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Electronic Publishing at heiDOK

heiDOK gives you the opportunity to submit your electronic publications via an upload form to the document server. Details about the upload process are described in the following text. You will find more information on the legal and technical requirements under Jur. Issues and Frequently Asked Questions.

special regulations for dissertations���deposit item

Who can publish in heiDOK? Which publications are accepted?

As a member of Heidelberg University you can deposit your scientific publication in heiDOK (e.g. journal article, monograph, review, etc.) or university publication (PhD, post-doctoral thesis, bachelor's or master's thesis, diploma thesis), presentation, report, etc. In the case of dissertations, please note the special regulations. For bachelor theses, master theses, diploma theses and Staatsexamensarbeiten a publication recommendation of the first supervisor is required.

Documents of a strongly ephemeral character such as conference or lecture announcements are excluded. Research data can be archived on the data archive heiDATA in citable form, made publicly accessible and linked to your publication on heiDOK. The disciplinary repositories ART-Dok, Propylaeum-DOK and FID4SA-Repository, also run by Heidelberg University Library, provide scientists worldwide with the opportunity to make their publications in the field of history of art, classical studies and South Asian studies available in electronic form and according to the principles of Open Access.

What rights do I need?

It is a requirement that you have all necessary rights for publication on the Internet (further information can be found under Jur. Issues). During the upload process confirmation of this fact is required.

With an OA publication you support the goal of giving access to scientific literature and material on the Internet free of charge, i.e. with no financial, technical or legal barriers. All publications or documents with restrictions on access are therefore excluded. Also excluded are documents where commercial interests, be it on the part of the author or a third party, are opposed to free access on the Internet. Please do not use any techniques for Digital Rights Management (DRM) and make sure that the archive file is DRM-free (more under Open Access).

If you generate content of your work with the help of artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence Generated Content, AIGC), you must describe the use of this tool transparently and in detail in a "Methods" section. As the author, you are fully responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by the tool and for correctly citing any supporting work (sources) on which this information is based.

What file formats are supported?

The file formats that are currently supported by heiDOK are PDF (preferred format), PostScript and AVI, QuickTime, WindowsMedia (for videos). Further information can be found at FAQ.

What should be considered for publications regarding export control (dual use)?

Publications may contain information that poses a significant threat to public health, safety or the environment because it can be used for both civilian and military or terrorist purposes (dual use). It is the responsibility of the scientists and scholars to critically examine their own manuscript before publication to see whether it contains such information that is not already in the public domain or is relevant to fundamental research. If this cannot be ruled out with certainty, the Export Control Unit should be consulted before publication.

How can I deposit a publication?

When depositing your publication please use the upload form. You can stop the publication process at any time by clicking on Save and continue later without losing any data.

  1. After the login you can manage your deposits. Please click on New Item.
  2. Please select the appropriate item type and click on Next.
  3. Please fill out all fields marked with an asterisk. We encourage you to also consider the translation of the title and of the abstract. Then click on Next or on the tab Faculty / Institute.
  4. Please select an institute / an institution. You can also select several institutes / institutions. Then please click on Next or on the tab Subjects.
  5. Now please select the appropriate category (Dewey Decimal Classification). You can also choose normalized and free keywords. Then click on Next or the tab Upload.
  6. Here please upload the text file. We recommend PDF, PostScript, AVI, QuickTime and Windows Media. After the successful upload the size of the uploaded file is displayed. Please also note Language, license etc., where you can describe the document in detail or where you can choose a creative commons license for your file(s).
  7. In the next step the license agreement and release conditions are displayed. By setting the checkmark, you agree with the listed rights.

After publication, you will soon find your document in HEIDI, the catalogue for the libraries of Heidelberg University, as well as in heiDOK.

special regulations for dissertations���deposit item

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