comment block support 2011-10-24 2012-11-21
14555 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Hi, I'd just like to understand why not using the already-defined "caption" tag, currently used only for tables, as a child of the new "figure" tag. Thanks. 2011-10-25 2012-07-18
14558 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE s/a AudioTrack/an AudioTrack/ 2011-10-25 2012-07-18
14567 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Safari on OSX Lion placeholder text doesn't disappear on focus. This is done intentionally and Chromium guys seems like to do the same. Could the spec change to allow so that placeholder text disappears when users start input? 2011-10-26 2012-07-18
14568 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA I want ocomment it, ok? 2011-10-26 2012-07-18
14570 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> In section"A line position"/"text track cue computed line position" algorithm: It seems better to let the step 5 be "Increment n by one" 2011-10-27 2012-07-18
14571 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <track> allow signature to be followed by FF for consistency in the parser 2011-10-27 2012-07-18
14572 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE <track> Collect space characters and discard them after step 8. 2011-10-27 2012-07-18
14574 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> The text track cue alignment setting should map to a CSS property ('text-align') 2011-10-27 2012-07-18
14575 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> Spec is confused about which edge the text position starts from 2011-10-27 2012-07-18
14577 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "state changed is true, fire a popstate event" -- missing "If" 2011-10-27 2012-07-18
14582 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED selamat datang di william elektronik batam 2011-10-28 2012-07-18
14584 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED element idlinking to a style sheet 2011-10-28 2012-07-18
14586 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Microdata: inconsistency between itemType, getItems and JSON regarding absolute URLs 2011-10-28 2012-07-18
14588 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED server scaduto 2011-10-28 2012-07-18
14594 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK The <data> elements in the last example should have end tags 2011-10-29 2012-07-18
14595 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <data> without value="" in example 2011-10-29 2012-07-18
14596 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Microdata: validity contraints to catch missing attributes 2011-10-29 2012-07-18
14597 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE For editorial consistency, for the document.readyState section. Mark up "loading" as "<code>loading</code>". Ditto for "interactive". 2011-10-30 2012-07-18
14598 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL For editorial consistency, for the document.readyState section. Mark up "loading" as "<code>loading</code>". Ditto for "interactive". 2011-10-30 2012-07-18
14628 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> In step 6-7, only consume the character if it is a ':' 2011-10-31 2012-07-18
14629 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE s/has store/has stored/? 2011-10-31 2012-07-18
14630 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED This sentence is rather confusing, it seems to indicate that <data> should be used with data-*, or can be replaced by data-*: "The element can also, however, be used in conjunction with scripts in the page, for when a script has store a literal value alon 2011-10-31 2012-07-18
14631 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Capitalization of Microformats (should be microformats) 2011-10-31 2012-07-18
14637 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Is itemtype="" valid? 2011-10-31 2012-07-18
14646 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> Don't use one-letter settings. They are non-intuitive and hard to remember. It makes little sense to use a single letter for the setting but then a sensible string for the value. Please use "align" instead of "A", etc. 2011-10-31 2012-07-18
14649 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE "Create n new WebVTT Internal Node Object" s/n/a/? 2011-11-01 2012-07-18
14650 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE 'If the dropped is false or it the current drag operation is "none"' s/the//, s/or it/or if/ 2011-11-01 2012-07-18
14651 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE i think the websocket garbage collection rules might need tweaking now that message can't be fired in CLOSING (can error be fired in CLOSING?) 2011-11-01 2012-07-18
14654 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE typo: "data procesors" 2011-11-01 2012-07-18
14655 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL More typos in 2011-11-01 2012-07-18
14661 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK I find the compositing section unclear with regard to partial transparency. E.g., under "a atop b", if a is partially transparent, does b show through? 2011-11-01 2012-07-18
14672 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA What is this site...? i think it looks helpful but i am confused... :-( 2011-11-02 2012-07-18
14674 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT 1. Please consider adding those API for Round-Trip measurments. 2.Clients might wish to detected server hangs and re-connect... 2011-11-02 2012-07-18
14676 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE For UTF-16, the oder of the steps in "change the encoding" doesn't seem right. 2011-11-02 2012-07-18
14679 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Consider replacing <data value> with a global attribute itemvalue="" 2011-11-02 2012-07-18
14681 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Separate 'acknowledgements' into list by participants of WHATWG and the W3C HTML Working Group? It may be useful to see all of the members who contribute in each/both group for clarification purposes. 2011-11-02 2012-07-18
14682 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Listed, submittable, 2011-11-03 2012-07-18
14687 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA uhi u hiu hiuh ih ihih hhiuhiu hhhhih hh oih iuh iho hoih h oi 2011-11-03 2012-07-18
14688 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA fhfhgfhgfhgfhgfhgfhgfhgfhg giuhgiuhiuhi hbkhikhiuhbi ihbihbjhbjhb 2011-11-03 2012-07-18
14690 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <a> should be allowed as a child of <dl> Current browsers allow this already. A semantic use case is file downlads <dl><a href="filename1.pdf"><dt>Filename</dt><dd>description of file</dd><dd>filetype</dd></a>etc...</dl>. 2011-11-03 2012-07-20
14691 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL <a> should be allowed as a child of <dl> Current browsers allow this already. A semantic use case is file downlads <dl><a href="filename1.pdf"><dt>Filename</dt><dd>description of file</dd><dd>filetype</dd></a>etc...</dl>. 2011-11-03 2012-07-18
14696 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE This is no longer true: "The end date is encoded as one day after the last date of the event because in the iCalendar format, end dates are exclusive, not inclusive" — so remove ...value="2007-10-20">19... 2011-11-04 2012-07-18
14699 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA All opened, none closed? 2011-11-05 2012-07-18
14703 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Integrate style sheet loading with CSSOM 2011-11-05 2014-01-13
14707 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "For the purposes of document summaries, outlines, and the like," should be treated as a UI issue, and should not be restricted in what text to use. It is e.g. resonable to join the headings with ": " if the hgroup is used for heading+subheading. 2011-11-06 2012-08-09
14708 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS INVA Attribute name not allowed on element meta at this point. 2011-11-06 2012-07-18
14710 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS INVA where are the videos? 2011-11-06 2012-07-18
14711 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <meta name="DESCRIPTION" content="Nuovo sito meteo per Roveredo in Piano (PN), Italy; con segnalazioni meteo; archivio dati meteo e grafici delle temperature; tanti e validi siti meteo per questa localit�, come, 3B Meteo...; sezione per metter 2011-11-07 2012-07-18
14724 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The "converting HTML to Atom" link is broken (at least for the moment) 2011-11-08 2012-07-18
14726 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Add an attribute "language" to the math tag. Example values would be "MathML" or "AMS-LaTeX". LaTeX is widely used in Wikipedia math formulae; so maybe it would be nice to have this client-side. 2011-11-08 2012-07-18
14737 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA CANVAS is awesome!!!!1 2011-11-09 2012-07-18
14738 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Please add more canvas examples 2011-11-09 2012-07-18
14747 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA mostrar tudo que tem 2011-11-09 2012-07-18
14750 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Clarify what the origin of the new document is if the document is blown away (consider if the old document set document.domain) 2011-11-10 2012-07-18
14754 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> rename cueAsSource to text for consistency 2011-11-10 2012-07-18
14767 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA hmm sdgsdf s 2011-11-11 2012-07-18
14810 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE First content model definition of <canvas> should get removed (1. Transparent 2. Transparent, but…), if the but always applies. 2011-11-12 2012-07-18
14811 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED no description shows 2011-11-12 2012-07-18
14816 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE It should be possible to reverse the direction of a vertical slider as well as a horizontal one, by using 'direction: rtl' or another property, so the lowest value can be at the top instead. 2011-11-13 2012-08-09
14818 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT PeerConnection API is available elsewhere <> so this text should be fixed 2011-11-14 2012-07-18
14829 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Using the meta element to specify the document-wide default language is obsolete. Consider specifying the language on the root element instead. 2011-11-14 2012-07-18
14833 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "If current node is a pre, textarea, or listing element, append a U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character." - no browser does this and when we tried it caused site-compat problems. It should either be removed or changed to only emit a extra LF if the element's fi 2011-11-15 2013-03-27
14835 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Typo: s/tat/that/ or s/tat/the/ in DOM 2011-11-15 2012-07-18
14836 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The title should read "User Agent Accessibility Guidelines" instead. 2011-11-15 2012-07-18
14837 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA the area-elements in the example should have shape-attributes or no coords 2011-11-16 2012-07-18
14838 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA where am i? 2011-11-16 2012-07-18
14844 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT This specification prevents a single document, relying on no outside content, from converting an in-document SVG to a PNG. See 2011-11-16 2012-07-18
14845 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE For editorial consistency, "noshade" should link to attr-hr-noshade (the definition exists). And why is the @title attr-input-noshade by the way? 2011-11-16 2012-07-18
14851 WHATWG HTML ian VERI FIXE <video> Add seek() function for non-exact (fast) seeking 2011-11-17 2012-10-09
14853 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The variable 'node' in the example function 'processClick' is never defined anywhere 2011-11-17 2012-07-18
14860 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA U+003C LESS- THAN SIGN (<) 2011-11-17 2012-07-18
14861 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA U+003C LESS- THAN SIGN (<) 2011-11-17 2012-07-18
14862 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA U+003C LESS-THAN SING 2011-11-17 2012-07-18
14863 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA U+003C LESS-THAN SING 2011-11-17 2012-07-18
14864 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA U+003C LESS-THAN SING 2011-11-17 2012-07-18
14865 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA U+003C LESS-THAN SING 2011-11-17 2012-07-18
14866 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA U+003C LESS-THAN SING 2011-11-17 2012-07-18
14867 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA U+003C LESS-THAN SING 2011-11-17 2012-07-18
14868 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA U+003C LESS-THAN SING 2011-11-17 2012-07-18
14869 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA U+003C LESS-THAN SING 2011-11-17 2012-07-18
14879 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT You should remove named numeric constants from interfaces that don't have legacy constraints yet. These probably include some or all of: HTMLTrackElement, TextTrack, NavigatorUserMediaError, MediaStream, PeerConnection, EventSource. 2011-11-18 2012-07-18
14886 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS INVA egypt port said 2011-11-20 2012-07-18
14889 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE For input.valueAsNumber In the non-normative box, "otherwise, returns null" should read "otherwise, returns NaN". 2011-11-20 2012-07-18
14890 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE For invalid Date, the terminology here seems to be "undefined" insted of "null" according to WebIDL, and the ECMAScript "null" value should never reach here according to the IDL description of attribute "valueAsDate". For readiblity, I suggest we just s/i 2011-11-20 2012-07-18
14901 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Please enter a description of the problem you have found, and then submit the comment again. 2011-11-22 2012-07-18
14902 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA does the worker is destroyed if the html page is changed? 2011-11-22 2012-07-18
14903 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL does the worker is destroyed if the html page is changed? 2011-11-22 2012-07-18
14908 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED It's not clear to me if the "if the time-zone offset is not zero" clause here affects authoring conformance or not. FWIW, treats <input type=datetime value=0001-01-01T00:00:00-00:00> as valid. Also, the term "best representation of the global 2011-11-23 2012-07-18
14910 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Security: Can't a web page that calls window.stop() 1000 times a second prevent a user from leaving a page? 2011-11-23 2012-07-18
14912 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS WONT From MediaStreamEventInit: DOMString MediaStream? stream; This fails to parse. Presumably the "DOMString" isn't meant to be there? 2011-11-23 2012-07-18
14914 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS WONT This IDL doesn't parse. These IDL members are already in HTMLInputElement and HTMLTextAreaElement -- why do they need to be repeated here in a separate IDL fragment? 2011-11-23 2012-07-18
14915 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT "partial interface URL", but there's no URL interface defined anywhere else. 2011-11-23 2012-07-18
14918 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE (editorial) The name attribute links to the wrong thing (attr-input-value). Should be attr-fe-name instead. 2011-11-24 2012-07-18
14922 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS INVA test 2011-11-25 2012-07-18
14923 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA test 2011-11-25 2012-07-18
14924 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS INVA what is elements 2011-11-25 2012-07-18
14926 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Should not the tittle be susceptible to style? 2011-11-25 2012-07-18
14928 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS INVA Yes it can do it a lot money enough 2011-11-25 2012-07-18
14929 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> use the same names in the DOM API as in WebVTT's cue settings 2011-11-25 2012-07-18
14935 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE An absolute URI not IRI 2011-11-25 2012-07-18
14940 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS INVA hello it is good! 2011-11-27 2012-07-18
14943 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS INVA location citizens language 2011-11-27 2012-07-18
14947 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Is the placeholder attribute only allowed on textual fields? If not, is there a specific way UAs are expected to show the value on non-textual fields? 2011-11-28 2012-07-18
14954 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK <track> Step 1 should be "A WebVTT cue span start tag "ruby". to coincide with Step 5. 2011-11-28 2012-07-18
15000 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Don't fire load until the image is fully decodable. If the image is corrupt or unsupported, the spec says to fire load *and* error, but browsers don't do that. 2011-11-30 2012-09-15
15005 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <rt> semantics: define the term "ruby base" and define that the <rt> element annotates the previous ruby base (even if another <rt> also annotates the same base) 2011-11-30 2012-08-20
15025 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE “This flag's othe value is months” should be “This flag's other value is months” (note “r” at end of “other”) 2011-12-01 2012-07-18
15036 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE If you want people to try using the CSS table model, you should probably link to a document about that 2011-12-02 2012-08-09
15045 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "initial empty" -> "initially empty" 2011-12-02 2012-07-18
15046 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK its showing msg that i am reading r6837 while the latest version is r6840, how can i switch to latest one 2011-12-02 2012-07-18
15049 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The description of opener doesn't say what the value is if any of the listed conditions do not hold. I think null is the correct value for windows with no opener, but the IDL lists its type as WindowProxy instead of WindowProxy?, which would seem to indic 2011-12-03 2012-07-18
15051 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK i HHHHHATE this bar at the bottom. even my "rip" firefox addon cannot remove it. now i have to hardcode "remove js" into privoxy. Put an option "show edit bar" at the very top, omg, you wannbe w3c. 2011-12-03 2012-07-18
15057 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK The [webvtt] reference has a [webworkers] label 2011-12-04 2012-07-18
15063 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE each MessageChannel acts as its own task source. This means that messages sent using this function are not guaranteed to execute in order, since the order task sources are processed isn't specified. 2011-12-05 2013-01-29
15064 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Please enter a description of the problem you have found, and then submit the comment again. 2011-12-05 2012-07-18
15082 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT rp should always represent nothing 2011-12-06 2012-07-18
15095 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Allow data: URL for new Worker(). Supported by Opera and Firefox. 2011-12-07 2012-08-09
15103 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED why not kill this (i,b,u) element and force devices to allway use/can use css? 2011-12-07 2013-02-14
15108 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED getContext "return a new object for contextId" should handle the called algorithm throwing an exception, so TypeError can be thrown if converting "any..." arguments to a particular IDL type fails. 2011-12-08 2012-07-18
15109 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA asd fdsdadsa badfa 2011-12-08 2012-07-18
15112 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Videos from Mindlocator1 Youtube channel 2011-12-08 2012-07-18
15113 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "Document" could have a pointer to the "Documents in the DOM" section (the partial Document interface) so that it's possible to find what was previously the HTMLDocument interface by following xrefs 2011-12-08 2012-07-18
15114 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT forms: new <input> type for YYYY / YYYY-MM / YYYY-MM-DD / YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm, at user's choice 2011-12-08 2017-07-21
15117 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Typo [WEBWORKERS] for WebVTT reference 2011-12-08 2012-07-18
15120 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE It would appear that setTimeout()'s algorithm doesn't ever actually check whether the task is still in the list of active timeouts, and doesn't remove the timeout from the list of active timeouts. Similarly with setInterval(). 2011-12-08 2012-07-26
15122 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA interface HTMLCanvasElement : HTMLElement { attribute unsigned long width; attribute unsigned long height; DOMString toDataURL(optional DOMString type, any... args); void toBlob(FileCallback? callback, optional DOMString type, a 2011-12-09 2012-07-18
15123 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA interface HTMLVideoElement : HTMLMediaElement { attribute unsigned long width; attribute unsigned long height; readonly attribute unsigned long videoWidth; readonly attribute unsigned long videoHeight; attribute DOMStr 2011-12-09 2012-07-18
15124 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA ce HTMLOListElement : HTMLElement { attribute boolean reversed; attribute long start; attribute DOMString type; }; 2011-12-09 2012-07-18
15128 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA awesome ,cool 2011-12-09 2012-07-18
15130 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Full table of contents 2011-12-09 2012-07-18
15133 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Please explain how hidden=true interacts with plugin loading. Should it be treated as display:none? 2011-12-09 2012-10-12
15158 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Change use of "relevant namespace object" term re workers 2011-12-12 2012-10-19
15167 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA disabled 2011-12-13 2012-07-18
15177 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE s/Dedicated/Shared/ in the first sensentece tagged [WebIDL] or this is a duplicate of the similar sentence in previous section. 2011-12-14 2012-07-18
15178 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA hi this is comment 2011-12-14 2012-07-18
15207 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE <track> In the TrackEventInit dictionary the member should be named 'track' and not 'Track'. 2011-12-15 2012-07-18
15211 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED (editorial) In step 16, remove duplicate URLs in <var>file list</var> as well. (It should be apparent so whether entry merging actually affects <var>file list</var> is sort of editorial nit I guess.) 2011-12-15 2012-07-18
15214 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE <track> TextTrackList should inherit from EventTarget. 2011-12-15 2012-07-18
15215 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE (editorial) s/the application cache/the application cache group of the application cache/ 2011-12-15 2012-08-09
15217 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems to me that the example provided for a transformation performed in reverse order produces a square in both reverse and normal order. What exactly is being demonstrated? 2011-12-15 2012-07-18
15225 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED If an arc is given a negative radius couldn't the result of that just flip or invert the arc? It would be better than throwing an error, and what I'd expect to happen in that case. 2011-12-16 2012-09-19
15231 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS WONT When the source of a video element points to anaudio file, its intrinsic size should be the same as if there was no resource, and it should not be set to 0. This is not necessarily an author bug. It can happen if the platform has audio codecs but no video 2011-12-16 2012-07-18
15236 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Add "allow-popups" for iframe@sandbox (placeholder bug) 2011-12-16 2012-07-18
15244 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The second table of event handlers should not apply to frameset 2011-12-17 2012-08-09
15256 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The WebVTT specifications link is incorrectly placed under the WEBWORKERS heading, which seems to be missing from the index 2011-12-17 2012-07-18
15260 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA" width="1" height="1" alt="" /> 2011-12-18 2012-07-18
15261 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK French translation example forgets to use quotation marks around attribute values 2011-12-18 2012-07-18
15262 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA help fkjgjfk fghhsj dshfsdk jdsfd jdfjsd 2011-12-18 2012-07-18
15263 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL help fkjgjfk fghhsj dshfsdk jdsfd jdfjsd 2011-12-18 2012-07-18
15264 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT why there are no other mimes, just text/event-stream? some binary mime would be useful 2011-12-19 2012-07-18
15265 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE the note is somewhat misleading because the entries will be loaded from cache. 2011-12-19 2012-07-18
15275 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA This is really a good website and good post. 2011-12-20 2012-07-18
15291 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Allow textarea@pattern (input@pattern is specced already so why not) 2011-12-21 Fri 19:20
15326 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA can"t read web page 2011-12-23 2012-07-18
15331 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE (editorial) Typo: s/if does not/it does not/ 2011-12-24 2012-07-18
15334 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE In step 13, "most appropriate application cache" could be nothing. For exmple, if the user "View Image" from a page that isn't cached (while the image with the same URL is in the appache of another cached page). Or perhaps you could just say UA may skip t 2011-12-24 2012-08-09
15335 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA In an example there is only opening <HEAD> and no closing </HEAD> 2011-12-25 2012-07-18
15342 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Remove classList/className IDL attributes, which are specified in DOM4. 2011-12-27 2012-07-18
15345 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE (editorial) q is not defined in this sentence. (Suggestion only; s/for each worker/for each WorkerGlobalScope q/ , s/q's WorkerGlobalScope owner's/q's/ ) 2011-12-27 2012-07-18
15351 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL The word "only" should appear immediately before "if" 2011-12-28 2012-07-18
15352 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE In the paragraph beginning "The following form", the word "only" should appear immediately before "if"; the word "considerd" should be spelled "considered". 2011-12-28 2012-07-18
15360 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA The spec should define whether <base> affects the SVG 'fill' attribute of value url(xxx). 2011-12-29 2012-07-18
15364 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE 6.6.4 => 5.4 => (editorial) s/the cache host the Document/the Document/ 2011-12-30 2012-07-18
15367 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Grammatical issue: this is hard to for me to parse "Wait until any invocations of this algorithm started before this one whose timeout is equal to or less than this one's have completed." 2011-12-30 2012-09-21
15378 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK The DOM Range standard at the target of this link appears to have been split into and 2012-01-02 2012-07-18
15396 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Element dialog not allowed as child of element body in this context. 2012-01-03 2012-07-18
15403 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA the definition of ancestor excludes direct ancestors (A being the parent of B). A browsing context A is an ancestor of browsing context B if browsing context A is the parent browsing context of browsing context B, or if there exists a browsing context A' 2012-01-03 2012-07-18
15407 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA What the hech this small window is? 2012-01-03 2012-07-18
15408 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <meta name = "text/html;" charset="utf-8;" http-equiv= "Content-Type"/> 2012-01-03 2012-07-18
15414 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA This specification defines a big part of the Web platform, in lots of detail. Its place in the Web platform specification stack relative to other specifications can be best summed up as follows: 2012-01-04 2012-07-18
15415 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL This specification defines a big part of the Web platform, in lots of detail. Its place in the Web platform specification stack relative to other specifications can be best summed up as follows: 2012-01-04 2012-07-18
15416 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL This specification defines a big part of the Web platform, in lots of detail. Its place in the Web platform specification stack relative to other specifications can be best summed up as follows: 2012-01-04 2012-07-18
15419 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA very good.fsd fssfasfd 2012-01-04 2012-07-18
15427 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Ok that's fine 2012-01-05 2012-07-18
15439 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK access microphone with html5 2012-01-06 2012-07-18
15454 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED [Templates]: Consider pattern substitution 2012-01-08 2015-08-04
15455 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <details> elements without a child <summary> element should automatically get one (not just a text label) 2012-01-08 2012-07-18
15485 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK One of the examples' HTML is formatted weirdly. It doesn't seem intentional. 2012-01-10 2012-07-18
15486 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL The first character class in the regexp is incorrect. It should be: [a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-] 2012-01-10 2012-07-18
15489 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT forms: <input type=email> validation needs to be updated for EAI 2012-01-10 Fri 19:20
15490 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The e-mail validation regexp doesn't need to escape the ^ in the character class at its position (at least in JS). 2012-01-10 2012-07-18
15491 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> The statement/sentence "A text track cue is immutable." is no longer true (ref: 2012-01-10 2012-07-18
15492 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <track> Normalization for setter of TextTrackCue.text is not defined 2012-01-10 2012-07-18
15496 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Why don't say container? 2012-01-10 2012-07-18
15528 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK CSS contains styling for deprecated elements (e.g.) plaintext that have been removed from the spec. 2012-01-12 2012-07-18
15548 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE What precisely is "the Document's browsing context"? Nothing seems to explicitly specify how Documents are associated with browsing contexts. Boris says defaultView isn't clearly defined or interoperable across browsers: 2012-01-13 2012-07-18
15557 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Clarify whether constraints on static text (12.1.3) applies here to text nodes inserted dynamiclly. 2012-01-14 2012-07-18
15558 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Please allow color values with an alpha of 1.0 to be expressed using rgb() and not just the hex value. It is already supported by (at least) FF and Chrome. It's easier and more intuitive to programmatically manipulate three distinct decimal values. 2012-01-14 2012-07-18
15559 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Bad value category tag for attribute rel on element a: Keyword category is not registered 2012-01-14 2012-07-18
15560 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Failed to parse QName 'http-equiv:' 2012-01-15 2012-07-18
15561 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Using content: open-quote to style <q> elements causes browsers to omit the quotes from copies of the text. It'd be nice to find a way to mark up quotes and also let them be copied. 2012-01-15 2012-07-18
15562 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT It's unfortunate that URLs in the manifest must have the same scheme as the manifest itself. This prohibits listing in a manifest that may be served over either http or https and prohibits p 2012-01-15 2012-07-18
15570 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE Would appreciate an id for the paragraph starting "The Document interface supports named properties." 2012-01-15 2012-07-18
15582 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <meta itemprop="name" content="" /> 2012-01-16 2012-07-18
15585 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED what's about 2? or even "42"? 2012-01-16 2012-07-18
15587 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE UA should not bring the the indicated part of the document to the user's attention if that part is not being rendered. (FWIW, the "scroll to the fragment identifier" algorithm doesn't handle this, as long as the #top situation, at the moment.) 2012-01-16 2012-07-18
15588 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Define the "top of the document" in a semantic way. 2012-01-16 2013-06-14
15600 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA is true that HTML5 requires less power to render than java? 2012-01-18 2012-07-18
15602 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE (editorial) The suggested quote style rules are now in the next section so this class="critical" block doesn't seem to make sense here. 2012-01-18 2012-07-18
15607 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE WF2: Change accept="" to accept file extensions as well as MIME types (maybe based on whether they start with a period) 2012-01-18 2012-07-18
15608 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Canvas limitations 2012-01-18 2012-07-18
15613 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT name, id missing. is autofocus still an attribute? it's not listed here. 2012-01-18 2012-07-18
15614 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <meta name="Distribution" content="global" /> 2012-01-18 2012-07-18
15620 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> WebVTT: Rename "rules for its interpretation" to something more explicit 2012-01-19 2013-03-18
15633 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA "Telha Terracota Grafite"><img src="style/images/art/l4.jpg" alt="T… 2012-01-20 2012-07-18
15668 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Certain localities have weeks starting with sunday, others use monday. Browsers should keep this in mind. 2012-01-22 2012-07-18
15670 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Specify the behavior when a dangling <section> is encountered. 2012-01-22 2012-08-10
15673 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED input defualt type 2012-01-22 2012-07-18
15674 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Minor typo: var sfx = new Audio('sfx.wav'); var sounds = a.addTextTrack('metadata'); should (I think!) be var sfx = new Audio('sfx.wav'); var sounds = sfx.addTextTrack('metadata'); 2012-01-23 2012-07-18
15682 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <fieldset> <legend>Mail Account</legend> <p><label>Name: <input type="text" name="fullname" placeholder="John Ratzenberger"></label></p> <p><label>Address: <input type="email" name="address" placeholder=""></label></p> <p><label>Passwo 2012-01-23 2012-07-18
15685 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK This does not clearly describe how browsers treat noscript. When scripting is enabled, noscript's contents are escaped, such that less-then, greater-then and ampersands are escaped. Essentially, it is not that noscript can only contain text when scripting 2012-01-24 2012-07-18
15694 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL interface Function -> "callback Function = any(any... arguments);" 2012-01-24 2012-07-18
15696 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK It's unclear how there can be "content inside wbr elements" 2012-01-24 2012-07-18
15705 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT There is already a perfectly good standard for datetimes: ISO 8601. Why are you reinventing something that works? 2012-01-25 2012-07-18
15706 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "When an xml:base attribute changes" - should probably use "set, changed or removed" language like elsewhere in the spec 2012-01-25 2013-04-26
15707 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "When a document's document base URL changes" - removing a <base> doesn't immediately change the document base URL, since the algo that sets it doesn't run until a URL gets resolved. 2012-01-25 2012-09-14
15727 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA hai ik bn hai 2012-01-26 2012-07-18
15751 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Missing "be" in "For each article element, there must no more than one time element with a pubdate attribute whose nearest ancestor is that article element." 2012-01-27 2012-08-27
15752 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE base.href shouldn't reflect the content attribute normally. It needs to be resolved against the document's URI *before* <base> is applied; otherwise "foo/" resolves to "http://whatever/foo/foo/" instead of "http://whatever/foo/". 2012-01-27 2013-04-26
15753 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <meta name="language" content="es"/> 2012-01-27 2012-07-18
15754 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL <meta name="language" content="es"/> 2012-01-27 2012-07-18
15759 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Chrome implementation (at least) now has addTrack() not addTextTrack() 2012-01-28 2012-07-18
15760 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE In example: a.addTextTrack('metadata') should be sfx.addTextTrack('metadata') 2012-01-28 2012-07-18
15767 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE @hidden sections should be excluded from the outline (or a note should be added, that hidden sections are included). The same goes for hidden headings of sections that are not hidden. 2012-01-28 2012-08-27
15769 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Section should clarify whether |download| attribute is boolean or not (i.e., is the minimum form |<a download>| or |<a download="">|?) 2012-01-29 2012-07-18
15770 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK s/besty/best/ 2012-01-29 2012-08-23
15786 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT "an idiomatic phrase from another language" doesn’t cover non-idiomatic transliterated foreign words 2012-01-30 2013-01-29
15787 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED source code for this 2012-01-30 2012-07-18
15806 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK "cloning steps used by tat algorithm" => "cloning steps used by t<ins>h</ins>at algorithm" 2012-01-31 2012-07-18
15812 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED this is wrong? 2012-01-31 2012-07-18
15821 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The text about the scoped attribute and @font-face makes no sense 2012-01-31 2012-08-27
15825 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE s/techncially/technically/ 2012-02-01 2013-04-26
15826 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE s/locale HTTP cache/local HTTP cache/ 2012-02-01 2012-07-20
15837 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Need to provide hooks for CSP's sandbox directive 2012-02-02 2012-07-18
15862 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE onerror: Step 2 should set col to 0 also. 2012-02-03 2012-09-14
15893 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Whenever an uncaught runtime script error occurs in one of the scripts associated with a Document, the user agent must report the error at the URL of the resource containing the script (as established when the script was created), with the problematic pos 2012-02-04 2012-07-18
15897 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED i noted the threats in this but also the amount of resources used 2012-02-05 2012-07-18
15899 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA i dont know 2012-02-05 2012-07-18
15914 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE due to confusion over other usages of 'tag', a usage example would be extremely helpful in understanding this more fully 2012-02-06 2012-09-14
15918 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK What is the "i" of type=context i or type=hidden i? Case-insensitive? A variable passed through? An nth? No similar examples were found in 2012-02-06 2012-07-18
15919 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Should test what happens if you do from within the unload algorithms (since it calls them back) 2012-02-06 2012-09-21
15939 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT The potential to have and untitled section seems like a detriment to the point of outline. Likely a usability and accessibility hurdle. Should having a heading be required? Otherwise, whats the point of having an outline in the first place? 2012-02-08 2012-09-07
15942 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Based on my experience and from reading many questions on the Web, this API is seriously flawed. It treats cross-domain iframes the same as same-domain iframes, except that almost every operation on contentWindow is an error. 2012-02-09 2013-01-30
15945 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA rfc 2781, section 4.3 specifies the default utf-16 as big endian, not little endian. 2012-02-09 2012-08-29
15949 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED I'd like to see "ldap" and "ldaps" added to the whiltelisted schemes list. 2012-02-10 2012-07-27
15951 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> The UA-defined label should not be exposed in the DOM API. DOM API should see the empty string instead. 2012-02-10 2012-09-07
15961 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE “head” should come after “hn” elements 2012-02-12 2012-07-20
15962 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "Other node types (e.g. Attr) cannot occur as children of elements. If, despite this, they somehow do occur, this algorithm must throw an InvalidStateError exception." remove redundant sentence 2012-02-12 2012-08-23
15972 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK On step 6, it says that the single U+002F SOLIDUS xharacter (/) me be present in void and foreign element. It says on to behave then, but I didn't found any specification on how to behave if it is found on other elements. Should it be ignored or generate 2012-02-13 2012-07-27
15978 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE (editorial) s/For each name on the list/For each name on <var>list</var>/ 2012-02-14 2012-08-27
15981 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA just a test 2012-02-14 2012-07-18
15983 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <track> Is it intentional that <track kind=metadata> uses the "disabled" text track mode? 2012-02-14 2012-07-18
15989 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED typo in first sentence, s/pizze/pizza/ 2012-02-14 2012-08-23
15990 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Missing closing quote. [[ [...] content attribute's value to "no otherwise. ]] 2012-02-14 2012-07-26
15991 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED A definition of "palpable" should be added. As it stands, one must infer the meaning of "palpable" through the list of elements. 2012-02-14 2012-08-30
15992 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE My apologies for renaming "credentials flag" to "omit credentials flag", making it an actual flag, and reversing its meaning. Having said that, please align HTML with this change in CORS. 2012-02-15 2012-08-29
15993 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The margin collapsing quirks is not described properly 2012-02-15 2013-06-06
15995 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Had to add this ondragover="return false" after ondrop="dropHandler(event)" to make it work! 2012-02-16 2012-09-21
15997 WHATWG HTML Ms2ger RESO FIXE the tests being linked (e.g. ) are 404 2012-02-16 2012-07-18
16006 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Is <table><tfoot><tr><td>Inner</td></tr></tfoot></table> valid HTML5 ? 2012-02-16 2012-07-18
16008 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Type. First word of second sentence should be plural. (Element -> Elements) 2012-02-16 2012-08-23
16015 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Options +FollowSymLinks Options -MultiViews RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.php -f RewriteRule (.*) $1\.php [L] 2012-02-17 2012-07-18
16018 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Exclude disabled form controls from specially focusable elements. 2012-02-17 2012-11-01
16019 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Nothing seems to define what the "any... args" parameters do. 2012-02-17 2012-08-24
16021 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA bkit di aq mka pag play nang you tube 2012-02-18 2012-07-18
16028 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Perhaps this section should include the default value for accept-charset? 2012-02-19 2012-08-31
16029 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Please provide example for required attribute with radiobutton group. Since that differs from other implementations. 2012-02-19 2013-07-03
16031 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA vjbvb ,vcxf , 2012-02-20 2012-07-18
16053 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA tmhari maa ki choot 2012-02-21 2012-07-18
16057 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <track> Make TextTrack.cues return *all* cues. 2012-02-21 2012-07-18
16058 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> s/start times/end times/. Consider a cue that has start time before the earliest possible position, but end time after it, and current time is the same as earliest possible position. Then the cue would be active but would not be in the collection. 2012-02-21 2012-07-18
16060 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Missing quirk for the font element: "The font element, in quirks mode, is expected to set the color of any text decoration set by the 'text-decoration' property that spans the text of the element to the used value of the element's 'color' property." 2012-02-21 2012-07-18
16063 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Dispatch should link to DOM4 definition of dispatch: 2012-02-21 2012-11-05
16068 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED control element of web form 2012-02-22 2012-08-24
16073 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The link goes to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Snapshot 2010 instead of Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 Revision 1 2012-02-22 2012-07-26
16076 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> This constructor is horrible. Too many arguments. Also, settings as a string? Ugh. Can we make it have one argument that takes an object with id, startTime, endTime, text, pauseOnExit and all the settings as properties instead? e.g. new TextTrackC 2012-02-22 2012-09-11
16078 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 6.2.7 The WindowProxy object 2012-02-22 2012-07-18
16081 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA testando select comment on selectable area 2012-02-22 2012-07-18
16083 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Step 6 says to "skip the subsequent steps", but doesn't say how many to skip. Is it the same as "abort these steps"? 2012-02-22 2012-09-12
16084 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED broken link for 5. Microdata 2012-02-22 2012-08-27
16086 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Grammar error "Guidance on how provide such information" is missing "to" 2012-02-23 2012-07-20
16087 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE form correctly doesn't have a legacycaller, but the domintro suggests it does 2012-02-23 2012-08-23
16091 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA The focus event is synchronous in browsers other than IE. Test-case: Apparently blur and various other events too. The spec seems to require that they're async. 2012-02-23 2012-07-18
16093 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK "created" and "dispatched" should be hyperlinks here. 2012-02-23 2012-12-10
16099 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT "gopher" should be whilelisted 2012-02-24 2012-09-06
16100 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE This section doesn't mention abuse-prevention measures 2012-02-24 2012-10-02
16102 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Use an array for the names member rather than DOMStringList. DOMStringList is silly. 2012-02-24 2012-07-18
16110 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA frrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrr rrrrrrr rrrrrrr\rrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr 2012-02-24 2012-07-18
16124 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Only recommending this be limited to quirks mode is not strict enough. This behaviour breaks page JS code in a way that makes it virtually impossible to find out why if(!objectname) is not resolving the way it should. This feature should be changed to "ma 2012-02-26 2012-08-23
16128 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA a ddddd fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 2012-02-27 2012-07-18
16135 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <track> "When an object is returned, the same object must be returned each time." - allow it to be either cached or GCed, just like with e.g. getElementsByTagName 2012-02-27 2012-07-18
16136 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Requiring a "plugin" for <embed> is not compatible with <embed> pointing to SVG 2012-02-27 2013-06-05
16138 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The ”form” attribute is listed in the index for ”meter” and ”progress” elements, but it does not appear in the definitions of these elements. 2012-02-27 2012-08-31
16148 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED document . designMode [ = value ] 2012-02-28 2012-07-18
16153 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED [Templates]: Enable generated template elements to share a content docFrag 2012-02-28 2015-08-04
16158 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL should be spelled 'pizza' instead of 'pizze' 2012-02-29 2012-07-18
16159 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "this is *the* parse error" should read "this is *a* parse error" 2012-02-29 2012-07-18
16163 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED We need some way to know where we are in the history; EG the current "position" so that we know the maximum delta. 2012-02-29 2012-07-26
16168 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK I get validation errors when using a header element inside a footer. Has this changed in the current spec, but not been updated in the validators? 2012-02-29 2012-09-06
16175 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK typo fix :s/gettuing/getting/ 2012-03-01 2012-08-25
16177 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE s/single U+000A LINE FEED (CRLF)/single U+000A LINE FEED (LF)/g 2012-03-01 2013-04-26
16187 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Wildcard entries such as /user/* -> / are a must to create fully-functional offline web applications. 2012-03-01 2012-07-18
16191 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Do I have the latest update? 2012-03-01 2012-07-18
16193 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Please rename this heading to "The Document object" or some such so that it is easier to find in the ToC 2012-03-02 2012-07-20
16194 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA move "commands" up in the IDL to "DOM tree accessors" 2012-03-02 2012-08-13
16195 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK "The W3C HTML specification defines a pubdate attribute on time elements, because of a working group chair request from December 2011. This issue is not yet formally resolved in the W3C and the specifications will likely converge on this issue when it is. 2012-03-02 2012-07-23
16196 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Consider renaming DOCTYPE to doctype, I think it reads better. 2012-03-02 2012-07-19
16198 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "This specification introduces two related mechanisms, similar to HTTP session cookies, for storing structured data on the client side." - structured data is no longer supported 2012-03-02 2012-10-19
16201 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA dom-intro is not correct wrt clearTimeout and clearInterval 2012-03-02 2012-08-13
16213 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED damage all macro data 2012-03-03 2012-07-18
16214 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA all html are format 2012-03-03 2012-07-18
16215 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL all html are format 2012-03-03 2012-07-18
16216 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL all html are format 2012-03-03 2012-07-18
16217 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL all html are format 2012-03-03 2012-07-18
16218 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL all html are format 2012-03-03 2012-07-18
16227 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA good for start 2012-03-04 2012-07-18
16234 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL domintro still suggests legacycaller is supported 2012-03-06 2012-07-18
16238 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <!-- clock.html --> <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html manifest="clock.appcache"> <head> <title>Clock</title> <script src="clock.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="clock.css"> </head> <body> <p>The time is: <output id="clock"></output></p> </body> 2012-03-06 2012-07-18
16240 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA interface HTMLVideoElement : HTMLMediaElement { attribute unsigned long width; attribute unsigned long height; readonly attribute unsigned long videoWidth; readonly attribute unsigned long videoHeight; attribute DOMStr 2012-03-06 2012-07-18
16241 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL interface HTMLVideoElement : HTMLMediaElement { attribute unsigned long width; attribute unsigned long height; readonly attribute unsigned long videoWidth; readonly attribute unsigned long videoHeight; attribute DOMStr 2012-03-06 2012-07-18
16242 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL interface HTMLCanvasElement : HTMLElement { attribute unsigned long width; attribute unsigned long height; DOMString toDataURL(optional DOMString type, any... args); void toBlob(FileCallback? _callback, optional DOMString type, 2012-03-06 2012-07-18
16243 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL interface HTMLCanvasElement : HTMLElement { attribute unsigned long width; attribute unsigned long height; DOMString toDataURL(optional DOMString type, any... args); void toBlob(FileCallback? _callback, optional DOMString type, 2012-03-06 2012-07-18
16245 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE typo: s/dom-cva-checkvalidatity/dom-cva-checkvalidity/ (breaks an xref in html5-diff) 2012-03-06 2013-04-26
16246 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA great one. It's really good for begineer like me 2012-03-07 2012-07-18
16248 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Make http+aes: content forced unique-origin 2012-03-07 2012-10-05
16263 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen,print" href="home_files/home.css" /> 2012-03-07 2012-07-18
16267 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE I suspect this should say "one of two ways" not "one or two ways" 2012-03-07 2012-07-20
16279 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK [Templates]: Add an example 2012-03-08 2015-08-04
16282 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Is it possible to make a pdf version of this spec available as an extra link? 2012-03-09 2012-07-18
16283 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA tfdsf sdffffffffffffs sdfffffffffffff 2012-03-09 2012-07-18
16284 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Why must the (form)action attribute be a "valid non-empty URL potentially surrounded by spaces" when the form submission algorithm allows them to be empty, resolving to the document's address? Shouldn't they be "Valid URL potentially surrounded by spaces" 2012-03-09 2012-07-18
16319 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Same Origin Policy 2012-03-12 2012-07-18
16320 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL [Callback] is gone but callbacks are now in their place in Web IDL. I've added a common definition for Function so that you don't need to here, too. 2012-03-12 2012-07-18
16323 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED wouldn't it be beneficial to fire popstate (or another event) when the user browses to a new url, not just to session history entries? 2012-03-12 2012-11-25
16344 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The td[nowrap], th[nowrap] rule should be replaced with 2012-03-13 2012-09-19
16351 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT For ease of interoperability with CSS, suggest adding an authoring recommendation that id attribute values consist of the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _, - and not begin with a dash. 2012-03-13 2012-08-29
16360 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA i love you and my wife 2012-03-14 2012-07-18
16361 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL i love you and my wife 2012-03-14 2012-07-18
16366 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 1 < ! -- clock --> 2012-03-14 2012-07-18
16367 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL 1 < ! -- clock --> 2012-03-14 2012-07-18
16368 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL 1 < ! -- clock --> 2012-03-14 2012-07-18
16378 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA trololololololololololololololo lolololololololo lolololololololololo 2012-03-14 2012-07-18
16379 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Object #<CanvasRenderingContext2D> has no method 'toDataURL' 2012-03-14 2012-07-18
16381 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK embed and object should match a, del, ins, and map 2012-03-14 2012-08-09
16385 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Navigating to a fragment identifier should probably move focus to the indicated part of the document 2012-03-15 2012-07-18
16390 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK sequencegetLineDash(); (shouldn't this be sequence getLineDash, with a space between "sequence" and "getLineDash") 2012-03-15 2012-08-23
16395 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA test Please ensure that your comment is descriptive enough that the editor can understand it. 2012-03-15 2012-07-18
16398 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Test 123432134234 234 23kjhsdfkljsdf 2012-03-16 2012-07-18
16411 WHATWG HTML Ms2ger RESO FIXE I believe more browsers support this element than what is displayed. 2012-03-17 2012-07-18
16413 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED progress and meter have no name-attribute? So their value is not POST or GET when the form is submitted? If not, this means an addition alement must be used to convey these values if needed. 2012-03-17 2012-09-19
16423 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED IT images for website 2012-03-18 2012-07-18
16427 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Please review the following "2. Inner loop: If inner loop counter is greater than or equal to three, then abort these steps." It is not exactly clear WHICH steps should be aborted (inner loop steps or outer loop steps). Please clarify. Thank you. 2012-03-19 2012-09-25
16428 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Really i learn a lot of thing thnx 2012-03-19 2012-07-18
16430 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Please review the following: "4. If form is already being submitted...". Probably it would be better to introduce a "form's being-submitted" flag and set it to "true" between steps 6 and 7, then change item 4 to "If the form's being-submitted flag is set 2012-03-19 2012-12-05
16432 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Is it possible that the user agent may supply some details about the error in the simple event? What's the use in in telling the applicationd developer there is an error when you don't give any indication to what the error is? 2012-03-19 2012-07-26
16433 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED appcache: Is it possible that the user agent may supply some details about the error in the simple event? What's the use in in telling the applicationd developer there is an error when you don't give any indication to what the error is? 2012-03-19 2012-10-25
16446 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED element canvas is not supported 2012-03-20 2012-07-18
16452 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Add onfullscreenchange and onfullscreenerror for the Fullscreen API events 2012-03-20 2012-07-18
16468 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA bla bla bla 2012-03-21 2012-07-18
16484 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE appcache: Can mention be made of the properties of the ProgressEvent interface? 2012-03-23 2012-10-11
16485 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Can mention be made of the properties of the ProgressEvent interface? At the moment these are mentioned only in the implementaqtion information at 2012-03-23 2012-07-18
16486 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA abc eqwe qwewqe 2012-03-23 2012-07-18
16499 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA marc ist der beste auf der Welt 2012-03-23 2012-07-18
16500 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL marc ist der beste auf der Welt 2012-03-23 2012-07-18
16518 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA hola leonardo como estas malparido hijo de mil putas desgraciado gonorrea que mierda estas haciendo ? 2012-03-26 2012-07-18
16523 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA In the example, the values are not quoted! 2012-03-26 2012-07-18
16531 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE In the "when entering a heading content element" section, there's wording like "rank equal to or greater", but ranks are instead referred to as "higher" or "lower". It's not clear whether "greater" means "higher" or "bigger number" (lower). This section s 2012-03-27 2012-09-25
16535 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE AFAICT the body element isn't focusable per spec, so blur() does nothing 2012-03-27 2012-09-28
16546 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Switch the navigation algorithm's step 6 (canceling) and 7 (frag nav) so that frag navs don't cancel normal navs 2012-03-27 2012-07-27
16554 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The link type "author" description: s/document/article/ 2012-03-28 2012-08-23
16555 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED [TreatNonCallableAsNull] attribute Function? onload; 2012-03-28 2012-07-18
16558 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "value that matches the production labeled document in the XML specification." - document shouldn't be an xref 2012-03-28 2012-07-27
16559 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED why eror to type 2012-03-28 2012-07-18
16561 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED canvas cheat sheet 2012-03-28 2012-07-18
16567 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT This is not any more true since pub rules has been updated 2012-03-29 2012-07-20
16573 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE seamless iframe paragraph is a gigantic run-on sentence 2012-03-29 2012-09-04
16576 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA iframe seamless should be more specific about which element is treated as a child of the iframe for CSS 2012-03-29 2012-07-18
16577 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "Note: This algorithm is invoked without a context element in the case of Document.innerHTML." document.innerHTML has been dropped 2012-03-30 2012-08-30
16597 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Regarding item 4: "timeout" may be passed as a native array, e.g. setTimeout(do_simething, [10]), in which case it needs to be un-wrapped to an integer 2012-04-02 2012-07-18
16598 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Regarding item 1: "...calls the Function with as its arguments..." - something is definitely missing between the words "with" and "as" 2012-04-02 2012-09-24
16600 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED pre is stylistic (typografic) rather than semantic. it always has been. The use-cases should be rewritten so it becomes semantic (What is semantically wrong with using code in a p instead of a pre?) In fact, personally I do not think pre has any semantic 2012-04-02 2012-07-26
16601 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED methods and attributes expose the element's text selection 2012-04-02 2012-07-18
16602 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> Please swap steps 2 and 3 of addCue() 2012-04-02 2012-07-18
16605 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Throw for by checking for siblings of the root element if there's a context element 2012-04-02 2012-08-24
16610 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA please help me, 2012-04-03 2012-07-18
16620 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Just a test 2012-04-03 2012-07-18
16621 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Consider changing TextTrack.mode to use strings instead, "disabled", "hidden", "showing" 2012-04-03 2012-07-18
16624 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED what is canvas? 2012-04-04 2012-07-18
16626 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE What is startDate when the timeline offset is NaN? 2012-04-04 2012-09-20
16645 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Its great you introduced a new interface for the TextMetrics, however it would be useful to get a list of fonts that is available to use with .font property. Including web fonts and available system fonts. naming for such property could be availableFonts 2012-04-05 2012-07-26
16657 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Dumb and it needs to not be so annoying 2012-04-07 2012-07-18
16659 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE (editorial) s/pseudo-elements/pseudo-classes/ 2012-04-08 2012-08-27
16664 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Select comment for testing purpose 2012-04-09 2012-07-18
16667 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Structured cloning should work for typed arrays 2012-04-09 2012-07-18
16669 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Structured cloning should work for ImageData objects 2012-04-09 2012-07-18
16670 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE More Transferable types exist (typed arrays, at least) 2012-04-09 2012-08-23
16671 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE extreanous '[' in example? 2012-04-09 2012-08-29
16672 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED this is a descriptive comment for you: unsustainable standard. 2012-04-09 2012-07-18
16678 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <html><head><title> Ike Vincent Sumondong</title> </head> </html> 2012-04-10 2012-07-18
16694 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Web Workers: underlined terms 2012-04-11 2012-07-18
16695 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Web Workers: s/proagate/propagate/ 2012-04-11 2012-07-18
16696 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK This legacy API is not very interoperably implemented, and has a number of design problems (such as having six boolean arguments in a row, giving the ability to expose a UA dialog, affecting the selection when successful, etc). We may just drop it instead 2012-04-11 2012-09-05
16702 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK "last" is misspelled in "The returnValue IDL attribute, on getting, must return the laast value to which it was set." 2012-04-11 2012-09-15
16704 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Shouldn't there be a setClip() rather than a resetClip(). There is already a transform() and setTransform(). Shouldn't clip follow the same conventions? 2012-04-11 2012-09-14
16711 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA According to there are certain noncharacter code points are guaranteed never to be used for encoding characters (in particular U+FDD0..U+FDEF and code point ending in the value FFFE or FFFF). 2012-04-12 2012-07-18
16734 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED delete this javascript crap. it's counter productive. I just want to read the damn spec. 2012-04-13 2012-07-18
16757 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Should cellIndex return -1 if the cell has no parent tr? 2012-04-17 2013-08-15
16762 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA test it but i don't 2012-04-17 2012-07-18
16765 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE typo: "before the user agent as fired" should read "has fired" 2012-04-18 2012-07-18
16772 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL The exact effect of cancelling a navigation doesn't seem to be well defined. This should be defined and we should be clear on e.g. whether this prevents the load event firing, what happens to readyState, etc. 2012-04-18 2012-07-26
16775 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA // YO ! !! ! ! ! !~!! 2012-04-18 2012-07-18
16776 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL // YO ! !! ! ! ! !~!! 2012-04-18 2012-07-18
16791 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Bad value page-topic for attribute name on XHTML element meta: Keyword page-topic is not registered. 2012-04-18 2012-09-25
16800 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL It's unclear here and elsewhere what it means to "cancel the navigation", and what effects it will have e.g. on the parser (presumably it will be like getting EOF?). Could this be clarified? 2012-04-19 2012-07-26
16801 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE It's unclear here and elsewhere what it means to "cancel the navigation", and what effects it will have e.g. on the parser (presumably it will be like getting EOF?). Could this be clarified, perhaps by rewriting in terms of the abort algorithm? 2012-04-19 2012-12-01
16802 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Update [CSSVALUES] editors: now howcome, TabAtkins, fantasai 2012-04-19 2012-08-23
16803 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE Update [DOMEVENTS] editor: now Travis Leithead 2012-04-19 2012-08-01
16807 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Consider supporting ending comments with --!> in prescan. (The dashes can't overlap with <!--, though.) 2012-04-20 2012-09-16
16818 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <table summary="the table contains all keywords used in this document"> <tbody><tr> <td width="30%"><a class="noxref" href="core.html#DOMString">16-bit unit</a> <a class="index-inst" href="core.html#DOMString">1</a>, <a class="index-inst" href="core.html# 2012-04-22 2012-07-18
16824 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Please give the algorithm for parsing legacy font sizes a name so other specs (e.g., the editing spec) can reference it. 2012-04-23 2012-09-06
16825 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Contrary to the CSS Fonts spec, <font size=1> maps to font-size: x-small in browsers, not xx-small. Tested in mozilla-central, Chrome 20 dev, Opera Next 12.00 alpha, IE10 Developer Preview: <!doctype html> <span style="font-size:xx-small">xx-small</span> 2012-04-23 2012-07-26
16828 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL "delay the load event" is typically done in a document. Here it says "delay the load event of the browsing context" which presumably refers to the document that might eventually be created to replace the current document, but that should probably be made 2012-04-23 2012-10-29
16829 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The text that describes when the iframe element should be sent an onload event should probably be in "The End" section instead to make the order of everything perfectly clear. 2012-04-23 2012-09-26
16843 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The example <input type="file"> "accept" attribute is a space separated list instead of the required comma separated list. 2012-04-24 2012-10-06
16844 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL The specifications says comma-separated and the example shows a space separated list. What is true? 2012-04-24 2012-07-18
16852 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Here seems to be no works:........) 2012-04-25 2012-07-18
16867 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED thats very interesting. i would like to know if that cross implied notice ever subsides? 2012-04-26 2012-08-30
16868 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED appcache: How to deal with redundant slashes in url of resources listed in manifest file? 2012-04-26 2012-08-22
