6 September 2003
The Queen Mother Mamohato Bereng Seeiso was born in 1941. She was the youngest child of Chief Lerotholi Mojela. The princess was sent to study at Bath Training College of Home Economics in the United Kingdom. �In 1962, she married King Moshoeshoe II and they had three children. As the Queen Mother, she ran several charities and organisations in Lesotho. She was passionate about farming and was involved in poultry, livestock and crop farming and has been highly praised for her work in uplifting the lives of Basotho women. The Queen Mother Mamohato Bereng Seeiso died on 6 September 2003.

Remembered.  Obituary for Queen Mamohato Bereng Seeiso (1941 - 2003) [online]. Available at: https://remembered.co.za [Accessed on 26 August 2013]|

Staff Reporter. Last Lesotho Queen Mother laid to rest from Mail & Guardian [online]. Available at: https://mg.co.za [Accessed on 26 August 2013]