Sasu Tarkoma

  • Phone (mobile): +358 40 5062163 (SMS is fine)
  • Email: sasu.tarkoma(at)
  • Skype: sasu.tarkoma
  • LinkedIn
  • Office: Faculty Council at Physicum
  • Reception: please send email
  • Address (at the Department):
    Tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos
    PL 68 (Pietari Kalmin katu 5
  • My Erdős number is 3.


Internet technology, Internet of Things, data science, mobile and ubiquitous computing, publish/subscribe.


Chairman, Scientific Advisory Board for Finnish Defence (MATINE)
Fellow, the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
Fellow, the European Alliance for Innovation (EAI)
Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Senior Member, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
The Finnish Union of University Professors (Professoriliitto)
Member of the Union of Journalists in Finland.
COST Information and Communication Technologies Member (2010-2014)


Bio in English

Professor Sasu Tarkoma is Dean of the Faculty of Science at the University of Helsinki and Professor of Computer Science. He is Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board for Finnish Defence (MATINE). He has authored 4 textbooks and published over 240 scientific articles and 10 granted US Patents; his h-index is 47. He is Fellow of IET and EAI, and Senior Member of IEEE and ACM. His research interests are Internet technology, distributed systems, data analytics, and mobile and ubiquitous computing. His research has received several Best Paper awards and mentions, for example, at IEEE PerCom, ACM CCR, and ACM OSR. He is actively involved in the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT), the Finnish Center for AI (FCAI) flagship, Helsinki Center for Data Science (HiDATA), and the Allied ICT Finland network. His flagship MegaSense research program aims to elevate air quality and environmental monitoring to the next level by providing a real-time and accurate view to the chemical cocktail and the micro climates of mega cities. MegaSense involves a novel hierarchy of distributed air quality sensors, in which more accurate sensors calibrate lower cost sensors. Current low-cost air quality sensors suffer from measurement drift and they have low accuracy. This significant open problem is addressed by a new AI-based calibration scheme. MegaSense integrates with the 5G cellular network and leverages mobile edge computing for sensor management and distributed pollution map creation.

Bio in Finnish

Sasu Tarkoma on tietojenkäsittelytieteen professori ja matemaattis-luonnontieteellisen tiedekunnan dekaani Helsingin yliopistossa. Hän johtaa myös Helsinki Centre for Data Science (HiDATA)-yksikköä ja on Finnish Center for AI (FCAI)-lippulaivan jäsen. Tarkomalla on laaja kokemus kansallisista sekä kansainvälisistä johto- ja luottamustehtävistä. Hän on laaja-alaisen ja monitieteisen Maanpuolustuksen tieteellisen neuvottelukunnan (MATINE) puheenjohtaja sekä Valtiovarainministeriön asettaman tekoälyn ja digitalisaation tutkimuksen valtakunnallisen asiantuntijaryhmän jäsen. Tarkoman tutkimus keskittyy digitalisaation avainkysymyksiin erityisesti yhteiskunnan hyödyntämän ICT-infrastruktuurin suunnitteluun, resilienssiin sekä suojaamiseen. Hän on erityisesti vaikuttanut mobiilijärjestelmien ja esineiden Internetin sekä pilvilaskennan mahdollistamiin uusiin ratkaisuihin ja niiden tietoturvaan sekä tietosuojaan. Hänen nykyinen tutkimuksensa yhdistää ympäristön havainnoinnin ja kestävyyden, uudet anturiteknologiat sekä tekoälyn kokonaisuudeksi, jolla ympäristön tilannekuvaa voidaan muodostaa päätöksenteon tueksi reaaliaikaisesti, skaalautuvasti ja tietosuoja huomioon ottaen. Tarkomalla on merkittävää ja pitkäaikaista yhteistyötä teollisuuden kanssa ja hän on käynnistänyt useita tutkimuskeskuksia Suomessa, esimerkiksi Intel Collaborative Research Institute for Secure Computing ja Nokia Center for Advanced Research. Hänen tutkimusryhmänsä tulosten pohjalta on käynnistetty useita yrityksiä. Hän on julkaissut yli 240 tieteellistä artikkelia, 4 kirjaa ja hänellä on 10 myönnettyä patenttia. Hän on saanut useita palkintoja tutkimustyöstä (IEEE ja ACM) ja hänelle on myönnetty kaksi Fellow arvoa (the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) ja European Alliance for Innovation (EAI)).

