News and upcoming events

Massimo Cossentino

Office Location
Area della Ricerca CNR
Via U. La Malfa, 153
90146 Palermo (Italy)


I am a senior research scientist with the ICAR (Istituto per il CAlcolo e le Reti ad alte prestazioni/ High Performance Computing and Network Institute) institute of the CNR (National Research Council of Italy) in Palermo. I have been working at ICAR since from December 2001. I am heading the ECOS lab.

My research interests lie in the artificial intelligence/software engineering fields with a specific focus on goal-oriented systems, self-organization/self-adaptation issues, workflows and design processes. I am currently exploring the implications of some of these researches in the adaptive management of emergency procedures.

I am listed in the top 2% researchers in the field by the paper Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators based on Scopus 2019 database (here the Mendeley dataset).

From September 2006 to August 2007 and from March to August 2008, I have been an invited associate professor at the University of Belfort-Montbelliard, UTBM (France). On October 2008 I got my Habilitation � Diriger des Recherches (HDR)1,2 from the University Paul Sabatier (Toulouse, France).

See also the ICAR-CNR ECOS Lab website  for further info on my most recent researches.

Research Interests (see also the ECOS LAB website)


Past courses

Other Learning Materials (in Italian)

Current and Past Research Projects


Other and past research activities

Talks and Tutorials