16872 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Offline Application Caching 2012-04-27 2012-08-22
16881 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 1'1111 sd sd sd fsdfsd fsd 2012-04-28 2012-07-18
16884 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> Which Document is used, when the cue is not associated with any media element? 2012-04-29 2012-09-11
16887 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "User agents may support other MIME types and other languages." - the list for JavaScript should be complete such that UAs must not support other MIME types for JavaScript. 2012-04-30 2012-10-31
16895 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK so is there any rule other rule like id attribute values should start with a letter asin previous HTML version? 2012-05-01 2012-07-18
16896 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED it shoukd be specified whether id attribute value is case sensitive 2012-05-01 2012-09-19
16897 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK must contain at least one character is says it should be atleast one character long...See 2012-05-01 2012-07-18
16907 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA kiss my ass 2012-05-02 2012-07-18
16909 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE multipart/form-data: field name encoding is not specified; browsers do incompatible things 2012-05-02 Fri 21:49
16915 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> The DOM API should be able to read and set the "auto" value for TextTrackCue.line 2012-05-03 2012-09-11
16920 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> Should run "rules for updating the text track rendering" when cue properties or styles have changed 2012-05-03 2013-07-02
16922 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA #360宽带网速测试器# 我的下载速度能达到1.8MB/秒,击败了全国97%的用户! 我的上网坐骑为火箭[哈哈] 你的网速怎么样?快用360来测测吧。 2012-05-03 2012-07-18
16925 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED This sentence is not easy to understand: "Style sheets can be used to format i elements, just like any other element can be restyled." It may be grammatically correct but it's not good style. 2012-05-03 2012-09-13
16926 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Typo in the :Note:" section : s/unncessarily/unnecessary/. 2012-05-04 2012-08-25
16928 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED audio javascript api 2012-05-04 2012-07-18
16929 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT when the short syntax <!DOCTYPE html> is used, how shoould be handled enties (for example &times;) ? see!msg/chrome/nHkIpswy3uE/yzL2K550NbwJ 2012-05-04 2012-08-23
16936 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL maxlength should probably be complicated with minlength. Seeing maxlength applied to passwords made me think of this, and the added security of a minimum length could be promoted in the documentation. 2012-05-04 2012-10-19
16940 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA sdfdsdfs dfdsdfdsdfs dfdsdfd sdfsdfd sdfdsdfsd fdsdfdsd 2012-05-05 2012-07-18
16949 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED XHTML syntax description is lacking or misphrased 2012-05-07 2012-11-20
16951 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE What about nested tags or itemprop attribute which used on <a> tags? 2012-05-07 2012-08-27
16968 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK i18n-ISSUE-103: Refer to CharMod 2012-05-07 2015-08-07
16975 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Registries: i18n-ISSUE-110: Contact information for meta extensions registry 2012-05-07 Fri 19:24
16993 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <meta name="cypr-verification" content="7b835991602b1622dc9a51a55e001964" /> 2012-05-08 2012-07-18
16994 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK What is "text"? Can an author use a U+0000 character in text? 2012-05-08 2012-09-24
16995 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED I want to good windows 2012-05-08 2012-07-18
16996 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL The `accept` attribute is specified to consist of a set of comma-separated tokens, but the provided example uses a set of space-separated tokens. 2012-05-08 2012-10-06
17005 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <embed>: "Whenever an embed element that was not potentially active becomes potentially active, and whenever a potentially active embed element's src attribute is set, changed, or removed, and whenever a potentially active embed element's type attribute i 2012-05-08 2013-04-02
17010 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The object element load algorithm runs as a queued task. This task may (in step 4.4) delay the load event. But this creates a race condition since the load event may fire before the queued task is run. 2012-05-09 2012-07-18
17013 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA . Use an HTTP Content-Type header on the linked resource instead. 2012-05-09 2012-07-23
17015 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Please clarify if edit-ability inherits across <iframe seamless> and if we should respect iframe.contentDocument.designMode 2012-05-09 2012-09-05
17021 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE According to the text an embed is only active if the scr attribute is missing or the empty string. That doesn't seem right at all. 2012-05-10 2012-09-21
17022 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED is there no method to retrieve the coordinates of an image 2012-05-10 2012-09-07
17025 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA its good 2012-05-10 2012-07-18
17027 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <track> auto and unset snap-to-lines shouldn't be possible 2012-05-10 2012-09-11
17028 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE <track> track might not be associated with a media element (step 4). 2012-05-10 2012-09-22
17033 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA "If there is no E, then the exponent is treated as zero." uh no, it should be treated as one. 2012-05-10 2012-07-18
17034 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE make autofocus="" work when showModal() is called 2012-05-11 2012-09-28
17035 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA click the batton 2012-05-11 2012-07-18
17036 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" lang="en"> <head> <title>Unordered List Example</title> </head> <body> <ul> <li>Unor 2012-05-11 2012-07-18
17041 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Setting location before the page is done loading shouldn't always be a replace load 2012-05-12 2013-05-31
17043 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA fghjk h ihi hhh 2012-05-14 2012-07-18
17045 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Add 3rd parameter (options) to control the window position and size. (See 2012-05-14 2012-09-19
17048 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE "_Queue_ the /task/ _task_." has the two tasks inverted. 2012-05-14 2012-08-01
17049 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA juuuuuu hgjhk vgjhggj hgjkj khjjjjkh hhghjgh ggffgfgff hghghg jlklk sdsds ytyt uiuiese hjhk 2012-05-14 2012-07-18
17051 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <button type="button" onclick="fnew()">New...</button> 2012-05-14 2012-07-18
17055 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE This statement: "The type gives the context for the properties, thus defining a vocabulary" says that a vocabulary consists of terms in the context of a type. So a vocabulary is a set of (type,terms). How can a different type have the same vocabulary? Dif 2012-05-15 2012-08-25
17057 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED '"2x" means "maximum pixel density of 2 device pixels per CSS pixel"' the algorithm actually treats this as a minimum so this note should be reworded. 2012-05-15 2012-09-15
17059 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> The cues don't seem to be cleared when setting a new src="". 2012-05-15 2013-06-06
17060 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Missing verb after "whose ... value ..." or change "whose" to "who share the same" 2012-05-15 2012-09-26
17061 WHATWG HTML w3c RESO FIXE The use cases of the img@srcset attribute needs to be compared to the <picture>-element 2012-05-15 2012-11-30
17062 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED This is written wrong 2012-05-15 2012-07-18
17063 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Test description test 2012-05-15 2012-07-18
17064 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED This part of the proposal contains a large mistake. srcset is not what any website developers around the world actually need for a solution. Huge Mistake !!!! 2012-05-15 2012-07-20
17066 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "Remove any tasks queued by the history traversal task source." - presumably this should be scoped to the current window/browsing context. 2012-05-15 2012-07-18
17067 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "the user agent must queue a task: - using which task source? 2012-05-15 2012-07-18
17068 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED srcset is wrong and hard to read 2012-05-15 2012-07-20
17069 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE It would be nice to have a very brief and clear explanation of the distinction and relationship between <section>, <article> and <hgroup>. As if now it is rather confusing. 2012-05-15 2012-09-26
17070 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK " There must not be two image candidate strings in a srcset attribute whose width descriptor value, height descriptor value, and pixel density descriptor value" probably means to say "are the same" 2012-05-15 2012-07-27
17074 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA the poster attribute's value relative to the element 2012-05-16 2012-07-26
17075 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The rules for setting a src attribute on frame are incorrect; they should match those for iframe (except the bits about srcdoc ofc). In particular, the empty string causes about:blank to load, not the current document. 2012-05-16 2012-09-19
17076 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Please clarify how seamless should interact with scrollbars 2012-05-16 2012-11-06
17078 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "Queue a task to set the current document readiness to "complete"[...]" - this sentence is hard to understand. It is difficult to determine that the load event should be fired as part of the task that has set the current document readiness. I suggest maki 2012-05-16 2012-09-25
17079 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE In "process the image candidates", should step 10 (advance past comma) end with "jump to the step labeled splitting loop"? 2012-05-16 2012-08-07
17084 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <section> <h1>Example of paragraphs</h1> This is the <em>first</em> paragraph in this example. <p>This is the second.</p> <!-- This is not a paragraph. --> </section> 2012-05-17 2012-07-18
17087 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE pushState()'s third argument being null (and maybe undefined) needs to be ignored as it breaks YUI. I suggest making it nullable and ignoring null in prose, that should be sufficient. (Gecko treats null as the empty string here, stringifies undefined at t 2012-05-17 2013-03-22
17091 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Step 25 - we (Opera) would prefer to follow WebKit and not add a new history position when doing The utility of this to users is questionable since many cases where it is used the content of the document before is not useful ( 2012-05-18 2012-07-18
17092 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL "Queue a task to set the current document readiness to "complete"[...]" - this sentence is hard to understand. It is difficult to determine that the load event should be fired as part of the task that has set the current document readiness. I suggest maki 2012-05-18 2012-07-18
17093 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Step 25 - we (Opera) would prefer to follow WebKit and not add a new history position when doing The utility of this to users is questionable since many cases where it is used the content of the document before is not useful ( 2012-05-18 2013-04-15
17114 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT With the prevalence of tabbed navigation in newer websites, it would be nice to have a block element called "tab" to be used in the nav block element. Thank you. 2012-05-19 2012-07-26
17116 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED how to eazy understand html5 2012-05-19 2012-07-18
17129 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED what is 'Killing scripts'? 2012-05-21 2012-07-20
17139 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Consider making the argument optional for start() and end(). Many tutorials omit the argument, and think it means start of first range for start() and end of last range for end(). Maybe we should just make the API do what people expect. 2012-05-21 2012-10-12
17147 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE In the statement that begins "There must not be two image candidate strings [...]", something is missing before the semi colon. 2012-05-22 2012-07-26
17148 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA tput . value [ = value ] Returns the element's current value. Can be set, to change the valu 2012-05-22 2012-07-18
17151 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL How should UTF-16BE "\xD8\x00" be decoded? This is an ill-formed UTF-16 code unit sequence, but it can be converted to a Unicode code point. Firefox/Opera currently convert it to U+FFFD, which seems like the preferred behaviour. 2012-05-22 2012-07-18
17154 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> "⌛ Set the text track readiness state to loading." -- /URL/ needs to be assigned to the current track URL at this point, since otherwise when jumping to the step /download/, /URL/ is still the *old* track URL 2012-05-23 2012-09-07
17155 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The "navigating to a fragment identifier" algorithm shouldn't be async 2012-05-23 2013-04-22
17156 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL <track> Need to await a stable state before assigning /URL/ in the first run 2012-05-23 2012-07-18
17157 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> Need to await a stable state before assigning /URL/ in the first run 2012-05-23 2012-09-07
17159 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> When a track element is created (before inserting to a media element), what is the text track mode? The spec doesn't say. It should say to use the 'disabled' mode, I think. 2012-05-23 2013-06-06
17161 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE There is no need to have legacycaller on HTMLPropertiesCollection 2012-05-23 2012-08-24
17162 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA test to see how it works 2012-05-23 2012-07-18
17165 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Need to define processing model for style and link 2012-05-24 2012-12-01
17166 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL "relevant namespace object" is not defined in WebIDL anymore. 2012-05-24 2012-10-11
17167 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK "The DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope interface must not exist ..." s/interface/interface object/ ? 2012-05-24 2012-08-27
17168 WHATWG HTML ian VERI FIXE Track selection cannot be performed (synchronously) per inserted track 2012-05-24 2012-09-22
17170 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Named character references table: mismatch between code point and glyph 2012-05-24 2012-07-18
17178 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Specifications and implementations need to match 2012-05-25 2012-07-18
17179 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Specifications and implementations 2012-05-25 2012-07-18
17180 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Specifications and implementations 2012-05-25 2012-07-18
17185 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Remove the missing value default for formmethod="" 2012-05-25 2013-01-24
17193 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE In step 10, both occurrences of "the element" should be replaced with "current" so it's clear which element is meant 2012-05-25 2012-09-17
17194 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE It's not clear whether "The HTMLPropertiesCollection interface represents a collection of elements that add name-value pairs to a particular item in the microdata model." is a normative requirement 2012-05-25 2012-09-01
17195 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Definition of .properties does not match implementation reality 2012-05-25 2013-02-08
17201 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE HTMLCollection.prototype.namedItem behavior not defined for HTMLPropertiesCollection 2012-05-25 2013-04-29
17207 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED way? It,s not impossible computer. 2012-05-27 2012-07-18
17208 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED way? It,s not impossible computer. 2012-05-27 2012-07-18
17211 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED verifiaction email par html 5 2012-05-27 2012-07-18
17212 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Where to download the HTML5 spec ? 2012-05-27 2012-07-18
17213 WHATWG HTML james RESO FIXE Second link in demos is 404 not found 2012-05-28 2014-08-26
17214 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK "Implemented" and "Ready for first..." overlap 2012-05-28 2012-10-31
17215 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE 'As does this, because everything...' doesn't make sense 2012-05-28 2012-09-06
17217 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL "While the exact order of attributes is UA-defined" -- no it's not. DOM4 defines attribute lists as ordered, and that's how they're exposed in the DOM. If the HTML parser doesn't say this too, it should be fixed. 2012-05-28 2012-07-18
17231 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE It seems that it isn't possible to create a second load event by doing a sequence from within an existing load event 2012-05-29 2013-02-09
17232 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT The various definitions in this section should be linked from places they are used (usages of "empty", at least, are unlinked) 2012-05-29 2012-09-05
17235 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> missed cues will include all past cues from a newly enabled track 2012-05-29 2012-09-11
17240 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA sdaf gsdf gsdf gsdf gsdf 2012-05-30 2012-07-18
17244 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "When an iframe element is first inserted into a document, the user agent must create a nested browsing context, and then process the iframe attributes for the first time." - this is very confusing. The "process the iframe attributes" steps have to be run 2012-05-30 2012-07-18
17245 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK "Append a new entry at the end of the History object" - there seems to be a special case when the document is not completely loaded and the navigation wasn't triggered by user intereaction. In this case Opera + WebKit (always) and Gecko (sometimes) don't 2012-05-30 2012-12-05
17248 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA if ( instanceof HTMLLIElement) { 2012-05-30 2012-07-18
17261 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Consider adding the 'magnet' scheme to the whitelisted schemes for torrent clients which possess a web interface (Such as Deluge or Transmission) 2012-05-31 2012-08-28
17271 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE <track> should not load without a media element parent 2012-05-31 2012-09-12
17273 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <track> Introduce an API to occupy parts of the video rendering area to push away cues 2012-05-31 2017-07-21
17274 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Grammar/parsing/sentence construction problem: "This parsed into different Documents than the one the parser was created for do not execute" 2012-05-31 2012-08-09
17275 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Missing datalist {display:none} ? 2012-05-31 2012-09-21
17278 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE In the description of the sequence of steps that a user-agent must execute every 350 ms: In side condition 'Otherwise' of item 3.1, there are 4 conditions listed - the first 3 starting with the word 'If' and the last one with 'Otherwise'. In all of the fi 2012-06-01 2012-09-19
17283 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Consider making `null` for reflecting IDL attributes remove the content attribute 2012-06-01 2013-03-09
17290 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Why is this an empty element with attributes label and icon? These two attributes should get deleted and content should be allowed that can be styled. 2012-06-02 2012-09-07
17291 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED 15 obsolete features 2012-06-02 2012-07-23
17293 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <meta name="keywords" content="british,type face,font,fonts,highway,highways"> 2012-06-02 2012-07-18
17294 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <meta name="Subject" content="Search Enginee Optimize"> 2012-06-02 2012-07-18
17295 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA the grass is greener on my side for a change. 2012-06-02 2012-07-18
17296 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <meta name="author" content="" /><meta name="lang" content="fr" /> 2012-06-02 2012-07-18
17297 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA I had a problem with entering my user name and password 2012-06-03 2012-07-18
17302 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA whatwg isnt even needed anymore! merge with w3c! 2012-06-04 2012-07-18
17305 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE No CORS and not-same-origin should not fetch the URL 2012-06-04 2012-08-29
17314 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED void addHitRegion(HitRegionOptions options); 2012-06-05 2012-07-20
17315 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED void addHitRegion(HitRegionOptions options) 2012-06-05 2012-07-20
17317 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Consider mode being "No CORS" and URL is same-origin. The fetch results in a redirect whose URL is also same-origin. The spec says to apply the CORS "redirect steps". Shouldn't it do the redirect without CORS when it's same-origin? 2012-06-05 2012-08-29
17319 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> Sort cues by insertion order, not creation order 2012-06-05 2012-09-12
17427 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE <canvas>: drawImage() should accept SVGImageElement (<svg:image>) 2012-06-05 2016-03-18
17428 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Within the workers text "list of active intervals" can be removed because it is the same as "list of active timers". 2012-06-06 2012-10-19
17429 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK is the "name" attribute valid on <meta> element in <body> context? Validator says no at the moment, but this document doesn't preclude the possibility. 2012-06-06 2012-07-18
17432 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE the word 'using' is repeated in the last line following 'Shared Blacklists' (This information can then be shared with other sites, using using visitors' IP) 2012-06-07 2012-08-31
17440 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED how do you set up the tracks in the html? 2012-06-07 2012-10-12
17448 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE (editorial) returns a CSSStyleDeclaration when the attribute is absent too. (It's just a bit unclear from this sentence, while the IDL is pretty clear.) 2012-06-09 2012-09-13
17451 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED how to create an offline 2012-06-09 2012-07-18
17457 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA total niolation all species 2012-06-10 2012-07-18
17460 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The name of type=file entries should still normalize CR/LF (the "End" step). 2012-06-11 2012-08-26
17461 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK CORS-enabled fetch supports javascript: and about:blank 2012-06-11 2013-04-09
17468 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK The methods here don't say how to handle Infinity and NaN arguments. Infinity should probably just be applied (though maybe not for rotate()...) but NaN in particular needs to be dealt with, either by defining what happens with a matrix with NaN values or 2012-06-12 2012-09-21
17469 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> Removing a cue should disassociate the cue from the track. "Once a text track cue is associated with a particular text track, the association is permanent." 2012-06-12 2013-06-06
17471 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Step 10 of this algorithm only considers ";" whereas Gecko/WebKit and soon Opera also accept ",". 2012-06-12 2013-02-06
17478 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL When a same-origin URL redirects to another same-origin URL, the spec seems to say to apply the resource sharing check, which would fail if the CORS headers aren't present. This seems wrong. 2012-06-13 2012-07-18
17481 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Not clear what "script that invoked the method" means exactly. Should this be changed to "entry script" instead? If not, please specify what it means. 2012-06-13 2013-02-13
17484 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA This is a test 2012-06-13 2012-07-18
17490 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE `entities.json` uses invalid syntax and has incorrect content 2012-06-14 2012-09-19
17491 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED attribute,The loop IDL attribute must reflect the content attribute of the same name,readonly attribute DOMString id; 2012-06-14 2012-07-18
17495 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT [POLYGLOT]: s/well defined/well-defined/ 2012-06-15 2012-07-20
17496 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE s/floating point/floating-point/ (to improve consistency) 2012-06-15 2012-07-20
17497 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA is this html5? 2012-06-15 2012-07-18
17498 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL is this html5? 2012-06-15 2012-07-18
17499 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED how to write offline page programe in html 5? 2012-06-15 2012-07-20
17503 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED loading very slow 2012-06-15 2012-07-18
17507 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Wrong IDL in definition of HitRegionOptions 2012-06-16 2012-08-24
17517 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Ready for first implementations Latest Internet Explorer beta: not applicableLatest Firefox trunk nightly build: not applicableLatest WebKit or Chromium trunk build: not applicableLatest Opera beta or preview build: not applicableJavaScript libraries, plu 2012-06-16 2012-07-18
17532 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA it is listed 2012-06-18 2012-07-18
17535 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED e list list. Append the list of the descendant browsing contexts of the active document of that child browsing context to the list list. Return the constructed list. A Document is said to be fully active when it is the active document of its browsing c 2012-06-18 2012-07-18
17536 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA yeah it does' works 2012-06-18 2012-07-18
17543 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL "The script element gets inserted into a document." - is the order defined if multiple script elements are simultaneously inserted? What about the relative order of other things that happen on insertion and script elements? 2012-06-19 2012-09-20
17544 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED 6.1.3 Secondary browsing contexts 6.1.4 Security 6.1.5 Groupings of browsing contexts 6.1.6 Browsing context names 6.2 The Window object 6.2.1 Security 6.2.2 APIs for creating and navigating browsing contexts by name 2012-06-19 2012-07-18
17545 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK add a word, such as "to", to: Guidance on how provide such information is given below 2012-06-19 2012-09-19
17546 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم 2012-06-19 2012-07-18
17547 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE there is need for shemes: ssh, sip 2012-06-19 2012-08-29
17551 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Please add a definition for "being in a forms collection". The intuitive meaning is that it is document.forms, hence covering all forms in the document. The expression "the forms collection that it is in, if any" is thus confusing. 2012-06-20 2012-09-20
17552 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED please make it in a "pdf" format and let us download and study offline.... 2012-06-20 2012-07-27
17553 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <video> allow UAs to "expose a user interface to the user" on user request 2012-06-20 2012-10-12
17554 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Add "media elements that are exposing a user interface to the user" to the list 2012-06-20 2012-10-12
17555 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Allow ("may") UAs to make any element focusable if they so wish 2012-06-20 2012-10-12
17557 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT (purely editoral) The title doesn't match the document referenced. 2012-06-20 2012-07-20
17562 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Why is putImageData throwing on NaN/infinity defined in prose, not IDL? 2012-06-20 2012-09-20
17565 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Element 'noscript' must be included within a parent element. 2012-06-21 2012-07-26
17566 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA There is a </head> missing 2012-06-21 2012-07-18
17567 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Keyword dmsguestbook is not registered. 2012-06-21 2012-07-18
17568 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Keyword dmsguestbook is not registered. 2012-06-21 2012-07-18
17572 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED element must be included in the parent element 2012-06-22 2012-07-18
17575 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Typo: "... value to "no otherwise." 2012-06-22 2012-07-20
17576 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA hjlk dfgfg gfh gfh gfh ghfhgf 2012-06-22 2012-07-18
17578 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK No attribute quotes? 2012-06-22 2012-07-18
17580 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE last paragraph of progress element desc. mentions labels attr, not listed at top of element definition 2012-06-23 2012-09-12
17584 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT blockquote, figure: Margins should not be put in pixels because they don't scale well. 2012-06-24 2012-09-24
17586 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Testf flgk dflkg dflkg ldkg ldkg ldkgflkdf glkd fglkd glkd f 2012-06-24 2012-07-18
17604 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE (editorial) Link "avalible" to #img-yes 2012-06-26 2012-09-01
17605 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE typo "or explicit ignored"; should be "or explicitly ignored" 2012-06-26 2012-08-25
17606 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE table needs box-sizing:border-box (all rendering modes) 2012-06-26 2012-08-30
17612 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE I don't think [TreatNonCallableAsNull] is necessary on this callback, since if a non-Function is passed it will be converted to a string according to the other overload. That DOMString overload also doesn't need [AllowAny] as that is now the default beha 2012-06-27 2012-08-30
17613 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "with the callback this value set to the E's currentTarget" =~ s/to the/to/ 2012-06-27 2012-08-27
17616 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA password fdghy thgw ewtghwa rgrh gttty rg het 2012-06-27 2012-07-18
17622 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA charesse johnsin 2012-06-28 2012-07-18
17623 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA charesse johnson 2012-06-28 2012-07-18
17630 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Image inputs with no image should fall back to non-replaced elements, just like normal images 2012-06-28 2013-04-12
17631 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "The close() method on Window objects should... close the browsing context". What does it mean to "close a browsing context"? Are any event handlers triggered e.g. beforeunload? 2012-06-28 2012-09-23
17632 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE CSS: define rendering of <li> elements in terms of CSS (handling start="", reverse="", value="", and <li> elements that aren't children of <ol> elements) 2012-06-28 2016-11-28
17633 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Should ordered list numbering consider list items in child blocks? 2012-06-28 2013-10-22
17635 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT This needs to have a locale attribute so that teh "valid floating point number" can be parsed properly for the locale. (eg. "en-US" would have 12345.67 and "de-DE" would have 12345,67) 2012-06-28 2012-07-20
17636 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT This syntax for valid time strings does not work for other locales. In Italy, they use a "." for the separator instead of a colon. The tags using a time string need to allow for a locale attribute so that the syntax can be determined, OR this syntax needs 2012-06-28 2012-07-20
17637 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK If this input type is meant to represent the ISO week number of the Gregorian calendar, then this description should say so in order to be explicit and unambiguous about it. If not, then some of the description should change. For example, "... on the morn 2012-06-28 2012-08-26
17638 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK This type assumes a Gregorian calendar. Either this should be explicit called out here, or this type should be rethought to be more inclusive of the Hebrew and Arabic civil calendars. The step function for example is by whole months from January 1970. Wit 2012-06-28 2012-08-26
17639 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Need to be explicit that this means a yearless date in the Gregorian calendar. 2012-06-28 2012-09-12
17640 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED This type assumes a Gregorian calendar. Either this should be explicit called out here, or this type should be rethought to be more inclusive of other calendars.The text "midnight UTC on the morning of the parsed date" should be "the midnight UTC that is 2012-06-28 2012-07-27
17641 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK This type assumes a Gregorian calendar. Either this should be explicit called out here. 2012-06-28 2012-08-26
17642 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE This should be explicit that this means the ISO 8601 week number. 2012-06-28 2012-09-12
17651 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE appcache: What exactly do the prefer-online and fast cache modes do? 2012-06-29 2012-10-11
17655 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Can the cache mode setting be made more clear in terms of the behaviour difference between fast and prefer-online ( 2012-06-29 2012-08-22
17662 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED looking for illustration 2012-06-30 2012-07-27
17663 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK End of para after non-normative box: "... or an article lede." Should this be "lead" as in the-beginning-of? "lede" is not a word in English. 2012-07-01 2012-07-18
17665 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA adsfsffffffffffffffff fsdf sdf adsf asdf asdfasdaf 2012-07-02 2012-07-18
17666 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA this is just random crap. 2012-07-02 2012-07-18
17667 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE equivanet -> equivalent 2012-07-02 2012-07-26
17669 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <meta name="classification" content="Film Editor"> 2012-07-02 2012-07-23
17680 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE This definition of "stops parsing" combined with the definition of when an iframe delays the load event of its parent document seems like it will produce the wrong order of events; the iframe should continue to delay the load until after the steps here ha 2012-07-03 2012-09-05
17687 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE appcache: When resources are downloaded from the server because of the manifest file, the referrer should be set accordingly 2012-07-04 2014-09-19
17688 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE appcache: Events fire at a weird time 2012-07-04 2014-09-05
17690 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE colSpan should not be "limited to only non-negative numbers greater than zero" (browsers don't throw when assigning 0) 2012-07-04 2012-10-19
17692 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA thanks for these .i can wach my in my computer more fast.. 2012-07-04 2012-07-20
17705 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Getting unsigned long only returns values in the range 0 to 2^31-1, but setting allows 0 to 2^32-1. Why this assymetry? 2012-07-06 2012-08-27
17717 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA This is a test please ignore. 2012-07-08 2012-07-18
17718 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED loll hey, whats up `? 2012-07-08 2012-07-20
17720 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA abisek 2012-07-08 2012-07-19
17723 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "When these ... attributes are used with input elements while they don't apply...." - here the word 'used' is unclear. I assume it refers to [[Put]] and [[Get]] but not other property operations but that isn't clear. 2012-07-09 2012-09-13
17728 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT There should be a way to group related dt/dd elements. For example, allowing div tags to be nested in a dl would help tremendously with styling the dt/dd child elements. 2012-07-10 2012-07-26
17730 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Typo: "laast value" 2012-07-10 2012-07-19
17731 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Support 'column' here for consistency with window.onerror? 2012-07-10 2012-09-21
17741 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA hi kahan ho 2012-07-11 2012-07-23
17742 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED hi kahan ho 2012-07-11 2012-07-19
17752 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE MS's "Eric Law" full name is Eric Lawrence 2012-07-12 2012-07-19
17766 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED event not selected 2012-07-13 2012-08-30
17767 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "The cookie attribute represents the cookies of the resource from which the Document was created." is no longer accurate since r7159 2012-07-13 2012-07-26
17769 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Drag and Drop: Add guidance for keyboard-only interaction 2012-07-13 2012-12-31
17770 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT CSS: i18n comment 20 : list item marker display and position 2012-07-13 Fri 20:01
17771 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Add an example of suggestion labels being used and rendered for input type="range" 2012-07-13 2012-11-25
17781 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK typo: "associatd" instead of "associated" 2012-07-14 2012-07-20
17790 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED isPointInPath does not help much if you have multiple polygons that might overlay each other but do have a z-index - meaning, only the top layer should be highlighted on mouseOver/click 2012-07-17 2012-09-05
17791 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA i m searching action 2012-07-17 2012-07-19
17796 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Rename "Interfaces" index section to more precise "Element interfaces" 2012-07-18 2012-09-14
17797 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <video>: Additional AudioTrack.kind categories are needed to identify tracks where audio descriptions are premixed with main dialogue. 2012-07-18 2012-09-16
17798 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Defining Entity references for characters in XHTML. 2012-07-18 2012-07-22
17799 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT srcset: Support different resolutions for command elements and images 2012-07-18 2017-07-21
17800 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Add <menuitem> element 2012-07-18 2012-07-23
17801 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL exact number not imporant in range doesn't make sense. 2012-07-18 2012-07-23
17802 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT appcache: SOP requirement for cache manifest files should be relaxed (at least) by CORS. 2012-07-18 2012-07-23
17803 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <video> Expose statistics for tracking playback quality (framerate information) 2012-07-18 2012-11-25
17805 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT exact number not imporant in range doesn't make sense. 2012-07-18 2012-07-23
17806 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Add <menuitem> element 2012-07-18 2013-01-07
17807 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE draggable and dropzone regions require labels 2012-07-18 2012-09-16
17808 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Adding Islamic calendar support in HTML5 2012-07-18 2012-09-16
17809 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Define media.preservePitch attribute 2012-07-18 2012-10-29
17810 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Make BOM trump HTTP 2012-07-18 2012-09-16
17811 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Expose history traversal direction 2012-07-18 2012-12-07
17813 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT API to save current state of form as the "default state" in case the form is later reset 2012-07-18 2014-09-25
17814 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE it makes no sense to limit the placeholder attribute to values of the same direction as the <input> 2012-07-18 2015-08-31
17815 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Feature Request: A javax.smartcardio alternative 2012-07-18 2012-10-01
17816 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT appcache: Prevent sensitive data from being cached 2012-07-18 2012-10-12
17817 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE text "if none of the ancestors" is presumably not exactly correct 2012-07-18 2012-08-09
17818 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT ":required" pseudo selector for a radio button group 2012-07-18 2012-09-26
17819 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Suggestion: Introduce "content" element 2012-07-18 2012-07-23
17820 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT appcache: avoid out-of-sync situations or cache busting when using appcache with non-sticky load balancers 2012-07-18 2015-08-13
17821 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <area> should be classified as "interactive content" 2012-07-18 2012-09-26
17822 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS INVA add onreadystatechange attribute to index 2012-07-18 2012-10-06
17823 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT origin attribute 2012-07-18 2012-10-12
17824 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE Clarify bidi aspects of <wbr> 2012-07-18 2012-11-25
17825 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Stop using AllowAny 2012-07-18 2012-08-23
17826 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Triggering contextual error message for inputs 2012-07-18 2013-10-03
17827 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Required edit should be applicable to fieldset 2012-07-18 2012-09-21
17828 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Specify behavior for embedded content elements that have no browsing context 2012-07-18 2012-12-10
17829 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE dir=auto does not work for user-visible attribute values 2012-07-18 2015-01-29
17830 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Update non-finite float handling to WebIDL 2012-07-18 2012-08-23
17831 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Form-associated elements with non-ancestor form owners should be reset when owner is removed from the tree 2012-07-18 2012-09-26
17832 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE 'radio button group' rule issue 2012-07-18 2012-09-26
17833 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE potential typo in browsing context note 2012-07-18 2012-10-22
17834 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Consider DOMString? for HTMLInputElement:value IDL attribute 2012-07-18 2012-09-26
17835 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The directionality of a textarea should be determined based on its parent if its value does not have any strong characters 2012-07-18 2013-07-03
17836 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE editorial - add note that UA need not send Origin header 2012-07-18 2012-09-27
17837 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS WONT cors settings attribute - unclear meaning of 'omitted' 2012-07-18 2012-09-28
17838 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Update HTML for Fullscreen and PointerLock 2012-07-18 2012-09-11
17840 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE menuitem click and menu show events do not indicate what element triggered these events 2012-07-18 2013-04-03
17841 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Clarify CSS Outline advice in 8.4.4 Element-level focus APIs 2012-07-18 2012-12-10
17842 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE <img>: Feature to make <img> elements not load their images until needed 2012-07-18 2017-07-01
17843 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Expected use of Origin HTTP header 2012-07-18 2012-10-09
17845 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Some algorithms in the HTML Parser must also override the "reset the form owner" (e.g., Adoption Agency algorithm) 2012-07-18 2013-05-28
17846 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <track> Nested Chapter tracks should be defined for all file types than just WebVTT 2012-07-18 2012-09-11
17847 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <track> replace the use of "caption file" with "text track resource" 2012-07-18 2012-09-11
17848 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Multiple Sources With Images 2012-07-18 2012-09-26
17849 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Allow style and link elements beyond the head 2012-07-18 2012-07-27
17850 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Several missing references 2012-07-18 2012-09-27
17851 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Incorrect State Change in Tokenization: Script data escaped less-than sign state 2012-07-18 2012-09-28
17852 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Self-Closing Input should be acknowledged for <input> in Tree Construction "In Table" Insertion Mode 2012-07-18 2012-09-27
17853 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE i18n-ISSUE-83: add note about why Gregorian only used 2012-07-18 2012-12-29
17854 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED i18n-ISSUE-85: Health warning about converting date to/from incremental time 2012-07-18 2013-04-12
17855 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT i18n-ISSUE-88: local/floating date terminology 2012-07-18 2012-09-27
17856 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT i18n-ISSUE-89: Time zones and local dates and times 2012-07-18 2013-07-29
17857 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE i18n-ISSUE-92: time zone vs. time zone offset 2012-07-18 2013-04-15
17858 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED i18n-ISSUE-94: Allowing culturally specific week rules 2012-07-18 2012-09-27
17859 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Mechanism to enable localisation of form controls and other locale-specific data 2012-07-18 Fri 19:21
17860 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT i18n-ISSUE-104: clarify "additional requirements on character encodings" 2012-07-18 2012-12-29
17861 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA i18n-ISSUE-107: replacement characters 2012-07-18 2012-09-28
17862 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE i18n-ISSUE-108: encoding -> character encoding 2012-07-18 2012-09-27
17863 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE i18n-ISSUE-109: use term 'space characters' 2012-07-18 2012-08-10
17864 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED i18n-ISSUE-118: explicitly undefined language 2012-07-18 2015-06-17
17865 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED i18n-ISSUE-119: provide example of language detection fallback 2012-07-18 2012-12-30
17866 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED i18n-ISSUE-124: Wording on avoidance of Unicode control characters 2012-07-18 2012-09-28
17867 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE i18n-ISSUE-126: Health warning about lang attribute in 4.1 2012-07-18 2012-09-28
17868 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Lists should permit interleaved structuring 2012-07-18 2012-12-29
17869 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Spec for doesn't match reality when the parser is script-created 2012-07-18 2013-03-15
17870 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE definition of meta keyword "generator" should mention effect on validation 2012-07-18 2012-07-23
17872 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Form elements inside a fieldset with a @form should use it 2012-07-18 2013-10-21
17873 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT valid character range for identifiers too broad 2012-07-18 2012-09-06
17874 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Over-specification in "Page load processing model for text files" 2012-07-18 2012-07-23
17875 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Add example/intro for seamless that explains it in terms of inclusions 2012-07-18 2012-12-29
17876 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE the term "hand authored" is undefined and ambiguous 2012-07-18 2012-09-15
17877 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> text tracks need to allow a @default attribute per group of @kind tracks 2012-07-18 2012-11-23
17878 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE define navigator.language 2012-07-18 2013-03-08
17879 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Define capture attribute 2012-07-18 2014-09-30
17880 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Inserting multiple script elements using a document fragment isn't specified properly 2012-07-18 2012-12-01
17881 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Function declaration of Node::lookupPrefix and Node::lookupNamespaceURI do not allow 'null' return value 2012-07-18 2012-08-27
17882 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA incorrect ref in web+ IANA considerations 2012-07-18 2012-07-23
17883 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE misleading statements about fragment identifiers in application-x-www-form-urlencoded media type 2012-07-18 2012-08-25
17884 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK suggest video element support non-buffered video play 2012-07-18 2012-09-27
17885 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Clarify phrase about element type 2012-07-18 2013-04-26
17886 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE unicode-bidi value combination of "bidi-override" and "isolate" has been renamed to "isolate-override" 2012-07-18 2012-09-16
17887 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK tree element to display directory 2012-07-18 2012-09-27
17888 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Window name lookup algorithm is wrong for named subwindows 2012-07-18 2012-08-25
17889 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT refactor definition of media type "www-form-urlencoded-encoding" 2012-07-18 2012-07-23
17890 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE xml:base and xml:space allowed on foreign elements, but also forbidden 2012-07-18 2012-08-24
17891 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE createPattern(canvas, null) now throws rather than 'repeat' 2012-07-18 2013-09-14
17892 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT WD-FileAPI-20120712 has a dynamic attribute FileReader#result 2012-07-18 2012-08-26
17893 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT request: even/odd winding algorithm in addition to non-zero 2012-07-18 2012-09-28
17894 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <h[2-6]> in <hgroup> should be relatively styled, like <h1> is 2012-07-18 2012-12-30
17895 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE b and strong are font-weight: bolder in implementations, not font-weight: bold 2012-07-18 2012-12-10
17896 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <video> add bytesReceived, downloadTime, and networkWaitTime metrics 2012-07-18 2012-09-11
17897 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Everything!!! Someone else in into my computer and controls it 2012-07-18 2014-12-02
17898 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Index of methods and IDL attributes 2012-07-18 2015-08-30
17899 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Update the Web registries model (<meta>, rel="", schemes, etc) (starting with <meta>) 2012-07-18 Fri 19:22
17900 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Everything!!! Someone else in into my computer and controls it 2012-07-18 2012-07-18
17901 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Everything!!! Someone else in into my computer and controls it 2012-07-18 2012-07-18
17902 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Incorrect or inconsistent glyph values for &rang; and &lang; 2012-07-18 2012-12-02
17903 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Be more explicit about headers in redirects. 2012-07-18 2012-10-05
17904 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Everything!!! Someone else in into my computer and controls it 2012-07-18 2012-07-18
17905 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK It is very tedious and almost impossible to properly display poetry that is typographically metered, specially in Arabic since it needs strict typographical alignments. The fact that Arabic readers almost always come across poetry on daily bases as they b 2012-07-18 2012-07-27
17906 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Everything!!! Someone else in into my computer and controls it 2012-07-18 2012-07-18
17907 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Need attribute to abbr to specify semantic type of abbreviation 2012-07-18 2012-08-25
17908 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK After the example given for the h1,h2,h3 etc. elements is this non-sensical sentence. Authors might prefer the former style for its terseness, or the latter style for its convenience in the face of heavy editing; which is besty is purely an issue of prefe 2012-07-18 2012-09-01
17909 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Everything!!! Someone else in into my computer and controls it 2012-07-18 2012-07-18
17910 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED There is no use case for accept-charset to take multiple values. I think we should restrict it to a single value. 2012-07-18 2012-10-22
17911 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Everything!!! Someone else in into my computer and controls it 2012-07-18 2012-07-18
17912 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE (editorial/annoying) This should come after ECMA357 in alphabetical sorting. 2012-07-18 2012-07-20
17913 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Section title: "The placeholder attribute" "User agents should present this hint to the user, after having stripped line breaks from it, when the element's value is the empty string and the control is not focused (e.g. by displaying it inside a blank unfo 2012-07-18 2012-09-21
17914 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Media elements: I would suggest that Subtitle support be implemented for Audio Media elements for the hearing impaired users. It should also include an api that would allow custom presentation of the subtitles. 2012-07-18 2012-09-25
17915 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Everything!!! Someone else in into my computer and controls it 2012-07-18 2012-07-18
17916 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Actually the required tag of controls are rendered as "required" attribute of html 5 elements. Then the validation will be controlled by your browser. Unfortunately "validation group" or something like that has not been introduced in html 5 (yet, and as f 2012-07-18 2012-09-25
17917 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Consistent use of 'no value' attributes. The 'no value' attributes like "selected", "checked" and "required" are being used inconsistently in the examples throughout the HTML5 specifications. Where "required" is always used with no value ('required' vs 'r 2012-07-18 2012-09-17
17918 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE i18n-ISSUE-136: Recognition of number formats in Number state 2012-07-18 2013-02-01
17919 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT i18n-ISSUE-138: Make lang and xml:lang synonyms in HTML5 2012-07-18 2012-09-28
17920 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Everything!!! Someone else in into my computer and controls it 2012-07-18 2012-07-18
17921 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED How about adding an attribute for type=file inputs that would specify the maximum allowed file size ? 2012-07-18 2012-07-27
17922 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED HTML should provide a tag called <index> so that the authors of the web pages can enclose words and phrases that they think should be indexed. This would help search engines and others who would like to index web pages. Even the web authors could use a 2012-07-18 2012-09-05
17923 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED I would like more clarification on the concept of the term "groups" in regards to the section on definition lists found at: Quite a bit of time is spent defining these groups, for example: "I 2012-07-18 2012-07-26
17924 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Setting innerHTML on an SVG element will parse into HTML elements. Since innerHTML is available on Element now, we should check if the context element is an SVG element (or MathML element) other than foreignObject (etc) and use the foreign lands insertion 2012-07-18 2013-06-06
17925 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Can we have a site heading element to contain the title/logo of the site instead of people having to use h1 tags for the name of the site. It seems to be causing a lot of confusion about what to do. Thanks. 2012-07-18 2012-09-05
17926 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "A valid non-negative integer representing a year" allows <time>0</time>, and the associated parsing algorithm step interprets it as year 0, which is inconsistent with all the other date-parsing algorithms that reject year 0 2012-07-18 2012-10-05
17927 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Feedback for the Audio and Video tags option section This standard offers many different options for what codecs to use, and as of April 8 2012, the implementations of the major browsers circumvent the purpose of a standard. Rendering the work of this com 2012-07-18 2012-09-19
17928 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Define rendering for the <frameset> element as a normal element. 2012-07-18 2012-12-02
17929 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA no clear information on expected or desirable keyboard/focus interaction behaviour with new dialog element 2012-07-18 2012-07-27
17930 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE specify parsing of the template element 2012-07-18 2013-06-28
17931 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED I could not have guessed from this document that <frameset> would draw a box around the included html. Only experimentation told me this. It sounds rather like a variation on <div> or <span>. The link 'represent' in the text, and its definition did not he 2012-07-18 2012-07-25
17932 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK > >The TextMetrics interface is used for the objects returned from measureText(). > It has one attribute, width, which is set by the measureText() method I presume it was called width because i 2012-07-18 2012-10-19
17933 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT I'd like to provide feedback on the section on "Encoding Microdata", specifically the subsection on "Values". I believe it is crucial forthr usefulness of microdata that one is able to markup form fields as itemprops, and have the itemvalue correctly iden 2012-07-18 2013-06-13
17934 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA unclear whether role=presenation can be applied to any element or only elements 2012-07-18 2012-09-28
17935 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED I am hoping to be able to use the imageInfo object from .getImageInfo as a normal image in draw steps, like a png. this would allow someone to greatly speed up the drawing of paths by allowing them to store and reuse a path they've allready created withou 2012-07-18 2012-11-05
17936 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED I hope the abstract to be ,and still think about let the webpage be easy ,no more effect ,no use of graphic , to serve the goal of information bass 2012-07-18 2012-09-21
17937 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE What's the difference between input/@title's and input/@placeholder's semantic? Both of them act as the user's advisor and tell you what you can do with the element. "For a longer hint [...], the title attribute is more appropriate." is the only thing I c 2012-07-18 2012-09-17
17938 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE In the example with figure, in figcaption, cite is closed three times, but opened two times. 2012-07-18 2012-07-20
17939 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK use of title attribute for instructions results in inaccessible content 2012-07-18 2012-09-28
17940 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Well, I'm on it again. The description on events is a shambles. I'm trying to write a course on HTML 5 and the information is contradictory or missing. First, as before, the section "Global attributes" lists what it purports to be the event handler conten 2012-07-18 2012-10-22
17941 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT "with any leading or trailing sequences of space characters removed" - why is this needed? In dotnetdotcom's web200904 I don't see any occurrences of leading or trailing spaces in <script type>. Can the trimming be dropped? 2012-07-18 2012-08-24
17942 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT This is a suggestion: If HTML5 would contain resource pool in each browser. i.e. all HTML5 supporting browsers would have a collection of icon set for example: someone may use them like this: <img src='chrome:://html5/res/images/alarm.png' width='512' he 2012-07-18 2012-08-27
17943 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT A way to create a graph would be nice. It might be implemented as a "graph" attribute on the table element or a <graph> element. 2012-07-18 2012-10-10
17944 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL In the section, " File Upload state", there is inconsistency regarding the delimiters between the tokens in the "accept" attribute. The section states that the MIME types/file extensions should be in a comma-delimited list, but the example be 2012-07-18 2012-07-27
17945 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA The first example of the menu element is about how to markup a menubar in HTML. For the markup a menu in the toolbar state was used. However, the section about native ARIA semantics describes that it's not possible to change the semantics of a menu in the 2012-07-18 2012-09-20
17946 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED html anchor tags 1) Did I miss it, or did you forget to mention name= attribute? (You did mention href='#name", so I suppose it is still valid) 2) To lessen need for JavaScript could you give an option that makes it work like location.replace so a new ent 2012-07-18 2012-12-31
17947 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Suggestion for HTML5 feature: Templates I've noticed that a lot of websites use similar-looking elements that could be better implemented using "templates" - reusable components that are transcluded into Web pages and take arguments that affect the way th 2012-07-18 2012-10-10
17948 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Consider adding <tr href> 2012-07-18 2012-10-12
17949 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA The Dependencies section states that this specification depends on the HTML5 specification. However, this specification does not make clear anywhere whether microdata can be *used* with HTML 4.01. I don't see any reason why it can't be and, if this is t 2012-07-18 2012-09-06
17950 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Hi, Could you add a function like SDL_SetColorKey into the standard. To do pixel manipulation is trivial. 2012-07-18 2012-09-21
17951 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Hi, Could you add a function like SDL_SetColorKey into the standard. To do pixel manipulation is trivial. 2012-07-18 2012-07-18
17952 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The type of fillStyle/strokeStyle should probably be |(DOMString or CanvasGradient or CanvasPattern)| 2012-07-18 2012-09-28
17953 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA i have no idea what this is 2012-07-18 2012-07-18
17954 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Attribute to indicate that the grammar should be translated (e.g. apply declensions), but that the base of the words should remain in the original language 2012-07-18 2016-03-16
17955 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Add the term "definition list" in 'The dl element' section. 2012-07-18 2012-07-23
17956 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA This is a test from angwhere. 2012-07-18 2012-07-20
17957 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA /*ͷ 2012-07-18 2012-07-19
17958 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Feedback Comments Please enter your feedback, carefully indicating the title of the section for which you are submitting feedback, quoting the text that's wrong today if appropriate. If you're suggesting a new feature, it's really important to say what th 2012-07-18 2012-08-29
17959 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT (I apologize in advance if this shows up multiple times, submit kept giving an error) The "step" attribute of the Input tag, type="numeric": The default step for this input type is 1, thereby forcing all input to be integer only if you leave off the step 2012-07-18 2012-08-25
17960 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Add support for drawImage(ImageData, ...) 2012-07-18 2013-03-19
17961 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA #topbannerBG{ background:url(/proxy/ repeat-x; height:60px; width:100%; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; overflow:hidden; position:fixed; top:0px; z-index:10000; 2012-07-18 2012-08-29
17962 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA var http_request = false; function makeRequest(url, functionName, httpType, sendData) { http_request = false; if (!httpType) httpType = "GET"; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Non-IE... http_request = new XMLHttpRequest(); if (http_request.overrideMimeType 2012-07-18 2012-08-25
17963 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK img elements with role="presentation" and without alt="" fail validation 2012-07-18 2012-07-23
17964 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Is it possible for someone to copy and paste a website and make it their own? I ask because the website below, I believe has been copied. We have been solicited as holder of properties in Mexico. They sent us to this website and we have found through anot 2012-07-18 2012-07-20
17965 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Anda masih kurang bijak ,, JIKA masih belum menjadikan sebagai medium HOMEPAGE ANDA !!! Mengapa ?! Kerana dengan menjadikan (PERCUMA SEUMUR HIDUP) sebagai Homepage anda , anda akan dibayar, tidak seperti selama ini sebelu 2012-07-18 2012-07-19
17966 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA "The itemid attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid URL." contradicts the example that shows a URI (urn:) a bit further down; should this read "valid URI"? 2012-07-18 2012-08-30
17967 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Parsing algorithm should not preclude Complex Ruby 2012-07-18 2012-08-21
17968 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Removing remaining mention of Element.setAttributeNode() 2012-07-18 2012-09-28
17969 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Document conformance/validity has to be stable over the time 2012-07-18 2012-07-23
17970 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Define <th abbr=""> as a way to provide a name for a row/column that is used when describing cells for which that cell is a header 2012-07-18 2012-10-19
17971 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED There is no way to pass audio and video content metadata to the user agent that is required in some cases for playback. 2012-07-18 2013-01-15
17972 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT forms: Add trim="" attribute to <input type=text/search> that makes required="" ignore leading/trailing "space characters" 2012-07-18 2017-07-21
17973 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> and WebVTT cue.alignment need more values 2012-07-18 2012-09-28
17974 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL appcache: Add an API to make appcache support caching specific URLs dynamically (and/or a JS "server" or "interceptor" for uncached resources?) 2012-07-18 2012-11-26
17975 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE what about if the <body> IS an article? 2012-07-18 2012-12-30
17977 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE user agent lang tag handling is insufficiently specified 2012-07-18 2012-12-30
17978 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Clarify dimensions of image returned by Canvas toDataURL 2012-07-18 2012-07-23
17979 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The video element's poster attribute requires clarification in relation to precedence 2012-07-18 2012-11-30
17980 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Default handling of non-XHTML XML docs is under-/un- specified 2012-07-18 2012-11-22
17981 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE i18n-ISSUE-120: Non-ASCII Unicode characters in data-* 2012-07-18 2012-09-28
17982 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE seamless="" should also make media queries get evaluated against the nearest ancestor non-seamless browsing context 2012-07-18 2012-09-04
17983 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "the height of the bounding box around the content" is not precise enough. Does it include floats? Absolutely positioned elements? Fixed positioned elements? (If so, how.) Box shadows and other visual effects? 2012-07-18 2012-09-28
17984 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE WF3: Automatic capitalization in input fields 2012-07-18 2012-08-27
17985 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT for consistency with RFC 5988, link/@rel should allow extension relation types 2012-07-18 2012-07-23
17986 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL select(), selectionStart, selectionEnd and setSelectionRange() should apply to <input type='email'> 2012-07-18 2014-09-25
17987 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT HTML 5 missing explicit directives for support full keyboard access (FKA) when navigating to a fragment identifier 2012-07-18 2012-10-11
17988 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT The term microtask should be defined 2012-07-18 2012-10-16
17989 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE i18n-ISSUE-91: 15 minute time zones 2012-07-18 2012-07-23
17990 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT i18n-ISSUE-98: 13 month calendar support 2012-07-18 2012-10-01
17991 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Defer to DOM Parsing for innerHTML et al 2012-07-18 2012-07-22
17992 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> "text tracks ready" and HTMLMediaElement.readyState 2012-07-18 2012-09-07
17993 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Can an example for scripts of interactive works, like video games, be added? In those, dialogue is often triggered by pressing a button near them, and it's divided into chunks. Like person A may say X the first time, but if you query the person again (s) 2012-07-18 2012-10-15
17994 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK The list of named character references at (8.5 Named character references) should also be available in an easy-to-parse format (e.g. plain text or json). This will allow developers to use it with 2012-07-18 2012-09-24
17995 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <svg><script xlink:href="x"/></svg> doesn't run the script per spec 2012-07-18 2012-08-09
