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Table 1

The tools used in Akser Waznk to address evidence-informed practice for weight-loss management.

PracticeApp information
Assessing and reaching an ideal weightThe waist circumference and BMI are calculated to assess each individual’s weight.
The app provides a target weight and a date for individuals to use as their objective.
Healthy dietOn the basis of the users’ target weight, a daily calorie count required is calculated.
Provides the recommended daily portions of food items and beverages.
Provides the recommended daily amount of water.
Generates and distinguishes recommendations based on the score of the weekly self-assessment.
Helps users to understand and read labels on food products.
Suggests substitutions of healthy foods for unhealthy food options.
As an educational tool, the app shows users examples of nutritionally poor meals and diets to help them to plan their healthy meals.
Users can plan healthy meals via a specific tool.
The app will send notices if the calorie consumption and exercise deviate from the recommended level based on the score of the weekly self-assessment.
The user’s consumption report helps to create a tailored healthy lifestyle circle.
Physical activityThe app suggests a minimum of 6 exercises from a list of physical exercises for the individual to do for a minimum of 45 min at least five times per week.
The users are able to analyze their physical activity at the end of every week.
The app provides videos and detailed information regarding all physical exercises in the app list for the users so that they execute the exercises in the proper manner.
If physical activity is not achieved or the recommended level is not met, the app will send a reminder to the users.
The Let’s Walk feature encourages the users to walk together every week.
There is an added feature that provides directions so that users can walk to their nearest Mosque (place of worship).
Gamification features encourage users to reach/achieve the daily count of steps goal, with the app donating money to charity every time the goal is met.
Set an initial aim of 5000 steps, with this number gradually rising over time. A pedometer is offered to users so they can count the steps taken.
Self-monitoring and assessmentThe app tracks the daily consumption of water, food (calories), performed exercise, and counts the daily steps taken.
The users can perform the self-assessment regarding their physical exercise, food, and water consumption at the end of the week.
The weight-loss tracker allows users to keep track of their weight-loss progress, offers their current weight in kilograms, and shows how they are meeting their weight-loss goal.
Social supportThe users can use the built-in social network feature to communicate with other users, share their experiences, and provide useful tips and support.
The users can have a 1-to 1-conversation with a qualified fitness trainer and diet specialists so that the users can raise any queries with professionals.
The app can merge with social media platforms including Facebook.