Jiebo Luo


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LLM-Rec: Personalized Recommendation via Prompting Large Language Models
Hanjia Lyu | Song Jiang | Hanqing Zeng | Yinglong Xia | Qifan Wang | Si Zhang | Ren Chen | Chris Leung | Jiajie Tang | Jiebo Luo
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024

Text-based recommendation holds a wide range of practical applications due to its versatility, as textual descriptions can represent nearly any type of item. However, directly employing the original item descriptions may not yield optimal recommendation performance due to the lack of comprehensive information to align with user preferences. Recent advances in large language models (LLMs) have showcased their remarkable ability to harness commonsense knowledge and reasoning. In this study, we introduce a novel approach, coined LLM-Rec, which incorporates four distinct prompting strategies of text enrichment for improving personalized text-based recommendations. Our empirical experiments reveal that using LLM-augmented text significantly enhances recommendation quality. Even basic MLP (Multi-Layer Perceptron) models achieve comparable or even better results than complex content-based methods. Notably, the success of LLM-Rec lies in its prompting strategies, which effectively tap into the language model’s comprehension of both general and specific item characteristics. This highlights the importance of employing diverse prompts and input augmentation techniques to boost the recommendation effectiveness of LLMs.

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SoMeLVLM: A Large Vision Language Model for Social Media Processing
Xinnong Zhang | Haoyu Kuang | Xinyi Mou | Hanjia Lyu | Kun Wu | Siming Chen | Jiebo Luo | Xuanjing Huang | Zhongyu Wei
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

The growth of social media, characterized by its multimodal nature, has led to the emergence of diverse phenomena and challenges, which calls for an effective approach to uniformly solve automated tasks. The powerful Large Vision Language Models make it possible to handle a variety of tasks simultaneously, but even with carefully designed prompting methods, the general domain models often fall short in aligning with the unique speaking style and context of social media tasks. In this paper, we introduce a Large Vision Language Model for Social Media Processing (SoMeLVLM), which is a cognitive framework equipped with five key capabilities including knowledge & comprehension, application, analysis, evaluation, and creation. SoMeLVLM is designed to understand and generate realistic social media behavior. We have developed a 654k multimodal social media instruction-tuning dataset to support our cognitive framework and fine-tune our model. Our experiments demonstrate that SoMeLVLM achieves state-of-the-art performance in multiple social media tasks. Further analysis shows its significant advantages over baselines in terms of cognitive abilities.

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Fine-Grained Image-Text Alignment in Medical Imaging Enables Explainable Cyclic Image-Report Generation
Wenting Chen | Linlin Shen | Jingyang Lin | Jiebo Luo | Xiang Li | Yixuan Yuan
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Fine-grained vision-language models (VLM) have been widely used for inter-modality local alignment between the predefined fixed patches and textual words. However, in medical analysis, lesions exhibit varying sizes and positions, and using fixed patches may cause incomplete representations of lesions. Moreover, these methods provide explainability by using heatmaps to show the general image areas potentially associated with texts rather than specific regions, making their explanations not explicit and specific enough. To address these issues, we propose a novel Adaptive patch-word Matching (AdaMatch) model to correlate chest X-ray (CXR) image regions with words in medical reports and apply it to CXR-report generation to provide explainability for the generation process. AdaMatch exploits the fine-grained relation between adaptive patches and words to provide explanations of specific image regions with corresponding words. To capture the abnormal regions of varying sizes and positions, we introduce an Adaptive Patch extraction (AdaPatch) module to acquire adaptive patches for these regions adaptively. Aiming to provide explicit explainability for the CXR-report generation task, we propose an AdaMatch-based bidirectional LLM for Cyclic CXR-report generation (AdaMatch-Cyclic). It employs AdaMatch to obtain the keywords for CXR images and ‘keypatches’ for medical reports as hints to guide CXR-report generation. Extensive experiments on two publicly available CXR datasets validate the effectiveness of our method and its superior performance over existing methods. Source code will be released.


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Learning a Grammar Inducer from Massive Uncurated Instructional Videos
Songyang Zhang | Linfeng Song | Lifeng Jin | Haitao Mi | Kun Xu | Dong Yu | Jiebo Luo
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Video-aided grammar induction aims to leverage video information for finding more accurate syntactic grammars for accompanying text. While previous work focuses on building systems for inducing grammars on text that are well-aligned with video content, we investigate the scenario, in which text and video are only in loose correspondence. Such data can be found in abundance online, and the weak correspondence is similar to the indeterminacy problem studied in language acquisition. Furthermore, we build a new model that can better learn video-span correlation without manually designed features adopted by previous work. Experiments show that our model trained only on large-scale YouTube data with no text-video alignment reports strong and robust performances across three unseen datasets, despite domain shift and noisy label issues. Furthermore our model yields higher F1 scores than the previous state-of-the-art systems trained on in-domain data.