17996 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Paragraph: Within 'The "in body" insertion mode' the paragraph 'A start tag whose tag name is "xmp"'. This paragraph causes browser to always handle an xmp tag with a p tag as ending the p tag involved. In default xmp is a block element and this is no pr 2012-07-18 2012-08-27
17997 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT HTML5 is missing mechanism for preventing clashes of vendor-neutral extensions 2012-07-18 2012-07-23
18017 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL you njust saved 2012-07-18 2012-07-18
18018 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA you njust saved 2012-07-18 2012-07-18
18019 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL you njust saved 2012-07-18 2012-07-18
18021 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Clarify paragraph about character references in tokenization.html 2012-07-18 2012-09-01
18022 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT i18n-ISSUE-105: compatibility caseless matching 2012-07-18 2012-10-01
18024 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Apply 'tag' (link type) to its nearest article or body element ancestor 2012-07-18 2012-08-25
18025 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Wiki documentation of Pragma directive requirements are unworkable as currently written 2012-07-18 2017-12-08
18027 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA xmlns=""><div class="starIcon"/><div class="mctc_nameAndOnline"><span class="mctc_name"> </span> <span style="display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 5px;"><span class="mctc_infoContainer_not_block"><span>26 </s 2012-07-18 2012-07-18
18028 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED I first saw this code suggested by Jeremy Keith in his excellent book HTML5 For Web Designers ( 2012-07-18 2012-09-25
18029 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <track> Live captioning 2012-07-18 2016-03-17
18030 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE WF3: Provide a way for the author to specify what kind of keyboard behaviour to use for text inputs on multimodal keyboards (e.g. show the numeric keyboard, capitalise the first character by default, etc) 2012-07-18 2012-07-23
18031 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Forbid use of canvas for decoration 2012-07-18 2012-09-15
18063 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL broken link for 5. Microdata 2012-07-18 2012-08-27
18197 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Second link in demos is 404 not found 2012-07-18 2012-08-27
18198 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL "Implemented" and "Ready for first..." overlap 2012-07-18 2012-08-27
18319 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Suggestion - Problem: The current HREF standard requires one link to go to one destination eliminating the option to check for a preferred content source and then fall back to a secondary source. With Application URI options linking to a native applicati 2012-07-18 2012-09-26
18322 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <object width="565" height="450"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="SameDomain" /><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="scale" value="noScale" /><embed width="565" height="450" scale="noSc 2012-07-19 2012-07-20
18325 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA no width, height, name, and other critical attributes 2012-07-19 2012-07-20
18330 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK if i used itemscope in html 4.01 it give me error, so What is solution for it. 2012-07-19 2012-07-19
18331 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL if i used itemscope in html 4.01 it give me error, so What is solution for it. 2012-07-19 2012-07-19
18336 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT There is no support for nested <optgroup>s. 2012-07-19 2012-07-19
18337 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE setRangeText() issues: Step 6, s/selection start/start/ s/selection end/end/. Step 8, "select" selectMode, s/selection end be end/selection end be start + the length of the value of the first argument/, similar issue in selectMode "end". 2012-07-19 2012-09-26
18338 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Registries (IANA): text/html MIME type definition should require that charset="" value be valid and correct 2012-07-20 2017-07-21
18339 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK When the parent element is not an HTML element, what directionality is inherited? 2012-07-20 2012-10-31
18340 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT The root element's directionality should be a UA-specific value 2012-07-20 2013-06-04
18343 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA XC ZX ZzXA CASXASc AS 2012-07-20 2012-07-20
18347 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Maybe this element would make more sense to developers familiar with JS to label this element as "event". This section is also rife with non-native web terminology and is confusing. This also seems to be an attempt to insert "js as html" where we had CS 2012-07-21 2012-09-26
18348 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Bad value copyright for attribute name on element meta: Keyword copyright is not registered. 2012-07-21 2012-09-26
18353 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Current input type color implementations 2012-07-23 2012-08-26
18354 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE isPointInPath(path, x, y) not defined 2012-07-23 2012-08-27
18360 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The example is invalid, regarding the specification described just above... accept list values in input type="file" aren't comma separated 2012-07-23 2012-08-25
18363 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The address type strings intl, postal, parcel and work are not included in the address type strings later on 2012-07-23 2012-08-26
18368 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT It's not intuitive to have hidden field in mode default. It easily breaks data consistency when the user clicks reset button and requires non-trivial client side coding efforts to correct it. Please see firefox issue 2012-07-24 2012-10-01
18381 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED canvas move up 2012-07-24 2012-09-03
18383 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED El "Content-Type" HTTP de "application/octet-stream" no es compatible 2012-07-24 2012-08-22
18387 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL there is no explanation of fast vs prefer-online 2012-07-24 2012-08-22
18388 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL there is no explanation of fast vs prefer-online 2012-07-24 2012-08-22
18390 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED we are hardware manufacturer. what do we need to prepare for supporting HTML5? 2012-07-25 2012-10-02
18391 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "If target browsing context was created in the previous step, or if the form document has not yet completely loaded, then let replace be true. Otherwise, let it be false." - this is wrong in the context of user initiated submits. No browser I've tested wi 2012-07-25 2012-12-30
18392 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK "The Properties and Promizes of UTF-8" moved 2012-07-25 2012-10-02
18393 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA dfsdfsdfdfd fddddddddddddddddddf fddddddddddddd 2012-07-25 2012-08-02
18398 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK MPEG-4 file can have: only one 'minf' box in a given 'mdia' box (see section of ISO/IEC-14496-12:2012), 2012-07-25 2012-12-30
18399 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA ewIn addition, user agents must implement the features defined in the DOM Parsing and Serialization specification, HTML Editing APIs, and UndoManager and DOM Transaction specifications that apply to their conformance class. [DOMPARSING] [EDITING] [UNDO] 2012-07-25 2012-09-03
18405 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL History API: Clearly define popstate event behaviour on page load 2012-07-25 2012-09-18
18409 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "(e.g. in the US, the key labeled "1" is historically also labeled with the letters A, B, and C)." Um, no? 1 is unlabeled. 2 is ABC, 3 is DEF, etc., up to 9 being WXY(Z). 2012-07-26 2012-10-02
18410 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Transparent, but with no interactive content descendants except for a elements, button elements, input elements whose type attribute are in the Checkbox or Radio Button states, and input elements that are buttons. 2012-07-26 2012-08-24
18412 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Dodododoodoooooo rjkng kngkjnkf nrkfnrk nken rfknerkfnrekn fek 2012-07-26 2012-08-02
18413 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "abort" algorithm being called from the navigate algorithm causes salvagable=false always 2012-07-26 2012-10-29
18414 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA This is a message 2012-07-26 2012-08-02
18416 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Turn WebSocket.binaryType into an enum 2012-07-26 2012-08-23
18417 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Web Storage, yay! more spyware for the spammers (advertisers). 2012-07-26 2012-07-26
18419 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED passwords for administrater 2012-07-26 2012-08-02
18422 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Is it deliberate that, in the case of an inline script, beforescriptexecute changing the script text doesn't change what is executed? This doesn't match gecko and seems mildly undesirable from an implementation perspective since you have to keep a seperat 2012-07-27 2012-10-12
18423 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The event fired with the click() method should have its isTrusted event set to false (because that is what Opera and Firefox do and because it makes sense) but there is nothing in this spec +DOM4 that makes that happen. 2012-07-27 2012-10-15
18425 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL The event fired with the click() method should have its isTrusted event set to false (because that is what Opera and Firefox do and because it makes sense) but there is nothing in this spec +DOM4 that makes that happen. 2012-07-27 2012-10-07
18426 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED estoy intersado e dar a conocer investigaciones en ciencias y humanidades, historia precolombina americana y etnias en la conquista de am 2012-07-27 2012-08-02
18430 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Let keywords be the result of 2012-07-28 2012-08-02
18432 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="it-en"/> 2012-07-29 2012-08-27
18433 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA test testes esresesresres es s 2012-07-29 2012-08-02
18434 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Driver Management concluded the process to install driver FileRepository\volsnap.inf_amd64_neutral_7499a4fac85b39fc\volsnap.inf for Device Instance ID STORAGE\VOLUMESNAPSHOT\HARDDISKVOLUMESNAPSHOT20 with the following status: 0x0. 2012-07-29 2012-08-02
18440 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK The non-HD 7-arg version of putImageData has gone AWOL 2012-07-30 2012-10-07
18448 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE createHTMLDocument xref broken 2012-07-31 2012-10-07
18449 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Maybe throw search engines and bloggers a bone by developing something like a "comments" or "feedback" element. Basically an element to house content that states that this section is outside of the author's control and therefore links and content in this 2012-07-31 2012-10-08
18456 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Writing equations is not east in HTML.It can be done, see for an example. My problem is I had to do that with <table> code and cannot do it within a paragraph. My suggestion would to add <trow> whic 2012-08-01 2012-08-27
18457 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <!--Begin: HTML Code--><script type='text/javascript' src='/proxy/'></script><!-- End: --> 2012-08-01 2012-08-23
18458 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED email pattern validation 2012-08-01 2012-09-03
18459 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE So, this makes it sound like the document base URL is computed every time that it's needed. But that doesn't seem to be true in Gecko/WebKit - in particular after pushState they don't recompute the document base URL. So the value probably needs to be stor 2012-08-01 2013-06-12
18464 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA f gre egfev egererfesfr esfsefs fvsfvrsv sfrsf vvrfs vs vfss vs v 2012-08-02 2012-08-02
18465 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK i like this data 2012-08-02 2012-08-02
18466 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <!DOCTYPE html> <!--[if lt IE 7]> <html class="no-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8 lt-ie7" lang="es"> <![endif]--> <!--[if IE 7]> <html class="no-js lt-ie9 lt-ie8" lang="es"> <![endif]--> <!--[if IE 8]> <html class="no-js lt-ie9" lang="es"> <![endif]--> <!--[if (gt 2012-08-02 2012-08-22
18469 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED This is tha message 2012-08-02 2012-08-02
18470 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Step 4.1 shoudn't be limited to top level browsing contexts; nested browsing contexts can also change their and behave in just the same way. 2012-08-02 2012-12-30
18472 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA teststing please ignore this 2012-08-02 2012-08-02
18473 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Spec causes continuous loop 2012-08-02 2012-10-08
18474 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Encoding Sniffing Algorithm: parent browsing context defines encoding default 2012-08-02 2012-11-25
18475 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Encoding Sniffing Algorithm: Overrides apply to nested browsing contexts 2012-08-02 2013-01-25
18479 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED It look to me like the default value for autocompete in a password element is "on" (if the attribute is never specified). It seems wrong. 2012-08-02 2012-10-08
18480 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Negative timestamps for TextTrackCues 2012-08-02 2013-04-15
18481 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK <form id="test"></form><button form="test" formaction="javascript:alert(1)">X</button> 2012-08-03 2012-10-08
18482 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Autocomplete keywords involving 'organisation' are not en-US 2012-08-03 2012-08-10
18487 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED link to same page 2012-08-04 2012-08-10
18489 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED I have no idea what this means 2012-08-04 2012-10-08
18491 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA input:not([type]), input[type="color"], input[type="date"], input[type="datetime"], input[type="datetime-local"], input[type="email"], input[type="month"], input[type="number"], input[type="password"], input[type="tel"], input[type="text"], input[type="ti 2012-08-06 2012-08-26
18492 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA input:not([type]), input[type="color"], input[type="date"], input[type="datetime"], input[type="datetime-local"], input[type="email"], input[type="month"], input[type="number"], input[type="password"], input[type="tel"], input[type="text"], input[type="ti 2012-08-06 2012-09-03
18493 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL input:not([type]), input[type="color"], input[type="date"], input[type="datetime"], input[type="datetime-local"], input[type="email"], input[type="month"], input[type="number"], input[type="password"], input[type="tel"], input[type="text"], input[type="ti 2012-08-06 2012-09-03
18496 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Registries (IANA): Change the IANA sections to refer to the new registration system and not IANA 2012-08-07 Fri 19:23
18498 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL "This replacement most not be recursive." 2012-08-08 2012-10-05
18503 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE setter creator on HTMLSelectElement/HTMLOptionsCollection should take a nullable HTMLOptionElement 2012-08-08 2012-08-23
18504 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Please refer to appendChild / replaceChild in the "set the value of a new indexed property" algorithm for for HTMLOptionsCollection 2012-08-08 2012-08-27
18506 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED html5 audio properties The audio element is limited, because it missing an previous, next and download button. 2012-08-08 2016-08-19
18518 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE MediaController should declare it extends EventTarget 2012-08-10 2012-09-17
18520 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT The <code> element should get a dedicated attribute for describing the computer language 2012-08-10 2013-03-22
18526 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <html dir="rtl"> <html xmlns="" dir="rtl"><head> <meta name="description" content="&#1575;&#1580;&#1605;&#1583; &#1607;&#1583;&#1610;&#1577; &#1602;&#1583;&#1605;&#1607;&#1575; &#1604;&#1581;&#1576;&#1610;&#1576;&#1603;"> <link 2012-08-10 2018-03-30
18527 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <html dir="rtl"> <html xmlns="" dir="rtl"><head> <meta name="description" content="&#1575;&#1580;&#1605;&#1583; &#1607;&#1583;&#1610;&#1577; &#1602;&#1583;&#1605;&#1607;&#1575; &#1604;&#1581;&#1576;&#1610;&#1576;&#1603;"> <link 2012-08-10 2012-08-22
18532 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Does any browser parse attributes in end tags? 2012-08-10 2012-10-10
18536 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED I have found a bug with the "footer" tag. I place it at the bottom of my html document of course, but it floats up to the top. 2012-08-11 2012-10-10
18541 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK The List of Elements table at the end of this spec has an error. The meter element and the progress element have a "form" attribute in the table, but in fact those 2 elements are not in form-associated category. And in normative sections of those elements 2012-08-13 2012-10-10
18543 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Historians would like to mark up dates before the year 0 as well. ISO 8601 supports negative dates. Why not HTML? 2012-08-13 2012-10-12
18544 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Typos in textarea elements' API value. ----Quote---- The element's API value is defined to be the element's raw value with the following transformation applied: 1. Replace every U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN U+000A LINE FEED (CRLF) character pair from the raw va 2012-08-13 2012-08-27
18545 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA hi ff fff ffff fff 2012-08-13 2012-08-23
18546 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA hi ff fff ffff fff 2012-08-13 2012-08-23
18553 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Please enter a description of the problem you have found, and then submit the comment again. 2012-08-13 2012-10-11
18554 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Wap. Phonertica .com 2012-08-14 2012-08-24
18559 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Hal ini ter masuk kepada ORANG line teman serumah BURUN kakak TUA dsb. 2012-08-15 2012-09-01
18560 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Flow content 2012-08-15 2012-10-19
18561 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Overlong forms 2012-08-15 2012-08-15
18562 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Overlong forms 2012-08-15 2012-08-15
18563 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA decode a byte string as UTF-8, with error handling 2012-08-15 2012-08-15
18564 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA decode a byte string as UTF-8, with error handling 2012-08-15 2012-08-15
18565 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK "stops parsing" should provide a stable state before step 6 (or maybe even before step 3) so that the resource selection algorithm's sync section gets to delay the load event before "stops parsing" goes on to fire the load event. 2012-08-15 2012-10-19
18566 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA resource metadata management 2012-08-15 2012-08-15
18567 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA resource metadata management 2012-08-15 2012-08-15
18568 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA ASCII case-insensitive 2012-08-15 2012-08-15
18570 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The media element event task source should probably be ditched and the DOM manipulation task source be used instead. Having some media events have undefined order compared to other tasks is just asking for trouble. ( 2012-08-15 2013-03-08
18582 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Input.value needs [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] for webcompat /gsnedders 2012-08-15 2012-10-19
18586 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "being updated is no the current" -> "not the current" 2012-08-16 2012-10-19
18604 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE In the following statement, it is unclear WHICH browsing context is being referred to: "13. The fetch algorithm must delay the load event of the browsing context.". Besides, there is no "load event" for the browsing context, only for document. I believe t 2012-08-17 2012-10-29
18605 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE popstate in traversal: "state changed" should be false if there's no /latest entry/. (it's dodgy to be firing popstate so early since most of the time you won't be able to detect it anyway, and the state can't have changed by then so why bother firing it) 2012-08-17 2012-09-18
18609 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT appcache: Enumerating appcaches 2012-08-17 2014-09-08
18612 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA if (Modernizr.geolocation) { // Aceita a feature } else { // N 2012-08-17 2012-10-10
18616 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Content model of <datalist> element caused contradiction. This <datalist> element's content model says ----Quote---- > Either: phrasing content. > Or: Zero or more option elements. ---- So if I read it correctly, the element cannot contain BOTH phrasing c 2012-08-18 2012-10-19
18617 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Fuck you peace of shit iPad. No memory having fuck 2012-08-18 2012-09-03
18618 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "Pages can add state objects between their entry in the session history and the next ("forward") entry." Since pushState first removes later history entries, nothing is really being added "between" two entries. 2012-08-18 2012-10-19
18619 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Last sentence is an incomplete sentence, making it hard to read. 2012-08-18 2012-10-19
18620 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA cria deixar o fundo fixo 2012-08-18 2012-09-01
18621 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED The placeholder attribute The phrase "when the element's value is the empty string and/or the control is not focused" does not make sense with an the "and/or" option. The way Chrome has implemented this attribute is more appropriate. This wou 2012-08-19 2013-03-27
18625 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Lakatosmunkák, gázkészülék szerviz, épületkarbantartás, ipari gépek javítása: ez mind a PA-Q Bt. Gyorsan, pontosan, garanciával! 2012-08-20 2012-09-01
18626 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE the history traversal task source should be emptied when traversing the history to another document, consider go(-1);go(-1); followed by the user going forward — is the second task still queued? 2012-08-20 2013-01-29
18628 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK :enabled pseudo-class is implemented uniformly, but differs from the spec 2012-08-20 2012-08-30
18631 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK [Proposal] Using URL.createObjectURL in ImageData (creating image) 2012-08-21 2012-10-16
18632 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Good explanation about canvas. 2012-08-21 2012-10-10
18644 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED No mechanism is provided to specify logical values for NULL, an empty array, or an array with a single element. This makes conversion from JSON to microdata impossible for some data sets. 2012-08-21 2013-01-30
18648 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Please add 'ssh' to the whitelisted schemes. This would be useful for the SSH terminal that is available in the Chrome Webstore. 2012-08-21 2012-10-12
18649 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <button> should represent a button _labeled by its contents_. 2012-08-22 2012-10-19
18650 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <a> should represent a hyperlink _labeled by its contents_. 2012-08-22 2012-10-19
18651 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Status of Technical Reports index. Feedback our public comments bug database. Please Submit Your IP. 2012-08-22 2012-10-19
18652 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Looks like a simple oversight: the named character references in "Named character references" and the DTD in "Parsing XHTML documents" don't include the isogrk2, isogrk3, and isogrk4 sets from 2012-08-22 2012-08-27
18658 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Your helping hacker s on my phone 2012-08-23 2012-10-19
18664 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE It seems that the "empty" step should run even if the UA is not processing the iframes' attributes for the first time 2012-08-23 2012-09-19
18665 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Content model: flow content--Really? Does it make sense to have bulleted list, headings etc. in a data cell? 2012-08-23 2012-10-26
18670 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Also use defined character sets for A-Z, a-z, and 0-9 (like with whitespace characters) 2012-08-23 2012-11-04
18671 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Find a solution to the problem of the IANA scheme registry being so incomplete (especially given web+) 2012-08-23 Fri 19:23
18674 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Regarding "3. If the result of executing the script is void (there is no return value), then the URL must be treated in a manner equivalent to an HTTP resource with an HTTP 204 No Content response." - nowhere is specified what exactly should be done in ca 2012-08-24 2012-10-29
18677 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Typo in title attribute note: apear 2012-08-24 2012-08-27
18679 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED If there's a microphone anywhere near you, assume it's hot and sending whatever you're saying to the world. Seriously 2012-08-24 2012-10-30
18685 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The srcset attribute is not in the index 2012-08-24 2012-10-30
18686 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED The error was: utf8 "\xE0" does not map to Unicode 2012-08-25 2012-10-30
18689 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA come correggo l'erore ? 2012-08-25 2012-09-01
18690 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL come correggo l'erore ? 2012-08-25 2012-09-01
18691 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK how are you 2012-08-25 2012-08-29
18692 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA on facebook i can see when i post a status 2012-08-26 2012-08-29
18700 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED i give u 2012-08-26 2012-08-29
18702 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The argument '/proxy/' in this line should be removed: port1.postMessage(['hello', 'world'], '/proxy/'); 2012-08-27 2013-04-12
18703 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED coordinate space units 2012-08-27 2012-10-31
18707 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE It seems that if you document.write from within the load event and then reload the window, it is as if the insertion point was defined (i.e. it reloads the original content, not the document.written content). So something about the interaction of the inse 2012-08-27 2012-11-27
18710 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA [Templates]: Trigger parse errors when template content does not match the template context. 2012-08-27 2015-08-28
18714 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Typo: "This replacement [most] not be recursive." => should be [must] 2012-08-28 2012-12-30
18715 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA A metadata name listed in the HTML specification or listed in the WHATWG wiki. You can register metadata names on the WHATWG wiki yourself. 2012-08-28 2012-10-02
18716 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK How is "created" defined? Say I call specifying a target that already exists as a different browsing context, will the opener browsing context be the NEW browsing context that called or the ORIGINAL browsing context? 2012-08-28 2013-01-25
18717 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL How is "created" defined? Say I call specifying a target that already exists as a different browsing context, will the opener browsing context be the NEW browsing context that called or the ORIGINAL browsing context? 2012-08-28 2012-10-12
18734 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE geo URI scheme should be whitelisted 2012-08-29 2012-10-12
18737 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The return value of getItem() should be DOMString? not DOMString, shouldn't it? Like the key() method, it can return null. 2012-08-29 2012-11-01
18741 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Somewhere the anti-looping behaviour should be specified since this works interoperably across browsers and seems to be a compat requirement for the web. It seems that if the iframe src resolves to a url of an ancestor browsing context, excluding the frag 2012-08-30 2012-12-01
18746 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Hi After trying out Offline Web Application features in several browsers (Opera, Chrome, Firefox) I unfortunately notice that none of them works the same, they are not compatible. As a web developer (not browser developer) I have some problems to deeply a 2012-08-30 2012-11-16
18751 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <canvas>: a way to get the coordinate of the last point in a path 2012-08-31 2016-04-21
18754 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE In step 2, should setLineDash abort with an exception? 2012-08-31 2012-09-20
18758 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Is the argument of setLineDash an array or sequence? 2012-08-31 2012-11-11
18761 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Check the version history, and uses of the word "recommended", and of the words "not recommended"... either we should have "not recommended" in the list of words, or we should have neither that nor "recommended". 2012-08-31 2012-11-11
18766 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED I'm not a fan of this spec. It lacks expressive power where needed. Specifically, no effort was made to establish parity with the expressiveness of JSON, the format that Microdata would be an ideal successor of. It would seem logical to position Microdata 2012-09-01 2013-03-20
18768 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA A AUTOBEM foi feita especialmente para facilitar o seu dia dia. Somos uma empresa especializada em SERVI�OS DE ASSIST�NCIA 24 HORAS para ve�culos e pessoas. Temos mais de 40 mil prestadores de servi�o em todos os pais. O cliente AUTOBEM conta com uma cent 2012-09-03 2012-09-03
18771 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Nuestro gabinete de Fisioterapia y Osteopat�a rompe con los est�ndares cl�sicos, presentando una est�tica vanguardista, relajante, y siempre con un trato personalizado, centrado �nicamente en usted. 2012-09-04 2012-09-06
18774 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL I believe that there are significant shortcomings in the HTML5 form validation specifications which could easily be remedied by a few simple additional features: Firstly, I would like to suggest the addition of a boolean "auto trim" attribute for text inp 2012-09-04 2012-10-19
18775 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Bellissima Italia: Voyages et circuits de groupes exclusifs! Meilleure qualit 2012-09-04 2012-10-10
18777 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE remove extra 'e' at end of misspelled word 'outlinee' 2012-09-05 2013-01-30
18779 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA the html element 2012-09-05 2012-10-19
18781 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Submit Review CommentHelp 2012-09-05 2012-10-12
18782 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA I am submitting a test comment here. 2012-09-05 2012-10-12
18783 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE imageSmothingEnabled should not be associated strictly with image scaling 2012-09-05 2013-02-04
18785 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <!--[if (gte IE 9)|!(IE)]><!--> <html class="not-ie no-js" <?php language_attributes(); ?>> <!--<![endif]--> 2012-09-06 2012-09-06
18788 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <video> Allow downloads to continue after user navigates away from the page 2012-09-06 2013-02-12
18789 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Revert misguided changes about HTMLCollection in rev 7320; see 2012-09-06 2012-10-30
18790 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Describing cell for an header cell in a data table 2012-09-06 2013-09-12
18792 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA i would like comment on you poist 2012-09-06 2012-09-06
18795 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Bad sentence structure "the path has a single subpath are four points" 2012-09-06 2012-10-19
18797 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK I am just starting out in this stuff, and plan on excelling highly, and I think you're work is good from what I can see, but don't let me judge you, I'm only a newbie. 2012-09-06 2012-10-11
18798 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA I am just starting out in this stuff, and plan on excelling highly, and I think you're work is good from what I can see, but don't let me judge you, I'm only a newbie. 2012-09-06 2012-10-19
18801 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Many inputs need to have border-box sizing in standards mode 2012-09-07 2013-02-06
18806 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Consider the feedback in: 2012-09-07 2012-11-23
18810 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Dauer: <span>1 Stunde, 30 Minuten<meta itemprop="duration" content="PT1H30M" /> </span> 2012-09-09 2012-10-10
18811 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Dauer: <span>1 Stunde, 30 Minuten<meta itemprop="duration" content="PT1H30M" /> </span> 2012-09-09 2012-10-10
18812 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Dauer: <span>1 Stunde, 30 Minuten<meta itemprop="duration" content="PT1H30M" /> </span> 2012-09-09 2012-10-10
18813 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Dauer: <span>1 Stunde, 30 Minuten<meta itemprop="duration" content="PT1H30M" /> </span> 2012-09-09 2012-10-10
18814 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Dauer: <span>1 Stunde, 30 Minuten<meta itemprop="duration" content="PT1H30M" /> </span> 2012-09-09 2012-10-10
18817 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA (spam-removed) 2012-09-10 2012-09-21
18820 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA here and group ambon maling list ilegal 2012-09-10 2012-10-19
18821 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA here and group ambon maling list ilegal 2012-09-10 2012-10-19
18822 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT The specification of the progress element and the meter element should not be in the forms section of the specification. That is confusing and non-helpful, and looks like an accident. 2012-09-10 2012-11-10
18824 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA html parsing algorithm possible bug wrt <p> & <div> 2012-09-10 2012-09-10
18825 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA In the second example, closing </head> is missing 2012-09-10 2012-09-11
18826 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA opportunities creatting attached with blocking messages public eye seen delaying tarminetated dawnloaded athoumatic cancel out allways secure by thy computer security gogle protection 2012-09-10 2012-09-11
18827 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA opportunities creatting attached with blocking messages public eye seen delaying tarminetated dawnloaded athoumatic cancel out allways secure by thy computer security gogle protection 2012-09-10 2012-09-11
18828 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA opportunities creatting attached with blocking messages public eye seen delaying tarminetated dawnloaded athoumatic cancel out allways secure by thy computer security gogle protection 2012-09-10 2012-09-11
18829 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA opportunities creatting attached with blocking messages public eye seen delaying tarminetated dawnloaded athoumatic cancel out allways secure by thy computer security gogle protection 2012-09-10 2012-09-11
18830 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA opportunities creatting attached with blocking messages public eye seen delaying tarminetated dawnloaded athoumatic cancel out allways secure by thy computer security gogle protection 2012-09-10 2012-09-11
18832 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Act as if a stream of character tokens had been seen (see below for what they should say). Act as if an end tag token with the tag name "label" had been seen. Act as if a start tag token with the tag name "hr" had been seen. Act as if an end tag token 2012-09-10 2012-11-10
18833 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT localStorage should be enhanced so that large objects/text can be retrieved asynchronously localStorage(key, callback); 2012-09-11 2012-10-10
18835 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT HTML 4 and XHTML 1 Transitional doctypes should be included as obsolete permitted doctypes 2012-09-11 2012-10-15
18836 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE onmouseenter and onmouseleave should be defined in the same places as onmousemove etc 2012-09-11 2013-01-31
18837 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE itemprop should only allow absolute URLs that are defined as being properties by some spec or other. (similar to how itemtype="" does it) 2012-09-11 2012-12-07
18840 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Fullscreen changes 2012-09-11 2012-12-05
18853 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> Only set one default track to showing 2012-09-12 2012-09-15
18854 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Make hyperlink navigation from clicking links asynchronously start /navigate/ rather than being synchronous as now 2012-09-12 2013-04-08
18858 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK There seem to be no way to specify HTTP headers like Accept in the request. Is that intentional? I assume the HTTP method is GET, but that is not stated. 2012-09-12 2012-09-28
18860 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The referrer isn't always a Document 2012-09-12 2012-09-12
18862 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE I don't quite grok the "and"s here; a more tree-like/boolean presentation of the circumstances under which <applet> represents its contents would probably be better? 2012-09-12 2012-11-25
18864 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <track> specify what happens with cues whose start/end times are outside the video timeline 2012-09-13 2012-10-12
18870 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Update references for CORS, DOM, Fullscreen, and XMLHttpRequest to point to their maintained copies on 2012-09-13 2012-12-05
18873 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE I'm assuming the "default" attribute is a boolean attribute? 2012-09-13 2012-11-25
18874 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Should the cookie property be enumerable and what should the [Has] operator return for cookies in the various situations? 2012-09-14 2013-03-28
18879 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Seems like this should be aborted at some point if you are in the process of unloading the document. In particular inserting new inline scripts (that would execute immediatley) during the various phases of unload doesn't seem to work. 2012-09-14 2012-11-30
18880 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <select name=c> in the example is missing an autocomplete="" attribute 2012-09-14 2012-11-25
18881 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT I'm not exactly sure is going on but internet explorer all of a sudden says it's not working then wants to close. I hate that, it dos it every day, everyone I time I log on. Isn't there something I could download to fix this problem with internet explor 2012-09-15 2012-11-25
18887 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="ja> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>Portfolio</title> <meta name="description" content="Portfolio"> <meta name="keywords" content="Portfolio,html5,css3.0, 2012-09-15 2012-10-18
18892 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <!-- clock.html --> 2012-09-17 2012-09-18
18893 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <track> Don't set default="" to hidden when there's a user pref 2012-09-17 2012-12-01
18905 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED n be made t 2012-09-18 2012-09-18
18917 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE As only WorkerGlobalScope implements WorkerUtils, merge them. 2012-09-19 2013-01-30
18919 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Encouraged cite attribute behavior is unlikely to be implemented and so should be dropped 2012-09-19 2012-11-25
18923 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED HTML5 - BUG <ul><li><span ... > ... </span></li></ul> ----------------------------------------------------- <ul> <li><span style="background-color:#6699ff; color:#003366; font-size:1.1em;">Medical Servies</span><br> We offer state-of-the-art equ 2012-09-19 2012-10-10
18936 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Allowing developers to set an expire time like it is currently with cookies would be nice. 2012-09-20 2012-10-10
18940 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA The "<param>" element is left open in this example, with no closing "</param>" tag. 2012-09-20 2012-09-21
18942 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "updates for at regular" and "for fetching performing search" 2012-09-20 2012-11-25
18945 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED This should link to a function for rendering elements like input or textarea to canvas. 2012-09-21 2012-11-25
18946 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "whenever" is not clear enough for implementation 2012-09-21 2012-12-02
18948 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL The Path() construcor (second occurrence) should be The path(path costructot 2012-09-21 2012-09-21
18949 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The Path() constructor (second occurrence) should be The Path(path) constructor [corrected version of prior comment] 2012-09-21 2012-11-25
18974 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Ana Roldan 2012-09-22 2012-10-19
18976 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK The entire page - I cannot scroll while it loads. 2012-09-22 2012-10-08
18978 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK I have a hard time to understand why we need to specify itemscope when we have an itemtype. like in: <section itemscope itemtype=""> I finally find this bug report but I th 2012-09-23 2013-05-08
18980 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Page did not load immediately; paused and then loaded 2012-09-23 2012-09-24
18981 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA;; 2012-09-23 2012-09-24
18982 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA;; 2012-09-23 2012-09-24
18983 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA;; 2012-09-23 2012-09-24
18984 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA;; 2012-09-23 2012-09-24
18985 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA;; 2012-09-23 2012-09-24
18986 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED "get the timed task" should explicitly reference [[Call]] 2012-09-24 2012-12-31
18987 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <iframe width='500' height='300' frameborder='0' src='/proxy/'></iframe> 2012-09-24 2012-11-25
18995 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Snippet: "The tabIndex IDL attribute must reflect the value of the tabindex content attribute. Its default value is 0 for elements that are focusable and −1 for elements that are not focusable." Comment: Default value of -1 for the tabIndex IDL attribute 2012-09-24 2012-10-12
18996 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Problem: There is not a direct way to POST data to an SSE server. For example, a large list of stock symbols (too long for a GET query string) that the SSE server is sending back real-time data for. Solution: Allow for an additional parameter to the Event 2012-09-24 2012-11-25
18999 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "unitl" -> "unit" 2012-09-25 2012-10-12
19000 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT I would like to see localStorage enhanced. localStorage could easily be enhanced to meet the needs for an offline database. A call such as localStorage(key, callback); should be available. This would provide an instantly understandable way for developers 2012-09-25 2012-10-10
19001 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <script> var pro 2012-09-25 2012-10-10
19006 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED what the hell ? 2012-09-25 2012-09-25
19012 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA …си в рубрике &laquo;про*SEO*ба&raquo;" rel="category tag">про*SEO*ба</a> </div> 2012-09-25 2012-10-19
19087 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA INAPPROPRIATE DISCRIMINATION! You may have inadvertently offended the good populace of New Zealand and its considerable number of ex-pat. In clause 2.2 "Conformance requirements", use of the word "kiwi" appears in the two examples. The KIWI is a bird th 2012-09-27 2012-10-10
19088 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Many of the items in this section seem to be written in an angry tone of voice. Is this really appropriate for a technical specification? 2012-09-27 2012-10-19
19095 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT As written, it seems that the lang IDL attribute just reflects the @lang attribute of the element, and not the "language of the node". If so, this is not very useful. If not, the spec could be clarified. 2012-09-27 2013-02-13
19099 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED There should be a standard method to ask contexts for the current state, as best as is known. E.g, text written (and not known to be overwritten) and active regions with the commands to which they link. - 2012-09-28 2012-12-30
19100 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED (See 19099) Allow retrieval of original text passed to fillText, strokeText, Path.addText, Path.addPathbyStrokingText, and alt text from Images passed to drawImage 2012-09-28 2012-12-30
19102 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE A semicolon-less named character reference in an attribute should also be treated as a parse error. 2012-09-28 2013-01-31
19103 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA hello, what is this page 2012-09-28 2012-09-28
19105 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA jQuery.cookie = function(name, value, options) { if (typeof value != 'undefined') { // name and value given, set cookie options = options || {}; if (value === null) { value = ''; options.expires = -1; 2012-09-28 2012-09-28
19117 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Email definition is too loose 2012-09-28 2013-05-16
19125 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Form "submit" event should bubble. 2012-09-28 2012-12-30
19146 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED I hate this errors with HTMLElement 2012-09-30 2012-10-08
19147 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT This is the same question Why Windows Updates never stop my computer to being infected by the Fake Anti-Virus for Years and Years, Answer: Because Windows Updates is Not an Enhancements for Windows or a Fix, NOT AT ALL Windows Updates are UpLoading - No 2012-09-30 2012-10-15
19148 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED SEC7114: A download in this page was blocked by Tracking Protection. 2012-09-30 2012-10-12
19150 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA If ^(?:)$ is implied, what should )|( as regexp do? 2012-09-30 2012-10-12
19153 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT In context.getImageDataHd, gramatically, the last sentence would be better written as "Returns data at the same resolution..." 2012-10-01 2012-10-12
19157 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <div class="sidebanner"> <a href="seminar/index.html"><img src="images/b_seminar.gif" alt=" 2012-10-01 2012-10-10
19160 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED permalink applies to 2012-10-01 2012-10-12
19161 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED which could be, e.g., a blog comment 2012-10-01 2012-10-12
19162 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Exampl Pictures: Kissat 2012-10-01 2012-10-12
19163 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED I now have a much 2012-10-01 2012-10-12
19206 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA interface HTMLVideoElement : HTMLMediaElement { 2012-10-02 2012-10-19
19211 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL The event handler processing algorithm talk about jumping to a code entry-point 2012-10-02 2013-11-11
19217 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA hdjsgd basmnd asd ashgd asmnd as sagh ad 2012-10-02 2012-10-10
19229 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <rt> element's section's definition is out of date relative to the new <ruby> spec 2012-10-02 2013-01-07
19232 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK how you doing? 2012-10-02 2012-10-12
19240 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA This is great! 2012-10-03 2012-10-03
19242 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Implementors should be aware that this specification is not stable. Implementors who are not taking part in the discussions are likely to find the specification changing out from under them in incompatible ways. Vendors interested in implementing this spe 2012-10-03 2012-10-03
19260 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK It is brilliant article!!! I love it 2012-10-03 2012-10-12
19261 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Амортизаторы KYB AGX Регулируемые, двухтрубные. Технология цементации штока и поршня - увеличен срок службы, выдерживают большие нагрузки. 2012-10-03 2012-10-12
19268 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA How can I use this program and setup a markup for Gustavo Diez 2012-10-03 2012-10-10
19272 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE in-band audio and video tracks should be cleared when loading a new resource 2012-10-04 2013-04-26
19280 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED jQuery.extend.ajax (jquery.js:3633) jQuery.fn.extend.load (jquery.js:3258) (anonymous function) (dsilva1223:625) (anonymous function) (jquery.js:3032) jQuery.extend.each (jquery.js:692) jQuery.extend.ready (jquery.js:3031) (anonymous function) (jquery.js: 2012-10-04 2012-10-10
19284 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Okay im appending the comments here. 2012-10-05 2012-10-08
19287 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED this is too difficult 2012-10-05 2012-10-10
19305 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED just have a look 2012-10-06 2012-10-08
19307 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <input type="search" /> 2012-10-06 2012-10-08
19319 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA ErrorEvent should be used in normal web pages too 2012-10-07 2012-12-27
19321 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK It appears to me to be unspecified what characters are _allowed_ for attribute names. Is it the ASCII [0-9a-zA-Z] as for tag names, or a specific set of Unicode character classes, or any Unicode character at all? 2012-10-07 2012-10-08
19327 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA format is not supported 2012-10-08 2012-10-08
19334 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <link href='/proxy/' rel='publisher'/> 2012-10-08 2012-10-10
19378 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK where bgcolor should occur in a html document 2012-10-09 2012-10-10
19379 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL where <body bgcolour="#FFFFFF">↩< should occur in a html document 2012-10-09 2012-10-10
19380 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED where <style type="text/css">↩< should occur in a html document 2012-10-09 2012-10-10
19388 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK "Note: The value of complete can thus change while a script is executing." -- it would be nice if this was not the case. Is it needed for Web compat or was it just blindly copied from IE? It seems Chrome doesn't do it. 2012-10-09 2012-12-30
19392 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED resize to 320 480 2012-10-09 2012-10-10
19449 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE fix commit script (re bugs) 2012-10-10 2012-10-10
19461 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA HTMl 1423: Malformed start tag.Attributes should be separated by whitespaces. 2012-10-11 2012-12-14
19473 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Allow forcing spellcheck of a field that would otherwise be delayed 2012-10-11 2012-10-22
19486 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK [Templates]: Parsing spec defines "current table" in terms of the fragment case 2012-10-11 2015-08-04
19487 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED [Templates]: Consider re-writing the foster-parenting as an algorithm 2012-10-11 2015-08-28
19491 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE There doesn't appear to be a way to create a worker by name. SharedWorker constructor requires always providing a correct URL. 2012-10-12 2013-01-29
19505 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Describe visual direction when document encoding is iso-8859-8 2012-10-12 2014-03-08
19506 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA ortodoncia invisible en colombia con el doctor juan carlos castano 2012-10-12 2012-10-17
19530 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA [Error 0021] The username or password you entered is incorrect 2012-10-14 2012-10-19
19533 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK isn't frameset deprecated in html5? 2012-10-14 2012-10-19
19537 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 111 222 333 2012-10-15 2012-10-19
19544 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Listing every codepoint ending in FFFE or FFFF individually is ... well, ugly, to say the least! 2012-10-15 2012-10-19
19545 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The use of "below" here leads one to scroll down looking for the rules. Should probably refer to #parsing as a whole somehow? 2012-10-15 2013-01-25
19547 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED The markup fragment doesn't match the rules that follow. The rules seem to assume that the th elements with scope=row have no scope attribute at all. 2012-10-16 2013-03-20
19549 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE option.text should skip script elements 2012-10-16 2013-01-26
19550 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Your are really great man......... 2012-10-16 2012-10-19
19551 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Your are really great man......... 2012-10-16 2012-10-19
19552 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Your are really great man......... 2012-10-16 2012-10-19
19554 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Needed: An Algorithmic "Hook" For Culling URL.objectURLs with autoRevoke=true 2012-10-16 2012-12-07
19560 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Should document.location be Unforgeable? 2012-10-16 2012-11-20
19573 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED WebWorkers would be more flexible, if WorkerGlobalScope would not be readonly(e.g. wrapping the self object) 2012-10-17 2013-06-03
19574 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE crossOrigin should be limited to only known values 2012-10-17 2013-06-10
19583 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Minor markup error in the source 2012-10-17 2012-10-19
19589 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 1852 Futbal - 2.J.K�rea - Ulsan-Jeonbuk 2012-10-18 2012-10-18
19590 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Please consider adding a step "Remove all characters from the [pending table character tokens] list" immediately after these have been processed. I got caught in a loop because these were being re-processed indefinitely 2012-10-18 2013-01-30
19604 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA why is it hard to browse www.profitclicking? it is always showing service unavailable why? 2012-10-18 2012-10-18
19605 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Bad value cleartype for attribute name on element meta: Keyword cleartype is not registered. 2012-10-18 2012-10-18
19608 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE in the form, there is no field named toppings as implied in 2012-10-18 2013-01-26
19609 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Setter and creator on DOMStringMap are the same operation and should be flagged as such 2012-10-18 2013-01-26
19611 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Should DOMStringMap use [OverrideBuiltins]? 2012-10-18 2013-09-02
19614 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The first step of close method algorithm isn't clear to understand. 2012-10-19 2013-02-06
19619 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Remove media="" from <source> if it isn't used 2012-10-19 2014-02-10
19623 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Make the BOM override HTTP for scripts 2012-10-19 2013-02-06
19643 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA This is sparta. 2012-10-20 2012-11-10
19644 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Error in defining the element category depending on the presence of the itemprop attribute. Does it make <meta> a flow or a phrasing content? 2012-10-20 2013-01-29
19645 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA find published 5HTML Authoring docment M3c serves 2012-10-20 2012-11-10
19647 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA find published 5HTML Authoring docment M3c serves 2012-10-20 2012-11-10
19648 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE 'display' of input[type=hidden] should always have computed value of 'none' 2012-10-21 2013-03-21
19649 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK "The wbr element represents a line break opportunity" I thought it was a word break. maybe I am wrong. 2012-10-21 2013-01-30
19650 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED the content model if-then-then-else-then-then-end logic is broken. please fix and make it more clear. 2012-10-21 2013-03-22
19651 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED the content model if-then-then-else-then-then-end logic is broken. please fix and make it more clear. 2012-10-21 2013-03-20
19653 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED what is this 2012-10-22 2012-11-10
19662 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Consider whether the source browsing context should ever be the incumbent script rather than the entry script 2012-10-23 2013-06-18
19664 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Submission of <option selected disabled> 2012-10-23 2014-07-22
19665 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT It could be interesting to be able to do event.stopPropagation() to cancel new version download (slow network, intensive downloads processing...) 2012-10-23 2013-01-30
19666 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Hitler was a good man... he left jews to show the cruelty of them. 2012-10-23 2012-11-10
19667 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Could be usefull to add a SLOWFALLBACK section for slow networks 2012-10-23 2012-11-10
19668 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA nononononononononononononononononononononon8iyti67857t tjyj.. tjm yu,'./,ononononononononononononononononononononononononononon8iyti67857t tjyj.. tjm yu,'./,ononononononononononononononononononononononononononon8iyti67857t tjyj.. tjm yu,'./,ononononono 2012-10-23 2012-10-24
19674 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED i cant log into the real mental health site chatrooms 2012-10-23 2012-10-24
19682 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA why i have this link and you software in my network i never get or contrac this page and this software can you please tell me why i will send copies to network police FBI this is my email 2012-10-23 2012-11-20
19686 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED codec 3.6.2 incomptable 2012-10-24 2013-01-30
19687 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA It's not entirely clear to me how this algorithm can be correct as Gecko/Opera appear to decode %-sequences when parsing the URL so you cannot have fragid and decoded fragid. 2012-10-24 2012-10-29
19698 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Autofocusing a form control: the autofocus attribute 2012-10-25 2012-11-19
19703 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Element does not exist in dom 2012-10-25 2012-11-24
19706 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The "note: these events are delayed..." comment appears as if refers to the following steps. Would suggest "Note: These caching progress events may be delayed...." 2012-10-25 2013-01-30
19713 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Processing of event handler return value is ambiguous 2012-10-26 2013-10-14
19732 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE datetime examples have fractional-second parts longer than three digits 2012-10-27 2012-12-05
19734 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK i have no idea 2012-10-27 2012-10-29
19745 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA $categories_string .= tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, $cPath_new) . '"' . $categories_img . '>'.tep_draw_box_list_top() . ''; 2012-10-28 2012-10-29
19747 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Attribute pubdate not allowed on element time at this point. 2012-10-28 2012-10-29
19755 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA inbox mass mailer 2012-10-29 2012-10-29
19787 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED The spacing is off 2012-10-30 2012-11-10
19792 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK what's the default css style of mark 2012-10-31 2012-11-02
19794 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Example track elements for FR and DE contain the unnessasary lang attribute. 2012-10-31 2013-01-30
19812 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA WHAT THE FUCK 2012-11-01 2012-11-01
19818 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Description of transformation in drawimage is confusing 2012-11-01 2013-03-25
19819 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The last 3 parameters to OnErrorEventHandlerNonNull should be optional 2012-11-01 2013-01-31
19823 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE An "overridden reload" doesn't set the "override URL", as far as I can tell, so what's the URL of an overridden reload? 2012-11-01 2013-02-04
19826 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA ase don't use section numbers as these tend to change rapidly and make your feedback harder to underst 2012-11-02 2012-11-02
19832 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT "mark { background: yellow; color: black; } /* this color is just a suggestion and can be changed based on implementation feedback */" - remove the comment based on 2012-11-02 2012-11-06
19838 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Broadcasting to many ports is relatively simple IN PRINCIPLE: keep an array of MessagePort objects to send messages to, and iterate through the array to send a message. However, this has one rather UNFORTUNATE effect: 2012-11-03 2012-11-16
19850 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK should the type and name attribute values be enclosed in quotes? 2012-11-04 2012-11-05
19879 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL multipart/form-data: general concerns 2012-11-06 2013-03-27
19883 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA go ahead and suck a succker 2012-11-06 2012-11-07
19892 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Please remove the monkey-patching of XMLHttpRequest now XMLHttpRequest defines these matters. 2012-11-07 2013-02-04
19893 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL document.referrer should be based on the script entry point 2012-11-07 2013-03-25
19903 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE img.completed doesn't support srcset. 2012-11-07 2012-11-08
19907 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Indicates that the current document is a part of a series, and that the next document in the series is the referenced document. 2012-11-08 2013-01-31
19921 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Please throw a JavaScript TypeError instead as per bug 19898 "TypeMismatchError" is obsolete 2012-11-09 2012-12-07
19924 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Additional rule for HTML parser 2012-11-09 2012-11-13
19929 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA fgggd ew w trettt t e tetretreter e tretreteertetet eret ettetertert 2012-11-10 2012-11-24
19930 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA find HTML5 published /TR/2011/CR-webstorg-201112081/ serves 2012-11-10 2012-11-11
19932 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Proposal: Add CanvasRenderingContext2D.fillRule 2012-11-10 2013-01-03
19935 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Remove "abbr on td and th elements" from obsolete section 2012-11-11 2013-01-31
19947 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Need to clearly define this objects for setTimeout and setInterval 2012-11-13 2013-03-06
19949 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK rel=tag is missing quotes here 2012-11-13 2012-11-13
19951 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED The itemprop attribute was specified, but the element is not a property of any item 2012-11-13 2013-01-31
19960 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA fruits do you l 2012-11-14 2012-11-14
19964 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The ol tag's list of attributes should include type, but does not. 2012-11-14 2013-01-31
19971 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE [CLDR] should be non-normative 2012-11-15 2013-01-31
19972 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA a b c d e f g h j 2012-11-15 2012-11-15
19973 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA This is a test to see if this form works. Trying it on IE v8. 2012-11-15 2012-11-15
19984 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Typo - s/attribue's/attribute's/ 2012-11-16 2012-12-31
19985 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA (Note: Your IP address and user agent will be publicly recorded for spam prevention purposes.) 2012-11-16 2012-11-16
19986 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The spec says "If candidates is empty, return null and undefined and abort these steps.", but I can't return both null AND undefined? Should it just return and abort the algo? 2012-11-16 2012-12-31
19998 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Possible omission in Constructing the form data set 2012-11-18 2012-11-18
20004 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Maybe DataTransfer should have a constructor, for use with synthetic events. If there are no use cases for synthetic drag events, maybe drop the DragEvent constructor instead? 2012-11-19 2013-03-06
20009 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "When a string value is a URLs" makes no sense. Needs rephrasing so it does make sense. 2012-11-20 2012-12-31
20010 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL "When a string value is a URLs" makes no sense. Needs rephrasing so it does make sense. 2012-11-20 2012-11-24
20012 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Security section of Location spec is all broken now 2012-11-20 2012-11-20
20013 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE readyState should be an IDL enum 2012-11-20 2013-03-29
20014 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA title or role 2012-11-20 2012-11-22
20024 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <select> needs to have border-box sizing by default 2012-11-20 2012-11-26
20040 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Very helpful for beginners 2012-11-22 2012-11-24
20041 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Please be explicit about the different event loops. 2012-11-22 2013-04-12
20042 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Please xref to MessagePort.postMessage. 2012-11-22 2013-02-05
20043 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "ECMAScript SyntaxError" xrefs DOM SyntaxError 2012-11-22 2013-02-05
20051 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED With the workers standard, does this imply a fully stateful apps in html5 can be implemented without any server side coding? That is, a desktop app that can run in both web and PC? 2012-11-23 2012-12-31
20057 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <meta content='true' name='MSSmartTagsPreventParsing'/> 2012-11-23 2012-11-24
20058 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL <meta content='true' name='MSSmartTagsPreventParsing'/> 2012-11-23 2012-11-24
20068 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Drop the "create an implied heading" steps from the outline algorithm. 2012-11-24 2013-02-08
20069 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE What heading for <hgroup>foo<h1>bar</h1></hgroup> in outline? 2012-11-24 2013-02-06
20070 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA GET /echo HTTP/1.1 Upgrade: WebSocket Connection: Upgrade Host: Origin: 2012-11-24 2012-11-24
20071 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Copypasta: the note here should talk about MIME types, not schemes. 2012-11-24 2012-12-31
20072 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Make use of the URL Standard 2012-11-24 2013-04-22
20074 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Never return a NodeList from HTMLOptionsCollection.namedItem 2012-11-25 2013-02-06
20076 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE [Microdata] sentence is scrambled 2012-11-25 2012-12-31
20077 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA [Microdata] surplus markup creates surplus li dot (typo) 2012-11-25 2012-12-31
20083 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT appcache: JS server worker idea 2012-11-26 2014-09-25
20084 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT appcache: add/remove specific files from JS 2012-11-26 2014-12-02
20090 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Uncaught Error: SECURITY_ERR: DOM Exception 18 2012-11-26 2012-12-05
20097 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED if action and formaction attributes are not required attributes ("if specified"), should there not be a default? 2012-11-27 2012-12-31
20114 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Inlining ruby 2012-11-28 2013-02-18
20115 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Double-sided ruby 2012-11-28 2013-02-18
20126 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Description of BDI element needs to be updated after a change in the CSS unicode-bidi:isolate spec 2012-11-28 2013-03-29
20132 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Status: Error: Username or password incorrect (403). 2012-11-28 2012-11-30
20134 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Error: Username or password incorrect (403). 2012-11-28 2012-11-30
20151 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Should the list of elements whose descendant text nodes do not determine the directionality of an element with dir=auto include input elements? Maybe other form elements as well? 2012-11-29 2013-03-27
20156 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED "the user agent intends to not attempt to fetch the resource"? My teacher wouldn't be happy with such a phrase. 2012-11-29 2012-12-31
20162 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "as defined by this speciication" type 2012-11-29 2012-12-31
20166 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <link rel=stylesheet scoped> 2012-11-30 2016-02-11
20168 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA This is test 2012-11-30 2012-11-30
20171 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE There is no clear statement when APIs for the text field selections can be applied 2012-11-30 2013-02-11
20187 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "is the value return by" typo, "returned" 2012-11-30 2012-12-31
20188 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "must also seek the to the time of the end" typo, extraneous the 2012-11-30 2012-11-30
20191 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Spell filename(s) consistently, prolly without space (currently dominating). (Ignore section.) 2012-11-30 2013-02-12
