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PMC full text:
Obesity (Silver Spring). Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 Jan 30.
Published in final edited form as:
Obesity (Silver Spring). 2011 Feb; 19(2): 338–344.
Published online 2010 Sep 16. doi: 10.1038/oby.2010.208

Table 2

Percent changes in weight, waist circumference, and dietary intake by groups at 6 months

VariablePR (n = 72)PDA (n = 68)PDA+FB (n = 70)P valuea
 median (IQR)−4.6 (−8.6, −0.5)−4.8 (−9.3, −0.5)−6.5 (−10.4, −2.7)0.12
 mean (SD)−5.3 (5.9)−5.5 (7.0)−7.3 (6.6)
Waist circumferenceb,a
 median (IQR)−4.0 (−8.4, 0.0)−5.0 (−8.5, −1.7)−6.4 (11.5, −1.8) 0.03
 mean (SD)−4.6 (6.0)−5.5 (5.4)−6.9 (5.8)
Energy intakeb,c
 median (IQR)−12.5 (−34.7, 0.0)−19.9 (−39.2, −1.6)−23.3 (−40.6, −8.3) 0.05
 mean (SD)−11.9 (31.9)−16.7 (31.7)−24.0 (22.4)
 trimmed mean (SD)−17.4 (22.7)−20.8 (25.3)−26.6 (19.1)
% kcal total fatb
 median (IQR)0.0 (−21.3, 8.7)−9.2 (25.4,−0.1)−12.6 (−32.8, 0.0)0.12
 mean (SD)−5.5 (27.0)−9.2 (20.7)−14.0 (25.0)
 trimmed mean (SD)−7.7 (23.9)−10.2 (19.0)−14.0 (25.0)
% kcal SFAb,c
 median (IQR)0.0 (−31.5, 17.7)−11.3 (−31.9, 4.5)−17.5 (−36.1, 0.0)0.08
 mean (SD)−1.9 (36.3)−7.8 (36.4)−14.4 (32.0)
 trimmed mean (SD)−6.7 (28.4)−15.5 (22.3)−15.9 (29.5)
% kcal MUFAb
 median (IQR)−5.4 (−23.4, 15.2)−8.9 (−26.8, 4.2)−11.5 (−31.6, 8.2)0.37
 mean (SD)−2.9 (33.5)−8.8 (25.6)−11.6 (30.5)
 trimmed mean (SD)−8.0 (26.0)−11.2 (21.9)−13.0 (28.6)
% kcal PUFAb
 median (IQR)−4.3 (−33.1, 11.0)−3.3 (−29.9, 9.5)−15.4 (−40.9, 15.4)0.42
 mean (SD)−4.6 (41.3)−2.8 (35.3)−8.6 (43.4)
 trimmed mean (SD)−9.5 (34.3)−9.5 (26.9)−13.8 (35.1)

PR, paper record; PDA, personal digital assistant; PDA+FB, personal digital assistant with the added customized feedback program; SFA, saturated fatty acids; MUFA, monounsaturated fatty acids; PUFA, polyunsaturated fatty acids; IQR, interquartile range.

Trimmed mean (SD) is calculated by excluding outliers.

aP value calculated from Kruskal-Wallis test for the comparison of three groups.
bP < .05 are for significant changes within treatment groups.
cP < .05 are for significant differences between the PR and the PDA (PDA and PDA+FB).