Presentations by Head of Department

Link to intranet

Recent highlights

Helsinki Center for Data Science (HiDATA) events

G20 RIYADH Global Digital Health Summit: Global Strategic Partnership in Digital Health to Fight Pandemics. Member of the Advisory Board

StartmeupHK 2020 festival panel speaker

Edge AI Special Interest Group connecting FCAI and 6Genesis flagships

AI and Data Science Against COVID Webinar series

Dagstuhl Seminar Identifying Key Enablers in Edge Intelligence with 6G Edge Intelligence

7th Finland-China-Netherlands (FCN 2020) workshop on Edge Intelligence, IoT Systems and Analytics

Media visibility:

Past media visibility:

Science coverage

Selected research highlights

Awards, Recognitions, Mentions

ACM Digital Library mention in 2020: Papers with practical Content.

Elsevier Computer Communication best survey paper award 2018 and most cited article award 2018.

IoT Sentinel Poster/demo award at ICDCS 2017. Link.

Intel award/mention: in recognition for impactful collaboration to Intel Labs Collaborative Research Institute for Secure Computing, 2017.

University of Helsinki award: promoter of corporate collaboration of 2016.

Top 5 Demo at ACM SIGCOMM 2016.

ACM HotPlanet 2016 Best Paper Award.

ACM OSR Best papers from HotPower 2015.

IEEE PerCom Marc Weiser Best Paper Award 2015 for the the article of Ella Peltonen, Eemil Lagerspetz, Petteri Nurmi, and Sasu Tarkoma: Energy Modeling of System Settings: A Crowdsourced Approach.

ACM Best of CCR Award at SIGCOMM 2014. The talk was given by my PhD student Aaron Yi Ding.

Country leader for the EASI-CLOUDS ITEA-2 project 2012-2014 that received the ITEA Award of Excellence.

Nokia Visiting Fellow (2013) and Wolfson College Fellow at University of Cambridge (2013).

Best demo at ACM MDM 2010 for "Dessy: Demonstrating mobile search and synchronization" by E. Lagerspetz and S. Tarkoma.

Best poster at ACM MDM 2010 for "Dessy: Search and Synchronization on the move" by E. Lagerspetz, T. Lindholm, and S.Tarkoma.

The best textbook of 2009 prize at Aalto University for book "Mobile Middleware" published by Wiley in 2009. The award ceremony was held in 10.2.2010 in Otaniemi.

Top article in IEEE WoWMoM conference (2007)

TeliaSonera Grant (2005)

Awards for MSc and PhD students

Jorma Ollila Grant for Dr. Ella Peltonen.

Jorma Ollila Grant for Dr. Eemil Lagerspetz

Dissertation Award to Collaborative Mobile Energy Awareness by Eemil Lagerspetz

IEEE PerCom Runner-up award from the best PhD forum presentation to Ella Peltonen

Data Science Hackathon victory to the Department of Computer Science

Best paper award for Yu Xiao, Petri Savolainen, Matti Siekkinen, Antti Ylä-Jääski and Arto Karppanen at ACM e-Energy 2010 for "Practical Power Modelling of Data Transmissions over 802.11g for Wireless Applications".

Best Master's thesis award 2011 in the field of information technology was given by Tietoturva ry, the largest Finnish organization in this field, to Lauri Kiiski.

Instructed/supervised PhD degrees and PhD referee activity

Oscar Novo. Improving the Ubiquitous Capabilities of the Internet of Things. PhD Thesis. Aalto University. 2020. (pre-examiner and opponent)

Samuli Hemminki. Advances in Motion Sensing on Mobile Devices. PhD Thesis. 2019. University of Helsinki. (supervisor).

Ilpo Järvinen. Congestion Control and Active Queue Management During Flow Startup. PhD Thesis. 2019. University of Helsinki. (supervisor).

Abdelquoddous Laghrissi. Virtual Network Slice Planning. Aalto University. 2019. (opponent)

Ella Peltonen. Crowdsensed Mobile Data Analytics. 2018. PhD Thesis. University of Helsinki. (supervisor)

Mian Du. Natural Language Processing Systems for Business Intelligence. PhD Thesis. 2017. University of Helsinki. (supervisor)

Jagmohan Chauhan. Secure and Usable Behavioural User Authentication for Resource-Constrained Devices. PhD Thesis. University of New South Wales, Australia. 2018. (pre-examiner)

Behailu Shiferaw Negash. Interoperating Networked Embedded Systems to Compose the Web of Things. PhD thesis. University of Turku. 2019. (opponent)

Jaana Kuula. The Hyperspectral and Smartphone Technology in CBRNE Countermeasures and Defence. PhD Thesis. University of Jyväskylä. 2016. (opponent)

Sebastian Sonntag. No Link Left Behind. PhD Thesis. Aalto University. 2016. (opponent)

Valentino Pacifici. Resource Allocation in Operator-owned Content Delivery Systems. Ph.D. thesis defense committee member at the School of Electrical Engineering at KTH (committee member). 2016.

Aaron Yi Ding. Collaborative Traffic Offloading for Mobile Systems. University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science, Doctoral Dissertation,2015. (Supervisor).

Kai Zhao. Understanding Urban Human Mobility for Network Applications University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science, Doctoral Dissertation,2015. (Supervisor).

Eemil Lagerspetz. Collaborative mobile energy awareness. University of Helsinki. 2014. (Supervisor).

Meirong Liu. An Efficient Super-Peer-Based Coordinated Service Provision. University of Oulu. 2014. (pre-examiner).

Gioele Barabucci. A Universal Delta Model. University of Bologna. 2013. (pre-examiner)

Miika Komu. A Unified Address Space for Network Applications, Developers and Users. Aalto University. 2012. (advisor/instructor)

Samu Varjonen. Secure Connectivity With Persistent Identities. University of Helsinki. 2012. (advisor/instructor)

Jarno Rajahalme. Inter-Domain Incentives and Internet Architectures. Aalto University. August 2012. (advisor/instructor).

Oleg Davidyuk. Automated and Interactive Composition of Ubiquitous Applications. University of Oulu. 2012. (opponent)

Tobias Heer. Direct End-to-Middle Authentication in Cooperative Networks. Doctoral Dissertation. RWTH Aachen. 2011. (pre-examiner and opponent).

Otso Kassinen. Efficient Middleware and Resource Management in Mobile Peer-to-Peer Systems. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Oulu. 2011. (opponent)

Gonzalo Camarillo. A Service-enabling Framework for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). Doctoral Dissertation. Aalto University. 2011. (pre-examiner)

Jani Peltotalo. Solutions for Large-Scale Content Delivery over the Internet Protocol. Doctoral Dissertation. Tampere University of Technology. 2010. (opponent)

Roman Dunaytsev. TCP Performance Evaluation over Wired and Wired-cum-Wireless Networks. Doctoral Dissertation. Tampere University of Technology. 2010. (opponent)

Dmitrij Lagutin. Securing the Internet with Digital Signatures. Doctoral Disseration. Aalto University. 2010. (supervisor/instructor)

Tancred Lindholm. XML-Aware Data Synchronization for Mobile Devices. Doctoral Dissertation. Aalto University. 2009. (advisor/instructor).

Selected recent presentations and talks (not updated)

Lecture "Mobile and 5G Research" at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology on July 3, 2017. Link.

Lecture "Mobile and 5G Research" at Chinese Academy of Sciences on June 19, 2017.

Lecture "Data-analyysi tieteenalana" MATINE tekoälyseminaari May 4, 2017. Link.

Lecture "Tekoäly ja tietoturva". Kansallinen Turvallisuustutkimuksen Seminaari. June 8, 2017. Link.

Keynote at the Future Network Summit on 18 April 2017 in Nanjing, China. 5G Architecture, Mobile Edge Computing and IoT.

Lecture at the University of Oulu, 22 March 2017. Overview of the CS Department and NODES: Mobile and 5G Research

Lecture at TU Munich on 23 November 2016. Collaborative Mobile Device Analytics in the Cloud

Keynote at the 15th anniversary of the EVIRA Risk Assessment Research Unit on 11 October 2016. Link
Miten uusi teknologia mahdollistaa reaaliaikaisen riskien arvioinnin?