20192 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE means we can drop all mentions of 300x150 (here and elsewhere) 2012-11-30 2013-06-07
20195 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA at /usr/local/apache/htdocs/bugzilla_public/reports.cgi line 167 main::generate_chart(...) called at /usr/local/apache/htdocs/bugzilla_public/reports.cgi line 124 2012-12-02 2012-12-14
20200 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <meta name="distribution" content="global"/> 2012-12-03 2012-12-31
20203 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA EXAMPLE OF TAGS OF THE html 2012-12-03 2012-12-04
20204 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL EXAMPLE OF TAGS OF THE html 2012-12-03 2012-12-03
20209 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK “Art direction” use case not well supported by srcset 2012-12-03 2013-09-16
20210 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED No way to determine which source is being displayed 2012-12-03 2012-12-31
20211 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Lacks means to sensibly manipulate sources 2012-12-03 2012-12-31
20212 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <img> srcset syntax only supports 'mobile first' 2012-12-03 2014-08-05
20213 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Spaces in candidates 2012-12-03 2012-12-07
20214 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK <img> srcset="" lacks way to support different image types 2012-12-03 2014-09-30
20223 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA experia arcs 2012-12-03 2012-12-04
20226 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED iframe 404 error capture 2012-12-04 2012-12-07
20228 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "current table" doesn't seem to be referenced anywhere else in the spec 2012-12-04 2012-12-07
20235 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE This algorithm is not used. (It was moved to the DOM, where it is now being removed.) 2012-12-04 2012-12-05
20255 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Lacks means to sensibly manipulate sources 2012-12-05 2012-12-08
20256 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL No way to determine which source is being displayed 2012-12-05 2012-12-08
20259 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT The border attribute IS conforming in tables, with two only possible values: 1, indicating tabular data, and the empty string "" indicating presentational purpose. This gives direct and widely used heuristics indications. 2012-12-06 2012-12-07
20265 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA uploading opera pages for personalised web deal portals pages on the internet dormain host for less of free deal on your internet -sponsored by bidwell alfred ikpe -7is concept enterprises 2012-12-06 2012-12-07
20274 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Remove "border" on 'table' elements. Conforming with the values "1" and "" 2012-12-06 2012-12-07
20283 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA drag and drop 2012-12-07 2012-12-07
20285 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE should probably be ignored on documents that are not the current document in a browsing context 2012-12-07 2012-12-31
20286 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE method should use default values to simplify spec prose 2012-12-07 2013-04-12
20287 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE should use default values to simplify prose 2012-12-07 2013-04-12
20288 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Type argument to needs to allow "replace" as an alias for "text/html" 2012-12-07 2013-03-05
20292 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The term "media elements" is not linked here because it needs title="media element" 2012-12-07 2012-12-07
20297 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"> 2012-12-08 2012-12-08
20298 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"> 2012-12-08 2012-12-31
20300 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE getItems should use a default value for the optional argument 2012-12-08 2013-02-09
20301 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Document.designMode should be a WebIDL enum 2012-12-08 2013-01-02
20333 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED error the selection of message 2012-12-11 2012-12-31
20334 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Bad value classification for attribute name on element meta: Keyword classification is not registered. 2012-12-11 2012-12-31
20358 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Then, if the element is one of the void elements, or if the element is a foreign element, then there may b 2012-12-12 2012-12-31
20359 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED grammar - please remove the comma 2012-12-12 2012-12-31
20379 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Should Window's "document" property return the Window's document? 2012-12-13 2013-06-04
20380 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL This should define how to handle input and select elements. This would make microdata a useful way of specifying semantics in forms applications 2012-12-13 2012-12-13
20382 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA test for reported error 2012-12-13 2012-12-13
20383 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA This is a test message 2012-12-13 2012-12-14
20384 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL This is a test message 2012-12-13 2012-12-14
20385 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA This is a test message 2012-12-13 2012-12-14
20391 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Remove "text/javascript;e4x=1" from the MIME type list 2012-12-14 2012-12-31
20395 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Order of supported property names is not defined. See HTMLCollection in DOM for how this probably should be done. 2012-12-14 2013-02-13
20396 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Now DOM is updated to check for the name attribute on all elements HTMLAllCollection might need some alignment (or a new definition for supported property names). 2012-12-14 2013-04-09
20398 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL so what is done to slave phone 2012-12-15 2012-12-31
20399 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED so what is done to slave phone 2012-12-15 2017-11-28
20409 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED how to send "a\rb" message over text/event-stream EventSource? for "a\nb" the event-stream should be: "data: a\ndata: b\n\n", but "\r" will be replaced by "\n" by current algorithm. 2012-12-17 2013-03-25
20418 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Make sure positioning for <dialog> is always defined relative to the ICB 2012-12-17 2014-02-07
20421 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE It is not entirely clear what the behavior for elements with contentEditable="false" should be. 2012-12-18 2013-03-05
20432 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Ale to jest fajne 2012-12-18 2012-12-18
20433 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Ale to jest fajne 2012-12-18 2012-12-18
20436 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE document.all equality comparison language is imprecise 2012-12-18 2013-01-05
20437 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK S/events are fired on the Window objecys/events are fired on the Window objects/ 2012-12-18 2012-12-31
20449 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE img[border] should apply even if it's not contained within a hyperlink 2012-12-19 2013-01-11
20467 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL help find my iphone i have prtg network 2012-12-21 2012-12-21
20469 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED please help me find my stolon iphone 4 thanks 2012-12-21 2012-12-21
20470 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Suck my balls 2012-12-21 2012-12-21
20471 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Please don't use section numbers as these tend to change rapidly and make your feedback harder to understand. 2012-12-21 2012-12-21
20472 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE spec doesn't make it clear that <title></title> is non-conforming 2012-12-21 2012-12-31
20484 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Add [PutForwards=cssText] on's definition. 2012-12-21 2012-12-30
20495 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE HTMLTableElement.insertRow should use 'optional long index = -1' instead of implying missing == -1 in prose 2012-12-22 2012-12-30
20496 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE valueAsNumber's setter should be "double", not "unrestricted double". Or the prose needs to handle NaN/Infinity. 2012-12-22 2013-02-13
20497 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA server sent event 2012-12-23 2012-12-27
20513 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA administrator acoount deleted accident 2012-12-24 2012-12-27
20517 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Step 4 of the "get an attribute" algorithm is labeled "Attribute name" however that label is not referenced anywhere else. 2012-12-26 2012-12-30
20520 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Add links for implementors from the non-obsolete IDL sections to the obsolete IDLs so that implementors don't forget the old stuff 2012-12-26 2013-02-10
20521 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE drop <a media> and <area media> - they were added around 2005 but there doesn't seem to be a use case 2012-12-26 2012-12-30
20524 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE We should come up with a more intelligent default sorting algorithm. 2012-12-27 2013-03-02
20526 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK This "sorted" attribute seems misleading to me, conveys a different meaning (a state, "sorted") 2012-12-27 2013-01-30
20530 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED For example, to hide the outline from links and instead use a yellow background, you could use: :link:focus, :visited:focus { outline: none; background: yellow; color: black; } 2012-12-28 2012-12-30
20533 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE menu button should not have an activation behaviour if it is not in a document 2012-12-29 2012-12-30
20534 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED hidden document fling 2012-12-30 2012-12-30
20536 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA This is here 2012-12-31 2013-01-01
20537 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA what is this 2012-12-31 2013-01-01
20538 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED this thing sucks 2012-12-31 2013-01-01
20539 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE this thing sucks 2012-12-31 2013-01-01
20540 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA You need to implement a CAPCHA, this will prevent spambots. Try RECAPCHA 2012-12-31 2013-01-01
20541 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK it's what i want! 2013-01-01 2013-01-02
20542 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED how to delete a context menu 2013-01-01 2013-03-06
20543 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA … Atom" href="" /> 2013-01-01 2013-01-02
20544 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA context . restore() 2013-01-02 2013-01-02
20548 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA , and a U+0078 LATIN SMALL LETTER X character. 2013-01-02 2013-01-02
20549 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Need to define "corresponding event handler" 2013-01-02 2013-03-06
20551 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 15624 broken bow rd#1 apple valley ca 92307 2013-01-02 2013-01-02
20553 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK HTMLOptionsCollection.add() method throws in most browsers for out of range values 2013-01-02 2013-03-06
20558 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <canvas> addHitRegion(): "The pixels contained in source path." should say that the pixels are established using the current fill rule. 2013-01-04 2013-04-26
20564 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE HTMLTableRowElement.insertCell argument should default to -1 2013-01-04 2013-03-08
20569 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <canvas> stroke(): "then fill the combined stroke area" should say to use the current fill rule (or maybe always use the non-zero rule?) 2013-01-05 2013-04-26
20570 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Remove the indexed deleter. It is the only one in the platform and this type of API is not preferred. 2013-01-05 2013-09-12
20571 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Need to mention the IDL concepts "indexed property setter" and friends 2013-01-05 2013-10-04
20578 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Need to define the interaction of "scripting is disabled/enabled" with script execution in various cases 2013-01-06 2013-06-06
20579 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Should entering designMode disable scripting for the document? 2013-01-06 2013-03-14
20580 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Need to define behavior when multiple submissions happen more clearly 2013-01-06 2013-06-19
20581 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE Please don't reference [FILESYSTEMAPI]; there is no implementation interest 2013-01-06 2014-09-07
20585 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Make fieldset invalid if it contains an invalid form control 2013-01-07 2013-04-15
20594 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Note: Your IP address and user agent will be publicly recorded for spam prevention purposes 2013-01-08 2013-03-07
20616 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA what is this 2013-01-09 2013-03-07
20617 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Awesome tutorial svdv dbfb dbggfbv fgbvreb ergerv ergvergv ertgveg egver regver 2013-01-09 2013-01-25
20618 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED opra on line 2013-01-09 2013-03-07
20621 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK valid time string point 4 is oddly expressed 2013-01-09 2013-03-07
20624 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Should the html in the example not be lowercased, and is it a good idea to mix block-level and inline content such as the h1 and img in the header? 2013-01-09 2013-03-07
20630 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Need to define case-sensitivity of CSS attribute selector value matching 2013-01-10 2013-01-11
20636 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Should onfullscreen* be on Document too? 2013-01-10 2013-01-10
20637 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Remove onfullscreen* from HTML 2013-01-10 2013-06-06
20638 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Is scoped required if 'style' is not in 'head'? The wording is too vague. Validators raise errors for missing 'scoped', but here it is described as optional. 2013-01-10 2013-04-12
20646 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL HTMLTableRowElement.insertCell should use 'optional long index = -1' instead of implying missing == -1 in prose 2013-01-11 2013-03-08
20648 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED It is not always appropriate to place a heading in a NAV. However, if we leave it out most screenreaders will announe something like "Unnamed navigation". One solution is to put in a heading, but hide [...] 2013-01-11 2013-04-12
20649 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE 2.5.5 defines all dates as proleptic, even when they're not 2013-01-11 2013-03-07
20652 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK fuck you lol 2013-01-11 2013-01-11
20655 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA GET HTTP/1.1 :host: cookie: k=; guest_id=v1%3A135794063725430575; original_referer=ZLhHHTiegr%2BUxdE [...] 2013-01-13 2013-02-14
20656 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE document.body setter step 4: The root element can be null. 2013-01-13 2013-04-12
20657 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Does (or should) the |translate| attribute of a non-HTML ancestor element affect the translation mode? 2013-01-13 2013-03-08
20659 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED A corresponding "pushstate" event would be very useful in some cases (e.g. read some of ). My particular usecase is for userscripts for sites that use the HTML5 H [...] 2013-01-14 2013-04-12
20666 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Should define navigator.product for web compatibility 2013-01-14 2013-03-09
20667 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Methods and atrributes 2013-01-14 2013-01-25
20668 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED "reconnection time" could not be setted before connection (through options) same for lastEventId 2013-01-15 2013-05-16
20670 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED An ul is commonly used by authors for things like galleries, product-listings and even form-elements. Should the spec not include a note stating if those usages are allowed or not? 2013-01-15 2013-03-09
20678 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK API to expose HTTP cache information for same-origin resources 2013-01-15 2015-08-07
20690 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED very interesting new element 2013-01-16 2013-03-13
20692 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Can I send this text message? 2013-01-17 2013-03-13
20695 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED 10 new features 2013-01-17 2013-01-25
20701 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Security: Redesign how cross-origin-visible objects work (Location, Window) 2013-01-17 2017-11-27
20703 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Make this xref (the-id-attribute) work. 2013-01-18 2013-03-15
20709 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE ruby { display: ruby; } should probably set text-indent:0 also 2013-01-19 2013-03-14
20711 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "represent" points here to the styling section which is kinda confusing giving the whole separation from markup and style thing. 2013-01-19 2013-03-13
20720 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Define HTMLSelectElement.remove() (without argument) to do the same as ChildNode.remove() 2013-01-21 2013-09-30
20721 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS WONT Why not using src attribute with dataURI instead srcdoc ? 2013-01-21 2013-01-25
20722 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK how to set table border color in HTML5. I found that use table is so terrible! Are you standard that can get support? 2013-01-21 2013-01-24
20739 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT If the MessagePort fired a 'disconnected' method when the other side goes away, then the array of MessagePort objects could be cleaned up and we would not need PortCollection. 2013-01-22 2013-03-15
20740 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT document outlining issues 2013-01-22 2013-05-15
20741 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Her er lort 2013-01-23 2013-01-23
20744 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Hello dude wass up?? 2013-01-23 2013-02-10
20745 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Hello dude wass up?? 2013-01-23 2013-02-10
20747 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 2 HRS 23 MIN 15 SEG 2013-01-23 2013-02-07
20748 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED GET / HTTP/1.1 Upgrade: websocket Connection: Upgrade Host: Origin: http://localhost Sec-WebSocket-Key: k2towQT28s50DtKptTjZbg== Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13 2013-01-24 2013-03-18
20754 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Why do we need "figcaption" if we already have "caption"? "caption" is currently supposed to be inside a "table", but it could be redefined for use in other containers like "figure". 2013-01-24 2013-03-19
20755 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED "caption" could take a "for" attribute that works like "for" for "label". So you can define a caption for any (?) block level element. 2013-01-24 2013-03-19
20761 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK I personally don't feel that the aside element should be used for advertisement purposes. Many times advertisements have nothing to do with the page you are viewing. Google's Adsense bases its adverti [...] 2013-01-24 2013-03-19
20763 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Granny Ballyclare Big Coumpr work Sean Clugston Aulder Ctren Lare Qeen Ctren DVDS Form Robyn Natalie Vesan 2013-01-24 2013-03-19
20768 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT TCP/IP disconnect detection issue AFAIK, only Chrome(WebKit?) uses TCP keepalive with 45 sec. interval; anyway, it is not easy to use native EventSource in other browser: there are no tcp keepali [...] 2013-01-25 2013-04-30
20770 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK this is a good arctical ;) 2013-01-25 2013-01-31
20771 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED موقع مختص بجميع برامج الهكر والايميلات والحمايه والدورات الهكر عالمنا وفهمك علينا (ايمن الشبيب) 2013-01-25 2013-01-31
20774 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 8.7.6事件摘要 8.7.7 可拖动属性 8.7.8 悬浮窗属性 8.7.9安全风险的阻力和模型 8.7拖放 准备好第一个实现 测试:2 - 查看... 最新的Internet Explorer测试版:完 2013-01-25 2013-01-25
20775 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Define element interface 2013-01-25 2013-09-12
20778 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED apx gear googel 2013-01-25 2013-03-20
20779 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Add a dfn for concept-cd-data 2013-01-26 2013-03-20
20780 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE option.text: replace single space characters with U+0020 characters too 2013-01-26 2013-03-21
20785 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA The iframe element; 4.8.3 The embed element; 4.8 2013-01-27 2013-03-21
20786 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Section "read-multipart-x-mixed-replace" selected. Comment: 2013-01-27 2013-02-13
20790 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED The postMessage design outlined in the W3C document edited by Ian Hickson is not good! The design of the cross document messaging by Ian Hickson (Google, Inc.) is very bad. Even the last version is n [...] 2013-01-28 2013-04-29
20791 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL From <h1>The postMessage design outlined in the W3C document edited by Ian Hickson is not good!</h1> The <a href=" [...] 2013-01-28 2013-03-21
20803 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK where's the edit subscribtion option??? it seems you have bad css & javascript in your website. i really want to unsubscribe! 2013-01-29 2013-03-21
20805 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA password<html xmlns=""><head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>File Password</title> <script type="text/javascript" async="" sr [...] 2013-01-29 2013-03-21
20821 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE What happens if you spin the event loop from inside "perform a microtask checkpoint"? (showModalDialog, document.close()...) 2013-01-29 2014-02-05
20824 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Specify the main element 2013-01-30 2013-02-01
20826 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Should not the constructor function be CanvasRenderingContext2D (with a capital D at the end)? 2013-01-30 2013-03-22
20827 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <meta name="publisher" content="WEB-CONCEPT-44 - Frank Reiser - Dresden"> 2013-01-30 2013-03-22
20866 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK "Chapter 2: My Toys — The Book of the Boy" example has a dubious implied header; either add it explicitly, or restructure it to be a one-page book, or move the <h1> into the <section>, or add anothe [...] 2013-02-04 2013-02-13
20870 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA edition for web authors 2013-02-05 2013-03-22
20871 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA edition for web authors 2013-02-05 2013-03-22
20875 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Bad value Content-Language for attribute name on element meta: Keyword content-language is not registered. 2013-02-05 2014-07-30
20880 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK When a max attribute is specified, should that replace the base step of 1970-01-01 or should it only be replaced when a min value is specified? In this example, the latest Chrome does not change the [...] 2013-02-05 2013-03-26
20883 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Tiefbau bauleistungen aller Art Nahwärmenetze vermittlungen 2013-02-06 2013-03-25
20884 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVAИзготовление,установка и строительство заборов..,а также деревянных секций, автоматических ворот... 2013-02-06 2013-03-25
20886 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Strengthen definition of "ASCII-compatible character encoding" to match § 2013-02-06 2013-05-31
20888 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK The src attribute value must be a valid, non-emtpy value, but the next paragraph says that if the url is empty or doesn't resolve Track URL is the empty string. I'm not sure how to interpret this. Should I reject 2013-02-06 2013-03-26
20889 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The src attribute value must be a valid, non-emtpy value, but the next paragraph says that if the url is empty or doesn't resolve Track URL is the empty string. I'm not sure how to interpret this. Sho [...] 2013-02-06 2013-02-06
20893 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <input type="submit" value="submit" /> 2013-02-07 2013-03-26
20895 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Not all "reflect"s in this section are linked 2013-02-07 2013-03-26
20897 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The web-page jumps a few seconds after page load 2013-02-07 2013-03-26
20898 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Poster attribute for audio element to be used with subtitles in track element 2013-02-07 2013-03-27
20922 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "If the value is an IPv6 address, then the square brackets from the host component must be omitted from the attribute's value." is really quite vague. 2013-02-09 2013-06-03
20923 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Need a crazy mode for the %-decoder 2013-02-09 2013-04-09
20928 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE " stringifier attribute DOMString href; " 2013-02-09 2013-04-09
20929 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "Any object implementing URLUtils has an associa..." 2013-02-09 2013-04-09
20931 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL why is link type "up" missing? 2013-02-09 2013-10-22
20939 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Clarification of the effect of sandboxing on security and choosing of a browsing context by name. 2013-02-09 2013-07-12
20940 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA a bvb ww rrr yywww w was ha 2013-02-09 2013-03-27
20942 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE [URL] s/Kestern/Kesteren/ in Anne's name 2013-02-10 2013-03-07
20951 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT FETCH: Instead of the "force same-origin" flag, use CORS-enabled with "No CORS, fail" mode instead 2013-02-11 2013-11-19
20969 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE “An entire Document can be marked as blocked by a modal dialog dialog.” is the last "dialog" needed or just a typo? 2013-02-12 2013-04-14
20977 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Bad value submit for attribute type on element button 2013-02-12 2013-03-22
20979 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Typo (double word): If the min attribute attribute is specified,... 2013-02-12 2013-03-27
20980 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Typo (double word): If the max attribute attribute is specified,... 2013-02-12 2013-03-27
20986 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA фы вы фы фы вфыв ыв фыв выф 2013-02-13 2013-03-25
20990 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Make javascript: processing only happen in nav, not fetch 2013-02-13 2013-04-10
20997 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA gfr erwf erf werf erf wer wfr wer fw 2013-02-14 2013-03-25
20998 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA ads dsasd 2013-02-14 2013-03-22
20999 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA ads dsasd 2013-02-14 2013-03-22
21000 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED help me in face google and youtube i need them to work 2013-02-14 2013-03-25
21019 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The pointer to the obsolete members of HTMLBRElement should probably be in the IDL block 2013-02-16 2013-02-23
21021 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK i love you 2013-02-17 2013-04-09
21024 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED yes I can read your chats. 2013-02-17 2013-04-09
21026 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE First paragraph: "The label represents..." should be "The label *element* represents... 2013-02-17 2013-04-10
21027 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE First paragraph, "...either using for attribute,..." should be "...either using *the* for attribute,..." 2013-02-17 2013-04-10
21028 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache, must-revalidate" /> 2013-02-17 2013-04-10
21029 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache, must-revalidate" /> 2013-02-17 2013-04-10
21030 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <meta name="revisit-after" content="2 days" /> 2013-02-17 2013-03-22
21031 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED meta name="geo.placename" content 2013-02-17 2013-04-10
21033 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA wwwww w w w w w w w w 2013-02-18 2013-02-21
21038 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Programmieren von Photos 2013-02-18 2013-02-21
21039 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Programmieren von Photos 2013-02-18 2013-02-21
21043 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS WORK Use an optional NamedConstructor argument for HTMLAudioElement 2013-02-19 2013-04-15
21044 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE HTMLImageElement's constructor should use optional arguments 2013-02-19 2013-03-14
21046 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED WHATWG HTML and W3C HTML 5.1 Nightly should sync each other as much as possible 2013-02-19 2014-01-15
21051 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK "Enabling and disabling of form controls" allows disabling a parent element to disable that element's contents if and only if that element is a fieldset. However, the ability to do such group disablin [...] 2013-02-19 2013-03-25
21058 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Changing base.href has undefined behavior on img.src 2013-02-20 2013-11-18
21070 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Define that :any-link matches any element that either matches :link or :visited. 2013-02-21 2013-04-15
21071 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED i want to get cpp library 2013-02-21 2013-03-25
21075 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Turn _object into object as IDL no longer restricts identifiers. 2013-02-21 2013-02-21
21077 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <canvas>: Add winding rules to canvas 2d specification 2013-02-21 2013-05-04
21084 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Clarify that only certain attributes need translation, such as alt="", title="", lang="", perhaps href="", hreflang="", but not attributes such as class=""/id=""/style="". 2013-02-22 2013-04-04
21085 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Clarify that only certain attributes need translation, such as alt="", title="", lang="", perhaps href="", hreflang="", but not attributes such as class=""/id=""/style="". 2013-02-22 2013-02-22
21087 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Spec repeats potential Gecko bugs about encoding defaults as the truth 2013-02-22 2013-06-13
21089 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA dg hdfghdfgh dfgh dfghdfghdfghdfghdfgh dfgh dfghdfgh dfgh dfghdfgh dfg 2013-02-22 2013-03-25
21092 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE It’s “choosing” not “chosing”! 2013-02-22 2013-04-12
21093 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <td valign="top"> 12:34 pm (5 minutes ago) </td> 2013-02-22 2013-04-12
21095 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED InnerHtml IsUsed 2013-02-23 2013-04-09
21096 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT afdsfas asdf asdf asdfa sdf sadf as 2013-02-23 2013-03-25
21097 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE p5 typo: "cat illstrations" 2013-02-23 2013-04-12
21106 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK "resulted in any any instances" 2013-02-25 2013-04-12
21122 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL there is ambiguity here regarding whether a non-void normal element must have an end tag. mozilla seems to think that this section on normalelements means that close tags are optional. therefore thei [...] 2013-02-26 2013-04-01
21123 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE sorrt, had this on elements-0 incorrectly earlier. there is ambiguity here regarding whether a non-void normal element must have an end tag. mozilla seems to think that this section on normalelements [...] 2013-02-26 2013-04-26
21133 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <title>Photo gallery</title> </head> <body> 2013-02-26 2013-04-12
21138 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Editable inline fields 2013-02-27 2013-04-12
21142 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Remove HTMLBaseFontElement interface 2013-02-27 2013-09-02
21152 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Thanks for the purpose of informative submit. I i'm pleased certain this submit has made it easier for me save many hours of perusing other matching posts to find just what I needed. Just I would like [...] 2013-02-28 2013-03-25
21160 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "Steps in synchronous sections are marked with ⌛" should be in the typography section too. 2013-02-28 2013-04-12
21161 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT peer to peer 2013-03-01 2013-04-12
21162 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Rule 2 of "any other end tag" appears to be too strict; probably should be "If node is not an element with the same tag name as the token, compared in an ASCII case insensitive manner ... " This cove [...] 2013-03-01 2013-05-31
21165 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA putang inaputang inaputang inaputang inaputang inaputang ina 2013-03-01 2013-04-12
21167 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "the implementation throw an": missing "must"? 2013-03-01 2013-04-12
21173 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT The logic that checks the usability of the image is not correct 2013-03-02 2013-06-03
21176 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <html b:version='2' class='v2' expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' xmlns='/proxy/' xmlns:b='/proxy/' xmlns:data='/proxy/' x [...] 2013-03-03 2013-04-12
21177 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE localised -> localized 2013-03-03 2013-04-12
21180 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Please correct 2013-03-03 2013-04-12
21183 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <canvas> Need to add more (realistic) examples of the use of canvas 2013-03-04 2013-06-01
21185 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <canvas> "empty subpaths with zero points" contradicts "each subpath consists of a list of one or more points" 2013-03-04 2013-06-03
21186 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "path" should link to #concept-path. 2013-03-04 2013-04-12
21188 WHATWG HTML ian VERI FIXE Default styles should not set direction on every element 2013-03-04 2013-06-10
21194 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Explanation required: why has <command> been replaced with <menuitem>? And why type="context" substituted by type="popup"? ( 2013-03-04 2013-04-12
21196 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA [mispaste] 2013-03-05 2014-02-26
21206 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED You need to have a glossary of terms. People who are new to the subject have no way to come up to speed. 2013-03-06 2013-03-25
21216 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Should the exceptions thrown by add(element, before) include "abort these steps"? 2013-03-08 2013-04-12
21224 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED ob das so funtioniert?? 2013-03-08 2013-04-12
21233 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE Consider making canPlayType return an enum 2013-03-09 2013-04-13
21234 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED drag data store default feedback 2013-03-09 2013-04-12
21237 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED How about that an <li> element which is a child of a <ul> element consists only one <hr> element treats a separator of the list between list items before the <li> element and ones after it? 2013-03-10 2013-04-14
21239 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Rules 4-10 in the "obsolete permitted DOCTYPE string" section can be simplified: "4. One of the public identifiers shown on the table below, surrounded on each side by a matching U+0022 QUOTATION MARK [...] 2013-03-10 2013-04-01
21241 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Please enter your feedback, carefully indicating the title of the section for which you are submitting feedback, quoting the text that's wrong today if appropriate. If you're suggesting a new feature, [...] 2013-03-11 2013-03-25
21247 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA IS NOT ON 2013-03-11 2013-03-22
21249 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK In the second example: "Three Text nodes". Shouldn't it actually be two, since the Script element presumably doesn't count as a text node? 2013-03-11 2013-04-12
21250 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <title>Worker example: Stock ticker</title> <script> // TICKER var symbol = 'GOOG'; // default symbol to watch var ticker = new Worker('ticker.js'); // [...] 2013-03-11 2013-04-12
21259 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Shouldn't it be possible to set a value-property on every tag? E.g.: <span itemprop="sex" value="M">Guy</span> 2013-03-12 2013-04-12
21260 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Incident Identifier: F7128F5C-FD03-487D-926C-70AE0D9110DB CrashReporter Key: f51bda3e12c09d0ca480deaf8c018e454f131010 Hardware Model: iPhone5,1 Process: imagent [48] Path: [...] 2013-03-12 2013-03-25
21273 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Multiviewer shared worker example seems broken 2013-03-13 2013-04-13
21278 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Need to define what "elements" is for Window named lookups 2013-03-14 2013-04-14
21279 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA principais ambientes de programa��o XHTML 2013-03-14 2013-03-22
21280 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA principais ambientes de programa��o XHTML 2013-03-14 2013-03-22
21281 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA principais ambientes de programa��o XHTML 2013-03-14 2013-03-22
21282 WHATWG HTML ian VERI FIXE Add more specific prose/note clarifying allowed characters in ID names. (e.g., Can they start with a number now?) 2013-03-14 2013-06-01
21285 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Hi, Very interesting reading! Not sure if you want typos to be reported but in the description of the p element (under Grouping content) there is a small typo: speciication instead of specificatio [...] 2013-03-14 2013-03-25
21286 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Support newlines in <textarea placeholder> 2013-03-14 2013-10-02
21287 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED type attribute is obsolete ul type 2013-03-14 2013-03-22
21288 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE void importScripts(DOMString... urls); shouldn't be in the "obsolete" partial interface 2013-03-14 2013-04-15
21289 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Notification of change to navigator.language (locale change) 2013-03-14 2014-09-29
21294 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK possible fix needed in <figure> specification? 2013-03-14 2013-07-02
21296 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Clarify what poster frame means. 2013-03-15 2013-04-29
21297 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL appcache: It would be good to have a way to add/remove items from the cache using the API (dynamic application cache) 2013-03-15 2013-04-13
21303 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA i see all this bull shit i been caught you but it dosent matter just know we are hiv positive and i hope you understand 2013-03-15 2018-10-29
21304 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL i see all this bull shit i been caught you but it dosent matter just know we are hiv positive and i hope you understand 2013-03-15 2013-04-14
21306 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA class="html7magic"><label for="pass">Contrase�a</label></td></tr><tr><td><input type="text" class="inputtext" name="email" id="email" value="" tabindex="1" /></td><td><input type="password 2013-03-15 2013-04-14
21308 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE HTML5 parser does inspect the namespace of elements on the stack of open elements 2013-03-16 2013-07-03
21310 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Shouldn't this say "textAlign" not "textBaseline"? 2013-03-16 2013-04-01
21312 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The get an attribute algorithm should say what to do if it reaches the end of the byte stream before the end of the attribute name or value is reached. Probably it aborts the algorithm with the attrib [...] 2013-03-16 2013-04-23
21316 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT close all publish and hide data. close all bug information. and close puplic 2013-03-17 2013-03-25
21317 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Bad value language for attribute name on element meta: Keyword language is not registered. 2013-03-17 2013-04-01
21319 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE appcache: How compression should affect quotas 2013-03-18 2013-10-23
21324 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED add meta template 2013-03-18 2013-04-01
21325 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Property value for <meter> and <progress> should be the value of value attribute 2013-03-18 2013-04-14
21329 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE createImageBitmap() references the ImageData object's pixel density, which is currently undefined. We should probably have getImageData() and createImageData() create ImageData objects with 1dpppx den [...] 2013-03-18 2013-04-23
21330 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <link rel=icon href=favicon.png /> 2013-03-19 2013-04-01
21331 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href=""> 2013-03-19 2016-06-25
21335 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "This constructor must be visible when the script's global object is either a Window object or an object implementing the WorkerGlobalScope interface" - it would be better to describe this as extending the window object 2013-03-19 2013-04-23
21337 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <canvas> createImageData(0,0) and createImageDataHD(0,0) should probably throw IndexSizeError for consistency with getImageData*. 2013-03-19 2013-06-03
21342 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Overlapping another thing. 2013-03-20 2013-03-22
21343 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Overlapping another thing. 2013-03-20 2013-03-22
21346 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <canvas>: Have ImageBitmap expose height and width attributes 2013-03-20 2014-05-15
21350 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED This section is non-normative. - jargon 2013-03-20 2013-03-21
21352 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Bad value resource-type for attribute name on element meta: Keyword resource-type is not registered 2013-03-20 2013-04-01
21353 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED While I can't find it on this page, presumably the valid characters in an attribute value does not include : So wherever the spec is for valid chars in attribute value, that's the answer for this one. 2013-03-20 2013-04-14
21360 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED the usage of an input element is defined by the value of its ________ attribute 2013-03-21 2013-04-14
21361 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED function saveTabData(tab, data) { if (tab.incognito) { chrome.runtime.getBackgroundPage(function(bgPage) { bgPage[tab.url] = data; // Persist data ONLY in memory }); } else [...] 2013-03-21 2013-03-25
21377 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE onchange event on input type=range is handled differently across browsers: 2013-03-22 2013-04-01
21379 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "The textBaseline attribute's allowed keywords are as follows:" <-- Shouldn't "textBaseline" be "textAlign" and "direction" respectively in both instances where this sentence occurs? 2013-03-23 2013-04-01
21381 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA test - please ignore 2013-03-24 2013-04-01
21384 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT If this is meant to serve as a tool to make custom alert, confirm and prompts and at the same time server as a replacement for showModalDialog, then there should be an option to halt javascript execut [...] 2013-03-25 2013-04-14
21385 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA i have a trouble of my facebook account..its about trouble linking to my phone or facebook,,i cant open my fb.please help 2013-03-25 2013-03-25
21397 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA [NamedConstructor=Image(optional unsigned long width, optional unsigned long height)] interface HTMLImageElement : HTMLElement { attribute DOMString alt; attribute DOMString src; [...] 2013-03-26 2013-04-01
21398 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Regarding Disk Space Limitations. My company currently produces a series of web applications that are built to be used in the field - sometimes in remote or isolated locations where internet access [...] 2013-03-26 2013-04-14
21405 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE [editorial] Add a "Tag omission" subsection to the "head" of the spec section for each element 2013-03-26 2013-04-01
21406 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE [editorial] In "Content attributes" for each element, provide a very brief prose description of the purpose of each attribute 2013-03-26 2013-03-28
21410 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE [HTML] editorial: <div class=impl> wrapper around 6 section headers 2013-03-27 2013-03-28
21411 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA ok this is search field 2013-03-27 2013-03-28
21415 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE stepUp/stepDown should define the default in IDL rather than prose 2013-03-27 2013-03-28
21416 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE No definition for disentangle algorithm 2013-03-27 2013-06-04
21418 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK I'm working on html5 apps which need to have offline work capability and am using localstorage. But we have a huge challenge of supporting multiple browsers. Localstorage specification does not sp [...] 2013-03-28 2013-03-28
21428 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "script element: No role" — it strikes me that <head>, <style>, <script>, <noscript> when scripting is enabled, etc, should probably have aria-hidden=true implied and forced (strong semantic). 2013-03-28 2013-05-29
21440 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: <link> element definition is missing "Contexts..." 2013-03-29 2013-04-15
21441 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: switch conditions 2013-03-30 2013-04-15
21442 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: repeated words 2013-03-30 2013-04-11
21443 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Shouldn't the text "receive messages from the worker" be "receive messages FOR the worker"? 2013-03-30 2013-04-14
21447 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS WONT [HTML] editorial: un-numbered algorithm steps 2013-03-31 2013-04-20
21487 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: "Add to the newly create task" 2013-04-01 2013-04-15
21488 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA manner, especially across 2013-04-01 2013-04-01
21502 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT [HTML] editorial: algorithm simplification 2013-04-02 2013-04-14
21504 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">↩<html 2013-04-02 2013-04-14
21505 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE This algorithm does not work well for data URLs. The origin of a data URL resource is a unique identifier. That seems broken for data URLs found in the same document. 2013-04-02 2013-05-30
21506 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Data URLs should not inherit the origin after a redirect. 2013-04-02 2013-09-12
21507 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA For example, the parsing of certain named character references in attributes happens even with the closing semicolon being omitted. It is safe to include an ampersand followed by letters that do not f [...] 2013-04-02 2013-05-30
21508 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL For example, the parsing of certain named character references in attributes happens even with the closing semicolon being omitted. It is safe to include an ampersand followed by letters that do not f [...] 2013-04-02 2013-04-10
21509 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA hu igig iig i iig i i yg igig i 2013-04-02 2013-04-10
21510 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA hu igig iig i iig i i yg igig i 2013-04-02 2013-04-10
21524 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA saucisson sec d'auvergne.Vente en ligne de charcuterie d'auvergne. saucissons secs, jésus long bridé et noix d'épaule 2013-04-02 2018-05-03
21552 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE store String(getSelection()) on mouseup and compare it to the value when the comments are submitted 2013-04-02 2013-04-13
21553 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT place further document-conformance constraints on use of <main> 2013-04-02 2013-06-27
21554 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT make hgroup non-conforming (as far as document conformance) 2013-04-02 2013-04-22
21557 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 6.3.1: "then2" 2013-04-02 2013-04-11
21561 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE the input type=image element's ismap attribute is missing from the spec 2013-04-03 2013-04-11
21567 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED video not loaded 2013-04-03 2013-04-03
21572 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The term ‘RCDATA elements’ is obscure; there's no clue in the spec as to why it's called that. 2013-04-03 2013-06-11
21573 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 4.6.21: missing "be" 2013-04-03 2013-04-15
21576 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED cant reach lower sections 2013-04-04 2013-04-11
21587 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE Consider making the arguments to alert, confirm, prompt optional 2013-04-05 2013-04-14
21588 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE execCommand IDL: WebIDL requires using double quotes instead of single quotes for the default value 2013-04-05 2013-04-12
21590 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK 'Function' on WindowTimers doesn't appear to be defined 2013-04-05 2013-05-31
21598 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 4.6.21: "thost" 2013-04-05 2013-04-11
21601 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE "The useMap IDL attribute must reflect the usemap content attribute.": 'usemap' not xreffed 2013-04-06 2013-04-12
21602 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE This is spelled requestFullscreen (lowercase s) by similarly to allowFullscreen. 2013-04-06 2013-04-11
21604 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: "the first step" 2013-04-06 2013-04-11
21605 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "For each node in nodes, check if the element is a top-level microdata item, and if it is then get the object for that element and add it to items." -- Probably should be " .. get the object for that [...] 2013-04-07 2013-04-11
21609 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 6.6.10: missing "run" 2013-04-07 2013-04-11
21616 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: "use" -> "user" 2013-04-08 2013-04-11
21617 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Do not limit e-mail address labels to 255 characters 2013-04-08 2013-06-16
21624 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE In definition of 2D rendering context, s/left/right/: “The x-coordinate of the left-most edge is equal to the width of the rendering context…” 2013-04-08 2013-04-15
21625 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="ko" lang="ko"> <head> [...] 2013-04-08 2013-04-11
21628 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE removeHitRegion(): “Removes a hit region (and all its ancestors)” should be “all its descendants” (all of which it is an ancestor) 2013-04-08 2013-04-11
21630 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Error: The itemprop attribute was specified, but the element is not a property of any item. 2013-04-08 2013-04-11
21631 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE Clarify the mess in "commit the scratch bitmap" regarding which task source is being used for the tasks 2013-04-08 2013-07-15
21632 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Clarify the relationship between task sources and event loops 2013-04-08 2013-06-18
21633 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Consider removing <link> matching :link/:visited, make clicking rendered <link>s do nothing, etc, to match most browsers 2013-04-08 2013-04-11
21636 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK The rules for ProcessingInstruction may be wrong; processing instructions actually end in "?>" not just ">". 2013-04-09 2013-04-11
21637 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE active frame element dfn: "parent element" not xreffed 2013-04-09 2013-04-12
21638 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE It's non-obvious if frame.src should reflect as a URL 2013-04-09 2013-04-12
21639 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE typo: elmeent should be element (step 4 of the algorithm, fire a simple event named invalid at the form ELEMENT 2013-04-09 2013-04-11
21645 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: "perform the next step asynchronously" 2013-04-09 2013-04-11
21648 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 4.11.7 + non-code DOMException names 2013-04-10 2013-04-24
21651 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "This constructor must be visible when the script's global object is either a Window object or an object implementing the WorkerGlobalScope interface." is different language than what the worker spec [...] 2013-04-10 2013-04-24
21653 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 4.8.11 + missing "exception" 2013-04-10 2013-04-14
21654 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: throw & abort 2013-04-10 2013-04-22
21656 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS DUPL First argument to HTMLMediaElement.addTextTrack should be an enum 2013-04-10 2013-04-12
21657 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE Use IDL default values for second and third arguments to HTMLMediaElement.addTextTrack 2013-04-10 2013-04-12
21658 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Address this feedback: 2013-04-10 2013-05-31
21659 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: "the user agents" 2013-04-10 2013-04-14
21661 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: "resoluting" 2013-04-10 2013-04-14
21662 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 6.6.11: "the set" 2013-04-10 2013-04-14
21663 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: missing "the" 2013-04-11 2013-04-14
21665 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED I'm playing a little with the sample code and I've found that jshint identifies the following issue, maybe it is something you might want to fix. [...] 2013-04-11 2013-04-11
21668 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT .src needs TreatNullAs=EmptyString. Gecko tried without and got at least one breakage report on nightly and everyone does EmptyString today. 2013-04-11 2013-10-25
21673 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <area> says it can be used "Where phrasing content is expected, but only if there is a map element ancestor", but there doesn't seem to actually be a normative requirement to that effect? 2013-04-11 2013-04-13
21674 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Security: Spec doesn't match reality for named access to cross-origin frames 2013-04-12 2017-03-09
21676 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK "The abbr IDL attribute of the td element must reflect the respective content attributes of the same name." s/attributes/attribute/ 2013-04-12 2013-04-13
21677 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Allow multiple labels on for-attribute. Sometimes you have a form that has multiple fields all sharing the same label. e.g. when you allow a user to add multiple items which are then inserted using javascript. 2013-04-12 2013-04-13
21681 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA window.location.href = "" 2013-04-12 2013-04-13
21682 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA IDLinterface HTMLHtmlElement : HTMLElement { 2013-04-12 2013-04-13
21683 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA IDLinterface HTMLTitleElement : HTMLElement { 2013-04-12 2013-04-13
21685 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA inventing HTML, without 2013-04-13 2013-04-13
21689 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED The problem is "i think someone changed my password".I don't know why.So if u can solve ,please help me.I waiting thankfuly.Good luck & God bless with U. 2013-04-14 2013-04-15
21690 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED /*! * Copyright (c) 2011 Simo Kinnunen. * Licensed under the MIT license. * * @version ${Version} */ var Cufon=(function(){var e=function(){return e.replace.apply(null,arguments)};var v=e.D [...] 2013-04-15 2013-04-15
21691 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 6.7.4: "algorith" 2013-04-15 2013-04-15
21692 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 4.9.1: "number if items" 2013-04-15 2013-04-15
21694 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: fire an event using a task source 2013-04-15 2013-04-15
21695 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Clarify "the task is queued in the context of X" 2013-04-15 2013-06-04
21704 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 4.9.13: "roup" 2013-04-16 2013-04-20
21705 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 6.6.11: "even" -> "event" 2013-04-16 2013-04-20
21707 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 10.2.2: "in the background" 2013-04-16 2013-04-20
21712 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Kill <blink> 2013-04-16 2013-06-06
21724 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS WONT [HTML] editorial: 2.7.6: "executing script" 2013-04-16 2013-04-20
21726 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 4.9.13: "one the number" 2013-04-17 2013-04-20
21728 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 4.10.20: "either are greater" 2013-04-17 2013-07-15
21729 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 6.1.6: missing "the" 2013-04-17 2013-04-20
21732 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT hu pu so we can be cay and butt fuck 2013-04-17 2013-04-19
21734 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: "salvageable" 2013-04-17 2013-06-04
21735 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE select: item/namedItem return values should be nullable 2013-04-17 2013-06-04
21736 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT select: consider adding a named getter (implemented in Gecko) 2013-04-17 2013-06-04
21738 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 6.6.1: misplaced "either" 2013-04-17 2013-04-20
21743 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 4.9.13: "Returned to the step" 2013-04-18 2013-04-20
21745 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 8.7.4: odd "to" 2013-04-18 2013-04-20
21747 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Line 1, Column 14912 2013-04-19 2013-04-19
21750 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "If the meta element has no content attribute, or if that attribute's value is the empty string, then abort these steps." --Probably should be ".. or if that attribute's value is the empty string or c [...] 2013-04-19 2013-06-04
21751 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE i love you :* 2013-04-19 2013-04-19
21753 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: non-italic references to labelled steps 2013-04-19 2013-07-15
21754 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: un-referenced step labels 2013-04-19 2013-07-15
21755 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: "labelled" 2013-04-19 2013-04-20
21756 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 4.8.4: odd format for step-label & references 2013-04-19 2013-07-15
21757 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT [HTML] editorial: referring to steps by number 2013-04-19 2013-06-04
21759 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Redundancy in "Contexts in which this element can be used" for <dialog> 2013-04-21 2013-06-04
21761 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Suggestion new feature : reference highlights/underline etc : Problem : People suggest lots of web articles in their site or presentation, but it's very difficult and time consuming to extract what [...] 2013-04-22 2013-04-23
21769 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: missing period 2013-04-22 2013-07-15
21770 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE <dialog>: The <dialog> positioning logic needs to support vertical writing modes. 2013-04-22 2016-12-15
21771 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE WindowModal.returnValue should be |any| 2013-04-22 2013-07-02
21779 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Should there not be an entry here to colgroup between caption and thead? 2013-04-23 2013-06-04
21780 WHATWG HTML aardi79 RESO DUPL A DOM attribute that returns the language of a node 2013-04-23 2014-04-11
21787 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Setting <area>.href to a relative URL should set the content attribute to the listeral value instead of resolved value, to match browsers and what the spec requires for other reflecting URL attributes [...] 2013-04-23 2016-01-24
21791 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Shouldn't wrap be limited to only known values? 2013-04-23 2013-06-04
21792 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED "cite content attribute" not xreffed 2013-04-23 2013-06-04
21793 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Shouldn't type be limited to only known values? 2013-04-23 2013-06-06
21800 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED s/b "site, which composition is" 2013-04-23 2013-06-04
21804 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE somersaults/1">Part 2</a></p> s/b somersaults/2">Part 2</a></p> 2013-04-23 2013-04-27
21805 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 7.6: "ofd" 2013-04-23 2013-04-28
21808 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE [HTML] editorial: 9.3.3: odd wording 2013-04-23 2013-06-04
21809 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED [Templates]: <template> should allow <body> as a child 2013-04-24 2015-08-04
21815 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Bitcoin is not generic like mailto. It's a single implementation of cryptographic currency. It seems similar to using outlook: instead of mailto:. 2013-04-24 2013-06-05
21816 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 4.8.11: "run following the steps" 2013-04-24 2013-07-15
21820 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE :indeterminate should match radio buttons when no radio in the group has been selected yet. 2013-04-24 2013-07-13
21823 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Having status always return empty string is not web-compatible 2013-04-25 2013-06-06
21829 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE No easy way to find all fingerprint icons within the specification. 2013-04-25 2013-06-05
21831 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE [HTML] editorial: 12.2: error handling for parse errors 2013-04-25 2013-06-12
21835 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <canvas>: Path object should have a way to add paths keeping only the union given a fill rule 2013-04-26 2016-04-21
21837 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK [editorial] Add "ARIA attributes" subsections to the "head" of the spec section for each element 2013-04-26 2015-08-28
21841 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA function change(fum) { var changestyle = document.getElementById(fum).style; changestyle.color = "black"; changestyle.backgroundColor = "lightgray"; [...] 2013-04-26 2014-12-02
21842 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL function change(fum) { var changestyle = document.getElementById(fum).style; changestyle.color = "black"; changestyle.backgroundColor = "lightgray"; [...] 2013-04-26 2013-06-05
21843 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL function change(fum) { var changestyle = document.getElementById(fum).style; changestyle.color = "black"; changestyle.backgroundColor = "lightgray"; [...] 2013-04-26 2013-06-05
21844 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL function change(fum) { var changestyle = document.getElementById(fum).style; changestyle.color = "black"; changestyle.backgroundColor = "lightgray"; [...] 2013-04-26 2013-06-05
21845 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL function change(fum) { var changestyle = document.getElementById(fum).style; changestyle.color = "black"; changestyle.backgroundColor = "lightgray"; [...] 2013-04-26 2013-06-05
21846 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL function change(fum) { var changestyle = document.getElementById(fum).style; changestyle.color = "black"; changestyle.backgroundColor = "lightgray"; [...] 2013-04-26 2013-06-05
21849 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO FIXE Remove .style and say "HTMLElement implements ElementCSSInlineStyle;" but only if the UA supports CSS. Also see 2013-04-26 2013-06-07
21858 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE This is a callback, not a callback interface. 2013-04-28 2013-06-06
21859 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE [Callback] no longer exists. FunctionStringCallback should become a callback if possible ("callback FunctionStringCallback (DOMString data);"), or a callback interface with a handleEvent operation if not. 2013-04-28 2013-06-06
21863 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Wow! Thanx that was alot of help 2013-04-29 2013-04-30
21864 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Wow! Thanx that was alot of help 2013-04-29 2013-04-30
21865 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK trash lal lol pewpewpew 2013-04-29 2013-06-06
21870 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE No summary of the menu attribute under "Content attributes:" 2013-04-29 2013-06-06
21871 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Consider adding <marquee> event handler attributes for onstart/onfinish/onbounce 2013-04-29 2013-06-06
21873 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <canvas>: anticlockwise parameter of ellipse is optional or not. 2013-04-30 2013-05-06
21874 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED It would be very useful to be able to include custom headers during the initial handshake. Specifically, the use case in mind is for authorization headers. 2013-04-30 2013-06-12
21875 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE open() doesn't always produce an insertion point, but write() assumes it does 2013-04-30 2013-05-28
21876 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE It would be nice to distinguish error events. For example, specific errors should be generated for access control failures and for different kinds of underlying network failures. 2013-04-30 2013-06-18
21883 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 8.7.7: "the draggable DOM" 2013-04-30 2013-08-02
21884 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 4.8.1: "the src attribute and the srcset attributes" 2013-04-30 2013-07-14
21895 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS WORK Require non-empty URL for @cite, and let empty @cite (like empty @src) be without effect 2013-05-01 2013-05-29
21901 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <input type='color'> is said to not support readonly but implementations do it 2013-05-02 2013-06-13
21927 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA I have told you! 2013-05-04 2013-06-07
21928 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: extraneous right-parens 2013-05-05 2013-07-15
21930 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED value guardat a la Web SQL 2013-05-05 2013-06-07
21932 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Primitive-valued dialogArguments should not be visible cross-origin 2013-05-06 2013-06-14
21933 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Unable to get image data from canvas because the canvas has been tainted by cross-origin data 2013-05-06 2013-06-07
21935 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Salve, mi chiamo Stefania e lavore nel campo della salute e del benessere 2013-05-06 2013-06-07
21938 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Why don't you add the datetime attribute onto the <blockquote> element in order to present when the author read the cited text? 2013-05-06 2013-06-07
21939 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <canvas>: Path introspection 2013-05-06 2017-07-21
21940 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: handling attributes with the same name 2013-05-06 2013-07-15
21942 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 6.3: missing "to" twice 2013-05-06 2013-07-15
21943 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Security on measureText is unneccessary 2013-05-06 2013-06-07
21946 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Ignoring non-null values of opener does not seem to be web-compatible 2013-05-07 2014-05-29
21949 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Inside this complete clusterfuck, there isn't an _explanation_ of what origin is. It is irrelevant how you build it. Just tell what you use it for. 2013-05-07 2013-06-07
21961 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA The running mutation observers flag is never checked anywhere, so reentrancy is not prevented. 2013-05-08 2013-06-09
21964 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED It would seem the select element itself cant use datalist which seems either an oversight or simply short sighted as I can think of dozens of cases where it would be valuable 2013-05-08 2013-06-07
21970 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Window.opener probably needs to be visible cross-origin 2013-05-08 2013-06-14
21972 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED onresize should get the same treatment as onblur et. al. (Or possibly all the body event handlers?) 2013-05-08 2013-06-14
21978 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK "This is defined using the EventHandler callback interface type." s/interface/function/ 2013-05-08 2013-06-07
21983 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Remove BarProp and its uses 2013-05-09 2014-05-16
21989 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Grammar suggestion: "This does not imply that the user interface needS TO be linear." 2013-05-09 2013-06-14
21990 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Certain HTML attributes should use flow-relative directional mappings to CSS 2013-05-09 2014-09-26
21991 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Certain HTML attributes should use flow-relative directional mappings to CSS 2013-05-09 2013-05-09
21996 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED There should be a way to leave the color field blank as it is the case with other fields. E.g. see 2013-05-10 2014-07-29
21997 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE form "indexed for named property retrieval", step 1: should look at elements with form owner equal to the form element, not just descendants 2013-05-10 2013-06-18
21998 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Why are srcdoc documents not always standards mode? 2013-05-10 2013-06-12
21999 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED turn off family safety filter 2013-05-10 2013-05-28
22000 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED turn off/on family safety filter 2013-05-10 2013-06-07
22001 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE [HTML] editorial: "queue a task" ambiguity 2013-05-10 2013-06-14
22004 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: missing event targets 2013-05-11 2013-07-15
22005 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 8.7.5: "event named drag event" 2013-05-11 2013-07-15
