Performance Evaluation of Topologies for Cooperative and Dynamic Resource Relaying

Konferenz: European Wireless 2008 - 14th European Wireless Conference
22.06.2008 - 25.06.2008 in Prague, Czech Republic

Tagungsband: European Wireless 2008

Seiten: 6Sprache: EnglischTyp: PDF

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Reetz, Eike; H�ckmann, Rainer; T�njes, Ralf (Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, University of Applied Sciences Osnabr�ck, Germany)

Relaying has been proposed to support users suffering from high shadowing or high interference and therefore being not able to receive high data rates. With adaptive relaying, a higher Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS) can be used which increases the feasible data rate. The investigation of relaying techniques widely concentrates on information theoretical methods. Instead, this paper focuses on system level simulations to exploit the achievable results within a realistic environment. The question which relaying methodology is the best choice if unicast and an multicast transmissions are possible is investigated. The results show that relaying techniques can improve the median cell throughput and decrease the outage probability in a mixed unicast and multicast environment. Cooperative Relaying results in the lowest outage probability, whereas the introduced concept of Dynamic Resource Relaying (DRR) offers a higher cell throughput. For the investigated LTE (3GPP Long Term Evolution) system with a frequency re-use factor of one, the outage probability can be decreased by using relaying without further frequency planning.