Lecture "Future generation of computational infrastructures and the role of cloud computing" at Uppsala University, 26 January 2016.

Keynote at Embedded Everywhere in Copenhagen, Denmark on 26 October, 2015.

Biotalouden asiantuntijoita ja verkostoja Helsingin yliopistossa.

IoT Program Perpectices. Talk at the IoT research program final seminar on 3.12.2015.

Nodes/KOPS glögi talk in December 2014. Introduction and research groups. Link

Esineiden internet ja big data älykkäille järjestelmille. Talk given at the MATINE tutkimusseminaari 2014.

Keynote "Miten esineiden internet muuttaa oppimista" at the Thinkfest 4-6.9.2014.

Talk at the Exactum Green - Energy Awareness Day 7.10.2014.

Talk at the IoT Business Cases EINS/HAT Workshop at the University of Cambridge. Friday 26th September 2014.

IoT and 5G talk at Hetky Ry in 2014.

Panel member in the Tiedettä politiikkaan event.

Nodes/KOPS glögi talk in December 2013. Introduction and research groups. Link

Talk given on November 27, 2013 at Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge. "Makes Mobile Apps Tick? Lessons Learned In Collaborative App Analysis". Revised slides (March 2014 to reflect our new publications).

Talk given on November 1, 2013 at the Smart Space exhibition in Moscow. Internet of Things program overview. Slides

Keynote on 24.9.2013 at the China-Finland ICT Alliance Workshop Week in China on "Internet of Things and Future Networks".

CAT: A Last Mile Protocol for Content-Centric Networks. 9.6.2011. FutureNet IV Fourth International Workshop on the Network of the Future, in conjunction with IEEE ICC.

Receiver Driven Content Routing for the Internet. 20.10.2010. EU-Japan Symposium in Tampere.

Slides presented at the NODES get together on 30.9.2010. (note that others presented slides as well and these slides are not included here).

Techniques for Content Subscription Anonymity with Distributed Brokers. Presentation at the Privacy in Statistical Databases conference, 22.9.2010.

Content-based Rendezvous with Upgraph Combination. Poster presentation at DEBS, July 2010, Cambridge, UK.

Talk at the 3rd Asia-Europe Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing (AEWUC'10) on 16.5.2010 in Helsinki.

Tulevaisuudet Internet. Esitelmä Nice Tuesday tilaisuudessa 13.4.2010.

Canopy: Publish/Subscribe with Upgraph Combination. Paper presentation at IEEE Global Internet Symposium, 19.3.2010, San Diego, USA.

Selection of Recent Projects

The MegaSense programme
Carat global smartphone analytics project
PADS: Privacy in Data Science. Academy of Finland. 2016-2018.
PraNA: Programmable Network and Analytics. Tekes. 2016-2018.
Take-5 Tekes 5th Gear research project (2015-2018) and 5G Test Network Finland.
Spaceify smart space supported by EIT ICT Labs.
CyberTrust research program.
SWEN: Secure Wearables at the ICRI-SC
CUBIC: Mobile Crowdsensing in Ubiquitous Cloud Environment 2014-2017. Academy of Finland.
CloSe: Cloud Security Services. 2014-2016. Academy of Finland.
Academic coordinator for the Internet of Things Strategic Research Agenda. More information available here. 2012-2015.
Revolution of Knowledge Work strategic Tekes research project 2013-2015.
Everyday Sensing. Finland-China collaboration project 2013-2015. Tekes.
EASI-CLOUDS ITEA2 research project. EASI-CLOUDS received an ITEA Award of Excellence and the Korea EUREKA Day Award (link).
Datacenter Indirection Infrastructure for High Energy Physics Data, Academy of Finland, research project. 2012-2014. Academy of Finland.
COSN research project. 2011-2013. Academy of Finland.
Cloud Software SHOK, 2011 (cloud technology).
Heterogeneous Mesh Networks. 2010-2012. Academy of Finland.
Ubilife Foundations workpackage at HIIT (Tekes, led by University of Oulu). 2007-2009.
PSIRP (Publish/Subscribe Internet Routing Paradigm), EU 7th FP STREP at HIIT. 2008-2010.
ICT-SHOK Future Internet Project at TKK and HIIT.
Information Processing in Overlay Systems (IPOS) at CSE and HIIT. (Academy of Finland). 2008-2010.