22011 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <textarea id="comments" name="comments" maxlenght="50" rows="2" cols="50" spellcheck="true" placeholder="Inserisci un tuo commento.." ></textarea> 2013-05-11 2013-06-07
22012 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 4.8.1: extraneous comma 2013-05-11 2013-07-14
22015 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE TextTrack should have an id attribute 2013-05-13 2013-06-09
22021 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK [HTML]: svg diagram depicting content types missing main 2013-05-13 2013-06-08
22024 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK I see that there is iframe element, but there are no frameset and frame in elements table. Is there any good reason for this? We're currently using the spec to autogenerate code for watir-webdriver OSS project. 2013-05-14 2013-06-07
22025 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE For <menuitem>, "in body" mode redirects to "in head", which will cause an infinite loop. 2013-05-14 2013-05-28
22026 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE For <pre>, <listing>, and <textarea>, the "next token" is not well-defined. For example, does a NULL character token count, if it is ignored by tree construction? 2013-05-14 2013-06-17
22027 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL For <pre>, <listing>, and <textarea>, the "next token" is not well-defined. For example, does a NULL character token count, if it is ignored by tree construction? 2013-05-14 2013-05-14
22030 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED html page structure 2013-05-14 2013-06-08
22031 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL html page structure 2013-05-14 2013-06-08
22033 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: "argument false" 2013-05-14 2013-07-15
22040 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Should include in the list: "the Document does not have a viewport (e.g. because it is in an iframe that is not being rendered)" or some such 2013-05-15 2013-06-18
22044 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED nice one.. :( 2013-05-15 2013-06-10
22045 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL nice one.. :( 2013-05-15 2013-06-10
22066 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK bravo! defining en event hit region on the canvas and it works! 2013-05-16 2013-06-10
22086 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Add onmodechange event to the TextTrack interface 2013-05-18 2013-06-17
22087 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Hard to install for my window phone 2013-05-18 2013-06-10
22099 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Good updates! But no text file writing to computer. :( I verry need to use JavaScript to write and read files on my PC... 2013-05-20 2013-06-10
22102 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Enumeration of cross-origin objects should silently return nothing 2013-05-21 2013-06-26
22105 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED CiCong hoa xa hoi chu nghia viet nam 2013-05-21 2013-06-10
22106 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA abstractPlease enter a description of the problem you have found, and then submit the comment again. It seems all you have done so far is copy and paste some text from the spec. 2013-05-21 2013-05-28
22118 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Remove support for document.all.tags 2013-05-21 2014-02-21
22119 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK This is the best HTML book ! 2013-05-21 2013-06-11
22146 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Microtask checkpoints should ensure exhaustion of microtasks 2013-05-22 2013-05-28
22147 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The fast and prefer-online states of the cache mode flag are not documented. 2013-05-22 2013-07-13
22152 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Pointless to set list-style-type on DL elements 2013-05-23 2013-06-11
22157 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Specify padding in expected rendering of legend 2013-05-24 2013-06-18
22159 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The order of the supported property names of a form is not clear 2013-05-24 2013-06-19
22160 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED "this is not" 2013-05-25 2013-06-11
22162 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED google chrome in sandbox 2013-05-26 2013-06-11
22163 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED input:not([type]), input[type="color"], input[type="email"], input[type="number"], input[type="password"], input[type="tel"], input[type="url"], input[type="text"] { padding: 1px 0px; } 2013-05-26 2013-06-11
22167 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Step 9(otherwise)(17) of the "resource selection algorithm" references a step that is not in its execution chain 2013-05-26 2013-06-11
22175 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA The string archives is not a registered keyword or absolute URL. 2013-05-27 2015-08-27
22180 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA writing-cache-manifest wqewqeqw sdsad WAWDsa 2013-05-28 2013-06-12
22183 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Adjust the Reset the form owner algorithm to match reality 2013-05-28 2014-03-05
22184 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Microtask checkpoint language is wrong and needs abstracting 2013-05-28 2013-06-12
22185 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Microtask checkpoint wording is wrong -- and needs abstracting 2013-05-28 2013-06-10
22189 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK ggg ttt tt 2013-05-29 2013-06-11
22202 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA The 'frameborder' attribute on the 'iframe' element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. 2013-05-30 2013-05-30
22218 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT CanvasFillRule arguments should be [TreatUndefinedAs=Missing] 2013-05-30 2013-06-24
22219 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL [HTML] Integrate HTML Template Element 2013-05-30 2013-05-31
22221 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE HTMLTrackElement.kind should not be an enum 2013-05-30 2013-06-12
22225 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE {HTMLOptionsCollection,HTMLSelectElement}.namedItem can only return HTMLOptionElement 2013-05-31 2013-06-04
22231 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK I am so grateful for your post.Thanks Again. nike free 2013-05-31 2013-06-11
22234 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "overridden reload" is not defined 2013-06-02 2013-06-12
22235 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Hey,how can i get a new vission,i want it and you can email me on thanks,your prompt responce is highly appreciated. 2013-06-02 2013-06-11
22236 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE multipart/x-mixed-replace should be linked 2013-06-02 2013-06-12
22237 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Exempt radio buttons and checkboxes from spellchecking or define it for them 2013-06-02 2013-07-02
22242 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Consider making Navigator an EventTarget and dispatch language change events when navigator.language changes 2013-06-03 2013-06-03
22244 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK "If fragid is an ASCII case-insensitive match for the string top, then the indicated part of the document is the top of the document; stop the algorithm here." - also check for the empty string here. [...] 2013-06-03 2013-06-12
22257 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Allow any arbitrary value for the <meta> "name" attribute 2013-06-04 2014-01-23
22274 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <meter> should work better with microdata. It would make sense to use value attribute as property value. It would be useful when a property takes value from known range and it is represented as a gaug [...] 2013-06-05 2013-06-12
22275 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="settings.css"> <style></style> </head> <body><div id="container" class="hidden init"> <nav><ul id="nav"> <li><sp [...] 2013-06-05 2013-06-12
22276 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Content model of datalist described inconsistently 2013-06-05 2013-06-21
22285 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Version: 7.4.3607.2246/en (NDKB) 2013-06-05 2013-06-12
22286 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Would be good to give constraints on values UAs should provide (autofill/autocomplete) 2013-06-05 2014-01-02
22289 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE typo in text track section 2013-06-06 2013-06-12
22290 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Add onmodechange event to the TextTrack interface 2013-06-06 2013-06-17
22293 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED need html code 2013-06-06 2013-06-11
22296 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Microtask model refactoring 2013-06-06 2014-02-25
22300 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "the document's browsing context" should be linked to a definition 2013-06-06 2013-06-12
22301 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "img elment" typo 2013-06-06 2013-06-12
22304 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="ru"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Эндемики Апокалипсиса</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/ameucm.css" /> <meta name="desc [...] 2013-06-06 2013-06-13
22310 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE onerror handling calls onerror directly, without firing the "error" ErrorEvent 2013-06-07 2013-06-21
22314 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED an example comment 2013-06-08 2013-06-10
22319 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Should window.close() be affected by sandboxing restrictions? 2013-06-10 2013-08-16
22322 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Where possible, replace parts of the parser that say "act as is a ... tag had been seen" with explicit requirements to act appropriately (e.g. pop the stack, add elements, etc) 2013-06-10 2013-07-03
22323 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK testing this review feature 2013-06-11 2013-06-17
22331 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Testhj jfhdjk fhjdkfhjkdhfjhf 2013-06-12 2013-06-18
22340 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><feed xmlns='/proxy/' xmlns:apps='/proxy/'> <title>Mail Filters</title> <id>,2008:filters:137 [...] 2013-06-12 2013-06-18
22346 WHATWG HTML annevk RESO MOVE Security: Check origins when invoking a method, getter, or setter on an object using the property descriptor of another 2013-06-13 2017-03-09
22362 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA hi i am teja 2013-06-14 2013-06-18
22380 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED it can't be true 2013-06-15 2013-06-18
22381 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED When the user agent reestablishes or fails the connection it would be useful to have some indication of the reason for failure. Consider that most applications will wish to inform their user of an [...] 2013-06-16 2013-07-02
22382 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Make img a form-associated element 2013-06-16 2013-07-02
22384 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK The client should be allowed to specify the date format, restricting to YYYY-MM-DD isn't good for usability. 2013-06-16 2013-06-21
22393 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK In the Tutorials section, there is a typo in the first "note"; "equivanet" should be "equivalent". 2013-06-18 2013-07-02
22397 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Typo: email validation regexp should have 63, not 61 for the size limitation 2013-06-18 2013-06-18
22403 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED i dont understand it 2013-06-19 2013-07-02
22405 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "user agent implementors are encouraged to return null" s/null/"en"/ 2013-06-19 2013-07-02
22406 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Navigator is not web-compatible due to missing properties 2013-06-19 2013-07-09
22408 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "in the returned abject" should be "in the returned object" 2013-06-19 2013-07-02
22420 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT PopStateEvent.state should be a copy (via structured clone) of the value it was initialized to 2013-06-20 2013-07-02
22424 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT This says that the default color is set to black. From a UI point of view, I think this is quite bad: when set to black, the defult color wheel shows colors having a lightness set to 0, and thus only [...] 2013-06-22 2013-07-03
22425 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Clarify the correct use of the <border> attribute. Validators (w3 and consider it conforming and W3 specifications, in both versions 5 and 5.1WD, allow it "for non-presentational purpose [...] 2013-06-23 2013-07-02
22429 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "The object element now represents its associated nested browsing context." What object element? 2013-06-23 2013-07-02
22437 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Thank you a lot for sharing this with all people. maillot de foot 2013-06-24 2013-07-02
22444 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL does "entity reference" refer to numeric entities or named entities? 2013-06-25 2013-07-02
22445 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED please rewrite this with detailed, definite syntax on how to code an XHTML5 document. include example(s). 2013-06-25 2013-07-02
22447 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA "using entity references for characters in XHTML documents is unsafe" should better be "using named character references for characters in XHTML documents is unsafe" 2013-06-25 2013-07-04
22454 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE FINGERPRINT "User agents may impose implementation-specific limits" 2013-06-25 2013-07-02
22468 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK "Elements in other namespaces whose interface is not defined by that namespace's specification must use the interface Element." is wrong for at least SVG. [...] 2013-06-25 2013-07-02
22471 WHATWG HTML annevk RESO MOVE "buffered" attribute returns a new object each time 2013-06-26 2017-08-02
22480 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Spec should clarify if multiple style@scoped elements in a row are valid or not 2013-06-26 2013-07-03
22481 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Spec should include rationale for security checks on localStorage 2013-06-26 2013-07-26
22488 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED The text "if the status code received from the server is not 101 (e.g. it is a redirect), the user agent must fail the WebSocket connection." appears to contradict RFC6455 section 4.1 "If the status c [...] 2013-06-27 2013-09-12
22492 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED add fill color and border color please 2013-06-27 2013-07-02
22493 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "The interfaces and exceptions defined by this specification, except where further restricted by explicit requirements in this specification" is too broad. Should probably just remove that line. 2013-06-27 2013-07-03
22494 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "A start tag token whose tag name" - remove "token" in bits like this, for consistency 2013-06-27 2013-07-03
22497 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT "Deprecating the ability to prevent a drag by cancelling dragstart is something we should seriously consider. " 2013-06-27 2013-07-03
22499 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <title> is allowed multiple times in srcdoc documents! "If the document is an iframe srcdoc document or if title information is available from a higher-level protocol: Zero or more elements of metadat [...] 2013-06-27 2013-07-03
22502 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Make script be allowed in the same places as template, so that data blocks are allowed where templates are allowed. I think people also put scripts basically anywhere, and it works fine, so having the [...] 2013-06-27 2013-07-03
22505 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK this is a test. UTF-8 測試中! 2013-06-28 2013-07-03
22510 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <menuitem default> is missing from the indexes 2013-06-28 2013-07-03
22511 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Should adjust this section so "normal" elements are listed first in the three places that lists them. 2013-06-28 2013-07-03
22516 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Improve the <template> example 2013-06-29 2013-07-03
22517 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK replace the <menu> element with new <toolbar> and <popup> elements 2013-06-29 2015-08-28
22518 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE specify valid values of menuitem@command 2013-06-29 2013-07-03
22519 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE specify valid values of menuitem@radiogroup 2013-06-29 2013-07-03
22523 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED he description strings should not be changed 2013-06-30 2013-07-03
22529 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Try to be more consistent about "token" vs "current token" 2013-07-01 2013-07-03
22530 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE You say srcdoc must start with an html element, but the example below starts with a paragraph element. 2013-07-01 2013-07-09
22531 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED the way the text is layout makes it hard to read the content of the page. it will be easier to read the content if the text is centered. 2013-07-01 2013-07-03
22532 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL the way the text is layout makes it hard to read the content of the page. it will be easier to read the content if the text is centered. 2013-07-01 2013-07-03
22534 WHATWG HTML ian RESO LATE Add the <content> element from Shadow DOM 2013-07-02 2013-07-03
22535 WHATWG HTML ian RESO LATE Add the <shadow> element from Shadow DOM 2013-07-02 2013-07-03
22536 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA needme combination).s to check that it's not a text selection that is being dragged, and then needs to store data into the DataTransfer object and set the allowed effects (copy, move, link, or some co [...] 2013-07-02 2013-07-03
22551 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Clarify the meaning of spelling checks for various <input> elements 2013-07-03 2013-07-29
22553 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE navigator.plugins and navigator.mimeTypes 2013-07-03 2013-07-09
22554 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL navigator.mimeTypes 2013-07-03 2013-07-04
22555 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE navigator.taintEnabled() 2013-07-03 2015-09-30
22556 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE navigator.cookieEnabled 2013-07-03 2013-07-09
22557 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE navigator.javaEnabled 2013-07-03 2013-07-09
22558 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE navigator.appCodeName 2013-07-03 2013-07-09
22573 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE change "entity reference declarations" to "entity declarations" and make it a hyperlink to XML spec 2013-07-04 2013-07-09
22574 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Make the term "entity references" into a hyperlink to 2013-07-04 2013-07-09
22575 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <meta name="wot-verification" content="55dd23b4f5ab0cbddd44" > 2013-07-04 2013-07-09
22585 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK its just so revolutionary 2013-07-05 2013-07-09
22587 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA …nt="24 rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis - 75010 Paris &copy; All Rights Reserved" 2013-07-06 2013-07-09
22588 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA a.,msdfn.asm,dnfasädfmsd-f,maslfkjasdlfkasdölkfaöslfksdölkfösdka öasöäl fkälösa öälas äösla fäaösl äöaw kfäösk äölasd 2013-07-06 2013-07-09
22590 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED If I do not know how to use what can be helped by itself, so that the maximum my site as desired? 2013-07-08 2013-07-09
22599 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA …xpr' xmlns:fb='/proxy/' xmlns:og='/proxy/'> 2013-07-08 2013-07-09
22600 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Need a way to make navigator.plugins supported named properties not enumerable 2013-07-08 2014-04-11
22601 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Add API for RemoveTextTrack() 2013-07-09 2013-07-26
22604 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE EventSource behaviour after window.stop() is not clearly defined by spec: readyState, events ? 2013-07-09 2013-08-13
22605 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA To Bugs Numbers 21167 and 21296 2013-07-09 2013-07-09
22606 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 1 Bug # sedion Bug# 11739 2013-07-09 2013-07-09
22607 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 1 Bug section Bug# 21092 2013-07-09 2013-07-09
22608 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 1 Bug section Bug# 21411 2013-07-09 2013-07-09
22609 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 1 Bug section Email state Bug # 2013-07-09 2013-07-09
22610 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 1 Bug Date and Time state Bug # 15489 2013-07-09 2013-07-09
22611 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 2 bBugs Bug # 21415 & 21377 2013-07-09 2013-07-09
22612 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 1 Bug Defintions Bug # 11794 2013-07-09 2013-07-09
22613 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 1 Glich Anchor points Bug # 21384 2013-07-09 2013-07-09
22614 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 1 Bug 4.15.2 Pseudo-classes Bug # 21070 2013-07-09 2013-07-09
22615 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 1 Bug 5.2.5 Associating names with items Bug # 21133 2013-07-09 2013-07-09
22616 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 1 Bug section 6.6.1 storage mutex Bug # 18854 2013-07-09 2013-07-09
22618 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 1 Bug section 6.6.9 mime type Bug # 15588 2013-07-09 2013-07-09
22619 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 1 Bug section 7.6 Images Bug # 21346 2013-07-09 2013-07-09
22620 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 1 Bug section 8.7.3 DataTransfer interface Bug # 21161 2013-07-09 2013-07-09
22621 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 1 Bug IDL section WorkerGlobalScope Bug # 20041 2013-07-09 2013-07-09
22622 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 1 Bug section 9.3 [NointerfaceObject] Bug # 21288 2013-07-09 2013-07-09
22623 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 2 Bugs HTML elements Bug Numbers 21122 & 211223 2013-07-09 2013-07-09
22624 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 1 Bug section Bug # 21312 2013-07-09 2013-07-09
22627 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE this is a test 2013-07-09 2013-07-09
22628 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Define broadcast to same-origin globals API 2013-07-09 2013-11-13
22629 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Hello. My English is not great, so I hope you will understand me. A problem I come across lots of times is that when I want to set a border for an element, the border is always out of the element. [...] 2013-07-09 2013-07-09
22630 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE There appears to be an extra ")" on this line. 2013-07-09 2013-07-10
22631 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "If the currently running task is a task that was created by the setTimeout() method, and timeout is less than 4, then increase timeout to 4." no longer matches UAs 2013-07-10 2013-07-26
22633 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 1 Bug section HTMLPropertiesCollection Bug # 17201 2013-07-10 2013-07-13
22634 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK hi there buddy 2013-07-10 2013-07-15
22635 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Shore Excursion - Web page offering transfers and excursions to Naples, Amalfi Cost, Pompeii, Vesuvius, Herculaneum, Caserta and the Campania region in Italy, with Car e Minivan 2013-07-10 2013-07-15
22643 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 2 Bugs section 3.1.1 Bug # 20286 & 20013 2013-07-11 2013-07-13
22649 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="ko"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>웹 접근성의 정의</title> <!--[ [...] 2013-07-12 2013-07-15
22651 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA According to 4.10.2 the img tag may have a form attribute but this is not mentioned in this section. 2013-07-12 2013-07-12
22655 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE In the attribute index, track/@default is listed twice, instead of menuitem/@default 2013-07-12 2013-07-15
22656 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Typo in plugins section: MimeTypenArray 2013-07-12 2013-07-15
22657 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Add alt attribute to example for <input type=image> to make it conforming 2013-07-12 2013-07-15
22659 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA implementations Implementation status: Latest Internet Explorer beta: unknown Latest Firefox trunk nightly build: unknown Latest WebKit or Chromium trunk build: unknown Latest Opera beta [...] 2013-07-13 2013-07-15
22660 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE WebVTTCue was renamed to VTTCue 2013-07-13 2013-07-15
22661 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Meaning of raw UTF-16LE/BE 2013-07-13 2013-07-23
22664 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA "User agents should use the document's title...": statement about directionality unclear in the face of multiple title elements 2013-07-14 2013-07-14
22666 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA i'm new to this but after alt="games" should it have a />? 2013-07-14 2013-07-15
22667 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Left Click ot Right Click? Seems to me this Website is an error. Inter-Element Whitespace. Is that the error or is that an error? 2013-07-14 2013-07-15
22668 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Left Click ot Right Click? Seems to me this Website is an error. Inter-Element Whitespace. Is that the error or is that an error? 2013-07-14 2013-07-15
22669 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Left Click ot Right Click? Seems to me this Website is an error. Inter-Element Whitespace. Is that the error or is that an error? 2013-07-14 2013-07-15
22670 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Left Click ot Right Click? Seems to me this Website is an error. Inter-Element Whitespace. Is that the error or is that an error? 2013-07-14 2013-07-15
22674 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <canvas>: Aligning strokes inside or outside a path 2013-07-15 Fri 20:02
22675 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Features to control the "Referer" header 2013-07-15 2015-08-07
22676 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE APIs for page prerendering 2013-07-15 2015-09-17
22678 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <video>: expose the frame rate and specific frames of the media resource 2013-07-15 2017-07-24
22679 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT API to expose locale-specific settings 2013-07-15 2016-03-22
22680 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL forms: Make FormData expose its contents 2013-07-15 2014-05-16
22681 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Define canonical form of language that needs to be returned. has rationale. 2013-07-15 2013-07-16
22682 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT forms: Make <input type=file>.files writable 2013-07-15 2017-07-24
22684 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 2.7.6: extraneous <dd> tag 2013-07-16 2013-08-02
22685 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 4.9.13: spurious subscript links 2013-07-16 2013-08-02
22686 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 4.9.13: missing "of" 2013-07-16 2013-08-02
22687 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 10.2.5: missing "the" 2013-07-16 2013-08-02
22688 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: missing "character token" 2013-07-16 2013-08-02
22689 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: "Act s described" 2013-07-16 2013-08-02
22690 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 14.6: missing "return" 2013-07-16 2013-08-02
22693 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED option element with hidden attribute should not represent a suggestion. 2013-07-16 2013-07-16
22694 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Datalist elements with hidden attribute should not become a suggestions source. 2013-07-16 2013-07-24
22696 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT inline <script async> 2013-07-16 2014-09-26
22697 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT API to detect palpable content, so you can tell in an editor if a paragraph is empty 2013-07-16 2017-07-21
22698 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <canvas>: API to make <canvas> prettier when printing 2013-07-16 2017-07-21
22699 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Expose the origins of ancestor frames 2013-07-16 2016-12-07
22700 WHATWG HTML d RESO WONT Inline Web worker scripts 2013-07-16 2016-03-16
22701 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE autocomplete: Full form autofill triggered by page request (requestAutocomplete) 2013-07-16 2014-04-10
22702 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT appcache: More detailed error information 2013-07-16 2015-08-13
22703 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <canvas>: Masks 2013-07-16 2016-04-21
22704 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <canvas>: Layers 2013-07-16 2017-07-21
22714 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Misuse of Date object 2013-07-17 2013-07-31
22724 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED there is no attribute "data-x" 2013-07-18 2013-07-18
22728 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE missing a period at end of sentence 2013-07-19 2013-07-23
22729 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK how ara you 2013-07-19 2013-07-19
22730 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL how ara you 2013-07-19 2013-07-19
22731 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Should atob() trim spaces, or not? 2013-07-19 2014-09-26
22734 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE How is the default character encoding determined to decode application/x-www-form-urlencoded payloads? 2013-07-19 2013-09-13
22735 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED SecurityError: The operation is insecure. 2013-07-19 2013-07-23
22742 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE infoset coercion does not handle the template element's hidden content 2013-07-20 2013-07-22
22744 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <table><math> and <table><svg> should foster-parent 2013-07-21 2013-07-24
22746 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA I couldn’t resist commenting, Many thanks a whole lot for sharing! gift ideas 2013-07-21 2013-07-21
22748 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Change [NamedPropertiesObject] to [Global]. 2013-07-22 2013-07-24
22749 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED how to generate access token from youtube api 2013-07-22 2013-07-24
22751 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Change [NamedPropertiesObject] in [Global]. 2013-07-22 2013-07-24
22753 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED The non-normative green box suggests that RadioNodeList has legacycaller behaviour, but this isn't supported by the normative content. 2013-07-22 2013-10-23
22755 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA You better read this! 2013-07-22 2013-07-24
22763 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK jore vega esta probando los socket 2013-07-23 2013-07-24
22764 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL jore vega esta probando los socket 2013-07-23 2013-07-24
22765 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE In sub section "For audio and video elements", "image" is used insetead of "media element". Quoting the line with error "The origin is a globally unique identifier assigned when the image is created." 2013-07-23 2013-07-24
22778 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED undo reset default settings 2013-07-23 2014-12-02
22779 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL default settings/ undo attributes 2013-07-23 2013-07-24
22780 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL undo algorithm/ back to default settings 2013-07-23 2013-07-24
22781 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL undo/ default settings 2013-07-23 2013-07-24
22782 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL default/ undo hyperlinks 2013-07-23 2013-07-24
22784 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK "<code>template</code elements" 2013-07-23 2013-07-23
22795 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE ""UTF-16LE" instead of "utf16-le"" 2013-07-24 2013-07-24
22800 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The 'column' attribute naming seems to me a bit inconsistent with the 'lineno' attribute. It could be called 'colno' for consistency. 'colno' is also what IE10 uses already. 2013-07-25 2013-07-29
22807 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Can remove ImageBitmapCallback from the IDL now that createImageBitmap uses a promise 2013-07-25 2013-07-25
22812 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED first thin is correct 2013-07-26 2013-07-26
22815 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Both autocomplete="on" and autocomplete="off" are UA hints and thus should use MAY, not SHOULD language 2013-07-26 2013-09-26
22818 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED The "if no match can be made" case under "anything else" should probably be clarified that "the characters" doesn't refer to what just failed to be consumed but rather the following characters in the [...] 2013-07-26 2013-10-24
22822 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE concept-option-index: "is the number of option element..." s/element/elements/ 2013-07-28 2013-07-29
22828 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA It`s really useful! Looking through the Internet you can mostly observe watered down information, something like bla bla bla, but not here to my deep surprise. It makes me happy..! maillot ext茅rieur [...] 2013-07-29 2013-07-29
22838 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Need a default task source to use when none is appropriate 2013-07-30 2013-10-23
22843 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED This information is r. This information is redundant with the normative requirements given in the optional tags section, and edundant 2013-07-31 2013-08-05
22847 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Add dummy captureEvents/releaseEvents to document/window 2013-07-31 2013-08-05
22848 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT The definition of "valid" in BCP 47 section 2.2.9 includes checking subtags against the IANA Language Subtag Registry. ECMA-402 uses "structurally well-formed", which is the BCP 47 "valid" except for that check. 2013-07-31 2014-01-09
22849 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE there is no IDL dom attribute for inert state of element 2013-07-31 2013-08-14
22857 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Content model should only contain one "base" tag 2013-08-01 2013-08-05
22861 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK this is good 2013-08-02 2013-08-02
22862 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "Entry Script" is broken 2013-08-02 2013-08-02
22863 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Have scripts's document, base URL, etc, be packaged into a "script settings" object owned by globals 2013-08-02 2013-11-08
22865 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 10.2.6: truncated text 2013-08-03 2013-08-29
22868 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED doen't define well 2013-08-03 2013-08-05
22869 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE var source = new EventSource('updates.cgi'); source.onmessage = function (event) { alert(; }; 2013-08-03 2013-08-05
22873 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Tokenizing character references: remove redundant code points 2013-08-04 2013-08-05
22880 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED open login will not allow my status to sign in your account 2013-08-04 2013-08-05
22881 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL open login will not allow my status to sign in your account 2013-08-04 2013-08-05
22894 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE s/Font Load Eventsspecifications/Font Load Events specifications/ 2013-08-07 2013-08-07
22902 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA This is a really good read for me, Must admit that you are one of the best bloggers I ever saw.Thanks for posting this informative article. maillot cameroun 2013 2013-08-08 2013-08-08
22903 WHATWG HTML ian VERI FIXE W3C spec fork on TextTrackCue 2013-08-09 2013-09-23
22904 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE broken link in sandboxed top-level navigation browsing context flag 2013-08-09 2013-08-09
22906 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA ELEME NSA R 2013-08-09 2013-08-09
22907 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK decide what to do with cite="" attribute 2013-08-09 2014-09-26
22908 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED The reference in 'An end tag whose tag name is "sarcasm"' should link to the appropriate section. 2013-08-09 2013-08-09
22913 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Some display devices have different DPI for x and y directions. Do we have any mechanism to reflect that fact? 2013-08-11 2013-10-01
22916 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The step 3 of atob() is to remove space characters from input, but note below step 11 says these cause an exception to be thrown. 2013-08-12 2013-08-12
22919 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Attribute on outer AAA-sensitive element makes deeply-nested elements misnest 2013-08-12 2013-08-12
22926 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE AAA should check the stack first, rather than having the list take priority, as per 2013-08-12 2014-02-27
22940 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Returns an object that provides methods and properties for drawing and manipulating images and graphics on a canvas element in a document. A context object includes information about colors, line widt [...] 2013-08-13 2013-08-13
22942 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE We should fire onopen and onclose when <details> is opened and closed. 2013-08-13 2013-11-06
22953 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT the websocket API is missing headers access 2013-08-14 2013-09-12
22973 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA The requirement “with tab stops occurring at points that are multiples of 8 times the width of a U+0020 SPACE character” is unrealistic: such large indentation is seldom useful, and browsers treat [...] 2013-08-15 2013-10-28
22974 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Ancestors of a modal dialog should not originate events 2013-08-15 2013-09-12
22984 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Disk Space Problem #1: Specification suggests 5MB as a storage limit. This may not be enough for several applications. Problem #2: There is no way to grant the user the option to give the website [...] 2013-08-16 2013-10-28
22988 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA index.php/forum/index.php/topic maillot de foot 2013-2014 2013-08-16 2013-08-20
22994 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Clarify option element's label must be a non empty string. 2013-08-17 2013-09-12
22995 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT hgroup content model 2013-08-17 2013-08-23
22999 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Rules for omitting </p> don't match the parser 2013-08-18 2013-11-25
23000 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Rules for omitting <body> don't match the parser 2013-08-18 2013-10-30
23001 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Rules for omitting </thead> etc don't match the parser 2013-08-18 2013-10-30
23002 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Hoist <template> to head when found between </head> and <body> for consistency with <script> 2013-08-18 2013-10-10
23003 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Typo: Note: In XML, ...have an xmlns attribute in no namespace, in should probably be if. 2013-08-19 2013-08-19
23005 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE IDNA-related bits should instead reference terminology from 2013-08-19 2014-01-07
23010 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA profile.php?id= equipe du mali can 2012 2013-08-19 2013-08-20
23011 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE MessageEventInit source member cannot be a MessagePort 2013-08-19 2013-08-20
23012 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL MessageEventInit source member cannot be a MessagePort 2013-08-19 2013-08-19
23023 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The link ”View” refers to which results in 404 Not Found. 2013-08-20 2013-08-21
23036 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Either drop all mention of mutation events, or specify them in full detail 2013-08-21 Fri 19:28
23039 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Drop table vspace/hspace 2013-08-21 2015-08-28
23040 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Disallow setting document.domain in sandboxed iframes 2013-08-21 2013-11-13
23046 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <meta http-equiv="X-Frame-Options" content="DENY" /> 2013-08-23 2013-08-23
23047 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <meta http-equiv="X-Frame-Options" content="DENY" /> 2013-08-23 2013-08-23
23050 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <canvas>: clarify the end point of ellipse 2013-08-23 2013-11-20
23053 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Robert Cheating 2013-08-23 2018-09-29
23055 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA sdadsad asdd sd sd asd sd asd sd 2013-08-24 2013-08-26
23060 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA *Y£*&NB *Y&F *Q(RE F 2013-08-26 2013-08-26
23063 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED if space is there in the first line of the string wysiwyg editor is not working. 2013-08-26 2013-08-26
23064 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Are you able to provide any more examples of what and why something should be marked as important using <strong> as opposed to <b>. It is clear what <em>, <mark>, <i> etc. should be used for, but I am [...] 2013-08-26 2013-12-03
23065 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE Signature for form named getter is wrong 2013-08-26 2013-11-02
23073 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Removal from the past names map should be based on the form-association changing, not removal from the Document 2013-08-27 2013-09-30
23075 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK The section "Processing model" contains a sentence as below - stating that the content of the HTTP header "Last-Event-ID" is to be encoded as UTF-8. To my knowledge, most HTTP servers actually always [...] 2013-08-27 2013-08-27
23082 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Remove HTML Microdata API 2013-08-27 2015-09-30
23083 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Dragging and Dropping Elements 2013-08-28 2013-08-30
23088 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE abandoned current tag token? 2013-08-29 2013-09-15
23089 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Incomplete coverage of Cyrillic languages that should imply a windows-1251 fallback 2013-08-29 2013-11-06
23090 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Fallback encoding implied by the Greek locale missing 2013-08-29 2014-01-18
23094 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Language' headers respectively. 2013-08-29 2013-08-30
23099 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA trdy yrdy yy jdfhdh cnvc tdh drt hrtd 2013-08-30 2013-08-30
23101 WHATWG HTML annevk RESO FIXE Literal &ddagger; below the canvas.getContext table 2013-08-30 2014-08-26
23104 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL .�. P�. .p� 9pp)8p 2013-08-30 2013-09-03
23105 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA .�. P�. .p� 9pp)8p 2013-08-30 2013-09-03
23107 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE [xref] In "report an error", dom-ErrorEvent-object should be dom-ErrorEvent-error 2013-08-30 2013-09-03
23110 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED appcache: method for determining a user agent's storage limits and the amount consumed/remaining in that allotment 2013-08-31 2013-09-03
23111 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL cant download loan application 2013-08-31 2013-09-03
23112 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA cant download loan application 2013-08-31 2013-09-03
23114 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "[NoInterfaceObject] partial interface WorkerGlobalScope" doesn't make sense. Remove NoInterfaceObject. 2013-08-31 2013-09-03
23115 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "specifically, all the interfaces defind in the DOM specification": s/defind/defined/ 2013-08-31 2013-09-03
23119 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED In the "have an element in a specific scope" algorithm, "the target node" is not defined 2013-08-31 2013-09-12
23120 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT input[type=number] need to provide a way in which the user can validate the user's entered value (e.g. for validation and feedback) -- the current value sanitization algorithm prevents any interaction [...] 2013-09-01 2013-10-21
23121 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA gh gfj hj h jk dhjk 2013-09-02 2013-09-03
23123 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK good work by whatwg ! 2013-09-02 2013-09-03
23126 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL window.moveTo/.moveBy/.resizeTo/.resizeBy() are undefined 2013-09-02 2013-09-02
23129 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED its not working on mozilla updates 2013-09-02 2013-09-03
23135 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Section 3.2.3 uses undefined XHTML namespace 2013-09-03 2013-09-03
23137 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED write the full basic of a html to read 2013-09-03 2013-09-03
23148 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Better you describe point wise 2013-09-04 2013-09-04
23164 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA test 2013-09-05 2013-09-05
23173 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Scope <label> association to the home subtree rather than to the document, to find controls in e.g. a template (document fragment) 2013-09-06 2013-11-12
23174 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA index.php?showuser= sac louis vuitton 2013-09-06 2013-09-09
23176 WHATWG HTML philipj RESO MOVE Figure out what type MessageEvent.ports should be (array? frozen array? dedicated interface?) 2013-09-06 2016-03-24
23177 WHATWG HTML ian RESO LATE <output@for> could be implemented with an interface method on associated form elements, such as elm.output to return a list of output whose @for refers to elm. It would be useful in scripts. Would it be achievable? 2013-09-06 2014-02-25
23180 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ""> 2013-09-07 2013-09-09
23181 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Remove "input[type=hidden i]," since it's handled by prose below 2013-09-07 2013-09-09
23182 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <meta name="description" content="BrindeCida: Lembrancinhas Personalizadas para anivers�rios infaltis. Nesta p�gina voc� encotrar� lembrancinhas como <% = categoria_nome%>." /> 2013-09-07 2013-09-09
23184 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "collection(index)" in HTMLCollection domintro's are not backed by the spec 2013-09-08 2013-09-12
23185 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 2.1.6: "xxxxx" 2013-09-09 2013-09-15
23187 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Can I use a WebSocket API setup a socket between Web App and Native daemon, and how? 2013-09-09 2013-09-09
23192 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Anchor element IDL misses href attribute 2013-09-10 2013-09-10
23193 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Use an IDL default value for HTMLInputElement.setRangeText's last argument 2013-09-10 2013-09-13
23195 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK in hide ip proxy servers we trust 2013-09-10 2013-09-11
23198 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Shadowing HTMLCollection.namedItem in HTMLOptionsCollection seems unnecessary 2013-09-10 2013-09-30
23213 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK cool story bro 2013-09-11 2013-09-11
23217 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK so is this how its done 2013-09-11 2013-09-11
23218 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL <iframe name=foo> should be able to access, even cross-origin, according to Gecko and Safari. 2013-09-11 2013-10-01
23219 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE contentDocument on iframe, object, frame, etc, should do a security check (and then, if that's the last of the ways you can get to Document, we can remove the security checks on Document) 2013-09-11 2013-11-12
23239 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "description" & "descriptions" would seem to be ripe for easy and confusing bugs: 2013-09-13 2013-09-30
23243 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE add note for srcset 2013-09-13 2013-11-11
23244 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT As srcset is defined right now, the 100w in this example currently means "a max width of 100 pixels." Right now srcset only allows for image selection based on max-width and pixels. Many web developer [...] 2013-09-14 2013-11-13
23245 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Check [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] on some cases 2013-09-14 2013-11-12
23247 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: "surrogates" 2013-09-15 2013-09-16
23248 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 12.3: "is noscript element" 2013-09-15 2013-09-16
23251 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA index.php?s= showtopic= camisetas de equipos de futbol baratas 2013-09-16 2013-09-16
23253 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Say that lack of requirement for something means must not. See 2013-09-16 2013-12-02
23260 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Make the dir attribute use isolation instead of embedding 2013-09-16 2013-12-10
23261 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED fix please and debug 2013-09-17 2013-09-17
23262 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT @content instead of @value - is it possible? 2013-09-17 2013-11-13
23270 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED there should be a pattern type for 'number;. all i see is pattern for text,email,tel if i want to put a 'number' in like dd/mm/yy i can specify the pattern 2013-09-18 2013-10-03
23279 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Unclear whether pageshow should fire when .pushState is called 2013-09-18 2013-09-25
23286 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA The WebSocket API Editor's Draft 26 July 2013 Last Published Version: Last Editor's Draft: Previous Version: http://ww [...] 2013-09-19 2013-09-19
23298 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE dialog::backdrop should be visible by default 2013-09-19 2013-09-30
23313 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Change definition of <cite> to allow it to refer to names of people, not just works 2013-09-21 2013-09-23
23314 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Use of <cite> in <blockquote> has conflicting semantics 2013-09-21 2013-09-23
23315 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Modify blockquote element definition to allow citations 2013-09-21 2013-09-23
23316 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA awesome The Special One tool , Thank you From <strong><a rel="dofollow" href="">MUKENA BALI | Baju Dress Tiedye motif pelangi Terbaru</a></strong> 2013-09-21 2013-09-23
23320 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT forms: Have the form 'submit' event include a reference to the submit button used by the user to submit the form 2013-09-22 2014-09-30
23324 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE TextTrackCue abstraction inconsistent 2013-09-23 2013-09-30
23327 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT MessagePort should provide onstart/onclose event handlers 2013-09-23 2013-10-04
23336 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA bbds njbsnnn hcs jsjsjs jsjsjs jsjsjs jsjsjs jsjnsj 2013-09-24 2013-09-24
23337 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE add aria-label and aria-valuetext to list of translatable attributes in html 5.1 2013-09-24 2013-11-13
23350 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE maybe inert should map to hidden in acc layer 2013-09-25 2014-11-10
23353 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED cpu is not right 2013-09-25 2013-09-25
23356 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Consider making HTMLFieldSetElement.elements a plain HTMLCollection 2013-09-25 2013-11-19
23359 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE History object should go dead when its Document is not active 2013-09-25 2013-11-20
23360 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Could be made more readable by splitting into a algorithmic list 2013-09-26 2014-01-02
23366 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <dialog>: modify focus steps to move focus to dialog by default 2013-09-26 2013-12-11
23375 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK This should be named hide, not close (Either go for the show/hide or open/close combo, not an odd combination) 2013-09-26 2013-11-13
23378 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK ARIA: Strong Native Semantics table should defined implicit non-required state on form elements (Currently defines required state, but not the implicit inverse) 2013-09-27 2014-01-02
23382 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <dialog>: dialog part of inert subtrees section is not clear 2013-09-27 2014-01-02
23385 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA When a Blob/File is neutered through the close() method throw a DataCloneError. Maybe best to extract the neuter check to just in memory check at the start of the internal structured cloning algorithm. 2013-09-27 2013-10-02
23386 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK <canvas>: isPointInStroke() should not mention winding rules 2013-09-27 2013-11-18
23387 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Window.History Specification (falls short in modern dev experience) 2013-09-28 2013-11-18
23405 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <dialog>: When a modal <dialog> is closed, focus should return to where it was when the dialog was shown 2013-10-01 2014-03-12
23409 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK [Templates]: Typo: hierarhcy 2013-10-01 2015-08-04
23412 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE PortCollection exposes GC behavior 2013-10-01 2015-09-28
23413 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Make explicit that changing value, etc. with script does not fire event. Also, add link in section to change/input events. 2013-10-01 2014-01-20
23414 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <track> Live captioning - maybe need a way to indicate that a <track>'s data is streaming-aware 2013-10-01 2016-03-17
23417 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Structured clone should check neutered for all types 2013-10-02 2013-11-22
23418 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Internal structured clone type handling is inconsistent 2013-10-02 2013-11-13
23419 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The inputmode attribute should be allowed for type=password. A common use case is reading a numeric PIN, for which inputmode=numeric would be adequate and could cause a much more convenient UI to be used. 2013-10-02 2013-10-04
23423 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED microdata: @datetime could be recognized as the property value also in <ins> and <del> elements. 2013-10-02 2014-01-03
23424 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK @title-specific elements and structured data. 2013-10-02 2014-02-27
23426 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE s/Documnet/Document/ 2013-10-02 2013-10-03
23428 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Add a note for hidden="" that mentions that CSS can override the effect 2013-10-02 2013-11-19
23430 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED boolean for video tag. 2013-10-03 2013-10-04
23432 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE autocomplete value "tel" is not the sum of "tel-country-code" concatenated with "tel-national" as appears to be indicated. e.g. my number is +441707258219 internationally and 01707258219 nationally. N [...] 2013-10-03 2013-10-03
23433 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK show/close? really? why not show/hide or open/close like pretty much every thing else? 2013-10-03 2013-11-13
23434 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <dialog>: Add an example of method=dialog 2013-10-03 2013-12-11
23436 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK You are FAILING HARD by not including allow-plugins in the iframe sandbox attribute spec. Sites have ads, and advertisers use Flash. The HTML5 spec was supposed to be responsive to the features in m [...] 2013-10-04 2013-10-04
23437 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA fut the wuck 2013-10-04 2013-10-04
23438 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA hihis section is non-normative. 2013-10-04 2013-10-04
23439 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA stener and the kkk 2013-10-04 2013-10-04
23443 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The rendering requirement for img elements with src without alt might not be web-compatible 2013-10-05 2013-11-13
23444 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED language meta tag 2013-10-07 2013-10-07
23446 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED not badThe true state means the element is draggable; the false state means that it is not. The auto state uses the default behavior of the user agent. 2013-10-07 2013-10-07
23447 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA hgroup has been deprecated, please update snippet 2013-10-07 2013-10-07
23449 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <input>: Fire an 'input' event before the 'change' event for type=radio, type=checkbox, and type=file 2013-10-07 2013-12-19
23456 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <dialog>: showModal() should prevent ancestor elements with tabindex="" from getting focused 2013-10-08 2013-12-11
23458 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Schemes "isbn" and "ean" should be whitelisted, too. I'd like websites to handle links to books and products. 2013-10-08 2013-11-13
23459 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE GlobalEventHandlers members are not quite sorted 2013-10-08 2013-11-13
23464 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: "hs" 2013-10-08 2013-12-24
23465 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA $(function(){ $('.pic_select .ct li') .click( function(){ $(this) .toggleClass("select"); }); $('.mymark u') .click( function(){ $(this) .parent(".mymark") .remove(); }); $('.item_input') .cl [...] 2013-10-09 2013-10-09
23472 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK left to right, not right to left 2013-10-09 2013-11-13
23475 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Web focus model refactoring 2013-10-09 2014-02-19
23476 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Im not the registet person on sim try to change our dates 2013-10-09 2013-10-10
23477 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Since ArrayBuffer is now part of ES directly, you can't do ArrayBuffer implements Transferable 2013-10-10 2014-02-06
23478 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <dialog>: The "Submit dialog" steps can't run the exact steps for closing a dialog, since no exception can be thrown 2013-10-10 2013-12-11
23482 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "many of which [the differences v. W3C] are described above" --- this is no longer true. 2013-10-10 2013-10-11
23483 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK When the Document is not associated with browsing context we should probably not instantiate the styling subsystem. 2013-10-11 2014-01-13
23484 WHATWG HTML annevk RESO FIXE cancel is linked to event-media-cancel instead of event-cancel 2013-10-11 2013-10-13
23485 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT The 'path.substr(0, 12) == "C:\\fakepath\\"' check will cause the result to be incorrect in a legacy user agent if the file truly is located at "C:\fakepath\foo\bar.txt" 2013-10-12 2013-11-13
23486 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Drag Data Store "protected mode" prevents data-based drop effects 2013-10-12 Fri 20:31
23489 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE OnBeforeUnloadEventHandlerNonNull should have a nullable return value. 2013-10-14 2013-11-13
23492 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Linking to a page with a fragment identifier that causes a particular media element to be shown and to seek to a particular position 2013-10-14 2014-09-30
23493 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE <video>: preciseSeek() 2013-10-14 2016-02-02
23494 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK What content can be there inside an "empty"-content-model element? Aside, user agents should consider making <wbr> stylable for different purposes (e.g. syllable separation) 2013-10-14 2013-11-22
23497 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT forms: Mechanism for allowing cloud storage providers to hook into type=file 2013-10-14 2014-09-29
23502 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE <img>.srcObject = aBlob 2013-10-14 2019-01-14
23505 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE <video>: a mechanism by which pages can indicate if their audio should play in the background 2013-10-14 2015-09-16
23506 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Have a way to define low-priority style sheets (e.g. for printing) 2013-10-14 2017-07-21
23507 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE <video>: Forced subtitles 2013-10-14 Fri 20:06
23508 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Browsers want to know when a page's scripts have finished 'loading', even if the scripts aren't delaying the 'load' event any more (e.g. they do computation on startup) 2013-10-14 2017-07-21
23509 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Media-specific scripts (<script media="">?) 2013-10-14 2016-03-16
23510 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <canvas>: Allow EXIF data to be passed to toBlob() 2013-10-14 2017-07-21
23511 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <img>: Expose EXIF data of images in <img> elements 2013-10-14 2017-07-21
23512 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT API to expose actual language of a node, to aid scripts doing localisation and CJK editors during copy&paste and drag&drop 2013-10-14 2017-07-21
23513 WHATWG HTML ian RESO LATE Cross-origin seamless iframes 2013-10-14 2015-09-16
23514 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <canvas>: Manual memory management for image assets used in canvas games 2013-10-14 2016-04-21
23515 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <canvas>: opaque backing stores 2013-10-14 2014-09-08
23516 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK <canvas>: controlling whether text is anti-aliased 2013-10-14 2017-07-26
23517 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Expose the user's preferred languages in a DOM API 2013-10-14 2014-03-19
23518 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Reference to non-conforming nobr element should be avoided. And CSS property {content} doesn't apply to elements, just pseudo-elements. 2013-10-15 2014-01-04
23520 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE @srcdoc example probable typo: "the html, head, and body elements have optional start and tags" -> "the html, head, and body elements have optional start and END tags" 2013-10-15 2013-10-15
23528 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <canvas>: Aligning dashes with specific points in the path 2013-10-15 Fri 20:31
23530 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Consider having a non-normative section that "defines" all the event names, so that they can hyperlink somewhere 2013-10-16 2014-01-08
23531 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Esta es una prueba de local storage 2013-10-16 2013-10-16
23540 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE typo: Here, the sub element is used to represent_s_ 2013-10-16 2013-10-17
23541 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <video>: <video src=""> with media fragment URI fragment identifiers concerns 2013-10-17 2013-11-06
23542 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Registries: Need to update "other link types" section 2013-10-17 Fri 19:24
23543 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Add an ignorefocus attribute to iframe 2013-10-17 2015-08-04
23546 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED slaved, really can we have another word 2013-10-17 2013-10-18
23560 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED srcdoc is source document 2013-10-18 2013-10-18
23563 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED is missing required attribute property. 2013-10-18 2013-10-18
23570 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK What is the difference between "lang attribute in the XML namespace" and "attribute in no namespace with no prefix and with the literal localname 'xml:lang'"? 2013-10-19 2013-10-20
23571 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED cant open or download programs 2013-10-20 2013-10-21
23573 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Drop maxlength="" and minlength="" on <input type=email> 2013-10-21 2014-01-27
23574 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE option[selected] behavior compatibility 2013-10-21 2013-12-11
23580 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA An application cache is a set of cached resources consisting of:One or more resources (including their out-of-band metadata, such as HTTP headers, if any), identified by URLs, each falling into one (o [...] 2013-10-21 2013-10-21
23590 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Provide rationale for content restrictions for script tag 2013-10-22 2013-12-07
23592 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA video y chat online free en 2013-10-22 2013-10-22
23595 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED To accept a drop, you must prevent defaultEffect of drop AND dragover events 2013-10-22 2013-10-22
23596 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS WONT A </script> inside a comment (<!--</script>-->) should *always* terminate the script element 2013-10-22 2013-10-31
23609 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <iframe> maybe needs to dispatch load all the time and never error 2013-10-23 2013-10-23
23610 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Change tag cloud example 2013-10-23 2016-03-28
23621 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Don't defer alternate stylesheets 2013-10-24 2013-10-28
23628 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL [Templates]: Typo: "hierarhcy" 2013-10-25 2015-08-04
23630 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Typo: alorithm, should be algorithm 2013-10-25 2013-10-25
23633 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "the canceling of the fetch or navigation algorithms" should probably just refer to the navigation algorithm terminating somehow 2013-10-25 2013-11-15
23635 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "if the imageSmoothingEnabled attribute is set to true, the image must be rendered using nearest-neighbor interpolation" should be: "..if set to *false*.." 2013-10-25 2013-11-15
23637 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "Otherwise, if the element has no src attribute specified, and the user agent is processing the iframe's attributes for the first time" what about if the attribute is missing but it's not the first ti [...] 2013-10-25 2013-11-18
23638 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "The sequence of Documents in a browsing context is its session history." contradicts "Each session history entry consists of a URL and optionally a state object, and may in addition have a title, a D [...] 2013-10-25 2013-11-18
23639 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK why no cloning steps like those for the input element? 2013-10-26 2013-10-28
23640 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Bad formatting for a line in the example box "... since &copy is a named character reference" 2013-10-26 2013-10-30
23641 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED The spec doesn't define additional semantics for <input@title>, maybe the line "Some elements, such as link, abbr, and input, define ..." shall be corrected. 2013-10-26 2014-01-02
23645 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED "formal way" to indicate the computing language for <code>, <samp> and possibly <var> 2013-10-26 2014-02-25
23647 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED see in this syntax error @Scratchpad/1:10 2013-10-27 2013-10-28
23651 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Attributes common to form controls Attributes common to form controls Attributes common to form controls Attributes common to form controls Attributes common to form controls 2013-10-28 2013-10-28
23656 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Square brackets are missing around the "RFC6350" reference. 2013-10-28 2013-10-28
23657 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL "attributes list" is a broken cross-reference here 2013-10-28 2013-10-28
23658 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE broken cross-reference "attributes list" 2013-10-28 2013-10-28
23659 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Find a better way of tracking and exposing implementation status (e.g. test suite, data, or similar) 2013-10-28 2014-10-03
23664 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE This line should probably read "Loop: If node is the first node in the stack of open elements, then set last to true, and if fragment case then set node to the context element." The context element on [...] 2013-10-28 2013-11-18
23665 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA The WebSocket connection has been closed at org.apache.catalina.websocket.WsOutbound.writeTextMessage( at [...] 2013-10-29 2013-10-29
23666 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA The WebSocket connection has been closed at org.apache.catalina.websocket.WsOutbound.writeTextMessage( at [...] 2013-10-29 2013-10-29
23667 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA The WebSocket connection has been closed at org.apache.catalina.websocket.WsOutbound.writeTextMessage( at [...] 2013-10-29 2013-10-29
23668 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <meta name="wot-verification" content="8488b913c8b12d0644a3f647a14014e7df743839" /> 2013-10-29 2013-10-29
23671 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "mode being the state of the element's crossorigin content attribute" - s/state/current state/ to avoid ambiguity about whether to use the value of the state vs. reference to the state (in case the st [...] 2013-10-29 2013-11-19
23674 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA eeee wert wertwetr wert 2013-10-30 2013-10-30
23676 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA thesdsd sdsdsd sdsd 2013-10-30 2013-10-30
23677 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED goto dictionary 2013-10-30 2013-10-30
23678 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL where is my bug 2013-10-30 2013-10-30
23679 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED where is my bug 2013-10-30 2013-10-30
23680 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL where is my bug 23679 2013-10-30 2013-10-30
23681 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL bug 23679 2013-10-30 2013-10-30
23684 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE charset attribute of <link rel=stylesheet> is still used in implementations 2013-10-30 2014-01-13
23685 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE postMessage should not be required to throw when attempting to transfer the "target" port 2013-10-30 2013-11-21
23687 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL imput type numbtr 2013-10-31 2013-10-31
23688 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <imput type>=" numbtr" 2013-10-31 2013-10-31
23689 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK this is funny 2013-10-31 2013-10-31
23690 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK link[href] should not be in a list of suggested elements that may have a tabindex focus flag (8.4.1) 2013-10-31 2013-11-18
