Silicon Controlled Rectifier Based Partially Depleted SOI ESD Protection Device for High Voltage Application

Hui BI
Hui LI
Zhihao XU
Cheng SHI

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Electronics   Vol.E103-C    No.4    pp.191-193
Publication Date: 2020/04/01
Publicized: 2019/10/09
Online ISSN: 1745-1353
DOI: 10.1587/transele.2018ECS6024
Type of Manuscript: BRIEF PAPER
Category: Semiconductor Materials and Devices
electrostatic discharge (ESD),  silicon on insulator (SOI),  high voltage protection,  body-tie side triggering diode inserting silicon controlled rectifier (BSTDISCR),  

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In partially depleted SOI (PD-SOI) technology, the SCR-based protection device is desired due to its relatively high robustness, but be restricted to use because of its inherent low holding voltage (Vh) and high triggering voltage (Vt1). In this paper, the body-tie side triggering diode inserting silicon controlled rectifier (BSTDISCR) is proposed and verified in 180 nm PD-SOI technology. Compared to the other devices in the same process and other related works, the BSTDISCR presents as a robust and latchup-immune PD-SOI ESD protection device, with appropriate Vt1 of 6.3 V, high Vh of 4.2 V, high normalized second breakdown current (It2), which indicates the ESD protection robustness, of 13.3 mAm, low normalized parasitic capacitance of 0.74 fFm.