Professional activities in 2012-2020

Member of the editorial board of the Computer Networks Journal (Elsevier) (2012-)
Co-chair ACM Ubicomp workshop: Applens 2019
Dagstuhl Seminar in 2021: Identifying Key Enablers in Edge Intelligence with 6G Edge Intelligence
7th Finland-China-Netherlands (FCN 2020) workshop on Edge Intelligence, IoT Systems and Analytics
Co-chair ACM Chants 2017.
Co-chair for the Cloud-assisted Security Services (CloSer) Project and ProgrAmmable Network and Analytics (PraNA) Workshop at Kumpula April 20-21, 2017.
Co-chair Global Internet Symposium (GI '2016) at IEEE InfoCom 2016.
Co-chair for workshop with Tsinghua and HKUST @ Helsinki, 2016. Workshop Program
Co-chair for workshop with Tsinghua and HKUST @ Beijing, China, 2015. Workshop Program
Helsinki-HKUST-Tsinghua Workshop on Mobile and Cloud Computing 2-4 July 2014.
Member of organizing and scientific committees, European Grid Infrastructure (EGI) 2014 Community Forum in Helsinki. Link.
Organization Committee member for ACM Mobicom 2013 (Panels co-chair).
General chair, Yhdistetyt tietojenkäsittelyn päivät 28-29 May 2012, Kumpula, Finland. Link.

Technical Program Committee Member: INFOCOM 2021, NeurIPS 2020, 2019, IJCAI 2019, ICML 2019, The Web Conf/WWW 2017-2021, INFOCOM 2017-2014, MobiSys 2016 EPC, SenSys 2015, Globecom 2019-2014, CCNC 2016-2018, SIGCOMM 2011-2013 Workshop on Information Centric Networking (ICN), IEEE/ACM/Usenix DEBS 2006, 2008-2011, 2013-2015.

Published work

Publication list in Academy of Finland format.
University of Helsinki publication portal.
You can find a selection of the articles (and Bibtex entries) at DBLP.
Google Scholar profile

Monographs and textbooks

S. Tarkoma, M. Siekkinen, E. Lagerspetz, Y. Xiao. Smartphone Energy Consumption: Modeling and Optimization. To be published by Cambridge University Press in August 2014. Link

S. Tarkoma. Publish/Subscribe Systems: Design and Principles. Published by Wiley in August 2012. Amazon link.

S. Tarkoma. Overlay Networks: Toward Information Networking. 260 pages. CRC Press / Auerbach, February 2010. Reviewed in the June 2010 issue of IEEE Communications Read review. Another Review. This work was supported by the Academy of Finland grants 122329 and 135230.

S. Tarkoma. Mobile Middleware: Architecture, Patterns, and Practice. Wiley, March 2009. 320 pages. Textbook for a mobile middleware course. The textbook was awarded the best textbook of 2009 prize at Aalto University. The award ceremony was held in 10.2.2010 in Otaniemi. This work was supported by the Academy of Finland grants 122329 and 135230.

S. Tarkoma. Efficient Content-based Routing, Mobility-aware Topologies, and Temporal Subspace Matching. Ph.D Thesis. University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science, April 2006.

Reports and other papers

J. Leinonen, K. Raatikainen, S. Tarkoma, M. Mäkeläinen. Design of Small Footprint Agent Platform. Crumpet Deliverable IST-1999-20147/UHe/WP2/D21, 2000. Available at:

J. Leinonen, S. Tarkoma, and A. Styrman. Small Footprint Agent Shell. Code. Crumpet Deliverable IST-1999-20147/UHe/WP2/D2.3, July 2001. Available at

Sasu Tarkoma. Mobile Distributed Event Systems. Berkeley - Helsinki Summer School 2003 on Telecommunication Software Architecture.