23693 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Describe the EventSource protocol for use by non-Web clients 2013-10-31 2014-02-08
23696 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE There should be a note explaining why FULL STOP and COLON characters are (inexplicably) disallowed in itemprop attribute name tokens. 2013-11-01 2013-11-19
23699 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "time after that truncation" is potentially confusing. The time resulting from the truncation ("after" applying the truncation) or the millisecond "after" the truncated value. e.g. .023045 would result in .024 2013-11-01 2013-11-01
23700 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Perhaps this is unnecessary, but shouldn't the anchor tags depicted in the example contain a rel attribute set to the value of "tag"? 2013-11-01 2013-11-01
23708 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Anastasiya Ivanova- the best from the best. very mutch love you, trast onli you!!! 2013-11-01 2013-11-01
23710 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Add support for forced subtitles 2013-11-02 2013-11-06
23711 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK "The present form of UTC, with leap seconds, is defined only from 1 January 1972 onwards." 2013-11-03 2013-11-13
23713 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK srcset: usemap and ismap don't make sense together with srcset's viewport size-based image switching 2013-11-04 2013-11-13
23721 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED It is not specified how the options should be matched. Thus Chrome matches from the beginning of the strings, while Firefox matches anywhere in the string. 2013-11-05 2013-11-13
23730 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE sorted="" isn't in the index 2013-11-05 2013-11-06
23734 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE step 17: "the submitted form submit() method is set" missing word "flag"? 2013-11-06 2013-11-06
23742 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Element tag name matching should not be fully case insensitive 2013-11-06 2013-11-08
23744 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Use the WebIDL callback logic in the setTimeout prose 2013-11-06 2015-01-15
23752 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL [Templates]: 2013-11-07 2015-08-04
23754 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Can getting HTMLTitleElement.text be defined in terms of textContent? 2013-11-07 2013-11-07
23755 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA then submit the comment again 2013-11-07 2013-11-07
23756 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA uhjhjkhjk jhjh hj hj hj hjkhjkhjk kjhjkh 2013-11-07 2013-11-07
23757 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL uhjhjkhjk jhjh hj hj hj hjkhjkhjk kjhjkh 2013-11-07 2013-11-07
23758 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL uhjhjkhjk jhjh hj hj hj hjkhjkhjk kjhjkh 2013-11-07 2013-11-07
23759 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Here, the sub element is used to represent_s_ 2013-11-07 2013-11-07
23761 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "Zero-length line segments must be pruned" is a bit unclear. Presumably this doesn't apply just to lines, but to any zero length path segment? Maybe useng "path segment" instead of "line segment" in that case? 2013-11-07 2013-11-25
23764 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL argument was provided, that argument 2013-11-08 2013-11-08
23765 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED argument was provided, that argument 2013-11-08 2013-11-08
23774 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Propose to add "imagecanvas" attribute for Canvas Element 2013-11-08 2014-09-29
23776 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK thank you for your help 2013-11-08 2013-11-08
23781 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE id and class should be case-insensitive in quirks 2013-11-09 2014-05-08
23782 WHATWG HTML 8lb.7zin81 RESO FIXE Does it make sense to allow anything but on/off for type=color? 2013-11-10 2017-11-29
23795 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Template elements with the same ownerDocument should share a single contents ownerDocument 2013-11-11 2013-11-12
23801 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA edwgrrg ragarg erarf4e 2013-11-12 2013-11-12
23802 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED there is a prob 2013-11-12 2013-11-12
23806 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Explicitly call DOM's concept-event-dispatch algorithm with a /target override/ for the window load event 2013-11-12 2013-11-12
23819 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE appcache: parse cache manifest needs to say which URL character encoding to use when resolving URLs. 2013-11-14 2013-12-11
23821 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The WebSocket constructor resolves the URL using UTF-8, but .url appears to use the document's encoding as URL character encoding. 2013-11-14 2013-11-22
23822 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Should the EventSource, Worker, and SharedWorker constructors resolve the URL using utf-8? 2013-11-14 2014-10-10
23823 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Should the Worker and SharedWorker constructors resolve the URL using utf-8 (like WebSocket)? 2013-11-14 2014-01-16
23836 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Per spec, event handler attributes either don't work or have the wrong scope 2013-11-15 2013-11-20
23837 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "iframe or object element" also frame element? 2013-11-15 2013-11-22
23838 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "If parsed URL's fragment component is not null, then first append a U+003F QUESTION MARK character (?)" should be # 2013-11-15 2013-11-18
23840 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA input id="inputBoxDept" type="text" name="inputBoxDept" path="cobolProgram.departmentNumber" size="2" maxlength="2" placeholder="DD" autofocus="autofocus" pattern="[0 [...] 2013-11-15 2013-11-18
23841 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA umber" size="2" maxlength="2" placeholder="DD" autofocus="autofocus" pattern="[0-9]{2}" title="The endevor dept code of the main module." 2013-11-15 2013-11-18
23842 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The attribute "value" in <input type="submit"> and <input type="button"> is also translatable. 2013-11-16 2013-11-22
23843 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The word "elements" occurs twice in "HTML elements elements" (not just here but also on other places). 2013-11-16 2013-11-18
23844 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Berenice Rumbo 2013-11-16 2013-11-18
23845 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED I would like to know if it is possible for Web Workers to backup files; either chosen by a folder (even a root folder) and/or backup files of critical importance with security. I have been working [...] 2013-11-16 2013-12-10
23846 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK l do love her 2013-11-16 2013-11-18
23847 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL l do love her 2013-11-16 2013-11-18
23848 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT My ip address is unknown can't go into my Sprint data. Can't go into my MYSprint zone 2013-11-17 2013-11-18
23850 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA and tried the tutorial. Basically, you can use the date constructor to parse a date, then write get the seconds from the 2013-11-18 2013-11-18
23851 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED An architecture diagram or a sequence diagram depicting messaging interactions would be easier to put things inline quickly. 2013-11-18 2013-12-10
23854 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Please remove *:focus rule from html.css 2013-11-19 2014-04-09
23855 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <div itemscope itemtype=""> <span itemprop="brand">North Face Jackets</span> <span itemprop="name">North Face</span> <span itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype="ht [...] 2013-11-19 2013-11-22
23856 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL <span itemprop="brand">North Face Jackets</span> <span itemprop="name">North Face</span> <span itemprop="review" itemscope itemtype=""> <span itemprop="id [...] 2013-11-19 2013-11-22
23857 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "allowed to navigate" algorithm technically blocks self navigation on sandboxed top-level browsing contexts. 2013-11-19 2013-11-19
23858 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA ection numbers as these tend to change rapidly and 2013-11-19 2013-11-19
23872 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Error loading media: File not found 2013-11-20 2013-11-22
23873 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT The API is inconsistent with XMLHttpRequest: with the latter you must call .open() or .send() or I don't remember what to actually initiate the connection where here the connection is initiated in the [...] 2013-11-20 2013-11-25
23882 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <meta name="audience" content="all"/> 2013-11-21 2013-11-21
23884 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Rename "incumbent settings object" to something less jargon-y 2013-11-21 2014-01-02
23890 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Allow autocomplete="" on <select> 2013-11-22 2014-01-07
23892 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Add Map and Set to the Structured Clone algorithm somehow 2013-11-22 2014-01-04
23893 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE CSS: define <button> rendering better 2013-11-22 2018-10-16
23898 WHATWG HTML christoph142 RESO INVA - 2013-11-23 2013-11-23
23899 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Wouldn't it be nice if it was actually modal? var result = dialog.showModal(); would be great like window.prompt() & window.confirm() 2013-11-23 2014-03-07
23901 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL In IE 10 audio track Selection is working 2013-11-24 2013-11-25
23902 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL In IE 10 audio track selection is working. 2013-11-24 2013-11-25
23903 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK In IE 10 audio track selection is working. 2013-11-24 2013-11-25
23914 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL By not allowing cross site scripting you have removed all important use cases for seamless functionality. IMO if a page designer wants to include unsafe third party content - let them! Security should [...] 2013-11-25 2013-11-25
23916 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT :sorted, :sorted(ascending), and :sorted(descending) 2013-11-25 2016-02-14
23917 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "Zero-length line segments must be pruned before stroking a path. Subpaths with just one point must be ignored." should probably move into the "trace a path" algorithm. 2013-11-25 2014-01-15
23918 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Consider renaming 'Path' to 'Path2D' if that's what browsers implement 2013-11-25 2014-04-10
23929 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <video>: expose the maximum playback rate supported by the server 2013-11-26 2014-09-26
23930 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE 'For images' only considers img elements but images can also be embed, object, input, svg, svg:image (any others?) 2013-11-27 2013-12-02
23931 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED same implicitly adada 2013-11-27 2013-11-27
23937 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL var connection = new WebSocket('ws://', ['soap', 'xmpp']); 2013-11-28 2013-12-02
23938 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED var connection = new WebSocket('ws://', ['soap', 'xmpp']);// When the connection is open, send some data to the server connection.onopen = function () { connection.sen [...] 2013-11-28 2013-12-02
23940 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE If getting an encoding returned x-user-defined, return windows-1252 instead to be compatible with a WebKit/Blink quirk that Gecko is copying. 2013-11-29 2014-05-07
23941 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "The Document must have a single child html node, which itself has a single child body node." - browsers insert a head, too. 2013-11-29 2013-12-02
23942 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 'load' is fired twice per spec for 2013-11-29 2013-12-03
23945 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Publique seu anúncio grátis. Videos Classificados anuncie Video, Vale Mais Que Mil Palavras 2013-11-30 2013-12-02
23947 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED The scheme component of a parsed URL 2013-12-01 2013-12-02
23948 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <div class="wrapper"> <a href="#" class="link1"><span><span>Pošalji</span></span></a> </div> 2013-12-01 2013-12-02
23951 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <embed> fires a 'load' event in blink/gecko/presto/ie. 2013-12-02 2014-01-06
23952 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Remove the parent is frameset check, not implemented in blink/gecko/ie. 2013-12-02 2014-01-06
23956 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE what if there's no browsing context when you "get the current value of the event handler"? 2013-12-02 2014-01-06
23957 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "When a browsing context is first created" doesn't associated the newly created Document with the newly created Window 2013-12-02 2013-12-02
23960 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT FKA: Need contextual scoping for tabindex 2013-12-02 2017-07-21
23964 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE In "what the field is using", I intially interpreted "using" as the progressive tense, not as a gerund. How about "the purpose of the field by using"? 2013-12-03 2013-12-05
23966 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Move "attribute DOMString abbr" to HTMLTableCellElement? 2013-12-03 2013-12-06
23967 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED how to include an insecure js in chrome? 2013-12-03 2013-12-05
23988 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE forms: An API for <input type=file multiple> that allows authors to walk the hierarchy on demand 2013-12-03 2016-03-16
23990 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE HTMLTemplateElement.content.ownerDocument should be exclusive to templates 2013-12-03 2014-02-11
23991 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Extensions to the table API 2013-12-03 2014-09-26
23992 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT WebSocket: API to apply TCP backpressure 2013-12-04 2016-03-16
23993 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED window.addEventListener('message', receiver, false); function receiver(e) { if (e.origin == '/proxy/') { if ( == 'Hello world') { e.source.postMessage('Hello', e.origi [...] 2013-12-04 2013-12-04
23994 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL window.addEventListener('message', receiver, false); function receiver(e) { if (e.origin == '/proxy/') { if ( == 'Hello world') { e.source.postMessage('Hello', e.origi [...] 2013-12-04 2013-12-04
23995 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA aaaFor historical reasons, certain elements have extra restrictions beyond even the restrictions given by their content model. 2013-12-04 2013-12-04
23996 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Writing a form's user interface? 2013-12-04 2013-12-04
24004 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Attribute values can't always be matched case-sensitively 2013-12-05 2013-12-05
24005 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Attribute values can't always be matched case-sensitively 2013-12-05 2015-09-01
24007 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Renaming "alignment point" here to "anchor point" would clarify the relationship with the rest of the parent section. 2013-12-05 2013-12-12
24013 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <meta name="application-name"> should support selecting on lang="" 2013-12-05 2013-12-12
24014 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "The keywords represent icon sizes" should say that these are device pixel sizes, not CSS pixel sizes 2013-12-05 2013-12-13
24017 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE template is not in ancestor chain for template contents in "Parsing HTML fragments" algorithm 2013-12-06 2013-12-10
24024 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT sessionStorage-mediated "cookies" 2013-12-06 2014-09-26
24029 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED undirected when the pragma is just a centence blah blah blah 2013-12-08 2013-12-09
24031 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Explain first occurrence of “CORS” (not everybody knows it stands for “cross-origin resource sharing”) 2013-12-08 2016-01-24
24052 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Normal elements must not contain an ambiguous ampersand; and for HTML parser this appear to require a parse error, whereas it appear that browsers render the ambiguous ampersand verbatim (which seems [...] 2013-12-10 2013-12-10
24055 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE <img>: Making <img> processing model text reusable (see comment 5) 2013-12-10 Fri 20:36
24057 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE prematurely destroyed MessagePorts should send 'error' using the port message queue, not the DOM manipulation task source. 2013-12-10 2013-12-11
24058 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Rather than disentangling the two ports when one port suffers a catastrophy, just mark the ports as ill-fated and have some attribute that exposes ill-fatedness, so that you can tell if you were send an ill-fated port. 2013-12-10 2013-12-11
24059 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED first rendered box's 2013-12-11 2013-12-11
24060 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Should importScripts always work? In browsers it does nothing if not called in the initial run 2013-12-11 2013-12-12
24062 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA salkam na jn jha a jhah av 2013-12-11 2013-12-11
24071 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE copy-paste bug: s/element/object/ 2013-12-12 2013-12-12
24075 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL video clip move in center 2013-12-12 2013-12-12
24076 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED video clip move in center 2013-12-12 2013-12-12
24080 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Integrate with Fetch specification 2013-12-12 2015-09-16
24086 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "the address of the absolute URL of the target of the hyperlink" is wordy and inconsistent with the next two, which say "address of the target of the hyperlink". should be consistent throughout. check [...] 2013-12-13 2013-12-13
24088 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE What should happen if "Parse/compile/initialize source" fails? 2013-12-13 2013-12-16
24089 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Should probably require utf-8 url character encoding here: "All URLs found by the styling language's processor must be resolved, relative to the element (or as defined by the styling language), when t [...] 2013-12-13 2013-12-14
24092 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL i like the video track 2013-12-13 2013-12-13
24093 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK i like the video track 2013-12-13 2013-12-13
24094 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED i like may you install for the video html 2013-12-13 2013-12-13
24096 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Clarify element.dataset delete algorithm 2013-12-14 2014-01-03
24099 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE onresize - Element(s) cell is outdated 2013-12-15 2013-12-15
24100 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Bug in the HTML outline algorithm 2013-12-15 2014-02-21
24103 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK I Love You, guys, you do good job! Really... -- sam 2013-12-15 2013-12-16
24105 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL FKA: Need contextual scoping for tabindex 2013-12-16 2013-12-16
24107 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Bug in the HTML outline algorithm 2013-12-16 2013-12-16
24110 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Navigate algorithm doesn't specify explicit action when aborting due to sandboxing in Step 2. 2013-12-16 2014-01-03
24118 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Bug in the HTML outline algorithm 2013-12-16 2013-12-16
24119 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Only if the URL parser returns failure should this abort. A parse error is just flagging an input mistake such as a path containing a space. 2013-12-16 2013-12-16
24120 WHATWG HTML annevk RESO MOVE The Encoding Standard only recognizes utf-16le and utf-16be. This should just refer to those if this is needed at all. 2013-12-16 2015-09-01
24123 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED enter key access key 2013-12-17 2014-01-02
24134 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA (FMuzsSSAXj2K9z59543n5w((.js?ruleId=255495:1633) Bootstrapper.dataManager._private.getDataElement (Bootstrap.js:782) Bootstrapper.dataManager._private.getDat [...] 2013-12-19 2014-01-02
24135 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK form[name] non-normative text inconsistent 2013-12-19 2014-03-07
24137 WHATWG HTML annevk RESO MOVE I think the fetching stops working per spec after the document has unloaded, since the document isn't fully active at that point (or maybe the document even gets discarded before all ping URLs have started fetching) 2013-12-19 Fri 21:24
24138 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Shouldn't it throw a SyntaxError if resolving the URL fails? 2013-12-19 2014-01-08
24143 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK <canvas>: add toBlobHD() to the list of methods that can throw SecurityError 2013-12-19 2014-01-17
24147 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "The URL and documentURI attributes must return ..." 2013-12-20 2014-01-16
24152 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Add onbeforescriptexecute/onafterscriptexecute attributes 2013-12-21 2016-03-25
24154 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <head> <title>Swapping Songs</title> </head> <body> <h1>Swapping Songs</h1> <p>Tonight I swapped some of the songs I wrote with some friends, who gave me some of the songs they wrote 2013-12-22 2014-01-01
24155 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA nslookup 2013-12-22 2014-01-01
24156 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA who follooup us 2013-12-23 2014-01-01
24157 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL who follooup us 2013-12-23 2014-01-01
24158 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED ["-" script] 2013-12-23 2014-01-02
24165 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Copy-paste error in definition of :valid, should say "and that satisfy their constraints" 2013-12-23 2014-01-02
24167 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK email validation in html5 2013-12-26 2014-01-01
24175 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Canvas Pixel ArrayBuffer should return RGBA for big-endian and ABGR for little-endian machines 2013-12-29 2013-12-31
24180 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK The name attributes of the three radio buttons should probably be highlighted as well? 2013-12-30 2014-01-02
24183 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Maybe should be a DOMSettableTokenList 2014-01-01 2014-01-03
24197 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED html5 and html different 2014-01-03 2014-01-04
24202 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED The video element needs a "kind" attribute, so that there is a source for the kind attribute of VIdeoTrack objects. 2014-01-03 2014-01-14
24203 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA j ijio oij oij oij ij 2014-01-03 2014-01-04
24204 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK The pragma is "unlike" the HTTP header? Shouldn’t this be the opposite? 2014-01-04 2014-03-07
24205 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The agorithm for parsing http-equiv="content-language" ignores everything after the first non-leading whitespace. This looks wrong, and is not what browsers do. Test case: data:text/html,<meta http-eq [...] 2014-01-04 2014-01-09
24209 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED There's no explicit mention if which HTTP verbs are valid... 2014-01-06 2014-01-16
24214 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE We should use "delaying load events mode" for <object>, <embed>, and <frame> as well 2014-01-06 2014-01-17
24218 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Worker and SharedWorker should be "exposed to JavaScript" for both window and worker env. 2014-01-07 2014-04-10
24224 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Setting document.title should mention how it interacts with mutation observers. Step 4 and 5 should preferably be handled similarly to setting textContent ( [...] 2014-01-07 2014-01-20
24233 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Can what happens to attributes for "an end tag whose tag name is br" be clarified? Suppose the markup was </br class="x">.The old requirement made it clear that the br element would not have the clas [...] 2014-01-08 2014-01-18
24238 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Should the tokens in be resolved? 2014-01-08 2014-01-16
24240 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA When setting <title>.text, allow reusing current child text node 2014-01-08 2014-01-09
24243 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The input-textfield and textarea bindings should fire 'select' events when the text selection is changed by the user 2014-01-08 2014-01-16
24249 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE triple "n" in word connnect 2014-01-09 2014-01-09
24251 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED 1. User agent should identify in Accept headers that it can handle Click Pings so that web site can decide whether to use JS alternatives 2014-01-09 2014-01-14
24252 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED 2. Spec needs to be explicit about whether pings can be low-priority async and whether they need to be fetched in sequence. 2014-01-09 2014-01-14
24254 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED appcache: i think need more description about SETTINGS section with example 2014-01-09 2014-01-14
24256 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE I'm missing “software” or “computer program” in the examples of works. 2014-01-09 2014-01-09
24261 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Remove "and <?xbl?>" 2014-01-09 2014-01-14
24262 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Add .status div.implementations p { background-size: cover; } to fix sizing of the favicons in status boxes 2014-01-09 2014-07-30
24263 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE table.caption setter, "If the new value is not a caption element, then a HierarchyRequestError DOM exception must be thrown instead." not necessary 2014-01-09 2014-01-14
24264 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK connect is misspelled. 2014-01-10 2014-01-13
24277 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE status bar and toolbar should be defined as what they are rather than their position (the toolbar is sometimes at the bottom and the status bar can be e.g. inside the address bar) 2014-01-13 2014-03-08
24279 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED should links be allowed inside labels? 2014-01-13 2014-01-14
24285 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Zebraranol - zebraranolmartinkoul 2014-01-14 2014-01-14
24286 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA site zebraranolesque de po�mes et de nouvelles 2014-01-14 2014-01-14
24293 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA innerHTML for comments need to escape data too 2014-01-14 2014-01-14
24294 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Jesus Cristo_O Caminho, A Verdade e A Vida 2014-01-14 2014-01-15
24295 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE duplicate text "+ <li><p>When the <span>external resource lin..." 2014-01-14 2014-01-15
24296 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Treating text inputs as just an inline-block doesn't handle overflow correctly 2014-01-15 Fri 20:26
24301 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Provide ImageData constructor. 2014-01-15 2014-03-23
24303 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE location.reload() when document address has a fragment should not cause just fragment navigation 2014-01-15 2014-01-16
24312 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <img> should reload (and re-resolve URLs) when switching Documents 2014-01-16 2014-02-24
24319 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Should interface objects for objects that survive structured clone be exposed? Or should those things have to say "exposed to JavaScript" explicitly? 2014-01-17 2014-04-11
24321 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED please ensure it 2014-01-17 2014-01-17
24324 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Remove the "long dummy" argument to Document.captureEvents/releaseEvents 2014-01-18 2014-01-27
24325 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE new Audio(src) need not invoke the resource selection algorithm 2014-01-19 2014-01-29
24327 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE #dimRendering neglects to specify img width/height, event though its definition links there 2014-01-20 2014-01-21
24328 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED file could not be played 2014-01-20 2014-01-21
24330 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Ready for the test implements 2014-01-20 2014-01-21
24331 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK It would be nice to have an extra (meta) title tag used for bookmarks. So it will be possible to have a different title when the page is bookmarked or webcliped. 2014-01-20 2014-01-21
24332 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Bad value Title for attribute name on element meta: Keyword title is not registered. 2014-01-20 2014-01-21
24350 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The synchronous sections for loading media and pausing on removal conflict 2014-01-22 2014-02-03
24352 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Node removal and form association by HTML Parser 2014-01-22 2014-01-30
24353 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Possible race between <video> loadstart and window.onload 2014-01-22 2014-01-29
24354 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA bla asdf asdfr asdfasf 2014-01-22 2014-01-24
24355 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA bla asdf asdfr asdfasf 2014-01-22 2014-01-24
24356 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Don't "Perform a microtask checkpoint." or "Provide a stable state." when the script nesting level is not zero? 2014-01-22 2014-01-22
24357 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA "Fire a simple event named error at the media element." shouldn't this use the DOM manipulation task source so that it's consistent with <source>? 2014-01-22 2014-01-22
24358 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Optional tags rules not clear enough <> 2014-01-22 2014-01-28
24360 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE In my, and Ms2ger's, opinion the note at the end of this doesn't make sense, as "are" does not agree with the subject "it" in the main clause of the first sentence. 2014-01-22 2014-01-24
24361 WHATWG HTML ian VERI FIXE document.write should not perform a microtask checkpoint or provide a stable state 2014-01-22 2014-02-22
24362 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Audio Valume Control 2014-01-22 2014-01-24
24363 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Is rfc2119 "required" intended here? 2014-01-22 2014-01-27
24371 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Instead of having ping attribute, it would be more beneficiall if there was a JavaSctipt API that coould do ping more reliably. Today most browsers will discard pending AJAX calls and navigate to the [...] 2014-01-23 2014-01-24
24372 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Why does the summary element only allow Phrasing content? I ran into a scenario where I needed Heading content in the summary to maintain a proper document outline. Without this, I was left to choose [...] 2014-01-23 2014-01-27
24374 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED A very important idea 2014-01-23 2014-01-24
24379 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Shadow DOM: Consider defining inertness in terms of the composed tree 2014-01-24 2017-07-27
24382 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <track> missed cues fail to reach the application & show difficulty of identifying which cues triggered the cuechange event 2014-01-24 2014-09-15
24389 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL "ignoring tasks whose associated Documents are not fully active" in the event loop logic should be skipped for worker event loops 2014-01-24 2014-01-27
24390 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "ignoring tasks whose associated Documents are not fully active" in the event loop logic should be skipped for worker event loops 2014-01-24 2014-01-27
24392 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <script type="text/JavaScript"> <!-- function MM_openBrWindow(theURL,winName,features) { //v2.0,winName,features); } //--> </script> <table width="217" border="0" cellspaci [...] 2014-01-25 2014-01-27
24393 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED what is the meaning of this ?? 2014-01-25 2014-01-27
24396 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Remove the "long dummy" argument to Window.captureEvents/releaseEvents 2014-01-25 2014-01-27
24400 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK decide what to do with iframe@seamless 2014-01-26 2016-01-23
24404 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE click() on disabled form elements should probably not fire a click event 2014-01-27 2014-01-27
24406 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA zzz aaaaaaaaaaaaaa sssssssssssssss dddddddddddddd 2014-01-27 2014-01-27
24407 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Why not add "ftp" as a whitelisted scheme? 2014-01-27 2014-01-27
24414 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE BroadcastChannel: support BroadcastChannel being used from workers 2014-01-27 2014-06-06
24422 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Hi all! I don't understand why it's ok, but i wanna know the secret of WebSocket. I wanna do the server for my js chat and I don't know how Can I start. Please about help, 2014-01-28 2014-01-28
24423 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Hi all! I don't understand why it's ok, but i wanna know the secret of WebSocket. I wanna do the server for my js chat and I don't know how Can I start. Please about help, 2014-01-28 2014-01-28
24424 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Add parser support for feDropShadow 2014-01-28 2014-01-30
24429 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE ImageData(data, sw[, sh]) constructor should check sw is nonzero. 2014-01-28 2014-01-28
24431 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED closing a dilog box 2014-01-28 2014-01-28
24435 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE missing something in "this timeupdate events are rate-limited" 2014-01-29 2014-01-30
24437 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE s/ommitted/omitted/ typo typo 2014-01-29 2014-01-30
24439 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Consider removing "nor contain two consecutive U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS characters (--), nor end with a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS character (-)" (and equivalent in the parser) since old browsers are old 2014-01-29 2014-01-30
24442 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE You need to explain "the list of languages". I assume it's based on user preferences 2014-01-29 2014-01-30
24443 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "as any of the languages is languages" s/is/in/ I think 2014-01-29 2014-01-30
24448 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA piss fuck shit cock 2014-01-30 2014-01-30
24452 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE ImageData should be exposed to workers since they survive structured clone 2014-01-31 2014-01-31
24454 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE I think typed arrays moved to 2014-01-31 2014-02-03
24458 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE BroadcastChannel should inherit EventTarget 2014-01-31 2014-01-31
24459 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE “5. Place into the input stream for the HTML parser just created the /input/.” reads like gibberish to me. Did you mean “Place the /input/ just created into the input stream for the HTML parser.”? 2014-01-31 2014-02-03
24461 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED лнп онпт г 2014-02-01 2014-02-03
24462 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED what is interactive content ? 2014-02-01 2014-02-03
24463 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED finder people on live 2014-02-01 2014-02-03
24464 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL <wot uid="5770050"><target name=""><rating time="2014-01-24 12:36:15+00"><component name="0" rating="88"/><component name="4" rating="93"/></rating><comment category="21" time="2014-01-24 [...] 2014-02-01 2014-02-03
24465 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <wot uid="5770050"><target name=""><rating time="2014-01-24 12:36:15+00"><component name="0" rating="88"/><component name="4" rating="93"/></rating><comment category="21" time="2014-01-24 [...] 2014-02-01 2014-02-03
24468 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA document.observe("dom:loaded", function(){ $$('p'($$('input[type=radio]'))).forEach(function(e){ $('input[type==radio]').checked=false; }); }); 2014-02-02 2014-02-03
24473 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Non-link <a> elements should not be an interactive content 2014-02-03 2014-02-03
24476 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK wow. very nice. just what I was looking for. thank you. Mike 2014-02-03 2014-02-03
24480 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Please keep the content model section focused on author requirements; move stuff for UAs somewhere else 2014-02-03 2014-02-03
24483 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK best for deal 2014-02-04 2014-02-04
24484 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Say "provide a stable state" if that is equivalent 2014-02-04 2014-02-19
24485 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL The width attribute on the col element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. 2014-02-04 2014-02-04
24486 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED The width attribute on the col element is obsolete. Use CSS instead. 2014-02-04 2014-02-04
24487 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "Otherwise, the file was not successfully processed" should set the text track readiness state to failed to load 2014-02-04 2014-02-04
24488 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE s/someone nebulous/somewhat nebulous/g 2014-02-04 2014-02-04
24517 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Avoid manual redirect flag somehow. 2014-02-05 2014-02-12
24518 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE You can remove "The DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope interface must only be exposed to JavaScript if the JavaScript global environment is a dedicated worker environment." as that is an IDL handled feature n [...] 2014-02-05 2014-02-05
24519 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Why do workers use document as their referrer source when they do not seem to need document for anything else? Seems more logical if the worker's location was used as the referrer. 2014-02-05 2015-08-28
24520 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The way the DOM defines createDocument() it would end up with its URL being about:blank, not the responsible document's URL. 2014-02-05 2014-02-05
24526 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Specify that content model for MathML <annotation-xml encoding="text/html"> is flow content 2014-02-05 2014-02-05
24544 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The note in item 6: "For example, and" -> "For example," 2014-02-05 2014-02-06
24560 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Difference in error handling for video element 2014-02-06 2014-02-21
24562 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED is section imake an element draggable s non-norm 2014-02-06 2014-02-06
24563 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Make TextTrack.kind/language writable to work with MSE 2014-02-06 2014-07-30
24572 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT What happens to xml-compatible attributes? @lang is equivalent in structure to xml:lang, with the only ecception that the latter is in XML namespace in XHTML documents. Does XML compatibility means no [...] 2014-02-07 2014-02-10
24574 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT The choice over open="" seems counterintuitive. 2014-02-07 2014-02-21
24587 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Why is selectionStart and selectionEnd not supported for input of type number? I see it as a hindrance to the flexibility of this type input. The spinner control is fine but why not let the user input [...] 2014-02-08 2014-02-10
24588 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Why is selectionStart and selectionEnd not supported for input of type number? I see it as a hindrance to the flexibility of this type input. The spinner control is fine but why not let the user input [...] 2014-02-08 2014-02-21
24590 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED bug 2014-02-09 2014-02-10
24597 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Maybe make the <img> fetch outlive the document (like ping) 2014-02-10 Fri 21:04
24598 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Use :not(.note) rather than :not([class="note"]). Fetch has class="note no-backref" on a <span> and things fail. (I tried to report this against #head but that did not work.) 2014-02-10 2014-02-10
24599 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Don't these task queues depend on the available APIs? E.g. I suppose for file APIs we'll have some kind of "file read task source" and maybe an "IO task source". 2014-02-10 2014-04-15
24602 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK "if (x<!--y) { ... }" is actually a line comment 2014-02-10 2014-02-10
24607 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <style type> should be ascii case-insensitive compare to "text/css". Similar to <script type>. 2014-02-10 2014-02-20
24613 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Why wouldn't referrer for about:blank be based on the origin it inherits? 2014-02-10 2015-09-17
24617 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Misspelled entity &ddagger; instead of &Dagger; for ‡ as footnote symbol. 2014-02-11 2014-02-11
24620 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Needed a rule for user agents about the correct <wbr> rendering mechanism. If such a mechanism can be changed, this element will be used to finally get rid of &shy; in text content. 2014-02-11 2014-03-08
24622 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE document.all should look at <input name>, <select name> 2014-02-11 2014-02-21
24623 WHATWG HTML morrita RESO WONT Hooks to disable document.write() from HTML Imports 2014-02-11 2014-04-07
24637 WHATWG HTML ian RESO LATE [imports] "style sheet that is blocking scripts" should be generalized to support HTML Imports 2014-02-12 2015-09-05
24640 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Storage mutex text does not describe what any major UA does or plans to do 2014-02-13 2014-02-21
24643 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Want a extension point to extend criteria to fire DOMContentLoaded 2014-02-13 2014-04-07
24645 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL li should provide DOM interface to its rendered value representation 2014-02-13 2016-03-16
24653 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Planning on changing mutation hooks 2014-02-13 2014-09-12
24659 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE fetch: In the CORS-enabled fetch, the non-normative use of the term "is available" is ambiguous 2014-02-14 2015-09-17
24662 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Spec for indexed access on Window doesn't match most browsers 2014-02-14 2014-02-27
24663 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL This is very useful! keep it up 2014-02-14 2014-02-14
24664 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK This is very useful! keep it up 2014-02-14 2014-02-14
24665 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE htmlFor is a "DOMSettableTokenList" interface. Shouldn't it be a "Elements" collection? 2014-02-14 2014-02-20
24666 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Error in site interface? (I must submit in order to see better) 2014-02-14 2014-02-14
24667 WHATWG HTML morrita RESO LATE Want an quirks mode override for HTML parser 2014-02-14 2014-04-07
24669 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Why is there a difference between IDL dimension attributes type for video compared with iframe/embed/object? And how is this difference expected to affect paging mechanism? 2014-02-14 2014-02-21
24670 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "blocked by a modal dialog" and inert="" fail to propagate into nested browsing contexts currently 2014-02-14 2014-02-21
24675 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Difference in error handling for video element 2014-02-15 2014-02-17
24677 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Alexey Proskuryakov’s name is double-escaped 2014-02-15 2014-07-09
24681 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL proxy serever refuse 2014-02-16 2014-02-20
24682 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL proxy serever refuse 2014-02-16 2014-02-20
24683 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED proxy serever refuse 2014-02-16 2014-02-20
24684 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Add an srcObject to HTMLMediaElement 2014-02-16 2014-08-26
24688 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA fdf sdf dsf dsf sdf sdf sd 2014-02-16 2014-02-20
24691 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Allow shared Web workers to persist across page loads from same origin 2014-02-17 2014-10-14
24694 WHATWG HTML ian VERI FIXE Give "4.7 Embedded content" a stable id 2014-02-17 2014-02-22
24707 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The pause (for blocking dialog) algorithm should not provide a stable state 2014-02-18 2014-09-12
24710 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Firing of progress events is inconsistent (sync vs queue a task) 2014-02-18 2014-03-18
24711 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO FIXE <img>: Refactor the image loading model 2014-02-18 2014-06-16
24712 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE <img>: Should probably not fire load if selected source is the same as the last selected source. (step 7.3) 2014-02-18 Fri 21:03
24713 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE some <th> elements and most elements with tabindex="" should probably count as interactive 2014-02-18 2014-02-20
24714 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE We should make tabindex="" on <dialog> non-conforming, since it's remarkably confusing and not necessary as far as I can tell 2014-02-18 2014-02-20
24716 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Confusing, awkward phrasing (required re-reading the examples, several times, in order to understand): "Markup without microdata attributes has no effect on microdata." Suggestion; please consider rep [...] 2014-02-19 2014-02-20
24717 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED I’m assuming the Note on actualBoundingBoxAscent also applies to actualBoundingBoxDescent? 2014-02-19 2014-02-21
24718 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE <dialog>: we should add a showWithoutFocus() method to <dialog> for cases where you don't want it focused 2014-02-19 2016-12-13
24719 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE We should define how to pick the next/previous element in sequential focus navigation, to make sure it's clear that it stays within a dialog and browsing context 2014-02-19 2014-02-27
24720 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <dialog>: New <dialog>- and focus-related APIs 2014-02-19 2017-07-21
24723 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE are emHeightAscent/Descent using the largest em square in the line box? 2014-02-19 2014-02-20
24724 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Can the microtask and stable state concepts be merged? 2014-02-19 2014-05-13
24727 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Bogus xref in "Ctrl+Alt+S" 2014-02-19 2014-02-20
24728 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Clarify what returns when the browsing context name is not set 2014-02-19 2014-02-20
24730 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA nnnnnnnnnnn 2014-02-19 2014-02-20
24746 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE HTMLSelectElement remove should take (HTMLElement or long) 2014-02-20 2014-02-21
24747 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK 3 questions: a) Why these many restrictions to iframe content if it ends up being treated as text? b) Why in XHTML there must be no content at all? c) Is it the same for palpable content of object ele [...] 2014-02-20 2014-02-24
24749 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <canvas>: fallback should support list boxes 2014-02-20 2014-02-20
24750 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <canvas>: fallback should support grids 2014-02-20 2014-02-20
24757 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Should map <th sorted> to ARIA aria-sort property 2014-02-20 2014-03-07
24762 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK in my opinion if there is more than 3 parameters you should use a switch statement 2014-02-21 2014-02-25
24774 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Queue a task for the final steps of the seek algorithm 2014-02-22 2014-03-03
24775 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Why do <abbr>, <dfn> and <input> rely on @title for such vital information when this is generally discouraged? Is @title exposed differently on these elements in AT, WebTV and touchscreen devices? 2014-02-22 2014-03-07
24778 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE clearInterval/setInterval with no argument need to silently no-op, not throw 2014-02-22 2014-02-24
24781 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Unclear if attributes MUST be defined in pixels 2014-02-24 2014-02-25
24782 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA As observed by, implementations differ on when option elements are actually disabled, specifically when they descend [...] 2014-02-24 2014-03-08
24785 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Why can't iframe contain plain text as content in XHTML? Not only could it be a legacy fallback for (very) old browsers, but it could also be useful for search engines and all those cases when the tex [...] 2014-02-24 2014-03-07
24796 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT setSelectionRange() should be supported in other input types as well. Use case: in a mobile app when focusing a number input, allow selecting the entire number so you can overwrite the value without [...] 2014-02-25 2017-03-10
24798 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK <title> and children elements. 2014-02-25 2014-03-05
24800 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Spec comment contains a partially incorrect allegation about the Czech Firefox 2014-02-25 2014-02-25
24803 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK <option> when it has no @label or @value must have content and has text as content model. Isn't it "escapable raw text"? 2014-02-25 2014-02-25
24805 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE should be cue, not cure in the TextTrackCue scents 2014-02-25 2014-02-25
24809 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Convert "Sort the tables with pending sorts" and "a table with a pending sort" to use microtasks directly. 2014-02-25 2014-05-07
24810 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "invoke MutationObserver object" should be updated for microtasks 2014-02-25 2014-04-23
24814 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL I am 100% opposed to removing the selectionStart, selectionEnd, and selectionRange properties/methods from input fields of type "number". Major sites/applications use these props/methods every day to [...] 2014-02-25 2014-02-26
24824 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE [WebSocket] Add note saying close() is graceful 2014-02-26 2014-02-28
24831 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK "the following additional information" -- ITYM "misinformation"? (What if the user wants DTD validation done?) 2014-02-26 2014-03-12
24833 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE AAA step 1 should only pop when current node is not in the list of active formatting elements 2014-02-27 2014-03-06
24835 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Should the show/hide thing be the default action for <summary>? Seems like it is in blink. 2014-02-27 2014-03-18
24849 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED I want to see older versions 2014-02-28 2014-03-03
24850 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED meta name="rating" content="safe for kids" 2014-02-28 2014-03-03
24851 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK <meta name="robots" content="INDEX,FOLLOW"> 2014-02-28 2014-03-12
24852 WHATWG HTML ian RESO LATE The algorithm should probably unload the plugin even if it doesn't end up at the fallback step. Should also destroy the nested browsing context if it had one. 2014-02-28 Fri 20:48
24855 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED what a idea. 2014-02-28 2014-02-28
24856 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Bad value robots for attribute name on element meta: Keyword robots is not registered. 2014-02-28 2014-02-28
24857 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Bad value robots for attribute name on element meta: Keyword robots is not registered. 2014-02-28 2014-02-28
24880 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 123 <3 "Phantastic' 2014-03-02 2014-03-03
24881 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 123 <3 "Phantastic' 2014-03-02 2014-03-03
24882 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Sorry... Sorry... 2014-03-02 2014-03-03
24883 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Sorry... Sorry... 2014-03-02 2014-03-03
24884 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Sorry... Sorry... 2014-03-02 2014-03-03
24885 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Sorry... Sorry... 2014-03-02 2014-03-03
24886 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Sorry... Sorry... 2014-03-02 2014-03-03
24887 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Sorry... Sorry... 2014-03-02 2014-03-03
24888 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Sorry... Sorry... 2014-03-02 2014-03-03
24889 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK I can send request in an automated way via and cause a bug hell... 2014-03-02 2014-03-03
24892 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Specify speculative parsing and that it fetches bogus scripts. See 2014-03-02 2016-11-28
24895 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Be explicit in dealing with UA preference settings for audioTracks and videoTracks 2014-03-03 2014-04-27
24899 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA poop is in my booty 2014-03-03 2014-03-03
24900 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Remove parser support for filterRes attribute 2014-03-03 2014-03-18
24901 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Perhaps you should define how elements are supposed to treat (invalid) child nodes, especially in XHTML where content of <textarea> is parsed normally and handled by UAs, even if invalid (IE shows phr [...] 2014-03-03 2014-03-07
24907 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 4.7.3: "hass" 2014-03-04 2014-03-05
24908 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <form id="test"></form><button form="test" formaction="javascript:alert(1)">X</button> 2014-03-04 2014-03-05
24910 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Define how Media Fragments URI end position is handled 2014-03-04 2016-02-01
24917 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Durations in precise moments of time. 2014-03-04 2014-03-06
24926 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 8.4.4: "the follow steps" 2014-03-04 2014-03-05
24927 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 8.4.6: "return true the value" 2014-03-04 2014-03-05
24929 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 8.4.6: "method on Window object" 2014-03-04 2014-03-05
24935 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT autocomplete: Add an autofill field for the full formatted address 2014-03-04 Fri 20:44
24936 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 8.4.2: odd control structure 2014-03-05 2014-03-05
24937 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: "script settings Let" 2014-03-05 2014-03-05
24938 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 2.7.6: extra <p> tag 2014-03-05 2014-03-05
24939 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: 6.6.1: "algorith" 2014-03-05 2014-03-05
24940 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS FIXE [HTML] editorial: missing comma 2014-03-05 2014-03-05
24942 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT lang=x-<language acronym> (private use subtags) for code language, maybe with preceding code for language used in comments. E.g. <code lang="en-US-x-js">, code fragment in javascript with comments and [...] 2014-03-05 2014-03-19
24950 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Example for sortable tables 2014-03-05 2014-04-01
24953 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE [HTML] editorial: 8.4.4: "tun" 2014-03-06 2014-03-06
24954 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE [HTML] editorial: 8.7.4: "If not related target was provided" 2014-03-06 2014-03-19
24955 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Does seeking to the end trigger the loop/ended/pause steps? 2014-03-06 2014-04-14
24956 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL apps willnot load even though wifi is connected 2014-03-06 2014-03-06
24957 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED apps willnot load even though wifi is connected 2014-03-06 2014-03-06
24958 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO FIXE <img>: When exactly should "update the image data" run? 2014-03-06 2015-09-16
24961 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Spec needs to make it clear that fieldsets are never narrower than kids 2014-03-06 2014-04-15
24962 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Array ( [0] => 42000 [1] => 1064 [2] => You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '•.¸HaC [...] 2014-03-06 2014-03-06
24965 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL i can't click browse button on mozilla 2014-03-07 2014-03-07
24966 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK i cant click browse button on mozilla 2014-03-07 2014-03-07
24967 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE setTimeout/setInterval can use 'optional long timeout = 0' 2014-03-07 2014-03-07
24973 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Hello> I would like to see it happen in real time 2014-03-07 2014-03-07
24977 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Should adding a new AudioTrack/VideoTrack fire the change event? 2014-03-09 2014-07-30
24982 WHATWG HTML ian VERI FIXE "value content attribute" linked to wrong value 2014-03-09 2014-03-11
24983 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Making document parts inert without using <dialog> 2014-03-09 2016-05-20
24985 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Note: Or you could look at the page in a text-only browser, like elinks. 2014-03-10 2014-04-09
24991 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Modal <dialog>s should fill the screen on mobile devices 2014-03-10 2014-09-05
25018 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK "Four or more ASCII digits, at least one of which is not U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0)" <- shouldn't this explicitly say that this indicates a year? 2014-03-12 2014-04-10
25019 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Be explicit about "When a media element is created, if it has a muted attribute specified" 2014-03-12 2014-05-02
25020 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT onLine implies internet access 2014-03-12 2014-03-12
25023 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL I believe this is my new best web site for knowledge of the workings of design 2014-03-12 2014-03-12
25024 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK I believe this is my new best web site for knowledge of the workings of design 2014-03-12 2014-03-12
25026 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE line-height on inputs needs a behavior that cannot be described via CSS 2014-03-12 2014-05-08
25027 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE <select> needs to not allow changing its height via line-height 2014-03-12 Fri 21:17
25030 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE clip(), isPointInStroke(), fill() are lacking the fillRule in their domintro section 2014-03-12 2014-03-12
25031 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK we should make addText() and company not give a final point, since it's so unpredictable what it should be, and make sure "ensure there is a subpath" handles that case. 2014-03-12 2014-03-12
25032 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL insertion of video 2014-03-12 2014-03-12
25033 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED insertion of video 2014-03-12 2014-03-12
25041 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL I really do like this web site... 2014-03-13 2014-03-13
25042 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK I really do like this web site... 2014-03-13 2014-03-13
25045 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "Sourcing out-of-band text tracks" section doesn't specify a task source 2014-03-13 2014-04-14
25052 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="pt-BR"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>Notifier</title> <script> function notify(text){ document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML+='<p>'+text+'</p>' [...] 2014-03-14 2014-03-17
25055 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "and no embedded content descendant other than the img element" should probably be no flow content, not no embedded content 2014-03-14 2014-03-17
25056 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <math> shouldn't be embedded content 2014-03-14 2014-03-17
25057 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <canvas> shouldn't allow descendant embedded content 2014-03-14 2014-03-17
25069 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Bad value prettyPhoto[gallery2] for attribute rel on element a: Illegal character in path component. The string prettyphoto[gallery2] is not a registered keyword or absolute URL. …port1.jpg" rel=" [...] 2014-03-15 2014-03-17
25070 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Is not clear what happens if the resource had an Expires or a max-age. Should it be fetched again or not? 2014-03-15 2014-03-18
25071 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK I am not sure Why? or When? the online or offline script would be used... 2014-03-15 2014-07-29
25073 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED You should have skilled writer—who understand the needs of readers—write this stuff. For example, the Apple example does not correct express how a writer would approach the topic. While this my ap [...] 2014-03-15 2014-03-17
25074 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Browsers should take extreme care when interacting with external content intended for plugins. When third-party software is run with the same privileges as the user agent itself, vulnerabilities in th [...] 2014-03-15 2014-03-17
25075 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Browsers Bug 25074 filed! Please CC yourself on the bug so that you can see the response and reply to any follow-ups. Thanks!should take extreme care when interacting with external content intended fo [...] 2014-03-15 2014-03-17
25077 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Double-sided ruby: in the contrived example the text for the entity "&sext" is present, instead of the symbol. Also the representation of "shamrock" character has issues (on Chrome it is rendered as 2014-03-16 2014-05-16
25079 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Say that blob: is supported ( ) "Thus, scripts must either be external files with the same scheme, host, and port as the original page, or data: URLs." 2014-03-17 2014-03-17
25082 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Nigeria Army .................. Gen are theif when soldier 2014-03-17 2014-03-17
25083 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Why Nigeria Army is like to eat soldier money people come back from operation and to pay them is a problem and soldier is suffering when officer is fat 2014-03-17 2014-03-17
25089 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE How do microtasks run in workers given this model? 2014-03-18 2014-03-18
25099 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Should define default values for ErrorEventInit in the IDL, not in the prose 2014-03-19 2016-03-22
25101 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK <b><p></p></b> cannot have p end tag ommitted though this section permits it 2014-03-19 2014-04-01
25105 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA "restrained media controller" is ambiguous 2014-03-20 2014-05-02
25111 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK This is test message 2014-03-21 2014-03-21
25112 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Since OptGroup is inside a select element. What should happen when OptGroup element is selected. Should the selected option be unselected. 2014-03-21 2014-05-07
25113 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE typo: folllowing ... 2014-03-21 2014-04-28
25114 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Why throw instead of no-op when open="" is absent? 2014-03-21 2016-08-18
25115 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Does "set the returnValue attribute" mean JS-overloaded setter gets invoked or not? 2014-03-21 2014-03-26
25116 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK What if it's not being rendered? Adding to the top layer doesn't make sense then. 2014-03-21 2014-04-29
25118 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Since this doesn't spin the event loop, the element will still be display:none when the steps try to push it to the top layer and focus it, no? (Similar for show()) 2014-03-21 2014-05-08
25120 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Incorrect scope chain for window event handlers (should not include document) 2014-03-21 2014-05-05
25122 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA bnnm jhjh hk h kj khj k lkihk .ljj j j jgjk hjhjk 2014-03-22 2014-03-31
25123 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Supported property names on HTMLFormControlsCollection should probably not be enumerable 2014-03-22 2014-05-05
25124 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Supported property names on HTMLOptionsCollection should probably not be enumerable 2014-03-22 2014-05-05
25125 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL head clear edit 2014-03-22 2014-03-31
25126 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL head clear edit 2014-03-22 2014-03-31
25127 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA head clear edit 2014-03-22 2014-03-31
25128 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA whats up here babe 2014-03-23 2014-03-31
25132 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Update the "sourcing in-band text tracks" section for different types of text tracks 2014-03-24 2014-09-15
25133 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Extend examples for sourcing of attribute values for multitrack a/v 2014-03-24 2014-08-25
25144 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE While reading the spec for the embed element at <> I stumbled about this sentence: When the element is created with neither a src attribut [...] 2014-03-25 2014-05-03
25145 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Provide an index for selectors 2014-03-25 2015-08-30
25146 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Should be titled "Matching HTML elements using CSS selectors" 2014-03-25 2014-05-02
25150 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Should have a note about the parsing wierdness *before* the content model, and it should link to a relevant spot in the parsing algorithm 2014-03-25 2014-08-06
25151 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE rel="shortcut icon", refine the requirement 2014-03-26 2014-04-03
25153 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL "When a media element is created, if it has a muted attribute specified, the user agent must mute the media element's audio output, overriding any user preference." - what is intended to happen for <v [...] 2014-03-26 2014-05-05
25166 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA I similar to the significant details you provide inside of your article content.I’ll bookmark your blog site and check again here repeatedly.I’m quite sure I will gain knowledge of quite a bit of [...] 2014-03-26 2014-03-31
25167 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Ia sjkjd vmannd amndnahdaskjfnasd dska;jbc alkjdcha c 2014-03-26 2014-03-31
25171 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA interface Storage { readonly attribute unsigned long length; getter DOMString key(in unsigned long index); getter any getItem(in DOMString key); setter creator [...] 2014-03-27 2014-03-31
25186 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE window.external should be [Replaceable] 2014-03-28 2014-05-02
25188 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Use the media element task source for audio/video tracks 2014-03-28 2014-05-05
25192 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Please don't use section numbers as these tend to change rapidly and make your feedback harder to understand. 2014-03-28 2014-03-31
25193 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL error in the subject and object and class for the prespective of intercomposition and fine content injestise 2014-03-28 2014-03-31
25194 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA error in the subject and object and class for the prespective of intercomposition and fine content injestise 2014-03-28 2014-03-31
25204 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA The communication APIsHTML documents can provide a number of mechanisms for users to interact with and modify content, which are described in this section, such as how focus works, and drag-and-drop. 2014-03-29 2014-03-31
25208 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED " attribute double <span title="dom-c..." 2014-03-30 2014-03-30
25209 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Unload event should be dispatched to window, but have document as target, similar to load event. (Gecko/WebKit/Blink seem to have that behavior.) 2014-03-30 2014-05-06
25213 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED in kozhikode, in Calicut, in trivandrum, in kerala, in india" /> 2014-03-31 2014-03-31
25221 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Play event doesn't work reliably in mobile android chrome. 2014-04-01 2014-04-01
25224 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK More detail for abort event 2014-04-01 2014-07-28
25235 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE autocomplete fields: locality and region aren't enough 2014-04-02 2014-06-04
25236 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE autocomplete fields: password types 2014-04-02 2014-04-14
25237 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE autocomplete fields: usernames 2014-04-02 2014-04-14
25238 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT autocomplete fields: API to trigger saving even when form is not submitted 2014-04-02 2014-10-01
25239 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT autocomplete fields: mechanism to prevent saving fields after form submission 2014-04-02 2017-07-21
25243 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE <canvas>: Filters 2014-04-03 2016-04-02
25246 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA vbello davvero bello bello 2014-04-03 2014-04-03
25252 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA kdfkjdhgk sfghjskghn lkfgh 2014-04-04 2014-04-04
25254 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE forms: logic for canceled activation steps for radio buttons 2014-04-04 2014-08-04
25256 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED There is far to much information on the same site, bar design! 2014-04-04 2014-04-07
25258 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK "The canceled activation steps consist of setting the checkedness and the element's indeterminate IDL attribute back to the values they had before the pre-click activation steps were run." even if it' [...] 2014-04-04 2014-05-08
