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PMC full text:
Contemp Clin Trials. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2024 Apr 1.
Published in final edited form as:
Contemp Clin Trials. 2023 Apr; 127: 107134.
Published online 2023 Feb 24. doi: 10.1016/j.cct.2023.107134

Table 4.

Measures of cost.

Cost TypeConstructMeasuresSourceMeasurement Schedule
Start-Up RecruitmentStaff time, consultant, and other costsStaff activity logs; study records and CBO interviews/surveysMonthly for start-up period; one-time
Initial trainingNumber and duration of trainingsStudy recordsOne-time
Technology developmentStaff time, content development costsStaff activity logsMonthly for start-up period; one-time
Variable Shipping and processing HIV and STI test kitsNumber of units shipped, STI lab cost per test, staff time per shipmentStudy records; staff interviewsOngoing; one-time
Participant contactsNumber of participant contacts, staff time per contactParticipant contact logs; staff interviewsOngoing; one-time
Time-Dependent Social media advertisementTotal spendingStudy recordsOngoing
Booster training and technical assistanceStaff time by armCBO and DTC participant tracking logs; staff activity logsOngoing; monthly
Other staff activitiesStaff time by armStaff activity logs; CBO interviews/surveysMonthly; one-time
Space and occupancy costsSquare feetStaff interviewsOne-time