Sasu Tarkoma, Ramya Balu, Jaakko Kangasharju, Miika Komu, Mika Kousa, Tancred Lindholm, Mikko Mäkelä Marko Saaresto, Kristian Slavov, Kimmo Raatikainen, State of the Art in Enablers for Applications in Future Mobile Wireless Internet. HIIT Publications 2004-2, September 2004.

Sasu Tarkoma. Supporting Mobile Applications with Distributed Events. Fourth Berkeley-Helsinki Ph.D. Student Workshop on Telecommunication Software Architectures. 2004.

S. Tarkoma, W. Zhou, M. Komu, Report on HIP Applications, HIIT Technical Report, October 2005.

S. Tarkoma and K. Raatikainen. State of the Art Review of Event Systems. MiNEMA Report, 2006.

Janne Lindqvist and Sasu Tarkoma, Protecting Internet Connectivity of Hybrid Ad Hoc Network Gateways, in MiNEMA Workshop, February 7-8 2006, Leuven, Belgium.

J. Kangasharju, T. Lindholm, R.S. Kalyanaraman, S. Tarkoma, K. Raatikainen. Collaborative XML Editing on Small Devices: An Application of Mobility Middleware. Pervasive 2007 demonstration track.

P. Nikander, A. Pouttu, S. Tarkoma, J. Kangasharju, J. Talvitie, M. Latva-aho. Combining Radio and Internetworking: Towards a Unified Architecture. Invited paper. In the proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Wireless and Personal Multimedia Communications, September 8-11, Lapland, Finland.

Sasu Tarkoma. Fuego Event Service: Towards Modularity in Event Routing. Rutgers-Helsinki Ph.D. Student Workshop on Spontaneous Networking May 8 -12, 2006.

Co-author in extended abstract. SPICE: A Service Platform for Future Mobile Communication Services. Accepted contribution to the 17th WWRF Meeting WG2 Service Architecture, Heidelberg, 2006.

Contributor to EU IST Mobile Service Platforms (MSP) whitepaper. More information:

S.Tarkoma, M. Komu. XHIP: Preventing Unwanted Traffic with HIP Across Domains. HIIT Report, 2007.

SPICE Unified Architecture. Hunor Demeter and Sasu Tarkoma (editors). 2008. Available at:

Nie Pin, Juha-Matti Tapio, Sasu Tarkoma. Seamless Sign-On with SIP: Bridging the Identity Chasm. Technical Report (CSE/TKK).

Co-editor in PSIRP Deliverable 2.2: Conceptual Architecture of PSIRP Including Subcomponent Descriptions. 8.8.2008.

S. Tarkoma and J. Heikkinen (eds.). Proceedings of the Fall 2008 Seminar on Internetworking. Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Computer Science and Engineering. To appear.

Co-editor in PSIRP Deliverable 2.3: PSIRP Architecture. 28.2.2009.

Eemil Lagerspetz, Sasu Tarkoma. Dessy: A mobile synchronization and search platform. Finnish-Japanese Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing and Urban Lives (FJWUU 2009). 11.3.2009.

S. Tarkoma, C. Prehofer. Techniques for Content Subscription Anonymity with Distributed Brokers. Privacy in Statistical Databases 2010. .pdf

M. Komu, S. Tarkoma, A. Lukyanenko. Mitigation of Unsolicited Traffic Across Domains with Host Identities and Puzzles. The proceedings of Nordsec 2010. .pdf. Note: Copyright 2010 Springer-Verlag

Jukka Nurminen, Jussi Ruutu, and Sasu Tarkoma. FI SHOK Deliverable DA2.1.15. The Case for Holistic Mobile Energy and Power Management, 2010. Available at:

Cloud software technical report. Tivit. 2012.

M. Komu, S. Varjonen, A. Gurtov, S. Tarkoma. Sockets and Beyond: Assessing the Source Code of Network Applications. Linux Symposium 2012. Proceedings available here.

S. Tarkoma, J-K. Kämäräinen, T. Pahikkala. Yhdistetyt tietojenkäsittelyn päivät 2012 - Federated Computer Science Event 2012. Department of Computer Science Series of Publications B, Report B-2012-1.