25265 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED This must so simple I can not get my head around it... 2014-04-04 2014-09-12
25272 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Please include Arabic script letter in the example graphic. Arabic letter script is used by many languages including Arabic, Urdu, Farsi. 2014-04-05 2014-05-09
25277 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL SESSION HISORY 2014-04-06 2014-04-07
25278 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA SESSION HISTORY 2014-04-06 2014-04-10
25279 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE More detail for event type base on UIEvent 2014-04-06 2014-08-01
25280 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-US"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title> | Blog chia sẻ kiến thức lập trình web - | Blog chia sẻ kiến th 2014-04-06 2014-04-07
25282 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED The URL does not appear to reference a valid XML file. We encountered the following problem: Error on line 29: Element type "a.length" must be followed by either attribute specifications, ">" or "/>". 2014-04-06 2014-04-07
25292 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "If a Document is a nested browsing context" - a document can't *be* a browsing context. (appears twice) 2014-04-08 2014-05-07
25299 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Update <style scoped> to point to relevant CSS specs 2014-04-09 2014-05-07
25301 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED this is hard to understand 2014-04-09 2014-04-10
25315 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT forms: <input type=year> 2014-04-10 2014-09-30
25321 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA var%20ws%20%3D%20new%20websocket%28%22ws//localhost:8888/websocket");ws.onopen = function() %7B ws.send("Hello, World");%7D;ws.onmessage = function (evt) %7B alert(;%7D; 2014-04-11 2014-05-07
25324 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Content model - <tr> elements should not be allowed as children of a <table> element. Actually, user agents always wrap free tr elements inside tbody elements, so they are always implied. The contrary [...] 2014-04-11 2014-05-07
25325 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE What is the rationale in having <menuitem> as a void element? It won't be backward compatible, and in addition to this if it had content allowed in form of text nodes, the label for the command could [...] 2014-04-11 2016-02-05
25326 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK What is the rationale in having <keygen> as a void element? It won't be backward compatible, and in addition to this it could be used as a container for script-based legacy alternatives. 2014-04-11 2014-04-11
25336 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Why the conforming alternative for the "shape" attribute has been "circle" instead of "circ"? The latter would be more similar to the 4-letter "poly" and "rect" keywords. 2014-04-13 2014-04-14
25337 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Why hasn't a native adaptation mechanism for area's position and dimensions ever been conceived/suggested? Authors still have to rely on script for this. 2014-04-13 2015-09-02
25342 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED If i am using a particular baseline why does it renders the text in different position in firefox than in any other browser 2014-04-14 2014-04-14
25349 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA When should "paused for user interaction" be used? 2014-04-15 2014-04-22
25367 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA hy your website is not being here prety well 2014-04-16 2014-04-22
25369 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Make valueMissing always be false when badInput is true 2014-04-16 2015-09-15
25374 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL <input type=email> is useless for Email Address Internationalization (EAI) 2014-04-17 2014-05-15
25376 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT IFrame Seamless attribute should allow for disabling features 2014-04-17 2016-01-25
25377 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Please remove contentScriptType and contentStyleType from the list of attributes in 12.2.5 Tree construction. These attributes have been removed from SVG2 ( 2014-04-17 2014-04-30
25378 WHATWG HTML ian RESO LATE Merge HTML Imports into HTML 2014-04-17 2015-09-05
25384 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA hyzloep,uzgzo dyedut huzyvtapby sontaobystvu dpnu 2014-04-18 2014-04-22
25394 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE outline depth calculation should not include empty sections 2014-04-19 2014-09-08
25395 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK html tag in frameset shouldn't be ignored? 2014-04-19 2014-05-13
25399 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Has it been considered or discussed to add a src-attribute to the style-element? It has always puzzled me why external stylesheets are loaded using link and not style. In comparison, scripts use the s [...] 2014-04-21 2014-05-08
25410 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Why is zero tokens in rel allowed? 2014-04-22 2014-05-14
25413 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE BroadcastChannel: what's the use case for 2014-04-22 2014-04-30
25414 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE BroadcastChannel: dispatch order seems unnecessarily complex 2014-04-22 2014-05-01
25415 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE BroadcastChannel: should support structured clones 2014-04-22 2014-04-30
25416 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK i think who that websocket is very interisting 2014-04-22 2014-04-22
25417 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE autocomplete: shouldn't need the form to be in the document to do requestAutocomplete() 2014-04-22 2014-05-22
25429 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE restrained media controller should not depend on blocked media elements 2014-04-23 2014-04-30
25439 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "Dedicated workers, once created, and are linked to their creator" -> s/ and// 2014-04-24 2014-04-29
25442 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED If I used the required attribute in any radio buttons or checkboxes the form was requiring that all boxes or buttons were selected, rather than only requiring one of the options to be selected. Howeve [...] 2014-04-24 2014-06-05
25449 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Should we have a "masked" mode here? 2014-04-24 2014-06-12
25452 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT forms: new events dispatched when opening or closing <input> and <select> popups 2014-04-24 Mon 01:02
25453 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The text field and the buttons in the bug report interface are not visible. 2014-04-25 2014-04-29
25454 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Initial content for iframes 2014-04-25 2015-09-01
25456 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED There is no way to inform a shared worker that a document connected to it is closed 2014-04-25 2015-09-17
25459 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Please ensure that your comment is descriptive enough that the editor can understand it. 2014-04-25 2014-04-28
25460 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT muted and mediagroup should not be special-cased for the parser 2014-04-25 2014-08-27
25461 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Drop the "xml" restriction, it's not reserved anymore. See 2014-04-25 2014-04-28
25462 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Make zcorpan happy 2014-04-25 2014-04-25
25463 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Make zcorpan happy 2014-04-25 2014-04-25
25464 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Make zcorpan happy 2014-04-25 2014-04-25
25471 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE autocomplete: provide a way to specify fixed values for certain autofill fields 2014-04-25 2014-09-02
25472 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT autocomplete: return a promise for requestAutocomplete() 2014-04-25 2016-06-16
25478 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Table element's content model: it is probably wrong to indicate that <tr> elements are part of this [...] 2014-04-27 2015-09-15
25479 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA The placeholder text appears as 2014-04-27 2014-04-28
25480 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA The login UI shows me correctly logged in, and the bug report success message states that I was CC'ed for the bug. But the bug itself is reported as filed by anonymous contributor sometimes. 2014-04-27 2014-04-29
25486 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL jadi yg terbaik dari yg terbaik 2014-04-28 2014-04-28
25487 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED jadi yg terbaik dari yg terbaik 2014-04-28 2014-04-28
25493 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK <img> Are alts not being respected in document outline for things like <h1><img alt="Title" src="path/to/i [...] 2014-04-28 Fri 20:53
25496 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Interaction between style of lists and CSS counter styles spec 2014-04-29 2014-07-21
25504 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE isTrusted in the events generated by the methods 2014-04-29 2014-08-26
25507 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL <canvas>: Have createImageBitmap() take options, e.g. to honour EXIF orientation 2014-04-29 2014-05-09
25508 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO MOVE <img>: Have an autorotate="" attribute that honours orientation metadata in the image (e.g. EXIF) 2014-04-29 Fri 22:27
25511 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK IS the value of the name content attribute for all a, applet, area, embed, form, frameset, img, and [...] 2014-04-30 2014-05-13
25512 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Is the ability to access elements by their name or ID likely to be removed? 2014-04-30 2014-05-15
25515 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED you forgot the heading syntax 2014-04-30 2014-04-30
25521 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Even with the "optionally intermixed with one or more script-supporting elements." clause, this is s [...] 2014-04-30 2014-09-29
25522 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK No need to special case onerror attribute event handler 2014-04-30 2014-06-05
25523 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Remove directive support from attribute event handlers 2014-04-30 2014-04-30
25524 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Please define what it returns if the condition is false. ;-) 2014-04-30 2014-05-01
25525 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT appcache: a way to get the data from appcached URLs that end up being 404, 410, 401, 403... 2014-04-30 2014-09-25
25532 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE missing discussion of 'empty' content model 2014-05-02 2014-07-29
25534 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE HTML spec should not encourage to auto-detect UTF-8 2014-05-02 2014-08-27
25535 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Allow col without colgroup in the content model (like tr is allowed without tbody) 2014-05-02 2014-07-21
25543 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK From James Vickers 2014-05-04 2014-05-05
25546 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE In step 14 for addHitRegion(), "Hit region's cursor specification" is the same as for "Hit region's parent". 2014-05-05 2014-05-05
25547 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Shouldn't <video> allow intermixed script-supporting elements? 2014-05-05 2017-07-21
25548 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE colgroup's "children" doesn't match the specified content model (template vs script-supporting elements) 2014-05-05 2014-05-05
25549 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Shouldn't "Or: Zero or more option elements." also allow intermixed script-supporting elements? 2014-05-05 2014-07-29
25550 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Shouldn't <details> also allow intermixed script-supporting elements (before the <summary>)? 2014-05-05 2017-07-21
25551 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Shouldn't <fieldset> also allow intermixed script-supporting elements (before the <legend>)? 2014-05-05 2017-07-21
25552 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Shouldn't <figure> also allow intermixed script-supporting elements (before/after the <figcaption>)? 2014-05-05 2017-07-21
25553 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Shouldn't <object> also allow intermixed script-supporting elements? 2014-05-05 2017-07-21
25555 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Shouldn't <ruby> also allow intermixed script-supporting elements? 2014-05-05 2017-07-21
25556 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <select>'s "children" doesn't match the specced content model (missing script-supported elements) 2014-05-05 2014-05-05
25560 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The steps involving innerHTML here would be simpler by using outerHTML instead 2014-05-05 2014-05-05
25572 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Don't remove script elements when checking noscript (hgroup content model) 2014-05-06 2014-07-29
25573 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Can new audio/video tracks be added before/after loadedmetadata? 2014-05-06 2014-07-30
25574 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Queue a (micro)task to change enabled audio tracks 2014-05-06 2014-06-12
25578 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Example itself is missing attribute multiple instead it is showing slider based on values field. So [...] 2014-05-06 2014-05-06
25583 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "tree order" phrases should be cross-referenced to definition 2014-05-06 2014-08-04
25584 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <bdi> section could do with screenshots 2014-05-06 2014-07-23
25585 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <img> Remove this section and the "Adaptive images" section and pull in 2014-05-06 2014-08-06
25586 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED In this example, a gadget from another site is embedded. The gadget has scripting and forms enabled, [...] 2014-05-06 2014-07-29
25592 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Reset currentSrc in the media element load algorithm 2014-05-07 2014-05-07
25600 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE forms: logic for radio buttons when changing type="" attribute 2014-05-08 2014-08-04
25606 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED embed image map algorithm 2014-05-08 2014-05-08
25608 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE 'parent' vs. 'parentID' for addHitRegion() 2014-05-08 2014-05-08
25617 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK This is not entirely clear on what happens if contentEditable elements contain elements that are not contentEditable - what happens if the user wants to delete the non-editable element? 2014-05-08 2014-05-12
25631 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Please ensure that your comment is descPlease enter a description of the problem you have found, and [...] 2014-05-09 2014-05-09
25634 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT createImageBitmap() should allow incomplete <img> to be used as input (and should wait for it to load) 2014-05-09 2014-09-30
25635 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <canvas>: drawImage() should have a flag to treat subregions as surrounded by transparent black 2014-05-09 2016-04-21
25638 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Let DataTransfer.setData() accept data in forms other than DOMString, e.g. Blob, elements, structured-cloneable data, etc 2014-05-09 2017-07-24
25639 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK createImageBitmap() should take options specifying how to construct the image 2014-05-09 2016-03-16
25640 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE createImageBitmap() options: source dimensions 2014-05-09 2016-03-16
25641 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE createImageBitmap() options: output size 2014-05-09 2016-03-16
25642 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE createImageBitmap() options: image data orientation 2014-05-09 2016-03-16
25643 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE createImageBitmap() options: color space handling 2014-05-09 2016-03-16
25644 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE createImageBitmap() options: alpha channel handling 2014-05-09 2016-03-16
25646 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT ImageBitmap objects should expose original dimensions 2014-05-09 2016-03-16
25647 WHATWG HTML junov RESO FIXE ImageBitmap: Have a way to turn an ImageBitmap into a renderable <img> or <canvas> efficiently 2014-05-09 2016-04-21
25648 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "magic balue" should probably be "magic value" 2014-05-09 2014-05-09
25653 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED After reading the Authoring Conformance Criteria for bidirectional-algorithm formatting characters, [...] 2014-05-10 2014-07-29
25654 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <meta name="copyright"content="2014"/> 2014-05-10 2014-05-12
25662 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE ImageBitmap Promise usage review 2014-05-12 2014-09-22
25663 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Make select() work silently on all form controls to which it currently doesn't apply 2014-05-12 2017-03-10
25665 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE ArrayBufferView should include DataView 2014-05-12 2014-05-13
25672 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Need to define what happens when putImageData is passed an ImageData whose .data's ArrayBuffer has been neutered 2014-05-12 2014-05-15
25677 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Should not associate the label with anything if for="" is the empty string. 2014-05-13 2014-05-14
25686 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE alert() needs two overloads so alert(undefined) can alert "undefined" 2014-05-13 2014-05-16
25688 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE rel=external should be an annotation link type, not a hyperlink link type 2014-05-13 2014-05-15
25693 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Need an event to determine when cues have been added to a TextTrack 2014-05-13 2017-07-21
25699 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE appcache: limit FALLBACK namespaces entries to subpaths of the manifest itself (not just same-origin) 2014-05-13 2014-09-03
25709 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Take over open() features argument spec 2014-05-14 2014-08-05
25716 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <canvas>: path merging should not be part of addText() or addPathByStrokingText() 2014-05-14 2016-04-21
25719 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Missing next page/chapter at the bottom of the page. I need to scroll back to the top. 2014-05-14 2014-07-18
25730 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Definition of window.document could be clarified 2014-05-15 2014-09-19
25731 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED The charset attribute on the link element is obsolete. Use an HTTP Content-Type header on the linked resource instead. 2014-05-15 2014-05-16
25735 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK autocomplete: Remove section-* 2014-05-15 2014-06-09
25739 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Animated images should use the timeline of the *first* such image, AFAICT. 2014-05-16 2014-08-04
25740 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Double escaping problem near: 2014-05-16 2014-05-16
25742 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT forms: new <input> type for MM-DD data (06/2012) 2014-05-16 2016-03-28
25743 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Syntax-highlight the examples 2014-05-16 2017-06-11
25744 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Wattsi: Have internal hyperlinks show short extracts in a tooltip of some sort 2014-05-16 Fri 19:04
25745 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Wattsi: Have <dfn> popups be statically embedded 2014-05-16 2017-05-02
25747 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Add more examples focus on how APIs and elements get used in Web Applications, rather than documents and blogs 2014-05-16 2014-09-11
25750 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Make the section state markers statically embedded into the spec 2014-05-16 2014-10-03
25760 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA facebook last login detail=email=review 2014-05-18 2014-05-19
25761 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA facebook last login detail=email=review 2014-05-18 2014-05-19
25762 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA facebook last login detail=email=review 2014-05-18 2014-05-19
25790 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED finca el paraiso 2014-05-18 2014-05-19
25792 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Relaxed + transactions best place to leave a nice blog? 2014-05-19 2014-05-19
25795 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <img> error/loadend are always simple events 2014-05-19 2014-06-16
25796 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO FIXE <img> "list of available images" and HTTP cache semantics 2014-05-19 2015-09-16
25797 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE <img> "list of available images" and fragment in the URL 2014-05-19 Fri 20:55
25798 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE <img> should maybe cache broken images 2014-05-19 Fri 20:58
25812 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE FontLoader is apparently dead; need to update spec accordingly 2014-05-19 2014-08-04
25814 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT forms: a text entry widget that supports in-band structured chips selectable from an autocomplete list 2014-05-19 2014-09-30
25817 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE document.all.item(5) not handled correctly 2014-05-19 2014-05-20
25823 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL <img> "list of available images" and fragment in the URL 2014-05-20 2014-05-20
25824 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK The frameborder attribute on the iframe element is obsolete. Use CSS instead 2014-05-20 2014-05-20
25829 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Clarify the section on HTMLAllCollection 2014-05-20 2014-05-20
25847 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED was invokeined when the URL was created or defined or when this algorithm was invoked The URL charac [...] 2014-05-21 2014-05-21
25848 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO FIXE <img> start loading the image when it is inserted into its parent in the HTML parser case instead of awaiting stable state. 2014-05-21 2014-06-19
25862 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Thanks for this post 2014-05-22 2014-05-22
25864 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA "Please ensure that your comment is descriptive enough that the editor can understand it. 2014-05-22 2014-05-22
25867 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Isn't the hgroup element removed? 2014-05-22 2014-08-04
25868 WHATWG HTML d RESO MOVE <script module> 2014-05-22 2015-12-28
25870 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "The algorithm for the outline also associates each node in the DOM tree…" — it doesn't, it only iterates over elements, not all nodes. 2014-05-23 2014-05-23
25871 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE What's the "character that caused the state machine…" when it was a branch on EOF? What about the transition from markup declaration open state which does lookahead of multiple charaters, so what's "the" character? 2014-05-23 2014-08-05
25878 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Error in the spec: "map" as a value of "deep clone" in the structured cloning algorithm has meaningless link to "The map element" 2014-05-23 2014-07-30
25879 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Given that Firefox[1], Chrome[2], and IE[3] have now disabled autocomplete=off for password fields, [...] 2014-05-23 2014-09-19
25880 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Should consider the nested browsing context for iframes in Documents without a browser context 2014-05-24 2014-08-05
25882 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Rename URI/IRI to URL, remove XBL and maybe NPAPI? 2014-05-25 2014-09-25
25889 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE <img> When to swap the image for the environment changes case 2014-05-27 Fri 20:59
25890 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO FIXE <img> Environment change case aborts if a load is in progress 2014-05-27 2015-09-16
25891 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO FIXE <img> should not be "available" until dimensions are known 2014-05-27 2015-09-16
25894 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT "The parts of the generated multipart/form-data resource that correspond to non-file fields must not [...] 2014-05-27 2014-05-28
25897 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE focusin and focusout should be included in the "focus update steps" 2014-05-27 2018-02-27
25907 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Need initMessageEvent method because 2014-05-28 2014-09-11
25909 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA ccccfff rgfrgrg v 2014-05-28 2014-05-28
25913 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Bad value classification for attribute name on element meta: Keyword classification is not registered. 2014-05-29 2014-05-29
25917 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE window.opener needs to be of type any after all 2014-05-29 2014-05-30
25921 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA document.william ream jr 2014-05-29 2014-05-30
25922 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Add XMLDocument interface in 2.2.2 Dependencies (DOM) 2014-05-29 2014-05-30
25925 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Double hyphens validation issue 2014-05-30 2014-06-13
25929 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT In the step 8, spec talks about queuing a task for firing pageshow event. However no popular desktop browsers including Chrome(v35), Firefox(v30) and IE(v11) behaves that way. 2014-05-30 2014-09-19
25930 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Pakar SEO deni kuta 2014-05-31 2014-06-02
25931 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Pakar SEO deni kuta 2014-05-31 2014-06-02
25933 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA { } html { height: 100%; } html { height: 100%; } html[Attributes Style] { direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; } user agent stylesheethtml { display: block; } 2014-05-31 2014-06-02
25934 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED how i open block content 2014-05-31 2014-06-02
25935 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL if some body block me how can i send message even block 2014-05-31 2014-06-02
25936 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Use 'target override' as defined in DOM for pageshow/pagehide events 2014-05-31 2014-08-05
25937 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Je suis �tonn� de cet exemple 2014-05-31 2014-06-02
25939 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED microformats wiki existing-This is similarly a reference to the attribute, rather than a copy of the attribute's current value. 2014-05-31 2014-06-02
25940 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Please define getSVGDocument 2014-06-01 2014-09-24
25943 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Include execution graph by Peter 2014-06-01 2015-09-10
25944 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Current implementation allows "." character as first 2014-06-02 2014-06-02
25945 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Current implementation allows "." character as first character in email address 2014-06-02 2014-08-05
25947 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA qqqqqqqqq weweew wewewe wewew weweweqqqqqqqqq weweew wewewe wewew weweweqqqqqqqqq weweew wewewe wewe [...] 2014-06-02 2014-06-02
25964 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Consider following paragraph from "Image maps" -> "Processing model": "If the shape attribute repres [...] 2014-06-03 2014-08-06
25970 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Name the event loop's first step and change reference to "step 1" to be a cross-reference to that named step 2014-06-04 2014-10-09
25978 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Happy to become one of several customer for this wonder inspiring site D. dbbddgbbekeeagdf 2014-06-04 2014-06-04
25979 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Howdy would you mind sharing which blog platform you're working dbbddgbbekeeagdf 2014-06-04 2014-06-04
25981 WHATWG HTML d RESO MOVE ES6 integration 2014-06-04 2015-12-15
25984 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT EventSource should support RequestInfo 2014-06-04 2015-09-15
25990 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL <img> (ARIA table) Add <picture>, with "No role" 2014-06-05 2015-09-10
25996 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The example phone number and the phone number in web-servers query string are different: 2014-06-05 2014-06-05
25997 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Behaviour when dynamically adding <option selected=""> is underspecified 2014-06-05 2014-08-06
26002 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK i love u 2014-06-06 2014-06-06
26003 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK What the hell is this ?? 2014-06-06 2014-06-06
26004 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The second argument here should be "optional" in order to be valid WebIDL (or the default value should be removed): Constructor(Path2D[] paths, CanvasFillRule fillRule = "nonzero"), 2014-06-06 2014-06-06
26007 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE typo: elments => elements 2014-06-06 2014-06-06
26008 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Window should be listed as an "Interesting target" for the "close" event 2014-06-06 2014-06-06
26012 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK "Take a deep breath" isn't linked to the appropriate algorithm 2014-06-08 2014-06-09
26015 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED The select element should enable type attribute for option to specify combo-box or radio button as a single unit 2014-06-08 2014-08-26
26022 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The example after paragraph 9 should not say "nearest key frame" but "nearest key frame in the appropriate direction" (because of the constraints in paragraph 9). 2014-06-09 2014-08-27
26024 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Drag and drop <img> should give the rendered image's URL 2014-06-09 Fri 22:21
26025 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "the canton; the canton;" is duplicated; should only be repeated once 2014-06-10 2014-06-10
26026 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED the aplication is failed 2014-06-10 2014-06-10
26030 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK "User agents must not [ping/pong] to aid the server"?! Why not? 2014-06-10 2014-08-27
26057 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO FIXE <img> Fire error when image sniffs as an image but is broken 2014-06-11 2015-09-16
26063 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE autocomplete: autofill scope example has "home" and "shipping" in the wrong order 2014-06-11 2014-06-11
26064 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Typo in Section "Runtime script errors": 2014-06-11 2014-06-12
26067 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Parser: remove SVG 'externalResourcesRequired' 2014-06-12 2014-06-12
26068 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE <img> Maybe avoid infinite recursion when setting src in onerror 2014-06-12 Fri 21:01
26069 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE editorial: data-mytrans-all example 2014-06-12 2014-06-12
26070 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO WORK <img> Should make sure to run update the image data when the document becomes active. 2014-06-12 2015-09-16
26071 WHATWG HTML ian RESO LATE <img> Maybe avoid loading <img> when in fallback-free <object> 2014-06-12 2014-06-12
26072 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO WONT <img> Maybe support lowsrc when it points to a data: URL 2014-06-12 2015-09-16
26076 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO FIXE <img> URL that fails to resolve should fire 'error' event etc 2014-06-12 2015-09-16
26077 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL hi can not watch videos no more after i went to the apple store what did they do to stop me from watching video? 2014-06-12 2014-06-13
26078 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK hi can not watch videos no more after i went to the apple store what did they do to stop me from watching video? 2014-06-12 2014-06-18
26079 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The new styles make diagrams get overwritten by the backgrounds of examples, et al 2014-06-12 2014-07-30
26081 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Consider defining or mentioning the nonce attribute 2014-06-13 2015-08-30
26093 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Security oft Iraq and US. Peaples 2014-06-14 2014-06-18
26095 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Unselecting all video tracks should fire a change event 2014-06-14 2014-08-28
26098 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE I think the example is <tr><td></td></tr> 2014-06-15 2014-07-30
26100 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE the charset parameter doesn't override any character encoding declarations in the document, because BOMs are given precedence over the MIME layer 2014-06-15 2014-08-28
26103 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Hook for "asynchronous" 2014-06-16 2014-09-19
26104 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA fffg fgdfg fghdfgdfg fg 2014-06-16 2014-06-18
26105 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Consider making .crossOrigin nullable 2014-06-16 2014-08-28
26107 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Shouldn't the output element be barred from constraint validation? 2014-06-16 2014-06-18
26113 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE <img> .complete should be changed by "update the image data" algorithm 2014-06-17 Fri 20:42
26117 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED when type is not file or image 2014-06-17 2014-06-18
26121 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Ensure changes to <picture> element et al get tracked by @WHATWG and web-apps-tracker 2014-06-17 2015-09-01
26122 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK According to your Regex a@b is a valid email address. You are not require a TLD to be given. 2014-06-17 2014-08-28
26124 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Bad value rights for attribute name on element meta: Keyword rights is not registered. 2014-06-17 2014-06-18
26133 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE readyState cannot be HAVE_NOTHING in "If the media data is corrupted" 2014-06-18 2014-10-08
26139 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK id case sensitivity? some browsers do and some don't 2014-06-19 2014-09-02
26144 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE This should not be invoked when the document is fetched through XMLHttpRequest 2014-06-19 2014-09-05
26145 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Add "disable scripting flag" 2014-06-19 2014-08-28
26146 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Add acks from 2014-06-19 2015-09-01
26148 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The following events fire on MediaController objects: 2014-06-19 2014-08-28
26150 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The constructor definitions of Path2D still have the old name Path(...). 2014-06-19 2014-08-28
26152 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Would it not be better to define origin as identifier, tuple, or, alias? That alias is actually a link to another origin is not super clear this way. 2014-06-20 2014-09-18
26167 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO FIXE rename the "Start" state label in the srcset parsing algorithm 2014-06-22 2015-09-16
26168 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO FIXE change "token" to "descriptor" in srcset parsing algorithm 2014-06-22 2015-09-16
26169 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <img> Add <picture> stuff to indicies 2014-06-22 2016-01-26
26170 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA ⚠Warning!Browsers should take extreme care when interacting with external content intended for plu [...] 2014-06-22 2014-06-23
26171 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE (ARIA table) should noscript have aria-hidden=true if scripting is disabled? 2014-06-22 2014-08-29
26174 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE update the link for the Media Queries [MQ] normative reference 2014-06-23 2014-08-29
26175 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK clicking [FOO] text in References should show popup listing all places in spec which reference [FOO] 2014-06-23 2015-08-28
26176 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO FIXE <img> change media_query_list to <media-query-list> & change prose of definition 2014-06-23 2016-01-26
26180 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO FIXE "Note: The user agent can also store the image data in a separatly from" is missing an 'e' from separatly. 2014-06-23 2015-09-16
26184 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Hello sir please tell me what is the Element Work in html 2014-06-24 2014-06-25
26185 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED good to learn 2014-06-24 2014-06-25
26186 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA machine login password xn4qm7Yg6Yr3 2014-06-24 2014-06-25
26189 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Parser: <rb> and <rtc> (update parsing algorithm, and add the elements to the language/spec) 2014-06-24 2015-09-04
26191 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO FIXE fix [MQ] link for <media-condition> in the Dependencies section 2014-06-24 2015-09-16
26193 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Glyphs are showing as the named entity reference, probably a double-encoding bug 2014-06-25 2014-06-25
26194 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE We should adjust the implementation advice here. Developers expect data:text/html,<input%20autofocus%20placeholder=Test> to show the placeholder and this happens in every browser except for IE 2014-06-25 2014-08-29
26195 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT disallow comments in media queries in the "media" attribute 2014-06-25 2014-09-29
26196 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO WONT disallow CSS comments in the "sizes" attribute 2014-06-25 2015-09-16
26208 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE For parsing CSS <color> values, this should explicitly ref the CSS Syntax spec, and use the "parse a component value" algorithm defined there. 2014-06-26 2014-09-22
26209 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The fingerprint image stays undescribed in "Submit Sutton state" section. How Submit button could be used to fingerprint a user? May be few words should be added about it. At least pointing to ".value" attribute. 2014-06-26 2014-09-02
26212 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL [CSSFONTLOAD] 2014-06-26 2014-08-04
26215 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE typo: address-level2 instead of address-level3 2014-06-27 2014-07-19
26221 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Make the "For URLs" bit refer to the URL Standard's #concept-url-origin 2014-06-27 2014-09-18
26226 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Clarify "A form control is disabled…" 2014-06-27 2014-09-06
26230 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Not clear if the required date format is YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-DD-MM 2014-06-28 2014-09-03
26231 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <p><a href h1 2014-06-29 2014-06-30
26232 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE alt requirements don't seem to cover the first example here 2014-06-29 2014-09-18
26234 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL <form id="test"></form><button form="test" formaction="javascript:alert(1)">X</button> 2014-06-30 2014-06-30
26235 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <form id="test"></form><button form="test" formaction="javascript:alert(1)">X</button> 2014-06-30 2014-06-30
26236 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA don 2014-06-30 2014-06-30
26237 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED "<a href=/proxy/>'fingerprint' = `dharmaxdev`=<></a>" 2014-06-30 2014-06-30
26239 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED summary summary summaru 2014-06-30 2014-06-30
26245 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Section Note has some inconsistency with spec 2014-07-01 2014-09-08
26246 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <p style="margin:21px 0 8px;" clear="all"></p> 2014-07-01 2014-07-07
26249 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE unicode issue with "(1870–1922)" 2014-07-01 2014-07-09
26252 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Expose old versions of the spec with a banner pointing out that it's obsolete 2014-07-02 2016-12-13
26260 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA jfjf jnfjn jn jnj njn jngjnfgjnfjngjfnjn 2014-07-03 2014-07-07
26261 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Unclear about Unicode vs ASCII serialization 2014-07-03 2014-07-17
26265 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Typo: unregister*Handler() does not return any value. 2014-07-04 2014-07-30
26271 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Very useful as i'm making a pixely retro game and need the clear un anti-aliased images 2014-07-05 2014-07-15
26272 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The domain label to {ASCII,Unicode} algorithms are gone from the URL spec 2014-07-06 2014-09-03
26273 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED minlength, soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo its not work 2014-07-07 2014-07-07
26274 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL minlength, soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo its not work 2014-07-07 2014-07-07
26280 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Super sd asdfsdfsda fas fasd fasdf sadf sfas df 2014-07-08 2014-07-09
26281 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The first note has some escaped entity references: `&srarr;`. 2014-07-08 2014-07-09
26298 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Clarify whether anchors, areas and link elements should match :enabled selector if they have a disabled ancestor 2014-07-09 2014-09-03
26305 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The introduction mentions that domains cannot affect each other for privacy reasons. Web messaging i [...] 2014-07-10 2014-09-03
26306 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED In "prescan a byte stream to determine its encoding", should the step at the label "Processing" be "If need pragma is false and charset is NULL, then ..."? 2014-07-10 2014-09-08
26309 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Form submission doesn't require form element to be in document, although at least Trident and Gecko have that behavior. Blink submits also not-in-doc forms. 2014-07-11 2014-09-18
26310 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Refer directly to "node document" instead of "the node's document" etc... 2014-07-11 2014-09-04
26312 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <body class="source public"> <!--<![endif]--> 2014-07-11 2014-07-15
26317 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Clarify action of sandboxing flags when following hyperlinks with a user indicated specific browsing context 2014-07-12 2015-01-15
26319 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Wattsi: move IDL backlink generator to new pipeline 2014-07-12 Fri 19:07
26321 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <title>My Page</title> 2014-07-13 2014-07-15
26325 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK br[clear=left i] { clear: left; } 2014-07-13 2014-07-15
26329 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Split HTMLElement interface into at least one partial interface for better reusabiity with SVG and MathML 2014-07-14 2014-09-18
26334 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED On Adding Devices should be compiled within <struct-Device/enum-add_Devices;Portop: "SelectiveStruct> 2014-07-14 2014-07-15
26335 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Add "data-noexport" to local dfns that just point to other specs 2014-07-14 2015-09-16
26339 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Imperatively change (set/add/remove) a form control's labels 2014-07-15 2014-09-18
26343 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Wattsi: IDL parser in pipeline 2014-07-15 Fri 19:08
26344 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE New multipage splitter 2014-07-15 2014-07-18
26349 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO FIXE I think you mean 304 here, not 204. If you really mean 204, lots more needs to be spec'd... 2014-07-16 2015-09-16
26350 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO FIXE If the list of available images is being used to de-dup requests from the same page, shouldn't this (step 2) happen before the fetch is complete? Or do I misunderstand its purpose? 2014-07-16 2015-09-16
26351 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED hi. 2014-07-16 2014-07-16
26352 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED how can i make popup? 2014-07-16 2014-07-16
26353 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE RadioNodeList.value should return "on" if element's value is undefined 2014-07-16 2014-09-06
26354 WHATWG HTML swarup.theja RESO INVA this is for stack content 2014-07-16 2014-07-16
26355 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE What is the purpose of the 'channel' member of the MessageEventInit dictionary 2014-07-16 2014-07-19
26356 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Please define the defaults of the MessageEventInit dictionary fields in IDL 2014-07-16 2014-07-16
26359 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE usemap process rules fixes 2014-07-16 2014-09-04
26369 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL The item is incorrecly named. 2014-07-17 2014-07-19
26370 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE s$/script settings/$/settings object/$ in the Worker constructor algorithm? 2014-07-17 2014-07-30
26383 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Structure clones: Should cloned key/values be mutable after cloning? 2014-07-18 2016-03-16
26384 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Structure cloning Map and Set objects: what should get cloned? 2014-07-18 2016-02-29
26385 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Make canonical URLs show up in the URL bar as you scroll/navigate through multipage 2014-07-18 2017-06-11
26386 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Since WebSocket is still in development, I propose in addition to "ws" and "wss", you also include " [...] 2014-07-19 2014-07-19
26389 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Bad value date for attribute name on element meta: Keyword date is not registered. 2014-07-19 2014-07-19
26392 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA The use of the 'main' element in this example is inconsistent with the W3C Working Draft section 4.4 [...] 2014-07-20 2014-09-04
26393 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE s/asttribute/attribute/ 2014-07-20 2014-07-30
26399 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA two tools that you think are important to the field and can be used to ensure HTML programming complies with HTML standards 2014-07-21 2014-07-21
26402 WHATWG HTML annevk RESO MOVE "Parsed URL" isn't defined in URL 2014-07-22 2016-02-10
26403 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED disabled state vs disabled property 2014-07-22 2014-09-19
26404 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE clearHitRegions() 2014-07-22 2014-09-05
26415 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Missing "event" in "then a waiting will be fired" note 2014-07-23 2014-07-23
26420 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO FIXE The links to #refsMNG and to #refsAPNG are broken. There are no such anchors in the spec. 2014-07-23 2015-09-16
26421 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The link to #refsRFC4337 is broken. There is no such anchor in the spec. 2014-07-23 2014-09-04
26427 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK You are my inspiration, I possess few web logs and rarely run out from to brand. gfaabdaebdeedebb 2014-07-24 2014-07-28
26429 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK testing testing testing testing testing 2014-07-24 2014-07-28
26430 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Line 10, Column 445 2014-07-24 2014-07-28
26435 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Possible to hit "Too slow? Try reading the multipage copy of the spec instead:" on the multipage copy 2014-07-25 2014-10-03
26437 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Consider removing showModalDialog 2014-07-26 2015-12-15
26441 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA hola JAGasdf asd asdf asd fsadf asd fasd 2014-07-28 2014-07-28
26447 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Need Exposed=DedicatedWorker on DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope and Exposed=SharedWorker SharedWorkerGlobalScope 2014-07-28 2014-09-05
26450 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The multipage "previous section" links are broken 2014-07-28 2014-07-30
26454 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <fieldset> elements that are descendants of disabled <fieldset> elements should also match :disabled 2014-07-29 2014-09-05
26459 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Should changing <track language> and company affect the TextTrack object? 2014-07-30 2014-09-09
26460 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <video> How to handle media tracks that don't cover the entire timeline 2014-07-30 2014-09-08
26461 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE <video> Handle the case of a SourceBuffer being added or going away 2014-07-30 Fri 22:08
26462 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <video> Allow VideoTracks and AudioTracks to report the ranges over which they are valid 2014-07-30 2017-07-21
26474 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK i love you my dear love 2014-07-30 2014-07-30
26475 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL The multipage spec is missing "also has obsolete members" links 2014-07-30 2014-07-30
26481 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Do we need to dispatch "click" event if trigger is from a keyboard as well? 2014-07-31 2014-09-08
26491 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Predictable data format 2014-07-31 2017-07-21
26498 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Make references prettier and jump straight to the other spec 2014-08-01 2016-03-25
26503 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT better validation check "/^([\w-\.]+)@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|(([\w-]+\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$/" 2014-08-02 2014-08-04
26504 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL // first set phone into peering mode 2014-08-03 2014-08-04
26505 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL // first set phone into peering mode 2014-08-03 2014-08-04
26506 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL // first set phone into peering mode 2014-08-03 2014-08-04
26507 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL // first set phone into peering mode 2014-08-03 2014-08-04
26508 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL // first set phone into peering mode 2014-08-03 2014-08-04
26509 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL // first set phone into peering mode 2014-08-03 2014-08-04
26510 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL // first set phone into peering mode 2014-08-03 2014-08-04
26511 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL // first set phone into peering mode 2014-08-03 2014-08-04
26512 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED // first set phone into peering mode 2014-08-03 2014-12-02
26515 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Change when media elements may be garbage collected 2014-08-04 2015-01-15
26518 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "Techniques for describing tables" section is difficult to understand 2014-08-04 2014-09-09
26519 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE, "") behaves wrong 2014-08-04 2014-09-19
26522 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO FIXE <img> Missing some "sync section markers" 2014-08-05 2015-09-16
26523 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Note says that 'form . elements' returns an HTMLCollection, should be HTMLFormControlsCollection. 2014-08-05 2014-09-09
26534 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Mixing multiple enabled audio tracks on a media element using Web Audio 2014-08-06 2014-09-19
26535 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT The selected IDL attribute should also reflect the selected HTML attribute. This would be of benefit to devtools, and just generally result in less dissonance in the DOM. 2014-08-07 2014-09-12
26537 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE <img> Give brief explanation of what sizes does 2014-08-07 2015-09-01
26538 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE <img> Give brief explanation of what media does 2014-08-07 2015-09-01
26539 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE <img> Give brief explanation of what srcset does 2014-08-07 2015-09-01
26540 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA The link for the "partial interface HTMLParagraphElement" points to the wrong place; it points to the original interface 2014-08-07 2015-09-01
26541 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL faggot is the error 2014-08-08 2014-08-13
26542 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA CC:Aldrin Briones faggot is the error 2014-08-08 2014-08-13
26544 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Pushing a script settings object during structured clone. 2014-08-08 2014-09-16
26545 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE BroadcastChannel.postMessage should throw an exception after close() has been called 2014-08-08 2014-09-12
26546 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA importing style sheets and HTML imports from ES6 modules 2014-08-08 2016-02-14
26547 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Add some examples of incumbent settings object vs. entry settings object. The current spec is too hard to interpret. 2014-08-08 2014-09-17
26548 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <div id="x"> 2014-08-10 2014-08-13
26551 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Becuse the 'datetime' attribute has been deprecated, this page should be updated. 2014-08-11 2014-09-12
26557 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE typo "data-x="unload a document">unloaded)." 2014-08-12 2014-09-12
26560 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Selector case-sensitivity: parentheses after "Everything else" is unclear. 2014-08-12 2014-09-12
26561 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED The phrase is not too clear to me. 2014-08-12 2014-09-12
26562 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The IDL for createImageBitmap seems to be wrong 2014-08-12 2014-09-17
26564 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "When called with two arguments, the method must act as follows:" - probably should [...] 2014-08-13 2014-09-15
26565 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Browsing context name needs to be stored as part of history. If you navigate cross origin and it gets unset, it should be set to the original value if you go back. Otherwise as implemented breaks. 2014-08-13 2014-09-16
26566 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Clarify that document.links and friends always return the same object 2014-08-13 2014-09-24
26570 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE MediaController.unpause() doesn't seek when ended 2014-08-13 2014-09-12
26571 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Introduce MessageUtils per for usage by MessagePort and several workers 2014-08-13 2014-09-19
26574 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Mapping j and k keys for outline navigation may imply QWERTY layout. It's probably better to mentio [...] 2014-08-13 2014-09-15
26581 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <root><item name="_ym30892_reqNum" value="1" ltime="2026254240" htime="30374935" /><item name="_ym30892_lsid" value="462318556463" ltime="2026254240" htime="30374935" /></root> 2014-08-14 2014-08-18
26582 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL <root><item name="_ym30892_reqNum" value="1" ltime="2026254240" htime="30374935" /><item name="_ym30892_lsid" value="462318556463" ltime="2026254240" htime="30374935" /></root> 2014-08-14 2014-08-18
26584 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE "fully exit fullscreen" is not invoked for normal navigation 2014-08-14 2015-10-06
26590 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED In Ordner anzeigen 2014-08-17 2014-08-18
26603 WHATWG HTML d RESO MOVE Consider merging the concept of incumbent global with the current realm 2014-08-18 2016-06-15
26604 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA the main element 2014-08-18 2014-08-25
26605 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA the main element 2014-08-18 2014-08-25
26610 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 3.1.3 DOM tree accessors 2014-08-19 2014-08-25
26622 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE :enabled shouldn't match links, since they have no disabled state 2014-08-21 2014-09-24
26631 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Remove 'in' keywords from initMessageEvent 2014-08-21 2014-09-17
26632 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Very Helpfull , Many Thanks 2014-08-21 2014-08-25
26633 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Very Helpfull , Many Thanks 2014-08-21 2014-08-25
26635 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA If the operation is unspecified, e.g. the dropzone just says "f:text/plain" should the operation de [...] 2014-08-21 2014-08-22
26636 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL We need to flush out step 8 of the event loop processing model per and other emails in that thread 2014-08-22 2014-09-19
26637 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED This will be a fantastic site, will you be interested in doing an interview regarding just how you designed it? If so email me! dfadgedagaegbdcc 2014-08-22 2014-08-25
26639 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Having a state that is primarily stylistic (i.e. Search) doesn't adhere to separation of concerns. 2014-08-22 2014-09-17
26640 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED The semantics of a checkbox in a legend element is questionable. 2014-08-22 2014-09-17
26645 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <p><p> 2014-08-23 2014-08-25
26647 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED abc@d are valid this regular 2014-08-24 2014-08-25
26650 WHATWG HTML ian RESO LATE Having a single content attribute for this is okay, but wouldn't it make sense to have IDL propertie [...] 2014-08-24 2015-08-13
26651 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK that's great posting postmessage 2014-08-25 2014-08-25
26652 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK that's great posting postmessage 2014-08-25 2014-08-25
26660 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Use nested lists for loop "blocks" in table-sorting-algorithm 2014-08-25 2014-09-17
26661 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED plug ins. extensions 2014-08-26 2014-08-26
26662 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL plug ins. extensions 2014-08-26 2014-08-26
26663 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL plug ins. extensions 2014-08-26 2014-08-26
26664 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED debugg my program pls? 2014-08-26 2014-08-26
26665 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED resolve a URL? 2014-08-26 2014-08-26
26667 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE window.parent needs [Replaceable] to match interop + browsers 2014-08-26 2014-09-17
26669 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Bad design: autofocus attribute 2014-08-26 2016-03-24
26687 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED content is good . maybe the font need some decorations 2014-08-28 2014-08-28
26690 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE The partial interface is not for obsolete members, but for <picture> members 2014-08-28 2015-09-01
26691 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED i need to know how to intall this 2014-08-28 2014-08-29
26695 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Request that user agents implement the inputmode attribute BEFORE removing the selection properties/methods on extended HTML5 input types 2014-08-29 2016-01-24
26698 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Inspiring story, where did you quote it from? aeedkdedcebegagk 2014-08-31 2014-09-02
26701 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL HTMLImageElement IDL doesn't point to obsolete section 2014-09-01 2015-09-01
26702 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO MOVE What <img> represents should support srcset/picture 2014-09-01 Fri 20:52
26703 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK In case an algorithm applies conditionally, the conditions should be defined in some kind precondition step 2014-09-01 2016-03-16
26717 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED drag and drop demo example 2014-09-02 2014-09-02
26719 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED how to change custom message 2014-09-02 2014-09-02
26724 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Hi, I think that it could be better if the tag is more "generic" to use it with any type of multimed [...] 2014-09-03 2014-09-18
26726 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO MOVE <picture> master bug 2014-09-03 2015-09-17
26734 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE <style> needs to be applied in SVG fetched through <img> 2014-09-05 Fri 21:10
26739 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Can we have a builtin method which assembles FormData from the form for XHR2 submission automatically? 2014-09-05 2014-09-19
26744 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Clarify "A form control is disabled…" 2014-09-06 2014-09-09
26749 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT 4.1.1 The html element is the only root element (4.1). 4.1.1 should stand alone as 4.1 The html element is the root element. 2014-09-07 2014-09-08
26761 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Element h4 not allowed as child of element ul in this context. 2014-09-09 2014-09-09
26763 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED element style must be included within a parent element 2014-09-09 2014-09-09
26768 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Behavior not specified for MediaController when one of the media elements is media fragment URI with start position > 0 2014-09-10 2014-09-12
26770 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE provided regex is not valid for javascript, forward slash should be escaped 2014-09-10 2014-09-19
26771 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Make "initial playback position" local to the only algorithm that uses it 2014-09-10 2014-09-22
26772 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Here's from the actual documentation for the `address` element: The address element must not be used [...] 2014-09-10 2014-09-10
26783 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Parser: How should innerHTML setter on <annotation-xml encoding=application/xhtml+xml> work? 2014-09-11 Fri 19:43
26786 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <article> "Stocks" example invalid 2014-09-12 2014-09-12
26789 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:32.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/32.0 2014-09-13 2014-09-15
26802 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO FIXE "The user agent can also store the image data in a separately from the list of available images." is a manged sentence. I presume delete "in a"? 2014-09-15 2015-09-16
26805 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL conform to DTD 2014-09-15 2014-09-15
26806 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL 65535 The Specified message does not conform to DTD 2014-09-15 2014-09-15
26807 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL 65535 The Specified message does not conform to DTD 2014-09-15 2014-09-15
26808 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 65535 The Specified message does not conform to DTD 2014-09-15 2014-09-15
26812 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE It is not defined how "user agents should convert punycode in the value to IDN in the display and vice versa" should work 2014-09-15 2014-09-29
26813 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Removing parent of element that's full screen 2014-09-15 2015-10-06
26814 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE DOMStringMap Example img src missing ending quote mark 2014-09-16 2014-09-24
26818 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA The itemprop attribute was specified, but the element is not a property of any item. 2014-09-16 2014-09-17
26820 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Obsolete RFCs 2014-09-16 2014-09-17
26821 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Update references that redirect 2014-09-16 2014-09-19
26826 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE document.body.focus() behaviour 2014-09-17 2014-09-24
26827 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO FIXE Awkward wording. I would say, "If the author avoids specifying any image in the HTML markup and ins [...] 2014-09-17 2015-09-16
26828 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA [security] [CVE-2013-7324] Please require the relative-to-system-mixer sound volume model 2014-09-17 2014-09-25
26830 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Referrer for navigation should be based on entry script's responsible document, not entry script's responsible document 2014-09-17 2014-09-24
26833 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED The value "600px" for key "width" was truncated to its numeric prefix 2014-09-17 2014-09-17
26834 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Resolve the shadow issue 2014-09-17 2014-09-24
26835 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Fix references to stale to be to stable URL of latest updates 2014-09-17 2014-09-24
26836 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Extend script settings objects to be environment settings objects for use by fetch et al 2014-09-17 2014-10-10
26837 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The spec has an example using cloneNode. It would be nice to have another example using just appendChild, similar to this one: 2014-09-17 2014-09-29
26839 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Integrate "Timing control for script-based animations" spec into HTML 2014-09-17 2014-11-19
26840 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Can we add a big banner here that this feature is being removed? Perhaps point to Getting tired from that blink-dev thread that keeps popping up. 2014-09-18 2014-09-25
26842 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The visual indicator for "no support" in the status box could be better 2014-09-18 2014-10-03
26843 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Bug filer's alert should style links with underlines 2014-09-18 2014-10-06
26847 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Allow restarting playback for media resources which are not random access but can be streamed anew 2014-09-18 2014-10-08
26851 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE *About source not actual standard* 2014-09-19 2014-09-19
26853 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO FIXE typo: should be 'instance' 2014-09-19 2015-09-16
26858 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK It seems like WebKit and Blink are different enough now to have separate icons in the implementation status (and commit msg?) 2014-09-19 2015-03-06
26871 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED hidden pictures that are a different picture 2014-09-20 2014-09-25
26872 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA skip whitespace skip whitespac(j(-jyt;tf, 2014-09-20 2014-09-22
26873 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT MediaController: emptied event 2014-09-21 2016-02-01
26875 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Can we make registerProtocolHandler() and registerContentHandler() appear in the title so they can be searched in the ToC? 2014-09-22 2014-09-24
26876 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Title argument for both registerProtoclHandler() and registerContentHandler() should be removed as i [...] 2014-09-22 2016-02-05
26877 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Reportedly Firefox cannot match the whitelist approach for registerProtocolHandler(). See for more information. 2014-09-22 2014-09-24
26878 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA coccolo biricoccolo, devo scrivere qualcosa di pi� lungo? 2014-09-22 2014-09-22
26881 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Sourcing AudioTrack and VideoTrack attribute values 2014-09-22 2014-10-12
26894 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Replace image with 2014-09-23 2014-09-26
26907 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Spec for reference fragment navigation to a non-focusable element does not match reality 2014-09-25 2014-11-07
26910 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA function pVe(a,b){,a,'t 2014-09-26 2014-09-26
26915 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Opt-in to the ES6 `u` flag for regular expressions? 2014-09-27 2014-10-10
26919 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Arguments to what? 2014-09-29 2015-08-13
26920 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <a>Second hand</a> 2014-09-29 2015-08-13
26922 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <a><img src="" alt=""></a> 2014-09-29 2014-09-29
26942 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE why do these examples of <html> lack the lang attribute? 2014-09-30 2016-04-18
26946 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Allowing any content of id attributes prevents definition of alternate hash fragment usage 2014-10-01 2014-10-20
26952 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK video: Contradiction between Shadow DOM spec and HTML 5 spec 2014-10-02 2016-02-02
26959 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Bad value Cache-control for attribute http-equiv on element meta. 2014-10-03 2014-10-03
26960 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA controls<form method="post" 2014-10-03 2014-10-03
26963 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA go fuck yourself 2014-10-03 2014-10-03
26964 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL go fuck yourself 2014-10-03 2014-10-03
26967 WHATWG HTML annevk RESO MOVE Use USVString instead of DOMString for url argument and send() method (removes lone surrogates) 2014-10-04 2016-03-10
26968 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Use BufferSource and "get a copy of the bytes held by the buffer source" instead of ArrayBuffer/ArrayBufferView in send() argument 2014-10-04 2014-11-26
26971 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Under the "...the user agent must queue a task to inv [...] 2014-10-04 2014-10-14
26979 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <li><a href="#">Photographing Leather</a></li> 2014-10-06 2014-10-06
26981 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Missing </p> omission cases 2014-10-06 2014-10-27
26983 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Sosksisksddkk. Kdkdkdkkddd 2014-10-06 2014-10-06
26993 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK This is a test to see how bugs that point to the ToC get handled. 2014-10-07 2014-10-08
26994 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA � � 2014-10-07 2014-10-08
26995 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO FIXE This sentence makes no sense. Where is the "list" defined? 2014-10-08 2015-09-16
27000 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO WONT <img>s should not load when they have a <video> parent 2014-10-08 2015-09-16
27005 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Tsteasdfas asdfasd asdf asdfa sasdfasdf 2014-10-09 2014-10-09
27006 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA dsdsadsadas d 2014-10-09 2014-10-09
27007 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA dsdsadsadas d 2014-10-09 2014-10-09
27013 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE element summary <video> entry doesn't allow <track> 2014-10-09 2014-10-15
27018 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE fieldset { display: block } 2014-10-10 2014-10-28
27019 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Rendering: simplifications to the user-agent stylesheet 2014-10-10 2014-10-28
27021 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Of course all I'd is redirected numerous x's .all I have is I phone #'s good right! 2014-10-11 2014-10-13
27029 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "the user agent must create a nested browsing context" In this sentence create should be a link to the steps one has to follow to instantiate a nested browsing context. 2014-10-13 2015-01-15
27030 WHATWG HTML ian RESO LATE ArrayBuffer and friends are now covered by IDL. 2014-10-13 Fri 20:29
27031 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE ES6 renamed "neutered" to "detached". 2014-10-13 2016-02-23
27032 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Rename this from API referrer source to simply referrer source as the plan is to use it for all fetc [...] 2014-10-13 2014-11-12
27035 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL BroadcastChannel uses the responsible document for Workers accidentally 2014-10-13 2014-11-19
27042 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Web workers 2014-10-14 2014-10-14
27043 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Web workers 2014-10-14 2014-10-14
27044 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Web workers 2014-10-14 2014-10-14
27045 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Web workers 2014-10-14 2014-10-14
27046 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Invoke and report to window.onerror shorthand 2014-10-14 2014-11-26
27047 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE There should be a difference between a having an href attribute and a not having an href attribute. See bug 27022 comment 0. 2014-10-14 2014-11-26
27049 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Should reverse-engineer drawFocusIfNeeded() and update accordingly 2014-10-14 2014-11-20
27052 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO FIXE <img> Should swap images when the new image is completely loaded, not when dimensions are known. 2014-10-15 2015-09-16
27056 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA fvfvfvfv vsd vsd sdsvd 2014-10-15 2014-10-15
27070 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Lapsus in note for minlength attribute 2014-10-16 2014-11-20
27071 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL <meta http-equiv ="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"> 2014-10-16 2014-10-17
27072 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE When the parser inserts TEXTAREA element, the only chance to set its Raw Value is by the TEXTAREA's [...] 2014-10-16 2015-03-04
27073 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK several decades -> several years; I think 3-4 decades doesn't count as "several" 2014-10-16 2014-10-16
27089 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Change tabIndex spec to only declare 0 and -1 as valid values 2014-10-16 2016-03-24
27090 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE openpgp4fpr is a scheme used for sharing PGP key fingerprints. Also posted a message, here: 2014-10-17 2015-01-08
27091 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE deal with the reality of meta@http-equiv=x-ua-compatible 2014-10-17 2014-12-03
27102 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE How should WebVTT integrate with "text track cue data"? 2014-10-19 2015-02-25
27128 WHATWG HTML annevk RESO MOVE Definition of WindowProxy doesn't satisfy bz that it is detailed enough 2014-10-22 2017-03-09
27135 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Element dl is missing a required instance of child element dd. 2014-10-22 2014-10-23
27143 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA There's no reason to set a "responsible browsing context" since it is never used. Not having it for [...] 2014-10-23 2016-03-28
27144 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE API base URL says to return /worker URL/ but that variable does not exist in the scope of this algorithm. I think you meant /script address/. 2014-10-23 2014-11-26
27145 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE I think it would be cleaner if the sole purpose we had responsible document for workers for was fact [...] 2014-10-23 2014-11-19
27146 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Add "creation URL" and "current URL" to environment settings object concept 2014-10-23 2015-09-09
27148 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA "After attribute value (quoted) state" is pointless 2014-10-23 2014-10-27
27149 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL "After attribute value (quoted) state" is pointless 2014-10-23 2014-10-24
27155 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED this is just here so we can test it 2014-10-24 2014-10-27
27161 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE [editorial] make data URL in iframe conform to requirements in URL spec 2014-10-24 2014-11-27
27164 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT API to cancel <meta refresh>, so that XHTML content can use it as a script fallback 2014-10-24 2015-08-14
27169 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE link rel=stylesheet href="/styles/main.js" - is there a typo on the file name extension . 2014-10-25 2014-11-26
27176 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Not working well Gmail 2014-10-26 2015-12-13
27182 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA media element load algorithm 2014-10-28 2014-10-28
27184 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Undo mushrooms and rewrite sentence: "This is the entry or that Document that was most the recently traversed to." 2014-10-28 2014-11-26
27185 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Make <ol start=""> accept an ID as well as a number, or some such 2014-10-28 2016-03-28
27186 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Notify page that "find in page" is being used 2014-10-28 2017-07-21
27188 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE popstate should not fire when pageshow does 2014-10-29 Fri 21:53
27190 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Add HTTPS state to environment settings objects 2014-10-29 2015-09-26
27193 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "+:matches(dir, menu, ol, ul) :matches(dir, menu..." 2014-10-30 2014-10-30
27203 WHATWG HTML d RESO MOVE Evaluate entry settings object usage 2014-10-31 2016-06-15
27205 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Add warning around definition of effective script origin 2014-10-31 2014-11-27
27207 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Rendering option element with empty label attribute 2014-10-31 2014-12-04
27208 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "Add the event to the port message queue of target port." This should actually be a task to fire the event. Now you are adding an event to something that expects a task, that seems bogus. 2014-10-31 2014-11-27
27209 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA "Create an event that uses the MessageEvent interface" Why not set the source for a message event in a MessageChannel? 2014-10-31 2014-11-06
27212 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL HTML needs to explain per bug 27204 comment 7. 2014-10-31 2016-01-18
27217 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Links should be `cursor: pointer` 2014-10-31 2014-11-27
27218 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Active links should be red 2014-10-31 2014-11-27
27238 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "be" instead of "by" in "which must again by done in the same way as for an HTML parser" 2014-11-04 2014-12-03
27243 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO FIXE The picture element is a container which provides multiples sources... (could be "multiple" instead of "multiples" ?) 2014-11-04 2015-09-16
27245 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE :active should not match <input type=button disabled> 2014-11-05 2015-01-07
27246 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL disabled elements should never set the tabindex focus flag 2014-11-05 2014-11-07
27247 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE :active should match the labeled control of a label element that is currently matching :active (like :hover) 2014-11-05 2015-01-07
27251 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Correct the “All or Nothing” Approach Currently Implemented For HTMLMediaElement / MSE 2014-11-05 2017-07-21
27265 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED button.value = data(i); 2014-11-07 2015-01-06
27274 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE onpaste seems to be missing from this list 2014-11-07 2016-02-17
27276 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Ensure importScripts("http://... 404 error ...") is clearly defined 2014-11-07 2015-09-22
27285 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA hello to the foe of law to ve 2014-11-09 2014-11-12
27288 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA spec bugs: 9409 2014-11-09 2014-11-12
27293 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK <label> element content model 2014-11-10 2015-09-04
27297 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE DOM needs a way to get element's computed ARIA role and computed label string 2014-11-11 Fri 19:35
27303 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Allow <link> in body 2014-11-11 2016-05-25
27304 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Allow <link> in body 2014-11-11 2014-11-12
27309 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK hello, hgroup does it exist or not? 2014-11-12 2014-11-13
27311 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <section class='postingan' id='postingan'> 2014-11-12 2014-11-12
27312 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <section class='postingan' id='postingan'> 2014-11-12 2014-11-12
27314 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Parser: "adjusted current node" not clear enough 2014-11-12 Fri 19:43
27315 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Use enum for lineCap, lineJoin, textAlign, textBaseline, and direction 2014-11-12 2016-02-11
27316 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED This example is not clear enough to understand. 2014-11-13 2015-08-13
27319 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Examples: comments when omitting start and end tags 2014-11-13 2015-12-04
27332 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Contexts in which this element can be used: not where flow content is expected? 2014-11-15 2016-03-28
27339 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Tag omission for p element 2014-11-16 2015-01-15
27343 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK i dont know 2014-11-17 2014-11-19
27347 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Remove step 12 (abort the active document) from 7.6.1 Navigating across documents 2014-11-17 Fri 22:00
27348 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA containers seem to be what's preventing the changes, srcdoc 2014-11-17 2014-11-20
27349 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL containers seem to be what's preventing the changes, srcdoc 2014-11-17 2014-11-19
27350 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL containers seem to be what's preventing the changes, srcdoc 2014-11-17 2014-11-19
27351 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL containers seem to be what's preventing the changes, srcdoc 2014-11-17 2014-11-19
27364 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Encoding considerations: none, 2014-11-19 2014-11-19
27367 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Despite difficulties with multithreading there should be some function in scripting/search engine re [...] 2014-11-19 2015-01-15
27373 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO FIXE Это, возможно, следует читать "повторить этот подшаг" 8.2 в противном случае будет повторно инициализировать дескриптор пустой строкой. 2014-11-19 2015-09-16
27376 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE is dead so things relying on it might need to be reworked 2014-11-20 2016-01-29
27377 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA MessageEvents in and out of workers should have origin set so we can have cross-origin workers at some point (and then you no longer need to special case same-origin workers) 2014-11-20 2014-11-25
27378 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Apparently DNT started using "effective script origin" for no reason. Perhaps we can rename it "legacy origin" to make sure people do not use it for new things? 2014-11-20 2016-03-23
27388 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Use in examples if feasible 2014-11-21 2014-11-22
27406 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Update HTML to take into account shadow DOM implications 2014-11-21 2016-03-25
27408 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Maintenance: all exceptions moved from DOM to IDL. IDL also defines the exceptions listed under JavaScript. 2014-11-22 2015-03-04
27409 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <u> element examples 2014-11-22 2015-03-05
27413 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE As I read this, CR LF LF LF should be replaced by LF. Surely we just mean to replace CR LF as LF? 2014-11-24 2015-03-05
27414 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Activation of <input> when mutability or type is changed 2014-11-24 2017-07-21
27417 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO MOVE <img> Term 'width descriptor' should be defined with a hyperlink 2014-11-24 2016-04-03
27419 WHATWG HTML d RESO FIXE Need to define that also creates a new Realm and global environment record per 2014-11-24 2015-12-15
27429 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE CanvasRenderingContext2DSettings IDL misses semicolon. 2014-11-25 2015-04-24
27430 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Synthetic click activation for non activatable elements 2014-11-25 2015-07-06
27434 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK <output> should be allowed to contain <details>. Use case: Use <summary> for the actual result and the rest of the <details> for the formula/calculation that led to the result. 2014-11-25 2014-12-23
27441 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL If the callback throws an exception, that should invoke "report the exception". 2014-11-26 2014-11-26
27442 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL If the callback throws an exception, that should invoke "report the exception". 2014-11-26 2014-11-26
27443 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA If the callback throws an exception, that should invoke "report the exception". 2014-11-26 2014-11-26
27445 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Suggestion for a Simpler Description of Transparent Elements 2014-11-26 2016-01-24
27446 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Setting the checked IDL attr should affect the content attr 2014-11-26 2015-09-01
27450 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Any content inside wbr elements must not be considered part of the surrounding text. Which content??? it is an ampty element 2014-11-27 2015-08-28
27451 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE <pre>... Heading heading = Helm.HeadingFactory(HeadingCoordinates[1], <wbr>HeadingCoordinates[2], <w [...] 2014-11-27 2016-03-22
27452 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Fix definition of valid email address 2014-11-27 2014-12-01
27457 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Examples: What is contenteditable? Where do you apply it? 2014-11-27 2016-04-01
27459 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Clearer spec for "message" in onerror 2014-11-28 2015-09-07
27460 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Notes: handled/not handled in onerror wrong? 2014-11-28 2016-02-23
27461 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <blink>Mobile no 8886563252</blink> 2014-11-28 2014-12-01
27462 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL <blink>Mobile no 8886563252</blink> 2014-11-28 2014-12-01
27467 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA for attribute datetime on element time: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format 2014-11-29 2014-12-01
27475 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Examples: illustrate difference between bdo and bdi 2014-11-30 Fri 19:47
27476 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA the selected attribute should be removed from options elements and instead be set in the parent sele [...] 2014-12-01 2015-08-13
27479 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA cvc-complex-type.3.2.2: Attribute 'background-color' 2014-12-01 2014-12-03
27480 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE <object> Consider not unloading/loading SVG when flipping rendering. 2014-12-02 2017-07-21
27482 WHATWG HTML jungkees RESO MOVE Have appcache be bypassed when the navigation is under the scope of a service worker 2014-12-02 2015-09-29
27483 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE [Update the rendering] Replace CSSOM View <dfn>s with xrefs. 2014-12-02 2015-09-04
27484 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE <img> How should .complete interact with pending requests? 2014-12-02 Fri 20:39
27497 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Expose a worker's origin as self.origin (similar to how we have document.origin). 2014-12-03 2015-08-31
27500 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED testing and teaching, creative thinking, what will that include 2014-12-03 2015-08-27
27502 WHATWG HTML annevk RESO MOVE Create a more rigorous spec for the same-origin WindowProxy object 2014-12-03 2016-02-11
27503 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Origin: Add an id to origin's type 2014-12-03 2016-02-04
27504 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE The reset algorithm does not specify whether or not to set the dirty value flag back to false. 2014-12-03 2016-03-23
27514 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE "IE=edge" case-sensitivity 2014-12-04 2015-08-28
27519 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE It is a bit unclear what "has changed the value" means if a user changes the value and then changes it back before the control loses focus. I believe the correct thing to do in those cases is to not fire the event. 2014-12-04 2016-04-08
27520 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Considering returning null rather than throwing for cross-origin frameElement 2014-12-04 2015-10-29
27522 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Block port 443 for ws: 2014-12-05 2014-12-09
27523 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK nice very detail enough for me to understand what I want to search about 2014-12-05 2014-12-19
27530 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Section "background" selected. Comment:hallox 2014-12-07 2014-12-19
27531 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Section "background" selected. Comment:#222222 2014-12-07 2014-12-19
27532 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA javascript:(function(){var d=document,s=d.createElement('scr'+'ipt'),b=d.body,l=d.location;s.setAttr [...] 2014-12-07 2014-12-19
27539 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Wattsi: No link in IDL to obsolete section (multi-page only) 2014-12-08 2016-03-23
27540 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA object is missing one or more of the following attributes: data, type 2014-12-08 2014-12-19
27541 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Typo: Zero or more tr and script-supporting elements 2014-12-08 2015-09-16
27547 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED what all do i need to do c+++ platform 2014-12-09 2014-12-19
27551 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO NEED fallback for user agents don't support image-set 2014-12-10 2015-09-16
27554 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE WebSocket: HSTS 2014-12-10 2015-09-16
27555 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Dear diary, I have found a web page that let me write comments, even if I don't want to comment. 2014-12-10 2014-12-19
27556 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Dear diary, I think this website is wrong by claiming that last update was in the year 1901. 2014-12-10 2015-05-06
27570 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Picture element is missin in: embedded content, ohrasing content and flow content. 2014-12-11 2015-09-10
27582 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Stray and tag meta 2014-12-11 2014-12-18
27583 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Stray and tag meta 2014-12-11 2014-12-18
27604 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 8 test help8 test help8 test help 2014-12-13 2014-12-18
27606 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <figure itemscope itemtype=""> 2014-12-13 2014-12-18
27607 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <meta name="content-owner" content="SC Arcyermanos srl Timisoara"/> 2014-12-13 2014-12-18
27609 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA ;lkjdfksjd;lfksfskd[pfskd[fpskdf[psdf[pskf[pdsk df ndsfsdpofnew' repoirn ewokl eworklw eipokrewkl welk rl werk ewlr ewrw kr wrl ewlrj ewlrkewr kwej rwkje 2014-12-14 2014-12-18
27639 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Value sanitization scheme is untenable. 2014-12-17 2015-08-13
27652 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "textarea { white-space: pre-wrap; }" pre-wrap is set twice on textarea 2014-12-18 2015-08-28
27653 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Navigation scope 2014-12-18 2015-09-02
27672 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Remove multicol from this list since it doesn't have any default style 2014-12-19 2015-10-07
27673 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE margins in this section need LTR-specific note added. margin-top/bottom might also not be correct for vertical. See 2014-12-19 2016-05-09
27677 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Standardise "disabled" attribute on <link> elements 2014-12-19 2018-06-28
27678 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO MOVE Ms2ger says this example doesn't work 2014-12-19 2016-04-07
27679 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA what it is 2014-12-20 2014-12-23
27691 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA the disabiled of mined of ur proables inur element ddisabled ment of ur own diablied 2014-12-25 2015-01-06
27692 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA the disabiled of mined of ur proables inur element ddisabled ment of ur own diablied after u aweawr of the disablea ur suport to be on i the most information whys and other proinagrfophis 2014-12-25 2015-01-06
27693 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED the disabiled of mined of ur proables inur element ddisabled ment of ur own diablied after u aweawr of the disablea ur suport to be on i the most information whys and other proinagrfophis 2014-12-25 2015-01-06
27694 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA the disabiled of mined of ur proables inur element ddisabled ment of ur own diablied after u aweawr of the disablea ur suport to be on i the most information whys and other proinagrfophis 2014-12-25 2015-01-06
27695 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA vinedables commohiagaazerh phscommesa ghod 2014-12-25 2015-01-06
27696 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA gamieaghieagamiesagoaghieaghoagiaragppeagiva gagmeasizilppeagiagmem deagooagiea game 2014-12-25 2015-01-06
27697 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA gamieaghieagamiesagoaghieaghoagiaragppeagiva gagmeasizilppeagiagmem deagooagiea game 2014-12-26 2015-01-06
27698 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA why the hell r u wornging a abouout me so dam much wwhy odnt u live me the hell along i a nt [...] 2014-12-26 2015-01-06
27699 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA dkm why not so that 2014-12-26 2015-01-06
27710 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL FrameRequestCallback isn't defined (but is used) 2014-12-27 2015-08-28
27714 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Missing closing </img> 2014-12-30 2015-01-06
27741 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA no chrome #yo mama so fat 2015-01-04 2015-01-06
27752 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA penis is not good for you 2015-01-05 2015-01-06
27753 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA foda-se, v� se foder 2015-01-05 2015-01-06
27754 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Add an opensearch.xml file for the HTML Standard 2015-01-05 2015-01-07
27760 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Bad value Title for attribute name on element meta: Keyword title is not registered. 2015-01-06 2015-01-06
27761 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Only this section talks about "disown its opener" in a self-referential way. No other section uses this concept. E.g. rel=noreferrer simply ends up not creating an auxiliary browsing context. 2015-01-06 2015-01-09
27764 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA reload() method takes optional argument per and per service workers might want a hook for that. 2015-01-06 2015-01-15
27776 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT BRIAN'S MOM DISAGREES 2015-01-07 2015-01-08
27786 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Specify navigator.vendor as the empty string 2015-01-08 2015-09-01
27791 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE I don't see where the value is set to empty string when changing type to "file" 2015-01-09 2015-09-18
27793 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE In "Shared workers and the SharedWorker interface", The note at Step 6 should include blob: urls. 2015-01-10 2016-01-29
27796 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE navigator.appName is always "Netscape" 2015-01-11 2015-09-01
27800 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Lang attribute of spec itself should remove -x-hixie private use sub-category 2015-01-11 2015-01-15
27802 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Hello there, please can you check the "select" element. The attribute "autocomplete" is it fit for this element. 2015-01-12 2015-08-13
27803 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Hello there, please can you check the "select" element. The attribute "autocomplete" is it fit for this element. 2015-01-12 2015-01-13
27817 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Value of lastModified probably shouldn't change during the lifetime of the document 2015-01-13 2015-08-28
27819 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Will it update? 2015-01-13 2015-01-13
27820 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Consider standardizing navigator.oscpu 2015-01-13 2016-04-08
27821 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Keep the good work up. 2015-01-13 2015-01-13
27830 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Notes: Media Element currentTime setting with no src defined 2015-01-14 2016-02-01
27832 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE [TreatNonCallableAsNull] is now [TreatNonObjectAsNull] 2015-01-14 2015-01-15
27833 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Issue: 99% of the time if you want to use auto focus you want it to be the first visible control of [...] 2015-01-14 2016-03-24
27842 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The identity string of BroadcastChannel has too many names (channel/name/channel ID). 2015-01-16 2015-09-01
27847 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE second argument, not sectond 2015-01-17 2015-08-28
27852 WHATWG HTML d RESO MOVE Consider rejecting script responses whose MIME type isn't sufficiently scripty. 2015-01-19 2016-03-24
27855 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED A valid floating-point number represents the number obtained by multiplying the significand by ten r [...] 2015-01-19 2015-09-01
27864 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Printing steps should apply "img environment changed" algorithm before and after printing and wait u [...] 2015-01-20 Fri 21:21
27867 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE <frame> needs to do the same recursion check as <iframe> does 2015-01-20 2016-03-22
27869 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE WebSocket: "headers to send appropriate cookies" is not defined in RFC 6455 2015-01-21 2016-03-10
27875 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Abstract the parts of that deal with about:blank 2015-01-21 2017-07-21
27877 WHATWG HTML d RESO MOVE Need to define what "defined by this specification" means 2015-01-21 2016-04-08
27885 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA sdaf asd fsdsa sadf asd fas fas fasf 2015-01-23 2015-01-24
27886 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE This should be border- top, right, bottom, left -color. Not border- top, right, bottom, RIGHT -color 2015-01-23 2015-08-27
27888 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA I thought the review section was not selectable. It appears I was mistaken... Very clever, review section, very clever indeed. 2015-01-23 2015-01-23
27891 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED The text content of element script was not in the required format: Expected space, tab, newline, or slash but found < instead. 2015-01-25 2015-01-29
27907 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Typo: would would 2015-01-27 2015-01-30
27916 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Reconsider the load event with"", ...) 2015-01-28 2015-09-01
27917 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Bad value title for attribute name on element meta: Keyword title is not registered. 2015-01-28 2015-01-28
27923 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <aside id='footer-wrapper' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype='/proxy/'> 2015-01-29 2015-01-29
27926 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED 23039 spec bug 2015-01-29 2015-01-29
27935 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED The <ruby> tag appears to be unsupported. 2015-01-31 2015-03-04
27936 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED This is childish and doesn't belong in a specification. 2015-01-31 2015-03-04
27938 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED video not view 2015-01-31 2015-08-13
27954 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE navigator.productSub 2015-02-04 2015-09-30
27956 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <meta name="template" content="Stargazer 1.2.1" / 2015-02-04 2015-03-04
27957 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA …out-2c-r" dir="ltr" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=" 2015-02-04 2015-03-04
27958 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA …out-2c-r" dir="ltr" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=" 2015-02-04 2015-03-04
27959 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA …out-2c-r" dir="ltr" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=" 2015-02-04 2015-03-04
27962 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED this is not cler 2015-02-05 2015-03-04
27963 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA lallo cagayan philippines 2015-02-05 2015-03-04
27964 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Lallo cagayan philippines 2015-02-05 2015-03-04
27972 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED content editable 2015-02-06 2015-03-04
27974 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED This specification references the XMLHttpRequest specification to describe how the two specification [...] 2015-02-07 2015-03-04
27981 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED what are you doing 2015-02-08 2015-03-04
27987 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE I believe frameSpacing is another attribute that should be obsoleted and added as part of this list. 2015-02-09 2015-08-30
27989 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Should audio and video tracks be exposed cross-origin? 2015-02-10 Fri 21:37
27993 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <canvas>: influence of computed style or bidi text direction on CanvasRenderingContext2D text rendering 2015-02-10 2017-07-21
28001 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Formalize rendering tasks 2015-02-12 2017-05-04
28006 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK nice link colours! 2015-02-12 2015-03-04
28007 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK nice link colours! 2015-02-12 2015-03-04
28009 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Cross-origin privacy leakage through Application Cache 2015-02-13 Fri 19:09
28010 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA erwrwr errwer eerewr 2015-02-13 2015-03-04
28032 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Definition of "ended playback" prevents looping when loop attribute is added after playback has ended 2015-02-16 Fri 21:40
28033 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED HTML5 Datalist Element and Input Element's List Attribute Dead on Arrival 2015-02-16 2015-09-02
28039 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Notes: "root element" may not be an element 2015-02-17 2016-03-16
28040 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Comment about canvas high-res outdated? 2015-02-17 2016-02-10
28052 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Structured Clone algorithm should use ES primitives when specifying property setting 2015-02-18 2015-08-29
28062 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA fdytfffytjfjkjkffffffffffffffffffffffffff jkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff [...] 2015-02-20 2015-03-04
28064 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL <canvas>: The Note for says "Throws a NotSupportedError exception if any of the arguments are not finite." for putImageData, but it's not mentioned in the prose. 2015-02-20 2016-01-24
28076 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE "The user agent must set the element's "already started" flag." 2015-02-22 2016-01-24
28077 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT many sites, including the w3 validator, state that the hgroup element is obsolete. there is no mention of such thing here in the documentation so it is not clear whether it can be used or not. 2015-02-22 2015-08-31
28078 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED cite tags should be here 2015-02-23 2015-09-01
28080 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE CSS: display-outside: newline; and display-outside: break-opportunity; in which spec are these defined? 2015-02-23 2017-01-25
28082 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Remove "Throws a NotSupportedError exception if any of the arguments are not finite." 2015-02-23 2015-02-23
28088 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <video width="600px" src="Videos/ThinSimulation.mp4" controls> Your browser does not support the video tag. </video> 2015-02-24 2015-03-04
28089 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA weet niet wat 2015-02-24 2015-03-04
28090 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Request for making the steps in document.hasFocus method invokable from other spec 2015-02-24 2016-01-24
28095 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Half the world uses commas instead of periods as decimal separators. How about requiring user-agents to handle both? Details on browser support here: 2015-02-24 2015-08-28
28096 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT <img> Fire the loadend event (and possible progress events) for multipart/x-mixed-replace image streams 2015-02-24 Fri 21:35
28100 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE "sniffed MIME type" has been renamed to "computed MIME type" in mimesniff spec 2015-02-25 2016-02-09
28101 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <title>Exampl Pictures: Kissat</title> <link rel="stylesheet" hre [...] 2015-02-25 2015-03-04
28102 WHATWG HTML d RESO FIXE Use sequence<T> for arguments instead of T[] 2015-02-25 2015-08-28
28103 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "mousewheel" event should be "wheel" event? 2015-02-25 2015-09-01
28104 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE DOMStringMap should not be exposed on Worker 2015-02-26 2015-10-30
28110 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED not helpful for my question but helpful for other things 2015-02-26 2015-03-04
28111 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK In the UK, dates are also written 1/2/03 for the 1st of Feburary 2003. 2015-02-27 2015-03-04
28112 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK TH tags are not closed 2015-02-27 2015-08-13
28113 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE The text of the HTML fragment serialisation algorithm says that the algorithm may throw an exception, but it doesn't indicate which exceptions or the circumstances in which they should be thrown. 2015-02-28 2016-02-05
28115 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <content select="foos" x-selectwith="somecontentparent"> wraps each selected host child with material surrounding content element in template up to the x-selectwith target parent/ancestor in the template. 2015-02-28 2015-03-04
28118 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Link to the algorithm for deleting names from DOMStringMap 2015-03-01 2016-03-22
28120 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA items.push ({"name": part.part_display_name, "description": part.SKU, "sku": part.SKU, "price": part.price, "currency": "USD", "quantity": 1}); 2015-03-01 2015-03-04
28121 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The concept of creators has been removed from WebIDL; setters are always also creators 2015-03-01 2015-09-01
28123 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE w3c html now points to ARIA in HTML for document conformance requirements and HTML accessibility API [...] 2015-03-02 2015-09-10
28125 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Pausing a playing media element requires the final paused position to be known synchronously 2015-03-03 2016-02-01
28126 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED i don,t agree; but shift data to more personal terms 2015-03-03 2015-03-04
28128 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"standalone="yes"?> 2015-03-03 2015-03-04
28132 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE "This contrasts with the rel attribute of a and area elements, which indicates the type of a link wh [...] 2015-03-03 2016-04-01
28136 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 0x01193c2frefrencememory at 0x3a7177d3. 2015-03-04 2015-03-04
28137 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Currency form input types 2015-03-04 2015-09-02
28139 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Not necessarily a bug, but a clarification would be nice: Does "may have any string value" mean that [...] 2015-03-04 2016-03-25
28142 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK The <div lang="en-GB"> implies that British English is being used, which it is, so the following comment is back to front. 2015-03-05 2015-09-15
28144 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Abada Ubada Ub 2015-03-05 2015-03-30
28145 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA What is this?????? 2015-03-05 2015-03-30
28147 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA What is this?????? 2015-03-05 2015-03-30
28149 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Swapping of the first and third entry in the coords list for the rectangle shape is backwards 2015-03-06 2015-08-28
28150 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK state requirement for the <select> element more precisely/clearly 2015-03-06 2015-08-28
28152 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL FrameRequestCallback is not linked or defined 2015-03-06 2015-08-31
28155 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE ElementContentEditable is not linked 2015-03-06 2015-09-01
28159 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED set scripting disabled 2015-03-07 2015-03-30
28160 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA set scripting disabled 2015-03-07 2015-03-30
28162 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE The end of the paragraph defining a valid e-mail address list should be "an implementation must split the string on commas", not "and implementation must split the string on commas". 2015-03-07 2015-08-28
28166 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Should onblur and friends be overridden on HTMLBodyElement or inherited from HTMLElement? 2015-03-07 2015-04-08
28167 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA is said to reflect the content attribute, but is a HTMLMenuElement? 2015-03-07 2015-03-07
28168 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA "The sortable attribute ... indicates that the user agent is to allow the user to sort the table." 2015-03-07 2015-09-02
28169 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA HTMLFormElement.action should be reflected as a URL 2015-03-08 2015-03-31
28188 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Typo? SHould that be 'Example' and not 'Exampl' 2015-03-11 2015-08-04
28189 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Typo? SHould that be 'Example' and not 'Exampl' 2015-03-11 2015-08-04
28190 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Typo? SHould that be 'Example' and not 'Exampl' 2015-03-11 2015-08-04
28193 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA playing movies on netflix 2015-03-11 2015-03-30
28197 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED i could find what differences between id and name attribute. The name attribute returns nodelist. 2015-03-12 2015-08-28
28198 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL i could find what differences between id and name attribute. The name attribute returns nodelist. 2015-03-12 2015-08-28
28199 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Allow source of MessageEvent to be ServiceWorker object / Client object for messaging in Service Worker 2015-03-12 2015-05-06
28200 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Drop www. in blue robot demo 2015-03-12 2016-01-06
28201 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA hey you 7 2015-03-12 2015-03-30
28204 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA gh fgh ghd dfh dfgdh g 2015-03-12 2015-03-30
28207 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <! Doctype html> <html itemscope = "" itemtype = "" lang = "en"> [...] 2015-03-13 2015-03-30
28208 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Home | New | Browse | Search | [?] | Reports | Requests | New Account Bugzilla needs a legitimat [...] 2015-03-13 2015-03-30
28217 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE <canvas>: not clear if two polygon paths with a common edge should have no line visible 2015-03-15 Fri 21:33
28218 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA HTML Microdata items found. 2015-03-15 2015-03-30
28219 WHATWG HTML d RESO FIXE Remove HTMLMapElement.images (no implementation since 2007) 2015-03-15 2015-08-28
28222 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Load page 2015-03-16 2015-03-30
28225 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Do we really want getting <input type=image>.selectionDirection to throw? 2015-03-16 2016-04-06
28227 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Shouldn't srcdoc in XHTML be parsed as XML, since the authoring requirements require the value to be XML? 2015-03-16 2015-09-01
28228 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Specify the autocapitalize attribute 2015-03-16 2017-12-08
28236 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE The "rules for updating the text track rendering" are not run when mode changes from hidden to showing 2015-03-19 Fri 21:35
28251 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> 2015-03-21 2015-03-30
28253 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> 2015-03-21 2015-03-30
28273 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED link to fish figure example 2015-03-22 2015-09-02
28296 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Make #the-marquee-element the main definition 2015-03-23 2016-03-22
28321 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <form action="process.cgi"> <input type=image src=map.png name=where alt="Show location list"> </form> 2015-03-24 2015-03-30
28322 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <form ...> 2015-03-24 2015-03-30
28323 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Contexts in which this element can be used: 2015-03-24 2015-08-28
28327 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE <canvas>: CanvasRenderingContext2D.putImageData cannot throw a NotSupportedError exception under ECMAScript binding *even if* any of the arguments are not finite. 2015-03-24 2016-01-24
28329 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED oh please, a website that tells us that there are definitely errors on the page 2015-03-24 2015-03-30
28331 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED explain html document head 2015-03-25 2015-03-30
28333 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Show on example how a,b,c,d,e,f affect the point position 2015-03-25 Fri 20:22
28338 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE <meta refresh> Remove "Otherwise, jump to the last step." from step 10 to match IE11/Gecko. 2015-03-26 2015-11-18
28339 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE <meta refresh> Specify Refresh HTTP header 2015-03-26 2017-08-09
28342 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA this is a test 2015-03-26 2015-03-30
28345 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED what is the standard colar for each month 2015-03-26 2015-03-30
28346 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL what is the standard colar for each month 2015-03-26 2015-03-30
28347 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Request for hooks in Web application APIs processing model for Frame Timing 2015-03-26 2017-07-21
28351 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Error Line 123, Column 27: The text content of element time was not in the required format: The literal did not satisfy the time-datetime format. 2015-03-27 2015-03-30
28356 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Why was the multiple attribute chosen as a ‘must not be specified’ in this spec? 2015-03-27 2015-03-30
28361 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Ambiguity in the context value for content loaded through <meta http-equiv=refresh> in a frame/iframe 2015-03-28 2015-09-02
28374 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Should canvas really get tainted by a cross-origin (via document.domain) drawImage call? 2015-03-30 Fri 22:04
28375 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK The global object has an origin in implementations, we should acknowledge this. Specifications also routinely assume it has one, e.g. IDB. 2015-03-30 2016-03-16
28377 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Fix typo in 6.4.2 Focus "Data model" examples 2015-03-30 2015-08-28
28380 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO FIXE "The source element is used with the src attribute" 2015-03-31 2015-09-16
28384 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Per bug 28360 the browser might also be in charge of fetching the applet. If that's true, this section needs some extra text. 2015-03-31 2016-03-16
28386 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 2015-04-01 2015-04-07
28387 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED it is not showing error if xxx@hotmail is typed which is not a valid email 2015-04-01 2015-08-28
28388 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Note about Content-Language seems wrong 2015-04-01 2015-09-01
28389 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Allow error objects to be structured-clonable 2015-04-01 2016-03-16
28390 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Which named properties on the Window should be enumerable? 2015-04-01 2015-09-01
28392 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE I assume "decides to completely *stall* a download" means "*suspend* a download". 2015-04-01 2015-09-01
28393 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Determine which cookies to include before returning. 2015-04-02 2015-09-02
28395 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA { [ < <|> = <*> = <~> ={...} = [...] =[::] = (*) / = / = < > > ] } 2015-04-03 2015-04-07
28396 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK There must be no more than one <base> element per document; rules are given for handling invalid situations ("...all [base elements] but the first are ignored"), but fail to cover the case 2015-04-03 2015-08-28
28397 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Can I have a <dfn> for "JavaScript MIME types" that references this list? 2015-04-03 2015-09-01
28398 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE <img> I want "image MIME types" to be defined 2015-04-03 2016-08-11
28399 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA dfdgdgdgdfgdsgd fdgdfg dfgdfg dfg dfgfd gdf 2015-04-03 2015-04-07
28400 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Fuck You Man 2015-04-03 2015-04-07
28401 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE More aggressive sanitizing input value policy 2015-04-03 2016-04-09
28411 WHATWG HTML ian VERI FIXE Base URL for importScripts doesn't appear to be defined 2015-04-06 2015-09-16
28431 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Example uses address-level1 on a field labeled "City" while the document states that address-level1 most often refers to a state or similar with address-level2 being used for cities. 2015-04-07 2015-09-01
28433 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO MOVE Parser: a marker is not inserted when entering button 2015-04-08 2016-04-12
28454 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE typo: usign 2015-04-09 2015-08-28
28461 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK no bug here :d 2015-04-10 2015-04-16
28463 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK doesnt work in safari required 2015-04-10 2015-04-16
28467 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE How character data is get serialized when appended as innerHTML to <pre> element. 2015-04-12 2016-03-26
28478 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <p style="text-align: center"><a class="bbc_url" href="" rel="nofollow external" [...] 2015-04-13 2015-04-16
28480 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Double quotes everywhere 2015-04-13 2015-08-28
28481 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL lineCap/lineJoin can probably be enums 2015-04-13 2015-04-16
28484 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED tim date system 2015-04-13 2015-04-16
28485 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL tim date system 2015-04-13 2015-04-16
28489 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA hıoşl nklş nhklş hşlı 2015-04-14 2015-04-16
28490 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA nbbjklhkjlşşlhkşklşhklşhklşkl ghjılhgolp guıol 2015-04-14 2015-04-16
28497 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK In 15.1, one of the obsolete features is: 2015-04-16 2015-08-28
28499 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED What do you want from me? 2015-04-16 2015-04-16
28500 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL What do you want from me? 2015-04-16 2015-04-16
28504 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Should SharedWorker have only Exposed=(Window) ? 2015-04-17 2017-07-21
28508 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <link rel="canonical" href="" /> 2015-04-19 2015-04-20
28517 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK origin of the rule for textarea cols=0/rows=0 2015-04-20 2015-08-13
28520 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Should the sandboxing flags be captured when setting up the refresh? 2015-04-20 2016-12-20
28531 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA xhhxrthhxnfg tjjm yjnmdtkj nrjdj ntjudrn rdthnd hrtdnxr 2015-04-22 2015-04-23
28532 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA xhhxrthhxnfg tjjm yjnmdtkj nrjdj ntjudrn rdthnd hrtdnxr 2015-04-22 2015-04-23
28553 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Allow disabling of default scroll restoration behavior on history navigation 2015-04-23 2015-11-16
28554 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE There is no SVGMatrix interface defined in SVG specification 2015-04-24 2015-08-28
28555 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Your use of "Example" and "Note" in the CSS rather than HTML, when it carries substantial heading-type semantics, is kind of double standards ain't it? 2015-04-24 2017-06-11
28563 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE As in most cases the http-equiv meta tags are equivalent to their corresponding HTTP header, would i [...] 2015-04-27 2017-08-09
28566 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Add a synchronous structured clone API 2015-04-27 2016-03-03
28574 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA hgroup has been removed from the HTML5 specification 2015-04-27 2015-08-28
28575 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Shouldn't `ping` be readonly? 2015-04-28 2015-08-28
28576 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED assessement for keeps givng me errors when trying to submit 2015-04-28 2015-05-05
28580 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED list only four important elements of HTML 2015-04-29 2015-05-05
28599 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Attributes for element a 2015-05-04 2015-05-05
28603 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT ugh this is so boring 2015-05-05 2015-05-05
28613 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA enable help whit windows7 en google chrome 2015-05-06 2015-05-06
28618 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Testing offline feature. 2015-05-07 2015-05-07
28622 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE window.close() should not close the window when unload or beforeunload events are running 2015-05-11 Fri 19:13
28623 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Fold in meta theme-color 2015-05-11 2016-03-01
28625 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Provide a hook for media session integration (blocking paused->playing transition) 2015-05-12 Fri 20:23
28635 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE "This applies in all modes." 2015-05-14 2015-08-29
28643 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE In note number 2 there's a typo. The word "be" appears to be missing: "If the title attribute is used, CSS can *BE* used to draw the reader's attention to the elements with the attribute". 2015-05-15 2015-08-28
28644 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Add an optional parameter to requestAnimationFrame to indicate when the callback should be called 2015-05-15 Fri 19:13
28645 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Hi, I am a student. 2015-05-15 2015-08-04
28648 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA HTMLImageElement 2015-05-16 2015-08-04
28649 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA t XLink namespace 2015-05-16 2015-08-04
28656 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Here an image would be supportive. 2015-05-19 2016-04-21
28657 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA hello 2015-05-19 2015-08-04
28658 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK This is kind of nice website 2015-05-19 2015-08-13
28667 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA delete this please just the people who are not be inga cyber bully 2015-05-21 2015-08-13
28670 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf8" /> 2015-05-21 2015-08-13
28672 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED "Some algorithms run in parallel; this means that the algorithm's subsequent steps are to be run, *o [...] 2015-05-22 2015-08-13
28673 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Anchors should be disable-able 2015-05-22 2016-03-17
28675 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE What is a globally unique identifier? 2015-05-22 2016-03-24
28696 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA 2 points nfgn n ndfng gdn gdnhn nd fb nd 2015-05-23 2015-08-04
28697 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE BarProp.visible can be readonly 2015-05-25 2015-09-01
28704 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA attribute is defined in the ARIA specification 2015-05-27 2015-08-13
28707 WHATWG HTML ian VERI FIXE Gloups! I did not know this feedback would be public! Can you delete my e-mail address in the issues�28705�and�28706, please? 2015-05-28 2015-05-28
28709 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Wattsi: The panel "Support:" on the right hides the interesting text, which cannot be read. 2015-05-28 2016-11-28
28718 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK The buttons to submit this feedback are eaten. So we cannot see their text. But there is space on the left. 2015-05-28 2015-08-28
28719 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK This feedback invitation is nice. But it misses the word "public". Please say that the feedback will be public. 2015-05-28 2015-08-28
28721 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Hi i am getting validation message before botton click. how to avoid it? 2015-05-29 2015-08-04
28722 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA this is in error! 2015-05-29 2015-08-04
28723 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Dulow Kaotic 2015-05-30 2015-08-04
28724 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA drag and drop 2015-05-30 2015-08-13
28725 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Error: Element h4 not allowed as child of element ul in this context 2015-05-30 2015-08-13
28726 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE initMessageEvent() sourceArg should be nullable 2015-05-31 2015-09-01
28728 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK fix definition of "palpable content" to mean what it actually should mean 2015-06-01 2015-08-28
28737 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Request to extend importScripts(urls) for ServiceWorkerGlobalScope 2015-06-02 2015-09-02
28744 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <footer id='content-info' itemprop='copyrightHolder' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype='/proxy/'> 2015-06-03 2015-08-13
28745 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED is not a known valid target type for the copyrightHolder property. 2015-06-03 2015-08-13
28747 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Specify the autocorrect attribute 2015-06-04 2018-03-28
28748 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Have a common interface between Document and ShadowRoot, as LayoutRoot 2015-06-04 2016-03-25
28753 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Allow returning SVGScriptElement from Document.currentScript too. 2015-06-04 2016-03-22
28765 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT It seems better to make DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope _implements_ WorkerGlobalScope so that var foo = foo | webkitFoo | msFoo | ... will work as expected, just like Window. 2015-06-05 2015-09-18
28772 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE fired unload flag never gets set back to false for 2015-06-06 2016-04-21
28773 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Nothing ever sets the "mute iframe load" flag to false 2015-06-06 Fri 20:24
28776 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Doctype is HTML5, there are HTML5 tags, but there are obsolete HTML4 tags too 2015-06-07 2015-08-04
28777 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA excellent example! 2015-06-07 2015-08-04
28784 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE input[type=search] should be "box-sizing: border-box" 2015-06-10 2015-09-02
28788 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Origin: "not a scheme/host/port tuple" this should instead say "an opaque identifier" 2015-06-10 2016-03-14
28789 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Make history.length unsigned long 2015-06-10 2015-08-28
28790 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Give History.go(delta) the default value 0 2015-06-10 2015-08-28
28792 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA the a element 2015-06-11 2015-08-04
28793 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA the a element 2015-06-11 2015-08-04
28796 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Feature testing for <link rel> 2015-06-11 2016-01-24
28800 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Should 'reset form owner' be invoked on form-associated elements with no form owner when they are inserted into a subtree that is NOT IN the Document? 2015-06-12 2017-07-24
28801 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Define self.origin. Documents and workers should have a reliable way to get the origin of the global. See for some background. 2015-06-12 2016-03-28
28804 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA the worker 2015-06-13 2015-08-04
28806 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Update Web Storage section 2015-06-13 2015-09-01
28809 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check 2015-06-14 2015-08-13
28813 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE There's no way to tell when a MessagePort is closed. 2015-06-15 2016-12-13
28814 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA niggers dont know html 2015-06-16 2015-08-13
28817 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Add an `allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox` iframe@sandbox flag. 2015-06-16 2015-08-28
28818 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Block modal dialogs in sandboxed iframes. 2015-06-16 2015-09-01
28819 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA table width is 100% . my table header and row width in px. but last column header is to many spaces.. how to reduce the space.. 2015-06-16 2015-08-28
28820 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED A quick search shows that this causes more problems than it solves (more than 400k results for "C:\fakepath\"). It's a shitty workaround and should be removed. 2015-06-16 2015-08-04
28821 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE add rel=newcontext 2015-06-16 2016-03-08
28824 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA cman noi that bzh 2015-06-18 2015-08-04
28826 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA First load of the page is very, very, very, very long 2015-06-19 2015-08-04
28827 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE In the note after the "reconstruct the active formatting elements" algorithm, the text "steps 8 to 11" should be probably replaced with "steps 7 to 10". 2015-06-19 2015-08-28
28828 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Mention captions in @controls User Interface for media elements 2015-06-20 2016-02-04
28829 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Explicitly mention the possible use of remote controls as input devices in the "User interface" section of media elements 2015-06-20 2016-03-22
28830 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA hey bitches..don't disturb me.. 2015-06-20 2015-08-04
28831 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <h2 id="table-of-contents" class="no-num no-toc">Table of contents</h2>This specification has been updated. You are reading r8890 but the latest revision is r8891 ("Minor fixes: make the ID for the <h2> saner, make the ID for the drag event section saner, 2015-06-20 2015-08-28
28835 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Reconsider the Worker base url 2015-06-22 2015-09-22
28846 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Weird sentence: “will be work in an ASCII case-insensitive.” 2015-06-24 2015-09-01
28848 WHATWG HTML zcorpan RESO WORK For a source-size-list, what order are media queries evaluated? Is it 'first one wins'? 2015-06-24 2015-09-16
28849 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Cloning steps for ES Map/Set should copy [[MapData]]/[[SetData]] list before recursing 2015-06-24 2015-09-01
28851 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA …ald:300,regular,700&#038;subset=latin,latin-ext' type='text/css' media='all' /> 2015-06-26 2015-08-04
28852 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Error Line 44, Column 240: Bad value,300,regular,700 [...] 2015-06-26 2015-08-04
28853 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL Error Line 44, Column 240: Bad value,300,regular,700 [...] 2015-06-26 2015-08-04
28854 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Error Line 44, Column 240: Bad value,300,regular,700 [...] 2015-06-26 2015-08-04
28858 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA good feature lol 2015-06-27 2015-08-04
28864 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Make document.write() check for "not flagged as an HTML document" instead of "XML document" 2015-06-29 2016-03-22
28876 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED Doing too much stuff around animation frame tick may cause rendering updates to be postponed 2015-07-01 Fri 19:16
28886 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA vkndasokdnasiondsai pas dnasp dnas apjdpsadnpas da pdasndsa 2015-07-02 2015-08-04
28889 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Clarify that step 2 and the final paragraph of step 3 have the same effect 2015-07-03 2016-03-25
28891 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA student result or database employee 2015-07-05 2015-08-04
28892 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Should refer to CSS2 for the definition of "replaced element" 2015-07-05 2015-08-29
28893 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Specify <noscript>'s `display` magic via CSS's `scripting` media feature 2015-07-05 2015-08-30
28904 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE There should be an exhaustive list of replaced elements 2015-07-06 2017-07-29
28906 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Clarify that there's no `inert` attribute? 2015-07-06 2015-08-28
28920 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK If the stack of script settings objects is empty, perform a microtask checkpoint right before executing async or defer script 2015-07-06 2017-07-21
28921 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Treat preload="none" as preload="metadata" when load() is called 2015-07-07 Fri 22:17
28922 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Typo: s/element/elements/ in "...however, a and area element..." 2015-07-07 2015-08-28
28925 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Append the hyperlink suffix to the URL before resolving 2015-07-07 Fri 21:29
28929 WHATWG HTML philip RESO MOVE Setting video.currentTime (seeking) should synchronously update the attribute's value 2015-07-09 Fri 20:50
28932 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Man Red Male 2 2015-07-09 2015-08-04
28941 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Update JSON reference to RFC 7159 2015-07-11 2015-08-28
28942 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE Change "except for while steps 8 to 11" to "except for while steps 8 to 10" 2015-07-12 2015-08-28
28950 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE The preload attribute's invalid value default is undefined 2015-07-15 2015-08-30
28951 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK The preload attribute is case-insensitive in all browsers 2015-07-15 2015-08-25
28952 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT autocomplete: Support for phonetic names. 2015-07-15 Fri 19:18
28953 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK The gray box covered up the text in the background until I stretched my browser abnormally wide. 2015-07-15 2015-08-28
28954 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WONT Clarify that suggested default rendering CSS is overridable unless stated otherwise 2015-07-16 2015-08-30
28956 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Generalize and more tightly specify HTMLMediaElement preload attribute 2015-07-16 Fri 19:53
28961 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE importScripts needs to consider the muted errors flag before propagating exceptions 2015-07-16 2015-09-22
28964 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Rachel Nicole garrison 2015-07-18 2015-08-04
28969 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK Would it not be better to correlate 'sectioning roots' with wai-aria 'landmark roles'? Not only woul [...] 2015-07-20 2015-08-28
28970 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL <track> elements added with their text track already showing do not run the "time marches on" steps 2015-07-20 2015-07-20
28971 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL <track> elements added with their text track already showing do not run the "time marches on" steps 2015-07-20 2015-07-20
28972 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL <track> elements added with their text track already showing do not run the "time marches on" steps 2015-07-20 2015-07-20
28973 WHATWG HTML philip RESO MOVE <track> elements added with their text track already showing do not run the "time marches on" steps 2015-07-20 Fri 19:59
28974 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA this is a test bug 2015-07-20 2015-07-20
28975 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA this is a test bug 2015-07-20 2015-08-04
28976 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA this is a test bug 2015-07-20 2015-07-20
28983 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE The "click" near the end of this sentence should link to 2015-07-21 2015-08-28
28984 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE The DragEventInit dataTransfer member is not useful 2015-07-22 2015-09-01
28985 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Ordering of checkbox click & change events doesn't match reality 2015-07-23 2016-01-18
28990 WHATWG HTML ian CLOS WORK Semantic typo in parsing algorithm 2015-07-24 2015-08-31
28991 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Error: Quote " in attribute name. Probable cause: Matching quote missing somewhere earlier. 2015-07-25 2015-08-27
28992 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA end tag for "fields" omitted 2015-07-26 2015-08-28
28999 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Aww thanx babe xo I love u hun 2015-07-28 2015-07-30
29010 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED <div itemscope="" itemtype=""> 2015-07-31 2015-08-04
29011 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA InternetAccounts.prefPane,InternetAccounts.prefPane/System/Library/PreferencePanes/iCloudPref.prefPane 2015-08-01 2015-08-04
29012 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA Clicking on "willful violation" does not show all references to willful violation; instead it says no references found in this file. 2015-08-01 2015-08-02
29014 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE HTMLTableRowElement.deleteCell(-1) should delete last cell 2015-08-02 2015-08-28
29015 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE HTMLTableSectionElement.deleteRow(-1) should delete last row 2015-08-02 2015-08-28
29018 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE rows attribute in HTMLTableElement should return rows collection as per rendering order. 2015-08-03 Fri 20:06
29026 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE FrameRequestCallback doesn't seem to be defined 2015-08-05 2015-08-28
29037 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA thank for help 2015-08-06 2015-08-07
29039 WHATWG HTML d RESO MOVE Clarifications and extensions to worker semantics 2015-08-06 2016-06-23
29042 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA enable hidden input 2015-08-06 2015-08-07
29043 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL enable hidden input 2015-08-06 2015-08-07
29046 WHATWG HTML ian RESO WORK This link doesn't work for some reason. 2015-08-08 2015-08-13
29048 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE typo: "documented nested" -> "document nested" 2015-08-09 2015-08-28
29056 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Origin: serialization algorithms need to define host serialization properly 2015-08-15 2016-03-14
29057 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Step 1 of Reset the Form Owner is a confusing mix of conjunctions and disjunctions 2015-08-16 2016-03-25
29061 WHATWG HTML ian RESO FIXE iframe@sandbox support should be feature-detectable. 2015-08-18 2016-01-24
29062 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA pas loggin 2015-08-19 2015-08-21
29063 WHATWG HTML ian RESO DUPL dennis. how i can unlocked password and usser name global and westernuino 2015-08-19 2015-08-21
29066 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Should "If mode is local" be "If mode is remote" ? 2015-08-19 2016-02-01
29074 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA HI Good Morning pls could you send me what are the syntactic style types in html to 2015-08-23 2015-08-25
29078 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Link stylesheet's "appropriate times to obtain resource" doesn't cover all cases 2015-08-24 2016-02-15
29087 WHATWG HTML ian RESO NEED It says "Constraint validation" 2015-08-27 2015-08-28
29091 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA mein name ist superidiot 2015-08-27 2015-08-28
29093 WHATWG HTML ian RESO MOVE Elements that are focusable but not in the tab order should probably not have tabindex by default 0 2015-08-27 2018-02-04
29784 WHATWG HTML ian RESO INVA <input type="number"> allows letter e 2016-08-19 2016-08-24
4047 bugs found.