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Video-aided Unsupervised Grammar Induction
Songyang Zhang | Linfeng Song | Lifeng Jin | Kun Xu | Dong Yu | Jiebo Luo
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

We investigate video-aided grammar induction, which learns a constituency parser from both unlabeled text and its corresponding video. Existing methods of multi-modal grammar induction focus on grammar induction from text-image pairs, with promising results showing that the information from static images is useful in induction. However, videos provide even richer information, including not only static objects but also actions and state changes useful for inducing verb phrases. In this paper, we explore rich features (e.g. action, object, scene, audio, face, OCR and speech) from videos, taking the recent Compound PCFG model as the baseline. We further propose a Multi-Modal Compound PCFG model (MMC-PCFG) to effectively aggregate these rich features from different modalities. Our proposed MMC-PCFG is trained end-to-end and outperforms each individual modality and previous state-of-the-art systems on three benchmarks, i.e. DiDeMo, YouCook2 and MSRVTT, confirming the effectiveness of leveraging video information for unsupervised grammar induction.

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Noise Stability Regularization for Improving BERT Fine-tuning
Hang Hua | Xingjian Li | Dejing Dou | Chengzhong Xu | Jiebo Luo
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Fine-tuning pre-trained language models suchas BERT has become a common practice dom-inating leaderboards across various NLP tasks. Despite its recent success and wide adoption,this process is unstable when there are onlya small number of training samples available. The brittleness of this process is often reflectedby the sensitivity to random seeds. In this pa-per, we propose to tackle this problem basedon the noise stability property of deep nets,which is investigated in recent literature (Aroraet al., 2018; Sanyal et al., 2020). Specifically,we introduce a novel and effective regulariza-tion method to improve fine-tuning on NLPtasks, referred to asLayer-wiseNoiseStabilityRegularization (LNSR). We extend the theo-ries about adding noise to the input and provethat our method gives a stabler regularizationeffect. We provide supportive evidence by ex-perimentally confirming that well-performingmodels show a low sensitivity to noise andfine-tuning with LNSR exhibits clearly bet-ter generalizability and stability. Furthermore,our method also demonstrates advantages overother state-of-the-art algorithms including L2-SP (Li et al., 2018), Mixout (Lee et al., 2020)and SMART (Jiang et al., 20)


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A Novel Graph-based Multi-modal Fusion Encoder for Neural Machine Translation
Yongjing Yin | Fandong Meng | Jinsong Su | Chulun Zhou | Zhengyuan Yang | Jie Zhou | Jiebo Luo
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Multi-modal neural machine translation (NMT) aims to translate source sentences into a target language paired with images. However, dominant multi-modal NMT models do not fully exploit fine-grained semantic correspondences between semantic units of different modalities, which have potential to refine multi-modal representation learning. To deal with this issue, in this paper, we propose a novel graph-based multi-modal fusion encoder for NMT. Specifically, we first represent the input sentence and image using a unified multi-modal graph, which captures various semantic relationships between multi-modal semantic units (words and visual objects). We then stack multiple graph-based multi-modal fusion layers that iteratively perform semantic interactions to learn node representations. Finally, these representations provide an attention-based context vector for the decoder. We evaluate our proposed encoder on the Multi30K datasets. Experimental results and in-depth analysis show the superiority of our multi-modal NMT model.

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Open-Ended Visual Question Answering by Multi-Modal Domain Adaptation
Yiming Xu | Lin Chen | Zhongwei Cheng | Lixin Duan | Jiebo Luo
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020

We study the problem of visual question answering (VQA) in images by exploiting supervised domain adaptation, where there is a large amount of labeled data in the source domain but only limited labeled data in the target domain, with the goal to train a good target model. A straightforward solution is to fine-tune a pre-trained source model by using those limited labeled target data, but it usually cannot work well due to the considerable difference between the data distributions of the source and target domains. Moreover, the availability of multiple modalities (i.e., images, questions and answers) in VQA poses further challenges in modeling the transferability between various modalities. In this paper, we address the above issues by proposing a novel supervised multi-modal domain adaptation method for VQA to learn joint feature embeddings across different domains and modalities. Specifically, we align the data distributions of the source and target domains by considering those modalities both jointly and separately. Extensive experiments on the benchmark VQA 2.0 and VizWiz datasets demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms the existing state-of-the-art baselines for open-ended VQA in this challenging domain adaptation setting.