Yanhe Liu, Aaron Yi Ding, Sasu Tarkoma. Software-Defined Networking in Mobile Access Networks. Technical Report C-2013-1 University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science. Available at: Link

L. Suomalainen, E. Nikkhouy, AY Ding, S. Tarkoma. Open Source Platforms, Applications and Tools for Software-Defined Networking and 5G Research. Technical Report C-2014-2 University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science. Available at: link.

Aaron Yi Ding, Jouni Korhonen, Teemu Savolainen, Yanhe Liu, Markku Kojo, Sasu Tarkoma, Henning Schulzrinne. Reflections on Middlebox Detection Mechanisms in IPv6 Transition. Internet Architecture Board Workshop on Stack Evolution in a Middlebox Internet (IAB SEMI), ETH Zurich, Switzerland, January 2015.


Co-presenter in the tutorial: Service platform challenges for converged B3G environments. At the 16th IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit, 2007.

ACM Ubicomp 2019 tutorial: Smartphone Apps Usage Understanding, Modelling and Prediction

Internet Drafts

M. Komu, S. Tarkoma. IPsec Application Programming Interfaces. Better than Nothing Security Working Group. Internet Draft. Work in progress, expires August 16, 2007.

Visual materials: Selected Posters

1. Supporting Software Agents on Small Devices. Poster presented at AAMAS 2002. .pdf

2. Event-based systems: Rendezvous-Notify presented at the Sahara retreat / UCB in 2003. .pdf

3. Fuego Core. Middleware for Mobile Wireless Internet. 2004. Presented at several different events in 2004. .pdf

4. Fuego Core. Middleware for Mobile Wireless Internet. 2006. Presented at several different events in 2006. A version was shown at Mobisys 2006. .pdf

5. Chained Forests for Fast Subsumption Matching. Poster presented at ACM DEBS 2007. .pdf

6. The Fuego Core Captio Collaborative Editor. Poster presented at the Helsinki-Rutgers workshop 2007. Demo presented at Pervasive 2007. .pdf

7. FusionFox: BitTorrent for Video-on-Demand. 2008. .pdf

8. HIIT PlanetLab Gateway. 2008. .pdf

9. Fuego Toolkit: A Modular Framework for Content-based Routing. Poster presented at ACM DEBS 2008. .pdf

10. Content-based Rendezvous with Upgraph Combination. Poster presented at ACM DEBS 2010. .pdf

11. E. Lagerspetz, S. Tarkoma, and T. Lindholm. Dessy: search and synchronization on the move. Poster paper, MDM 2010. Awarded Best Poster. PDF link to be added. Link to paper on Eemil's page.

12. Stacking Clouds. T. Ruottu, E. Lagerspetz, S. Tarkoma. Yhdistetyt tietojenkäsittelyn päivät 2012. Link.

13. A scalable infrastructure for CMS data analysis based on OpenStack Cloud and GlusterFS. Poster at CHEP 2013. Link.

14.SoftOffload - A Programmable Approach for Mobile Offloading. Poster at Mobisys 2014. Link.

Demonstrations at International Events

MONADS software demonstration, 16th FIPA meeting in London, UK, 24-28 January, 2000.

CRUMPET demonstration, 22nd FIPA meeting in Sendai, Japan, 23-27 July, 2001.

Fuego Core demonstration at the Sixth IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (WMCSA) at English Lake District in UK, 2-3 December, 2004. Mentioned in IEEE Pervasive Computing magazine (Vol. 4. No. 2. 2005) and Usenixin ;login: (Vol. 30. No. 4. 2005).

Fuego Toolkit: A Modular Framework for Content-based Routing. DEBS 2008 demo session. Code available here.


Sasu Tarkoma.
User Dialogue Management in the FIPA Architecture. M.Sc. Thesis. University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science, 2000.

Sasu Tarkoma.
Efficient and Mobility-aware Content-based Routing Systems. Ph. Lic Thesis. University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science, 2005.

Sasu Tarkoma.
Efficient Content-based Routing, Mobility-aware Topologies, and Temporal Subspace Matching. Ph.D Thesis. University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science, April 2006.

General Articles
Numerous articles in technical-interest magazines since 1996.

Past Teaching

[email protected] Last update 7.6.2020