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Progressive Self-Supervised Attention Learning for Aspect-Level Sentiment Analysis
Jialong Tang | Ziyao Lu | Jinsong Su | Yubin Ge | Linfeng Song | Le Sun | Jiebo Luo
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

In aspect-level sentiment classification (ASC), it is prevalent to equip dominant neural models with attention mechanisms, for the sake of acquiring the importance of each context word on the given aspect. However, such a mechanism tends to excessively focus on a few frequent words with sentiment polarities, while ignoring infrequent ones. In this paper, we propose a progressive self-supervised attention learning approach for neural ASC models, which automatically mines useful attention supervision information from a training corpus to refine attention mechanisms. Specifically, we iteratively conduct sentiment predictions on all training instances. Particularly, at each iteration, the context word with the maximum attention weight is extracted as the one with active/misleading influence on the correct/incorrect prediction of every instance, and then the word itself is masked for subsequent iterations. Finally, we augment the conventional training objective with a regularization term, which enables ASC models to continue equally focusing on the extracted active context words while decreasing weights of those misleading ones. Experimental results on multiple datasets show that our proposed approach yields better attention mechanisms, leading to substantial improvements over the two state-of-the-art neural ASC models. Source code and trained models are available at https://github.com/DeepLearnXMU/PSSAttention.

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Iterative Dual Domain Adaptation for Neural Machine Translation
Jiali Zeng | Yang Liu | Jinsong Su | Yubing Ge | Yaojie Lu | Yongjing Yin | Jiebo Luo
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

Previous studies on the domain adaptation for neural machine translation (NMT) mainly focus on the one-pass transferring out-of-domain translation knowledge to in-domain NMT model. In this paper, we argue that such a strategy fails to fully extract the domain-shared translation knowledge, and repeatedly utilizing corpora of different domains can lead to better distillation of domain-shared translation knowledge. To this end, we propose an iterative dual domain adaptation framework for NMT. Specifically, we first pretrain in-domain and out-of-domain NMT models using their own training corpora respectively, and then iteratively perform bidirectional translation knowledge transfer (from in-domain to out-of-domain and then vice versa) based on knowledge distillation until the in-domain NMT model convergences. Furthermore, we extend the proposed framework to the scenario of multiple out-of-domain training corpora, where the above-mentioned transfer is performed sequentially between the in-domain and each out-of-domain NMT models in the ascending order of their domain similarities. Empirical results on Chinese-English and English-German translation tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework.


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Determining Code Words in Euphemistic Hate Speech Using Word Embedding Networks
Rijul Magu | Jiebo Luo
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Abusive Language Online (ALW2)

While analysis of online explicit abusive language detection has lately seen an ever-increasing focus, implicit abuse detection remains a largely unexplored space. We carry out a study on a subcategory of implicit hate: euphemistic hate speech. We propose a method to assist in identifying unknown euphemisms (or code words) given a set of hateful tweets containing a known code word. Our approach leverages word embeddings and network analysis (through centrality measures and community detection) in a manner that can be generalized to identify euphemisms across contexts- not just hate speech.

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Tell-and-Answer: Towards Explainable Visual Question Answering using Attributes and Captions
Qing Li | Jianlong Fu | Dongfei Yu | Tao Mei | Jiebo Luo
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

In Visual Question Answering, most existing approaches adopt the pipeline of representing an image via pre-trained CNNs, and then using the uninterpretable CNN features in conjunction with the question to predict the answer. Although such end-to-end models might report promising performance, they rarely provide any insight, apart from the answer, into the VQA process. In this work, we propose to break up the end-to-end VQA into two steps: explaining and reasoning, in an attempt towards a more explainable VQA by shedding light on the intermediate results between these two steps. To that end, we first extract attributes and generate descriptions as explanations for an image. Next, a reasoning module utilizes these explanations in place of the image to infer an answer. The advantages of such a breakdown include: (1) the attributes and captions can reflect what the system extracts from the image, thus can provide some insights for the predicted answer; (2) these intermediate results can help identify the inabilities of the image understanding or the answer inference part when the predicted answer is wrong. We conduct extensive experiments on a popular VQA dataset and our system achieves comparable performance with the baselines, yet with added benefits of explanability and the inherent ability to further improve with higher quality explanations.


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Discriminative Unsupervised Alignment of Natural Language Instructions with Corresponding Video Segments
Iftekhar Naim | Young C. Song | Qiguang Liu | Liang Huang | Henry Kautz | Jiebo Luo | Daniel Gildea
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies